Dance competitions for adults. Dance competitions for corporate party Game who dances at the holiday

Naturally, the last couple left wins.

Competition "Cinderella"

Guests are divided into two teams and are divided into pairs "man + woman". One participant of the competition portrays "Cinderella" - instead of a partner, he is given a mop, with which he must dance. As soon as the host turns off the music, the couples break up and quickly form again with other partners. “Cinderella” at the same time throws away the mop and grabs the first person who comes to hand for dancing, but always a man - a woman and a woman - a man.
The one left without a partner becomes "Cinderella" and dances with a mop until the next tune!

The game of "dance of nations"

Guests need to be prepared for this entertainment: tell about the traditions and greeting rituals of the selected countries (or better, show them as well). The essence of the game: to demonstrate these movements to each other, and possibly choose some kind of ritual for a corporate corporate greeting.

Participants become in two circles: in the inner circle they move, dancing, clockwise, in the outer circle - against. When the melody ends, some country is called aloud by the leader, movements are suggested, and the dancers standing opposite each other depict the appropriate greeting: -

  • French - hugging;
  • -Chinese - fold their hands in front of their chest in a prayer gesture;
  • -Norwegians - exchange a strong handshake;
  • -Yakuts - rub their noses;
  • Russians - kiss three times;
  • -Japanese - bow low;
  • -New Guineans - playfully move their eyebrows;
  • -Africans - clapping their hands on their hips and grimacing happily.

You can come up with other funny gestures, for example, introduce a Martian ritual into the game - turn your back to each other and shake hands between your legs. In general, there are no winners in this game, but everyone has fun!

After everyone has danced enough, you can invite guests to arrange table competitions for a corporate party.

Do not forget that the winners of any dance competition at a corporate party should receive prizes - albeit inexpensive, but always memorable or funny. Good luck with your corporate party!

Number of players: even
Extras: no

All players are divided into pairs. Couples should stand at a safe distance from each other. Before the start of the game, the host announces a dance competition, but everyone will dance for a reason. It is necessary to conduct a rehearsal without music.

Dance of meetings and partings - dance game for adults

Number of players: any
Extras: no

During the next dynamic dance, which guests, as a rule, perform in a general circle, the host offers to choose a soloist and soloist. As soon as they are in the center of everyone's attention, the leader will explain that this couple will not dance in the center of the circle for long. As soon as the music stops (and it will definitely stop after 20-30 seconds, the DJ will take care of this), the partner, to the thunderous applause of the dancers, will warmly say goodbye to “his” lady and invite another soloist to the circle instead of himself.

The music will sound again, and everyone will applaud the main couple in the updated line-up. But - again a pause, and this time the lady, to the applause of the audience, will warmly thank "her" partner for the dance, and invite another soloist instead of herself.

Dance without music - dance game for adults

Number of players: any
Extras: no

Everyone stands in a circle, one person goes to the center. Players must, without music, come up with and create an atmosphere of dance for the player. For example, rain, fire or a gust of wind. (The circle can clap, click, stomp, blow, hum, howl, swirl, bounce, etc. in a certain rhythm.)

The task of the one who remained in the circle is to feel and convey in the dance the state of space that is given to him.

Situation dance - dance game for adults

Number of players: any
Optional: Situation Cards

The host of the game prepares cards with situations that will need to be played in the dance. Players are divided into teams of two to five people and receive their card. Then the music is put on and the teams are given time to prepare. The task of the players is to distribute the roles, prepare and show the dance-situation to everyone, like a small scene.

The audience looks at who did what, and then they try to guess and retell what exactly, in their opinion, was played out.

Dance-tuning - dance game for adults

Number of players: any
Extras: no

All players sit in a circle, one person goes to the center. He is given a card with a role. The player must tune in to their image and dance it for a minute or a little longer. Then he "transfers" this role to another player: the next person sitting goes into a circle and "adjusts" to the first one with his dance. (If the first was water, then the second must feel it and also dance the water; if the first was some kind of animal, then the second must also become an animal).

Music Falls - dance game (competition) for adults

Number of players: any
Extras: no

This is a variant of the game of musical chairs. Only here the players must sit on the floor at the end of the music. When 2 players remain, they will need to be blindfolded. The first person to sit on the floor will be the winner.

Lavat - dance game for adults

Number of players: any

Extras: no

Host: Let's learn the words of our song

We dance together

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

Our cheerful dance -

This is Lavata

Host: Are our hands good?

All: Good...

Host: And the neighbor?

All: Better! (everyone joins hands and sings)

Musical chairs - game (competition) for adults

Number of players: any
Optional: chairs, balloons or hats

The game must have one chair less than the participants.

Variant of the game: balls are passed to the music, and there are one less of them than the participants. If the ball burst, then the person is out of the game.

Instead of balls, players pass and put on their hats. Moreover, you can take off a hat from a person yourself, and not wait until it is handed over.

In the same way, you can send a gift. He will be taken away by the one with whom he will remain at the end of the muses. excerpt.

Off the Turkish coast - a game (competition) for adults

Number of players: as many as you like

Optional: balloons or scarves

Those who have vacationed in Turkish resorts are familiar with such a concept as "Turkish night". Tables are set with traditional dishes, national music sounds, local folklore groups perform ... Turkish dances are performed on this night without fail.

From each crew, one participant is invited to a master class in Turkish dancing.

Turkish dances are not easy to perform, but very simple. Everyone stood in one line. Look at me and repeat after me.

The leader or animator-dancer shows the movements of the dance. Participants repeat after him.

Dance combo:

"One" - step with the right foot to the right.

