How old is Volodya Presnyakov Jr. Vladimir Presnyakov (junior) - biography, personal life, photos, songs

Vladimir Vladimirovich Presnyakov(Presnyakov Jr.) - Soviet and Russian musician, a singer who became famous for his original, unique voice and inimitable individual performance pop songs. Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. also acts as an arranger and composer.

Childhood and education of Vladimir Presnyakov

Father - Vladimir Petrovich Presnyakov(born in 1946) - hereditary musician, successor family traditions. Presnyakov Sr. - composer, arranger, saxophonist.

Mother - Elena Petrovna Presnyakova(Kobaeva, born in 1946). The parents of Presnyakov Jr. were soloists of the VIA "Gems". The profession of parents could not but affect the choice life path Presnyakov Jr.

In the photo: Vladimir Presnyakov in childhood with his parents

Already at the age of eleven, Vladimir composed his first song, and from the age of 12 he sang in the choir of the Yelokhov Church in Moscow. A talented boy at the age of 13 already performed with the Cruise group, Presnyakov Jr. sang his own songs: old fairy tale”, “Red Book”, etc.

Solo career in the biography of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., according to Wikipedia, began at the age of 15 in a restaurant variety show Limes Vaikule.

Average musical education Vladimir received at the Choir School. Sveshnikova. Then the young man continued his studies at the conductor-choir department of the school. October Revolution (now - them. Alfred Schnittke).

creative career Vladimir Presnyakov

In the photo: Vladimir Presnyakov in his youth (Photo: Evguenii Matveev / Russian Look / Global Look Press)

Movie released in 1986 George Yungvald-Khilkevich"Above the Rainbow" The film became famous, first of all, thanks to the songs of the composer that sounded in it. Yuri Chernavsky and poet Leonid Derbeneva. It was from this film that the popularity of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. began, who sang his songs on behalf of the main character of the film.

Russian journalist and musical critic Artur Gasparyan wrote in Moskovsky Komsomolets about the starting round of Vladimir's career: “Undoubtedly, the appearance of Presnyakov Jr. on the sovpop scene was a moment of revelation. How Robertino Loretti a quarter of a century ago in Italy, Presnyakov was the first artist from the youthful and teenage generation that has now bred on the stage.

In the early 1990s, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. organized the Captain group, with which he successfully performed with new program"Farewell to childhood" in Moscow and in the cities of near and far abroad.

In the photo: in 1998, Vladimir Presnyakov sang a duet with Sergey Minaev (Photo: Evguenii Matveev / Russian Look / Global Look Press)

In 1991, Vladimir Presnyakov released the double album Love. In 1994 in musical biography Presnyakov Jr., the album “Castle from the Rain” appeared, which was a huge success: the songs “A stewardess named Zhanna”, “Girlfriend Masha” became hits for a long time.

In the photo: singer Vladimir Presnyakov on the stage of the hall "Russia" during the presentation of the first International Union of Workers variety art created by Mahmud Esambaev. Sponsor - firm "Engagement". 1992 (Photo: Buldakov Oleg / TASS)

In 1995, three collections were published at the Soyuz studio at once greatest hits Vladimir Presnyakov: "Zurbagan", "Wanderer" and "Jeanne".

New concert program"Rain Castle" was presented in 1995 and was awarded the "Star" award in the nomination "Show of the Year on concert venues Russia". In 1996, Presnyakov's album "Slyunki" was released, in 1998 the disc "Live Collection" appeared, in 2001 - the work " Opened door».

In 2002, Vladimir Presnyakov took part in television show on Channel One "The Last Hero-3" and became its winner, according to his biography on the RIA Novosti website.

In his younger years, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. sang songs in a characteristic, easily recognizable falsetto, with age his voice became rougher. Also, the early Presnyakov became famous as a dancer and popularizer of breakdancing, however, as he got older, he moved away from this, according to the biography of Vladimir Presnyakov on Wikipedia.

