The life of a psychic Tatyana Larina. Psychic Tatyana Larina admitted that her young husband beat her in front of her son

    You can sign up, the question is WHERE TO TAKE MONEY?. I read on the forums that they charge 300-400 thousand for solving the problem, well, this is just a mockery. Consultation 10 thousand is still okay. This luxury is not for ordinary unfortunate people.

    In order to make an appointment with psychic Tatyana Larina, you can visit this group in contact. Here you can sign up through discussions, or by calling the specified phone number: 8-963-244-20-13. She works through the Natalia Banteeva Center. And here is her personal page. In general, the information there is exhaustive, this psychic is more than recordable :)

    Do you know how much she charges? It's just an unbearable luxury. I understand everything, they also need to earn. I read on the forums about Banteeva so they push 10 thousand for receiving, it’s okay tolerable, but 300-400 thousand for solving the problem is a mockery. I would also like to solve one important problem and get excited in many ways, but there is no such money and never will be.

    To get in touch with Tatyana Larina, you must first call 8-963-244-20-13. They will also say the price for approx. All information on official page Vkontakte, there you can also sign up for prim, the group is open. Reviews about Tatyana are positive, whatever one may say, she is a strong psychic.

    Tatyana Larina from the first episodes captivated the audience with her abilities, she sees and feels the inexplicable, so there are a lot of people who want to meet her.

    Tatyana Larina is hosting people at the Natalya Banteeva Personality Development Center.

    Appointments can be made via official group Vkontakte, you can leave a request in this thread. . More on the official website, and by phone

    But the cost of admission will be calculated based on the complexity of the problem.

    Tatyana Larina has been working through the center of Natalia Banteeva for a long time. I first heard about her in the Banteeva group. Tatyana at the moment was not yet so well known. Feedback from clients about her receptions is good, people leave with a positive attitude, and according to them, Natalya helped them a lot and gave answers to all questions.

    Good question, and comprehensive answers. Indeed, as I expected more than two months ago, Tatyana Larina turned out to be not only a great clairvoyant, but also a wonderful person, gradually revealing to the audience how a rare and unusual flower for 14 episodes of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics not only her exceptional supernatural abilities, but also showing her huge heart filled with love for people, and pure soul ready to help anyone in need.

    The only thing that is not clear is conflicting information about the cost of Tatiana's prima, placed in social network In contact with .

    You can also sign up for this, in my opinion, true witch, which takes place in the center for the development of the personality of Natalya Banteeva, on Tatyana Larina's personal Facebook page.

    Heavenly and earthly, the one and only good luck to everyone!

    Now everything is conveniently done through a social network in contact. Here is the page of Tatyana Larina -, you can sign up through it or by calling the phones that are posted there. Information is also posted there when a free chat with Natalia Banteeva and Tatyana Larina will take place, Skype communication and other promotions.

    Here Official page Vkontakte Tatyana Larina. This page is indeed genuine, although there is no check mark next to the name.

    Entries on the page start on January 26, 2009. On the same page, in the status column, the following information is indicated:

    That is, it is enough to call and sign up for prim psychic Tatyana Larina.

At the end of August, StarHit was the first to write that a participant in the Psychic Diary program on TV-3 was divorcing her chosen one, Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky. Former lovers terminated their relationship on the last day of summer in one of the registry offices of St. Petersburg.

On the official page of the clairvoyant on VKontakte, a video appeared in which she first commented on the breakup with Mitkevich-Daletsky, answering questions from fans. Tatyana confirmed that she was indeed no longer with Julius.

“I decided to wear all black because I am burying my past life. That is, I have it divided into “before” and “after”. (…) I cannot say that I am very upset. Whoever wants what to whom, all the same, everyone will get divorced. There is no love for life... In Christianity there is monogamy, and this is wrong. Man is an animal, he cannot live with one man. Stories about love to the grave are not true, because physics still works, ”the woman said.

