Extreme holidays in Kamchatka: volcanoes, bears and mountains of red caviar. Independent trip to Kamchatka

Kamchatka - the land of bears, volcanoes and red caviar - can be useful for anyone who loves wildlife, but for some reason has not yet been to Kamchatka. We were lucky to be here in the summer. The choice may not seem quite ordinary - as a rule, it is customary to go on vacation to the sea, abroad, to Europe, rarely when young people prefer the harsh peninsula to them. But we took the risk and never regretted it.

Why exactly Kamchatka? Since my husband did not have a passport at that time, there was little choice for spending a long-awaited vacation. They started planning it in advance, but they broke their heads thinking where to go. We wanted to spend a truly unforgettable vacation. Chance itself helped here: my colleague, a former stewardess, for several days in a row recalled with nostalgia her flights to Kamchatka, the beauty of this wild land. And I gave up, looked at the photo on the Internet and was stunned. In addition, the vacation fell on August, the most favorable month for visiting Kamchatka. How can such beauty leave you indifferent?

The choice has been made! At first, I couldn’t believe that we would fly there! After all, Kamchatka is so far away, and I rarely see tours to Kamchatka on the Internet. It soon became clear why: traveling around Russia is not cheap, but going to Kamchatka is generally so... I looked at the offers of travel agencies and was not satisfied: a week-long tour without airfare cost 50 thousand, and the second day of the tour was "free" - a flight to the Valley of Geysers was supposed to cost 32 thousand for one (which, as you understand, was also not included in the price). Based on all this, I decided to do the tour myself.

Since we began to prepare for our long-awaited trip back in March, we had to buy tickets, which are sold like hot cakes, right away. The prices were impressive: a direct flight cost 40 thousand rubles for one, and with a many-hour transfer - 33 thousand. The difference is small, so we took two direct ones. After reading the reviews of experienced explorers of Kamchatka, I realized that independent "wild" tourism is not an option. Still, bears, glaciers (despite the summer) ... somehow uncomfortable. I found a travel agency in Petropavlovsk itself, which organized excursions around Kamchatka. What struck me was the attitude of the manager Olga, who, purely humanly, advised how to get there and where to stay with less loss for the wallet.

So, on August 5, our long-awaited trip finally came: we flew from Sheremetyevo to the airport in Yelizovo. We flew for 7 hours, the flight was quite difficult, we could not sleep. Upon arrival, we found a bus near the exit from the airport that goes to the center of Petropavlovsk, as Olga advised. 40 rubles and you are in the city! (instead of 3 thousand, which taxi drivers will ask you for and 7 thousand transfer from the airport-hotel-airport travel agency). With hotels in the city, things are also not easy: the prices are cosmic! Therefore, for the entire period of accommodation, we rented a 1-room apartment not far from the travel agency - the starting point for all excursions.

On the very first day, we decided not to waste time in vain and went on an individual sightseeing tour of Petropavlovsk, one of the oldest cities in the Far East. The city was named after two ships of the Second Kamchatka Expedition "Saint Apostle Peter" and "Holy Apostle Paul". (Since we love history, especially Russia, historical facts will periodically appear in posts).

There are many historical places and monuments in the city (a monument to the dead sailors, a monument to La Perouse, Clark, the founder of the city - Vitus Bering ... you can't count everything). Most of all, our attention was attracted by the Maksutov Battery, which defended the city during the Crimean War of 1853-56. Not many people know that the Crimean War took place not only in the Crimea, but also in Kamchatka, and almost no one in continental Russia knows about the hero of Petropavlovsk, Prince Dmitry Maksutov. And for local residents, the name of Maksutov personifies the glory and valor of Russian weapons. Maksutov led a battery on the slope of Nikolskaya Sopka, which heroically opposed the artillery of the Anglo-French squadron. In memory of this, a memorial to Maksutov's battery was erected on the slope of Nikolskaya Sopka and the shore of Avacha Bay.

Having got an idea about the city, we went to the Khalaktyrsky beach, almost to the Pacific coast. The beach is unique for its black sand, which got its color due to volcanic eruptions. The next morning we went to Paratunka - a resort village famous for its thermal waters, 70 km from Petropavlovsk. There are many recreation centers and sanatoriums in the village, we chose one and enjoyed the hot thermal waters coming from the bowels of the earth. This was especially true in cloudy cool weather.

I would like to especially note the prices in Kamchatka. They are very different from the continental ones: quite high, especially for food. As for the population, in my opinion, Kamchatka residents are quite responsive and friendly: they will prompt, show, and advise everything. They drive at least crossovers, because the harsh climate does not allow otherwise. Having bought local delicacies - red caviar and fish - after a fascinating independent walk around the city, we went to our temporary "home" to prepare for the next day, which promises a lot of interesting things.

On the third day, we planned to visit Kamchatka waterfalls and natural thermal springs. The morning started early, my husband and I arrived at the collection point and saw our transport. It was a real SUV, "pumped" under the harsh reality of Kamchatka. Our guide for this day was a young energetic Pasha, who truly loves his small homeland. Our companions turned out to be two mature women who took the time to look at their native land in between sitting with their grandchildren. So, having received huge bags of provisions from Olga, we took our seats and set off. The weather was quite cool, and knowing that we would go to the mountains, we warmed up to the fullest. Leaving the city and turning off the highway, Pasha stopped near a small mountain stream. While we were admiring the beauties of Kamchatka, he began to lower the wheels of the car. We understood: now we will see all the charm of the region with our own eyes! Volcanoes!!!

