Twilight witch tatyana larina. Tatyana Larina: the life of a twilight witch

Banteeva Group specialist, psychic, medium, singer, model, specialist in the field occult sciences. Member of the 15th.

Biography of Tatyana Larina

Tatyana was born in St. Petersburg on February 21st. The psychic did not provide detailed information about her childhood and youth to fans.

Tatyana Larina is a hereditary esotericist. Their supernatural abilities and the woman received her talents precisely from her closest relatives.

Tatyana Larina Tried herself as a singer. Having reached professional heights, the psychic realized that on this moment does not want to engage in musical self-development. As a result, she left the country.

For some time she lived in the West and worked as a fashion model. But Larina never stopped there. The constant practice of one's abilities and the development of talents made it possible to increase the strength of the spirit. During her work as a model, Larina noted a rather calm and carefree lifestyle. True, the desire to return to their homeland took over. And the medium left for Russia.

The return of Larina was seen in musical circles. At one of the secular parties Tatyana Larina recorded an album with composer Kurashov.

Battle of psychics Tatyana Larina

Battle of Psychics Season 15 Finale

Four reached the final of the show: Baba Katya, Arseniy Karadzha, Tatyana Larina and. The number of audience votes cast for the participants was distributed as follows:

  • Julia Wang - 78.5%.

The remaining percentages were distributed among the three finalists:

  • Tatyana Larina -19.9%
  • Ekaterina Borisova (Baba Katya) - 1.12%
  • Arseniy Karadzha -0.5%

Tatyana Larina and Julius Mitkevich-Daletsky

After summing up the results, a touching surprise awaited Tatyana Larina: Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky, a participant in the Battle, went down on one knee and proposed to Tatyana a marriage proposal. The happy witch was moved to tears and answered her beloved with consent.

At the final of the show, Tatyana Larina commented on the results of the Battle of Psychics and the proposal:

“I thank you for your support. Julia Wang needed a victory on this project more, she still had to work. And I have already found my happiness, my strength and the meaning of life, ”Larina answered generously, waving her hand with a wedding ring.

Julius Mitkevich-Daletskyworks with Tatyana at the Personality Development Center of Natalya Banteeva, the winner of the 9th season of the show.

Contacts Tatiana Larina

Appointment appointment: 8-963-244-20-13

VK profile:
Vkontakte community:

Tatyana Larina participated in the fifteenth season television show"Battle of psychics", in which she took second place. The witch has psychic abilities, controls the energy of people and relieves them of various ailments and phobias.

Bright, beautiful Tatyana Larina from the first minutes of her participation in the show fell in love with the audience not so much for her appearance as her strong gift and ability to stand up for herself and others.

Tatyana's biography is covered in darkness, the girl gives out information literally bit by bit. It is known that she was born on February 21 in St. Petersburg, many sources claim that this event happened in 1978, and the sorceress herself once called the distant 1900. In her youth, she was seriously involved in music, but then, having achieved considerable victories, she left for Germany to work as a fashion model. Life abroad was fun and easy, but the craving for the motherland forced the girl to return to native city, where she again took up music, recording a joint album with singer Zara, it presents compositions in an ethnic style.

In magic, the girl was led by a chance - she began to have obsessive nightmares that interfered with her life, and a worried husband brought Tatyana to an appointment with a famous healer, winner of the 9th season of the Battle of Psychics. And the sorceress understood at a glance that dreams are not a disease or a psychological problem, but a sign of the development of extrasensory abilities. Tanya believed in this from the very beginning, because she had witches and sorcerers in her family. And from that moment on, Banteeva became Larina's mentor, her guide in the world of magic, and later her boss, because after mastering her abilities, Tatyana began working in the center of Natalya.

To hone her gift, the girl went to Israel, studying extrasensory perception there at special courses. After the training, she was able to manage her energy and start accepting clients, specializing in overcoming various phobias. Tatyana can determine the future by her eyes and even find the incident that provoked a breakdown in the psyche and ruined a person's life. Based on the knowledge gained, she is able to correct the fate of a person, get rid of fears that interfere with life, correct energy and set a person in a positive way. Now Larina is the best psychic in St. Petersburg, both people and magicians recognized her abilities - she is a member of the national coven of witches.

