Social services: principles and types. Forms of social service

Social services for old people include stationary, semi-stationary and non-stationary forms.

To stationary forms of social service include boarding houses for veterans of labor and the disabled, veterans of the Second World War, certain professional categories of the elderly (artists, etc.); special houses for single and childless couples with a range of social services; specialized boarding houses for former prisoners who have reached old age.

Semi-stationary forms of social service include departments of day and night stay, rehabilitation centers, medical and social departments.

To non-stationary forms of social service include social services at home, urgent social services, social advisory assistance, socio-psychological assistance.

Social services for old people can be permanent or temporary, depending on their desire. It can be completely free, partially paid or paid.

42 See: Social work with the elderly / Ed. THOSE. Demidov. M., 1995.

Stationary social service is aimed at providing comprehensive social and household assistance to elderly and senile citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service and who need constant care and supervision for health reasons. This service includes measures to create the most adequate living conditions for the age and state of health, rehabilitation measures of a medical, social and medical nature, provision of care and medical assistance, organization of recreation and leisure for the elderly and old people.

Boarding houses are the main type of stationary institutions.

and houses of mercy. The network of inpatient institutions for the elderly and the disabled consists of boarding schools financed from the regional and local (municipalities) budgets. Regional multi-bed boarding houses - from 110 to 680 places. Municipal stationary institutions are distinguished by their small capacity - from 20 to 160 beds.

Local nurses of the therapeutic area, sisters of the Red Cross, members of the sanitary activists, activists of veterans' councils were previously involved in work in such hospitals. In recent years, specialists have reported the emergence of new forms of hospital care for the elderly, such as long-term care hospitals, nursing homes and departments, short-stay hospitals, and the conversion of medical beds to social beds in regular hospitals 43 .

The special institutions created in our country, designed for the life of the elderly and disabled people, are called differently: homes for the elderly and disabled, boarding schools, boarding houses for labor veterans, etc. There are many elderly people who have not created a family or have lost loved ones. There are many who have relatives, but for various reasons have lost contact with them. Until the mid 1980s. the main and, perhaps, the only form of social assistance to the elderly and senile was the boarding house. A boarding house is a medical and social institution designed for the permanent stay of the elderly and disabled in need of care, household and medical care. In 1989, the network of boarding schools for the elderly and disabled in Russia consisted of 711 institutions and 223.5 thousand places in them; per 10,000 of the total population, this amounted to 15 beds for the elderly and old people 44 . Relatively recently, it has become a practice to create a department in boarding schools for temporary residence of old and disabled people. They may reside in this institution from two to six months in connection, for example, with their relatives going on long business trips or

43 Bereznev V.Ya., Khromov A.S. On the issue of organizing medical and social assistance to the elderly in a hundred
tsionare // Mat. horse. intl. family M., 1995. S. 137-138.

44 Kabalova L.P. On the practice of providing social and medical services at home and in semi-health care
national institutions of the state and municipal sectors of social services
elderly and disabled citizens // Mat. horse. intl. family M., 1995. S. 110-111.

disease. Lonely old people who have undergone a course of radiation in the hospital, but are not yet strong enough and need care and medical supervision for a complete recovery, are also placed here, on the direction of a doctor.

All boarding houses, depending on the contingent of citizens living in them, are divided into three types: boarding houses for the elderly and the disabled, boarding houses for the disabled and boarding houses for labor veterans. A special type is a psycho-neurological boarding house. In a boarding house of the first type, both elderly and disabled people who have not reached old age live, and in a boarding house of the second type, only disabled people aged 18 to 40 years old.

Boarding houses for labor veterans (nursing homes) are not a product of our time. For the first time, special houses for old people appeared in ancient times in China and India, and then in Byzantium and the Arab countries. Approximately in 370 AD. e. Bishop Basil opened the first department for the elderly in the hospital in Caesarea (Israel) 45 . In the VI century. Pope Pelagius founded the first nursing home lykh in Rome. Since that time, special rooms and rooms for the elderly poor began to be opened in all monasteries. The first law on the responsibility of the state towards the poor and infirm old people was passed in England in 1601.