But because of the dense fog, volcanoes were not visible. But Pasha immediately warned about the danger of heather bushes, in which there can be not only bears, but also in which many people are lost. After several hours of driving, the fog allowed us to see the volcano, at the foot of which we decided to make a halt and have a bite to eat.Surprisingly, the ground below us was very warm: the heat came from the volcano, so a lot of blueberries and incredibly beautiful flowers grew on the slope (unfortunately, I don’t know their name). A stunning picture: below everything is blooming and fragrant, and above there are snows!

We got stuck on the way to the waterfall. It turns out that such machines also get stuck! a very fresh bear track. It became somehow uncomfortable. Fortunately, having coped with the car very quickly, we moved further and saw the waterfall "Spits of Veronica". Indeed, as if you see the profile of a girl carved into the rock by water. Next we were waiting for natural thermal springs. Yes, we have already been to Paratunka, but everything there is man-made, special pools have been made, and here there is a natural "bath" with hot water. Unusual, of course. So many impressions.

But still, having read various forums, one thing was missing: to see the bears! Real live bears, about which everyone writes so much. Somewhere on the hill, we met a group of tourists who simply rushed past us and reported on the impending bear. But he never showed up. And now the day was coming to an end, we were driving back, and the animal had not appeared. And now, we are finally lucky! On the way home, we did see a bear and a bear cub going to a watering hole.

Night was falling, we were already sleeping in the car, because tomorrow we had a lot of interesting things waiting for us! Namely, rafting on the Avacha River! It was our first experience of such an extreme vacation, but when, if not now? It took us about three hours to get to the base - the transit point, where we had to drink tea, have a snack, listen to the briefing. Everything was very serious, and our instructors did not smile much. Oh, it was, it wasn’t, there’s nowhere to retreat.

We were provided with high rubber boots, life jackets, rubber suits and we swam. There were 8 of us, men were rowing, and we - women and children - admired the beauties of the "Aquarium" - a natural zone along Avacha. The descent was not difficult, but occasionally breathtaking, we jumped on the waves, but still I managed to take pictures.

It seemed that the alloy flew by in an instant: here we are already cooking the fish soup and setting the table. It's strange, a company of complete strangers living in different parts of Russia, and someone in another country (among us was a Pole who worked in Castorama, who brought his son to our country to show the beauties), but we sat so sincerely, talked . It is unlikely that life will bring us together again, but at that moment we were like one friendly family.

How can one imagine Kamchatka without the Pacific Ocean? That's right, no way. So, our next route ran precisely to the Pacific Ocean, Starichkov Island and the Three Brothers. And again we caught fish, fried it right on the yacht and admired the beauty of the ocean. The most famous are three rocks protruding from the water, called "Three Brothers". According to legend, three brothers protected the peninsula from a huge wave and were petrified. Since then, they have stood guard over the city for centuries. Three brothers are a kind of symbol of Petropavlovsk and Avacha Bay. We sat on the deck and enjoyed the sea air, and volcanoes and hills "floated" past us. At that moment, we felt some kind of unity with the nature around us!

For the last two days we were planning to climb Mutnovsky and Gorely volcanoes. Also a new experience for us. Quite a large group of us climbed Mutnovsky. We met Pasha again and met his colleague Dima. The guys are experienced, you can see right away. While we were driving to the volcanoes, they demonstrated this more than once. Glaciers are very dangerous and you can not joke with them. On the way, we came across a bus that was half under water. Hope nobody got hurt. So we moved slowly, track to track.

When we arrived at the foot of Mutnovsky, we were again instructed. Despite the sense of humor and smiling, the guys told about the necessary security measures without any jokes. And not in vain. At one time, a group of researchers came here and one young guy came too close to the crater and boiled alive in the fumaroles. It's hard to believe it when you don't see and hear the smell and seething of fumaroles, when you don't realize that they are there, under you, at any moment they can break out to the surface. Fumaroles smell of sulfur, the smell is so strong that it hurts the eyes. In order to somehow alleviate our plight, we were given medical bandages.

In the meantime, we split up: someone stayed, and someone went higher, to another crater. Despite being tired, we decided to keep up. It was not easy: the sneakers slid on the snow, the path went higher and higher, and at the last stage of the route we had to climb a rope ladder altogether. But what we saw afterwards was worth it! The long-awaited dinner was already waiting for us below, and the next day - the volcano again! oh, it's not easy to climb volcanoes for two days. Moreover, we were warned that today's Mutnovsky is not as difficult as Gorely, which we are going to tomorrow!

Mentally, I dreamed that this excursion would not take place))) Unprepared and inexperienced, two volcanoes are not an easy test. The next morning a miracle happened: Olga called us and said that the group had not gathered. Apparently, these were those who climbed Mutnovsky and could not scrape themselves off the bed in the morning. So, it was our last day in Kamchatka. We went with Dima, whom we already knew, to the foot of the Avachinsky volcano, to feed the famous evrazhek and finally admire the landscape from a bird's eye view! Here we had such a tour around the marvelous Kamchatka region. Of course, we brought a lot of gifts: red caviar and fish, because there they are 2 times cheaper and five times tastier.

