Age of zemfira. Personal life of Zemfira

Zemfira biography personal life

Personal life Russian singer Zemfira is shrouded in mystery. Few people know, but she (bold, strange and talented) was credited with a relationship with billionaire Roman Abramovich. She sings passionately about love. Her poems are imbued with love. And it seems that Zemfira’s songs are a cry from the soul, recognition, revelation. Perhaps, sound recording studio- this is the only place where she does not speak, but screams about her feelings. In other places, with other people and under other circumstances, it is impossible to force her to talk out loud about personal things.

Zemfira also became a producer musical film Green Theater in Zemfira(2008), which received many positive feedback from critics. Together with director Renata Litvinova, Zemfira became a co-producer of the film Rita's last tale(2012), for which she wrote the music. The film took part in competitive program 3rd Odessa International Film Festival and 34th Moscow International Film Festival. She also wrote music for Renata Litvinova’s films “Goddess: How I Loved” and others. Several of Zemfira’s songs from the album “Thank You” are heard in Kira Muratova’s film “Melody for an Organ-Gurdy”, and in the film “Eternal Return” a concert recording appears repeatedly in the frame “ Songs of the Duke" from the opera "Rigoletto" performed by the singer.

Since her appearance in show business in 1999, Zemfira has undergone numerous changes in appearance, manner of behavior on stage and communication with journalists. Her behavior in public was often shocking and caused rejection by the press.

Zemfira is also distinguished by perfectionism in her work, severe disagreements with music producers. Therefore, she often produces her albums herself. Musical style Zemfira belongs to the rock and pop-rock genres. Her music is influenced by both guitar pop and the harmonies of jazz and bossa nova.

In 2004, in the Russian history textbook for grade 9, the section “Spiritual Life” included a mention of Zemfira as the founder of a “completely different” musical youth culture(the author of the manual is a professor at the Moscow Pedagogical University state university Alexander Danilov). Zemfira had a great influence on the work of young groups of the 2000s and on the younger generation in general. In November 2010, her debut album was included by Afisha magazine in the list of “50 best Russian albums of all time.” Choice of young musicians”, where he took fifth place. The rating was compiled based on a survey among representatives of several dozen young musical groups Russia. The list also included the album “Forgive Me, My Love” (43rd place).

In 2012, 2013 and 2014, the singer was included in the rating of “One Hundred Most influential women Russia", compiled by the radio station "Echo of Moscow", news agencies RIA Novosti, Interfax and Ogonyok magazine.


1976-1995: Childhood and youth

Zemfira went to Ufa kindergarten No. 267. From the age of five she studied piano at a music school, where she was accepted into the choir as a soloist. At the same time, the singer made her television debut: she sang a song about a worm solo on local television: “Once upon a time there lived a worm, a lazy worm. I went to sleep on my side...” At the age of seven I wrote my first song, which I performed at my mother’s work.

Already in preschool age Zemfira became interested in music. At school, Zemfira managed to study in 7 clubs at the same time, but placed the main emphasis on music and basketball; she finished music school with honors, and at the beginning of 1990 she became the captain of the Russian women's junior basketball team, despite the fact that tall did not differ (Zemfira’s height is 172 cm). “I was the point guard. I was the smallest, but the most important,” said the singer, adding that she had been involved in this sport since the third grade. National team coach Yuri Maksimov recalled: “Zemfira was very passionate about basketball, she was the best player and captain of the team. In 1990-1991, we won the Russian youth championship, and, of course, I was a little upset when she decided to quit the sport.”

At the same time, Zemfira learned to play the guitar and, according to one version, performed songs from “Kino,” “Aquarium,” and “Nautilus Pompilius” right on the street. According to another version, she performed hits foreign performers in the original language, in particular, George Michael and Freddie Mercury. After graduating from school, Zemfira faced a very difficult choice for herself: music or basketball. The girl chose music and immediately entered the second year at the Ufa College of Arts, which she graduated in 1997 (class of A.K. Masalimova) with honors in the specialty " pop vocals" After college, she worked part-time in Ufa restaurants, performing songs to the accompaniment of her classmate, saxophonist Vlad Kolchin. A year later, Zemfira got tired of it, and she stopped performing.

