Contemporary manifestations of racism. What


Topic: the problem of racism in the modern world


11th grade student

Zuykov Mikhail


Muratova T.I.

Alatyr 2016


The origin of racism……………………………4

Racism in the modern world……………………………6

Contemporary manifestations of racism


National Socialist Movement

black racism

Racism in Russia

The attitude of public opinion towards racism……………………………9

Opponents of racism

Supporters of racism

Racism is good

Racism is bad

List of used literature……………………………14


The word "racism" is derived from the noun "race", which has long ceased to denote the concept of "clan" or "family" in French. In the 16th century, it was customary to refer to belonging to a “good race”, as well as to declare oneself a person of a good “breed”, a “nobleman”. Emphasizing one's origin was a way to stand out, to show one's significance, which was also a kind of social discrimination. A commoner who dreamed of "noble blood" tried not to mention the name of his ancestors. Gradually, the “merit of origin” changes its content, and at the end of the 17th century the word “race” is already used to divide humanity into several large genera. The new interpretation of geography presented the Earth not only divided into countries and regions, but also inhabited by "four or five genera or races, the difference between which is so great that it can serve as the basis for a new division of the Earth." In the 18th century, along with other meanings of the term, in which it can sometimes mean a social class, the Natural History introduces the idea that races are varieties of the human race, in principle one. These varieties "are the result of mutations, peculiar distortions that are passed down from generation to generation."

The word "racism" was first recorded by Larousse's French dictionary in 1932 and was interpreted as "a system that asserts the superiority of one racial group over others." Its current meaning in the political sense is sometimes expanded, supplementing the racial criterion of superiority with ethnic, religious or otherwise. At the same time, in a context where many countries have developed stable multiracial and multicultural societies, the definition of racism needed to be broadened. Racism is understood as the belief that race has a decisive influence on the character, morality, talents, abilities and behavioral characteristics of an individual human being.

Origin of racism

Ideas about the initial inequality of different races appeared quite a long time ago. The first hint of discrimination against Negroids can be found in the inscription on the obelisk erected on the second waterfall of the Nile, by order of Pharaoh Sesostris III: “Southern border. The wall erected in the 8th year of the reign of Sesostris III, king of Upper and Lower Egypt, who has always existed and will exist forever. Before this boundary, by land with herds, or by water by boat, any black is forbidden to cross, except those who wish to cross in order to sell or buy anything in any market. These people will be hospitably received, but it is always forbidden for any black person in any case to go down in a boat on the river for Heh.

Aristotle's theory of "natural slavery" has proven to be a serious primary reference that has been cited by many racist anthropologists over the centuries. But it should be noted that, writing about slaves "by nature", Aristotle did not at all mean the slave as a representative of another race. Slaves in ancient times were people who belonged to the same race as their masters. Just over the centuries, poor and unprotected peoples who were unable to withstand the onslaught of conquerors became slaves.

In the 16th-17th centuries, a hypothesis appeared that traced the origin of the Negroes to the biblical Ham, cursed by his father Noah, which was the justification for the conversion of Negroes into slavery.

In the middle of the 19th century, the first generalizing works on racism appeared. In the essay “An Experience on the Inequality of Human Races”, J. A. Gobineau declared the Aryans to be the highest race, whom he considered the creators of all high civilizations, preserved in the most pure form among the aristocracy of the German peoples. Gobineau did not give an exact description of the characteristic features of the "Aryans", he sometimes attributed to them roundness of the head, and sometimes elongation, sometimes light, sometimes dark or even black eyes (it should be noted that he himself was a Frenchman with black eyes). Gobineau's theory, based on the misidentification of races and language families, became cornerstone many racist concepts.

The idea of ​​the inequality of the human races flared up with extraordinary force in America during the period when the issue of the slave trade became more acute. When, in 1844, England, supported by France, approached US Foreign Secretary Calgoun with a proposal to free the Negroes and stop human trafficking, Calgoun was at a loss and did not know how to formulate a response to the two European powers. On the advice of the then-famous anthropologist Morton, Calgoun drew up a note addressed to England, in which he rejected any change in the legal status of the Negroes, since the Negroes are supposedly special breed of people.

November 17, 1863 opened the first meeting of the London Anthropological Society - the first anthropological organization in England. The president of the society, James Ghent, delivered a report on the topic "The Place of the Negro in Nature", in which numerous proofs were given of the inequality of whites and blacks, and the most negative properties of human nature were attributed to blacks.

In the future, racist ideas were closely intertwined with social Darwinism, whose representatives transferred the teachings of Charles Darwin about natural selection and the struggle for existence on human society. After the First World War, mainly in Germany, in reactionary circles, the "Nordic myth" about the superiority of the northern or Nordic race over all other races gained popularity. During the years of Hitler's dictatorship in Germany, racism, which became the official ideology of fascism, was used to justify the seizure of foreign lands, the physical destruction of many millions of civilians (primarily in the USSR and Slavic countries), imprisonment in concentration camps, torture

and executions of anti-fascists in Germany itself. A similar "racist practice" was carried out by the Japanese militarists in China and others. Asian countries, Italian fascists in Ethiopia, Albania, Greece.

However, racism is not only a European phenomenon. Politicians in many countries resorted to racism when they felt the need to justify the "right" to dominate or conquer. A prime example of this is Japanese racism. As soon as Japan began its colonial expansion to other countries (for example, China), a theory was created of the superiority of the "Japanese race" over all other races and peoples of the world (General Araki, Tainzaki Junichiro, Akiyama Kenzoo and other "Japanists"). "Original" racist theories were created at one time by some Pan-Turks, ideologists of gentry Poland, Finnish reactionaries who dreamed of creating a "great Finland" from Scandinavia to the Urals, something similar is put forward by Jewish chauvinists who sing of the greatness of the "chosen" people of God - Israel, etc. d.

In the 19th century in Latin America Indianism arises, the belief that the only true race is the Americanoid.

In the 60s. XX century in Africa, the former president of Senegal, Senghor, created the concept of negritude based on black racism. The sprouts of the concept go back to the 20-30s. to the French colonies, where they tried to assimilate the races. Then the black population resisted it.

Racism in the modern world

Contemporary manifestations of racism

In the past few years, conflicts on the basis of interethnic hatred have escalated. Going outside now, you can meet representatives of racist, nationalist, fascist, neo-Nazi groups. Football groups also keep apart, which in recent times interethnic strife is linked to their favorite sport, homeland, justice and everything that is possible. Here are the most famous manifestations of racism today.


Skinheads are representatives of marginal informal associations, as a rule, of an ultra-right, extremely nationalist persuasion.

Skinhead looks: plaid shirts, denim jackets, thin suspenders and rolled up jeans.

The main skinhead organization is Honor and Blood, a structure founded in 1987 by Ian Stuart Donaldson, a musician who died in a car accident in Derbshire at the end of 1993. Stewart's group, Skrewdriver, was for many years the most popular skin group in Britain and in all over the world. Under the name Klansmen, the band made several recordings for the American market - one of their songs has the characteristic title FetchtheRope. Stewart has always preferred to refer to himself simply as a "Nazi" rather than a "neo-Nazi". In an interview with one of the London newspapers, he said: "I admire everything that Hitler did, except for one thing - his defeat."

