The problem of getting involved in art. Collection of ideal essays on social studies Through reading - to art

Introduction to art can take place in a spacious, specially built building, within four walls, and under open air. Are they showing the audience another movie, are they conducting drama classes, amateur choir or a mug fine arts- in all this the fire of creativity must and can live for a long time.


The development of personality is influenced by many factors: the influence of society, a person’s direct desire for a particular type of activity and, importantly, the environment in which it is located.

In this text S.L. Lvov invites us to think about the problem of the role of loved ones in the development of a person.
Turning to the topic, the narrator cites an example from his life when the environment in which he found himself was able to instill in him a love for serious music. Main character faced a situation in which the company creative people Those who were interested in music, he had to “hide in a corner and suffer” - after all, this hobby was for him like “a book with seven seals.” However, the young man did not want to deceive himself and pretend to be a connoisseur, just as he did not want to “take the pose” of a person who threw himself at hobbies for their inflexibility. In the end, the friends “didn’t give up, didn’t exclude him from listening to music,” and also didn’t harm the hero with a word - they helped their friend overcome himself and become a connoisseur of serious music, which they themselves were - “It wasn’t enough for them to enjoy themselves. They wanted to include me in their understanding, in their joy.”

I completely agree with the opinion of the publicist and also believe that the environment plays an important role in the life of each of us. It has a huge impact, both positive and negative, on the formation of personality: it determines our habits, views, hobbies, behavioral characteristics and moral qualities.

In the work of D.I. Fonvizin's "Undergrowth" the author uses the example of one family to show how the environment influences the development of a person. The key to the comedy is the image of Prostakova - wife, mother, housewife. This is a hypocritical, mercantile, greedy, evil, rude and at the same time very stupid woman-tyrant. We learn about this from how she flatters herself to please herself, how she communicates with serfs, taking every last thing from them, takes advantage of Sophia’s orphanhood, how she treats family members, and, most importantly, how she treats her son. Growing up in an atmosphere of evil, rudeness, tyranny, stupidity and, moreover, overly in love with his mother, Mitrofanushka is the ideal of a spoiled, stupid, incapable person who will only get worse over time. At the end of the comedy, the writer “mocks” the Prostakov family and leaves them “with nothing” for their greed and cunning, and punishes the most negative heroine with the betrayal of her son, who, as expected from the very beginning, turned out to be even worse than his mother.

In the novel “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin describes the Larin family to us. The author in the novel confronts two different worlds: the world of high urban society and patriarchal world villages - the Larin family is typical representative second type. A.S. Pushkin describes the image in detail to us main character, from which we can see not only the author’s endless sympathy for the girl, but also Tatyana’s pure, sincere, unspoiled character. Although she grew up in a village, far from educated people and generally recognized cultural values, is an intelligent, extraordinary person, and this is thanks to her upbringing. The author, describing the head of the family, calls him a “good fellow”, a good neighbor, good husband and father. Tatyana’s mother, like her father, had an ordinary life and hobbies typical of that time: she was interested in fashion, and romance novels were her constant companions. An atmosphere of calm and silence reigned in the family, in which Tatyana could calmly engage in self-development, sometimes opening her soul to the wise nanny. She also played an important role in the formation of the “person” in Tatiana; it was from her that the girl absorbed the wisdom of a Russian woman. Moving through the plot of the novel, we see that the established character of the main character could not be spoiled either by moving to the city or Savor- the girl remained herself until the very end and maintained her self-esteem in any situation.

Thus, we can conclude that in order to form a strong, intelligent, morally pure personality, it is very important to be in the right environment - after all, it is this environment that directly influences the formation of a person.

Art... Perhaps this is the most important indicator of the level of development of society. What does every person need to understand the author’s intention? How much attention should be paid to details? self-study art? It is this problem that S. Lvov is thinking about.

The issue of the need for self-development in art is very relevant, since in our time many young people ignore the great cultural heritage.