In the photo: singer Vladimir Presnyakov at the award ceremony national award in the field of radio broadcasting "Radiomania 2015" on the stage of Crocus City Hall, 2015 (Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS)

Personal life of Vladimir Presnyakov

In the personal life of Vladimir Presnyakov milestone I had a relationship with my daughter Alla Pugacheva, singer Kristina Orbakaite. Christina became the wife of Presnyakov Jr., while Orbakaite was only 15 years old when she fell in love with her future husband (Presnyakov turned 18). Vladimir Presnyakov was already a rising star, and as he himself recalled, he somehow literally stole Christina, who was seeing him off at the station. “She went to see me off on the train to Zaporozhye, I took her by the hand, and just when the train started, I dragged her into the car. Stolen. We arrived in Zaporozhye, Zaporozhye was already buzzing with this news, among the musicians, what would happen now. We settled together in a hotel, in principle, everything started there. I tell Krista: “Don’t be afraid, I’ll tell Alla everything now, about everything.” A black Volga arrives, with black glasses, a window opens, a red-haired woman in black glasses sits there, a window opens, I don’t have time to say anything, she looks at me, the window closes, and she leaves back. It was such a “conversation” powerful, ”the Gossip newspaper quoted Presnyakov.

In the photo: Kristina Orbakaite and Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., 1988 (Photo: Viktor Velikzhanin and Lyudmila Pakhomova / TASS)

Orbakaite was 16 years old when she moved to live with the family of Vladimir Presnyakov, as a result, she had to get to school for a long time from Medvedkovo. The young couple had a son, Nikita. Over time, Vladimir and Christina broke up, but continued to support friendly relations. Vladimir constantly took part in the upbringing of his son Nikita.

August 17, 2001 Presnyakov married a fashion designer Elena Lenskaya(born 1971). In 2005 they divorced.

In the photo: Vladimir Presnyakov with his wife Lena Lenskaya in Moscow's Gostiny Dvor at the opening of Fashion Week, 2005 (Photo: Oleg Naumov / TASS)

Finally, since 2005, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. began to live with the singer Natalia Podolskaya, and on June 5, 2010 they got married. In 2015, the third wife Natalya gave birth to Vladimir's son Artemy. Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalya Podolskaya are happy together, as you can see from the news of magazines specializing in the personal lives of stars.

In the photo: singers Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov during a performance at holiday concert, dedicated to the Day family, love and fidelity, in Murom, 2013 (Photo: Sergey Fadeichev / TASS)

Vladimir often posts photos of his wife and son on Instagram, however, his wife Podolskaya has more pictures and more subscribers. On Instagram Natalia Podolskaya signed a million people. But Presnyakov also has more than 500 thousand followers on Instagram.

In the photo: singers Natalya Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov during a concert dedicated to the 45th anniversary of V. Presnyakov at the Crocus City Hall, 2013 (Photo: Vyacheslav Prokofiev / TASS)

Recently, Presnyakov Jr. chose a very unusual gift for his beloved. Natalia Podolskaya received a tropical island for her 27th birthday. “Tusya told me more than once that happiness for her is a small atoll lost in the endless ocean, a white sand beach, a lonely bungalow and the two of us, alone in the whole world…”, Vladimir was quoted in the news. With the help of the Internet, the singer found out that the Maldivian or Seychelles atoll costs exorbitant money - the account goes to millions of dollars. However, the same worldwide network suggested a compromise solution: you can not buy, but rent a small island for a small number of days, wrote

In the photo: singers Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya (Photo: Sergey Vinogradov / Vyacheslav Prokofiev / TASS)

Popularity brings, however, not only laurels, but also troubles. For example, unknown intruders robbed the apartment of Vladimir Presnyakov.

The first son of Vladimir and Christina Orbakaite Nikita Presnyakov- Russian musician, singer, actor, music video director. In 2017, the “wedding of the year” by Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova. 26-year-old musician Nikita Presnyakov and his 20-year-old darling Alena signed at the registry office of Barvikha near Moscow, after which they continued the holiday in the Zhavoronki village - in the Zhavoronki Event Hall complex. The wedding was attended by about 200 guests, among whom were all the star relatives of the groom: Alla Pugacheva, who interrupted her vacation in Jurmala, of course, parents Kristina Orbakaite and Vladimir Presnyakov and others.

In the photo: singers Nikita Presnyakov and Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. The first concert of Nikita Presnyakov and his group "Multiverse" in the nightclub "B52", 2015 (Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda / Global Look Press)

Biography of one of popular singers Russian showbiz Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. is like a stormy river with rapids, undercurrents and waterfalls, deafening everything around with music and a unique voice. After all, it is music from the heart that guides him all his life, not yielding to fake career temptations - he is always a real, sensual, bright and beloved artist of several generations.

