How to find the serial number of windows. How to find your Windows or Office product key

Previously, when buying a computer or laptop with Windows preinstalled, its license key could be found on a secure sticker located on the bottom cover or back panel. With the release of Windows 8 / 10, Microsoft began to place a sticker with information that a licensed operating system is installed on the device, without putting registration data on it.

Let's consider how the user can find out the key of Windows 8 and 10 installed on his device.

ProduKey program

The utility is developed and maintained by Nirsoft, a company specializing in the release of a wide range of applications, each of which is designed to solve a narrow range of tasks. For example, ProduKey allows you to find out the registration code of Windows 10 installed on your computer. True, it does not support all types of licenses. In addition to dozens, the utility works in the "seven" and "eight".

  • Download the application from the official page of the developer.
  • Unpack the archive with the utility or run it directly from the archive.

After that, ProduKey will show the license key of Windows 8 and earlier editions installed on the computer.

If the program window is empty, try clicking on the Refresh icon located in the toolbar. If nothing has changed, then you are using unlicensed or unactivated Windows 8.

Product Key Viewer

A program released specifically for the G8, the only function of which is to provide the user with the opportunity to see the license key of the operating system used.

As with the previous utility, working with Product Key Viewer is extremely simple: download the application in an archived form and run it (you can directly from the archive). The program window will display the license key for Windows 8 - 10 used on the computer.

The only button, besides closing the window, allows you to copy the text to the clipboard.

Some antivirus programs perceive Product Key Viewer as a malicious application. It is recommended to download it only from the developer's website or trusted resources.

ShowKey Plus

A universal program that functions on Windows 10 and 8. Like the previous ones, it has only one goal - to help the user find out the key used on the computer. In addition to extracting license data from the installed operating system, ShowKeyPlus will determine the license code of any "ten" from any specified directory, for example, Windows.old.

In addition to the key, the application displays information about the pre-installed operating system and the name of the currently used OS (for example, this is a preliminary version of Windows 10 for Insider project participants).

Learn OEM with UEFI

If, when buying a PC, a “ten” was preinstalled on it, and you had a need to find out its key stored in UEFI, use the capabilities of the command interpreter.

  • We launch the command line in a convenient way.
  • We enter the command in it:
  • and press "Enter".

The resulting key will not necessarily match the current one that you learned using the applications described above. It can be used to restore pre-installed Windows.

If you own a computer with Windows 8 and want to know its license key, you can use the RWEverything application.

If you are working on a pre-installed operating system by the developer, it is better to use one of the above programs. When Windows 7 / 10 was installed on the computer, and you need exactly the “native” OS code, the RWEverything application will help you recognize it. It will extract this identifier from the UEFI memory chips, as well as provide other information about the I / O system used.

  • We go to the manufacturer's website and download the version of the utility that corresponds to the bit depth integrated on the Windows 8 PC.

  • Extract the application files to a convenient directory.
  • We launch the executable file.

Under an agreement with Microsoft, users who upgrade to Windows 10 receive a licensed system. At the same time, its activation takes place in the background, that is, the OS does not inform the user in any way that the process has been successfully completed. Therefore, not everyone knows how to understand if a copy of the system is activated. The situation is similar with the license key and activation terms - you have to look for this data yourself.

How to Check Windows 10 Activation

There are several ways to check if your copy of Windows 10 is activated:

  1. Through the system properties window: you need to press the Win + X keys and select the "System" tab in the menu that appears. At the very bottom of the window there will be information about whether Windows activation has been completed or not. The license key will also be displayed here.

    The easiest way to find out if Windows 10 is activated is through the system properties window

  2. In the system settings: you need to click the "Start" button and select "Settings", then find the "Update and Security" section, then open the "Activation" tab in the menu on the left. All information will be there: system release, activation data and product code.

    All Windows activation data is also displayed in the system's "Settings" menu

  3. Using a script via the command line: for this, a special SLMgr.vbs script is used, which is responsible for managing licenses, license keys and activations of the operating system. To execute it, you need to launch the command prompt with administrator rights by pressing the Win + X key combination. In the drop-down menu, select the "Command Prompt" item and type the command "slmgr / xpr". If the system is activated and the activation period is indefinite, the message "The machine is permanently activated" will appear. In the case of activation valid until a certain period, the system will display a window with the end date of this period.

