Instructions on TB in the classroom. TB instructions for students in technology lessons

Remember the joke about how the fight between the physical teacher and the Trudovik ended? Trudovik won, because karate is karate, and a hammer is a hammer. Jokes aside, but at school all tools should be used only for their intended purpose, as prescribed by safety regulations.

Is safety a mere formality?

Mastering theoretical knowledge is impossible without practice. This rule is best taken into account in the school technology curriculum. It is very important to create conditions for students that prevent the occurrence of dangerous situations, therefore safety precautions in the technology room should be known to all students and followed by them.

If you strictly follow the instructions prescribed in regulatory documents, you can avoid injury to students from hot surfaces, equipment and tools used in the lesson.

It is fundamentally wrong to perceive safety precautions in the technology room as a mere formality, because the rules are written in order to protect children.

General rules

First, let's look at the safety precautions in the technology room:

  • You should arrive to class 5 minutes before the bell rings.
  • You can enter the office only with the permission of the teacher.
  • All students must wear special clothing.
  • Everyone should take their assigned place and not leave it without the permission of the teacher.
  • Work can only begin at the command of the teacher. You should not be distracted from work. If a teacher addresses a student, it is worth suspending the work.
  • Before using the tool, the student must become familiar with the rules for handling this tool.
  • The equipment may only be used for its intended purpose.
  • Faulty or dull instruments cannot be used.
  • You need to hold them as the teacher showed.
  • Tools must be stored in their designated place.
  • Each student's workplace must be in order.
  • The instruments are laid out strictly in the order specified by the teacher.
  • It is prohibited to be distracted by extraneous matters while working.
  • You must leave the office during the break.
  • After the lesson, the workplace must be put in order.

Safety instructions

In the technology room, safety precautions are observed based on the instructions. It includes rules to avoid injury to students during technology lessons.

Safety instructions in the technology room usually include:

  • general provisions - information revealing the purpose of the instructions;
  • requirements and rules before, during and after work;
  • rules of behavior in emergency situations.


Safety instructions in the technology room are given by the teacher before students are allowed to work. In cases where the technology teacher cannot do this, he must arrange for another teacher to conduct the instruction.

Instruction is carried out in the following cases:

  • introductory - at the very beginning of the year;
  • primary - before starting to study a new topic;
  • repeated - once every six months;
  • unscheduled - if there is a need or a traumatic situation arises;
  • target - when a topic is to be studied that involves working on special equipment.

Safety log

The safety log should always be present in the technology room. It records the instructions and specifies:

  • last names and initials of students;
  • dates of birth of those instructed;
  • the class they are in;
  • date of instruction;
  • instruction number and name;
  • student signatures;
  • surname and initials of the teacher who conducted the instruction;
  • teacher's signature.


Colorfully decorated stands will help convey to students safety rules in the technology classroom in an unobtrusive manner.

They will “work” effectively if placed in the right place, preferably directly in the classroom. Information about working with a machine will be useful in a carpentry shop, and safety precautions when working with an electric stove will be useful where cooking lessons are held.

For boys

Safety precautions in the technology room for boys include rules for working with men's tools and equipment.

Rules for working with machines

First, you need to familiarize the boys with the general safety rules for working with any type of machine.

Before starting work:

  • Wear clothing that protects from contamination and hide your hair under a hat.
  • Check that the tool is securely fastened.
  • Secure the part to be processed in a vice, chuck or other part of the tool.
  • Check how the machine works “idle”.

During operation:

  • The workpiece must be fed to the rotating tool smoothly, avoiding sudden movements.
  • If you need to move away from the machine, it should be turned off.
  • Do not touch the chuck, mandrel or drill with your hands.
  • Before stopping the machine, you need to remove the workpieces, this will avoid equipment damage.

After finishing work:

  • After the machine has completely stopped working, remove the chips with a brush (never with your hands.
  • Wipe down the tools and machine, show the workplace to the teacher.