Tatyana's fans asked her about the reasons for breaking up with Julius. The clairvoyant admitted that she was not yet ready to talk about this topic. “I just want to breed,” shared the psychic. She also announced the release of the video on her YouTube channel. Larina said she plans to cover a topic that excites her fans.

“It will be much more interesting than now. Guys, I'm glad that there are so many of you and you support me. I can't say that I feel very bad. Per recent times I analyzed a lot and understood a lot. I don't take offense at anyone. What should happen, it will happen, ”Tatiana shared.

As soon as Tatyana Larina receives a divorce certificate, she plans to show it to her fans. The clairvoyant is going to celebrate the beginning of a new stage in life.

“Why divorce? You know, in Soviet times was an excuse that they did not agree on the characters. So let it be like this for now, ”the woman added.

Recall that about important event in the life of Tatyana Larina became known the other day. Surrounded former member the show "Battles of Psychics" told "StarHit" that they regularly fought with Julius, after which they reconciled. "But in last time the conflict was so strong that the guys realized that they could not normally exist with each other and dispersed. Tanya is very emotional person with a complex character, ”the insider shared.

She so dreamed of a second child! She knew: there would be a girl, she read to her great destiny. But now she is ready for anything, just to get rid of her unborn daughter ...

"I want to punish him!" - at twilight witch Tatyana Larina, a participant in the "Battle of Psychics", even brings her cheekbones together when her name is mentioned last husband. Those who know her have eyes on their foreheads: how could it be, such was unearthly love - where did something go? After all, she trumpeted at every corner about her wonderful marriage with Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky. My husband and I wrote about them, filmed programs. Still: the first in the history of Russia married couple psychics. Exotic!


When we had just started dating, I asked Yulik: “Do you understand why we met?” He replied, "Yes, to have a baby." We both knew that it would be a daughter and she would become the strongest psychic in the world, - Tatyana told about the "highest mission" of her marriage.

With Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky, who calls himself a magician, fate pushed her on the 15th season of the show "The Battle of Psychics". He is a 22-year-old guy, she is a well-lived woman, whose husband is fit for sons. Tatyana did not hide: three unsuccessful marriage, and all three spouses cheated on her.

They all lied to my face. I knew when they cheated, and they looked with honest eyes and said that there was nothing, - Larina complained. - The husband-composer, for example, went on tour, after the concert he drank to relax, but, alas, the anti-stress program was not limited to this. When I returned, I told him about his exploits, he denied them, I made a scandal. And so it was always with all husbands ...


But Julius, it would seem, was from a completely different test. Besides, they are so strangely connected.

At that time, Tatyana was not in the best shape. I broke my leg, so I moved around film set in wheelchair. And the young magician suddenly began to take care of her touchingly.

I convinced myself that Julius was just very good man and, like a Timurovite, he decided to help his disabled grandmother, - she laughed. - Well, how can you fall in love with a woman 24 years older, who, at the same time, is in a cast and on crutches?

Nevertheless, after the end of the project, they got married. Registration - for the first time in the last 200 years - took place in the Pavlovsk Palace near St. Petersburg. Fallen during the ceremony wedding ring brides, the newlyweds decided not to consider it a bad omen.


Tatiana lived for two years married to Julius. She praised him in every way. She said what a fine fellow he was: he sacrificed his career for her - he sits at home, helps raise her son Grisha from a previous relationship, fries cutlets, cooks soup. Regrets and encourages his wife when she gets tired. Ideal husband!

The only thing that marred the family idyll was the absence of a child. Tatyana did not hide: it is no longer possible to get pregnant herself. She did not know: the age is to blame or the numerous pregnancies interrupted earlier. But the idea of ​​​​giving birth to a common baby was so obsessive that she and Julius could not even think about anything else. The couple resorted to the IVF procedure, spending all their earnings on it.

We made 12 attempts, and all of them were unsuccessful. Replanting - and on the fourth day the embryo freezes, - said Larina.

She recovered from hormone therapy, her nerves gave out, Tatyana constantly broke into hysterics. But even in this state, she publicly thanked her husband - for support and understanding ...