“Two - put the left foot to the right foot.

"Three" - step right foot to the right.

Sirtaki in Russian - dance game for adults

Number of players: several men and women
Extras: no

The host asks the guests to line up in lines (one of the men, the other of the women) at opposite sides of the dance floor facing each other. There must be at least ten people in each line. If this entertainment will interest everyone present, it will be even better. If there are slightly more women than men, or vice versa, it does not matter.

To the music of the Greek dance sirtaki, at the command of the leader, the male line takes three steps forward and bows, then takes three steps back. The line of women, in turn, takes three steps forward, then the same bow (or curtsey) and returns to the place three steps back.

Have you ever been to a party where there was no dancing? Yes, without dancing, a holiday is not a holiday. Especially guests want to dance somewhere after 3-4 toasts, when the blood has warmed up. And to help them, and at the same time have fun. We invite you to play dance competitions. For a fun company of people, these contests are definitely suitable. They will play with interest and get maximum pleasure. See and choose the best of them.

The competition is a journey through musical countries.
Every country has its own music. And in each country they dance in a special way to their own music. In this competition, your guests will also dance to the music of different countries. For example, under Georgian, under French and under Polish.
Everything is simple here: certain music is turned on and the guests are dancing. The one who danced better wins a prize.

By the way!
This contest can be used to get to know guests. For example, ask: are there guests with Polish roots in the hall? Or maybe there are those whose distant ancestors were once in Poland? There are such? Come to my music! And then the national Polish melody turns on. And you do this with all the guests, just change your words so as not to repeat yourself.

Competition - dance with body parts.
Don't worry, there is nothing criminal here. On the contrary, this is a fun contest and guests will love it.
Couples participate in the competition: a boy and a girl. They dance like they usually do slow dance. But there is one thing, but! - when the song starts, they should put their hands to each other in the place about which the song is sung. For example:
- well, where are the pens, well, where are your pens (it means that the hands should be on the pens)
- dance Russia, and cry Europe, and I have the best priest (here I put my hands on each other's ass)
There are many songs about body parts. Choose the ones that suit your company.

Competition - repeat after me.
All guests participate in this competition. They stand on one side, and the leader on the other. Under cheerful and groovy music, the presenter makes the first movement. Then they all repeat it together. Next, the leader shows the first and second movement. To the music, the guests repeat all this. Then the host repeats the first and second movement and adds the third. And the guests repeat all this to the music. And so on, until there are 5-7 movements for the dance.
After that, the leader can change and show his movements to his music.

Competition - characters from films.
We all watch movies, and movies have heroes. For example, such: cowboys, machos, bandits, sailors and so on. You call 4-7 men on stage. They decide by lot. Who plays what role. The men go into another room. The music turns on and the hero comes out. If a cowboy song comes on, a cowboy comes out. If a bandit, then a bandit, and so on. And they do not just go out, but dance to their music. After all the dances, ask the other guests to say who played what role. And the best actor is awarded with a prize.

Competition - oriental dances.
For the competition you need girls, for example 4-6 girls. They go with you to another room and there they put on oriental clothes: a scarf, a bandage on the face and a bandage on the waist. An oriental melody turns on and a girl in an oriental dance comes out. After dancing for a minute or two, the girls invite the men to dance with them. Those men who agreed go out. During the dance, the girls must quickly hand over their oriental clothes to the men. That is, take off a scarf and tie it to a man and do the same with other details of clothing. When the men are dressed up, the girls leave and the men continue to dance.

The competition is a musical umbrella.
As you may have guessed, you need an umbrella. You attach beautiful pieces of paper to it, on which the names of dances are written: lezginka, tango, lambada and so on. Each dance twice. All guests stand in a circle and the music is turned on. The guests dance and pass each other an umbrella. As soon as the music stops, whoever has an umbrella in his hand, he tears off any one card. And the game continues on. When all the cards are in the hands of the guests. The rest take their seats. And those with cards keep playing. And then you need to find your partner, and dance your dance with her.

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Dance games for kids camp, playground, entertainment for kids


This is a "repeat game" (or "mirror dance"). Participants sit on chairs arranged in a semicircle. The leader sits in the center of the hall and shows different movements for all parts of the body, giving the installation:
- “look around” (exercise for the head);
- “we are surprised” (shoulder exercise);
- “Catch a mosquito” (cotton under the knee);
- “we trample down the earth” (stomp), etc.
The game is usually held at the beginning of the lesson and is part of rhythmic gymnastics in dance and game training. Since it is sometimes difficult for some participants to immediately get involved in the dance process, you can start moving in a sitting position.
Purpose: warm up the body, awaken emotions; relieve tension in the group and set to work.
Music: any rhythmic, average pace. Location of participants on the site: scheme 1


The leader gives the commands:
- line up in a column, line, diagonal;
- make a circle (tight, wide), two circles, three circles;
- make two circles - a circle in a circle;
- stand in pairs, triplets, etc.
Thus, the group is "transformed", taking on various figures and positions. At the same time, you can complicate the task and rebuild with a march, jumps, jumps, a cat's step, and other dance movements. Or execute commands for a set period of time (for example, counting up to five; up to ten).
Purpose: to encourage participants to interact and understand each other, to develop a sense of orientation in space.
Music: Rhythm is used as the game's music.
Location of participants on the site: schemes 29, 3, 30. 42.13.
Game 3. "CHAIN"
Participants stand in a column and move like a snake. Their hands are in constant clutch, which, at the command of the host, takes on different forms: hands on the shoulders, on the belt, crosswise; by the arms, under the arms, etc.
In this case, the leader changes the proposed circumstances. “we move along a narrow path on toes”, “we walk through the swamp - we step carefully”, “we step over puddles”, etc.
Purpose: to explore the possibility of entering into contact and interaction in a group.
Music: any rhythmic (you can "disco"), the pace is moderate-medium.