Rebellious childhood

The article contains a photo of Vladimir Presnyakov with his mother Elena. In musical parties, Presnyakov Jr. has a pseudonym - Vovan Presny, which makes him his own, "shirt guy" and at the same time somehow mysterious and inaccessible. The biography of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. cannot be called simple. From childhood, Vova rebelled so much against the then existing system of education and upbringing that he had to change educational institutions one after another, causing negative emotions not only from teachers, but also from the parents of his classmates.

Born on March 29, 1968 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), Volodya absorbed the main values ​​​​of life - music and family - from the cradle to young musicians who still live happily together. And despite the fact that his father hoped to raise another saxophonist, Volodya managed to prove the right to exist own way. The guy began to appear as a musician very early, composing music from the age of 4. Helped unleash his talent nomadic life parents who toured with their young son, where he was surrounded by songs, concerts and the hardships of touring. Even in the apartment, the family did not remain alone - the creative fraternity composed, improvised, joked, played music, and little Volodya did not lag behind the adults.

Outstanding creativity

Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. wrote his first serious song at the age of 11, already playing keyboards, drums and guitar. From the age of 12 he sang in the Elokhov Church in Moscow. And at the age of 13 he performed with the Cruise group, performing his own songs - Old Fairy Tale, Red Book, Cat. From childhood he studied at the famous Sverdlovsk boarding school, from which many famous musicians, including his father - Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. Volodya studied at the boarding school for only 2 years - his free-thinking and mischief, incompatible with the rules of the educational institution, forced his parents to take their son to Moscow, where they organized concert activities.

In Moscow, he studied at the Sveshnikov Choir School, but he also rebelled against local discipline and often skipped classes. Therefore, there he did not last until the diploma. Parents identified the maturing son in the school named after the October Revolution in the conductor-choir department.

How it all began

In the 80s, a fashionable dance movement appeared - breakdancing. Vladimir Presnyakov was one of the first to catch this wave, he was very noticeably successful in his performance. Laima Vaikule, who was then gaining popularity, noted Volodya as an artistic vocal performer and offered to work together on the show. Volodya was then 15 years old. They successfully worked in the ensemble for a year, performing almost every day until late at night in the Hammer Center. Volodya went headlong into concert activity feeling its purpose in it.

At these performances, Volodya was heard by members of the film crew musical film"Above the Rainbow" and invited him to sing songs for the main character of the film - Dmitry Maryanov. The film was received excellently by the audience, the merit of success also belongs to Volodya's songs - "Zurbagan", "Roadside grass is sleeping", performed behind the scenes. In total, Volodya participated in the filming of 10 films in episodic roles. Popular paintings: "She with a broom, he in a black hat" (1988), "The Island of Lost Ships" (1988), "8 ½ dollars" (1999), "Upside down" (2003) and others. Volodya called his cinematic experience, rather, a hobby and did not dream of becoming a movie star.

Solo career of Vladimir Presnyakov

From the age of 16 (1987) Volodya began working at the Alla Pugacheva Song Theater. prima donna patronized young talent, shared her professional experience - how to present yourself on stage, sing songs. Volodya learned a lot from the stage professional. Work in the theater continued until 1994.

Vladimir's own solo program was realized with the Kapitan team in Tallinn in September 1988. Two years later, he already performed with a large solo program "Farewell to Childhood" in the Moscow sports complex "Olympic".

In the same 1990, Volodya was awarded the Golden Key prize as a singer and artist for his first own disc, “Dad, you yourself were like that”, large circulation which was distributed throughout the country. Volodya was the first among popular artists, who received a similar musical award.

Until the mid-90s, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. was in the top ten popular artists countries.

In early 1998, he made a big tour of America with live sound. The halls were filled to capacity not only with Russian emigrants, but also with Americans.

Unique voice

During breakdancing, when Volodya and like-minded people often performed at the Pravda Palace of Culture, he suddenly fell ill with pneumonia. As a result, the voice disappeared. After recovery, the voice gradually recovered, but of a different quality - it became a high falsetto.