    Using the SLMgr.vbs script, you can check if Windows 10 is activated and find out the activation dates

The cscript slmgr.vbs -xpr command prints an activation message to the command line console.

How to find out the activation period of Windows 10

If a license key was entered during system installation or the current OS was upgraded to Windows 10, then the activation period is infinite. If a trial version was installed for a limited number of days, then to check the period, you need to press the combination Win + R, enter the command “winver.exe” in the window that opens. A window will open in which the activation expiration date will be indicated. If it is not indicated, then the system is set for an indefinite period.

The system has a specific activation period only if a trial version is installed

In addition, the activation period can be found using the SLMgr.vbs script, which is described in detail above in paragraph 3.

How to find out the license key of installed Windows 10

The product license key is a 25-character code - it is used not only to activate the system, but also to reinstall, so it's better to know it and not lose it. Since the activation of Windows 10 takes place in the background, the user is not informed of the code in any way, and he needs to look at it himself. There are several ways to do this:

  • with the help of special programs;
  • through the system properties window (see point 1 above);
  • through the system parameters (see paragraph 2 above);
  • using scripts.

The easiest way to look at the code is through the system settings or the properties window, but these methods are not always available - for some reason, the computer may not display numbers or display the "No data" message. Therefore, you have to resort to special programs for viewing the license key or scripts.

Utilities for viewing the activation code can be downloaded from official sites and installed on your PC. There are several, here are the simplest:

  • Speccy is a Russian-language application with a user-friendly interface that shows all information about the OS, including its serial number: it is located in the "Operating System" section;

    In the Speccy utility, the license number is located in the "Operating system" section

  • ProduKey is a utility that does not need installation, you just need to download it and run it, the activation key will immediately be displayed in the information window;

    The ProduKey utility only shows the license key, but it starts up quickly

  • ShowKeyPlus does not require installation either, the application is simply downloaded from the official website and launched. The serial number is shown on the screen.

    The ShowKeyPlus utility also does not need to be installed - it displays the system key immediately after launch

In addition, the license key can be found by running a special script. This method will be more complicated than those described above, but sometimes, for some reason, installing third-party applications on a computer is not available. The task is then executed using native Windows PowerShell.

First you need to open the Notepad program and create a file with the extension .ps1 in it: for this, the value “All files” is entered in the “File type” field, and the extension is entered by hand. Copy the following script to the file:

$regHKLM = 2147483650

$regPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"

$DigitalProductId = "DigitalProductId"

$wmi = "\\$env:COMPUTERNAME\root\default:stdRegProv"

$Object = $wmi.GetBinaryValue($regHKLM, $regPath,$DigitalProductId)

$DigitalProductId = $Object.uValue


$ResKey = ConvertToWinkey $DigitalProductId

$OS = (Get-WmiObject "Win32_OperatingSystem" | select Caption).Caption

If($OS -match "Windows 10")

$value ="Windows Key: $ResKey"

$w1="The script is for Windows 10 only"

$w1| Write Warning

$w2="The script is for Windows 10 only"

$w2| Write Warning

$w3="An unexpected error occurred while getting the key"

$w3| Write Warning

Function ConvertToWinKey($WinKey)

$isWindows10 = ($WinKey/6) -band 1

$WinKey = ($WinKey -band $HF7) -bOr (($isWindows10 -band 2) * 4)

$Symbols = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789"

$CurIndex = $CurIndex * 256

$CurIndex = $WinKey[$X + $OffsetKey] + $CurIndex

$WinKey[$X + $OffsetKey] = ::Floor(($CurIndex/24))

$CurIndex = $CurIndex % 24

$KeyResult = $Symbols.SubString($CurIndex,1) + $KeyResult

$last = $CurIndex

while($c -ge 0)

$WinKeypart1 = $KeyResult.SubString(1,$last)

$WinKeypart2 = $KeyResult.Substring(1,$KeyResult.length-1)

$KeyResult = "N" + $WinKeypart2

$KeyResult = $WinKeypart2.Insert($WinKeypart2.IndexOf($WinKeypart1)+$WinKeypart1.length,"N")

$WindowsKey = $KeyResult.Substring(0,5) + "-" + $KeyResult.substring(5,5) + "-"+ $KeyResult.substring(10,5) + "-"+ $KeyResult.substring( 15.5) + "-" + $KeyResult.substring(20.5)

Next, you should start the Windows PowerShell shell itself: press the Win + R key combination, and in the window that appears, enter "powershell" - this is the fastest way. In the window that opens, you need to type the cmd command and the name of the directory where the file created in Notepad is stored, press the Enter key, then enter the script name in the form: “./filename.ps1” and press Enter again.

