Classical dance lessons for adults Kursk. Body ballet for adults m

The portal contains information about where you can sign up for ballet classes in Moscow: addresses and phone numbers of dance schools and dance studios, prices for the most popular directions, student reviews. For greater convenience in using the portal and searching for a dance school, we suggest using a convenient filter by districts and metro stations. Visual tables will help you compare the cost of classes and training in different dance studios cities, choosing the best option for the price.

Ballet lessons for adults in Moscow

Finding ballet classes in is not so easy - not every dance studio is ready to offer classical choreography. However, we will help you to solve this problem! Collected on the portal detailed information about ballet classes for adults: phone numbers and addresses of institutions, student reviews, the cost of one-time training and subscription prices.

Classical choreography and ballet lessons for adults are the right way to improve the body and soul. Classes will be an excellent basis for further study of the most different types dancing, they will help to improve the figure, strengthen the back, give an attractive lightness to the gait. Combining stretching and movement in ballet, you can get an excellent result: a flexible and beautiful body, good health and a feeling of unusual lightness, harmony with yourself and increased self-esteem. All these ballet classes for adults will be presented without grueling workouts.

How to dance ballet? Features of ballet lessons for adults

Carefully selected exercises and a well-thought-out program allow you to achieve amazing results. The benefits are undeniable! They include exercises for the transverse and oblique muscles of the press, muscles of the spine and back, exercises to improve coordination of movements and strengthen the work of the vestibular apparatus. Ballet courses for adults are suitable for those who wish, regardless of gender and age. During the classes, you can completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of art and dance, which manifests itself in every tilt of the head and movement of the hands.

Classical choreography for adults is a ballet lesson for those who want to master basic dance skills, work out the state of stable balance necessary for dancing (aplomba). Ballet lessons for beginners include exercises at the barre and exercises in the middle of the hall. Each lesson begins with a warm-up and study of classical ballet positions, the correct positioning of the legs and arms, jumps, all kinds of rotations and dance combinations. Depending on the school, training may take place under classical piano music or under more modern analogues.

Despite the fact that ballet classes for beginners are held according to a lightweight program, in order to achieve some success, you will have to put in a lot of perseverance and work. However, the romance and elegance of ballet invariably attracts more and more dance fans who want not only to take care of their own figure and shape, but also to give the body an amazing lightness that is found only in ballerinas. Many dance schools offer not only ballet for adults, but also the opportunity to perform on the amateur stage with a proven program, to participate in competitions and competitions.

Everyone in childhood dreamed of something. But not all childhood dreams came true. In adulthood there often come moments when you want to plunge into childhood, remember and fulfill your dreams. The dream of ballet in childhood is one of the most common, but ... not realizable. Do not be sad: our ballet studio will help make your childhood dreams come true!

Ballet classes for adults in Moscow

Our invites everyone to visit ballet classes for adults in one of our many halls in Moscow. Ballet for adults- is one of the most popular destinations modern dance and health culture. No other direction of dance or fitness brings such easy and significant results for the health of the soul and body. Ballet lessons for adults take place in an atmosphere of cultural and physical growth, accompanied by classical music. Everyone can choose the amplitude and physical costs that he can afford.

Benefits of ballet for adults

When practicing ballet for adults, exercise machines, external weighting agents, and extraneous loads from the outside are not used. All ballet classes for adults pass under the weight of their own body, while the load on the muscles and skeleton is automatically regulated. That's why, ballet classes for adults completely safe and the best way get your body in order.

Ballet classes for women and girls

A lot of women and girls come to adult ballet classes from the age of 25-30. It is at this age that certain problems usually begin: from a sedentary lifestyle, after childbirth, for physiological and age reasons. Not every girl can be able to engage in fitness due to the complexity of the exercises and heavy physical exertion. But there is a way out ballet lessons! Usually ballet classes for adults They call it "Body Ballet" - it is in the Body Ballet classes that girls can become flexible, graceful, slender and regain their lightness and good memories from childhood...

