The theme of the female share in the poem N. A

Peculiar searches happy person dedicated to one of the best works N.A. Nekrasova - the poem "Who should live well in Russia." The heroes of the poem travel across the Russian land. On their way they meet people of different classes: peasants, landowners, representatives of the clergy. A special place in the poem, in my opinion, is occupied by the meeting with the peasant woman Matrena Timofeevna. The author gives quite detailed description this character:

stubborn woman,
Wide and dense
Thirty eight years
Beautiful; gray hair,
The eyes are large, stern,
Eyelashes are the richest
Stern and swarthy.

This amazing woman endured a lot on her life path. Matrena Timofeevna began her story with the most early years life. She says how she was loved in her father's house. But the betrothed Philip Korchagin appeared in life, who took the heroine away from her home.
Songs play a special role in the chapter "Peasant Woman", because they form an important part of the life of the people and characterize it. The head is replete with elements folklore works. Here you can find songs, proverbs, sayings, cries, lamentations.

It was hard for the heroine in new family:
The family was big
Grumpy ... I got
From girlish holi to hell!
Husband went to work
Silence, endure advised:
Don't spit on hot
Iron - hiss.

But this was not the most difficult thing in the life of Matryona Timofeevna. She tells about the death of her youngest child. Here the author shows touching image a little bird who mourns her chicks who were burned during a thunderstorm. Nekrasov, in my opinion, painted such a picture of events in the life of a woman that allows the reader to feel and understand the tragedy of a peasant mother more deeply. In the life of Matrena Timofeevna, such situations arose more than once when this amazing woman from the people was ready for decisive action. So, for example, doctors begin the autopsy of Demushka, despite all the pleas and lamentations of the mother:

I thrashed and screamed:
- Villains! Executioners!
Drop my tears
Not on land, not on water,
Not to the Lord's temple!
Fall right on your heart
My villain!

But no one takes into account the pain of the mother. Stanovoy even orders to tie her up.
Another time, the headman decides to punish Fedotushka, who took pity on the hungry she-wolf and began to “feed the sheep”:

Is the she-wolf so plaintively
She looked, howled ... Mother!
I threw her a sheep!

Barin decides to forgive little boy, but to punish the mother - "an impudent woman." In this episode, an important trait of the character of the heroine is manifested: with self-respect, she lies under the rod, without stooping to a plea for forgiveness. She proudly endures the physical pain and shame of such punishment. Only Matryona Timofeevna cried out her grief to the river:

I went to the fast river
I chose a quiet place
At the willow bush.
I sat on a gray stone
She leaned her head on her hand,
Sobbed, orphan.

Despite all the difficulties of life, Matryona Timofeevna still does not give up, but fights to the end for her happiness. Suffice it to recall the episode when her husband was taken to the soldiers. She turns with a prayer to the Mother of God, which gives her spiritual strength. The heroine even turns to the governor's wife, who helps Matryona Timofeevna in her grief.
After that, all the people begin to call this woman happy. It is simply amazing what the peasants consider happiness: not to be a soldier, to be able to endure and endure everything. And the heroine herself, having told the story of her life, nevertheless comes to the conclusion that there are no happy women among the peasant women:

It's not the case - between the women
Happy looking!

Peasant life is difficult, there are many troubles and difficulties on their way. But as people who are deeply religious, loving and strong, they can go through life with their heads held high. Here manifests itself spiritual wealth Russian people. Matrena Timofeevna, in my opinion, is a generalized image, since she has all the main character traits characteristic of peasant women. And her fate is typical for people from the people.
I think that Nekrasov is an amazing poet, who perfectly feels the pain and suffering of an entire class, which in those days no one sought to reckon with, did not want to understand and help.

  1. The theme of the poem.
  2. The image of a peasant woman.
  3. Matrena Timofeevna bright representative peasant woman.
  4. A feature of the female character of Nekrasov.

N. A. Nekrasov devotes his final work, the poem “Who Lives Well in Russia”, to a symbolic search for a happy person in Russia. The author explores the life of various strata of Russian society: peasants, landowners, clergy. The fate of the Russian peasant woman becomes a special topic, because it turns out to be even harder than the fate of the other peasants. “It’s not a matter between women / To look for a happy one,” Matryona Timofeevna, the heroine of the chapter “Peasant Woman,” directly answers the wanderers who turned to her. But the image of a peasant woman, enslaved by both serfdom and the despotism of her husband's family, worries Nekrasov more.