Photo gallery: how to find out the license key of installed Windows 10 using a script

Create a text file in Notepad and copy the script there Save the text file as .ps1 (choose All Files from the File Type menu) Launch PowerShell via the command in the quick launch prompt Type cmd, the path to the directory with the text file and script name

Sometimes you may see a message that scripting is disabled on the system. Then in the PowerShell console you should enter the command "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned", and then confirm the actions with the Y and Enter keys.

Video: how to find out the activation key for Windows 10

How to find out the computer ID on Windows 10

To remotely activate programs and remotely control your PC from other devices, you need to know its ID. You can find out on your own. To do this, in Windows 10, you need to go to the "Control Panel", sequentially open the sections "Network and Internet", "Network and Sharing Center", "Change adapter settings". Next, in the window that opens, on the adapter you are using, you need to right-click, select the "Status" item and in the window that appears below, click the "Details" button. In the column "Physical address" and your ID will be indicated.

You can specify the computer ID through the properties of the network adapter in the column "Physical address"

There is an easier way, the previous one still requires a lot of gestures. Through the Win + R combination, you need to call the quick access line, type cmd, press Enter and type "ipconfig / all". A window with data will be displayed, where in the section "Physical address" the required computer ID is indicated.

To find out the computer ID, just type "ipconfig / all" at the command line

Despite the fact that Windows 10 activation occurs without the direct participation of the user and without issuing an information window about completion, you can always see if the system is activated, as well as find out the license key. It is better to do this using Microsoft tools, although they also resort to installing and running third-party applications. The main thing is to run and install on your computer only verified files from official sources.

hello admin tell me how to find windows key if it is not on the back of the laptop and this is the case on all new laptops.

When buying a laptop, the store told me that I did not need the Windows key, since I did not need to enter it anywhere. I have installed some kind of Windows 8 Single Language 64-bit Russian Region- (OEM) and I am not supposed to have a disk from it either. If Windows crashes, then you can run the factory reset program and that's it.
I also learned that if I want to install another Windows on my laptop, then this is unlikely to work and reinstalling the existing one will also not work on my own. And another important point - if I accidentally delete the hidden partition with factory settings during my experiments with reinstallations, then the laptop will be restored to me not under warranty, but for a couple of thousand rubles.

Here I sit and think, I paid 30 thousand rubles for a laptop, but it doesn’t seem to be mine. Find out the Windows key I can’t, I can’t install another operating system, they don’t give a disk with Windows and drivers now, in short, use it to your health. It's strange though! Gosh.

How to find out the Windows key

Hello friends! With a new laptop, you can do whatever you want and of course you can find out the key of Windows installed on it, but you need to do this all with skill. Sellers can also be understood, since many buyers on the very first day of using a laptop take everything down to a hair dryer, and then, having played enough with ancient operating systems, they try to restore what it was, many do not succeed and they come to where the laptop was bought and demand everything restore under warranty.

Therefore, before your experiments, insure yourself with modern data backup tools. You can back up all partitions of your hard drive to DVDs or a USB portable hard drive. You can learn how to create a backup of the entire laptop hard drive or just the operating system from our articles.
Note: Installed on your laptop Windows 8 Single Language 64-bit Russian Region (OEM), this is a normal basic Windows 8, but only with support for one Russian language. No, you can print in English, but the system management interface will always be in Russian. Windows 8 Single Language (OEM) can be transferred to another computer and even upgraded to Windows Pro 8. If you want to reinstall the operating system on your laptop, then you can do it like this - or this -.

I will give the two easiest ways to find out the Windows key. We will use the services of the ProduKey program and then AIDA64.