Today, most skinheads are hostile towards blacks, Jews, foreigners and homosexuals. Although there are left-wing or red skinheads, the so-called redskins and even the Skinheads Against Racial Violence organization. Therefore, skirmishes between red skinheads and Nazi skinheads are a common thing.

Neo-Nazi skinheads from different countries are active militant groups. These are street fighters who oppose the racial mixing that has spread like an infection throughout the world. They glorify the purity of the race and the brutally masculine lifestyle. In Germany they fight against the Turks, in Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic against the Gypsies, in Britain against the Asians, in France against the Negroes, in the USA against racial minorities and immigrants, and in all countries against homosexuals and the "eternal enemy", the Jews; in addition, in many countries, they chase the homeless, drug addicts and others, in their opinion, the dregs of society.


Races are historically formed territorial groups of people connected by a unity of origin, which is expressed in common hereditary, morphological and physiological characteristics that vary within certain limits.

There are five races in total, we list them in the order of appearance on the planet:
- Negroid
- Mongoloid
- americoid
- austroloid
- Caucasian

There is a version that the word race is of Arabic origin, it means: head, beginning, root.
The Italian origin of the word race means: tribe.
The term was first used by Francois Bernier in 1684.

History of Racism

The first hint of discrimination against Negroes can be found in the inscription inscribed on the obelisk erected on the second waterfall of the Nile, by order of Pharaoh Sesostris III (1887-1849 BC): “Southern border. The wall erected in the 8th year of the reign of Sesostris III, king of Upper and Lower Egypt, who has always existed and will exist forever. In front of this border, by land with herds, or by water in a boat, it is forbidden for any black to cross, except for those who wish to cross in order to sell or buy anything in any market. These people will be hospitably received, but it is always forbidden for any black person in all cases to go down in a boat on the river for Heh.

AT ancient world racism began to take on more distinct contours. Aristotle's theory of "natural slavery" has proven to be a major source referenced by many racist anthropologists over the centuries. But it should be noted that, writing about slaves "by nature", Aristotle did not at all mean the slave as a representative of another race. Slaves in ancient times were people who belonged to the same race as their masters. It's just that over the centuries, poor and unprotected peoples who were unable to withstand the onslaught of conquerors became slaves.

Racists are sure that if people are different in skin color, hair shape, nose width and other outward racial features, then they must certainly differ among themselves in their mental stereotypes: negative qualities and mental inferiority are attributed to the mental stereotype of the “lower” races. And there is absolutely no scientific evidence to suggest that racial traits are in any way related to norms of behavior or to certain abilities. It must be borne in mind that, in general, group mental characteristics and norms of human behavior always represent a complex system of interrelated reactions, socially determined, and, unlike animals, conscious by people themselves. There is every reason to believe that the species Homo sapiens Since its final separation from the animal world, group psychology has never been and cannot be racial, only social. It is also interesting here that racial prejudice is by no means innate - it is an acquired social quality.

Attempts to scientifically substantiate racism

The first attempts at a scientific substantiation of racism and the first racial theories appeared in the 18th century, this was associated with the colonization of the lands of Africa, America, and also some parts of Asia. The idea of ​​all the first racial theories: the white race is the most complete. Later came yellow and black racism. The first racists to promote white supremacy were: Morton, Pett, Gleddon.

Under the flags of the ideas of white racism, entire tribes of Indians and Africans were exterminated, since it was believed that these people did not have to live, a white man more perfect.

White racism appeared precisely in the colonies (in America, Africa, some Asian countries) because white people who came to the American, African, continent saw indigenous tribes that were much inferior in their cultural development Western European societies.

The European man has always equated all other cultures in his own way and he looked for the advantages and disadvantages of other cultures through the prism of his worldview. Harmony with nature among such tribes and their knowledge of the world of wildlife was much greater than that of a European, although they were purely empirical in nature, but European man did not consider this to be an advantage, since for him nature is a source of raw materials for the production of "the benefits of civilization" and nothing more. Only in the 20th century did European man understand the role of anthropogenic influence on nature and began to decide environmental problems. The natives of the American and African continents believed in the wrong gods, ate the wrong food, built the wrong dwellings, sang the wrong songs. They didn't have firearms, powerful ships, production, books...

Thus, based on a comparison of their culture and the culture of the indigenous peoples of Africa and America, a European person concludes that he is superior.

In 1853, Count Gobineau published the book An Experience in the Inequality of the Human Races. He was supported by the biologists Haeckel and Galton. These people tried to scientifically substantiate the idea of ​​the inequality of races, but after years of their research did not stand up to any criticism and was widely recognized as baseless, unprovable and pseudoscientific.

Joseph Arthur de Gobineau(1816-1882), the theorist of racism in Europe of the 19th century, in his work “On the Inequality of Races”, speaks not only of the superiority of the white race over all others, but also that only a certain circle of people of the superior race is its true representative. He is trying to justify the right of domination of the biologically and genetically "predetermined" Aryan (white) race.

In his work, Gobineau points out that the concentration of the most "valuable" qualities of the white race is its upper, Germanic branch, towering above the racial pyramid. According to his beliefs, life on earth and the history of mankind are an age-old interracial struggle, during which there is a mixture of races, leading to the loss of some of their qualities by the Aryans. For Gobineau, as for virtually all racists, the democratic form state structure was seen as the result of such mixtures, since it was allegedly unnatural from the point of view of the Aryan race potencies and manifestation of the influence of racially inferior elements.

Gobineau did not give an exact description of the characteristic features of the "Aryans", he sometimes attributed to them roundness of the head, and sometimes elongation, sometimes light, sometimes dark or even black eyes (it should be noted that he himself was a Frenchman with black eyes).

The theory of evolution formulated by Charles Darwin, where, according to the law of the jungle, the weaker is doomed to death, contributed to the development of racism, which divided humanity into more “weak” and less “livable” and more “strong” peoples, or or racial groups. Nevertheless, the theory of pure human races has no practical confirmation, since there are none, it is a utopia.

big french racist Vage de Lapouge(1854-1936) tried to prove that the upper classes of society have a smaller cephalic index than people from the lower classes, who have a more round, brachycephalic skull. Lapouge even went so far as to assert that "a brachycephalic skull is a sign of individuals who cannot rise above barbarism." Contrary to this misconception, statistics (even of Lyapuzh himself) show that mentally gifted people most often have a large round head and that brunettes predominate among the representatives of the so-called upper class.

French sociologist Le Bon wrote a book called "Psychology of Peoples and Masses" in which he believed that equality is contrary to nature, and the inequality of races is an objective way of existence. Le Bon writes: White race genetically and physiologically superior to other races in mental abilities, the subtleties of the theoretical-cognitive and value attitude to the world, logical thinking. The yellow race is inferior to the white by one order, the brown by 2, the Americanoid by 3, the black is not capable of anything at all without the control of the whites.

