Jokes are different. Jokes are short funny to tears

Laughter provides a deep understanding of our unconscious, which breaks out in certain situations. Scientists know little about the specific brain mechanisms responsible for laughter. But we know without them that it is caused by many sensations and thoughts and activates various parts of the body. Laughter affects breathing, changes facial expressions, and makes us make sounds (sometimes quite strange ones). During strong laughter, even the muscles of the arms, legs and torso are involved.

“Laughter is the message we send to other people. We know this because we rarely laugh when we are alone: ​​we laugh to ourselves even less than we talk to ourselves,” says Dr. Robert Provine.

Laughter is socially "contagious", meaning we laugh at other people's laughter. This phenomenon is perfectly illustrated by the video below. We are willing to bet that you will not be able to watch it to the end and not smile. This is probably why he has already gained more than 19 million views.

A person begins to laugh at about the age of 3.5–4 months, long before he begins to speak. Laughter, like crying, acts as a preverbal way of interacting with the mother and other people around the child. Over time, laughter has evolved into a socially acceptable form of channeling aggression. It is convenient because it does not involve any direct aggressive actions, but at the same time allows you to express your emotions. In other words, the tension accumulated in the psyche is looking for a way out and finds it through laughter.

But how does a person decide when to laugh and when not? This decision is made by our brain. Curiously, laughter rarely interrupts sentence structure. It only acts as accents or appears during pauses in the conversation.

The very mechanics of laughter evolved in ancient primates from labored or rapid breathing or choking. If you manage to tickle a chimpanzee or a gorilla, you won't hear anything like "ha-ha-ha." Monkeys make sounds as if they are choking, but in them lies the nature of our usual laughter. Other animals also make sounds during play, although they have little in common with humans. Rats, for example, produce high-frequency squeaks, and even penguins "laugh" in their own way.

How they laugh on the Internet in other languages:

in Thai the number 5 is pronounced "ha". So instead of "LOL" or "hahaha" Thai users sometimes write "55555"

The abbreviation WWW is often used by the Japanese. This designation originates from the character 笑, which is pronounced warai and translates as "laughter". Warai in chats quickly became abbreviated to W, and then “wwwwwwwww”, etc. became common.

Although laughter is in Chinese(Putonghua) is written as 笑声, while online communication uses the onomatopoeia characters 哈哈 (pronounced "ha-ha") and 呵呵 ("hee-hee")

in spanish"j" is pronounced like "x", which is why you can often find the letter combinations "jajaja" on Spanish-language resources

Greek alphabet - related to ours, so the Greeks on the web laugh just like us: "xaxaxa"

In Hebrew, laughter looks like this:חָה־חָה־חָה - pronounced the same, only read from right to left

Brazilian and Portuguese laughter is denoted as huehuehue or rsrsrsrs

Danes laugh rather trivially: ha ha, hi hi, hæ hæ, ho ho, ti hi

French people, in addition to hahaha, héhéhé, hihihi, hohoho, they also use the acronym MDR (mort de rire - that is, I'm dying of laughter), similar to the English language LOL

Most of the jokes that cause general laughter are somehow related to the fact that someone fails. It would seem that what could be funny is how someone slipped on the stairs or fell off the bike? But in these "jokes" lie the fundamental aspects of humor.

The first requirement for funny situation- playful circumstances that put the event out of real life in a non-serious context. They are the ones who explain why most people don't find it funny to film a 10-story building on fire with people jumping out of it and falling to their deaths. In this case, the severity of the misfortune prevents the establishment of a non-serious context. However, the videos where some regular poor guy falls on a treadmill seem funny to us.

In the early 1990s, scientists discovered in the brain mirror neurons. William Fry, a psychiatrist at Stanford University, believes that this discovery has led to a new understanding of aspects of humor, and these cells may explain why we laugh when someone falls. We know from our own experience that when we fall, we try to keep our balance by waving our arms and thrashing around in the strangest positions. These movements are controlled by neurons in our brain. But when we watch another person stumble, some of our own neurons fire in the same way that we ourselves began to move in an attempt to keep from falling. These mirror neurons, as it were, duplicate the brain activity patterns of a falling person from a YouTube video to the brain of a person watching this video. Thus, the observer's brain "tickles" this "neurological ghost": he experiences unconscious stimulation, which enhances the perception of incongruity, which was discussed above.