This type was most fully revealed by Nekrasov in the poem “Who Lives Well in Russia” in the image of Matryona Korchagina. The bitter lot of a peasant woman, eternally humiliated by poverty, overworking and not seeing happiness, causes deep sympathy in the soul of the poet, but at the same time, he notes in her character and human dignity, and pride, and unshakable moral purity. The image of Matrena Timofeevna is given in the poem in dynamics, in development.

The heroine had a happy, carefree early childhood, and from the age of five she began to get involved in feasible work: “she carried her father for breakfast, she grazed the ducklings”, “turned the hay”, etc. Yes, happiness - got caught good husband. Matryona did not have to, like many other peasant women, live with the “hateful”, endure beatings. Matryona lived with her husband in love and harmony. It was this harmony in the family that helped the heroine endure troubles and misfortunes. Philip was a stove-maker, constantly leaving to work in St. Petersburg. Matryona was very upset by constant separation. She had to adapt to life in a strange family. young beautiful woman in the absence of a husband-intercessor, the master's manager persecuted. None of the relatives, except for the hundred-year-old grandfather Savely, the heroine did not find support.

The character of Matrena Timofeevna is tempered precisely in severe trials. This is a smart, selfless, strong-willed, resolute woman. This image of a peasant woman is not only strong spirit but also gifted and talented. Matrena's story about her life is a story about the fate of any peasant woman, a long-suffering Russian woman. The chapter itself is not named after her, but "Peasant Woman". This emphasizes that the fate of Matryona is not at all an exception to the rule, but the typical fate of millions of Russian peasant women. Best spiritual qualities- willpower, the ability to love, fidelity - make Matryona related to the heroines of the poem "Russian Women". long story Matryona Timofeevna about her (still quite prosperous and extremely lucky!) fate is both an ode to the beauty of the soul of a Russian peasant woman, and an accusation to those who doomed her to terrible torment.

Like Yermil Girin, Matryona is known throughout the district. But in the poem she tells about her life herself, and only seven wanderers listen to her. The veracity of the story is emphasized by the request of the wanderers: “Ata lay out your soul to us!” And the heroine of the chapter herself promises: "I will not hide anything."

Matryona Timofeevna's extraordinary creative talent allows her not only to keep folklore in her memory, but also to update it. The story is replete with elements of folklore works dedicated to the bitter fate of a woman: songs, proverbs, sayings, lamentations, lamentations.

Songs play a special role in describing the life of a Russian woman (it is no coincidence that the second chapter of this part of the poem is called "Songs"). Nekrasov depicts the life of a peasant woman in its entirety, from childhood, until the moment when she meets with the seekers of a happy person. There are several moments in the life of Matrena Timofeevna when those feelings that could lead her to decisive action are about to burst out. The first time - when, despite her pleas, the doctors begin the autopsy of Demushka's body. But the guard then orders to bind the mother. The second - when the headman decides to punish her son Fedotushka, who took pity on the hungry she-wolf.

The master decides to forgive the child, but to punish the "impudent woman" herself. And Nekrasov shows very important feature strong-willed character of the heroine: she proudly lays down. under the rod, without stooping to ask for forgiveness, endures the pain and shame of public punishment. And only the next day she cried out her grief over the river. The only time when Matrena Timofeevna decides to fight for her happiness is when her husband is taken to the soldiers. She turns with a frantic prayer to the Mother of God, and this prayer, apparently, gives her strength: Matryona Timofeevna finds the courage to turn to the governor, who not only helps the peasant woman, but also becomes the godmother of her child. After this incident, Matryona begins to be called happy. This, it turns out, is the happiness of a peasant woman: not to become a soldier, to find the strength to remain silent and endure and raise children.

The keys to women's happiness, - From our free will, Abandoned, lost ... - such is the gloomy result of Matrena Timofeevna's conversation with seven wanderers. Outer beauty, cordiality, ingenuity, the glory of a lucky woman make it possible to speak of Matryona Timofeevna as a unique, exceptional personality.

By depicting the fate of Matrena Timofeevna, the author makes deep generalizations: Russian women live in constant work, the joys and sorrows of motherhood, in the struggle for a family, for a home. The theme of the female share in the poem merges with the theme of the homeland. Female characters the heroines of Nekrasov talk about strength, purity and incorruptibility common people. Those inhuman conditions of life, against which these images appear, point to the urgent need for changes in the order, style and way of life in the villages and cities of old-regime Russia.