This problem is social and philosophical. This conclusion can be drawn due to the fact that art exists only in society, and it is through creativity that people try to understand the world. The problem raised is examined through the example of the lives of students at the Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature, who were engaged in self-development. The author draws attention to the fact that most young people received knowledge about art at will, voluntarily visiting theaters, literary evenings. S. Lvov notes with disappointment that sometimes a person may feel awkward when talking about a certain form creativity due to ignorance.

My position is confirmed by experience fiction. Many writers have raised this topic in their works. For example, in R. Bradbury’s book “Faringate 451” art is completely erased from the life of society, but some heroes, thanks to books, have the opportunity to get acquainted with great works on their own.

This is also mentioned in M. Vladi’s work “Vladimir, or Interrupted Flight.” Vysotsky and his wife spent their entire lives visiting exhibitions, museums, concerts, and getting acquainted with art from all over the world.

Thus, in order to study and understand the work of musicians, writers, artists, it is necessary to apply maximum effort and attention. Self-education in art is necessary, because it is through knowledge of culture that a person enriches his inner world.

Updated: 2017-02-22

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MBOU "Kolontaevskaya secondary comprehensive school»

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Learning to analyze the results of task 25


in the Unified State Exam in Russian

Prepared by the teacher

Russian language and literature

first category Kurbatova G.N.

P. Kolontaevka, 2016

Exercise 1.

Read the original text.

Original text.

(1) Introduction to art can take place in a spacious, specially built building, within four walls, or in the open air. (2) Whether the audience is showing another film, whether they are teaching a drama club, an amateur choir or a fine arts group - the fire of creativity must and can live in all this for a long time. (3) And whoever once puts his own efforts into one of these matters will be rewarded over time.

(4) Of course, art reveals itself more quickly and willingly to those who themselves give it strength, thought, time, and attention. (5) Sooner or later, everyone may feel that he is in an unequal position among his acquaintances and friends. (6) They, for example, are interested in music or painting, but for him they are books with seven seals. (7) The reaction to such a discovery is possible in different ways.

(8) When I became a student at the Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature, many things immediately connected me with my new comrades. (9) We seriously studied literature, history, and languages. (10) Many of us tried to write ourselves. (11) As if sensing how short our student life would be, we hurried to do as much as possible. (12) Not only did they listen to lectures in their courses, but also attended lectures given to senior students. (1Z) We made it to seminars for young prose writers and critics. (14) We tried not to miss theater premieres and literary evenings. (15) I don’t know how we managed to do everything, but we did. (16) I was accepted into their midst by students who were a year older than ours. (17) It was a most interesting company.

(18) I tried to keep up with her, and I succeeded. (19)3a with one exception. (20) My new comrades were passionately interested in music. (21) One of us had a great rarity for those times: a radio with a device for turning records - there were no long-playing records yet - which made it possible to listen to an entire symphony, concert or opera without interruptions. (22) And a collection of chamber, opera and symphonic music.

(23) When this indispensable part of our evening began, my comrades listened and enjoyed, but I was bored, languid, tormented: I did not understand music, and it did not bring me joy. (24) Of course, it was possible to pretend, pretend, give a proper expression to your face, and say after everyone: “Wonderful!”

(25) But it was not our custom to pretend, to portray feelings that we did not experience. (26) I huddled in a corner and suffered, feeling excluded from what meant so much to my comrades.

(27) I remember well how the turning point occurred. (28) In the winter of 1940, an author’s evening was announced for the then young D.D. Shostakovich - the first performance of his piano quintet. (29) Friends took a ticket for me too. (Z0) They presented it solemnly. (31) I realized: what is coming is an event!

(32) I will not claim that that evening I was immediately and forever cured of my immunity to music. (33) But a decisive and important turn took place. (34) How grateful I am to my friends from those long ago years that they didn’t give up and didn’t exclude me from listening to music - and there was no need to exclude me; with my youthfully vulnerable pride at that time, an ironic remark would have been enough to make me feel like I was among them , understanding and knowledgeable, superfluous. (35) This did not happen.