1996-1997: Beginning of career

I was sitting in Ufa, worked for four years in restaurants and was tired. I went to the radio station “Europe Plus Ufa”... Then I fell in love with the computer and the opportunity arose to write some songs at night. Mastered a couple or three music programs and forward... I wrote at night, drove home in the morning, listened... I sat like that for about nine months, and accumulated thirty or forty songs. Then I went to Moscow - just to relax, to visit. And I took these songs with me on the CDR, as they say, just in case of fire. The friend I stayed with liked it and asked me to rewrite it. I went to the Fili recording company, but they told me that they wouldn’t take the CDR, I needed a cassette. So I left. I didn’t go anywhere else - I didn’t like it. And my friend handed over the tape she had rewritten on Maxidrom to the producer of Mumiy Troll, Leonid Burlak. Lenya called me in Ufa that same day. I barely scraped together the money for a ticket and returned to Moscow.

Zemfira talks about the first stage of her career

Since 1996, Zemfira worked as a sound engineer at the Ufa radio station "Europe Plus" - recording commercials(jingles). At the same time, she is trying to write songs in the Cakewalk program, which will later be included in her first album (“Snow”, “Why”, “Forecaster”, “Rockets”). Participates as the second vocalist in the then popular band Spectrum Ace. Zemfira's backing vocals can be heard in the song “What a pity that he is not a black man.”

Sound engineer Arkady Mukhtarov worked on his material at the radio station's studio. Together with him, Zemfira records her first demo disc. Arkady was determined to record his own songs, but the performer convinced him to record her material: “I, of course, was sure that mine own creativity much more important... but [her] rock-solid character... did its job. And with a lot of hassle, we still recorded the first demo disc,” the musician later said. At the same time, Zemfira is forming her own group. The first musician with whom she began to work was bass guitarist Rinat Akhmadiev. Together they decide to record a program minimum of songs. Rinat brings drummer Sergei Sozinov, and they begin joint rehearsals, at which Zemfira alternates playing guitar and keyboards. Zemfira persuades the director of the Orange teenage club, Liliya Khrabrina, to provide the group with rehearsal space.

In 1997, the press wrote about the group for the first time. Journalist Svetlana Rutskaya wrote an article about the group for a regional newspaper and later recalled: “It was 1997, two years remained before the release of her first album, and the future celebrity was then just a talented Ufa girl, unknown to anyone even in her hometown. But you can’t hide charisma, and the songs that the heroine of the material gave me to listen to were attractive. That’s when we decided to tell the whole republic about it. I remember that even then Zemfira made a policy statement: “I have so much music in my head that there is nowhere to go.”

Zemfira continues to recruit musicians for the team. With the arrival of keyboard player Sergei Mirolyubov, the group is almost completely assembled, only missing a lead guitarist. They become Vadim Solovyov, who joins the group after one of the concerts. Zemfira borrows money for a trip to Moscow and begins to “promote” the team. On annual festival The “Maxidrom” cassette on which three songs were recorded (“Snow”, “-140” and “Scandal”), through the journalists to whom Zemfira gave to listen to demo recordings, falls into the hands of the producer of the Mumiy Troll group Leonid Burlakov. He decides to take a risk and record an album.

In parallel with her studies at the university, the girl began to earn extra money, performing popular songs in Ufa restaurants. However, she quickly became bored with such activities, and in 1996 Zemfira got a job on the radio: she recorded commercials for the Bashkir branch of the Europe Plus radio station. Then she recorded her first demos.

Zemfira: music

Zemfira's biography changed dramatically in 1997, when at the annual rock festival "Maxidrom" a cassette with her songs fell through familiar journalists into the hands of the then producer of the Mumiy Troll group, Leonid Burlakov. Leonid decides to give the talented performer a chance, and at the end of 1998 Zemfira records her first album at the Mosfilm studio "Zemfira".

In 1996, Zemfira went to visit a friend in Moscow where she met Leonid Burlak, who was the producer of the Mumiy Troll group. At the same time, the singer began recording her first demo disc and at the same time assembled her group.