Game 4

Participants are located around the hall in a chaotic order and perform dance walking on the spot. At the signal of the host (clap or whistle), they stop and freeze:
1st option - in different poses, representing a sculpture
2nd option ~ with a smile on your face.
The host makes a comment; after the second signal, everyone continues to move (repeated 5-8 times).
The game can be played as a "sculpture contest" and a "smile contest".
Target; remove the inner clamp, help self-awareness and self-understanding, as well as the release of feelings.
Music: cheerful incendiary (different styles are possible, where a pronounced rhythm can be traced), the pace is fast.


Participants dance around the area randomly, greeting all passing members of the group with a nod of the head. The music stops - everyone must find a mate and shake hands (repeated 5-7 times).
Purpose: to explore mutual acceptance of each other and entry into contact; develop a sense of rapid reaction. Music: any rhythmic. pace is average. Location of participants on the site: schemes 8, 1 3.
Game 6
Couples improvise, being in a different clutch:
- holding with right hands;
- hand in hand
- put your hands on each other's shoulders (at the waist);
- holding with both hands - facing each other (with the back of a friend
to friend).
When changing the clutch, a pause is made and the music changes. The game can be played as a competition.
Purpose: to stimulate communication in pairs, to develop the ability of mutual understanding, to develop a dance-expressive repertoire.
Music: different styles and genres with alternating fast and slow tempos (for example, folk national melodies).
Location of participants on the site: scheme 13.

Game 7. "WINGS"

At the first stage, the participants “mirror” the leader, who imitates the movements of the wings (two, one, with a turn, etc.).
At the second stage, the participants are divided into two “packs”, which take turns improvising on the site, interacting with each other. While some are dancing, others are watching, and vice versa.
The game is usually played after active training.
Purpose: to reduce emotional arousal, restore breathing, help orientation in space and the establishment of interpersonal relationships.
Music: calm, slow (for example, instrumental compositions by V. Zinchuk or jazz compositions).
Location of participants on the site: schemes 8. 27, 28.


Participants are located throughout the site, taking a static position (they stand with folded "wings", or squat down).
The host (playing the role of a fairy or wizard) alternately touches the participants with a magic wand, each of which performs a solo swan dance. When touched again with a magic wand, the "swan" freezes again.
The facilitator gives a comment, stimulating the manifestation of individuality. h
Purpose: to realize your dance features and the possibility of self-expression; develop the ability to improvise.
Music: waltz (for example, I. Strauss waltzes), medium or moderately fast pace.
Props: "magic wand".
The location of the participants on the site: scheme 16.17.

Game 9

Participants are built in a column and move in a snake. The one at the head of the column (detachment commander) shows some kind of movement, the rest repeat.
Then the "detachment commander" goes to the end of the column and the next participant takes his place. And the game continues until everyone is at the head of the column. Each participant should try not to repeat himself in movements, come up with his own version. If there are difficulties, the leader comes to the rescue.
Purpose: to give an opportunity to experiment with movement in order to realize one's dance-expressive stereotype, as well as to feel oneself in the role of a leader and a follower.
Music: any dance (for example, "disco", "pop", "latin"), the pace is fast.
Location of participants on the site: scheme 7.

Game 10

Participants sit on chairs in a comfortable position or lie on the floor on rugs, close their eyes.
7th option: the host gives the theme of the dream (for example, “spring”, “autumn”, “hike”, “space”, “sea”, “cloud”, etc.) v participants surrender to their fantasies to the music.
2nd option: the presenter speaks for a previously prepared tex against the background of music (see Appendix No. 2).
In the second stage, everyone shares their dreams.
The game is usually played at the end of the lesson.
Purpose: to work out internal sensations, stabilize the emotional state, achieve internal balance.
Music: slow, calm, unobtrusive (for example, meditative music with sounds of nature: the sound of the sea, birdsong, etc.)
Location of participants on the site: schemes 5, 8.

Game 11

Participants stand or sit in a semicircle. The host gives the task: “the right hand is dancing”, “the left leg is dancing”, “the head is dancing”, “shoulders are dancing”, etc. - the participants improvise. On the command “everyone dance” - all parts of the body are included in the work (repeated 3-4 times). The facilitator can combine explanation with demonstration.
The game is usually held at the beginning of the lesson and can be part of rhythmic gymnastics in dance and game training.
Purpose: warm up the body, awaken emotions; remove muscle clamps, create a mood for work.
Music: any rhythmic, average pace. Location of participants on the site: scheme I.
Game 12
Participants form a circle and. holding hands, move slowly clockwise. The leader with a handkerchief in his hand goes in the opposite direction inside the circle, stops in front of any of the participants (at this moment the circle also stops moving). makes a deep Russian bow and hands over the handkerchief. After a return bow, he changes places with him. The game can continue until everyone is in the lead.
Purpose: to develop group feelings of cohesion, ownership, belonging; induce to enter into interpersonal relationships.
Music: instrumental Russian melodies (for example, round dances of the Beryozka ensemble), the pace is slow.
Props: handkerchief.
Location of participants on the site: scheme 39.