Due to the presence of mirror neurons, producers of classic sitcoms use off-screen laughter. It automatically makes us laugh when we hear it. It has been experimentally proven that mirror neurons are activated when a person hears other environmental sounds associated with triumph, fear, joy and disgust.

One more important characteristic funny anecdote, life episode or YouTube video is a discrepancy or inconsistent relationship between the essence of what is happening and its climax. Falls are not so common in our normal life and are always unexpected. No matter how embarrassing, despite all our cordiality and compassion, when a colleague in the office sits by a chair and gets a bruised tailbone, we cannot help laughing. Obviously, we have a different, more powerful instinct.

The discrepancy between what is expected and what is real is at the heart of all the major viral Internet videos. This is confirmed by the classic videos with a placid panda and an unexpectedly loud sneeze of a cub; Brazilian diva Bisha Muda, with a voice that does not quite match her appearance; a charismatic Indian boy of dense build, whose dances are not very consistent with his age.

Why do our faces stretch into tender smiles at the sight of small children, puppies and kittens, even if they do not fall at all and do not even do anything at all? Scientists believe that adults are evolutionarily programmed to find babies cute. In such a natural way, nature made sure that we do not harm them and take care of them. Studies also show that adults are touched by faces with large eyes. As you know, children, kittens and puppies have a disproportionate big eyes in relation to the head. By the third month, babies' eyes reach the same size as an adult's eyes and look huge until the rest of the face has had time to grow. Other traits that are almost always perceived as cute include a large head, small nose and mouth. It is these signs that make us admire all the videos with cubs, both bipedal and quadrupedal.

One of the reasons why a story, anecdote, or YouTube video seems funny to us is the shocking moment that a good joke must have. Shock may be associated with violence, vulgarity, rudeness, or fear. An excellent example is the extremely cruel but funny joke: “How many children does it take to paint a wall red? Just one, but you have to throw it with all your might." For the same reason, we all cannot help laughing when we watch videos where people are scared almost to death with rubber dinosaurs or clowns with fake hammers.

In the book Ha! The Science of When We Laugh and Why Scott Wimms describes an experiment in which researcher Richard Wiseman was looking for the most funny joke in the world. He interviewed about a million people who told what they thought were the funniest jokes and rated others. As a result, it turned out that the most rude jokes (like the one about the child, which is described above) had both the highest ratings and the lowest: that is, while some people find them very funny, others hate them. As an example of Internet memes, we can recall the endless "premium content" with dancing homeless people, drunken fights and obscene songs. All these videos “tickle” our subconscious and squeeze laughter out of us.

The most important role in the mechanics of humor is played by the so-called "opening blow". Wiseman writes: “I believe that tastes in humor vary so widely because the key to a joke lies not in its construction or climax. Instead, it's all about the "kick of the discovery" when a person thinks in one way and suddenly changes his point of view to the opposite. Shock and surprise also contribute to this process.”

Book cover of Ha!: The Science of When We Laugh and Why

Unfortunately, considering any psychological process, and even more so as complex as humor, it is difficult to derive a strict formula. No scientist can scientific method to identify whether this or that video / coub / gif is funny or not - the exact answer is still hidden only in our heads. Different people laugh at different things, because everyone has a different cultural background, a threshold of sensitivity to vulgarity, rudeness and insults. And all this leads to great confusion, from which life becomes only more fun.

Well, of course, there is not a word about fire safety in apiaries, nor about the usefulness of cold rubdowns, but I know they will come to strictly point out: why? How could one not specify the rules for using scuba gear in a big city?