In 1997 about new group first mentioned in newspapers. In 1998, recording of the first album began at the Mosfilm studio, Vladimir Ovchinnikov became a sound engineer, and singer Ilya Lagutenko from the Mumiy Troll group became a sound producer.

and finally -

The couple lived together for some time, and when Zemfira moved to Moscow, Mukhtarov followed. Arkady worked on the official website of Zemfira, and later starred in leading role in the video "Macho".

In 1999, Zemfira and her colleague Vyacheslav Petkun decided to promote themselves and even shared plans for their upcoming wedding with the press. However, after 5 months, the inept PR move was exposed by journalists.

Zemfira: biography - on the wave of fame

On May 10, 2005, a tour began in support of the fourth album “Vendetta,” which included 15 tracks. WITH new program and an updated lineup in the person of session musicians Boris Livshits, Andrey Zvonkov and her protégé Vladimir Kornienko, Zemfira visited a number of cities near and far abroad. The final point was the concert on December 23 in Moscow, at the Gorbunov House of Culture, where Zemfira jumped from the stage into the crowd.

On February 14, Valentine’s Day, a DVD with clips “Zemfira.DVD” was released, which included most of the singer’s clips released at that time, except for clips for the songs Speed ​​(the singer doesn’t like this clip) and Traffic (due to disagreements Zemfira with video director Irina Mironova). The deluxe version of the collection also includes a video for the song Itogi, filmed by Renata Litvinova.

After a short break, in the spring of 2007, Zemfira again delights fans with new concerts. The tour, called “De Jà Vu,” features well-known compositions from previously released albums, but in a new arrangement. The songs, changed beyond recognition, are performed again by session musicians: Dmitry Shurov, Konstantin Kulikov, Alexey Belyaev, Denis Marinkin. The tour ends with a concert in Moscow, at the Green Theater on Pushkinskaya Embankment, where visitors could see fireworks in honor of the performer at the end of the concert.

IN last years the press hints in every possible way about gay Zemfira and writes about her special friendship with the actress and director Renata Litvinova. Zemfira and Renata Litvinova have a number of commonalities creative projects- movies Goddess, Green Theater in Zemfira, clips.


She sings her songs this way and writes her music this way, as long as she loves it so much.

Let us remind you that Zemfira performed at a concert in Tbilisi (Georgia) with the Ukrainian flag.

Watch Zemfira's video for the song Live in your head:

Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova (August 26, 1976) is a Russian rock singer, songwriter, musician and composer. She is often called the founder of a new musical directionfemale rock.


Zemfira Talgatovna was born on August 26 in Ufa, in an ordinary average family. Her father was an engineer at a car factory, and her mother worked as a teacher in kindergarten. Zemfira was the only child in the family, so only she received all the attention and parental love.

From the early childhood Thanks to her mother, Zemfira begins to study music. Initially, her parents planned to send her to choreography classes, but the girl said that she wanted to study in a singing club, which at that time was opening at her mother’s place of work. So, young Zemfira signed up for choral singing and was a member of the children's group in which her mother began to teach.

Incredibly talented and creatively gifted, young Zemfira constantly wanted to learn something new. In addition to music, she still signed up for dancing, basketball and even courses foreign languages for children. She willingly attended absolutely all classes, and at the age of 7 she asked her parents to enroll her in a music school. It was from this moment, according to the singer herself, that her serious craving for everything related to this type of art began.


As a schoolgirl, Zemfira continued to attend numerous electives, but only two of them occupied a special place: music and basketball. In third grade, she began playing on the national team and was taken as a point guard. Despite his short stature(the other members of the basketball team were head and shoulders above her, as Zemfira admitted), she managed not only to make successful passes, but also to win matches. The team coach, Yuri Maksimov, spoke more than once about the sports talent of young Zemfira, so when, having graduated from school and faced with the choice “sports or music,” she decided to leave the team and take up musical career, was incredibly upset.

After graduating from school, Zemfira already knew exactly what she wanted to be. Since there were still a few months left before entering the university, the girl decided not to waste time and engage in self-improvement. She started by singing and playing the guitar in passages and on the street. She performed compositions such as domestic performers, like the group “Kino”, “Nautilus Pompilus”, “Aquarium” and others. She did not forget about foreign compositions: according to Zemfira herself, she always liked the singles of Freddie Mercury and George Michael.