The ProduKey program works quickly and without installation. You can download on the official website

Click "Download links are on the bottom of this page"

If you have a 64-bit operating system, select "Download ProduKey for x64",

Below on the same page you can download the Russifier.

The program is downloaded in the archive, unzip the archive and run the ProduKey.exe file. In addition to the Windows key, you will recognize all keys for Microsoft-owned programs.

Find out the Windows key using the AIDA64 program

Let's go to the website of the developer of the AIDA64 program, click on the Download button.

Download, install and run the program. In the left part of the main program window, select the Operating system, then the same thing again.

We see the key of our Windows

Friends, read on.

A special product license key is used to activate the Windows operating system. The Windows product key used to activate the system differs depending on the operating system version (Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, etc.), OS edition (Home, Pro, etc.), distribution method (OEM, Retail etc).

To activate the Windows operating system, a product key is used, consisting of 25 characters in the form of numbers and uppercase (upper case) English letters, divided into 5 groups of 5 characters: "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX".

Laptops used to often have a Windows activation key glued on. At the moment, manufacturers of laptops with pre-installed operating systems sew a product key into the BIOS to automatically activate Windows.

In the event of a system reinstall, or for some other reason (for example, activation failed after a hardware failure), the user may need a Windows product key. How to find the Windows activation key?

You can find out the license key of the installed Windows by running a special VBS script, as well as using five programs: ProduKey, ShowKeyPlus, Free PC Audit, Speccy, AIDA64, SIW. All the listed programs are free, except for AIDA64 and SIW.

The script with the ".vbs" extension and portable free programs (ProduKey, ShowKeyPlus, Free PC Audit) can be downloaded from here. Download the rest of the programs to your computer from the official websites of manufacturers.

Using these methods, you can find out the Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 key. After you have found out the Windows product key, save the received data for later use, in case of reinstalling the operating system, to activate the operating system.

The free ProduKey program from the well-known manufacturer NirSoft does not require installation on a computer. The application shows the keys to Windows OS, Internet Explorer browser, Microsoft Office.

Unzip the archive with the program, and then run the "Application" file from the folder. After launch, the ProduKey utility window will display the key to the installed operating system.

/" target="_blank"> -624x468.png 624w" width="640" />

Select the entry with the Windows 10 key, or another operating system, and then select "Copy Product Key" from the context menu to copy the activation key to the clipboard.

The free program ShowKeyPlus does not require installation on a computer. After launch, in the application window you will see information:

  • Product Name - The operating system currently installed on the computer
  • Product ID (Product code) - product code
  • Installed Key - the key of the operating system currently installed on the computer
  • OEM Key - a key embedded in the BIOS of a laptop of an initially installed operating system

To save the data, click on the "Save" button, and then save the received information in a text file.

The free program Free PC Audit will help you find out the key of the installed Windows. This program does not require installation on a computer. Run the utility file, after that the Free PC Audit program window will open, in which the system scan will begin.

After the scan is completed, in the "System" tab, opposite the "Windows product key" item, you will see the product key of the installed Windows operating system.

Target="_blank"> 624w" width="640" />

To copy the key, select the line with the license key, and then using the "Copy" context menu item, or using the "Ctrl" + "C" keys, copy the Windows product key from the utility window.

How to find out Windows 8 key using VBSCrit

Activation keys for the Windows operating system are stored on the hard drive in encrypted form. Executing the VBSCrit script will allow you to get the product key of the installed operating system in decrypted form. This script was developed for Windows 8 operating system, but this code also works fine in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 operating systems.

To perform the operation, double-click on the “WindowsKey.vbs” file. In the window that opens, you will see the Windows activation code. Next, click on the "OK" button.

The next window will display information about the operating system version, product ID, and product key number. Ignore the name of the entry "Windows 8 Key". The name of this OS will be displayed on any version of the Windows operating system.

The free Speccy program from the well-known company Piriform, the manufacturer of CCleaner and other software. From the official site you can download a portable (portable) version of Speccy. There is a paid version of the program with advanced features.

The program provides the user with detailed information about the hardware of the computer, and with the help of the application, you can find out the license key of the installed Windows.