This is one of the popular versions of the appearance of the singer's mesmerizing voice.

According to another version, then known only in professional circles, the voice was specially set for a vocal career.

The question of professional voice production arose after age-related voice breakdown. We tried all the options, but the results were not satisfactory - the voice did not have an individual color. For a pop vocalist, voice recognition is of paramount importance, and from the first seconds of sounding. The concept of a special manner of singing was proposed specifically for Volodya.

The concept was to achieve a lower voice register. Western rock vocalists used a similar technique, masterfully pulling out "A" and "I" in the songs. A thoughtful image of a romantic lyricist was created, with an insinuating, soft voice, easily recognizable by listeners, performing a love repertoire.

The first love

At the age of 18, Volodya meets his first love - the daughter of his mentor - Kristina Orbakaite, who was three years younger than him. They met at a concert in honor of the Constitution Day, where Volodya gave a concert with Laima Vaikule. Volodya fell in love with young Christina, who at that time had not yet graduated from school. Christina answered him in kind. They were very beautiful couple: both are pretty and tall - Vladimir Presnyakov is 184 cm tall, and Christina is 173 cm tall. The lovers met and a year later they began to live together in Volodya's apartment, who continued his song and creative activity. After several years of close relationship, the couple had a son, Nikita, making the young parents happy with the continuation of their love.

Being the wife of Vladimir Presnyakov, Christina was happy to play the role loving wife and caring mother. But soon she became actively interested in music. Gradually everyone took up solo career and the family fell apart, what became complete surprise for Volodya's parents. Nikita was then only 5 years old.

The star mother-in-law of Presnyakov Jr. wisely accepted the separation of the young, considering this the right step, because, according to her, "they would have to be brother and sister, and not husband and wife."

Indeed, Christina and Volodya remained close people and good parents to their sunny son.

Second try

Stormy romance with a beautiful accomplished woman - Lena Lenskaya lasted five years before the official marriage. Everything was romantic, the couple was warmly received in society, everyone was waiting for an official marriage. And it soon happened. But over time, life brought romance to nothing, the easy improvisation of talented relationships disappeared. creative people from different areas life and the couple broke up. At the same time, Elena and Vladimir remained good friends.

Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya

Since 2005, Presnyakov Jr. has been happy with Natalya Podolskaya, a young singer who gave birth to his son. Volodya has changed a lot in appearance, rejuvenated, appears in a new image. AT creative plan creates new interesting projects with other singers, and everything also pleases its audience.

He is a successful musician and a happy father. Light, talented, bright, unlike anyone, especially considering how old Vladimir Presnyakov is, and he is 50 years old, he is full of creative ideas and healthy adventurism.

The son of Vladimir and Elena Presnyakov was never a good boy and always loved music. AT early childhood this love caused many inconveniences to others: even before going to Kindergarten, little Vovka drummed on anything (mostly on pots), sang in a thin voice and categorically did not obey his parent. Having matured, he replaced the pots with real tools, but otherwise everything remained as before.

Son-in-law Pugacheva

As soon as his son was born, Presnyakov Sr. began to dream that he would follow in his footsteps and become a musician. dream come true, but in an unexpected way. Vladimir Jr. flatly refused to learn the saxophone, and in the boarding school at the Sveshnikov choir, where his parents sent him, he terrified all the teachers. It seems that he knew exactly what he would do in life, and therefore did not listen to anyone's advice. Presnyakov did not finish his studies - he was expelled. But this did not prevent him from becoming a star at the age of 18. Guy with unusual high voice invited to sing for the main character of the film "Above the Rainbow". The songs "Zurbagan" and "The roadside grass is sleeping" fell in love with the whole country, and Vova Presnyakov was now not just the son of his parents, but an independent musician.

15-year-old Kristina Orbakaite fell in love with such Presnyakov - popular, bold, with a mane of blond hair and a crowd of fans.