As soon as the time came to enter the university, Zemfira successfully entered the second year of the Ufa College of Arts. No one knows for certain what exactly caused this, since even the singer herself has never spoken about this topic. One way or another, the young and talented person was immediately accepted into the second year and assigned to teacher Masalimova, who became not only for the girl artistic director, but also good friend, and even a PR agent in the future, when Zemfira had already successfully graduated from the university and needed sponsors to perform her songs. By the way, she's finished educational institution in 1997, having received a honors diploma in the specialty " entertainer».


After leaving the educational institution behind, Zemfira, for several months, agrees to joint performances with saxophonist and her childhood friend Vlad Kolchin, with whom they perform in small restaurants and bars in the city. However, the singer absolutely does not like the atmosphere and the way visitors accept their compositions, so after a couple of months she abandons such dubious popularity.

The next step is the radio station “Europe Plus”, which happily takes a girl to record jingles - short commercials. Since the work was absolutely not difficult, and the recordings took place only in the mornings, Zemfira devotes the rest of her time to writing her first songs. During this period, she composed such compositions as “Rockets”, “Forecaster”, “Why”, “Snow” and others.

In parallel with her, Arkady Mukhtarov is working on recording his own album in the studio. Seeing that with his help she can promote her own songs and gain recognition, Zemfira asks him to make a joint album. After numerous persuasion and, according to Mukhtarov himself, thanks to the singer’s rock-solid character, he briefly leaves his own album and works in tandem with an aspiring artist.

As soon as Zemfira realizes that her first songs will soon be heard by the public, she begins to assemble her own group. Initially, only bass guitarist Sergei Sozinov was present there, and Zemfira herself performed both vocal and instrumental parts of many songs. For rehearsals, a room was rented in the Orange teenager club, the director of which the singer begged and begged for a long time.

Gaining popularity

A year later, the whole republic begins to learn about the songs that Zemfira performs. This happens quite unexpectedly: journalist Svetlana Rutskaya, trying to get exclusive material in the music field, decides to take a short interview with a young, talented and yet unknown famous girl Zemfira. She talks about her plans for the future, allows you to take a few photos from the band’s rehearsals, and gives you already created entire compositions to listen to. Impressed by the talented guys, the journalist later even makes some sacrifices so that her article about the group would be published in a regional magazine, which becomes the group’s first step to fame and popularity.

A few months later, when more and more people begin to learn about the beginning group from Ufa and its creative soloist, Music band, finally assembled in its entirety: last participant keyboard player Sergei Mirolyubov becomes, and before him solo guitarist Vadim Solovyov joins the group. With this composition, the group records several more songs, which, thanks to the same journalist, “come” to the annual musical event “Maxidrom”, where they accidentally fall into the hands of Leonid Burlakov (producer of “Mumiy Troll”).

In 1999, together with the producer of the group, Zemfira recorded several songs at the Mosfilm studio. They become such tracks as “Snow”, “Scandal” and “-140”, which will later be included in the singer’s debut album. At the same time, Zemfira accepts an invitation from the lead singer of the Mumiy Troll group, Ilya Lagutenko, to travel together to London, where the group’s home studio is located. There Zemfira’s first album was created, which immediately occupied top positions in several domestic charts and radio broadcasts.

Personal life

Despite the fact that today Zemfira is the idol of many young people, and also has solid authority in music industry and show business, she openly states that young man, and especially for a husband, he has no plans to look for yet.

“At the moment I am too passionate about creativity. A musical career, touring, performing and recording CDs is my only pleasure so far. Look for a soul mate and tie yourself hand and foot family relations I haven’t even planned it yet.”.

Zemfira, that well-known girl who contributed Russian rock has its own twist, light, journalists gave it a name - “female rock”. Her songs are still played on radio stations, and for young people Zemfira’s work is a source of inspiration, melancholy and sadness.

The little future singer was born in the city of Ufa, into a family of high moral views. Father Talgat Talkhovich was a history teacher, and mother Florida Khakievna was a specialist in physical therapy.