Unfortunately, so significant progress in magic they also demanded certain victims, so Tatiana dispersed with her husband and stopped seeing one of her sons.

Her mentor Natalya Banteeva, confident in the girl’s abilities, persuaded the girl to try herself in the “Battle of Psychics” project. And indeed, Larina very effectively broke into the main team of the season, easily coping with the task "Trunk" and revealing the secret of the screen. In the future, she showed consistently good results, going on a par with her main rival Julia Wang. The girl constantly maintained interest in herself, demonstrating original ways of working with energy, so once she hugged the host before the test in order to feed on him with strength, and even asked him to unbutton his shirt to enhance the effect.

No less memorable was the image with knives, hung with these melee weapons, she walked through the park and talked to the trees, after which the fans lovingly called her Lara Croft for her strength, endurance and love for piercing and cutting objects.

Tatyana rightfully got a place in the final, and even a minute before the announcement of the results, no one guessed who would win - she or her main rival. Unfortunately, a record number of viewers voted for the Latvian sorceress, and psychic Tatyana Larina received only second place. But even here she managed to stand out - right at the ceremony of presenting the main prize, unexpectedly for all the fans of the show, another participant of the season proposed to the girl. The couple dressed up in identical white suits, openly showed their tender feelings and looked very happy. Then Tatyana said that she had found her female happiness, strength and meaning in life.

Soon, the lovers officially registered their relationship, getting married on July 8, 2015 in the Pavlovsk Palace, in the district of St. Petersburg. The bride in a clear blue dress and the groom in a classic black suit became the most beautiful couple psychics of Russia.

Tatyana does not forget about her calling, she continues to help people suffering from phobias, holding a reception at the Natalia Banteeva Center and supporting the title of the best witch northern capital.

Alexander , 8 June 2016 .

Tatyana Larina from the first seconds won the hearts of viewers of the 15th season of the show "Battle of Psychics". And not only thanks to his powerful gift, but also to his spectacular appearance, the ability to stand up for himself and for the people around him.

Biography of Tatyana Larina

Just like most psychics, the participant of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” prefers to keep data about herself behind “seven locks”. Tatyana Larina gives out a biography to journalists literally bit by bit. Date of birth - February 21, place - St. Petersburg. On the Internet, you can see thousands of requests “How old is Tatyana Larina”, because the year is not known for certain. Sources say about 1978, the psychic herself says about 1900. Is it true or not? It is unlikely that we will ever know.

Information about the real name and surname, parents, facts from childhood and adolescence in open access also no. According to Tatyana Larina herself, she was extraordinary and creative child. In her youth she recorded several albums. Then she went abroad to work as a model. I worked there for several years, missing my native land. Upon her return to Russia, she resumed her career as a singer, preferring ethnic music.

Tatyana Larina - participant in the "Battle of Psychics"

An accident put an end to the calm course of life. At some point, Tatyana Larina began to be haunted by nightmares. The husband, worrying about the health and life of his beloved woman, called Natalya Banteeva. She immediately ordered to bring her husband to her appointment. After this significant meeting, Tatyana's life changed dramatically. Natalia became her mentor, helped her discover her gift, taught her to see the past, present and future. She showed how to manage the elements of nature, remove phobias and solve problems in the lives of clients. The young woman began working at her Center for Personal Development.

Soon Tatyana Larina became a member of the television show. Undoubtedly, on the recommendation of Natalia Banteeva. The girl instantly made an incredible impression on the participants, judges and viewers. According to the casting participants, from the first seconds it became clear that psychic Tatyana Larina is one of the main contenders for victory. She performed well in all tests, especially in the test called "Trunk". She showed herself as a powerful witch and energy vampire. She was remembered for the amulet in the form of a fang of a bear, which, according to the psychic, improves her natural gift and gives strength. She was given the name "Lara Croft" for her resemblance to a Hollywood celebrity.

Tatyana Larina is a psychic from the 15th season of the mystical project on TNT, who won the attention and sympathy of the audience. The clairvoyant took second place, but interest in the witch from the promoted coven of Natalya Banteeva does not subside. The secrets that the biography of Tatyana Larina hides, how a woman became a clairvoyant and how she got to the “Battle of Psychics” - read the article.