These were unforgettable days, full of impressions and emotions. Kamchatka is very different! In addition to the amazing nature, there are many historical places. We know so little about this peninsula, and yet it is our important strategic outpost. Travel around our country, it is magnificent and rich in sights. Frankly, our tour was not economical, as a friend said, for this money you can have a good rest in an expensive resort. As they say, the taste and color! Someone likes to wallow under the sun all day long, and someone comes with burning eyes from such a trip!

Kamchatka is a land of untouched wilderness located on the periphery of the Russian Federation.

It is impossible to arrive there by train, since the railway to the peninsula is not laid. All you have left is planes and ships.

Now many tour operators offer sightseeing tours to Kamchatka. Extreme tourism in this region is gaining momentum.

In this article, we will learn about the cost of such a trip, explore seasonal price fluctuations and tell you exactly where you can buy tickets.

The cost of the tour to Kamchatka

When choosing a tour to this region and calculating the price of a trip, you should know that the final cost will depend on several factors:

  • point of departure;
  • Time travel;
  • flight cost;
  • number of days in the tour;
  • the complexity of the tour;
  • transportation.

The most popular types of outdoor activities in Kamchatka are:

  • tracking;
  • fishing;
  • helicopter tours;
  • car tours;
  • combined expeditions.

Tourist routes pass through remote, wild and hard-to-reach places. The lion's share of the cost of the tour is the transportation of tourists by helicopters and SUVs.

The complexity of Kamchatka tours is:

  • light,
  • middle,
  • heavy.

It also affects the price range.

The tourist infrastructure on the peninsula is poorly developed - this should be taken into account when planning a trip. Usually the price of the tour includes:

  • transfer;
  • medical insurance;
  • accommodation (hotel, camp site, recreation center);
  • transportation along the route;
  • services of specialists (cooks, guides, instructors, porters, pilots).

Below we will analyze the services of some travel companies offering to buy a tour to Kamchatka, and also mention the main travel destinations.

"Land of Volcanoes"

This company offers multi-day tourist tours on the most popular routes:

  • Valley of Geysers,
  • volcano Uzon,
  • Klyuchevskaya Sopka,
  • valley of death,
  • Verkhne-Semyachinsky springs, etc.

The cost of the ticket does not include the flight (approximately it is calculated from Moscow separately).

  • Trekking tours (4-8 days) - 106-126 thousand rubles.
  • Trekking tours (12-14 days) - 76-136 thousand rubles.
  • Helicopter tours (4-8 days) - 106-126 thousand rubles;
  • Helicopter tours (11-12 days) - 94-136 thousand rubles;
  • Car tours (3-6 days) - 12.600-42.000 rubles;
  • Car tours (10-13 days) - 64-77 thousand rubles;
  • rafting on the Fast River (three days) - 18,000 rubles;
  • mixed tour (fishing and car travel, 9 days) - 98,000 rubles;
  • combined tours for 14-17 days (fishing and car) - 78-96 thousand rubles.

Tourist club "Kamchatka"

The company offers economy class tours, which will cost an order of magnitude cheaper:

  • Multi-day hike (14 days, crossing the entire peninsula) - 35,000 rubles;
  • Pacific Ring (12 days) - 24,000 rubles;
  • Acquaintance with Kamchatka (13 days) - 21,000 rubles;
  • Big nine-day trip - 29,000 rubles;
  • Bears and volcanoes (11 days) - 42.000 rubles, it is proposed to visit:
    • lakes,
    • the hot springs,
    • monuments of natural origin.
  • Kamchatka in June (9 days) - 29,000 rubles;
  • Colors of autumn (11 days) - 19,000 rubles, these are:
    • Volcano Dzendur,
    • pacific coast,
    • Nalychevo natural park.


Here the emphasis is on a wide range of entertainment:

  • Fishing - 11.000-12.000 rubles per day;
  • One-day alloys - 5.000-10.000 rubles;
  • Climbing (1 day) - 4.900-9.900 rubles;
  • Excursions and horse riding tours (1-2 days) - 5.500-9.900 rubles;
  • Expeditions on ATVs, jeep tours (1 day) - 5.200-6.900 rubles;
  • Sea excursions (6 hours) - 3.850-7.700 rubles;
  • Tracking (2-14 days) - 5.400-135.000 rubles;
  • Helicopter and walking tours - 30.000-34.000 rubles.

You have already understood that the prices of tours to Kamchatka with a flight will have to be calculated separately. Mentally add the resulting amount to the prices indicated above - this is how you get the total cost of the trip.

If fate, a thirst for adventure or a need for work inadvertently throw you to Kamchatka - the easternmost outskirts of Russia - then the locals strongly recommend you:

1. Conquer the volcano

Without exaggeration, Kamchatka is famous all over the world for its volcanoes. , or the activity of the highest active volcano in Eurasia - Klyuchevskoy - was heard by millions of inhabitants of the planet. Hundreds of volcanoes “live” on the peninsula, and with a strong desire, having the appropriate training, you can visit any one you like.