Manual metal processing

When working with metal, follow the rules outlined below.

Before you start:

  • Wear an apron and arm ruffles or a robe and a headdress.
  • Wear glasses (when chopping metal).
  • Check the equipment (scoop, sweep, brush for cleaning files, seat, stand) for any malfunctions. If you find them, contact your teacher.
  • If everything is in order, arrange them in the sequence indicated by the teacher.
  • Make sure the bench vice is in good working order.

During operation:

  • Secure the part to be processed in a vice. Slowly lower the vice lever.
  • Monitor the serviceability and alignment of the tools (the surfaces of the hammer, sledgehammer and other impact instruments must be convex, pointed instruments must have a wooden handle without chips or cracks, the length of the chisel must be at least 15 cm, and its extended part must be 6-7 cm).
  • The keys must be the same size as the nut.
  • When cutting metal with scissors, you need to hold the part being cut with a mitten or glove.

After finishing the lesson:

  • Check the serviceability of the equipment, and if a breakdown is detected, inform the teacher.
  • Clean the equipment from traces of work.
  • Clean up the workplace. Collect waste in a special container.
  • Place the instruments in the order indicated by the teacher.
  • Get yourself in order.

Wood processing

Processing wood manually is a process no less complex than working with metal, so there are also a lot of safety rules here.

Before you start:

  • Wear special clothing (robe, hat).
  • Check the condition of the equipment (scoop, sweeps, seats, stand).
  • If a malfunction of tools or equipment is detected, the teacher should be notified.
  • Check the serviceability of the workbench disks (whether the notch is worn out, whether the vise jaws are screwed tightly).

During operation:

  • Tightly secure the part to be processed in a vice.
  • Monitor the serviceability of the equipment (primarily, the presence of an intact handle on sharpened tools).
  • Don't be distracted by extraneous matters.
  • Use tools strictly for their intended purpose.

After finishing the lesson:

  • Check the serviceability of the equipment, if damaged, inform the teacher.
  • Clean the work area and place waste in the designated box.
  • Arrange the equipment in the sequence indicated by the teacher.
  • In order not to spoil the notches on the jaws of the vice, leave a gap of a couple of millimeters.
  • Leave the room with the permission of the teacher.

For girls

Compliance with safety precautions in the technology room for girls is also a prerequisite for the lesson. The rules describing the work will allow you to avoid injury:

  • when cooking;
  • when working with cutting and sewing;
  • when using an electric iron.

Cooking food

One of the girls' favorite pastimes is cooking. However, in order for it to bring only positive emotions, it is necessary to follow the established rules.

Before starting work:

  • Wear a robe or apron, hide your hair under a cap or scarf.
  • Check the serviceability of the equipment and study its markings.
  • Inspect the dishes for cracks and chips.
  • If you find any problems, inform your teacher.

During the lesson:

  • Wash the hands.
  • Before you start working with the electric stove, you should check whether it is working properly. Before doing this, you need to stand on a dielectric mat.
  • You also need to check the integrity of the plug and cord and install the tile on a special thermal stand. It is not allowed to use a stove with an open spiral.
  • Cook only in enamel dishes.
  • Use devices designed specifically for a specific activity.
  • Use well-sharpened knives.
  • Use appropriately marked cutting boards.
  • Use a special wooden or plastic pestle to push the food into the meat grinder.
  • Do not grate small particles of food.
  • Handle knives and forks only with the handle forward.
  • Place waste in a bin with a lid.
  • Handle hot lids, pots, pans and other kitchen utensils using oven mitts.

After finishing the lesson:

  • Disconnect the stove from the power supply using the plug, do not pull the cord.
  • Clean work tables, wash dishes and equipment.
  • Remove trash, throw away waste.
  • Turn off the hood.
  • Take off your robe or apron, headdress, and wash your hands.

Working with fabric

Cutting and sewing are also associated with considerable dangers, so safety precautions when working in the technology room must be observed unquestioningly.