In the writings of an Englishman Houston Stewart Chamberlain, who emigrated to Germany after marrying the daughter of the German composer Wagner and developed the racist ideas of the teachings of Gobineau and Lyapuzh, also substantiates the superiority of the German race over other peoples, but he has already given these ideas a significant development, since he presented the racial theory in a more frank and aggressive form. He acted as a sharp supporter of the struggle to maintain the "purity" of the race and preserve it from all sorts of foreign influences and impurities. Chamberlain was the first in Germany who laid the "foundations" of the theory of races and "eugenics" - the "science" of racial purity and peculiar methods of "selection" of people, which the peculiar scientist Darre later spoke about: "How we revived the Hanoverian horse by selecting thoroughbred stallions and mares, so we will revive the pure type of the North German through obligatory crossbreeding over a number of generations.

The very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbreeding people by the cattle breeding method was put forward by an ancient Greek poet who lived back in the 6th century BC. Theognis, who was worried about the "shrinking of the breed of aristocrats." Later, the ancient Greek idealist philosopher Plato, who lived in the 4th century BC, acted as a defender of this idea. He proposed to systematically select from newly born the best manufacturers- "eugenov" (Plato's term) - and when they reach puberty, mate with the same thoroughbred females.

The social nature of racism

The development of racism was greatly influenced by the works Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche(1844-1900), who sang the "blond beast" - the "Aryan" - the bearer of the highest qualities of the human personality. The closest thing to Nietzsche's racial ideal was Prussia - the country of the "chosen people", which forms the core of the supranational race of masters.

Racism and all its derivatives are terrible because the human personality loses its pricelessness, its uniqueness and originality.

Racism is a product of politics, not science. However, racism is not only a European phenomenon. Politicians in many countries resorted to racism when they felt the need to justify the "right" to dominate or conquer. A prime example of this is Japanese racism. As soon as Japan began its colonial expansion to other countries (for example, China), a theory was created of the superiority of the "Japanese race" over all other races and peoples of the world (General Araki, Tainzaki Junichiro, Akiyama Kenzoo and other "Japanists"). "Original" racist theories were created at one time by some zealous pan-Turks, ideologists of gentry Poland, Finnish reactionaries who dreamed of creating a "great Finland" from Scandinavia to the Urals, something similar is put forward by Jewish chauvinists who sing of the greatness of the "chosen" people of God - Israel, etc. .d.

In the 19th century in Latin America, Indianism arises, the belief that the only full-fledged race is the Americanoid.

In the 60s. 20th century in Africa, the concept of negritude based on black racism was created by the former president of Senegal, Senghor. The sprouts of the concept go back to the 20-30s. to the French colonies, where they tried to assimilate the races. Then the black population resisted it.

In itself, the expression about "community of blood", so often used by racists, is an expression devoid of meaning, since the factors of heredity have no connection with blood, do not depend on each other, do not mix, and cannot even change completely independently. Also wrong is the notion that the "blood" of parents mixes and forms the basis of the blood of their children. Until now, many people do not know that blood has nothing to do with the genetic process, and even the mother does not supply her blood to the embryo, which, on the contrary, produces its own blood.

Apparently, precisely because of such deep and solid historical roots, racism is quite difficult to completely eradicate, and its manifestations can be found even today.

In most cases, this is due to general ignorance, limitedness. However, this can often manifest itself among seemingly outwardly civilized and educated people. In that case, where is the reason? Often the family in which a person grew up, or his personal family, have a similar "impact" on the rejection of strangers, on the rejection of another culture different from theirs, perhaps even religion. Then there are other reasons, whom the hostility grows, acquiring all sorts of "justified reasons."

And when people who are hostile to the foreign find like-minded people, then jointly reinforce each other for the "fight" with the unfamiliar, something arises that has come to be called racism.

Racism today

Racism today manifests itself in various forms, often well-veiled and difficult to discern. But the fact is, racism has not disappeared. It can take place in ethnic, religious or cultural spheres. It manifests itself in various forms: spontaneous, officially, if not supported, then tolerable, or institutional.

Institutional racism is the racism that is officially reflected in the constitution or legitimized by some normative acts, laws of a given country and is confirmed by the ideology of the superiority of, say, Europeans over Africans, Indians or "colored", sometimes manifested in the wrong interpretation of the Bible. This is the regime of apartheid (this is a Dutch word, and this is the only correct spelling) or "various development", which was characteristic of South Africa.

Another kind of racism is discrimination against the autochthons, the aboriginal population, that is, those peoples who lived in the area before the arrival of the colonizers. At the same time, many rights of indigenous people are infringed, and, first of all, they are deprived of the right of equality with the colonialists.

Various religious minorities or smaller ethnic groups are quite often the victims of racism. The manifestation of this phenomenon occurs, for example, in the impossibility of obtaining citizenship in the country where they live or work. Sometimes with the adoption of the Christian faith in certain countries, citizenship is lost. Or these people remain “second class” citizens, for example, without the opportunity to get a higher education, place of residence, work, in particular, in the service sector or administrative positions. This is especially true for countries dominated by the Muslim population living under Sharia law.

This refusal to come to terms with differences in culture has been called "ethnocide" by Western sociologists, which does not accept the presence of something that does not coincide with the rhythms of their own culture. This phenomenon of ethnocentricity is especially typical for countries with an ethnocratic regime of government, where the ruling ethnic group holds all the main positions and "high places" in the country.

However, within one country, within one ethnos, ethnic group, there may be specific forms of racism, the so-called social racism. This is when the low-income and poorly educated population, for example, peasants, experience infringement of their dignity and rights, inadequate wages at a completely official level. This is especially true in third world countries and is a form of modern slavery.

The most widespread is the so-called spontaneous racism, which is manifested by the inhabitants of a country or region in relation to foreigners, especially those who are defined by external differences in ethnic origin or religious beliefs. This feeling of hostility towards members of another culture can develop into xenophobia or racial animosity. Quite often this manifests itself in relation to refugees or emigrants; they are often forced to live in ghettos or special settlements, preventing them from integrating into society.

Among the manifestations of various antipathies towards representatives of another nationality or racial group, one should single out anti-Semitism, which was one of the most tragic manifestations of Nazism in the past century, including all the horrors of the Holocaust; however, unfortunately, one cannot speak of its complete disappearance. Every now and then its existence is reminiscent of outbreaks of terrorist acts directed against the Jewish population.

There is also eugenic racism, which tries to justify the genetic superiority of some ethnic groups over others, one person over another. This manifestation of racism creates all possible obstacles that restrict childbearing for certain social or ethnic groups. This is usually done through abortion and sterilization campaigns. In this case, there is a complete devaluation of human life, going against the beliefs of the entire civilized world, humanism and Christianity.

As you can see, the ideas of racial superiority are by and large sucked out of thin air and are initially exclusively Eurocentric in nature, which is highly unscientific.


The racist theories were finally overthrown from the scientific world as early as the 19th century. The only reasons why they still exist is that they are beneficial to the ruling class in order to quarrel the proletariat, create conflicts, distract people from the true enemy and from real problems.

Here it should be said once again that the large and small racial trunks of the human race are populations that are separated by various morphological characters. The very biological differences of one race from another are much less than between individuals within races, and the existing interracial differences do not allow us to speak of an innate degree of ability to intellectual development in individual races. Science explains the existing obvious difference in the levels of civilizational development by a combination of historical and cultural conditions.