Game 13

The game recreates the atmosphere of the ball.
1st option,
Participants in a slow, sedate step move around the site in a chaotic manner, while greeting everyone who comes towards them with a nod of their heads. A musical pause is a signal to curtsy (repeated 5-7 times).
2nd option,
The group lines up. The king (queen, this role can be played by the leader) passes through the participants. each of which, as a sign of greeting, alternately freezes in a curtsy, and stands at the end of the row. The game is repeated until everyone is the king.
Purpose: to help orientation in space, to give the opportunity to experiment with movement, to realize one's peculiarity of self-expression, to develop the ability to improvise.
Music: minuet, waltz or other, moderate tempo.
The location of the participants on the site: schemes 8, 41.

Game 14

Everyone becomes in a circle. The host invites any of the participants and dances with him in pairs, showing the movements that the partner “mirrors”. At the “musical pause” signal, the couple splits up and invites new members. Now there are two couples on the platform, and so on, until everyone is involved in the dance process. At the same time, each invitee “mirrors” the movements of the one who invited him.
Purpose: to explore mutual acceptance of each other and entry into contact, to give the opportunity to experiment with movement, to feel yourself in the role of a leader and a follower.
Music: different styles and genres (for example: Charleston, rock and roll or folk tunes), the pace is fast.
Location of participants on the site: schemes 4.12.13.

Game 15

Participants break into pairs and improvise. The leader in a hat walks around the hall, stops near any couple, puts a hat on the head of one of the participants and changes places with him. The game is repeated until everyone has been wearing a hat.
Purpose: to stimulate communication in pairs, to develop the ability of mutual understanding and entering into interpersonal contact, to expand the dance-expressive repertoire.
Music: different styles and genres (for example, twist), the pace is moderate.
Props: hat.
Location of participants on the site: scheme 14.

Game 16

Everyone stands in a circle and moves to the rhythm of the music. The leader with a guitar in his hands goes to the center of the circle and performs a solo, expressing his feelings in the dance, then passes the guitar to any participant. Then each participant does the same, while he can optionally interact with someone from the group. Each solo dance is rewarded with applause at the end.
Purpose: to stimulate creative self-expression, release of feelings, develop the ability to improvise, increase self-esteem.
Music: disco, pop. rock and other (for example, compositions "Boni-M"), the pace is fast.
Props: you can use a badminton racket as a guitar.
Location of participants on the site: scheme 3. 2.

Game 17

Participants are divided into two groups, each of which moves in turn in its own style, while improvising and interacting with each other. While one group is dancing, the other is watching and vice versa (repeated 3-4 times). Then the groups try their hand at the opposite style (changing styles) and the game is repeated.
Purpose: to develop group support and interaction, to expand the dance-expressive repertoire.
Music: any combination of contrasting styles: rock and roll and rap, classical and folk, jazz and techno.
Location of participants on the site: scheme 22.

Game 18

The game is based on the basic movements of the "Apple" dance. All are built in two lines.
1st stage. The host gives a command and shows what needs to be done, the participants repeat:
- “marching” (march on the spot with a high raising of the hip);
- “look into the distance” (tilts to the sides, hands represent binoculars):
- “pull the rope” (on “one, two” - lunge on the right leg to the side, hands depict the capture of the rope, on “three, four” - we transfer the weight of the body to the left leg and pull the rope towards us):
- “we climb the mast” (jumps in place, hands imitate climbing a rope ladder):
- "quietly!" (lifting on half-fingers: up and down (exercise "releve" in VI position), right hand to the temple), etc.
2nd stage. The host randomly gives commands, the participants independently perform.
The game is usually held at the beginning of the lesson and can be part of rhythmic gymnastics in dance and game training.

Music: dance "Apple", the pace is moderately fast. Location of participants on the site: scheme 21.

Game 19

The facilitator offers to take a “walk”, improvising with some object. Shows the trajectory of movement (for example, make a circle around the site or reach a chair standing in the distance, go around it and come back). The facilitator asks to show imagination and try so that each subsequent “walk” is not like the previous ones. The game takes place in the form of a relay race: everyone is built in a column one at a time, the object with which the participants work serves as a baton.
Purpose: to realize your dance features and the possibility of self-expression, to develop an expressive repertoire.
Music: different styles and genres (for example, instrumental rhythmic music, pop waltz).
Props: umbrella, flower, newspaper, fan, handbag, hat.
The location of the participants on the site: schemes 36.35.

Game 20

The facilitator asks the participants to turn on their imagination and says that their group is a single whole - the sea, and each of them is a wave.
1st option. Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. On the “calm” command, all participants slowly and calmly sway, depicting barely noticeable waves with their hands. At the “storm” command, the amplitude of hand movement increases, the participants sway more dynamically. "Change of weather" occurs 5-7 times.
2nd option. The game is played according to the same rules, but the participants are built in two or three lines.
Purpose: to develop mutual understanding and interaction in a group, to analyze relationships.
Music: instrumental with the sounds of the sea, wind, etc.; alternation of contrasting tempos and dynamic shades. Location of participants on the site: schemes 3, 21.

Game 21

Everyone stands in a circle and imitates swimming styles, crouching slightly: front crawl, breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke. The change of style occurs at the command of the presenter. At the “dive” signal, everyone moves chaotically, depicting scuba diving (arms are extended forward, palms are connected and move like a snake; legs perform a small mincing step). The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Purpose: to help self-awareness and self-understanding, to develop a sense of orientation in space.
Music: any rhythmic (you can hit the sea), the pace is moderate.
Location of participants on the site: schemes 3.8.