Before the lesson starts:

  • Put on an apron and tie a scarf on your head.
  • Check that the necessary tools are available and that they are in good working order.
  • If you find rusty pins, needles, broken scissors, etc. inform the teacher.

During operation:

  • Check the operation of the electric sewing machine and the integrity of the cord and plug.
  • During breaks between sewing, insert needles and pins into a special pad or put them in a box.
  • Do not put sharp objects in your mouth.
  • Use a thimble when sewing.
  • Attach the pattern to the fabric with the sharp end facing away from you.
  • Place the scissors with the sharp end facing away from you, and pass the handles forward.
  • Do not lean low over a running sewing machine.
  • Do not keep your fingers close to the foot of the sewing machine.
  • Do not bite the threads with your teeth.

After finishing the lesson:

  • Disconnect the machine from the power supply using the plug, not the cord.
  • Tidy up your desk and put trash in a special bin.
  • Remove the apron and scarf
  • Leave the room with permission from the teacher.

Using an electric iron

Any electrical device is dangerous, and the iron is especially dangerous, because it is used in close proximity to your hands, and therefore the likelihood of burns increases.

Before starting the lesson:

  • Wear an apron and hide your hair under a scarf.
  • Check if the iron is working properly: inspect the cord and plug for damage.

During class:

  • Turn the iron on and off with dry hands.
  • During breaks between work, place the iron on the heat stand.
  • Do not allow the sole of the iron to come into contact with the cord.
  • Do not touch the soleplate of the iron with your hands.
  • Do not leave a hot iron unattended.

After finishing the lesson:

  • Disconnect the iron from the power supply using the plug.
  • Tidy your work surface.
  • Take off your overalls.
  • Leave the classroom with permission from the teacher.

Safety precautions in the technology room must be observed by every student, regardless of gender and age. You need to get acquainted with its rules seriously, thinking about each point. Thoughtlessly signing a safety log will not save you from cuts, burns or other troubles.

Labor lessons are associated with an increased risk of injury to schoolchildren, especially when it comes to working with wood and metalworking tools. That is why it is extremely important for a teacher to constantly monitor the behavior of his students, to prevent inappropriate and dangerous behavior, and to monitor the performance and safety of school equipment. Each student, before starting to complete educational tasks, must be familiar with the techniques for safe work with tools.

General safety rules for labor lessons

  • Only schoolchildren who have become familiar with the safety rules during labor lessons can start learning and working with tools;
  • You can take tools, use them, and also use machines only with the permission of the teacher;
  • When starting a labor lesson, the student must first put on all the necessary protective equipment for each specific case (robe, hat, mittens, safety glasses, etc.);
  • It is prohibited to complete tasks with broken or damaged equipment;
  • The workplace must be kept clean, tools must be put in place, garbage must be removed on time;
  • During labor lessons, it is prohibited to use any equipment for other than its intended purpose, it is prohibited to point sharp parts at other students or throw tools;
  • Tools should always be held so that the most dangerous part (sharp) is directed away from you;
  • If you are injured, stop working immediately and notify your teacher;
  • At the end of the lesson, hand over all tools, special clothing and protective equipment and put the workplace in order;
  • After a labor lesson, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap and wash.

Safety instructions for labor lessons

Every student must strictly follow safety precautions during a labor lesson, and the teacher must monitor its implementation.