In Soviet times, nursing homes for the elderly and disabled became the main and almost the only form of social assistance. Old people came here, unable, due to their physical helplessness, to maintain their usual way of life. These boarding houses were practically hospitals for chronically ill and helpless old people. The purpose of the boarding houses was to provide medical care; all work was built on the principle of hospital departments and was entrusted to medical personnel: a doctor - a nurse - a nurse. The structure and activities of these social security institutions have remained unchanged to the present day. In 1994, there were 352 boarding houses for labor veterans in Russia; 37 specialized boarding houses for the elderly, who have spent their entire adult lives in places of detention and have remained homeless, family, and loved ones in their old age. Currently, 1061 stationary social security institutions have been opened. The total number of places is 258,500, and 234,450 people live in them. Unfortunately, in our time there is not a single nursing home that would be fully maintained by private individuals or any charitable societies.

45 In the XIII century. Caesarea - the city of the Crusaders, the city of the Romans, the city of Pontius Pilate and St. Paul. Modern Caesarea is a fashionable village of villas with original architecture and a modern art museum.

The boarding house for labor veterans is intended for citizens who have worked in production for a long time. The psycho-neurological boarding school is home to elderly and disabled people suffering from certain chronic mental illnesses. The nursing home for the elderly and the disabled accepts elderly citizens who have reached retirement age, who do not have able-bodied children or parents who are legally required to support them. Individual elderly and disabled people with able-bodied relatives may be admitted to boarding schools as an exception by decision of the governing bodies of social protection of the population. Reception is subject to the elderly and the disabled who, for health reasons, need household services, care and medical assistance in the absence of indications for inpatient treatment in health care institutions.

Institutions providing social services and assistance to the elderly and disabled are deployed in every city and region of the country. Among the institutions of social service for the elderly, a special place is occupied by stationary institutions of the system of social protection of the population of the local administration. For example, in the Kemerovo region, over 12 years of purposeful development of services providing social services to the elderly and disabled in non-stationary and semi-stationary conditions, it was possible to create:

♦ 52 social service centers for the elderly and disabled, including 17 comprehensive social service centers;

♦ 330 social service departments at home;

♦ 54 emergency departments;

♦ 28 day care departments;

♦ 26 departments of social and medical services;

♦ 41 temporary social shelters;

♦ 1 social rehabilitation department;

♦ 3 special houses for social purposes (municipal housing for 265 people);

♦ 17 social shops and 8 social canteens at social service centers 46 .

By the end of 2001, there were 32 stationary social service institutions in Kuzbass for 6,975 places for permanent residence of the elderly and disabled. If we compare the provision of the population of the Kemerovo region with places in boarding schools with the corresponding all-Russian indicator, which is defined at the level of 32 places per 1 thousand people over 60 years old, then in Kuzbass there are only 10 places per 1 thousand people of the corresponding age. Abroad, the indicator of need for boarding schools is 4-6 times higher (40-60 places per 1,000 people over 60) 47 .

Medical and social department is intended for those who experience serious difficulties in organizing their life, running their own household, but for one reason or another do not want to live in nursing homes. On the basis of health care institutions, special

46 See: Filatova E.V. Theory of social work. Kemerovo, 2003.

departments and wards where, first of all, weak old-age pensioners living alone who have lost mobility and the ability to self-service are hospitalized. In medical and social departments and wards, lonely, infirm old people are on full social security for a long time, and their pension, as a rule, is received by their relatives and relatives, who often do not even visit the elderly. Medical and social departments are widespread in rural areas. In winter, old people live here, and in spring they return to their homes.

Mercy Trains- a new form of service for old people living in remote sparsely populated areas, by teams, which include doctors of various specialties and employees of social protection agencies. These trains of mercy make stops at small stations and sidings, during which members of the brigade visit local residents, including elderly people, at home, provide them with all types of medical care, as well as material assistance: they give out medicines, food packages, industrial kits. goods, etc.

In recent years, gerontological centers have become new forms in the practice of organizing medical and social assistance to the elderly and old people in our country. They provide specialized inpatient care, consultative and polyclinic and organizational and methodological assistance to medical institutions of the city and districts of the region.