And in socio-psychological terms, racism or extreme nationalism bordering on it is a peculiar form of overcoming the “inferiority complex” characteristic of the layman, who is especially keenly perceiving the instability of his social position, his inability to overcome the difficulties that arise on his way to a better life. For these categories of the population, racism serves as self-affirmation, which allows even the most degraded layman to feel like a being of a higher order in comparison with others - perhaps more intelligent, educated and even prosperous people, but who did not have the "privilege" to be born from persons belonging to "more valuable" nationality or race. The greatest French ethnographer Alfred Maitreau said on this occasion: “By a strange irony, the most terrible victims of racist dogma are precisely those people whose mental capacity and education testify to the falsity of this dogma.

All forms of racism, no matter how they manifest themselves, deny the dignity of the human person, its pricelessness, and hinder the strengthening of the unity of mankind. We must never forget those terrible consequences that remained after the Second World War, about the millions of ruined and maimed lives, destroyed families and destinies. And do not think that it is somewhere there, in the deep past or thousands of kilometers away from you. We must remember that racism begins among ordinary people, from our relationship with each other, from our inattention and insensitivity. And let the past serve as a lesson and never be repeated either among us or among our descendants.

List of used literature:

  1. A. Tsvetkov: “The fight against racism and xenophobia. Racism: where does it start and when will it end? / Spectrum of Development No. 1, 2002
  2. N.G. Skvortsov: "Ethnicity, race, mode of production: a neo-Marxist perspective" / Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology v.1, issue 1, 1998
  3. V. Tishkov: "Courts for extremists and amnesty for migrants"
  4. S.A. Tokarev, Biological trends in ethnography. Racism"
  5. A. Fradkin: "Science and religion: imaginary contradictions"
  6. G. Seytaliyeva: "The Formation of Humanity: An Introduction to Social Anthropology"

17 opinions

    I think the problem is not in the color of the skin or the shape of the eyes, but in cultural values. If a person comes to a foreign country and assimilates, accepts others cultural traditions and foundations are one thing. But mostly in Russia, I see the opposite effect. The Caucasians live according to their "mountain customs", the steppes are Asians (albeit to a lesser extent) according to their own. Chinese culture generally does not dissolve in any countries, remember the famous Chinatowns. The USSR positioned itself as a supranational country, there is a question national culture did not stand in principle, and for this and nat. There were almost no conflicts, in my opinion. Russia is positioned as a multinational state, that is, many cultures - only a lot of conflicts can result from this. The peaceful existence of different cultures is a myth. Always one culture will behave more aggressively towards another. There are sustainable options for coexistence, when there is one dominant culture, and the rest are "suppressed". An example is the Russian Empire, where the culture of the titular nation, the Russian Orthodox, was dominant, the rest, as it were, existed, but "without special ambitions." Now everyone and everything is trying to equate. Let's see..

    • Dear Igor!

      First of all, thanks for the good review. In the Internet space, you don’t always find something like this during the day with fire.

      The only thing, don't you think that the problem of racism is not so much in the cultural values ​​of the races themselves (the presence and interaction of which is quite natural and far from always conflicting) but in relation to Man in principle? In other words, any person is first of all a Human, and only then a representative of some of the groups, for example, racial. And as a Man, accordingly, he will have a number of natural rights that racism encroaches on.

      The peaceful existence of different cultures is a myth. Always one culture will behave more aggressively towards another. There are sustainable options for coexistence, when there is one dominant culture, and the rest are "suppressed". An example is the Russian Empire, where the culture of the titular nation, Russian Orthodox, was dominant, the rest seemed to exist, but "without special ambitions"

      It’s hard to admit, but in world history this has most often happened. There are many examples. Nevertheless, even though it was so, now we live in a different time, where the isolation of individual nations is becoming less common (the process of globalization is underway), which means where dominance in numbers does not mean inevitable superiority in civil rights, don't you think?

      As I understand it, a state that thinks purely legally (in terms of "citizen - not a citizen", "legal-illegal", and not "its own nationality-not its own"), tries (if, of course, this is the case) to equalize persons of a full category exclusively in civil rights, regardless of nat. belonging (if this were not the case, it would make sense to openly declare racial discrimination in our country). However, the main problem of racism, in my humble opinion, as I said, is not in the jurisdiction.

      And the last question: please tell me, do you believe in tolerance in the modern world? And separately in our country?

      • 1. I completely agree with you that a person must be, first of all, a Person. But in order to organize the peaceful coexistence of cultures on this principle (at least in our country), there must be an overwhelming majority of such people. Moreover (an important point), this majority should be distributed evenly across all cultures, i.e. in ALL cultures, the principle of Humanity should take precedence over the national component. Now, IMHO, this is something from the category of Utopia and the "Distant Bright Future", to which we all have to grow and grow ..

        In this context, the example of Russia after the collapse of the USSR is very remarkable. At the very beginning, there was no such frenzied Russian nationalism. The Russians were very tolerant. Just national. minorities of the CIS countries that do not have "their own piece of the Motherland" in new Russia and those who did not want to leave or assimilate began to unite along national lines (Azerbaijani, Georgian, Armenian, etc. diasporas). Association is a natural form of protection, in this case from someone else's cultural environment in which they were. But such collectivism, with equal civil rights and the absence of the priority of "Human" over the national, had an interesting effect: it not only made it possible to preserve the nat. culture in a foreign country for them, but also increased economic, political and even criminal efficiency (national organized criminal groups are among the strongest in Russia so far). A pure synergy effect. Russian nationalism is only a response, not the root cause. Moreover, nationalists are aggressive precisely towards cultures external to Russia, for they are the "fifth columns" of neighboring countries, even if they are politically friendly. To "their" Muslims: Tatars, Bashkirs, and others easily distinguishable, there is no nationalism (I do not take into account orthodox fascists, but there are not many of them). It is more difficult with the peoples of the Caucasus: there are a lot of nationalities, and not everyone can distinguish Ingush, Ossetians from Georgians, etc. Therefore, there is aggression against everyone. IMHO, it is important to understand that the Motherland is a country, one of the cultures of which you profess. For the majority of diasporas, Russia is not the motherland, but the country of residence. The huge flow of immigrants (especially illegal immigrants) only exacerbates the situation, and, accordingly, intensifies the response, and nationalism often turns into fascism. The second reason for Russian nationalism is the decline of Russian culture

        The communists saw the solution in the complete rejection of the national component in culture. But, IMHO, the complete loss of their historical memory by the people is even worse than petty national wars.

        2. My IMHO: For some reason, I don't like the word "tolerance" very much in the form in which it is now presented. They are now trying to plug all the holes, to extinguish all conflicts. But what is tolerance is tolerance. The very word "tolerance" implies an inconvenience, that is, a certain conflict, a problem. And instead of solving the problem, this "tolerance" drives it to a deeper level, where the conflict takes on hidden forms. It becomes harder to recognize and, accordingly, to solve. And the problems from a hidden conflict are no less, and often even more. Tolerance is an attempt to force "tolerate" everyone at once. In this case, it is better to say that I believe in common sense and high spiritual development of each person individually.