They met on the set of Blue Light, and Presnyakov immediately persuaded Pugacheva to let Christina go to the disco with him. She agreed - which was a shock to everyone around. Strict Pugacheva fell under the spell of young Presnyakov ?! Then what can we say about her teenage daughter. “I was then 15 years old, the moment of acquaintance just fell on this transitional age, probably, it saved me that I immediately met a person who immediately became everything for me. For half a year, after the death of my grandmother, I was content with freedom, made some mistakes. Then I met Vova Presnyakova ... And that was the end of my parties. From the end of the ninth grade, I was already attached, ”said Orbakaite. The wise Alla Borisovna warned her: he is 18, he has a completely different life, you are a “frozen cutlet” for him - when necessary, he will take you out of the freezer and “eat”. But Christina did not listen, and Vova, having fallen in love in earnest, soon showed that he was not afraid of the authority of the Primadonna.

Once, when Kristina came to see him off on tour in Zaporozhye, he last moment dragged her onto the train and took her with him. Half the night Pugacheva did not know where her daughter was, until she realized that Presnyakov was involved. When her tinted car pulled up to the door of their hotel, he walked up ready to take full responsibility. But Pugacheva only rolled down the window, looked at him attentively, and left. This "conversation" Presnyakov remembered forever.

Both brought up in a free artistic environment, Christina and Volodya did not follow any formalities. They began to live together with Presnyakov Sr. when she turned 16: every day, Christina went to school by metro for a long time, and returned to her new house with your loved one after midnight. Sometimes Alla Borisovna called, said that she was bored and called to her. So, under the supervision, but outside the control of their parents, their young family was born. They did not hide their feelings and even looked alike: both wore “I love Presnyakov” and “I love Orbakaite” badges, identical torn jeans and long hair.

When Nikita was born, Christina began to stay at home with the child while her husband toured. She was a very caring mother, but at the same time she never stopped dreaming of her own career as a singer and actress. Presnyakov was not ready for this. “There has never been a right or a wrong in these conflicts. In such situations, you need to either endure a few years, or leave. I was then unable to endure - I was young and jealous, ”he says now, fully accepting the blame for the broken marriage. He began to drink, his career began to decline. From time to time he called Christina, trying to return her, and she cried - both closely together and apart bored. The press took up arms against Presnyakov so that Pugacheva stood up for him: “Don't you dare touch Presnyakov! As he was my son, he will remain a son!”

Analyzing now what pulled him out of depression, Presnyakov lists: guardian angel, God, parents. At some point, he again began to write songs, give concerts. And then he married his first legal marriage - hastily and unexpectedly for everyone.

People of different elements

Designer Elena Lenskaya also healed her wounds after her divorce from musician Igor Sarukhanov. At that moment they met Presnyakov. At some party, Volodya took her "weakly": Lenskaya would not be able to drink a glass of vodka. She could - and he publicly announced that he was getting married.

Now Presnyakov calls this marriage a mistake. His creative nature could not get along with Lenin's practicality and pragmatism. She took care of him like a mother, sometimes complaining to her mother-in-law - again she came home late. They lasted a little less than 10 years. In 2005, when their marriage was already bursting at the seams, Presnyakov was invited to shoot the Big Races program. Among the participants was a recent graduate of the "Star Factory" Natalia Podolskaya.


Their communication began with real rudeness on the part of Presnyakov: without wasting time on courtship, he immediately invited 24-year-old Natalya to his hotel to “tumble in the pool”. She refused indignantly. But after half an hour, she still fell under the charm of the insolent.

“I showed off, and Tusya, downcast eyes, continued to communicate with me. It was amazing, and soon it seemed to hit me on the head: you know, there is such a cannonball on a leash, with which houses are demolished - it seemed to knock out a needle from my heart, which was there, I seemed to be freed, cleansed and realized that next to me - native person. They started dating. Podolskaya does not hide - she fell in love with him immediately and strongly. But when she realized that Presnyakov was not going to get divorced, the first one left. Five months apart put everything in its place: Vladimir filed for divorce, and she realized that she could not live without him. But the lovers were in no hurry to go to the registry office.

Having burned himself with Christina and Lena, Presnyakov did not rush his relationship with Natasha. “Let it go as it goes,” answered numerous questions from journalists about the wedding. This approach turned out to be correct: on June 5, 2010, they got married, absolutely confident in their desire to be together for the rest of their lives. On the fifth wedding anniversary, June 5, 2015, Natasha gave her husband the most long-awaited gift - her son Artemy. He tries not to part with her for more than a week, his Instagram is full of photos of his wife and son, and in an interview he admits that he dreams of a third child - a girl. The rebellious nature seems to have given way to the wisdom and responsibility of a family man. And only on stage Vladimir Presnyakov remains the same bright musician, who 30 years ago conquered the Soviet stage with his bright falsetto.