Today, in the activities of the state to ensure the protection and improvement of the social situation of older people, the most problematic are health protection, social security, and the provision of decent housing. Despite the significant volume of social services rendered to pensioners, the demand for them is not fully satisfied. More than 17 thousand people are waiting for a place in stationary institutions. The queue for home care is about 80 thousand people. The technical condition of many social service institutions is of concern. More than 25% of the buildings where these institutions are located are in need of major repairs, are in disrepair or are classified as dilapidated 48 .

There are also Orthodox patronage services in the country. For a believing old man, this is salvation when next to him is an Orthodox sister of mercy. You can pray together, invite, when necessary, a priest, confess, take communion. But there are still very few such services, they are overloaded with work and forced to refuse many. As a rule, they work for free, but it happens that relatives of patients are able and willing to pay - without such posts it is still impossible to maintain a patronage service.

In Russia, the first mention of the creation almshouse are discovered during the reign of Vladimir in 996. During the years of the Mongol enslavement, the church and Orthodox monasteries built premises for almshouses and charities for the old. In 1722, Peter I issued an order: to appoint retired soldiers to the vacant places in the monasteries. By this order, the king pursued the goal of providing shelter and food for the old and the wounded, who had no means of subsistence. In the 1830s in Moscow, "houses of industriousness" were opened, where

48 Pochinok A. Social work for the elderly: professionalism, partnership, responsibility // AiF Long-liver. 2003. No. 1.

At the present stage, the socio-economic and political situation in Russia is unstable, which causes an increase in the number of citizens in need of state support. The solution to these issues is provided by social services. The principles of operation of this system meet the latest standards for the organization of various forms of assistance and were formulated taking into account the specifics of emerging

Factors in the development of social services

The concept and services have repeatedly changed and transformed, as various approaches to the consideration of these issues have appeared. With the development of statehood and civil society, they have become much more complicated and expanded. However, the principles of this work as an activity took shape in the century before last, therefore, relatively recently, the organization of assistance to people in need has acquired such a form as social services. The principles were formed under the influence of philosophical, sociological, economic paradigms of social work. At the present stage, their content also meets the requirements of the law.

A new stage in the development of the Russian system of social assistance began after the events of 1991.

Social services: definition and legislative framework

The domestic sphere of state assistance to the needy population is being reformed and improved everywhere. The concept and services not only largely characterize the rule-making activity of the state, but also reflect the directions of social policy in relation to vulnerable sections of society.

The clients of social services are citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation. This term refers to a situation (illness, disability, single motherhood, unemployment, old age, etc.), which objectively disrupted the life of a citizen, which cannot be overcome by him on his own.

The concept and principles of social services for the population determine the specifics of the organization At the end of 2013, a new law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation” was adopted, which determined the economic, social and legal foundations and procedure for organizing this type of activity. In addition, the powers relating to the competence of state authorities and regional power structures in the field of servicing citizens and providing them with qualified social assistance were re-established. At the same time, the rights and obligations of recipients of social services were approved. They included both persons with Russian citizenship and foreigners who do not have this status, but live permanently in the country, for example, refugees. That is, any citizen legally recognized as needing social assistance can be a recipient of services.

The new legislation established the concept, principles, forms of social services. It is a purposeful activity to provide a whole range of social services to various categories of needy citizens. A social service is understood as an action or actions provided on a permanent, periodic, one-time basis to improve living conditions or increase the ability to independently solve life's difficulties.

Of course, social services have a completely different meaning in other countries. The principles and forms of work with the population in our country and abroad are determined by the territorial, economic, cultural and other characteristics of a particular state or region.

The structure of social services

Today in Russia a multi-level system has been developed, consisting of forms and technologies of work, institutions, organizations providing social services. The principles must be observed by each supplier unquestioningly and regardless of belonging to a particular department.

