We draw a beautiful fox with a pencil, even if you are not an artist at all. Easy ways to draw a fox with a pencil

In this lesson we will look at how to draw a fairy tale Gingerbread Man - Fox and Gingerbread Man with a pencil in stages. This is the moment when the fox says: "I can't hear well, sit closer." The gingerbread man is naive and sat on the nose of the fox, she threw it up and ate it. What is the meaning of the fairy tale, I never thought, but now I thought about it and, probably, not to be a naive simpleton and not to trust anyone you don’t know. You can post your versions in the comments. So, how to draw a Fox from the fairy tale Gingerbread Man.

Let's sketch right away. First we draw a stump, then at a certain distance a large circle is the head, below is a sketch of the body, skirt and paws.

Now we draw a muzzle of a fox. Draw how you feel comfortable, some will find it more convenient to draw from the nose, others from the forehead. Then we draw a mouth, ears and an eye.

We draw with small curves the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe white cheek of the fox, then the cilia and the pupil, the shape of the ear inside. Draw a sleeve and make smoother lines.

Now we draw the fingers on the paws, the bottom of the skirt and legs.

Draw the tail, the neck of the blouse, the decoration on the blouse, separate the color on the legs. On the stump we draw the bark of a tree, and on the nose of the fox a bun. If you don't know how to draw a kolobok, there is a separate lesson

Now we will look at how to draw a real fox with a pencil step by step for beginners. The fox belongs to the canine family, which also includes wolves and dogs.

Step 1. We draw a circle, divide it with straight lines, mark with dashes where the eyes of the fox should be, and draw them, then draw the nose and muzzle.

Step 2. First, draw the forehead, then the ears, then the hairs in the ears. We paint over the side parts of the eyes, draw the lines around the eyes, then draw the hair of the head with separate lines.

Step 3. We draw a mustache, hair on the muzzle, which separates the color from the fox, a little hair on the head and below.

Step 4. First we draw the back, then the bottom line, the curves should not be drawn too much, because we will erase some of them.

Step 5. We draw paws and a tail at a fox, we draw paws not completely since. the fox is standing in the snow.

Step 6. We look at the picture, erase the lines and in their place draw the wool with separate small curves. We also make the tail magnificent.

Step 7. We finalize the picture, we also make wool on the legs, draw lines near the legs, showing that the legs have gone deep into the snow, you can also draw a snow mound with blades of grass in the foreground. So we learned how to draw a fox.

Thanks to today's photo tutorial, you will learn how to draw a fox with pencils. The technique of drawing such a fox is very simple, so even a child can draw an animal.

For work, we must prepare the following materials:

  • paper white color and medium density;
  • colour pencils;
  • eraser and pencil.

So let's sketch with a simple pencil. Sketch out the head and torso first.

Then draw the outline of the fur.

The sketch is ready!

Now yellow we make light accents on the muzzle and ears of the fox.

With the help of an orange pencil, we paint over the picture, but not completely! The inner part of the ears, the lower part of the muzzle, the tip of the tail and paws do not need to be painted over with an orange tone. Pencil strokes should follow the direction of hair growth.

Outline the eye contour with a black pencil, creating small arrows on the outer corners of the eyes.

We also draw pupils and a nose in black.

Let's leave a small highlight on the fox's nose.

Then we outline the outline of our entire picture.

We draw the fox's paws with a brown pencil, making a smooth transition to a red tint.

And then with a black pencil we again outline the outline of the lower part of the paws.

On the ears, with an orange pencil, draw the outline of the coat.

To make the picture look more complete, we create a horizon in the picture.

We create a background with light strokes. You can use any shade of pencil to draw the background. A barely noticeable shadow is created on the plane under the fox.

That's it, the fox is ready!

Then you can show your imagination and add more graphics in the background of the picture. But you should not overload the picture with details and clear contours, otherwise the main element of the picture (in our case, the fox) will simply be lost against their background.

Most children love to draw. At first, the baby clumsily holds a pencil, depicting "scribbles" on paper, but over time, the drawing skill gradually improves, the pictures become more beautiful and neat, and the plots become more complex. Drawing is not only entertainment, but also an excellent educational game with which the child develops fine motor skills, spatial orientation, learns to determine the shape and size of objects and the ratio of various things in space relative to each other. That is why it is right and useful to encourage drawing. Even if your baby does not become a great artist, the ability to draw will definitely come in handy for him in life.

In this article we will talk about how to draw a fox with a pencil.