Game 22

All participants randomly move in space (without musical accompaniment). The host says: “The sea worries once. the sea worries two, the sea worries three - the figure of a medusa (mermaid, shark, dolphin) freeze. Everyone freezes in different poses. Music sounds. A pre-selected Neptune approaches any participant and enters into a dance interaction with him, showing any movements that need to be “mirrored”. After the music stops, the participants switch roles. The game continues with a new Neptune. Each time the host calls a new figure. The game can be repeated until everyone is Neptune.
Purpose: to stimulate activity and initiative in establishing relationships with another person, to help mutual understanding.
Music: different directions and styles (for example, "jellyfish" - jazz, "mermaids" - oriental melodies, "sharks" - heavy rock). The pace is different.
Location of participants on the site: scheme 18.

L. Razdrokina
Game 23
All form two circles - outer and inner. Each circle is dance-walked in a different direction. The music is interrupted - the movement stops, the partners standing opposite greet with a handshake. Repeated 7-10 times.
Purpose: to explore mutual acceptance of each other and entry into contact.
Music: any rhythmic, energetic (for example, polka or disco). The pace is moderately fast.
The location of the participants on the site: schemes 37.38.

Game 24

Everyone becomes in a circle.
1st stage. The leader shows the basic movements of African dances, the participants try to repeat.
2nd stage. Everyone takes turns soloing in a circle with a spear or a tambourine. The group continues to move in place. Each soloist receives a gift of applause.
Purpose: to stimulate creative self-expression, release of feelings, increase self-esteem, develop dance-expressive abilities.
Music: afro-jazz. The pace is fast.
Location of participants on the site: schemes 3.2.

Game 25

This is a tension and relaxation exercise. The group is built in the form of a wedge, depicting a sailing ship.
1st stage. At the leader’s command to “raise the sails”, everyone raises their hands to the sides, slightly pulling them back, and freezes, standing on their toes.
2nd stage. At the command to "lower the sails" - they lower their hands, crouching down.
3rd stage. At the command "fair wind" - the group moves forward, maintaining the shape of the ship's wedge.
4th stage. At the command "complete calm" everyone stops. Repeat 3-4 times.
Purpose: to restore breathing, reduce emotional arousal, help orientation in space and develop the ability to feel part of a single whole.
Music: calm, instrumental. The pace is slow.
Location of participants on the site: scheme 19.
Game 26
The group forms a circle, in the center of which stands a chair (“horse”). Each participant improvises in turn, sitting on a chair, imitating a rider (including various simple tricks in the range of motion: riding while standing, reclining, on his side, with his back in the direction of travel, etc.).
The game continues until everyone has been riders.
Purpose: to realize one's expressive possibilities, to stimulate creative self-expression, release of feelings, to give an opportunity to experiment with movement.
Music: in the style of "country" or "lezginka", the pace is fast.
Props: chair.

Game 27
Participants sit on chairs standing in a semicircle. Different parts of the face “dance” - at the command of the leader:
- "dancing eyes" - participants:

a) shoot eyes from left to right and vice versa;

b) wink alternately with the left and right eyes:

c) they close their eyes, then open them wide (“bulging
yut") eyes:

- “dancing sponges” - participants:

a) stretch their lips with a tube, depicting a triple kiss, then blur in a smile:

b) send air kisses with the help of the palm of their hands to the right, then to the left;

- "dancing cheeks" - participants:

a) inflate their cheeks with air, then clap their palms on them
mi, releasing air;

b) inflate alternately one or the other cheeks, chasing air
spirit back and forth.

The facilitator can combine explanation with demonstration. The game is usually held at the beginning of the lesson and can be part of rhythmic gymnastics in dance and game training.
Purpose: to remove muscle clamps of the face, to awaken emotions, to create a mood for work.
Music: any rhythmic (for example, "polka" or "disco"), the pace is average.
Location of participants on the site: scheme 1.

Game 28

This is a tension and relaxation exercise. The participants are located on the site in a chaotic manner, depicting icicles. Starting position: stand at attention.
/-th stage: "Spring - the icicles are melting." The host, who plays the role of the sun, alternately gives a signal (with a look, gesture or touch) to any of the participants, who begins to slowly “melt”, sinking into a prone position. And so on, until all the "icicles" melt.
2nd stage: "Winter - icicles freeze." Participants at the same time get up very slowly and take their starting position - standing at attention.

Purpose: relieve tension, restore breathing, reduce emotional arousal.
Music: calm meditative, slow pace. Location of participants on the site: scheme 15.

Game 29

Everyone sits on chairs arranged in a semicircle. In a box (on a table, on a hanger), standing outside the group's field of vision (as if "behind the scenes"), there are various elements of costumes and props. Participants take turns choosing one of the proposed things and perform a solo number impromptu. The facilitator makes a comment, encouraging the manifestation of fantasy. Each dancer is rewarded with the applause of the group.
The presenter must think over the possible options for musical accompaniment in advance and have different phonograms in stock.
Purpose: to stimulate creative self-expression, develop the ability to improvise, increase self-esteem.
Music: various styles and genres of different tempo and character (the duration of each solo number is 40-50 seconds).
Props: cane, flower, hat, scarf, fan, boa. pipe, tambourine, newspaper, doll, umbrella, mirror, etc.

Game 30

1st option: the participants are randomly located on the site and move slowly (“inhibited”), depicting a state of weightlessness. At the same time, in free improvisation, they interact with each other.
Option 2: the participants are arranged in a circle and represent the game of volleyball in zero gravity, sending each other impulses with a look and slow gestures during the “ball passing”. The host becomes an equal participant in the game and by his own example encourages the participants to use the full range of movements in the game of volleyball.
Purpose: to help orientation in space, to explore the possibility of self-understanding and self-awareness in the proposed circumstances, to develop group understanding and interaction.
Music: calm, "cosmic" (for example, the compositions of the "Space" group), the pace is slow.
Location of participants on the site: schemes 8.5.