    I don’t remember what kind of family Vladimir Presnyakov has, but I know for sure that he has two children and both are boys.

    The first child was born 24 years ago and his name is Nikita. His mother is Kristina Orbakaite.

    But the second child was born today June 5, 2015. Natasha Podolskaya gave birth to a baby. The boy was named Artem.

    On June 5, 2015, now we can all say with complete certainty that Vladimir Presnyakov, the youngest, has two sons, with an age difference of twenty-four years. Nikita Presnyakov pleased this world back in 1991, but his younger brother Artem on June 5 of this year. Natalia Podolskaya is the firstborn. I hope all the people involved in this story are as happy as ever. Let's rejoice for family happiness the four Presnyakovs and us.

    Vladimir Presnyakov today two sons. The first Nikita was born 24 years ago, he turned 21 May. Then Vladimir himself was very young, only 23 years old, and Kristina Orbakaite was 20. Now he is already a respectable father - 47 years old, and for a man this is the very dawn, he can still give birth to children; a lot of. So, for now, there are 2 children. Let's wish him as many more as he wants! Only there is no need to change wives anymore, let Natasha Podolskaya give birth.

    Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. got a second son- May 5, Natalia Podolskaya gave him second child. Now Vladimir can be proud of his heir.

    The first son of the singer is well known to the public - this is a 24-year-old Nikita Presnyakov, whom Christina Orbakaite gave birth to him. By the way, the red-haired young man is very similar to Volodya in childhood.

    According to media reports the second son of Vladimir Presnyakov was named Artem.

    Vladimir Presnyakov once again became a father.

    This happy event happened today - 06/05/2015.

    Four popular pop singers- Natalia Podolskaya (3 wives) and Vladimir Presnyakov second son was born.

    The eldest son of the star was born in Vladimir's first marriage to Kristina Orbakaite. Nikita followed in the footsteps of his parents, he also sings.

    Let's hope that younger son melodiousness will not pass by, and he, like his star parents, will also sing!

    In the meantime, good health to the baby and the new mom!

    Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. now has two children. Both sons.

    In the photo, Vladimir Presnyakov with his eldest son Nikita.

    Only the age difference between the boys is very big - Nikita Presnyakov is already 24 years old, and the baby, who was just born on June 5, 2015, is not even a day old. According to the parents and grandfather, they will most likely call the baby Artem.

    This is Vladimir with his youngest son.

    Vladimir Presnyakov was officially married three times.

    Nikita was born in a marriage to Kristina Orbakaite, with whom Vladimir has a very warm relationship even now. Vladimir helps his eldest son in everything.

    The second son of a happy dad was born by the third wife - singer Natalya Podolskaya. Natalia is 33 years old. She and Volodya have been waiting for their first child for a very long time, and now they are immensely happy. Presnyakov's second marriage to Elena Lenskaya was childless.

    I sincerely congratulate Vladimir and Natalia on the birth of their son!

    Vladimir Presnyakov now has two sons. The scary name is Nikita. He is already 24 years old. Nikita Vladimir gave birth to Kristina Orbakaite.

    And the youngest will most likely be called Artem. He was born quite recently on June 5, 2015 in Moscow. She gave birth to Vladimir Presnyakov's second son singer wife Natalia Podolskaya!!!

    Vladimir Presnyakov, the youngest, has two children.

    The eldest son of Vladimir, whose name is Nikita, is already 24 years old. He was born by Christina Orbakaite herself.

    Natalya Podolskaya also gave birth to a son to the singer. This event took place on June 5, 2015. There is a significant age difference between the brothers. According to information from the media, the boy was named Artem.

    The second time singer Vladimir Presnyakov became a dad on June 5, 2015. Natasha Podolskaya gave birth to him. The boy was born healthy, 52 centimeters and weighing three kilograms and fifty grams. It's called Artem.

    The first child of Vladimir Presnyakov was born twenty-four years ago from Christina Orbakaite - Nikita.

    Star parents are very happy.