Run the Speccy program, in the "Operating system" section, the version of the installed operating system, its serial number (activation key) will be displayed.

Target="_blank"> 624w" width="674" />

AIDA64 is a powerful program for obtaining all kinds of information about the software and hardware of a computer.

After launching the AIDA64 program, in the "Menu" tab, in the "Operating system" section, license information will be displayed, including the Windows product key.

Target="_blank"> 624w" width="680" />

Select the product key, select "Copy" in the context menu, then paste the key into Notepad, or another similar program to save.


SIW (System Information of Windows) is a program for obtaining information about the hardware state and software of a computer.

After launching SIW, enter the "Programs", "Licenses" section. This will display information about the product key used in the Windows operating system installed on the computer.

Target="_blank"> 624w" width="680" />

Wrong product key

When checking the keys in the ways listed above, the Windows product key may appear as follows: "BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB".

This means that your computer is activated with a corporate MAK or VLK key. Operating Windows does not save such keys, so programs do not see them.

Windows 10 uses a new system authentication method (not for all cases in Windows 10). The activation record is stored on Microsoft servers and does not appear on your computer. After reinstallation, Windows will automatically activate for some time.

The retention of the license is subject to changes in the hardware configuration of the computer. If the motherboard is replaced, Microsoft's activation servers will revoke the license for that computer. Windows will prompt you to purchase a new product key.


If necessary, the user can find out the license code of the Windows operating system by running a VBS script, or using specialized programs: ProduKey, ShowKeyPlus, Free PC Audit, Speccy, AIDA64, SIW.

hello admin tell me how to find windows key if it is not on the back of the laptop and this is the case on all new laptops.

When buying a laptop, the store told me that I did not need the Windows key, since I did not need to enter it anywhere. I have installed some kind of Windows 8 Single Language 64-bit Russian Region- (OEM) and I am not supposed to have a disk from it either. If Windows crashes, then you can run the factory reset program and that's it.
I also learned that if I want to install another Windows on my laptop, then this is unlikely to work and reinstalling the existing one will also not work on my own. And another important point - if I accidentally delete the hidden partition with factory settings during my experiments with reinstallations, then the laptop will be restored to me not under warranty, but for a couple of thousand rubles.

Here I sit and think, I paid 30 thousand rubles for a laptop, but it doesn’t seem to be mine. Find out the Windows key I can’t, I can’t install another operating system, they don’t give a disk with Windows and drivers now, in short, use it to your health. It's strange though! Gosh.

How to find out the Windows key

Hello friends! With a new laptop, you can do whatever you want and of course you can find out the key of Windows installed on it, but you need to do this all with skill. Sellers can also be understood, since many buyers on the very first day of using a laptop take everything down to a hair dryer, and then, having played enough with ancient operating systems, they try to restore what it was, many do not succeed and they come to where the laptop was bought and demand everything restore under warranty.

Therefore, before your experiments, insure yourself with modern data backup tools. You can back up all partitions of your hard drive to DVDs or a USB portable hard drive. You can learn how to create a backup of the entire laptop hard drive or just the operating system from our articles.
Note: Installed on your laptop Windows 8 Single Language 64-bit Russian Region (OEM), this is a normal basic Windows 8, but only with support for one Russian language. No, you can print in English, but the system management interface will always be in Russian. Windows 8 Single Language (OEM) can be transferred to another computer and even upgraded to Windows Pro 8. If you want to reinstall the operating system on your laptop, then you can do it like this - or this -.

I will give the two easiest ways to find out the Windows key. We will use the services of the ProduKey program and then AIDA64.

The ProduKey program works quickly and without installation. You can download on the official website

Click "Download links are on the bottom of this page"

If you have a 64-bit operating system, select "Download ProduKey for x64",

Below on the same page you can download the Russifier.

The program is downloaded in the archive, unzip the archive and run the ProduKey.exe file. In addition to the Windows key, you will recognize all keys for Microsoft-owned programs.

Find out the Windows key using the AIDA64 program

Let's go to the website of the developer of the AIDA64 program, click on the Download button.

Download, install and run the program. In the left part of the main program window, select the Operating system, then the same thing again.

We see the key of our Windows

Friends, read on.

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