Game 31

Participants form a circle and move counterclockwise - "travel around the world." At the same time, national melodies from different countries and continents replace one another. Participants should try to quickly adjust to the new rhythm, interacting with each other, including using clutch movements (holding hands, under the arms, hands on the shoulders - with lateral movement; putting their hands on the belt, on the shoulders of the person in front - with moving one after another), but without violating the trajectory of movement in a circle. The leader, being with everyone in a circle, can suggest the basic movements of national dances, as well as make comments during the game.
Purpose: to develop group interaction, update relationships, expand the expressive repertoire.
Music: national melodies of different countries in modern processing (for example, “lambada”, “lezginka”, “sirtaki”, “letka-enka”, as well as oriental, African, Jewish and other melodies; in conclusion, “travels” - Russian round dance).
Location of participants on the site: scheme 6.

Game 32

Participants form a wide circle and move to the rhythm of the music.
1st option: the leader puts a hat on his head and makes several dance movements, turning around his axis. Then he passes the hat to the participant standing next to him, who, in free improvisation, does the same and passes the baton to the next player. The relay race continues in a circle until then. until the hat is returned to the leader.
2nd option: the leader crosses the circle in any direction (improvising at the same time) and puts a hat on the head of one of the participants, changing places with him. The one who took the baton repeats the action of the leader, using his vocabulary of dance movements, and the next participant is included in the game. So. until every member of the group has been wearing a hat.
Purpose: to develop the ability to improvise, explore mutual acceptance of each other, getting into contact, stimulate the development of interpersonal relationships in the group.
Music: any rhythmic, temperamental (for example, Charleston, twist, disco, etc.). The pace is moderately fast.
Location of participants on the site: schemes 5.40.

Game 33

This is a tension and relaxation exercise. The participants are located on the site in a chaotic manner. At the command of the presenter:
- "cold" - all members of the group, depicting trembling in the body, tightly pressed against each other, concentrating at one point in the hall:
- "hot" - everyone randomly moves around the site in a free improvisation "chilling from the heat."
The host makes a comment, eloquently describing the state of the weather. The exercise is repeated 5-6 times.
Purpose: to remove the internal clamp, to help orientation in space, to develop mutual understanding and interaction in the group, to update relationships.
Music: contrasting - alternation of styles different in rhythm and tempo (for example, rock and roll and jazz): it is possible to use hits on the theme of winter and summer.
Location of participants on the site: schemes 20.8.

Game 34

Participants are located on one side of the site. Task: to cross to the other side, one person at a time.
Each participant should try to come up with their own way of moving, using their dance-expressive repertoire (including various dance steps, jumps, jumps, turns, simple tricks, etc.).
After all members of the group are on the other side of the site, the exercise is repeated one more time with different music. In this case, you must again not repeat the movements of the previous participants. In case of difficulty, the host can provide assistance to the players.
Purpose: to realize your dancing abilities, to develop the ability to improvise, to stimulate creative self-expression.
Music: different styles in rhythm and tempo (for example, “lady” and “waltz”, “rap” and “latina”, etc.).
Location of participants on the site: scheme 33.

Game 35

(In this game, the "invisibility cap" works the other way around: the one who puts it on does not see anything around.)
Everyone becomes in a circle. One of the participants goes to the center, puts on an "invisibility cap", closes his eyes and improvises in space, guided by his inner feelings. The rest are watching. During a musical pause, the soloist opens his eyes and gives the “invisibility cap” to the one with whom he first meets his eyes, changing places with him. The next participant repeats everything from the beginning, moving authentically on the platform. The game can continue until everyone is in the circle.
Purpose: to explore the possibility of orientation in space, to develop an expressive dance repertoire, to stimulate creative self-expression.
Music: calm instrumental (for example, the compositions of the P. Mauriat orchestra). The pace is slow or moderate.
Location of participants on the site: scheme 2.

Game 36

Participants are divided into two groups, which are located in a chaotic manner on different sides of the site.
At the first stage: one representative from the group goes to the middle and competes in the skill of improvisation: who will dance whom. At the signal of the leader, the soloists return to their group to applause, their place is taken by the following participants. The dance continues until then. until every member of the group has taken part in it.
At the second stage: the music changes, the groups in full composition alternately improvise on the site, while the participants interact with each other, trying to dance their rivals: group improvisations are repeated 3-4 times.
Purpose: to give an opportunity to experiment with movement, to stimulate communication in pairs, to develop group support, to stimulate creative self-expression.
Music: different styles and genres (for example, “lady”, “latina”, “rock and roll”, “lezginka”, “cossack”, “break”, etc.). The pace is fast.
Location of participants on the site: schemes 34.22.

Game 37

Participants form a circle or two circles (one inside the other), hold hands and raise them up or forward, representing a cake.
At the first stage, the “ice cream cake” melts: with the beginning of the music, the participants relax and slowly languidly sink to the floor in a supine position, without breaking their hands.
At the second stage, the reverse process takes place - the “ice-cream cake” is frozen: the participants also rise slowly, as in the previous stage, without breaking their hands. and take their original position.
The game is repeated 3-4 times. It is usually carried out after active exercises.
Purpose: to remove the internal clamp, reduce emotional arousal, restore breathing, develop mutual understanding and the ability to feel part of a single whole.
Music: calm meditative, slow pace.
Location of participants on the site: schemes 3.42.