There is probably not a single poet in world literature who has not written about a woman. Traditionally, the image of a woman in world poetry is the image of a beloved, beloved. Hence in the lyrics arises love theme. Poets sing of their beloved, her beauty, their feelings, passion, describe the suffering from unrequited or departed love, write about loneliness, disappointment, jealousy.

The poetry of Nekrasov, in his appeal to a woman, for the first time expanded the thematic scope. In his lyrics, in addition to love, the theme of the female share appeared, presented widely and diversely. This was largely due to the fact that the poet touched on another social stratum: not the nobility, but the common people. Having dedicated the lyre to "his people", the poet names his Muse sister a young peasant woman being beaten in the square with a whip.

Nekrasov devoted many poems to the life of a Russian village woman. There is no side peasant life, which would be bypassed by the poet. In the poem "Troika", the poet predicts a difficult married life for the girl.

Having tied an apron under the arms,

You will drag an ugly chest,

Your picky husband will beat you,

And the mother-in-law to bend in three deaths.

From work and black and hard

You will bloom, not having time to bloom,

You will fall into a deep sleep.

You will babysit, work and eat.

And in the poem "Wedding" again an ominous prediction:

Many cruel reproaches await you,

Labor days, lonely evenings:

You will rock a sick child,

Wait for a violent husband home.

Your sympathy female lobe the poet also expresses in the poems “Orina, a soldier’s mother”, “Listening to the horrors of war”, showing the tragedy of the vast majority of peasant women who are killed day after day at overwork:

The poor woman is exhausted,

A column of insects sways above her,

Stings, tickles, buzzes!

The theme of the heavy fate of the Russian woman, the poet also revealed in his famous poems "Frost, Red Nose", "Russian Women". The suffering fate of a Russian peasant woman is also described in the poem “Who Lives Well in Russia”, where the entire second part is devoted to her. Her heroine, Matrena Timofeevna, is reputed to be happy among people. Telling the men who are looking for an answer to the question “Who lives happily, freely in Russia?” About her life, she admits that she “happened in girls”: she had a “good, non-drinking family”, loving, affectionate, protecting her parents. But even in such a family, by the “fifth year” she had to start working, at seven she was already walking behind a cow, grazing geese, picking mushrooms and berries, turning hay, and after labor day and bathhouses - back to work, to the spinning wheel.

And such a life full of hard work is remembered by Matryona Timofeevna at her thirty-eight years as happiness. Because everything that awaited her after marriage was sheer suffering. No wonder the mother lamented when they came to woo her daughter. After the wedding, she "fell to hell with a girl's holi." Bullying by the husband's relatives, beatings, hard labor, terrible death beloved firstborn - that was only the beginning of her terrible, but, alas, such a common fate for a Russian peasant woman.

After the death of the first-born, other children were born every year: “there is no time to think or grieve, God forbid to cope with the work and cross the forehead,” Matryona's parents died. Timofeevna submitted to everything: “first from bed, last to bed”, humiliated herself in front of her father-in-law with her mother-in-law, and only in one thing became rebellious: she stood up for the children, did not allow them to be offended. When the village lynched Fedot, who, working as a shepherd, failed to take the sheep from the she-wolf, his mother lay down under the rod for him.

A hungry year fell to Matryona's lot, and then an even more terrible test: they took her husband out of turn into recruits. And again Matrena Timofeevna did not submit. The pregnant woman went on foot to the city to seek the truth and intercession from the governor. She achieved the truth, having received the intercession of the governor, who also herself baptized the child born before the time. Since then, Matrena Timofeevna "has been denounced as a lucky woman, nicknamed the governor's wife." A peasant woman raises five sons. One has already been recruited, her family burned twice, she walked, "like a gelding in a furrow." And in her opinion, this is not the case - "to look for a happy woman between women." And another heroine of the poem, a pilgrim who entered the village, will bitterly say that "the keys to women's happiness, from our free will, are abandoned, lost from God himself."

Reading Nekrasov, you come to the conclusion that the poet himself makes in one of his poems - “You share! - Russian woman's share! Hardly harder to find." Throughout the poem, the thought of the impossibility of living like this goes on. With undisguised sympathy, the author treats those who do not put up with their hungry and powerless existence. Not the meek and submissive are close to the poet, but such bold, rebellious and freedom-loving rebels as Saveliy, the “hero of the Holy Russian”, Yakim Nagoi, the seven truth-seekers, Grisha Dobrosklonov. The best of them have retained true humanity, the ability to sacrifice, spiritual nobility. Among them is Matrena Timofeevna.