Perhaps, Plosky Tolbachik can be called the hit of this season. Its famous eruption, which began in November 2012, attracts hundreds of tourists to the peninsula, who not only manage to fry kebabs on it.

The cost of visiting Kamchatka volcanoes is different. For example, climbing on Klyuchevskaya - they take exceptionally trained athletes there - for 30 thousand rubles. - and this is far from the limit. And you can visit Avacha for a few hundred rubles, having reached the outskirts of the volcano on a suburban bus and continuing your journey on foot.

In any case, which of the volcanoes you would not be going to, it is highly not recommended to go there without experienced guides. You need to take with you what your guide advises - warm clothes, food, sunglasses, sunscreen, etc...

Moreover, when going to the volcano, register with the local search and rescue squad - PSO. If an unforeseen situation arises, you can always count on the help of lifeguards. The unit's telephone number is 8 (415-2) 41-03-95.

By the way, among many Kamchatka residents it is customary to communicate with volcanoes - to ask permission from the giant to climb it and thank you for returning safely. No matter what they tell you, climbing any of the volcanoes will not be easy, but the conquered peak and the view from it will more than cover all the hardships of the path.

2. Visit the Valley of Geysers

The Valley of Geysers, like many of the Kamchatka volcanoes, is known far beyond the borders of Russia. However, not all have been there...

The fact is that a visit to one of the seven wonders of Russia hurts the pocket of an ordinary resident of the country. A one-day helicopter tour costs 25-39 thousand rubles. If you can afford such amounts, fly without hesitation. The nature of the Valley of Geysers is unique. Its area, which is 6 square kilometers, is densely populated with numerous geysers spouting right from the ground, hot springs, bizarre mud pots, picturesque waterfalls and lakes...

3. Swim in paratunka

The word “paratunka”, which is bizarre for the guests of the peninsula, has long passed from a proper name (this is the name of the local village) into the category of household names.

"Are you going to paratunka?" - locals often ask visitors, and in response they only blink their eyes in surprise ... But having been there, as a rule, they persuade them to take them there again ...

Paratunka are open-air pools with hot water that flows directly from the ground. Bathe in such springs all year round. Last winter, in Epiphany frosts, I happened to take a tourist from Krasnodar to one of these places.

What is it?! Climb there at minus 20?! Are you crazy? Take me back,” the young man was indignant.

Having persuaded the guy to get into the water, we could not get him out of there for a good half an hour ... Soaking up in hot thermal water is not cold even at minus 40 ...

By the way, being in such sources for a long time is harmful to health. Therapeutic "baths" are good in small quantities - for 10-20 minutes. Popular among tourists are both man-made thermal bases with comfortable pools, cafes, sun loungers and changing rooms, as well as completely wild natural puddles ...

4. Go fishing in Kamchatka!

Perhaps every second man and even many women are fond of fishing in Kamchatka. Sockeye salmon, chinook salmon, chum salmon, halibut, flounder, smelt, greenling and many, many other species of fish are caught in the region. Fishing here can be practiced in the seas, on rivers and lakes. Some of the caught prey boils the fish soup, and someone is photographed with the trophy and immediately releases it into the wild.

According to fishermen, sitting on the banks of a picturesque river surrounded by gray-haired volcanoes and catching a 20-kilogram chinook salmon is a pleasure that cannot be expressed in words...

5. Try local caviar!

A favorite delicacy of many - red caviar - is sold today throughout Russia. But it is mined mainly in the Far East. Kamchatka is no exception. The inhabitants of the peninsula believe that our Kamchatka caviar is the most special and the most delicious.

True, you should not count on the fact that you can burst it here with spoons. - golden. But still we recommend - it hurts too good! The freshest slice of white bread, buttered and topped with caviar, is one of the best breakfasts in the world! Where it is worth buying caviar, and where not, ask the locals.

6. Ride on ... dogs!

Dog sledding is a traditional Kamchatka winter pastime. Laikas, Huskies, Malamutes are harnessed to sleds called sleds. They are driven by an experienced driver - a musher. To perceive this kind of entertainment as a mockery of animals is wrong. Sled dogs are unusually hardy and such walks are only a joy for them.

Every year in Kamchatka passes. Its four-legged participants overcome almost a thousand kilometers on their way.

If you want to "saddle" the dog, then an unusual one-day "excursion" will cost you 2-4 thousand rubles.

7. Master skiing and snowboarding

Even if you are not a sports person at all, and the word “extreme” makes your knees tremble and your head spins, we still advise you to try at least one of these sports. Many people ride in Kamchatka, and at any time of the year. The smallest athletes are hardly three, and the oldest are well over 80. You can cut on a board or ski both on equipped bases and on wild slopes. Firstly, for the convenience of beginners, there are always trainers who will teach you the basics of extreme sports for a moderate fee. Their role, by the way, can be performed by experienced athletes - completely free of charge. Everything .

The so-called heli-skiing is also popular in Kamchatka - here athletes are thrown by helicopter onto wild slopes. True, such a sport is available either to wealthy people, or to those who know how to save money well. A day of skiing will cost you several tens of thousands of rubles.