The state system of social services is complex and includes:

  • the federal level, whose task is to develop and implement the provisions of state policy and legal regulation in the field of social services;
  • the state authority of the regional level, which is authorized to implement the state guarantees of social assistance adopted by law;
  • directly organizations and institutions of social services for the population, which are under the jurisdiction of federal, regional and local executive authorities;
  • non-profit and commercial (non-state) organizations that have the right (permission) to provide social services to needy citizens;
  • individual entrepreneurs specializing in the conduct of social services.

The law also defines the subjects (suppliers) and objects (recipients) involved in the process and having a legal right to accessible social services. The principles and procedures for organizing the work of institutions of the population are developed taking into account the regional characteristics of a subject of Russia. The clients of social services are most often the disabled, pensioners, single-parent families and large families, military personnel, and the unemployed.

Changes taking place at the state level have a direct impact on social services for the population. Principles, types, functions should demonstrate the effectiveness of work in emergency situations and in multitasking conditions.

Main functions of the system

Researchers of the foundations of social work have identified two main groups of functions that relate to social services:

1) essential-activity preventive, adaptive, social and rehabilitation, security and protective);

2) moral and humanistic (personal and social humanistic).

They manifest themselves at the macro and micro levels of social services. The optimal operation of the elements and subsystems of social services is directly related to their practical implementation.

It should be taken into account that the functions and principles of social services apply not only to one recipient, but also to a group of people united by a common problem. That is, this activity is carried out both at the individual and at the group level.

Principles for the provision of social services

The principles of social services for the population are characterized as comprehensive, complex, acting in the interests of service recipients. The basis of work with citizens from vulnerable segments of the population is the provisions on the observance of the rights and freedoms of each person, respect for him as an individual, it does not allow insults to the dignity and honor of a person, and pursues the humane nature of the attitude towards clients.

The fundamental principles of the provision of social services are:

  • Free and equal access of a citizen of any age, gender, language, religion, nationality, beliefs, place of residence, membership in public associations permitted in the state. From this follows the conclusion that the principles of social service guarantee the needy the same opportunities in obtaining the necessary services.
  • Targeted provision of all types of social assistance, that is, a set of social services should be carried out taking into account the needs of a particular client, his internal resources.
  • Social service providers should be close to the territory of their recipient's place of residence, the required number of providers to ensure customer satisfaction, as well as the optimal number of personnel, financial, information and other capabilities of social service authorities.
  • Maximum preservation of the usual favorable environment for the client's stay;
  • Volunteer start.
  • Confidentiality of work: the social service provider undertakes to store and not disclose personal data, personal information and other information about the client. In addition, it is not allowed to disclose confidential, proprietary information. Violation of this principle entails bringing the perpetrator to liability under Russian law. Only after obtaining the written consent of the recipient (legal representative) of social services, it is allowed to transfer, copy information by other persons in the interests of the recipient. However, there are legal grounds that allow you to violate the principle of confidentiality and request information: a request from the court, investigation, inquiry and others in connection with the trial and other procedures, when processing on the public services portal or other portals in accordance with the law.

When organizing work with a client, all the principles of social services for the population should be involved. Thus, a statement about an integrated approach to organizing aid activities would be appropriate.

It should be noted that the principles of social services for citizens are taken into account when developing state standards and administrative regulations for the provision of services to those in need at all levels: from the federal department to the local institution.

Guaranteed rights for recipients of social services

The principles of social service law reflect the level of humanity of the state and society in relation to needy citizens.

Social service clients have the right to:

  • respect and humane treatment;
  • obtaining on a free and accessible basis information about their own rights and obligations, types, terms, procedures, conditions, tariffs for providing services in an institution, in addition, the client can always get information about the service provider, about the possibility of receiving assistance free of charge;
  • citizens have the right to an independent and voluntary choice of an institution to which they can be provided with the necessary service;
  • to refuse the service;
  • guarantee of protection of legal rights and interests;
  • ensuring the social and hygienic requirements of the conditions of stay and proper care in social service institutions;
  • free visits to the recipient by legal representatives, notaries, lawyers and other persons during the evening and daytime;
  • the right to social support.

These rights cannot be violated by the client, otherwise the consumer has legal grounds to seek clarification from higher authorities or file a claim with the court.