“The burning anxiety felt by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, thinking about the fate of a peasant woman, was also reflected in the poem “Who should live well in Russia”. Everyone knows that the image of a Russian woman is sung by the poet in many works. On the fate of Matrena Timofeevna, Nekrasov shows a typical biography of a peasant woman.
Many separate episodes of the poem are devoted to the life of this woman, as well as the entire second part of the work as a whole. Joyful was her life only in early childhood and then because she "fell lucky in the girls": Matryona Timofeevna had a "good, non-drinking family", but even in this caring, affectionate family she had to start working "after her fifth year", as they were in deep need. Hard work, however, did not break her:
And a good worker
And sing and dance the huntress
I was young ... -
This is what the heroine says about herself.
According to the popular idea of female beauty Nekrasov lovingly paints a portrait of a peasant toiler:
Matrena Timofeevna
portly woman
Wide and dense
thirty eight years old
Beautiful; gray hair,
The eyes are large, stern,
Eyelashes are the richest
Stern and swarthy.
However, little happiness fell to her lot. Having married, she "fell from a girl's will into hell." The constant bullying of her husband's relatives, countless beatings, unbearable hard labor began, but the greatest misfortune for the heroine of the work was the death of her beloved child. Very early, Matrena Timofeevna became a widow, so the constant need began to be felt even more acutely. “In me,” she says, “there is no bone that is not broken, there is no vein that is not pulled ...”. That's how bleak this life was beautiful woman. “Multiple twisted”, “long-suffering” peasant woman has no happiness in Russia - Nekrasov comes to this conclusion. Or Matrena Timofeevna herself tells the wanderers the same thing: “It’s not a matter of looking for a happy woman among women.”
But the painful life, full of deprivation and suffering, did not belittle the character of the peasant woman, did not turn her into a dumb, submissive slave. The rebellious spirit of Saveliy remained to live in her heart, not without reason Matryona Timofeevna was the wife of the grandson of this freedom-loving old man. The woman's story about Savely is evidence that she remembers him, sympathizes with him. It even seems to Matryona Timofeevna that the monument folk hero Savely reminds Ivan Susanin:
It is made of forged copper,
Exactly Savely grandfather,
The man in the square.
So, this woman is true to the rebellious spirit. “I have a downcast head, I carry an angry heart!...” - says the long-suffering mother. Not resignation to fate, not stupid patience, but pain and anger are expressed in the words with which she ends the story of her life: “For me, mortal insults have passed unrequited ...”. This is evidence that protest and indignation are growing more and more in the soul of the peasant woman. According to the author, holy anger is the key to the future happiness of a Russian woman, in whose soul treasures of kindness, love, fidelity, intelligence and nobility are hidden. That is why, no matter how great Nekrasov's grief, when he thinks about the disenfranchised life of a Russian peasant woman crushed by grief, he firmly believes in her future.
However, Nekrasov is faithful to the historical truth to the end. Despite the fact that the anger of the peasant woman is accumulating, the habitual belief in intercession has also been preserved in her mind. mother of god by the power of prayer. And yet we see that Matryona Timofeevna is saved by her own spiritual strength, her will to live. Not knowing how to get the truth, she is ready to reach the king, complaining about the headman to the governor. The heroine does not bow her head in front of the formidable bosses, in front of whom "the peasants trembled." The unfortunate mother speaks on behalf of the whole people:
They don't have a soul in their chest.
They have no conscience in their eyes
There is no cross on the neck.
The image of Matrena Timofeevna is, as it were, woven from folk poetry. It should be noted that the second part of the poem - "Peasant Woman" is built almost entirely on the material folk art. Lyrical and wedding songs, lamentations have long told about the life of a peasant woman, and Nekrasov drew from this source, creating the image of his beloved heroine. Almost without change, the songs entered the poem: “My hateful husband rises”, “I dream, my little one, dozes”. Also based on folk songs appeals of the bride-girl to the groom were created: “You become, good fellow, against me directly, ”and the mother’s cry for her daughter to be married off:“ Someone else’s little side is not sprinkled with sugar, not watered with honey. The mournful cry of a mother for a dead child is permeated with special tragedy: “Oh, carpenters-workers! What kind of house did you build for my son? These songs embodied grief, torment and hatred of the people.
The story about the peasant woman Korchagina leads us to the thought6 if even in a woman, the most destitute and downtrodden, an essential, matures mental storm means change is near. Faith in the people, in their awakening is expressed in the words of the poet, which have become winged:
Saved in bondage
Free heart -
Gold, gold
People's heart!