Game 38

The group is a videotape on which a pandemonium of people is recorded in the square. The leader is the control panel. By signal:
- "start" - participants randomly move in space at an average pace;
- "fast forward" - the pace of movement is fast, while you need to try not to collide with each other and fill the entire space, evenly distributed on the site;
- "stop" - everyone stops and freezes in place;
- “rewind” - the pace of movement is fast, but the movement occurs backwards (the leader must monitor each participant and control the situation, avoiding falls and collisions; this stage of the game should not be long).
The leader randomly gives different signals several times.
The exercise can be complicated by giving the task to move with any dance step, according to the chosen musical accompaniment.
Purpose: to help orientation in space, to develop the ability of mutual understanding and interaction.
Music: as a musical accompaniment, you can use a rhythm or a pre-prepared phonogram, consisting of musical passages of different tempo and duration (according to the stages of the game), recorded several times in different sequences.
Location of participants on the site: scheme 8.

Game 39

The group forms a circle. One of the participants comes to the center and improvises to the music, then blows a kiss to any member of the group. The one to whom the kiss was addressed catches it. takes the place of the soloist in the center of the circle and continues to improvise.
The game can continue until everyone has received at least one air kiss.
Purpose: to develop a dance-expressive repertoire, to explore mutual acceptance of each other.
Music: lyrical instrumental (for example, waltzes by I. Strauss or compositions by I. Krutoy). The pace is moderate.
Location of participants on the site: scheme 2.

Game 40

Everyone lies on the floor on rugs and “sunbaths” in different positions. At the leader's command:
- “sunbathing on the stomach” - the participants lie on their stomachs: hands support their chin, head tilts left and right, legs alternately bend at the knees, reaching the buttocks with the heel:
- “sunbathing on the back” - the participants roll over onto their backs: hands under their heads, one leg is pulled towards itself, bending at the knee, the foot of the other leg is placed on the knee of the first, beating the rhythm of the music;
- "sunbathing on the side" - the participants roll over on their side: one hand props up the head, the other rests on the floor in front of the chest; the upper leg, like a pendulum, touches the toe to the floor, either in front or behind, “jumping” over the other leg.
The exercise is repeated 4-5 times. The game can be part of rhythmic gymnastics in dance-game training.
Purpose: to warm up the body, awaken emotions, relieve tension in the group, create a mood for work.
Music: any rhythmic, average pace. Location of participants on the site: schemes 3.8.

Game 41

Everyone sits or stands in a semicircle. Participants alternately improvise on the site, holding a sign with the inscription "minute of glory" in their hands, trying to open up as much as possible. Each dance is performed to different music and is greeted with applause by the group at the end. The facilitator makes a comment, stimulating the participants to reveal their hidden abilities.
Purpose: to develop the ability to improvise, explore your dance and expressive capabilities, stimulate creative self-expression, increase self-esteem.
Music: A selection of excerpts from various styles and genres at various tempos.
Location of participants on the site: scheme 9.

Game 42

Participants randomly move around the venue to the rhythm of the music, greeting passing members of the group with a nod of the head, a gesture or a touch of the palms of the hands. At will, participants in free improvisation enter into dance interaction with each other. In the process of "hanging out" a sharp change in musical accompaniment occurs several times. Participants should try to adjust to the new rhythm and continue improvisation. The host can be an outside observer or a full member of the "party".
Purpose: to develop a sense of orientation in space, to give the opportunity to experiment with movement, to explore the possibility of making contact, to expand the dance-expressive repertoire.
Music: a selection of different in style, rhythm, tempo fragments of club or disco music.
Location of participants on the site: scheme 8.

Game 43

Participants are divided into two groups, each of which presents its own "House of Models". Groups line up in the form of a line: one opposite the other. "Houses of models" alternately present their versions of the clothing collection (it does not matter what the participants are wearing, the main thing is to present yourself expressively). The defile continues until then. until each participant (participant-nickname) - “model” passes along the podium. After each exit, both groups give applause to all participants in the fashion show.
The presenter gives a commentary on the campaign of the game, making compliments to all members of the creative process, noting the exclusivity and uniqueness of each "model" on the podium.
Purpose: to explore the possibility of self-expression, increase self-esteem, develop group support.
Music: instrumental rhythmic, medium tempo. Location of participants on the site: schemes 31.32.

Game 44

Game 45

The exercise is used to break the group into pairs. Participants are divided into two groups (boys and girls or heterogeneous in composition). Each group forms a circle - a "carousel". In the center of each circle is a hoop, which everyone holds on to with their right hand. With the beginning of the music, the “carousels” begin to rotate clockwise, while at their junction participants from different groups try to touch each other with their left hands. During a musical pause, those visitors to the attraction who have touched each other at the moment form a couple, leave the "carousel" and step aside.
The game continues until all participants are divided into pairs.
The game can be made more difficult by inviting the participants to move in a certain step, for example: a run with a backward overlap, a triple heel step, a polka step, etc.
Purpose: to develop group feelings, to encourage entry into interpersonal relationships, to explore mutual acceptance of each other.
Music: Russian folk melodies in instrumental processing, the tempo is fast or moderately fast.
Props: hoops - 2 pcs.
Location of participants on the site: schemes 25.26.

Game 46

The group forms a circle, everyone sits on the floor (pulling their knees or "Turkish"). Two participants, each of whom has a red handkerchief in their hands, go to the center and, improvising in a duet dance, interacting at will, depict a fire flame. At the signal of the host, the “tongues of flame” (shawls) are passed on to the next participants, and now they “support” the fire, trying to show imagination and make their “fire dance” not like the previous one.
The game continues until everyone is in the circle.
Purpose: to stimulate communication in pairs, to develop the ability of mutual understanding and getting in touch with a dance partner, to expand the dance-expressive repertoire.
Music: energetic, temperamental music of different styles and genres (for example, "Saber Dance" by Khachaturian), the pace is fast or moderately fast.
Props: light red gauze scarves (or scarves) - 2 pcs.
Location of participants on the site: scheme 11.