8. Get to know the culture of the indigenous people of the peninsula

The indigenous population of Kamchatka is by no means Russian. From time immemorial, the Koryaks, Itelmens, Evens, Aleuts, Chukchis lived here ... Now, unfortunately, the number of these peoples is rapidly declining, many traditions are being forgotten. But acquaintance with representatives of these small nationalities is unlikely to leave you indifferent. Shamanic rituals, unusual outfits made of fur and animal skins, throat singing, playing tambourines, rituals and legends, ethnic dances - all this will allow you to travel back in time and plunge into a completely different Kamchatka - mystical and completely unknown.

Tourists are happy to come to the national Kamchatka holidays - Alkhalalai, and also visit ethnic villages and camps.

9. Swim in the Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean, now wildly roaring, now playfully splashing, now mysteriously silent, is a spectacle in itself bewitching. Not everyone dares to swim in it - the water is not at all warm even in summer. Therefore, if climbing into cold water is a dubious pleasure for you, walk barefoot on the unusual black ocean sand, breathe in the fresh salty air and be sure to meet the sunrise here or admire the sunset. You certainly won't regret it!

10. Fall in love with the peninsula

They say that anyone who has ever visited Kamchatka will never forget it: some adore the peninsula with all their hearts, others remember it as a nightmare.

But if you love wild, untouched nature, and yours, you will surely fall in love forever and without memory with this strange, not understandable to everyone, and, perhaps,.

Kamchatka is a picturesque peninsula on the edge of Russia, which attracts tourists with magnificent volcanoes, unusual nature and sights. To get to know this region better, many people go to Kamchatka by car. This makes it possible to visit every corner of the peninsula.

Travelling by car

Kamchatka is located on Far East and has a fairly large area. You can get to this region by land with your own car or go by ferry from different cities.

How to get to Kamchatka?

More recently, getting by car to Kamchatka it was not possible, since not a single road was laid from the large cities of Russia to this region.

The world knows some extreme heroes who tried to drive from Magadan, Vladivostok and Khabarovsk in specially equipped cars.

The travel time took at least 30 days, and the weather conditions forced us to take special equipment with us. At the same time, the distance between cities is quite large - about 4-5 thousand kilometers.

After a while, the situation has changed a little, but it is still enough to get from large cities to the peninsula difficult. It is for this reason that not many people decide on such a trip, choosing other ways of traveling to Kamchatka.

Before planning such a responsible and lengthy move, it is necessary to carefully think over every step. The Far East region has a peculiar climate. If you have to make a stop somewhere during the trip, it is better to mark it on the map in advance.

It is worth noting that for such a trip, not only the route is important, but also the season. According to the reviews of people who made routes by car from major Russian cities, the easiest way to get to Kamchatka is in winter time, especially if you follow from Magadan. From this large city to the capital Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, "wintering" is laid - roads that make it possible not only to travel by car, but also not to break it, following the impassability.

The downside of this trip is incredible cold climate characteristic of this region. In winter, the thermometer drops to a critical level of -40-50°C, so you should think about other ways to travel to Kamchatka on your own.

In summer and autumn, the road from Khabarovsk, Magadan is a hilly and mountainous landscape, so you can only get to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky by SUV.

What seas wash the peninsula?

When planning an independent trip by car to Kamchatka, you should choose the best option for the trip - moving on ferries and other passenger ships coming from Vladivostok.

This region of Russia is washed by several water areas at once:

  • Sea of ​​Okhotsk;
  • Barents Sea;
  • Pacific Ocean.

The main route on ships carrying cars runs through the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

From other cities of Russia, you can get to Vladivostok itself by trails fine quality. All of them are quite lightly loaded, and you can stop for the night or refuel on many sections of the road.

Upon arrival in Vladivostok, you should immediately go to the seaport, from where cargo ferries to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Three sea lines follow to the capital city. It is better to find out the schedule directly on the spot, as it is often changed due to weather conditions and the season.

On average, the cost of such a trip on a ferry with a car is from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. For the price, this method is much cheaper than if you had to get to Kamchatka by car directly.

When is the best time to go on vacation?

Kamchatka is beautiful for tourists any time of the year, but it should be borne in mind that some of the attractions will not be available for acquaintance due to climatic conditions.

Rest in winter

During the winter season, the peninsula is transformed, especially its unique nature. Snow-covered volcanoes of the northern region, as well as unique opportunities for winter adventures, attract tourists from all over the world.

Interesting sights and entertainment are available for vacationers this season, but ski holidays are in the greatest demand.

For fans of descent from the slopes in Kamchatka, ideal conditions have been created for active and fun vacation. Snow in this region lies on the slopes of volcanoes from December to June, and numerous slopes are equipped with lifts and snow cannons.

For fans of extreme skiing in this region there are undeveloped slopes of volcanoes, and for others - well-established routes:

  1. Avachinsky volcano;
  2. Aane slope;
  3. Mutnovsky volcano;
  4. Burnt volcano;
  5. Vilyuchinsky volcano.

From the mountains themselves open breathtaking views to the landscapes of Kamchatka, which you can finally see with your own eyes.