Zemfira was Not only child in family, the elder brother Ramil doted on his sister and a trusting, very warm relationship always developed between them. Sometimes, a girl could tell her secret to her brother and not be afraid that she would be judged, scolded or laughed at.

Since childhood, the girl was drawn to music. In such early age For 5 years Zemfira already took piano lessons at a music school and was a soloist in the choir. And at the age of 7, without anyone’s help, she wrote her first song and did not hesitate to perform it in front of her mother’s colleagues.

Musical activity brought great pleasure and was much more than just a hobby.

At school, Zemfira became interested in basketball, but she was not particularly tall, and this spurred her even more to achieve something. The efforts were not in vain and she became the captain of the Russian junior team. Sports are so pulled the girl in tight, which stood on par with music, which was very important.

Therefore, in high school, a huge problem became what to devote my life to, who to become. Thinking a lot about this topic, Zemfira made it a priority musical activity And applied to the art school in his hometown.

In order to have her own personal money, and not ask her parents, Zemfira began to look for part-time work and got a job at a local restaurant, where she performed various popular compositions in the evenings.

I got a little fed up with this lifestyle, I wanted to change my occupation, and now the girl is working at a radio station, recording commercials. At this time Zemfira n starts recording songs own composition to cassettes.

At the end of the 90s, Zemfira's life takes a sharp turn 180 degrees. Her songs, recorded on tape, through friends, completely randomly end up in the hands of the producer the then famous group “Mumiy Troll”.

He appreciates musical compositions having truly seen real talent. Leonid Burlakov gives Zefmira the opportunity to advance in her activities, and she records her first album, which she calls “Zemfira”.

Zemfira did not even expect such success, because the album sold like hotcakes, and at the concerts there were always many people who were delighted with her music.

Work has begun on the second album entitled "Forgive me, my love", which became the most popular in early 2000. This album is still the most popular among the singer’s projects. One song even became the soundtrack to the movie “Brother 2”.

Later, Zemfira received a very large and serious offer; director Renata Litvinova invited her to join her team so that the girl could compose music for the film “Goddess: How I Fell in Love.”

Zemfira’s musical activity brought such success that she was included in the list of “One Hundred Most Influential Women in Russia.”

There were always a lot of rumors about Zemfira’s personal life, but she was in no hurry to refute them and clarify them.

Moreover, the singer herself misled journalists and her fans by saying that she was marrying the leader of the group “Dancing Minus,” but this was just an attempt attract attention.

Someone said that Zemfira had a relationship with a woman and was engaged to Renata Litvinova. But both girls prefer not to talk about this topic, avoiding it in interviews.

In 2010, Zemfira suffered a misfortune: her beloved brother died and drowned in the river. The father died from the disease, and then the mother. This the state of mind has weakened singers. From that time on, she decided that her main task was to take care of her nephews. Therefore, for now the singer does not have her own children, and her personal life remains under seven locks.

Although Zemfira mentions her status as “In Love” in interviews with journalists, she does not reveal all the secrets of her personal life.

Zemfira’s huge tour has started “ Small man”, within the framework of which she visited 20 cities of Russia and several foreign countries. Driving around the cities, the singer reported the sad news that her musical career the end has come, thereby greatly upsetting the loyal fans who were inspired by her music.

But the singer does not stop spreading her songs. A I even recorded it in 2016 new song "Come back home". Loyal fans are still waiting for Zemfira to return to music and have not lost hope.

She is the face of youth music of the late 90s and the standard of a new style. The singer who quickly burst into the world Russian music and became the idol of millions. It is with her name that the birth of “female rock” in Russia is associated. She still does not allow the media and people who are eager to know at least something about her orientation and connections into her personal life.

All this is about the singer, the outstanding musician Zemfira, whose biography is filled with a rocker mood of protest, seriousness and not at all rocker-like subtle female feelings, resulting in songs that have not lost popularity for more than 17 years.

Zemfira still attracts huge audiences; she is interesting to her fans, who unconditionally accept their idol without a modern, fashionable appearance or details of her personal life. She is who she is: alive, sincere and feeling.