    At the famous Russian singer Vladimir Presnyakov has two children. The first son, Nikita, was born on May 21, 1991 from the daughter of Alla Pugacheva, Kristina Orbakaite, the first wife of Vladimir Presnyakov. After a divorce from Christina in 2001, Presnyakov married Elena Lanskaya, but he had no children in this marriage. Finally, the third wife of the singer is also singer Natalya Podolskaya, known for that took 15th place in the Eurovision in 2005, on June 5, 2015, she gave birth to Vladimir's second son, whom, according to Vladimir Presnyakov Sr., it was decided to call Artem. Vladimir Presnyakov's dream of a daughter did not come true, but in the pictures with the newborn Artem, he still looks very happy.

Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. - famous Russian performer, composer and arranger, as well as the son of no less famous parents.

Volodya was born in Sverdlovsk into a young family of then unknown musicians Vladimir and Elena Presnyakov. The parents themselves at that time were only 20 years old. The newlyweds huddled in the apartment of the wife's relatives, and little son at first he had to sleep in a metal bath, and only later he was able to buy a stroller. A couple of years later, parents were given a room in a communal apartment.

Musical abilities manifested themselves in Volodya in early childhood. Already at the age of four, he began to learn to play the piano, quickly learned to pick up tunes by ear. A little later, he mastered the guitar and drums.

In the 75th year there was a sharp turn in the life of the family. During the next tour, Yuri Malikov drew attention to young musicians and invited him to work in Moscow in VIA"Gems". Parents went to the capital, and at first the boy was left in Sverdlovsk.

There he attended a musical boarding school, but due to bad behavior he did not study there for a long time and was expelled. The parents decided to take their son to Moscow, where he was enrolled in a choir school. By this time, the boy not only knew how to play three musical instruments but also began to write songs himself.

In that educational institution Volodya also behaved obscenely, regularly skipped classes and hooligans. Parents constantly had to blush on the director's carpet.

The first place of work for the 12-year-old boy was the choir of the Elokhov Church, where he performed classical works. It was there that he earned his first money.

And at the age of 13, he went on tour with the Cruise group. On stage, he performed his works, and also sang songs with the soloist of the group.

A year later, Volodya was expelled from the school, as the teachers could not cope with his behavior. Parents had to attach their son to another school, where they could take him immediately to the 3rd year. But then another trouble happened: the teenager's voice began to break. In those years, he could not sing, but devoted himself only to writing music. True, he began to actively engage in sports, became interested in dancing, in particular, break dance, and reached significant heights, becoming one of the best breakers in Moscow.

The life of a musician

At this time, Laima Vaikule invited Volodya to perform with her, a period of touring and concert activity began. During one of the performances, the young man was noticed by the creators of the film "Above the Rainbow" and invited to perform several soundtracks for it. The film, released in 1985, became very popular, and the whole country recognized Volodya. Three years later, he himself starred in two films, and a year later he founded his own group "Captain".

Soon Alla Pugacheva invited him to work at the Song Theater, where he performed until the 94th year. A little time passed, and Volodya performed for the first time with a solo program. It happened in the 90s. His disc sold out not only in Russia, but also in other countries. He was awarded the prestigious Golden Key award.

Today he has 13 albums to his credit.

Vladimir is a big fan extreme recreation, in particular, enjoys scuba diving and skiing.

Personal life

Vladimir is currently married for the third time. His first wife was Christina Orbakaite. At the time of their acquaintance, Volodya was 18 years old, and Kristina was 15. The young people met at a concert, and began dating after joint participation in Blue Light. Despite the very young age, Vova and Christina began to live together, and then officially got married. Their parents were not happy with this turn of events, but did not object. And in the 91st year, the couple had a son, Nikita.

The union lasted about 10 years, after which it collapsed. Volodya could not be called a faithful husband, to top it all, he began serious romance with fashion designer Elena Lenskaya, with whom he also had a relationship for about 10 years. Officially, the couple married in 2001, and they broke up in 2005.

It was then that Volodya met the young singer Natalya Podolskaya. They immediately liked each other, the relationship developed rapidly, soon the young people began to live together, and in 2010 they entered into a legal marriage. Five years later, their son Artemy was born. The couple lives in love and harmony.

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