In the article:

Psychic Tatyana Larina - biography

The question of how old is Tatyana Larina from the "Battle of Psychics" was asked by many viewers. The clairvoyant looks much younger than the average age at which a witch is considered strong enough to participate in the project ( average age participants - 35–40 years old). There are also very young participants, for example, but these are exceptions that prove the rule. The date of birth of the psychic is February 21, 1969. The age of psychic Tatyana Larina is 49 years old. The clairvoyant looks much younger.

Tatyana Larina is not a real name, but a pseudonym borrowed from Pushkin's work " Eugene Onegin". The woman took a new name back in the late 90s of the last century, when she worked on solo album. The real name of the witch is not made public to this day.

Tatyana Larina - hereditary psychic . Paranormal abilities in her family have been passed down from generation to generation for decades. The witch received powers from her grandmother and has had psychic abilities since childhood.

The psychic was born in St. Petersburg. Larina's family was prosperous, with an average income, but Tatyana was a troubled teenager due to her awakening psychic gift. Girl - youngest child in family. Tatyana has an older brother, Gennady. Father died in the 90s, mother - in 2016.

After school, Larina took one course at medical school. After disappointment in mentors indifferent to patients, she interrupted her studies and decided to study as a hairdresser. She did not finish the courses, she entered the Institute of Culture, but this attempt to get an education remained unfinished. The clairvoyant admitted that she quickly lost interest in learning.

The witch loves Peter - this is not a tribute to fashion, but love for the Motherland. Lived abroad for a long time, moving from one European country to another. She worked as a model, calling those times the most carefree and joyful period in her life. The desire to return to Russia won over the desire to build a modeling career in Europe.

Tatyana worked as a model in Russia after returning to her homeland. At the same time, she studied vocals and performed in nightclubs in the cultural capital.

After being recognized as a musician, the twilight witch took up the development of psychic and magical talents, having traveled to Israel. Now Tatyana has two citizenships - Israeli and Russian.

The name of the witch's mentor is unknown, but Tatyana spoke about the main subject taught by her teacher - the management of personal energy and the use of natural gifts. The mentor taught the witch spells in Hebrew. Usually in families where the gift is inherited, the parents, sometimes the grandparents, are involved in the education of the descendants. It is not known why the tradition did not touch the Larin family, and a completely stranger was engaged in the training of the clairvoyant.

Personal life of Tatyana Larina

From the biography of psychic Tatyana Larina, it is known that the woman was married to Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky. The former spouse is a psychic, from the 15th season of the project. He worked in the center of Banteeva, like Tatyana.

At the time of participation in the project, the couple only met, but on December 20, at the award ceremony for the winner of the Battle of Psychics, Julius made an offer to Tatiana. Perhaps it was a planned action - the couple appeared in public in snow-white outfits, and Tatyana prefers black in clothes. The witch happily showed the fans wedding ring and received congratulations.

The stars of the “Battle of Psychics” Daletsky and Larina surprised everyone

Psychic Tatyana Larina got married on July 8, 2015 - on Family Day. Solemn ceremony was in the Pavlovsk Palace Leningrad region. This is an old building with historical value. Tatyana Larina's wedding was the first there in 200 years. The bride chose a bright blue dress for the traditional white, cream and pink models. The groom chose a classic dark suit.

In 2016, conflicts began in the family, initiated by Tatyana and mother Yulia Vyasa, who left Yulia at the age of six (the son disappointed the parent). When a wife appeared in the life of a psychic, the mother suddenly appeared to condemn the choice of her son. One of the reasons for the dislike of the mother-in-law is the age of the daughter-in-law (the clairvoyant is 24 years older than Yulia), who was her age.

In one of the issues of The Invisible Man, the witch admitted that she had repeatedly terminated her pregnancy, as a result of which, perhaps, the newlyweds could not conceive a child. 12 attempts at artificial insemination failed. Julius predicted that Tatiana would give birth to a girl who was destined to become a powerful witch and play a special role in the history of the world. Abortions made in the past and a respectable age did not allow the psychic to give birth to a child.

Larina was ready to fight for peace in the family, but Julia's betrayals put an end to the relationship. In April 2017, Tatyana personally caught her husband in the company of young girls, with whom the ex-husband had a good time. After the divorce, the witch said that there was another reason - Julius regularly raised his hand to his wife for about a year.