And suddenly she said: I can’t see him anymore! She explained simply: she suddenly returned home, and there Yulik was having fun with the young ladies. Larina could not forgive the betrayal - and filed for divorce for the fourth time.

How did they say before? Did not get along? Consider it main reason, - she said in August, becoming free.


But now, three months later, the witch nevertheless decided to wash dirty linen in public.

My husband beat me, it lasted almost a year, - she shocked with a confession. - Julius became aggressive, broke down. When he bludgeoned me in front of an eight-year-old child, he was in a strange state, as if under drugs. The next day I woke up a different person and behaved as if nothing had happened. And I had to cover up bruises ... I want to punish him for violence and I am preparing a statement to the police!

Tatyana also said that all this time she kept her young husband. And he slowly stole money from her. Once, for example, “I took 400 thousand from a hiding place and did not say anything. It turns out that he stole." After Larina also caught a guy with girls, her patience came to an end. Now she wants to forget this whole nightmare as soon as possible.

And only one thing still connects her with ex-husband. The daughter they longed for. A girl in whom the genes of two psychics would merge.

Everything almost turned out, - says Tatyana. - The next step was to be transplanted into the uterus. But now I do not want to give birth to this man! I called the clinic with a request to dispose of the embryo. However, permission from the other parent is required. But I will still answer this question...

We will talk about the gentle and fair-haired Tatyana, very similar to the same Tatyana Larina from the well-known work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Maybe for someone it will be a revelation, but Tatyana Larina is stage name, which the girl took to herself when she started solo career. In the fifteenth season of the "Battle of Psychics" Tatyana took an honorable second place, leaving her rivals far behind, positioning herself as a twilight witch.

Now Tatyana is leading her show "Psychic Diary" and making plans for the future. She helps people in almost dire situations. This article will help to slightly lift the veil on how Tatyana Larina became a psychic.


They say that witches don't age. Maybe this is true. At least Tatyana Larina, who turned 48 in 2017, does not look like these years. From the stories of Tatyana, she was born in a prosperous family with an average income. Was youngest child. She has an older brother. Since childhood, Tatyana has been an extraordinary and problematic child. Most likely, the awakening psychic abilities which she was unable to control. And the girl had someone to get them from.

AT detailed biography psychic Tatyana Larina can be traced to the paranormal abilities of her ancestors, which for decades were transmitted through transgenic information passing from generation to generation. The older generation of the family is no longer alive. My father passed away in the 90s, and my mother passed away in 2016.

Searching for yourself

After graduating from school, Tatyana entered medical school, but, seeing in practice the indifference to the patients of her teachers, she was disappointed in the chosen specialty and left after the first course. Then she took courses in a hairdresser, which she was also not destined to finish. The decision to enter the Institute of Culture was not brought to the final final. An attempt to study at a university remained only an attempt. As Tatyana herself says, having barely entered her studies, she lost interest in her.

Model or singer?

Tatyana Larina searched for her path long and hard. She wanted to try herself in vocals, to become a singer. Music lessons led her to triumph. But again, it wasn't hers. The search for himself continued abroad. The carefree and most joyful period of life, described in the biography of psychic Tatyana Larina, is work as a fashion model. But she eventually got tired of it. The girl was simply drawn home to Russia.

Returning to her homeland, Tatyana again plunged into the world of music and recorded an album with the singer Zara. But inner voice or genetic memory pulled Tatyana to do what was written in her family and what her ancestors did.

Tatyana Larina studied in Israel with a mentor, whose name she does not advertise. She comprehended the intricacies of managing her energy, and also learned how to properly use her natural gift. The spells taught by her mentor are in Hebrew. Since that time, as the psychic Tatyana Larina says, an end was put in the biography of the search for oneself. She finally understood her purpose.

The Gift of the Psychic

Many may have a question about why she received her gift from her relatives, and went to study in Israel. There are reasons for this. Her grandmother was an unkind witch who spoiled the life of her parents. Tatyana was afraid of her. At the age of five, she saw an unpleasant entity in her grandmother, and from that moment on, the girl saw not the grandmother herself, but what lived in her. Transgenic Tatyana received her gift from her ancestors, but he slept, and only after a trip to Israel to a mentor did he begin to wake up in her.