Great way to spend New Year in Kamchatka is to visit hot springs. There are only about two hundred springs on the peninsula, some of which flow calmly from the bowels of the earth, some rage and gush like a fountain, releasing puffs of steam at the same time.

Near the springs there are usually equipped mud boilers in which tourists can take health baths. The most popular place for recreational activities - hot springs Paratunka, as well as Nalychevo.

In winter, other entertainments are available for tourists in Kamchatka:

  • riding on dog sledding;
  • Landing on the slopes with helicopters(heli-ski);
  • Freeride on the volcanic landscape;
  • Winter fishing;
  • Mini expeditions to the tops of the famous volcanoes;
  • Acquaintance with the indigenous people of the region in the village of Kaynyran;
  • visit sea ​​lion rookeries;
  • Walk to ocean.

Due to such an extensive choice of entertainment, the Kamchatka Peninsula is often called the most popular center extreme tourism.

In order to enjoy the rest during such a cool period, you should take warm clothes and comfortable shoes with you.

The "Land of Fire and Ice" in winter will delight all vacationers with the unsurpassed beauty inherent in this region.

What should a tourist see in spring?

In the spring, Kamchatka is radically transformed - the cold weather recedes, and everything around begins to bloom. Thanks to such excellent conditions, in this region there is even more entertainment, and the surrounding nature makes it possible to remember active holidays for a long time. In addition, one of the advantages of visiting the bear region in the spring are low prices to rest with the same amount of entertainment available.

In the first month of spring, ski tourism is still available in Kamchatka, so many people go to this region to enjoy the last opportunity to ski down the mountains. In addition, snowmobile rides are available for vacationers. Dimchikan cordon or to volcanoes, as well as getting to know the local cuisine. Holidays in March are wonderful because during this period, winter conditions are still observed on the peninsula, but they are still a little milder.

If you plan a trip to Kamchatka in the spring by car, then in a fairly short period you can visit several popular attractions at once:

  1. Avachinsky volcano;
  2. Lake Azabachye;
  3. Nalychevo Valley;
  4. Mutnovsky volcano;
  5. River Bystraya;
  6. Valley of Geysers.

Kamchatka is famous exclusively for its natural attractions, which can be found at almost every step. Not a single photo can convey how beautiful and atmospheric it is in its open spaces. It is for this reason that a trip by car will provide an organized spring tour. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that the roads on the peninsula are of rather poor quality, so an SUV is the best option for a trip.

In April and May, when the nature of Kamchatka is completely transformed, you can leave the car on your own and go to hike. This period is also beautiful because, being in nature, you do not have to worry about the abundance of mosquitoes and midges.

All companies organize professional guides who can lead a group of tourists to the right places, ensuring a safe outdoor recreation.

Attractions in summer

In summer, tourists go to the open spaces of Kamchatka in large numbers. This is facilitated by the beautiful weather, as well as the largest selection of opportunities for a great holiday.

In addition to traditional hikes to volcanoes, relaxation in the Valley of Geysers and exciting excursions to local villages, tourists are popular with walks on the sea and visiting beaches with black volcanic sand.

Journey on passenger ships Pacific Ocean makes it possible to see Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, its high slopes and hills from a completely different angle. During the walk, you can also get acquainted with bird colonies, seeing them in their natural habitat.

Volcanoes Kamchatka in the summer is especially charming, and getting to their peaks with a guide is a fairly easy task. The ascent is not hindered by bad weather or extreme temperatures.

Before those who reach the top of one of the most famous volcanoes in Russia, impressive unearthly species, more reminiscent of Mars or the Moon. Some craters are filled with sky-blue and crystal-clear lakes, while others are shattered cracks from which streams of steam and fumaroles escape.

In the summer, tourists become available:

  • Khalaktyrsky beach;
  • Avacha Bay;
  • Mutnovskaya group of volcanoes;
  • Karymshinsky sources;
  • Malkinsky thermal springs;
  • Kronotsky Natural Biosphere Reserve.

It will be interesting to get acquainted with the capital Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. This city has both natural attractions that attract tourists, as well as museums, monuments and other equally interesting places.

trip in autumn

Many tourists note that Kamchatka is especially beautiful in autumn. Hiking trips during this period, especially in September, they become relevant again for fans of outdoor activities. At the same time, it is not necessary to take all the necessary ammunition for the trip, such as tents, sleeping bags and cats, with you on a trip. Everything you need can be rented from local shops.

Hiking ( tracking) through the wild places of Kamchatka provide an opportunity to touch the unique Kamchatka nature, see rare landscapes that will be available only along certain routes. At the same time, you will have to overcome the difficulties of mountain passes, fords of icy rivers with a heavy backpack.

The best reward in such a trip will be the romance of an evening fire, the starry sky and new friends.

Popular walking routes:

  1. Through the volcanoes Nalychevskaya valley;
  2. By volcanoes north and south of Kamchatka;
  3. Travel around Tolbachik;
  4. Climbing to peaks volcanoes.

In October and November, hunting and fishing, picking mushrooms and berries, as well as many other outdoor activities are available for tourists in Kamchatka. It should be noted that this period is especially popular due to absence of mosquitoes and other nasty insects.