It turns out that there are a lot of people who like to discuss what is in the note no.
I will ask you not to read any further: there is, in fact, nothing here, so you are tormented to list. Sit down and write yourself better. And I do my best - just a small chamber study on a blue spring evening, waiting for dinner.

So, some thoughts on anecdotes.
Primarily. A good anecdote is a completely self-sufficient thing. It can contain a whole novel, in which there is a plot, and prominent characters, and a plot-climax-denouement. And you can tell them endlessly. True, this activity was not always good for health:

What are you sitting for?
- He told a joke.
- And you?
- Heard a joke.
- And you?
- For laziness! Was at a party. One told a joke. I go home and think: now, what to convey or tomorrow morning? Okay, I think tomorrow morning will be in time. Taken at night!

AT good joke there are even "images". Remember, the writings wrote: "The image of Oblomov." And there are jokes too. For example: a rich anecdote about Vovochka.

Little Johnny breaks into the classroom after the bell rings, and without hello runs to the desk.
— Fu, Vovochka, is this how they enter the class? Come out and in as your dad comes in.
Little Johnny comes out ... The door kicks open, Little Johnny:
- To plan my bald skull, whom I see - Mary-Ivanna!
- Fu, Vovochka, come out and come in, as your grandfather enters.
Vovochka comes out. The door quietly opens, Vovochka's head sticks in:
- What, paskuda, did not wait?

And tell me that there are no images here - and Vovochka himself, and his semi-gangster dad - a big man in stretched sweatpants, but with a chain around his neck, and grandfather - an old godfather in law? A whole story.

In addition, jokes are a cultural phenomenon, it is a mystery, because no one has ever seen the authors of jokes, it is specially impossible to come up with a joke. You can compose a skit, a sketch, a gag, a happening, but not a joke. Anecdotes are a pure product of the collective unconscious. And the speed with which they spread around the world, when there was no Internet at all, is truly light.

There are jokes funny and unfunny. This is a fundamental feature of anecdote. We will not talk about the unfunny ones. We dismiss them with indignation. We do not tell the company, we do not write articles about them.
Stay funny.
Funny jokes are divided primarily into decent and indecent. Indecent jokes come across terribly funny, but, alas, they do not fit into the format of this resource. Remain good. They are bearded and unbearded, but the beardedness of a joke is a transient concept: new generations come who do not know them.
decent funny jokes can be classified by topic:


An American, an Englishman, and ours boast that they will make a cat eat mustard. The American grabs the cat and stuffs the mustard into its mouth.
- This is violence! ours protests.
The Englishman puts mustard between two pieces of sausage, the cat eats it.
- This is a lie! - protests ours, after which he smears mustard under the cat's tail, and the cat licks it with a howl.
- Pay attention, - says our - voluntarily and with a song.

Women's(about men) and men's(about blondes)

My wife is leaving for a day trip. Husband instructs:
- Prepare breakfast in the morning, feed the children, go to school, younger to the garden, go to the laundry at lunchtime, buy this and that after work, pick up the children, feed, take lessons with the elder, read to the younger one, wash the dishes, put the children to bed .
The husband got up, fed, took him away, ran in, brought him, bought him, took him away, did his homework, read, washed, put him down, fell into bed ... and thinks: “If this bastard climbs on me now, I won’t be able to stand it.”

Abstract (absurd)

A patient comes to the doctor with a bandage on his leg.
- What are you complaining about?
- My head hurts.
Why is there a bandage on your leg?
- Slipped off.

Professional(medical, musical, etc.) recent times also computer)

- Dad, what is FORMAT WITH COMPLETE? Dad, why are you so pale?

Literary and cinematographic(about the heroes of books and films)

What do you think, Watson, what does it mean when the sky is full of stars at night?
— Good weather, Holmes?
“That means that while we were sleeping, our tent was stolen!”

"About psychos and drug addicts"(partially related to absurd)

Two drug addicts in the car.
- Wan, slow down, grandma! Oh, they hit it. Vanya, grandma again! Brake! They shot down ... Waaan, again a grandmother ...
- Well, choooo you ... you are driving, you are braking ...