"The fight of extrasensories"

It so happened that Tatyana was persuaded to take part in the "Battle" by her mentor, who heads the St. Petersburg Coven (in English language traditional designation for a community of witches). Literally from the first issues of "Battle" Larina becomes the favorite of the public. Many of the fans knew Tatyana Larina as a model, now she appeared before the public as a psychic.

In her tests, she often used Hebrew spells, and also, by looking at the reflective surfaces of mirrors, she showed her gift to see both the past and the future, entering the twilight world through them.

On the project, Larina showed herself as a strong psychic, but the twilight witch got strong opponent- Julia Wang, who calls herself the Spirit of Chaos, became the strongest psychic of the 15th season of the Russian version of the Battle of Psychics. Tatyana was not disappointed with the second place in the project. The psychic Tatyana Larina was busy with her personal life.

It seemed to her that she had met her only one, also a member of the project and, moreover, a member of the same coven as she was. After the project, the couple signed, but the happiness did not last long. Within two years, their relationship dried up. The intervention of the mother-in-law, who was the same age as the daughter-in-law, and the husband, who was half younger than Tatyana, began to look at young girls.

Show "Psychic Diary"

Tatyana Larina hosts a show dedicated to her. She tells something from her biography, shares previously unknown pages from her personal life. Many are interested in the world of magicians, clairvoyants and mediums. She also illuminates this mysterious world. In one of the issues of the "Diary of Psychics" Tatyana Larina shared with the audience that after the "Battle" her paths with the coven parted ways.

Her plans include work in another project related to magic - this is the "Battle of the Tarot Readers". When it will be realized, while there are no forecasts. Now the twilight witch is positioning herself as able to see the future and correct what has not yet happened.

Witch Tatyana Larina became popular after participating in famous project"The fight of extrasensories". In the 15th season, she occupied a leading position, but still in the final she was given second place. The witch Natalya Banteeva, already known to many, who was the winner of the 9th season, brought her to the project.

Biography of the twilight witch Tatyana Larina

Tatyana was born on February 21 in St. Petersburg. Since childhood, she has shown an interest in everything unusual. Larina does not like to talk about her life, so this moment only a few facts are known. Tatyana studied at the University of Film and Television, as well as in medicine. She was married and has a child. Larina was engaged in modeling and singing. Favorite direction in music - "ethno". For some time she lived in Germany and Israel, where she received a lot of knowledge regarding magic.

Tatyana Larina is a member of the clan of northern witches, in which, by the way, Natalya Banteeva is one of the main ones. She got there, oddly enough, thanks to her husband, who turned to the Banteeva Center to help his wife get rid of nightmares. Natalya, seeing a photograph of a woman, asked for a personal meeting, at which she told Larina about her abilities. Since then, Tatyana has been working at the center and helping people. The “Battle of Psychics” project gave Larina not only popularity, but also love, since at the end of the show one of the participants, Julius Mitkevich-Daletsky, made her a marriage proposal. According to Tatyana, they have love at first sight and soon replenishment in the family can be expected.

The magic of the witch Tatyana Larina

At each test, the psychic penetrated into the gloomy world, where, according to her, you can find out any information about past and future. To do this, she used mirrors or water, as long as the surface was reflective. Tatyana also called herself an energy vampire, so in many trials she asked people to give her some of their energy.

The witch regularly communicates with fans and conducts video chats where she answers various questions. For example, often Tatyana Larina is asked about the signs of a witch: moles on the palms and lines on her hands. The psychic spoke in detail about the marks that indicate the presence of supernatural powers:

  1. Moles that create a specific figure or. Especially if they are on hand.
  2. Cross on the upper phalanx index finger- a sign of the ability to clairvoyance.
  3. If the lines on the hand form a triangle or a pentagram, then the person has magical abilities.
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