Safety precautions during labor lessons during manual processing of metal and wood

  • Before starting to process the material, you must properly wear protective clothing and protective equipment. Safety and eye protection are especially important; always wear safety glasses when cutting metal;
  • Before starting a lesson, you must check the full availability of the necessary equipment and make sure that the tools are in safe working condition. Their handles should be free of cracks and fit tightly to the base;
  • On the workbench, all tools must be placed in the order specified by the teacher and in strictly designated places. There should not be anything superfluous on the workbench;
  • All processed material must be securely fastened in appropriate clamps (vises, clamps, etc.);
  • When handling materials, you must always use the installed stop and support devices;
  • If an instrument is damaged or broken while performing an educational task, then the work must be stopped and the teacher must replace it;
  • In the process of processing and joining materials, special care must be taken when working with impact, cutting equipment, glue, and sharp metal edges;
  • It is forbidden to use your finger as a stop when starting to cut wood;
  • When sawing material, you must always monitor the tension level of the bow saw blade. Do not check the sharpness of the cutting part with your fingers, you may cut yourself;
  • When processing a material with a file, your fingers should be on its surface; when cutting metal, hold the part to be cut with your hand protected by a mitten or glove;
  • You cannot blow away the shavings with your mouth or brush them away with your hand; use special equipment for this.

Safety precautions during labor lessons when processing metal and wood on machines

  • Before performing tasks, you must follow safety precautions and put on special clothing and protective equipment;
  • It is forbidden to work on machines if the guard is missing or damaged, or if the parts are not securely fastened in the corresponding grooves;
  • You cannot perform operations on the machine with a faulty or dull cutting or drilling tool;
  • It is prohibited to stop the moving parts of the machine by hand, change or adjust drills, cutters or drive belt while the equipment is turned on;
  • It is forbidden to bend too much towards the machine, pass objects through a working machine, measure or touch parts while the device is running, place foreign objects on it, catch the part being cut with your hand, move away from the switched on equipment, lubricate or cool drills and cutters with a rag;
  • It is strictly forbidden to work on a machine with faulty electrical equipment or lack of grounding. If any signs of malfunction occur during operation (smell of smoke, electrical sparks, engine failures, etc.), immediately turn off the machine and notify the teacher;
  • Before working in a labor lesson, according to safety regulations, it is necessary to check the functionality of the equipment at idle speed;
  • The cutter or drill should always be brought in smoothly, without making sudden movements or jerks; be especially careful when the drill comes out of the material;
  • Before working with a woodworking machine, you must make sure that the wooden blanks do not have cracks or significant defects;
  • When performing a task during a labor lesson on a lathe, do not allow a significant increase in the cross-section of the chips, bring the cutter in smoothly and slowly;
  • Before stopping metal or woodworking equipment, always first remove the drill or cutter from the workpiece;
  • It is forbidden to blow chips off the machine with your mouth or brush it with your hand.

Safety precautions will help to significantly minimize the likelihood of injuries during labor lessons. But first of all, safety depends on the consciousness of each individual student. The teacher’s task is to convey to schoolchildren the importance of safety rules.


on safety precautions for students

in classes on the subject “The World Around Us” in primary school

Are common requirements security

1. Students who have undergone a medical examination and safety instructions are allowed to take part in classes. 2. Risk of injury: - when working with sharp and cutting instruments; - when working with laboratory glassware; - when safety instructions are not followed.3. The office should have a first aid kit stocked with the necessary
medicines and dressings to provide first aid to victims.

Requirements security before the beginning classes

1. Prepare training materials. 2. Listen carefully to the safety instructions on performing practical work.3. Enter the office calmly, slowly, without touching the tables.4. If you have poor vision, wear glasses.5. Do not touch equipment prepared for work.

Requirements security in time classes

1. Perform all actions only as directed by the teacher. 2. Use only working equipment. 3. Test tubes must be in special holders.4. Avoid sudden movements while working. 5. Maintain order and discipline in the work place. Do not leave your work area without the teacher's permission.

Requirements security V emergency situations

1. If you feel unwell, stop classes and inform the teacher about it 2. If a fire occurs in the office, stop classes immediately.
at the teacher's command, leave the room in an orderly manner, without panic. 3. Do not remove shards of broken dishes yourself, inform the teacher about this.

Requirements security By completion classes

1. Clean up your area after finishing work. 2. Do not carry laboratory equipment on your own. 3. Check the safety of the work area. 4. Wash your face and hands with soap. 5. Report any deficiencies discovered during work to the teacher.