Tatyana bears little resemblance to a person who allows himself to be offended. For some time, the psychic wore brass knuckles, was fond of martial arts. In an interview, the clairvoyant admitted that she was ready to rebuff a street robber. In 2017, Tatyana planned to write a statement to the police against her ex-husband. After the divorce, the woman announced that she plans to start new life and wants to forget about past relationships.

Julius is the witch's fourth husband. The first spouse was an Israeli citizen, to whom the witch moved to him at the age of 21. The marriage lasted 6 years, Tatyana does not cover the reasons for the divorce. Former spouses maintained a friendship that continues to this day.

The next chosen one was a composer from St. Petersburg, with whom Larina worked on soundtracks for films. The relationship was not formalized, but the couple lived together for 12 years. The relationship fell apart due to infidelity. The third marriage of the psychic was not official, but in 2008 the woman gave birth to a son, Gregory. The relationship lasted 9 years. The husband was associated with esotericism.

Creative career of Tatyana Larina

Music interested Tatyana when the girl was still at school. Interest eventually became a serious goal - to be popular singer. While studying at school and university, the girl performed in ensembles and dreamed of continuing to perform even after completing her studies.

Over time, Tatyana became somewhat disappointed in the fate of the little-known vocalist, decided to leave music, leave the country and become a model. Later, at one of the secular parties, Larina's talent was noticed by the composer Kurashov. It was decided that Tatyana would act as a vocalist and record her own album called “Several strange story". The disc was released in 1998.

The music that the psychic likes includes folk and ethnic overtones. In 2017, another album will be released, because with the departure from the coven, the witch also has free time for creativity.

Tatyana Larina at the Battle of Psychics and in other projects

The participant of the "Battle of Psychics" Tatyana Larina was remembered by the audience from the first release. After the first appearance in the hangar with cars, in the trunk of one of which a man was hiding, the witch earned the nickname Lara Croft because of the resemblance, similar style of clothing and manner of presenting themselves.

Fortitude, willpower and a natural talent for magic and extrasensory perception helped Tatiana become a favorite of the public. Without the support of the audience, as the clairvoyant has repeatedly admitted, it would be much more difficult. Tatyana has repeatedly thanked the fans for the opportunity to open the gift in front of the cameras, which she had never done before.

Tatyana was persuaded to participate in the project by a mentor - Natalya Banteeva. The potential of the witch allowed Natalya to be sure of the first or second place of the ward. The coven needed to maintain a reputation, which is probably why Banteeva consistently provides TV shows with powerful witches.

Starting from the second episode of the 15th season, Tatyana Larina appeared on the set with crutches or on wheelchair. The point is a broken leg, which occurred after the filming of the first issue and passing the entrance examinations. The host expressed suspicions about a magical attack, but Tatyana said that none of those present on the show could do it. The psychic refused to stop participating in the project, saying that she broke her leg, and did not lose her magical powers.

Repeatedly, Larina used Hebrew spells, which she learned from her first mentor in Israel. The clairvoyant is able to observe the twilight world, so Tatyana is often called the twilight witch. The psychic is able to see the past, the hidden present and the future in mirror images. A mirror or any other reflective surface for Larina becomes the entrance to the twilight world.

According to the clairvoyant, she is an energy vampire. The ability of the psychic used when passing tests. Tatyana did not hide the fact that she took strength and calmness from the leader during the test with the search for a person in the trunk. The witch justified the act with excitement and the need to calm down. Larina hugged the host, nourished by his energy.

During the tests of the project, Tatyana showed herself to be a very strong psychic. Spectators and experts expected the witch to take first place, which she more than deserves. However, Larina had strong opponent- the spirit of Chaos Julia Wang, who won first place, overtaking Larina in the number of votes. Tatyana was not too upset, because her thoughts were busy imminent marriage. The psychic received the recognition of fans and the love of the public.

Tatyana is sure that she can be considered one of the best psychics Petersburg, but considers the gift to be a real curse, because all the negativity when working with people the witch has to pass through herself. Larina is sure that the separation from one of her sons was due to the development of the gift. In the show "Diary of a Psychic", the clairvoyant spoke about the fatal twists of fate caused by magical abilities.