        3. Cosmopolitan Russians, surrounded by small peoples with a strong national identity, cannot survive. And since we have not yet matured to universal "humanity", I see the solution for Russia in the revival of a strong national Russian culture: it was loyal to other cultures within the country and was like glue in the Republic of Ingushetia. A Russian person should remember and be proud not only of the Soviet, but also of the Russian past. Also here should be attributed the revival of Russian traditions, the fight against drunkenness and drug addiction (yes, this is also the revival of Russian culture), the development of sports, the improvement of the demographic situation, etc. according to the list. Russians are the titular nation in Russia (as it happened historically), and if we are now weak as a culture, as a nation, then many applicants will appear to take our place as the titular (leading in the country) nation. Of course we resist. And all this struggle is our "national conflicts".

        I see Russian radical nationalism not as a problem as such, but as an indicator of another larger problem, namely the decline of Russian culture, the degradation of the Russian population. Aggressive nationalists feel that something is wrong, but their conclusions and actions are often contrary to common sense. If the main problem goes away, then there will be no trace of Russian nationalism.

        Fighting Russian radical nationalism without fighting the underlying problem is like fighting a high fever with the flu without fighting an infection. Yes, the temperature must sometimes be brought down when it is too high (when nationalism turns into fascism), but on the other hand, an elevated temperature is a sign that the body is fighting an infection, that it has not yet given up.

        • And where did you get the idea that the problem is in visitors? And what is their problem? The fact that there are many of them and ethnic gangs appear? Is this the problem of migration policy and the problem of the work of the police, which the population is satisfied with, since 70% seem to vote for those who conduct such a policy. So with this logic, it is necessary to exterminate half of the country's population. So no need to freak out.

          Give examples of countries where nationalism brought to good! In Russia, he only exacerbates the problem, as you can see every day.

          But nah something to analyze, to think, when everything is so simple, right?

    The catch is that the origin of the term "race" is a delusion or a forgery

    Race is the original self-name of the current Russians.

    That's the whole point ... and the Homeric laughter of the "gray cardinals"

    QUOTE "The first hint of discrimination against Negroes can be found in the inscription. . .. "
    Hahha come to America, name an African American like that and sit in jail for racism. You still tell me Antifa, an expert.

    About the Bible, that information is from the old testament, even Christians don’t really recognize it. A lot of shit is written there.

    About emotionality, yes, you are right. There is too much aggression and shit that antifa will contradict.
    Probably the ANTI antifa sect will open?

    Mixing blood say does not exist? I wonder how then you were born into the world? Doctors know that a man's sperm can simple analysis to identify the blood type and everything connected with it (otherwise, how do you think they find rapists?) - this is all in the first place, and secondly, the phrase "mixing of blood" also has an allegorical meaning, they say "blue blood" in about the same way when they say about aristocrats, but we know that the blood is never blue :-)))). so, as always, antifa writes nonsense without seeing the essence and meaning, even in a critical impulse, any "anti" is miserable, because it is initially within the framework of what the "anti" is against :-)))))

    But in general, I liked the article. Cognitive. If you wish, I can write an article refuting the main racist theories.

Olga Nagornyuk

White and black racism. What's this?

The word "racist" is firmly established in our vocabulary. But does everyone know what racism is, and how did the idea come about to judge a person depending on skin color? If you are among those who cannot answer these questions, look for them in our article.

What is racism: definition of the term

At the heart of racism is the judgment of the inequality of people of different races. Racists are sure: there are races that, in their intellectual and physical development far superior to all others, and therefore their representatives are worthy of a dominant position in society. Thus, Americans throughout almost their entire history put the Indians and Negroes on the lowest stage of development, relegating them to the role of slaves and second-class people. And only in the second half of the last century, this attitude has undergone significant changes.

There are many classifications of races. The most common of them involves the division into three large groups:

  • Caucasoids are people with white skin color, descendants of Europeans. These include the French, the British, the Spaniards, the Germans;
  • Mongoloids are Asians with a yellowish skin tone and a narrow slit of the eyes. Representatives of this race are Mongols, Chinese, Buryats, Evenks;
  • Negroids are dark-skinned Africans with coarse curly hair. The Negroid race includes the population of the Congo, Algeria, Libya, Zambia, Nigeria and other countries of the "black" continent.

The beginnings of racism appeared in the XVI-XVII centuries. To justify slavery, the ruling classes brought a religious background to it, claiming that Negroes are descendants of the biblical character Ham, who laid the foundation for such a concept as boorishness.

An attempt to substantiate racism from a scientific point of view was made by the French historian Joseph de Gobineau, who singled out the Nordic race as the dominant race - tall, pale-skinned blondes with an elongated face and blue eyes.

Later, this doctrine formed the basis of the official ideology of the Third Reich, when the Aryans, who were considered descendants of the Nords, were proclaimed the highest race. We know from history what this interpretation of Gobineau's theory led to: the mass extermination of Jews in the ghetto, the forced sterilization of the Gypsies, the genocide against the Slavs.

Racism: causes

Scientists studying the causes of racism put forward three theories of the origin of this phenomenon:

  1. Biological. Based on the fact that man, according to the teachings of Darwin, descended from a monkey and is part of the animal world, scientists concluded that the human individual unconsciously follows the law of ecological isolation that reigns among animals, that is, the ban on the formation of interspecific pairs and mixing of species.
  2. Social. The economic crisis and the influx of emigrants from the third world countries, which increase competition in the labor market, inevitably lead to the emergence of xenophobic sentiments (hatred towards representatives of another race). Now we are seeing a similar phenomenon in Germany, which is flooded with Arab refugees.
  3. Psychological. Psychologists who are looking for an answer to the question of what racism is, argue that a person, having negative qualities, tries to look for them in others. Moreover, feeling guilty for this, he tries to shift it onto others, that is, he is looking for a "scapegoat". On the scale of society, such a "scapegoat" becomes a whole race or a certain group of people.

All three theories have the right to exist and in a complex explain where racism came from in the world.

Racism in the USA

In the entire history of mankind, perhaps the most striking manifestations of racist sentiment were observed in Germany during the time of Adolf Hitler and in the United States of America throughout the history of this country.

Protestants who emigrated to America in the 15th-16th centuries. because of the persecution of the Catholic Church or simply in search of a better life, over time they felt like the masters of new lands, driving the native inhabitants of America - the Indians - into reservations, and making black people from Africa slaves.

The division into "whites" and "blacks" in the United States existed until the second half of the 20th century. African Americans did not have voting rights for a long time, there were “whites only” establishments in the country, people with dark skin color were denied access to higher education and were not hired for highly paid jobs. For almost a century, the Ku Klux Klan organization operated in the country, whose representatives preached the ideas of racism and did not hesitate to commit crimes for the sake of the superiority of the white race.

Despite the abolition of slavery in 1865, the real upheaval in the minds of Americans occurred in the 1960s, when the civil rights campaign unfolded in the United States. After that, black citizens of America appeared in the Senate, and one of them even became the head of the American nation and took the presidency.