Baby(school, about Vovochka)
About animals (for the most part fabulous):

Gena works in a store. Cheburashka comes and asks for a kilogram of salt.
- You know, Cheburashka, I hit a weight somewhere. Let me poke your eye?
- Put a mound on your tail, green dog !!!


In the shop:
- Is there meat?
- Not.
- And it says "MEAT store".
- You never know what is written on my barn. And then there's the wood...

National(a very subtle point - from wildly witty and well-aimed, to stupidly bestial)

Probably and some more.
But this classification is not essential. Or rather, less significant. Much more important is the classification of jokes by lenght. It is non-discrete, i.e. it does not have a list of items, but the shorter the joke, the better it is. The joke does not need any extra details and explanations, sometimes just one phrase is enough:

“That’s not a tail…” said the wolf, and blushed deeply.
What needs to be explained here? As the saying goes, “If you need to explain, then you don’t need to explain.”

Champions of brevity - unsurpassed by definition - are one-word jokes:
- Procreated.
- Fitter.

There is, however, an anecdote and generally, as it were, without words:
Two Odessa old men are sitting. One sighs. Second: "Oh, and don't say."

But this aerobatics, understandable only in the context of the twentieth century and only in our country.

Not everyone can distinguish flat jokes from good humor. And all because today comedians do not have time to work efficiently. After all new program you need to write for a long time, then rehearse, and why bother yourself when you can also tour with the old one? Today we will analyze the concept of a flat joke and give examples.


Flat jokes are mockery of a person, which can sometimes even sound offensive. There is another definition. Flat jokes are called anecdotes and aphorisms that everyone already knows by heart and, accordingly, they do not cause laughter. Usually, this method of entertaining the crowd is resorted to by people with low intelligence, who cannot always determine in which situation they should speak, and where it is better to keep their mouths shut.

Why are the jokes flat? There are many strange synonyms in Russian. Some of them are the words "flat" and "vulgar". After all, most of these jokes are just indecent and vulgar. And there is also a common expression that there are more flat jokes in the head.


To understand exactly where the cunning lies in bad humor, you need to look at it from the outside. An example of a flat joke: nothing that caviar is black - it would be white bread. It's not funny. Everyone understands that black caviar is a delicacy that is not available to everyone. Therefore, to express it in a dismissive tone is simply inappropriate.

Or here's another example: a fat barrel gave birth to a son. Well, how can you laugh at it? A woman who was pregnant, even if she really looked like a barrel, still deserves respect. After all, she was carrying a child - the future of our country. And some teenagers can laugh so dismissively. There is no other way to call such a joke other than rudeness.

Flat jokes often fly to people who have some kind of handicapped. For example, a person can offend with such a joke: with your belly you can knock anyone down. Naturally, it will be insulting to hear about such an exaggeration of physical inferiority.

Why do people joke flatly?

Most often this is done by those persons who lack intelligence. They don't know what flat jokes mean. They think their humor is great. After all, they also watch various stand-ups and rap battles. And if there their favorite artists publicly insult each other, then why not follow their example and make flat jokes? People cannot recognize the difference between what is permissible and what is ugly to say and do. Today when they fall moral standards, everyone can afford a lot. Including the freedom to insult anyone.

But it cannot be otherwise. Young people are brought up by television, and since it shows television programs where people joke rather mediocrely, then the audience will take an example from their idols. It is worth developing a sense of taste for good humor. You can make fun of friends, but if you don’t know how to do this, but you still want to joke, you should laugh at the situation, and not at a specific person.

How to develop a sense of humor?

The most flat jokes turn out to be spoken by very narrow-minded people. Therefore, in order to understand the difference between good humor and bad, you need to have high intelligence. Indeed, in this case, you do not have to explain what exactly is funny in a joke. Some people find jokes unfunny because they tell, for example, about historical events about which the listener is generally unaware.