En Pointe is a ballet studio in Moscow for beginner adults. We have created an ideal environment for exploring classical Russian ballet, modern choreography and new wellness programs with dance elements. Classes are held in small groups or according to an individual plan - you can choose the most comfortable option and learn the basics of ballet with pleasure.

Classic and modern trends

classical ballet - one of the most complex and beautiful dance formats, it develops plasticity and endurance.
Pointe shoes- an integral stage in the study of Russian ballet on pointe.
power stretching- wellness program for stretching and well-being.
Corsballet- a course of exercises for perfect posture and strengthening of the back muscles.
Streetlet- a mixed format in which elements of modern and classical dance.

Teachers - current ballet dancers

They say that you need to learn a language with a native speaker. The same is with dance: you can learn this or that direction only together with a teacher who dances himself. The teachers of our school professional artists leading Moscow theaters. They not only master the technique perfectly, but also understand the philosophy of each direction. With them, classes become a real pleasure, which helps to stay in harmony with yourself and the world around.

Prices for classes at the ballet school in Moscow

For ballet, as for other art forms, consistency and constant practice are important. For those who want to get acquainted with classical choreography and other areas of our school, we offer one-time lessons. Prices for classes for beginners in our ballet school in Moscow depend on the chosen direction and format - in a group or individually. For those who have already fallen in love with dance, we have different subscriptions - for 1.5, 3 and 5 months. The schedule and number of classes of any direction can be made at will. Trial lessons are offered with a 50% discount.

En Pointe School of Modern Ballet in Moscow welcomes students with any level of training, the main thing is the desire to move, love for music and the desire to dance. Sign up today for your first trial lesson, it will cost 50% less than usual. Next, you can choose individual sessions with a teacher or group. For each type of training it is more convenient and cheaper to purchase a subscription.

Ballet lessons for beginners

Our phone: +7916-288-75-00. Give us a call and we'll give you an idea of ​​the class time, help you decide on the course, and tell you about our teachers.

*Purchase through the site at a discount involves recording a date convenient for you according to the schedule through the administrator and automatic burning of the class in case of no-show. You can reschedule the lesson 1 time no later than 12 hours before the lesson.

Ballet seems to many to be an incomprehensible art that needs to be practiced with early childhood. This is true when it comes to the profession of a ballerina and dreams of becoming a prima Bolshoi Theater. In other cases, having made an effort, joining the ballet and enjoying your own success is easy.

Nowadays, children increasingly want to be top managers, millionaires or programmers. At a time when "the trees were big", to the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" most of the boys answered "Cosmonaut", and the girls - "Ballerina". Since the eighteenth century the whole world admires the beauty and grace of white "swans", airy "sylphs" and weightless "sleeping beauties". Despite the fact that most cities still have children's studios classical choreography and circles of dances of the peoples of the world, few of the dreamers managed to be a dancer even at an amateur level. Adults were usually offered to get carried away with chess, football or knitting, and forget about classical dance and the dream of becoming a ballerina.

But times have changed - and ballet has ceased to be a closed caste of the elite. Teachers and trainers of various directions appreciated the benefits of ballet classes for adults and hurried to borrow the best in favor of mere mortals. So the direction of body ballet or ballet for adults appeared.

A ballerina can always be recognized even in ordinary clothes: a regal posture, a graceful flexible body, chiseled legs, an eye-catching gait, a spiritual look ... Regardless of the origin, the ballerina looks like a true aristocrat. Body ballet allows you to acquire the qualities that distinguish a ballerina and, moreover, without harm to health. On the contrary, ballet classes for adults bring multifaceted benefits to their admirers. After all, classical dance classes have a beneficial effect on muscle flexibility and joint mobility, blood circulation, improve coordination of movements, help to achieve the perfect silhouette and beauty of lines. With the correct performance of ballet steps, the load on the bearing arch of the foot helps to cope with flat feet, the “lift” and eversion (mobility of the ankle and hip joint) increase.