The xenophobia of the white population of America in relation to immigrants from Africa gave rise to a response in the latter - black racism. The fighter for equality, Marcus Garvey, who preached it, called on all African Americans to return to their historical homeland so as not to mix "black" blood with the blood of "white devils."

Racism in Russia

The ideas of racism have not bypassed Russia either. During the reign of Nicholas II, representatives of the Jewish nationality enjoyed special dislike among the inhabitants of the empire. In 1910, a ban was issued on the assignment of officer rank to baptized Jews, and two years later, their children and grandchildren were deprived of this right.

In the era of socialism in the Soviet Union, the ideas of interracial tolerance and universal equality were proclaimed. But it's in words. In fact, representatives of the Slavic peoples felt their superiority in relation to the Jews, Gypsies, Chukchi, although formally their rights were not infringed.

Today, racism in Russia continues to exist, it has only changed its focus: today, emigrants from the countries of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Africa are being attacked. Natives of these regions experienced first hand what racism is in the interpretation of skinheads.

Football racism

Racist ideas have crossed the borders of individual states, spreading almost all over the globe and penetrating into all spheres of our lives. Football racism, when fans humiliate representatives of a different nationality playing in a team, has become commonplace these days. The slogan "Black goals don't count!", the beating of black players by fans, the humiliation of "black" legionnaires by football functionaries - all this is present today both on the football field and beyond.

Nigerian Oguchi Onyewu, who played for one of the Belgian teams, suffered because of the color of his skin: the football player was beaten by his own fans. Indian Vikash Doraso stopped playing for France when a banner addressed to him was unfurled during the match advising him to sell peanuts on the subway. Brazilian football player Julio Cesar almost left the Borussia Dortmund due to the fact that he was not allowed into the local night club, saying that he has the wrong skin color.

Racism is nothing but a manifestation of human narrowness and stupidity. Among other races and nationalities there are a lot of talented and highly intelligent people whose contribution to the development of science, culture and art is no less than their white counterparts. Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi, Toni Morrison and May Carol Jemison, Derek Walcott and Granville Woods. Are you familiar with these names? If not, then it is worth knowing more about them, and then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe superiority of the white race will disappear by itself.

Modern racism in the USA - we bring to your attention a video on this topic.

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Skinheads - do they diversify modern racism or not? Let's try to figure it out.

By the beginning of the ‘70s, a general appearance and paraphernalia had developed - shaved heads, heavy boots, suspenders, tattoos, etc. - symbolizing the anger and rebellion of young guys, mostly from the working class against the bourgeois system. Paradoxically, a significant contribution to further development brought in by English punks. By '72, the old movement had practically died out. And only in '76 skins appeared again. At that time, the punks were at war with the dudes, some of the skins supported them, others sided with the dudes. In fact, there was a division into old and new skins. It was then that the appearance of the skin familiar to us today began to emerge: extreme nationalism, male chauvinism, adherence to frankly violent methods.

Today, most English skinheads are hostile towards blacks, Jews, foreigners and homosexuals. Although there are leftist or red skins, the so-called red skins and even the Skinheads Against Racial Violence (SHARP) organization. Therefore, skirmishes between red skins and Nazi skins are common. Neo-Nazi skinheads from different countries are active militant groups. These are street fighters who oppose the racial mixing that has spread like an infection throughout the world. They glorify the purity of the race and the masculine way of life. In Germany they fight against the Turks, in Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic against the Gypsies, in Britain against the Asians, in France against the Negroes, in the USA against racial minorities and immigrants, and in all countries against homosexuals and the "eternal enemy", the Jews; in addition, in many countries, they chase homeless people, drug addicts and other dregs of society.

There are approximately 1,500 to 2,000 skins in the UK today. The largest number of skinheads in Germany (5,000), Hungary and the Czech Republic (more than 4,000 each), USA (3,500), Poland (2,000), UK and Brazil Italy (1,500 each) and Sweden (about 1,000 ). In France, Spain, Canada and Holland they number about 500 people each. There are skins in Australia, New Zealand and even Japan. General movement skinhead covers more than 33 countries, on all six continents. Worldwide, their number is at least 70,000 people.

The main skinhead organization is Honor and Blood, a structure founded in 1987 by Ian Stuart Donaldson - on stage (and later) performing under the name "Ian Stuart" - a skinhead musician who died in a car accident in Derbshire at the end of 1993. Stewart's group, Skrewdriver ("Screwdriver") for many years was the most popular skin group in Britain and around the world. Under the name Klansmen (“Ku Klux Klansman”), the group made several recordings for the American market - one of their songs has the characteristic title Fetch the Rope (“Carry the rope”). Stewart has always preferred to refer to himself simply as a "Nazi" rather than a "neo-Nazi". In an interview with one of the London newspapers, he said: "I admire everything that Hitler did, except for one thing - his defeat."

Stewart's legacy, "Honor and Blood" (this name is a translation of the SS motto) is alive to this day. It is not so much a political organization as a "neo-Nazi street movement". Having spread throughout Europe and the USA, Blood and Honor today acts as an umbrella organization that unites more than 30 skin rock bands, publishes its own magazine (with the same name), widely uses modern electronic communications, spreading its ideas around the world. Their audience includes several thousand users.

Attacks on foreigners and homosexuals have become commonplace among skinheads, as have desecrations of synagogues and Jewish cemeteries. A protest march against racial violence in southeast London was interrupted by a surprise attack by skinheads who threw stones at protesters and empty bottles. Then their dissatisfaction spread to the police, whom they tried to force to retreat, throwing stones at them.

On the evening of September 11, 1993, 30 neo-Nazi skinheads marched down one of the streets that is considered the heart of the Asian district, smashing shop windows and shouting threats to residents. “We have been deprived of what is ours,” one of the participants declared a few days later, “but we are again entering the battle!”

Connections to the extreme right are characteristic of skinheads around the world. In some countries, they openly maintain close contacts with neo-Nazi political parties. Others prefer to give them covert support. The following are the countries and right-wing political parties with which local skinheads cooperate:

Maintaining ties with right-wing political parties, skinheads, for the most part, are skeptical about the possibility of coming to power through parliamentary means. They seek to achieve their goals rather by disorganizing society through direct violence and intimidation of their opponents. As a rule, although the majority of the population is afraid to express their agreement with the actions of these groups, however, deep down they approve of them. Slogans like "Foreigners out!" in an extreme form they express the hidden aspirations of many ordinary people.

This is especially true for Germany. The euphoria from the unification of West and East Germany soon gave way to shock from some aspects of the life of the "western paradise". Young East Germans, seeing that preference in a united Germany was given not to them, "blood brothers", but to emigrants from third countries, began to create groups attacking foreign workers. Many West Germans sympathize with them, although they are afraid to openly express their views.

The German government did not immediately manage to effectively respond to the growth of such sentiments. On the other hand, right-wing parties quickly reacted, which led to a significant increase in racist tendencies. However, already having experience in the matter of "denazification", the "German" government is now making every effort to curb the new movement. In Germany, there are the most "draconian laws" directed against the activities of right-wing parties. (So, for example, it is forbidden to salute with a Nazi salute. But the Germans were not at a loss and simply began to raise up not their right, but their left hand.)