Game 47

Participants are randomly located on the site and move independently in free dance improvisation to the proposed temperamental music. At the moment of changing the musical accompaniment to a slow pace, the participants should try to quickly find a partner for themselves and continue to dance in pairs. The alternation of fast and slow dances occurs 5-6 times. At each stage, forming pairs, it is necessary to find a new partner.
Purpose: to explore the possibility of making contact, to stimulate activity and initiative in establishing relationships with another person, to develop a dance-expressive repertoire.
Music: disco, club of contrasting styles and tempos (for example, disco and blues or techno and trance).
Location of participants on the site: schemes 8.13.

Game 48

Everyone sits or stands in a semicircle. Each participant in turn in free improvisation makes a solemn gait circle around the site, goes to the middle of the hall and, to the applause of the group, “bows”, that is, makes several bows and curtsies. The facilitator gives a comment, stimulating the participants to reveal their hidden abilities.
Purpose: to stimulate creative self-expression, release of feelings; boost self-esteem.
Music: fanfare or solemn, energetic march. Location of participants on the site: scheme 10.

Game 49

The group is divided in half and forms two lines: one opposite the other. At the same time, the participants of each group interlace their hands crosswise (each stretches his arms to the sides and takes his hand with a neighbor through one).
With the beginning of the music, the ranks in the clutch move towards each other. Having met, the participants standing opposite form pairs and freely improvise. At the moment of the musical pause, everyone should return to their places and take their original position.
The game can be played as a competition - who will quickly line up and interlace their hands.
Purpose: to develop group interaction, update relationships, explore the possibility of getting into contact, stimulate communication in pairs.
Music: Russian folk melodies in instrumental processing, medium or moderately fast tempo.
The location of the participants on the site: schemes 23.24.

Game 50

1st stage - "Costume selection". The group forms a circle and moves in place to the rhythm of the music. In the center of the circle is a box with a large set of carnival masks. One of the participants chooses a mask for himself and improvises in it. performing a solo dance: then passes the baton to the next member of the group, changing places with him (without removing the mask, becomes in a general circle). The new soloist does the same. And so it continues until all the participants are wearing masks.
Stage 2 - "Carnival in full swing". Participants move in free dance improvisation throughout the venue, interacting with each other at will.
The facilitator makes a comment, encouraging the participants for their uniqueness and originality.
Purpose: to stimulate creative self-expression, release of feelings, explore the possibility of interaction in a group.
Music: energetic. temperamental in the style of "latin" (perhaps a potpourri on the theme of Latin American rhythms), the pace is moderately fast.
Props: box with carnival masks.
Location of participants on the site: schemes 2.8.

Dance without music

All participants become in a circle, one person is nominated to the center. The players will without musical accompaniment spontaneously come up with and create a dance atmosphere. For example, a gust of wind, fire or rain. (For this, participants in a certain rhythm can click, clap, stomp, hum, blow, howl, jump, spin, etc.) trying to describe.

Dance on the newspaper

This is very popular competition used in any parties, weddings, anniversaries. Its distinguishing feature is simplicity in execution and absolutely no costs, except for a few sheets of old newspapers. Moreover, it is perceived with great enthusiasm by the participants. Each couple wishing to take part in this competition receives one piece of newspaper. Now this small piece of paper will be a kind of dance floor for each pair of dancers. After a certain period of time, the host announces: “We fold the newspapers in half,” - after that the dance continues on a reduced sheet of newspaper. This happens until there is only one of all the couples left standing on the smallest patch ... Winners can be awarded symbolic prizes.


Only girls take part in this competition - men act as grateful spectators. Each participant is given a certain number of elastic bands of different sizes, which must be worn as improvised underwear, stockings, gloves and other similar things. In this form, each girl should perform a dance to the music, while pulling off these very elastic bands as erotically as possible. It is worth noting that the spectacle is simply breathtaking! As a result of the competition, viewers choose the "Most Erotic Stripper". And so that the rest of the participants are not offended, come up with at least attractive titles .

The dance of the snakes

The facilitator announces the snake dance as mysteriously as possible. After that, he begins to perform all sorts of mystical manipulations with a handkerchief and a vase. But nothing happens. The snake doesn't even show itself out of the vase. Then the host asks the audience to help a little - dance, twitch, squeak, yell and shout. Then, upset, he concludes: “I must upset you, but there will be no snake dance today. But we had the opportunity to enjoy the amazing dance of wild monkeys!”


This wonderful competition is ideal for any youth party. From all those present, several couples are selected who wish to take part. According to their number, the same number of trays are prepared. A couple consisting of a girl and a guy becomes to each other face. Between them, it is necessary to clamp the tray in such a way that not a single participant touches it with his hands. The well-known melody called "lambada" is turned on, the participants dance, shaking their hips to the beat of the music.
A couple whose tray falls during the dance leaves the competition. The rest continue to fight for the title of winner.

Dance the winter

As a rule, this competition is held during the winter holidays. To organize it, you need to prepare small cards describing winter phenomena or things. For example: snowflake, blizzard, snowman, sled, wind, skiing, ice, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. The essence of this game is that each participant must pull out one note and display what is described in it with dance movements. The performer of the most original dance receives a small surprise, for example, a postcard, a beautiful snowflake, etc.

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