The beginning of the way

The future rock star Zemfira Ramazanova was born in the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the city of Ufa, at the end of August 1976 into a family that had nothing to do with music. Her father was a historian, and her mother was a specialist in physical therapy.

In addition to her, there was another child growing up in the family - son Ramil, with whom Zemfira was very close. It was her brother who instilled in her a love of rock; they listened to the bands Queen and Black Sabbath together. In addition, as a child, the girl loved to listen to the songs of Viktor Tsoi, whose work influenced Zemfira’s development as a singer. The singer’s nationality is not Bashkir, as many people think, but Tatar.

At school, Zemfira was an excellent student. Studying came easily to her. That is why the girl had plenty of free time and hobbies. Except secondary school she also studied at a music school in the piano department and sang in the choir.

The girl also had achievements in sports, as at school she loved to play basketball. Despite her short stature, she became the captain of the Russian junior team. However, when the time came to choose what to connect her destiny with after graduating from school, Zemfira decided to plunge headlong into music. And she entered Ufa School of Music to the pop vocal department.

Of course, like most students, the girl worked part-time during her studies. Her main source of income was performances in restaurants, where Zemfira did not sing, but played the piano, and her friend Vlad Kolchin accompanied him on the saxophone. In addition, the girl worked for some time in her hometown at radio Europe Plus, where she voiced commercials and was a sound engineer. Her first songs were written during that period.

A work colleague helped her record her first demo disc, who encouraged the singer to create a group. This is how the Zemfira group appeared. The tracks recorded in the mid-90s “blew up” the youth of Bashkiria. They not only began to sing about Zemfira, but they also began to write about her. Many local newspapers wanted to interview young musician, whose songs captured the youth. And a year later, Zemfira decides to leave to conquer Moscow.

Path to the Top

Zemfira conveyed her first works through familiar journalists personally to the lead singer of the Mumiy Troll group Ilya Lagutenko, who was delighted with the young, few famous musician. And soon, thanks to Ilya and the producer of his group, Zemfira’s debut album of the same name was recorded. This happened in 1998.

And two months later, her songs were in rotation on many radio stations. The first video was shot at the same time. Thus, the country has a new idol with a female face.

And six months later, Zemfira went on her first tour of the CIS countries. True, the singer did not want to reveal her soul to journalists even then. She conveyed all her feelings exclusively through music and symbolic objects at concerts: a daisy, a guitar, a butterfly.

A year after the presentation of the first album, the second, “Forgive me, my love,” is released. The girl once admitted that it is especially difficult for her to give names to her songs, which is why it often turns out that tracks have two names. Songs from this disc again topped the country's charts, and some became movie soundtracks.

At the end of 2000, singer Zemfira, after another concert in Yakutsk, was accused of riots that occurred in the city square. So many people gathered to look at the idol that a stampede began, as a result of which many people were injured.

The singer was accused of this incident, but Zemfira said that the organizers should be blamed. After this, Zemfira disappeared from the stage for some time and did not contact anyone, including the press. In the same year, the singer received her first prize in her native republic of Bashkiria for her significant contribution to art.

However, by 2002 the singer returned again with a “bomb”. The third album, entitled “14 Weeks of Silence,” was released, which sold a record number of copies – more than a million copies.

Zemfira has seven albums in total:

  • "Zemfira".
  • "Forgive me, my love".
  • "14 weeks of silence."
  • "Vendetta".
  • "Thank you".
  • "Z-sides".
  • "Live in your head."

Personal life

As already mentioned, Zemfira does not let strangers into her life. Therefore, little is known about her relationships with men. However, some facts did leak to the media.

Her first love was a musician, with whom the girl was still in student years performed in restaurants. However, their relationship cannot be called romantic - rather, there was passion between the young people. Would Zemfira and Vlad have brought their union to marriage? No one knows this. The reason for their separation was the guy’s departure to St. Petersburg.

This may seem strange, but the rock singer was also associated with Roman Abramovich. Rumor has it that the oligarch was the sponsor of the then aspiring singer. Whether this is true or not is not known for sure.

Renata Litvinova is of great importance in Zemfira’s life. Although the girls claim that they are just friends, their frequent appearances together give the media a reason to talk about more. There is a rumor that Renata and Zemfira secretly got engaged in Sweden. Despite her age of 41, Zemfira has no children.