Tatyana Larina became one of the most empathetic and emotional participants in the project. The audience noticed that the witch often cried, experiencing the problems of completely strangers. The psychic was also upset by his own failures: the witch believed that some tests could have gone better.

Show "Diary of a psychic."

"The Battle of Psychics" is not the only TV project in which Tatyana took part. There is a show dedicated only to Larina - "Psychic Diary". In the project, the witch decided to slightly lift the veil of secrecy about her biography and personal life, to tell the unknown to the general public regarding the life of magicians, mediums, and clairvoyants.

Now the witch is planning to work on another project - the Battle of Tarot Readers. The clairvoyant positions the show as a competition between specialists in tarot divination different levels. The project will include both beginners and professionals. Participants will have the opportunity to meet with invited experts from various Russian tarot schools, whose names have not yet been announced. The age limit for participants is 16 years old. The composition of the jury Tatyana and Julius are still kept secret.

Tatyana Larina as a psychic of the clan of Natalya Banteeva

Tatyana Larina

After returning from Israel, Tatyana was noticed by a famous witch, who became the second teacher of the witch. The witch appeared in Tatyana's life when Larina needed her help. Magic abilities progressed rapidly, the witch could not cope with the load, as a result she suffered from nightmares. Natalia helped to cope with the problem.

Tatyana Larina officially joined one of the most powerful covens in Russia, founded by Natalya Banteeva after winning the "Battle of Psychics", worked in its center. At the beginning of 2017, it became known that the witch was leaving the Banteeva center and breaking off a long-term cooperation with the witch. In front of witnesses, Tatyana told Natalya that she would not leave unpunished actions directed against herself: ex girlfriends parted not too amicably.

Discord in friendly and working relations between the witches was noticed by many. Larina said that the reason for leaving the coven was a disagreement with Natalya and that "the coven is not the same as it used to be." Tatiana's comment on the current attitude towards the coven:

The coven, from the point of view of magic, is doomed, since space will not allow organizations that abuse magic to exist for a long time. Every time you create a society of witches, it must be real, scientific, working! Without this, it's just a set of incomprehensible tricks, posts, events!

Many well-known witches left the coven of Natalia Banteeva: while participating in the “Battle of Psychics”, she said that their paths diverged, she chose independent practice, received an invitation to the coven, but refused.

One can only guess about the reasons for the fall in popularity of Natalia Banteeva in the circles of magicians in Russia. Tatyana Larina, for example, on her personal VKontakte page, accuses her of spoiling the plans for the magical work of employees, destroying their reputation with gossip. Larina said that her official group VKontakte tried to seize the coven to remake the community under Evgenia Skazka, Banteeva's new favorite.

Tatyana Larina in Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" is the exact opposite of her sister Olga in appearance and character. As a child, she lived alone in her own family, “seemed like a stranger girl”, did not like children's games and silently could sit all day at the window, immersed in dreams. But outwardly motionless and cold, Tatyana lived a strong inner life. "Scary stories of the nanny" made her a dreamer, a child "not of this world."

Avoiding naive village entertainment, round dances and games, Tatyana, on the other hand, gave herself up to folk mysticism with all her heart, her inclination to fantasize directly attracted to this:

Tatyana believed the legends
Folk antiquity:
Both dreams and card divination,
And the predictions of the moon.
The omens worried her.
Mysteriously to her all objects
proclaimed something.
Premonitions pressed against my chest.

Suddenly seeing
Young two-horned face of the moon
In the sky on the left side
She trembled and turned pale.
Well? beauty found the secret
And in the most horror she:
This is how nature made you
Inclined to contradiction.

From fairy tales of the nanny Tatiana moved early to novels.

They replaced everything
She fell in love with novels
Both Richardson and Rousseau...

From a fantasy girl, Tatyana Larina became a "dreamy girl" who lived in her own special world: she surrounded herself with the heroes of her favorite novels and was alien to rural reality.

For a long time her imagination
Burning with grief and longing,
Alkalo fatal food.
For a long time heart yearning
Constricted her young breasts.
The soul was waiting for someone.

Tatyana Larina. Artist M. Klodt, 1886

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