(Z6) Many years have passed. (37) For a long time now, serious music has been a necessity, a necessity, a happiness for me. (38) But it was possible - forever and irreparably - to miss her. (39) And destitute yourself.

(40) This did not happen. (41) Firstly, I did not take the pose of a person who, not understanding something, says out loud or mentally: “Well, don’t!” (42) And because I didn’t want to pretend, pretending that I understood when I was still very far from it. (43) And most of all - thanks to my friends. (44) It was not enough for them to enjoy themselves. (45) They wanted to include me in their understanding, in their joy.

(46) And they succeeded!

(According to S. Lvov)

2. Remember the wording of task 25.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).

State the author's position. Write whether you agree or disagree with his point of view. Explain why. Justify your answer based on life or reading experience (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is 150-300 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text, without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

3. Formulate “information about the text” yourself.

Main problems:

4.Read the student’s work carefully; On the right side of the margin, mark all types of errors found in the text.

What role does music play in a person's life? Exactly this problem

S.L. Lvov reflects in his text.

In this text, the narrator talks about how difficult it was for him to sit and

listen to music and have fun. But he did not give up and joined

music and his own patience and friends helped him in this.

D.D. Shostakovich, thanks to this an important and decisive

turn. This is what introduced him to music.

I completely share the point of view of S.L. Lvov. After all, at all times


music played an important role in people's lives.


Let us recall the story by V.G. Korolenko “The Blind Musician.” Through a simple


music by the groom Joachim Petrus, the hero of the story, deprived of sight since birth,


discovered the life of the people, the beauty native land, found agreement with himself


yourself and those around you. His eyes remained blind, but his soul was healed.


The hero of Gleb Mekhed's story “The Violinist” Ignatius Semenovich Muzov


a lonely man, an unsuccessful violinist who is trying to escape from prose


life in the world of music. In painful moments for him, he took out of the case


violin and was transported to “a world far from the chaos of life, lost in eternity


music, where wonderful and bright images lived."

In conclusion, I want to say that since ancient times man has created music


as something more than entertainment, and we are still discovering new things in the world


musical works. “Music is a popular need,” so he said


great German composer and pianist L. Beethoven.

5. Using the assessment criteria table, evaluate the student's work step by step.














6. Check the correctness of your answer using the “Text Information” table.

Main problems:

    The problem of comprehending works of art. (Who can comprehend works of art?)

    The problem of self-education and self-education. (Who achieves success in self-education and self-education?)

    The problem of the role of close people in the development of a person. (Can close people help a person comprehend real art?)

    The problem of the role of music in human life. (What does music give people?)

    Works of art are comprehended by the person who devotes “strength, thought, time, attention” to this comprehension.

    Success in self-education and self-education is achieved by the person who is not disingenuous with himself, can honestly admit to himself that he does not understand something, and tries to understand what was previously understood.

    Close people and friends can help a person become familiar with art and develop as a person.

    Music plays an important role in people's lives. For many, serious music is “a necessity. Need, happiness."

7.Check that your scores are correct.














8. Justify the scoring by experts in the “Comments” column. To justify this, use the performance evaluation criteria.


Numbers on the left in exam paper are needed in order to, without rewriting a fragment of text, indicate the line number in which any error was made: factual, logical, spelling, punctuation, grammatical, speech, ethical.


Majority educational programs for schoolchildren and preschoolers contains a block, dedicated to art. During the training, children not only master the basic skills of drawing, sculpting, appliqué and other types of creativity, but also get acquainted with the history of fine arts, famous masterpieces of different times and periods, learn to see the works of great masters.

The main goal of introducing children to art is to develop their aesthetic perception. Children develop and deepen interest in various works, the perception and understanding of beauty is formed, the imagination develops. In addition, through objects of art, children become acquainted with objects and phenomena that are new to them, learn to distinguish between good and evil, and their moral core is formed.