Also, to improve your sense of humor you need to constantly practice. And always act according to such a plan: first think, then speak. Indeed, in the process of training, you can inadvertently offend very good man who didn't do you any harm. The more you notice, notice and joke about it, the better you will get. And first of all, you need to learn to laugh at yourself and life situations. It will be easier for others to perceive jokes from those who are not afraid to make a sharp remark in their address.

You should choose your idols, who are considered well-known comedians of the world scale. They are loved by the inhabitants of most of the planet, which means that their humor is held in high esteem not only in Russia. This is the level you should aim for. You should memorize statements, analyze the topics of those aphorisms that you liked and, having drawn conclusions from this, try to compose your own unique jokes.

jokes on different topics, short, very funny for a minute, which will make you laugh to tears.
Cheerfulness is the most outstanding feature of a person.
Read, smile at each other, joke - without barbs, without offensive ridicule.
Laugh for five minutes in front of the mirror every morning. Laughter activates many beneficial elements in our body, and also returns the body to a balanced state. Revitalize the habit of laughing and your life will become more alive.

— Oh, what a wonderful portrait at what price is sold? - Please don't touch! It's a mirror!

— The crisis helped me get back on my feet. For an unpaid loan, the bank took the car.

- I love the group of Unknown Artists, they sing Track 1, Track 2, Track 9 directly fascinate my soul!

“A miracle is an event described by people who heard about it from others who did not see it themselves.”

- Hi! A familiar face, we met somewhere!? Maybe at the zoo?
“Maybe… what cell were you in there?”

“Conversation on the radio: - First, first, I'm second, are you third?

A limited mind with unlimited Internet access is a very unpleasant combination.

“Yesterday I didn’t come to work because I dreamed that I came”

One of the student's commandments "Do not snore during a lecture so as not to wake up a colleague!"

"Jokes about blondes are not the only truth"

"God invented the dream, and the devil invented the alarm clock"

"In the hospital. Doctor to patient: “I repeat for the hundredth time – Amnesia does not go away so quickly!”

“All men are animals who want only one thing… And why not from me?”

“All men are the same, only the salary is different”

“Do you know what Spiderman is afraid of? Human slippers"

“You are good, I will drink and we will both be very good!”

“I have the most sincere laugh ... malevolent!”

"Where are you always expected? At work."

Should I go to a psychiatrist? I asked myself. Opinions were divided.

Announcement: - We are looking for a driver for a bakery ... With your truck and your bread.

“Girls are like the name of a page on the Internet. The ones you like are already taken."

“If you knew how many times I almost died for love ... But in any case, thanks to the skin and venereal doctors ...”

“If you are over 30 years old and have not achieved anything in life, then you are an honest person”

"If you aim for an idiot, he will probably do the same."

“If you have countless urgent things to do, you first need to figure out which ones to put off, retry.”

“Living in Russia is easy, surviving is difficult”

“Whoever finds a friend finds a treasure. And who finds a treasure, not a friend ... "

"Buy two, get three, you pay for four!"

“My wife is good, and others are even worse!”

“My wife often watches TV that even the announcer recognizes her.”

- "Does your watch work? - No, I wear ours on my hand."

“Optimism is a lack of information”

“No one has died from laughter yet… except for those who joked…”

"A double-edged sword, you get both."

Mom, I broke up with my boyfriend ... - I know! I saw him in social network and even liked it.

Long live the Internet! Before, only my neighbors hated me... and now half the globe.

modern parents, punishing their children, put them in a corner where Wi-Fi is weak.

"Bad Behavior Patient Operated Again"

"A debt paid on time keeps teeth better than toothpaste."

“A family scandal is like a rock concert. It always starts with new material and ends with old hits."

“Now there is so much written about the dangers of smoking that I have firmly decided to stop reading.”

“A sober plumber is a fairy-tale character!”

"You are not alone - loneliness is with you."

“Good blonde Manya always bought live fish from the pet store to be released ... into the forest!

“I would like to live like everyone else, but my conscience does not allow.”

Section theme: Jokes are short, very funny to tears of joy.

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