When planning a trip to Kamchatka, many rush to volcanoes and geysers, forgetting that the island has one unique attraction - locals who inhabited the islands even before the arrival of Russian expeditions. A visit to the Itelmen village promises to be incredibly interesting, where performances are organized for guests with food, music, dances and drinks.

Travelers will be interested in some facts about the peninsula:

  • On its territory, only about 29 active and 300 sleepers volcanoes;
  • If it weren’t for modern modes of transportation that bring travelers to Kamchatka, one would have to get from Moscow to the peninsula about a year;
  • The territory of Kamchatka is so vast that it could fit France and Belgium;
  • The peninsula is incredibly rich bears, and each of them weighs about 150-200 kilograms;
  • Almost all rivers here originate from glaciers, and the water in them is so pure that you can drink it without worrying about your health;
  • origin of name"Kamchatka" is still being investigated by scientists - there are several versions, but so far it has not been possible to confirm exactly.

Kamchatka is wonderful to visit at any time of the year, and if you have your own car, this trip promises to be even more interesting and fascinating.

Watch a video clip about traveling around Kamchatka by car:

It is interesting:

In contact with

Day 1. Meeting

Having made an eight-hour flight Moscow-Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, you land at the airport, from the runway of which a majestic view of the volcanoes opens. Meeting with the guide of the group.

After acquaintance, transfer to a hotel located in the resort area of ​​the village of Paratunka, remarkable for its balneological springs. Time difference between Moscow and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky + 8 hours. Therefore, tourists devote a day of acclimatization, swimming in pools with healing thermal water of Kamchatka.

Day 2. Vachkazhets waterfalls and hot baths in Ozerki.

Our journey through Kamchatka begins with a leisurely walk to the ruined mountain ensemble of Vachkazhets. Leaving the car by the road, we will go along the forest road to Lake Takhkoloch, which has found its shelter right at the foot of the massif. Here will be the first small stop to capture the surrounding beauties.

We go around the lake on the right and begin a leisurely climb, first climbing a hillock, then along a stream running down the slope. A large number of Kamchatka ground squirrels live on the local slopes. Sometimes they are difficult to spot, as their color is designed to camouflage, merging with the ground, but if you make any loud sound, you can see how they scatter into their holes.

Next stop at the waterfall. On a steep slope, we can go down into the gorge and get as close as possible to the waterfall. Mountain rivers are cold in any weather and refreshing moisture hangs in the air. After the inspection, we return to the trail and climb the steep slope to the Vachkazhets circus. Here is the maximum point of our ascent and the entire valley is visible, along which we walked before. The descent is carried out along the stream with interesting rifts and small waterfalls.

We return by the forest road to our car and before returning to the base we stop at the health-improving complex "Ozerki", where we relax in the hot saturated water of mineral springs rich in hydrogen sulfide. Those who wish can plunge into the cold river flowing nearby.

Denis 3 - 5. Rafting along the Bystraya River with fishing

Our trip around Kamchatka continues, and next is a three-day rafting on the Bystraya River, which is the right tributary of the Bolshaya River, one of the largest rivers on the peninsula. An incredible number of salmon live in the reservoirs of Kamchatka rivers: sockeye salmon, chinook salmon, pink salmon, coho salmon, char and the famous Kamchatka trout - mykizha.

It remains to stock up on gear, spinners, spinning rods, do not forget a good mood and go! The car will take us to the place where the rafting will begin. Travel time is about two hours. Tourist rafting on the Bystraya River is not sports, it is primarily gambling and enjoying the pictures of wildlife that open before you. And so, things are packed in waterproofing bags, we sit down and set sail.

Someone has already cast a bait - and here it is, the first catch! It can't be that fast?! The task of the cook - to catch fish for dinner, was completed in the shortest possible time. At the bottom of our raft trembles char, sim, pink salmon and grayling - the royal fish from which sashimi is immediately prepared, poured with soy sauce and lemon juice. And the fishing continues! But our catch has already exceeded all expectations, so the fish are caught on a catch-and-release basis. Every now and then admiring exclamations are heard from neighboring rafts and the competition of the most successful begins.

And here is our parking lot. We break camp. Someone is resting, but someone cannot stop and continues to fish, entering the water from the shore. For dinner - Kamchatka fish soup - it's just a gastronomic delight! And there is also fish fried on coals and baked in leaves! The evening flies by unnoticed by a leisurely conversation by the fire.

Early in the morning, leaving the tent, take security measures, because your neighbor may be a brown bear, a big fan of feasting on spawning fish.

We continue our wonderful voyage. How beautiful is the nature around us! The unhurried flow and the murmur of water beating at the sides, dispose to complete serenity and relaxation. The rafting ends, we say goodbye to our escorts and go to Malki, to plunge into the thermal springs. Malkinsky springs have a special unique composition of water. This is a group of small reservoirs filled with healing hot water. It seems that you can lie in the source for hours, but be moderate because the composition of the water is very saturated with salts and minerals.

Day 6. Departure to Gorely volcano.

We leave for the southern group of volcanoes. Here begins our next long segment of the journey through Kamchatka. The most optimal trip, during which you can feel these edges, takes 3 days and takes place with overnight stays in tents.