Recipient Responsibilities

The legal documents also spell out the obligations of each client, that is, any recipient of a social service must:

  • provide documents and information that are necessary for the provision of social services;
  • inform the provider in time about changes in personal data or circumstances that affect the process of providing assistance;
  • not violate the terms of the contract for the provision of services, which include timely and full payment, if any;
  • not violate the generally accepted rules and norms of behavior in society, discipline in the institution.

Due to the violation of one or more rules, the social service has the right to temporarily suspend work with the client or completely refuse the requested service.

It also provides for the rights and obligations of suppliers. Each of them is obliged to fully provide a set of requested services, to carry out this work in a timely manner, in accordance with the law and existing regulations.

Conditions for the provision of social assistance

Legitimate principles of social services affect the procedure for providing all types of assistance. The basis is a personal application of the client (legal representative) submitted to the institution, or an appeal to state and local authorities, as part of the organization of interdepartmental interaction.

Social services can be provided free of charge to persons affected by man-made, natural disasters and other emergencies, in interethnic and armed clashes, as well as to children under 18 years of age.

The application is considered within the time limits established by the regulations, after which the institution conducts the procedure for recognizing the applied citizen as in need of social assistance. If the supplier refuses to provide the necessary service to the client, the latter has the right to appeal the decision in court.

The basic principles of social services also serve as a criterion for assessing the effectiveness of service providers. If they are observed, then the solution of customer problems is at a high level.

Financing social services

The sources of financing the system of social services for the population include budgetary funds (federal, regional, local levels of government); voluntary donations or charitable contributions; payment by citizens for social services provided to them; funds from business activities or other sources that are not prohibited by law.

Forms and types of social services

In fact, social services are an indispensable part of the social sphere. The concept, principles, types make up its content.

The main forms of providing social services are:

  • home service;
  • semi-stationary service, that is, services are provided only at certain times of the day;
  • stationary service, namely: customer service is carried out permanently or temporarily, five days a week in conditions of permanent residence in the institution.

However, the normative document legitimized not only the principles. Types of social services imply a wide range of activities provided for solving a complex of consumer problems.

Social security institutions provide clients with the following types of services:

  • social and domestic, providing assistance in the domestic sphere of the client in the process of life;
  • socio-medical, which are aimed at maintaining and preserving the health of the recipient of the service by organizing proper care for him, providing support for recreational activities, organizing monitoring of health and general well-being to prevent the occurrence of deviations;
  • socio-psychological services provide for corrective assistance in the process of adaptation to new social conditions, as well as the provision of emergency assistance in difficult life situations through a helpline;
  • socio-pedagogical, the purpose of which is the prevention of deviations in the development of the individual, the reinforcement of positive interests, training in the correct forms of organizing leisure activities; assistance to any family in matters of raising children;
  • social and labor are designed to assist in the employment of the client and help him cope with the problems that have arisen at the station of adaptation to the workplace;
  • social and legal ones provide for the provision of legal assistance, protection of the rights and interests of the recipient;
  • services aimed at improving the communication skills of a client with disabilities;
  • various types of urgent social services: provision of food packages or hot meals; clothing and footwear; essentials; assistance in finding temporary housing; provision of emergency psychological assistance; issuance of one-time financial assistance; legal advice and other services.

Needy citizens, if necessary, can be provided with assistance that is not related to social services, otherwise - social support.

The degree of complexity, the duration of the provision of services, the level of their adequacy and compliance with the requirements are the basis of the criteria for the effectiveness of social services in relation to various categories of citizens. Compliance with legislative norms, the code of ethics and local regulations will make social services of high quality, the result of their action - effective, which together will help reduce social tension in society.

Article 19 Forms of social service

1. Social services are provided to their recipients in the form of social services at home, or in a semi-stationary form, or in a stationary form.

2. Social services in a semi-stationary form are provided to their recipients by a social service organization at a certain time of the day.