Similarly, in the Czech Republic and Hungary, many residents of these countries tend to view skinheads as their protectors, since their actions are directed against the Roma, the national minority, which has always been the main source of the crime situation.

In the US, by contrast, the strength of the skins is not in public support, which is almost non-existent, but in their open commitment to raw violence and lack of fear of punishment. The new movement largely took over from pre-existing racist and anti-Semitic groups, including the Ku Klux Klan and paramilitary neo-Nazi groups. They breathed new strength and new energy into the old movement.

Although recently many sociologists have noted the decline of the movement, however, most researchers of this phenomenon believe that it is something more than a passing hobby, as evidenced by more than twenty years of its existence, with periodic ups and downs. It, nevertheless, continues to resonate with young people and attract them into its ranks.


The cause of racism is not skin color, but human thinking. Therefore, the cure for racial prejudice, xenophobia and intolerance must be sought first of all in getting rid of the false ideas that for so many millennia have been the source of misconceptions about the superiority or, conversely, the inferiority of various groups among humanity.

Racist thinking permeates our consciousness. We are all a little racist. We believe in ethnic balance. We tacitly approve of the daily humiliation of people in the subway and on the streets under the pretext of “checking the passport regime” - after all, those who are being checked somehow look wrong. It doesn't fit in our minds that public order possible without the institute of residence. We do not see how, apart from restrictive measures, it is possible to cope with the threats that migration brings with it. We are driven by the logic of fear, in which cause and effect are reversed.

The real collision in which migrants of “non-Slavic nationality” fall in Krasnodar, Stavropol or Moscow is quite clear. It is based on the system of registration, which, as everyone knows, is only a euphemism for propiska and which, according to the Constitution, is illegal. Getting registered is extremely difficult, and sometimes simply impossible. Lack of registration entails a lack of legal status, which further means the impossibility of legal employment, legal housing, etc. It is clear that the more difficult the situation people are in, the more likely it is that deviant forms of behavior will appear in their environment. This chain is completed by the growth of social tension and xenophobic sentiments.

Racist thinking builds a completely different chain. The tendency of non-Russian migrants to deviant behavior ’ the growth of social tension ’ the need for restrictive measures and, in particular, special registration rules for members of certain groups.

It is strange to hear how respected experts (and representatives of the authorities relying on their data) say that "about 1.5 million Muslims already live" in Moscow and the Moscow region. Apparently, this figure was taken from the summation of the Tatar and Azerbaijani population of the capital and the region, to which visitors from Dagestan and other North Caucasian regions were added. The logic behind these calculations involves looking at the southerners migrating to the center as a group separated from the main population by a huge cultural distance. It's no joke: Christianity and Islam - here the dialogue was not always, as history testifies, it was possible to establish, but in a situation of socio-economic instability, it is not far from an inter-civilizational conflict. Do the speakers themselves believe in what they inspire their hearers?

The assumption about the supposedly existing cultural incompatibility of the Slavic majority and non-Slavic minorities is ridiculous. It is ridiculous if only because the lion's share of non-Russian migrants in Russia come from former Soviet republics, and migrants from North Caucasus and all Russian citizens. According to their cultural affiliation, they are Soviet people. Their “ethnicity” is Soviet, no matter how much experts in ethnopsychology try to convince us otherwise. Most of these people were socialized in the same conditions in which the rest of the country's population was socialized. They went to the same school, served in (or “mowed down” from) the same army, were members of the same semi-voluntary organizations. They tend to be fluent in Russian, and as far as religious identity is concerned, most of those who are called Muslims are unlikely to have been to the mosque more often than they have been to christian church those who are called Orthodox.

Of course, there is a cultural distance between migrants and the host population. But it is again due to the peculiarities of socialization and the behavioral skills acquired as a result. This is the distance between rural and urban dwellers, small town dwellers accustomed to dense networks of interpersonal contacts, and metropolitan dwellers where anonymity reigns. This is the distance between poorly educated people with minimal social competence and an environment with more high level education and, consequently, higher vocational training. Cultural differences are just a side dish to structural and functional differences.

People turn out to be members of certain groups depending on the social resource they possess. Bureaucracy, for example, has a resource called power. Members of this group implement it as efficiently as possible by imposing so many restrictions on the registration procedure in large cities that potential bribe-givers line up. Needless to add, the most generous of them are those who have the hardest time registering. This group is the “non-Russians”, which, in turn, breaks up into several subgroups depending on the severity of the unspoken instructions towards them. Large owners have another resource - the ability to give work. Again, it is superfluous to remind that disenfranchised and passportless “foreigners” are ready to work - and work - under the most cruel conditions, when no one even thinks about medical insurance and other excesses of developed capitalism. Everyone who has watched the zeal with which its employees stop passers-by of a certain appearance and how dissatisfied their faces are when the documents of these passers-by are in order knows what resources our valiant police have.

So migrants of non-Russian origin become members of one or another ethnic group. We do not know what role the “natural” craving for “ours” plays in this process. But we know that even if they were eager to fully assimilate, they would hardly have succeeded. However, in the eyes of a group that does not face such problems (the Russian majority), this behavior looks like a cultural reflex - the unwillingness of non-Russian migrants to live like everyone else.

It seems to us that it is time to move the discussion of the problems associated with migration from the cultural-psychological to the socio-structural plane. It is not about the dialogue/conflict of cultures and not about “tolerance”, but about deep social - primarily legal - changes, without which all invectives against racism and all calls for interethnic tolerance will remain empty air shaking.

In this section of our study, we would like to offer some recommendations for preventing the consequences of racial discrimination.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, and that every human being shall enjoy all the rights and freedoms proclaimed therein, without distinction of any kind, in particular without distinction as to race, color skin or national origin.

All people are equal before the law and are entitled to the equal protection of the law against all discrimination and against any incitement to discrimination.

Every theory of superiority based on racial difference is scientifically false, morally reprehensible and socially unjust and dangerous, and that there can be no justification for racial discrimination anywhere, either in theory or in practice.

Discrimination against people on the basis of race, color or ethnic origin is an obstacle to friendly and peaceful relations between nations and can lead to the violation of peace and security among peoples, as well as the harmonious coexistence of individuals even within the same state.

The existence of racial barriers is contrary to the ideals of any human society.