The ballet program for adults is designed in such a way that immersion in the atmosphere of classical dance occurs gradually. The movements of the classical ballet exercise in body ballet are adapted for beginners with any physical data and are supplemented with movements from yoga, Pilates, stretching. Whether at the barre, in the stalls (on the floor), but in any case you have to sweat - according to physical activity and increase endurance, body ballet is not inferior to powerful strength training. But it is unlikely that repeated approaches to the simulators will be able to give you not only a toned body, embossed muscles and, perhaps, self-confidence, but also flexibility, sensuality, elegance, which can be found in abundance in body ballet.

The atmosphere of body ballet has the same beneficial effect on the way of thinking, mood, mentality of its adherents, as its exercises have on the body. Ballet classes for adults are held under calm, most often classical music. Positive influence per person classical music repeatedly proven in serious scientific level. In a body ballet class, she will set you up for correct breathing, a serious approach to training, will distract from external troubles, help to be collected and calm. Even if you have never been an admirer of the classics, tune in to a sublime intellectual wave will unobtrusively color your view of the world in bright colors. And during ballet classes for adults, you will learn a lot of words from French and will be able to speak the same language with professional ballerinas.

If you decide to go in for body ballet, it’s not necessary to rush to the store for pointe shoes and a pack - training clothes in a silhouette and soft shoes without heels - dancing ballet flats - are more suitable. Here, the requirements for those involved in ballet and body ballet are similar: clothing should not hide movement, mask inaccuracies. For those who dreamed of a ballet leotard or leotard, we say “Yes” - now many specialized stores offer beautiful professional dance uniforms for adult ballet beginners. For those who decide to achieve quick results in ballet stretching with the help of body ballet, insulated overalls can be recommended: with their help, the muscles will stay warm longer and stretch better.

Body ballet does not promise to turn an adult beginner into a professional dancer. But when in ballet classes for adults you master basic movements classical choreography and learn how to perform even simple ballet steps with ease and grace, be ready to proudly wear the coveted title of Ballerina and accept admiration with aristocratic favor.





600 rub.
200 rub.

1 200 rub.
300 rub.

1 800 rub.
400 rub.


600 rub.


hour per week
4-5 hours per month
2 000 rub.
1 900 rub.
438 rubles/hour

hours per week
8-10 hours per month
4 000 rub.
3 200 rub.
369 rubles/hour

We are ready to argue, as a child you dreamed of becoming a ballerina. Simply because every girl dreams of this, although only a few are destined to come true dreams. There is no reason to worry that you were not born Maya Plisetskaya - now you are probably satisfied with your life and under no circumstances would you like to change it. Another question is that children's dreams should come true. And the popularity of ballet as one of the areas of fitness strongly hints at this.

We figured out what you should prepare for and what you definitely shouldn't worry about before signing up for ballet class. And at the same time, we found five studios where you can do ballet today.

What not to do

Afraid. The words "plié" and "fuete" make you panic, and at the mention of "grand batman" do you fall into a stupor at all? Ballet school students assure that it is not necessary to memorize the terms. The main thing is to learn the movements and try to repeat them as accurately as possible after the teacher.

Hesitate. If you are convinced that you will be the most clumsy / fat / old in the group, then you need to urgently and permanently get rid of these thoughts. First, love yourself for who you are. Secondly, in the mirror, all students look only at themselves, and they do not care about you (as well as you about them). Thirdly, neither weight, nor height, nor age affects the effectiveness of classes. Tip: listen famous song Ivan Dorn and calm down.

Worry about form. A tutu and pointe shoes are an optional condition for ballet classes. The main thing is that you are comfortable. A tight cotton T-shirt and leggings are ideal, and Czech shoes will successfully replace professional shoes.

What do we have to do

Listen and hear. In no case do not compare your successes with the achievements of other students - only with your own. And listen carefully to the teacher. If you can't coordinate your arms and legs, focus on one thing. In ballet, skill comes with experience.

Work on "ballet posture". Strong back muscles are a pleasant consequence of ballet practice. Work on your posture not only in training: try to keep your back straight when sitting at the computer, walking with friends or. You will be pleasantly surprised by your well-being, and the teacher - by your learning abilities.

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