3. Social services in a stationary form are provided to their recipients with permanent, temporary (for a period determined by an individual program) or five-day (per week) round-the-clock residence in a social service organization. Recipients of social services in a stationary form are provided with residential premises, as well as premises for the provision of the types of social services provided for in paragraphs 1 - 7 of Article 20 of this Federal Law.

4. When providing social services in a semi-stationary form or in a stationary form, the following must be provided:

1) the possibility of accompanying a recipient of social services when moving around the territory of a social service organization, as well as when using the services provided by such an organization;

2) the possibility for independent movement around the territory of a social service organization, entry, exit and movement within such an organization (including for movement in wheelchairs), for rest in a sitting position, as well as accessible placement of equipment and information carriers;

3) duplication of text messages with voice messages, equipping a social service organization with signs made in Braille, familiarization with their help with inscriptions, signs and other textual and graphic information on the territory of such an organization, as well as the admission of a typhlo sign language interpreter, the admission of guide dogs;

4) duplication of voice information with textual information, inscriptions and (or) light signals, informing about the social services provided using Russian sign language (sign language), admission of a sign language interpreter;

5) provision of other types of outside assistance.

5. Citizens from among persons released from places of deprivation of liberty, for whom, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, administrative supervision is established and who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service, in the absence of medical contraindications and upon their personal application, are accepted for social services in stationary organizations social services with special social services in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. The issues of admission to inpatient social service organizations and discharge from such organizations of persons suffering from mental disorders are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on psychiatric care.

Article 20 Types of social services

The recipients of social services, taking into account their individual needs, are provided with the following types of social services:

1) social and domestic, aimed at supporting the life of recipients of social services in everyday life;

2) socio-medical, aimed at maintaining and preserving the health of recipients of social services by organizing care, assisting in the implementation of recreational activities, systematic monitoring of recipients of social services to identify deviations in their health;

3) socio-psychological, providing assistance in correcting the psychological state of recipients of social services for adaptation in the social environment, including the provision of psychological assistance anonymously using a helpline;

4) socio-pedagogical, aimed at preventing deviations in the behavior and development of the personality of recipients of social services, forming their positive interests (including in the field of leisure), organizing their leisure, helping the family in raising children;

5) social and labor, aimed at providing assistance in employment and in solving other problems related to labor adaptation;

6) social and legal, aimed at providing assistance in obtaining legal services, including free of charge, in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of recipients of social services;

7) services to increase the communication potential of recipients of social services with disabilities, including children with disabilities;

8) urgent social services.

Article 21 Urgent Social Services

1. Urgent social services include:

1) provision of free hot meals or food packages;

2) provision of clothing, footwear and other essentials;

3) assistance in obtaining temporary accommodation;

4) assistance in obtaining legal assistance in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of recipients of social services;

5) assistance in obtaining emergency psychological assistance with the involvement of psychologists and clergy in this work;

6) other urgent social services.

2. The provision of urgent social services for the purpose of rendering urgent assistance is carried out within the time frame determined by the needs of the recipient of social services, without drawing up an individual program and without concluding an agreement on the provision of social services. The basis for the provision of urgent social services is the application of the recipient of social services, as well as the receipt from medical, educational or other organizations that are not part of the social service system, information about citizens in need of the provision of urgent social services. Confirmation of the provision of urgent social services is an act on the provision of urgent social services containing information about the recipient and provider of these services, the types of urgent social services provided, the terms, date and conditions for their provision. The act on the provision of urgent social services is confirmed by the signature of their recipient.

Article 22

1. If necessary, citizens, including parents, guardians, custodians, other legal representatives of minor children, are assisted in the provision of medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, social assistance that is not related to social services (social support).

2. Social support is carried out by involving organizations providing such assistance on the basis of interagency cooperation in accordance with Article 28 of this Federal Law. Activities for social support are reflected in the individual program.

Essence of social service

Social service is the functioning of social services for the provision of socio-legal, socio-medical, social, psychological and pedagogical assistance and support; for the rehabilitation and social adaptation of citizens; providing material assistance to certain categories of the population in difficult life situations.

Remark 1

Social security, according to Art. 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is guaranteed and provided: upon reaching retirement age; in case of illness, disability; in case of loss of a breadwinner, etc.

