The drawing is fabulous. How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale with a pencil and paints

Objectives: To continue introducing children to oral folk art, consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales.
  • consolidate knowledge about fabulous epic genre, features of the image, its purpose;
  • develop imagination, fantasy, creative independence, the ability to embody your idea in a drawing;
  • to teach to convey in the drawing images of fairy-tale characters with their characteristic features;
  • learn to choose material for the image, build a composition from individual drawings for an episode from a fairy tale.

Materials: White paper, gouache, watercolor, brushes, wax crayons, illustrations for Russian folk tales.
Didactic games: "Find out by profile", "Pick up heroes for fairy tales."
1. Organizational stage.
Educator: At the beginning of the lesson, I want to read you a poem by V.A. Glass
There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
But we cannot live in the world without them.
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our stories ahead
A fairy tale will knock on the door -
The guest will say: "Come in."
Today we will go on an unusual journey, to the land of fairy tales. A long time ago people did not yet know how to read or write, but fairy tales were already being told. And how they loved to listen, and not only small children, but also adults. They will gather in the evening at gatherings: logs crackle in the oven, crowded in the hut, everyone is busy with business, who spins yarn, who knits, who embroiders, and who just listens to a fairy tale. The fairy tale has survived to this day, because it was told from generation to generation, passed from mouth to mouth. Your grandmothers told a fairy tale to your mothers and fathers, your mothers to you, and you tell your children. This is how a fairy tale came to us from ancient times. What fairy tales do you know? Answers: "Gingerbread Man", "Teremok", "Three Bears", "Geese-Swans", etc. And what are these fairy tales? (Russian folk) And why are they called that? Answers: (Invented and written by the people).
Held didactic games“Find out by profile”, “Pick up heroes for fairy tales”.
- Well done!
- Guys, do you have favorite fairy tales? Answers. Here are the heroes of these fairy tales, we will draw with you. Selected characters of fairy tales (illustrations) are placed on the flannelgraph.
2. Practical part.
Look closely at the heroes of fairy tales and you will see how different they are. The art of portraiture is very ancient. Artists, when they paint a portrait, try to convey the character and inner world hero. Fairy tale characters can be cunning and gullible, good and evil. After all, we are all artists in our own way. Let's draw illustrations for your favorite fairy tales. We must try to convey in the portrait the character of the hero, his character traits, mood. Do not forget about hair, jewelry, hats. Every little thing matters. They also talk about the character of the hero. You have to work very carefully and carefully.
What do you think the end of the fairy tale is? Answers (Always happy, good triumphs over evil). Correctly! Well, now to work.
3. Independent work.
Children draw.
4. Summing up.
After the lesson, the teacher hangs all the drawings in a conspicuous place - the children examine them and tell what fairy tale hero they drew, discuss the characters of the characters, what they are.

Everyone good day! Today we will draw fairy tale character.

It will be a sleepy, just awakened for some trifle inhabitant of a cozy house, well, or an underground dwelling. It is obvious that our hero does not want to go anywhere, so he reluctantly holds a candle to illuminate the darkness of the night, and the posture and facial expression convey only wish- go to bed as soon as possible.

Step 1

Let's sketch the figure of the character, on the face we denote the longitudinal line of facial symmetry and the transverse line of the eyes. Note the clearly disproportionate head and neck, which leans slightly forward.

Step 2

This step will be the most voluminous of the entire lesson. Here we will draw the outlines of a home dressing gown with a few smooth lines. fabulous creature, his shoes, and also draw the eyes, ears and cap. Look at the eyes - they should be half covered with eyelids. We finish the work on the face in this step by sketching the cheekbones and chin.

Step 3

draw a face fairy-tale character is a rather interesting task, in this stage we will deal with it. Pay attention to the features - a long, hooked nose, slightly sagging cheeks and a phlegmatically compressed mouth. Here we draw the inner part of the ear, and sketch out the line along which the dressing gown is wrapped. By the way, about the bathrobe - do not forget about the collar and belt. We complete the stage by working on the folds on the fabric of the nightcap.

Step 4

This step will be the easiest, here we will draw a candle and a saucer in the hand of our fairy-tale character (by the way, we need to give the hand a finished look). We will also draw the knot of the belt on which the robe is tied.

Step 5

That's all, it remains only to apply the shadows. Shade the dark areas pencil, paying attention to the candle, which is the source of light. It will be great if the end result looks like an illustration from

Airbrushing technique is quite complicated and involves the use additional materials. In this section, we will talk about those that are necessary for performing illustrations with an airbrush.

Just like any other painting technique, airbrushing allows you to get images on the surface of the base. However, its peculiarity is that

Eight secrets in drawing

Eight secrets that will allow you
learn to draw skillfully

1. Correct construction of objects in space

This skill is the basis for any professional artist. It will create a sense of three-dimensional space in your picture, which is very important. Already he alone will greatly improve your paintings.

2. Proper strokes

With the help of strokes, a background is created for the future volume of forms and objects - this is the main basis. When you learn how to apply them correctly, everything you draw will become more saturated and clear.

3. Tone stretching with a pencil

Another secret of the masters. When you learn how to make a tone stretch with a pencil from simple to complex, gain tone with pencils of different softness, you yourself will be surprised how much more realistic your drawings will become.