2009 became a tragic year for the singer’s family. The girl lost her father, who died from heart attack. However, this was only the beginning; a year later her dear and beloved brother Ramil drowned. And in 2015, not recovering from the loss of her husband and son, Zemfira’s mother died. Since then, the singer herself has been trying to take care of her twin nephews left after death sibling. Together with them, the singer created music project"Uchpochmak."

Today Zemfira does not like to appear on television and tells practically nothing about herself to the press. She places the main emphasis on her lyrics and music. In her wardrobe there are only black and white things and the same short haircut, symbolizing minimalism, seriousness and steadfastness. Author: Anastasia Kaykova

Details Created: 11/10/2017 18:57 Updated: 11/16/2017 14:36

Zemfira Ramazanova is a shocking, extraordinary and very mysterious woman, as well as a strong and talented person. Her songs inspire, charge with positivity, and every year her work gathers more and more fans. What was her Star Trek? Let's find out below.


According to sources, a talented girl was born August 26, 1976 in the city of Ufa (considered one of the great economic, cultural and scientific centers Russian Federation). Nationality - Tatar. According to the horoscope, Virgo is a strict, intellectual, romantic, gentle and devoted woman.

Photos from childhood

The girl’s family was small and consisted of four people: Zemfira, mother Florida, father Talgat and older brother Ramil. The baby's parents were intellectuals: her father taught history at school, and her mother was a doctor (she practiced therapeutic gymnastics).

The girl adored her older brother, because it was thanks to him that she fell in love with rock and achieved success in her career. Unfortunately, in 2010, Ramil died tragically (according to sources, he drowned while spearfishing), which was a big blow for his family and friends, and especially for Zemfira.

The girl also has two nephews - Arthur and Artem. They are twins and are currently studying abroad (in London). The guys also love to sing and play music. Zemfira even managed to perform several famous singles with them.


From early childhood, the baby began to show interest in music. Therefore, her parents sent her to a music school at the age of five, where she learned to play the piano and sang in the local choir. At the age of seven, she even wrote her first song.

At school I was a very active child, because I attended many clubs. Most of all, she liked to practice vocals and basketball (for some time she was even the captain of the women's team).

After graduation high school she had to make a difficult choice: continue playing sports and make a career as a basketball player, or choose music in order to continue to gather stadiums of fans. She settled on the latter and submitted documents to Ufa School of Arts, which she graduated with honors.

Music career

According to sources, after graduating from university, the girl undertook to perform various jobs(sang songs in restaurants hometown, for some time she worked as a sound engineer at the radio station “Europe Plus”, worked as a backing vocalist in the group “Spectrum Ace”, etc.), but already at that time her main dream was to create her own musical group.

Gathering the guys, recording songs and singing them at several concerts was not easy, but possible. But promoting the group and making it known throughout the country has become very problematic.

Therefore, in the late 90s, Zemfira decided to go to Moscow and look for all the ways to promote her established group. Thanks to a lucky chance, her cassette falls into the hands of producer of the Mumiy Troll group Leonid Burlakov and he takes a risk and records an album with her.

From now on it began stellar career singer: she releases albums one after another, her songs are liked by millions of listeners, she gathers crowds of fans at her concerts and becomes a worldwide favorite of the public.

The themes of her songs are very accessible and understandable to the people. There is no hidden subtext in them and they all relate to the problems of the 21st century (money, incurable diseases, unrequited love And so on).


- Album - “Zemfira” (1998-1999).
The radio station launches the songs “AIDS”, “Rockets” and “Arivederchi” and simultaneously shoots video clips for them. Soon the first song among them becomes a real hit.


- “Forgive me my love” (2000-2001).
Zemfira begins to receive her first awards in various categories. Her song "Iskala" appears in the movie "Brother 2". The most famous songs from this album - “Ripe”, “Do you want”, “City”, “Proven”, “Dawns”.


- “Fourteen weeks of silence” (2002-2003).
At this time, her group composition was changing, she toured a lot and received the prestigious Triumph Award.