How to draw a fox (step by step)?

First of all, prepare paper, pencil and eraser. Lay out a sheet of paper so that the baby can clearly see all the stages of work.

If a real fox is too complicated for you, you can draw a funny cartoon fox.

If this option seems too complicated for you and you are not confident in your own artistic talents, try to depict a lightweight version of the fox - a fox made of triangles. To do this, you need to draw a few triangles (as a body, head and ears), as well as a drop tail. The base is ready. It remains to add only the details - eyes, mustache, tick legs, etc. Such a schematic version is very easy to draw, and at the same time, all the main features of the fox are preserved - the animal in the image is recognizable, the baby will immediately guess that it is a fox.

The most important detail in drawing a fox is to highlight the ears and the white tip of the tail. Almond-shaped eyes and a small muzzle make the fox look like a cat, and the structure of the paws and torso - like a dog.

If you want to draw a fox-sister from a fairy tale, the easiest way is to draw a fox's head in profile - an elongated muzzle with a drop nose, a vertical torso (most often fairy-tale foxes wear sundresses), a magnificent tail - that's all you need to draw. And if you draw a kolobok on the face of a cunning fox, the baby will surely recognize not only the beast, but also the fairy tale, the character of which is your fox.

That's all. Now you know how to draw a fox for a child.

While drawing the animal, you have an excellent opportunity to tell the crumbs about it. Together with the baby, remember which fairy tales the fox is the hero of, what character traits it has, explain to the baby where the fox lives and what it eats, what species and genus it belongs to, what animals it is a relative of. Be sure that the baby will be happy to listen and even tell you what he already knows.

Thus, you combine two the most useful lessons- drawing and knowledge of the world, nature and its inhabitants.

Red-haired cheat, deftly outwit everyone, fluffy tail - that's beauty! What is her name? ... Probably everyone guessed that today we will talk about how to draw a fox, one of the most beautiful forest dwellers.

A picture with her image will be a picturesque decoration in every home. After all, the image of a fox is associated with fairy tales, in which it is always laughing, sly, with a mysterious look and sharp ears on top of its head.

Drawing such a miracle is a real relaxation and pleasure. Therefore, we sharpen our pencils and start creating from scratch.

The predator is on the hunt

Let's try to start with a picture in which the cheat went for food. After all, this predatory beast who work hard for food. Mice, fish, birds - she loves to eat. Let's start depicting a clever hunter step by step, following the instructions, because drawing a fox in stages is so easy.

The cunning heroine of fairy tales

A serious and wise forest dweller is great, but sometimes you want something fun, for example, a cartoon image. It sends us to the world of childhood, where there was always a lot of joy and laughter. No matter how old people are, they always believe in miracles. Let's draw magic hero Let's fast forward to a fairy tale world.

Its scheme is quite simple - a few ovals as a base, which are just enough to slightly change in shape to get a cute face, small paws, pointed ears, a chic tail.

And if you are not too lazy and after drawing the fox with a pencil, color it bright colors, then you can make the main character of your exciting story.

Fox in a couple of minutes

If you are an aspiring artist and have picked up a pencil for the first time, then most likely you still doubt your abilities. To strengthen faith in the ability, try to portray such a pretty red-haired cheat.

The description of the work is available to each student and anyone can easily cope with it in just five minutes. All you need is to be familiar with this geometric figure like a triangle.

redhead beauty

The main decoration of the fox is its rich fur coat and, of course, a fluffy tail. He helps her keep her balance while running, warms her in winter and is the subject of her pride. Well, how to draw a fox with a pencil without this bright dignity?

In this step by step guide the result is a picture in which the huntress appears before us in all her glory.

  1. We draw three circles of various sizes, which will later become the head and torso.
  2. We give the muzzle a shape.
  3. Strokes combine the outlines of the beast to the tail.
  4. We depict a fluffy tail and, if desired, give the picture a color.

Cheerful fox

Such a wonderful fox cub with shining eyes will become a great friend and will always delight with its smiling look. Its scheme is not easy, but were the real winners once frightened by difficulties?

Having gained experience, you can safely proceed to conquer more high peaks. Let this prankster be one of them. After sitting and studying the description a little, you will definitely understand how to draw a muzzle, body, paws and tail in a fox with a pencil in stages.

And then it remains only to paint it with bright rich shades. And you will definitely get a picture no worse, and maybe even better than the finished sample. The main thing is to do everything with good mood and bright thoughts.

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