Of course, the state should play a leading role in solving this problem. It is the state that must ensure the equality of every person before the law, without distinction of race, color, national or ethnic origin, in particular with regard to the exercise of the following rights:

a) the right to equality before the courts and all other bodies administering justice;

(b) the right to security of person and protection by the State from violence or bodily injury, whether inflicted by government officials or by any individual, group or institution;

c) political rights, in particular the right to participate in elections - to vote and to stand as a candidate - on the basis of universal and equal suffrage, the right to take part in the government of the country, as well as in the management of public affairs at any level, as well as the right of equal access to public service;

d) other civil rights, in particular:

i) the right to freedom of movement and residence within the state;

ii) the right to leave any country, including one's own, and to return to one's own country;

iii) citizenship rights;

(iv) the right to marry and to choose a spouse;

v) the right to own property, either alone or in association with others;

vi) inheritance rights;

vii) the rights to freedom of thought, conscience and religion;

viii) the rights to freedom of opinion and expression;

ix) the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association;

e) rights in the economic, social and cultural fields, in particular:

i) the right to work, free choice jobs, just and favorable conditions of work, protection against unemployment, equal pay for equal work, fair and adequate remuneration;

ii) the right to form and join trade unions;

iii) housing rights;

iv) rights to health care, medical care, social security and social services;

(v) the right to education and training;

vi) the right to equal participation in cultural life;

f) the right to access any place or any service intended for public use, such as transport, hotels, restaurants, cafes, theaters and parks.

For the implementation of the above rights, it is necessary to pay more attention to teaching, education, culture and the media.

The largest minority group in Finland (5.71 percent of the population) are Swedish-speaking Finns. This group of the population is in a much more favorable position compared to other national minorities due to the fact that Swedish, along with Finnish, is the official language of Finland. Per last years the government stepped up its efforts to resolve the issue of land ownership by the Saami, Finland's indigenous people. Finnish, Swedish or Sami are taught as mother tongues to students, and under the new legislation, children who permanently reside in Finland, and therefore children of immigrants, are both required and entitled to attend a single secondary school.

Other positive efforts made by States include: legislative measures to introduce harsher maximum penalties for racially motivated crimes; the use of ethnic monitoring to determine the number of people of a particular ethnicity and nationality in various areas of employment and the setting of targets in order to create additional jobs for minorities in areas where they are underrepresented; the establishment of new advisory bodies dealing with issues related to the fight against racism and intolerance, including the launching and implementation of public information campaigns aimed at preventing the manifestation of racial discrimination and the promotion of tolerance; and the creation of human rights institutions and the appointment of ombudsmen to deal with the issue of ethnic and racial equality.

State authorities need to ensure that minorities enjoy the fundamental right to equality, both within the law and in society at large. In this regard, local governments, civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play an important role. Police officers, prosecutors and judges need to have a clearer understanding of racial discrimination and racially motivated crimes, and in some cases it may be appropriate to make changes to the cadre of police forces to better reflect the multi-ethnic nature of the communities they serve are. Minorities must also integrate into the life of their communities. Other recommendations include controlling hate speech, promoting empowerment through education, and providing adequate housing and access to health care.

Literature - Victoria Vanyushkina "Skinheads" - Statement of the Baha'i International Community at the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (Durban, August 31 - September 7, 2001) - International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination - David Myatt "Why is racism right?" - Maurice Olender "Racism, nationalism" - Alla Astakhova "Ordinary racism" - Racism in the USA - Racism and Indigenous Peoples - Vladimir Malakhov "Racism and migrants" - Multi-ethnic states and the protection of the rights of minorities

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The concept of racism

Definition 1

Racism is defined as a set of beliefs that human races physically and mentally unequal. This point of view had a significant impact on the development of history and culture in many countries.

Some sources contain a broader concept of racism, considering it as an ideology that raises questions about the division of people into differentiated groups called races, about the possibility of inheriting racial characteristics, physical traits, character traits, intelligence, humor, morality, culture, and also about superiority of one race over another.

In practice, the ideology of racism is used to incite discrimination, limit the rights of any race, justify superiority over any race.

It should be noted that this term first appeared in 1932 in the French dictionary of Larousse, which was a guide to the main political and political science terms. In it, he was presented as a system that asserted the superiority of one racial group over others. At present, the meaning of this term is constantly being supplemented, expanded, and modified in some countries, which makes a significant contribution to the development of this concept in such a science as political science.

However, to date, quite stable multiracial and racial multicultural societies have developed in different countries, and therefore it was necessary to expand this concept. So, today the concept of racism is interpreted as the influence of race on the character of a person, his moral character, talents, and behavior.

This concept is also called the new racism. And it is considered as a changing personality, which adapts to the environment, while being a member of certain ethnic and civilized communities. Often such a personality reflects the stereotypes of the behavior of a particular race.

Remark 1

To date, racism is prohibited by international legal instruments and is considered politically unacceptable. However, some individuals continue to express these views, albeit in a more veiled manner. Moreover, racism is gradually disappearing and is being replaced by the idea of ​​incompatibility of civilizations. This idea means that representatives of different races differ from each other and therefore should not mix.

History of racism

The history of the emergence of this concept is associated primarily with the geographical discoveries of Europeans. At first, there was a colonization policy, which was often accompanied by the fact that Europeans, staying in certain territories, destroyed local residents or enslave them. In addition, it was the Europeans who came up with the theory that some peoples were cursed in accordance with biblical provisions, which gave rise to their conversion into slavery. Especially this provision concerned the Negroid race. At the same time, individual representatives of this race occupied a very high position in European society and had a significant impact on the development of politics in general, enjoyed undeniable authority among their compatriots and Europeans.

Example 1

For example, a Swedish politician like Gustav Badin was originally a Swedish black slave. However, later he was elevated to the rank of a high-ranking official by the queen, for a long time he was a significant statesman, approximate queen.

And in the XII century, the so-called theory of polygenesis appeared, which substantiated the following point of view: different races had different ancestors. However, this theory was refuted by scientists, but formed the basis of racism.

In the 20th century, racism also took place and was characterized by the following features:

  • the emergence of the Nazis;
  • racist justification for the extermination of people during the Second World War;
  • the emergence of ostracism;
  • racism directed against immigrants.

By the end of the 20th century, the world community came to the conclusion that racism as a phenomenon must be exterminated, otherwise it will lead to the emergence of the Third World War and great loss of life. In addition, the concept of "discrimination" appeared, which meant, among other things, discrimination on the basis of race. There is currently a ban on discrimination in all areas, including labor law.

Causes of racism

Speaking about the causes of racism, the following features should be noted:

  • the influence of the European race on the formation of the main points of view in this area;
  • in some states, racism has existed since their inception (USA);
  • one of the causes of racism is the existence of colonies and the need to justify the subordination of certain categories of peoples;
  • the need to justify slavery.

The reason for racism for a long time was precisely the rationale for slavery and the existence of colonies. That is why in the 20th century such a thing as racism existed and flourished. This substantiates the difference between the strata of the population, the necessity of the existence of a category of slaves and categories of masters, feudal and estate differences.

The medieval system justified the possible existence of racism as such, otherwise it would be impossible to force slaves and workers to carry out labor activities for a penny. Accordingly, such a view was beneficial for states to develop their own economies. The 20th century differs from the rest in that there were revolutions in the social sphere, the sphere of government, in many states the republican form of government began to prevail, which had a significant impact on the subsequent abolition of slavery and the denial of any form of discrimination.

Remark 2

At present, the situation in this area has more or less stabilized, although some outbreaks of racial hostility are observed. In general, relations between peoples today are based on mutual interest in each other's culture, history, interest in various historical monuments, thanks to which tourism is actively flourishing. In addition, the development of mutually friendly relations is facilitated by the spread of the Internet, in which representatives of different races communicate and find friends.

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