The first volcano we will visit is Gorely - a unique natural object located 75 km from the regional center of Kamchatka. It is best to get to the foot of the volcano by vehicles with high cross-country ability and adapted to the conditions of our off-road. The journey takes about 4 hours, but the time flies by unnoticed, as the magnificent panorama that opens from the windows delights and inspires travelers.

We pass the Serebryany stream and in front of us is the handsome Vilyuchinsky volcano. From it, straining on the slopes, our car will start climbing the serpentine to a pass about 900 meters high. Stop at the equipped observation deck, from which you can clearly see the boundless expanses and silhouettes of volcanoes - Mutnovsky, Gorely, Avachinsky, Koryaksky.

We descend into the Gorely caldera, grandiose in size - 9 by 13 kilometers in diameter, and drive up to the starting point of the ascent. Where is our volcano? Its shape does not look like a cone, as we usually imagine a classic volcano. Rather, it is a ridge formed by cones running into each other. This is a real active volcano. Its height is 1829 meters.

The ascent is not long, about 3 hours, and does not require special loads. This is a favorite weekend route for the local population. In the right rhythm and in a good mood, we begin our ascent. The path is clearly visible. We are surrounded by old lava flows and kekkur, surprising with their bizarre additions.

The exit to the crater is always a surprise and a shock with the beauty that opens up to the eye. Volcano Gorely is rightfully considered a natural monument! Gorely has several cones and 11 craters. We will examine the most famous - "Blue Lake", with a beautiful lake at the bottom and "Active", in which the vital activity of the volcano continues today. Clubs of sulfuric steam rise to the sky, and sometimes you can hear the hum of the processes taking place in the depths. The walls of the craters are sheer and picturesque. Going around them along the edge, we will admire their composition and color shades of rocks.

And now we are at the top. There are no words that adequately convey the grandeur of the panorama that surrounds us! We are waiting for the descent, dinner and overnight under the starry sky.

Day 7. Inspection of the Mutnovsky volcano

Our goal today is the Mutnovsky volcano. This is undoubtedly one of the most unique places available to a tourist traveling around Kamchatka. The volcano with a height of 2323 meters is active today. The transition to the crater is carried out with a small climb through a fault formed as a result of volcanic activity. A little effort - and you are in hell or heaven? Definitely undecided. The splendor of the glaciers, shimmering with a variety of colors and boiling waters waiting for them at the base, create a fantastic picture! The volcano lives its own harsh life. Powerful fumaroles emit poisonous sulfuric fumes, mud pots are boiling, something is making noise and gurgling everywhere.

On thermal sites covered with clay, you need to move with great care. Everything is changeable in nature. Sources disappear and are reborn. Perhaps, at the moment, there is emptiness under you at a shallow depth. Falling into a boiling mass is a terrible prospect.

The Vulkannaya River runs along the bottom of the crater, forming a deep canyon on the way, called the "Dangerous Ravine", and three kilometers below it abruptly breaks off to a height of 80 meters with a powerful waterfall. Magical spectacle! We return to the camp after the inspection.

Day 8. Dacha thermal springs.

We are moving to the Dachnye springs. One of the first in the USSR GEOTES Mutnovskaya is located in the neighborhood. This power plant generates electricity using the natural heat of the earth, exactly the same from which Dacha thermal springs are fed.

Before the springs, you will also have to walk along a not steep slope. Here are the processes of modern active volcanic activity. During the tour, we will examine the mud pots, pulsating springs. In the afternoon we return to the recreation center in the Paratunka zone.

Day 9. Sea voyage: Avachinskaya bay - about. Starichkov - Russian Bay

Having studied the Kamchatka Territory from land, it is important not to miss the exploration of the marine world. Our peninsula is washed by the seas and the ocean from three sides, and since ancient times, the life of the indigenous people has been somehow connected with the sea. We have to go beyond the gates of Avacha Bay to the Pacific Ocean. The route will be laid along the east coast to the south. Let's pass by three brothers from an old Kamchatka legend who guard the entrance to the bay. The sad cries of seagulls always accompany these fairy tale characters. Every now and then, sea birds rush past the ship in search of something to profit from. They are represented by puffins, guillemots, gulls, cormorants. Sometimes you can meet quite rare specimens, such as the Steller's sea eagle.

The first stop on the way is Starichkov Island, named after a rare bird species - the Old Man. This is a protected area, which is under scientific observation. We will go around the island from different sides and admire the bird colonies. By the way, there are a myriad of them here and noise and din are constantly heard. On the coastal reefs, we may already meet seals. They are gullible and can swim close enough.

We continue our walk and soon we get to the Russkaya Bay. This place is quite deep and protected from ocean disturbances. In this regard, a lot of spawning fish settles here, and other predators come with it. Killer whales, whales, seals and our feathered friends all participate in this feast. You can meet whales and killer whales throughout the summer, but most of them come in August. We will have enough time to take pictures of the entire ichthyofauna of the bay. We will also have lunch on board. We return to the hotel in the evening.

Day 10. Transfer to the airport - Big trip to Kamchatka

This is the last day of our trip. On the way to the airport, we will stop by the monument "Russia Begins Here" for a souvenir photo. All the best to you, friends!

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