Introducing children to art should begin with a fairly early age. Aesthetic education is included in the program of the junior kindergarten group, which corresponds to the age of three.

In classes with children, the main task of the teacher is to attract their attention to a painting, sculpture or other work and hold it. Children are more willing to be interested in paintings if the teacher manages to awaken their imagination and include the children in the game. For example, you can ask them to imagine themselves in the place of the characters in the picture, discuss what each of them would do in the place of the depicted character, what emotions they would experience, and in what words they would describe their state. In general, get the child to tell you about himself in the situation depicted.

Another technique that can attract children’s attention to a work of art is to organize a competition game. For example, who will notice more details, who will list more familiar colors, shades or objects presented in the picture, and so on. This game develops children's powers of observation, stimulates their cognitive activity, and teaches them to formulate and express their thoughts.

When getting acquainted with children's works of art younger age it is necessary to remember that a child may only be interested in a work with interesting story, and even then not for long. Therefore, for classes on aesthetic development V younger group You should choose entertaining pictures, and the lesson itself must be held in a playful way and should not stretch out over a long period of time, so that the kids do not get tired and lose interest. The optimal lesson duration is 15-20 minutes.

Children next age group 5-6 years old are able to hold attention longer and perceive works of art with different subjects, not just entertaining ones. Older preschool children have a better developed imagination, they know more about objects and phenomena. Describing the plot of the picture, they can make their own assumptions about the development of the plot, imagine different directions of further or previous events.

At this age, children actively become acquainted with the surrounding nature and show great interest in landscapes. They can describe the depicted season, the weather, and imagine their feelings. In classes, children 5-6 years old can already answer questions about which colors the artist chose for this or that weather, season, time of day and how his choice can be explained; they are already able to pay attention to the basic techniques that allow them to depict wind, snowfall, sunlight, rain and other similar phenomena. After familiarizing yourself with a work of art, children can be encouraged to use appropriate visual techniques in their drawings.

Classes with 5-6 year old children can last longer - from 30 to 40 minutes and consist of a conversation about a work of fine art. At the same time, to consolidate the impressions, the paintings must be shown repeatedly. By looking at the picture again, children notice more details, which helps to better understand the plot. During the classes, the skills of telling a story about a painting are instilled; children learn to formulate their thoughts, as well as use comparison when describing works, and express their impressions of a particular work.

The task of the teacher in aesthetic education lessons for older preschoolers is to lead children to understanding with leading questions storyline works, visual techniques, characters' personalities. In addition, based on the results of the dialogue with the group, the teacher makes a final generalized judgment about the work.

Introducing children to arts and crafts involves familiarizing themselves with traditional household items. Children learn why and how this or that thing was used, and try to use it themselves. In addition, the teacher invites children to consider decorative patterns, explains symbolic meaning individual elements of the ornament. You should pay attention to the repeatability of patterns and individual elements on different objects, tell what traditional ways decoration of things is characteristic of different areas Russia.

In classes devoted to traditional folk crafts, children master the basic principles of constructing an ornament and learn how to correctly perform repeating elements. Samples for children's modeling and painting can be traditional dishes, toys and other household items.

In addition to educational and creative activities Introducing children to art involves visiting a variety of exhibitions of paintings, sculptures, folk art and so on. Excursions are available for older children, starting from the age of five. Exhibition exhibits, the viewing of which is accompanied by explanations from the guide, consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in aesthetic education classes.