The concept of "social services" is closely related to the following overlapping concepts:

  • Social protection. It is represented by a system of measures aimed at ensuring the minimum sufficient and guaranteed conditions for life, the active existence of a person, to maintain his life support and implemented by various structures of society.
  • Social support is a special measure to maintain the conditions necessary and sufficient for the existence of the so-called "weak" social groups, families, individuals who experience difficulties in their life.
  • Social help. It is characterized by the provision by the social service of a system of social measures in the form of support, assistance, services to individual citizens or social groups to mitigate and overcome difficult life situations, to maintain a full life, social status and adaptation processes in society.

The purpose of social work is to optimize the implementation of the subjective role of people in all spheres of public life in the process of providing for citizens, social groups and various strata in society.

Social services are aimed both at the implementation of measures of social support for individual social groups, and the implementation of measures for the social protection of the entire population.

Forms of social service

For the implementation of social services, there are currently specialized institutions that form the basis of social services.

All social institutions from specialization and category of citizens have standard names and include:

  • specialized social service institutions: boarding houses and boarding houses for the elderly, disabled, war and labor veterans; rehabilitation centers; psycho-neurological boarding schools; boarding houses of mercy; boarding houses of small capacity; gerontological and gerontopsychiatric centers; social and health centers;
  • social service institutions that provide housing in the houses of the housing fund for social use (social apartments, homes for single elderly citizens);
  • institutions of semi-stationary social service at home;
  • social service institutions providing advisory assistance.

Types of social services

Social service institutions provide various types of social services, taking into account the age of citizens, their state of health, the environment, etc.

There are different types of social services:

  1. Social services. The main function is to support the life of citizens in everyday life: assistance in obtaining benefits and benefits in social welfare; provision of premises for the organization of medical and rehabilitation measures, household and cultural services, educational and medical-labor activities; provision of clothing and footwear, bedding; the provision of social services in stationary institutions of an individual hygienic nature to persons who are unable to perform the usual procedures for health reasons; provision of transport and assistance with transportation; organization of funeral services, etc.
  2. Socio-medical services. Focused on maintaining and, if possible, improving the health of citizens: the provision of sanitary and hygienic services (washing, wiping, combing, hygienic baths, etc.); assistance in conducting medical and sanitary examination; hospitalization in medical institutions; organization of medical consultations; assistance in passing medical examination; assistance in obtaining prosthetic and orthopedic, denture, hearing aid; organization of medical and sanitary examination; organization of medical and labor activity; organization of emergency medical care and much more.
  3. Socio-psychological services. Aimed at organizing measures to correct the psychological state of citizens: psychological diagnostics and correction; socio-psychological counseling; socio-psychological patronage; psychotherapeutic help; psychological trainings; emergency medical and psychological assistance; providing psychological assistance (communication, conversations, encouragement, motivation for activity, etc.).
  4. Socio-pedagogical services. They include measures aimed at preventing deviations in behavior and violations of the personal development of citizens: socio-pedagogical counseling, diagnostics and examination; pedagogical correction; socio-pedagogical patronage; animation services (visiting theaters, exhibitions, excursions, organization of holidays, etc.); teaching disabled people to use technical means of rehabilitation; vocational counseling and vocational rehabilitation of the disabled; assistance in organizing homeschooling for children with disabilities, etc.
  5. Socio-economic services. Their goal is to maintain and improve the living standards of the population. Social and economic services include: assistance in obtaining benefits, benefits, consultations, alimony, etc.; provision of material assistance; assistance in providing hearing aids, prosthetic and orthopedic products, glasses; improvement of living conditions; advising on self-sufficiency, development of family business; assistance in finding employment, etc.
  6. Social and legal services. They are aimed at changing or maintaining the legal status, protecting the legal rights of citizens, and providing legal assistance. Social and legal services include: advising on issues related to the rights to social services; assisting in the preparation of complaints about the inaction or certain actions of social workers; assistance in paperwork; advice on pension provision; assistance in obtaining benefits and benefits established by law; assistance in obtaining a medical policy, etc.
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First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...