4. The art of drawing three-dimensional figures

Another skill that distinguishes people who draw great from those who are new to drawing. This is the ability to give volume to objects that differ in shape, work with light and reflex, own shadow and penumbra. These skills will make your work much better.

5. The ability to work with your own shadow on the figures, to add volume

It is also important to be able to do this if you want to masterfully depict three-dimensional objects and create realistic paintings.

6. Effective construction of falling shadows

The type and shape of the falling shadows depends not only on the figure, while casting it, but also on the location of the light source. Having mastered this skill, you will be able to draw falling shadows of various geometric shapes but also to apply this knowledge to objects of various shapes.

7. The ability to distinguish objects by tone

Thanks to this, you will not only be able to show the difference between objects and forms, but also indicate the compositional center, which is very important for building a composition.

8. Compliance with composition

But this is the most important knowledge that will “revive” your picture and fill it with meaning, make the viewer think about what mood you had at the time of creating the picture, what exactly you wanted to tell the viewer. Knowing the composition will allow you to “say” with your painting what you cannot say with words…

… and many other skills and secrets that the best artists in the world have.

How to quickly master the main skills of professional artists?

Of course, you can sign up for art school. However, it is possible if you have a lot of free time. Unfortunately, not everyone can spend several hours a day getting to and from school.

In addition, you can start learning on your own - from books. But this is a very slow and difficult path, and without a professional mentor, you will learn for a very long time, making many mistakes.

The easiest way is to study the video course at home. In just 46 days, you can learn how to draw amazing drawings at home!


A detailed guide to help you become an artist

Transition to the full record and to order

Learning to paint oil portraits

Paint Your Own Portrait

while receiving a powerful energy boost,
feeling the joy of the process and pride in the result!

And I will help you with this - portrait artist Tatyana Artykova

  • How to get started in oil painting?
  • What paints, brushes, etc. use?
  • How to build a composition?
  • How to transfer an image correctly?
  • How to mix colors?
  • Stages of creating and completing a portrait;

Get answers in the video course: "Painting a Portrait in Oil" Steps to create a "live" portrait

What (or who) will facilitate the learning process?

Without knowledge of visual literacy, it will be difficult to cope with the tasks. You will need a “translator” who will help facilitate the process, make it as interesting, efficient and fast as possible.

I am Tatyana Artykova, a portrait painter and teacher, as a "translator".

I have been doing portrait work for 20 years. And, in parallel, at live Master Classes I share my knowledge with those who intend to master the art of portraiture as efficiently and quickly as possible. And now my experience is in video format.

Painting a Portrait in Oil
Stages of Creating a "Live" Portrait

A guide for beginners and advanced

Who is this course for?

  • for those who intend to create their portraits in the near future;
  • in whom a creative spark burns and there is a desire to kindle it “cooler”;
  • who needs clear recommendations so that the learning process is as fast, effective, and interesting as possible!

Paint your portrait and you, using simple guidelines!

  • The textbook is lovely picture. Exploring the secrets portrait painting on the example of a painting famous master portrait;
  • The "object" of the study is the beautiful goddess Hebe, a symbol of eternal youth; which inspires to create a beautiful image;
  • The stage-by-stage implementation makes the course as clear as possible, accessible even to absolute beginners;
  • Step by step, the portrait is gaining strength, bringing Joy to the creative process;
  • The problem of creating the most accurate drawing of the depicted person is easily solved;
  • A simple selection technique is shown desired colors and shades;
  • Revealed the main secrets to create a "live" portrait;
  • In the additional section of the course, you will see how the students complete the task. This is important for comparative analysis.

In this lesson I will tell and show how to draw a fairy tale with a pencil in stages, how to draw an illustration for a fairy tale. A fairy tale is a fictional story, mostly a fairy tale, so often in the illustration of fairy tales there are fairy tale characters, or non-existent, or animals that can talk, or all together and many more other options.

So, there is a text in the fairy tale, we need to find any episode from this text at your discretion and draw it. You can see examples of illustrations for various Soviet fairy tales from cartoons and simply, I will give links below.

We will have a fairy tale about a bear cub, there are many fairy tales about bears, but this illustration will be for a non-existent fairy tale, for example, there will be such that a bear cub ran far to catch her, she was very beautiful, but she didn’t notice how she ran away from home and ran to the river. The bear cub had never seen the river, he was delighted with its beauty and beautiful flowers grew next to it, which he really liked, he picked one and ran home across the field to tell mom and dad about what he had gone. This moment, when he will run through the field with a flower in his hand, we will illustrate.

You can start drawing from nature, you can from the character himself, as you wish. First you need to make several sketches of the character, in our case it is a teddy bear girl and choose one of them. Now you need to depict the selected character in motion. So let's start drawing. We draw a teddy bear in the middle just above the bottom of the edge of the sheet.

Draw a circle and auxiliary lines the middle of the head and the location of the eyes. Our head is turned 3/4, draw the shape of the head and ears.

Draw the pupils, arms and legs, in the hand.

Draw even more vegetation in front of the mountains and part of the path.

We draw a whole range of mountains in the distance, and since this is a fairy tale, the clouds will be in the form of animals, we only draw their silhouettes so that they are recognizable, these are a turtle, a fish and an elephant.

That's all the illustration for the fairy tale is ready, it remains only to color it.

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