Modeling classes

For children's creativity two main materials are used - clay and plasticine. Each of them has its own operating characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Russian language

17 of 24

(1) Introduction to art can take place in a spacious, specially built building, within four walls, or in the open air. (2) Whether the audience is showing another film, whether they are teaching a drama club, an amateur choir or a fine arts group - the fire of creativity must and can live in all this for a long time. (3) And whoever once puts his own efforts into one of these matters will be rewarded over time.
(4) Of course, art reveals itself more quickly and willingly to those who themselves give it strength, thought, time, and attention. (5) Sooner or later, everyone may feel that he is in an unequal position among his acquaintances and friends. (6) They, for example, are interested in music or painting, but for him they are books with seven seals. (7) The reaction to such a discovery is possible in different ways.
(8) When I became a student at the Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature, many things immediately connected me with my new comrades. (9) We seriously studied literature, history, and languages. (10) Many of us tried to write ourselves. (11) As if sensing how short our student life would be, we hurried to do as much as possible. (12) Not only did they listen to lectures in their courses, but also attended lectures given to senior students. (1Z) We made it to seminars for young prose writers and critics. (14) We tried not to miss theater premieres and literary evenings. (15) I don’t know how we managed to do everything, but we did. (16) I was accepted into their midst by students who were a year older than ours. (17) It was a most interesting company.
(18) I tried to keep up with her, and I succeeded. (19)3a with one exception. (20) My new comrades were passionately interested in music. (21) One of us had a great rarity for those times: a radio with a device for turning records - there were no long-playing records yet - which made it possible to listen to an entire symphony, concert or opera without interruptions. (22) And a collection of chamber, opera and symphonic music.
(23) When this indispensable part of our evening began, my comrades listened and enjoyed, but I was bored, languid, tormented: I did not understand music, and it did not bring me joy. (24) Of course, it was possible to pretend, pretend, give a proper expression to your face, and say after everyone: “Wonderful!”
(25) But it was not our custom to pretend, to portray feelings that we did not experience. (26) I huddled in a corner and suffered, feeling excluded from what meant so much to my comrades.
(27) I remember well how the turning point occurred. (28) In the winter of 1940, an author’s evening was announced for the then young D.D. Shostakovich - the first performance of his piano quintet. (29) Friends took a ticket for me too. (Z0) They presented it solemnly. (31) I realized: what is coming is an event!
(32) I will not claim that that evening I was immediately and forever cured of my immunity to music. (33) But a decisive and important turn took place. (34) How grateful I am to my friends from those long ago years that they didn’t give up and didn’t exclude me from listening to music - and there was no need to exclude me; with my youthfully vulnerable pride at that time, an ironic remark would have been enough to make me feel like I was among them , understanding and knowledgeable, superfluous. (35) This did not happen.
(36) Many years have passed. (37) For a long time now, serious music has been a necessity, a necessity, a happiness for me. (38) But it was possible - forever and irreparably - to miss her. (39) And destitute yourself.
(40) This did not happen. (41) Firstly, I did not take the pose of a person who, not understanding something, says out loud or mentally: “Well, don’t!” (42) And because I didn’t want to pretend, pretending that I understood when I was still very far from it. (43) And most of all - thanks to my friends. (44) It was not enough for them to enjoy themselves. (45) They wanted to include me in their understanding, in their joy.
(46) And they succeeded!

(According to S. Lvov)

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In the text proposed for analysis, Sergei Lvovich Lvov raises the problem of the influence of friends on a person’s life.

To attract readers' attention to the problem posed, the author tells the story of how his friends aroused his interest in music. S. L. Lvov did not understand music and was bored while his comrades listened and enjoyed. Then his friends gave him a ticket to the concert of D. D. Shostakovich. As a result of this event, the author's attitude towards music changed. The author is grateful to his comrades and notes that if it weren’t for his friends who “didn’t give up and exclude him from listening to music,” he could have “forever and irreparably missed out on music.”

The author's position regarding the problem raised is expressed clearly and unambiguously. Sergei Lvovich Lvov leads the reader to the conclusion that friends have an impact for a person's life. They can help with Hard time, and are also able to interest people in something new that was previously incomprehensible or boring.

To prove my point of view, I will cite the following literary example. Mikhail Sholokhov in his work “The Fate of Man” showed that friends always try to help each other. When Andrei Sokolov hit a cow, he was


  • 1 of 1 K1 Formulation of source text problems
  • 3 of 3 K2
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