There is probably not a single poet in world literature who has not written about a woman. Traditionally, the image of a woman in world poetry is the image of a beloved, beloved. From here, a love theme arises in the lyrics. Poets sing of their beloved, her beauty, their feelings, passion, describe the suffering from unrequited or departed love, write about loneliness, disappointment, jealousy.

The poetry of Nekrasov, in his appeal to a woman, for the first time expanded the thematic scope. In his lyrics, in addition to love, the theme of the female share appeared, presented widely and diversely. This was largely due to the fact that the poet touched on another social stratum: not the nobility, but the common people. Having dedicated the lyre to “his people”, the poet calls his Muse the sister of a young peasant woman beaten in the square with a whip.

Nekrasov devoted many poems to the life of a Russian village woman. There is not a single side of peasant life that the poet would bypass. In the poem "Troika", the poet predicts a difficult married life for the girl.

Having tied an apron under the arms,

You will drag an ugly chest,

Your picky husband will beat you,

And the mother-in-law to bend in three deaths.

From work and black and hard

You will bloom, not having time to bloom,

You will fall into a deep sleep.

You will babysit, work and eat.

And in the poem "Wedding" again an ominous prediction:

Many cruel reproaches await you,

Labor days, lonely evenings:

You will rock a sick child,

Wait for a violent husband home.

The poet also expresses his sympathy for the female fate in the poems “Orina, a soldier’s mother”, “Listening to the horrors of war”, showing the tragedy of the vast majority of peasant women who are killed day by day at back-breaking work:

The poor woman is exhausted,

A column of insects sways above her,

Stings, tickles, buzzes!

The theme of the heavy fate of the Russian woman, the poet also revealed in his famous poems "Frost, Red Nose", "Russian Women". The suffering fate of a Russian peasant woman is also described in the poem “Who Lives Well in Russia”, where the entire second part is devoted to her. Her heroine, Matrena Timofeevna, is reputed to be happy among people. Telling the men who are looking for an answer to the question “Who lives happily, freely in Russia?” About her life, she admits that she “happened in girls”: she had a “good, non-drinking family”, loving, affectionate, protecting her parents. But even in such a family, by the “fifth year” she had to start working, at seven she already went after the cow, herded geese, picked mushrooms and berries, turned hay, and after a hard day and a bathhouse, she went back to work, for a spinning wheel.

And such a life full of hard work is remembered by Matryona Timofeevna at her thirty-eight years as happiness. Because everything that awaited her after marriage was sheer suffering. No wonder the mother lamented when they came to woo her daughter. After the wedding, she "fell to hell with a girl's holi." Bullying by her husband's relatives, beatings, hard labor, the terrible death of her beloved first-born - that was only the beginning of her terrible, but, alas, such a fate common to a Russian peasant woman.

After the death of the first-born, other children were born every year: “there is no time to think or grieve, God forbid to cope with the work and cross the forehead,” Matryona's parents died. Timofeevna submitted to everything: “first from bed, last to bed”, humiliated herself in front of her father-in-law with her mother-in-law, and only in one thing became rebellious: she stood up for the children, did not allow them to be offended. When the village lynched Fedot, who, working as a shepherd, failed to take the sheep from the she-wolf, his mother lay down under the rod for him.

A hungry year fell to Matryona's lot, and then an even more terrible test: they took her husband out of turn into recruits. And again Matrena Timofeevna did not submit. The pregnant woman went on foot to the city to seek the truth and intercession from the governor. She achieved the truth, having received the intercession of the governor, who also herself baptized the child born before the time. Since then, Matrena Timofeevna "has been denounced as a lucky woman, nicknamed the governor's wife." A peasant woman raises five sons. One has already been recruited, her family burned twice, she walked, "like a gelding in a furrow." And in her opinion, this is not the case - "to look for a happy woman between women." And another heroine of the poem, a pilgrim who entered the village, will bitterly say that "the keys to women's happiness, from our free will, are abandoned, lost from God himself."

Reading Nekrasov, you come to the conclusion that the poet himself makes in one of his poems - “You share! - Russian woman's share! Hardly harder to find." Throughout the poem, the thought of the impossibility of living like this goes on. With undisguised sympathy, the author treats those who do not put up with their hungry and powerless existence. Not the meek and submissive are close to the poet, but such bold, rebellious and freedom-loving rebels as Saveliy, the “hero of the Holy Russian”, Yakim Nagoi, the seven truth-seekers, Grisha Dobrosklonov. The best of them have retained true humanity, the ability to sacrifice, spiritual nobility. Among them is Matrena Timofeevna.

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