"I was looking for"

- “Vendetta” (2004-2006).
This album became the best-selling album in Russia. This included such famous singles as “Sky Sea Clouds”, “Walk”, “Blues” and others.


- “Thank you” (2007-2008).
The recording of the album took place in London and all the songs were recorded very quickly within a year. And all because at this time the singer turned 30 years old. She rethought a lot and with this album a new page in her life began.

"We're Crashing"

Collection of b-sides “Z-Sides” (2009-2010).


- “Live in your head” (2011-2014).

"Do not let go"

- “Little Man” (2015-2016).
During this period, Zemfira organizes a large-scale tour to support the new album. The girl not only tours the cities of Russia, but also performs in concerts abroad (she has visited Israel, Germany, Great Britain, the UAE, the USA, Canada and other countries). Rumor has it that during the second tour, Ramazanova announced that she was stopping touring.

"Live in your head"

Interesting Facts

Zemfira has an open page on Instagram, where she shares videos from closed rehearsals and her own selfies with fans.Her height is approximately 172 centimeters, and her weight is about 53-55 kilograms.

Zemfira performs her songs in the style of rock and pop-rock, although some musicians claim that her songs also contain other genres.

Zemfira sang with the twins V THE group UCHPOCHMACK, but after recording only one album, the band broke up.

According to the media, the girl has an old disease - chronic otitis media, which often reminds of itself and pesters her.

Ramazanova is also involved in charity work, but really does not like to advertise it. For some time she took custody of one of the orphanages in Ufa and took part in raising the children.

Personal life

If a girl’s biography is an open book, then her personal life is hidden behind seven seals. In her interviews, the singer rarely touches on this topic, and if the journalist still manages to hook her, she cleverly avoids the questions. Therefore everything romantic relationship which the media talk about are mainly based only on guesswork and not always on confirmed facts. One thing is certain: Zemfira is not officially married and has no children.

But let's take a closer look at some relationships, rumors about which either the singer herself spread for PR, or others talked about.

1. Vladislav Kolchin. Many people talked about this man and it was even believed that Vladislav was the star’s first love. He is also from Ufi and he and Ramazanova once sang in restaurants. But the truth about this relationship was revealed when it came out autobiographical book Kolchina. In it, he described in detail the fight against terrible disease(multiple sclerosis) and confirmed that Zemfira played the role of his girlfriend in order to protect the vulnerable guy at that time.

Vladislav Kolchin

2. Sergey Anatsky. The press believes that they had an affair while she was working at the Europe Plus radio station in Ufa. But this relationship quickly exhausted itself and ended just as quickly.

Sergey Anatsky

3. Vyacheslav Petkun(leader of the group "Dancing Minus"). The girl invented this novel herself. In the late 90s, a guy and a girl allegedly announced their engagement. Everything was very believable, because the young people even had a photo shoot in wedding dresses. The press rejoiced, all fans closely followed the information and waited for the upcoming wedding.

What a disappointment it was when the guys announced to the whole country that the ceremony was being postponed indefinitely. And then it turned out that it was all just another joke.

Vyacheslav Petkun

4. Roman Abramovich. Rumor has it that she met him when she moved to Moscow and was looking for a producer. For some time, he even became a shadow sponsor for her, helped her record albums and provided a carefree life. Their romance lasted for several years, and then quickly ended when Roman met another girl (a certain Dasha Zhukova). The press then reported that because of this breakup, the singer lost weight sharply and suffered from anorexia. And in order to somehow brighten up her loneliness, she changed her orientation and started dating Renata Litvinova.

With Roman Abramovich

5. Renata Litvinova. That girls are tied up friendly relations, is no longer a secret to anyone. Renata actively participates in the singer’s life, supports her morally and looks after her style.

The fact that these relationships have developed into non-traditional ones is doubtful, because journalists always love to raise this kind of topic that is of acute concern to society.

With Renata Litvinova

But Renata is not the first woman with whom Ramazanova was accused of having an affair. For some time there were also rumors about the singer's relationship with her director Anastasia Kalmanovich. It’s as if Nastya left her husband for Zemfira and the girls were in a relationship for two years and then broke up.

Anastasia Kalmanovich

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