By technology security For students

on classes technologies V initial classes

Are common requirements security

1. Students who have undergone a medical examination and safety instructions are allowed to take part in classes. 2. Risk of injury: - when working with sharp and cutting tools; - when working with office glue; - when safety instructions are not followed.3. The office should have a first aid kit stocked with the necessary medications and dressings to provide first aid to victims.

Requirements security before the beginning classes

1. Prepare the necessary materials and tools.2. Listen carefully to safety instructions while performing work.3. Enter the office calmly and slowly.4. If you have poor vision, wear glasses.5. Wear work clothes - sleeves, an apron.

Requirements security in time classes

1. Perform all actions only as directed by the teacher. 2. Pass the scissors to each other with the sharp end down. 3. When cutting paper or fabric, do not point the scissors at yourself or a friend. 4. Do not make sudden movements while working. 5. Maintain order and discipline in the work place..6. When working with a sewing needle, wear a thimble.7. Use office glue carefully.8. Do not leave the workplace without the teacher's permission.

Requirements security V emergency situations

1. If you feel unwell, stop classes and inform the teacher about it 2. If a fire occurs in the office, stop classes immediately.
At the teacher's command, leave the room in an orderly manner, without panic. 3. If you are injured, immediately notify your teacher.

Requirements security By completion classes

1. After finishing work, clean your place.2. Place the scissors in the case and the sewing needles in the pin cushion.3. Check that the work area is safe and all needles have been removed.4. Wash your face and hands with soap.5. Report any shortcomings discovered during work to the teacher.


By technology security For students

Voffice initial classes

Are common requirements security

1. Compliance with these instructions is mandatory for all students studying in the office. 2. Calmly, slowly, observing discipline and order, enter and exit the office. 3. Do not block the passages with bags and briefcases. 4. Do not turn on the electric lighting or TCO equipment. 5. Do not open the vents and windows. 6. Do not move study tables and chairs. .7.Do not touch electrical sockets with your hands.8.Injury hazard in the office: - when turning on electric lighting; - when turning on TSO devices; - when carrying equipment, etc. 9. Do not bring extraneous, unnecessary objects to class, so as not to be distracted and injure your classmates. 10. Do not play in the office during breaks with a ball. 11. Do not sit on water heating pipes or radiators.

Requirements security before the beginning classes

1. Do not open the office door with the key. 2. Enter the office calmly, slowly. 3. Prepare your work place and educational supplies. 4. Do not change your work place without the teacher’s permission.

Requirements security in time classes

1. Listen carefully to the teacher’s explanations and instructions. 2. Observe the rules and discipline during the lesson. 3. Do not turn on the TCO devices yourself. 4. Do not carry equipment and TCO. 5. Carry out all educational work after the teacher’s instructions. 6. Maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace. 7. When working with sharp, cutting tools rocks of labor training
follow the teacher's safety instructions. 8. Maintain discipline and order during educational excursions. 9. Do not leave the group without the teacher's permission. 10. Follow the laboratory safety instructions
practical work on nature studies (the world around us).

Requirements security V emergency situations

1. In the event of an emergency (fire, etc.), leave the office as directed by the teacher in an organized manner, without panic. 2. In case of injury, seek help from the teacher. 3. If you feel unwell or have a sudden illness, notify the teacher.

Requirements security By completion classes

1. Put your workspace in order. 2. Do not leave your workplace without the teacher’s permission. 3. Report any shortcomings discovered during class to the teacher. 4. Leave the office calmly, without jostling, maintaining discipline.


General safety requirements

1. Persons of both sexes who have reached 18 years of age, have a pedagogical education, and have passed a medical examination are allowed to work.2. The teacher must: - know his job responsibilities and OT instructions; - undergo induction and on-the-job training; - be guided in your work by internal regulations; - The teacher’s work and rest schedule is determined by his work schedule; - have the first group of electrical safety clearance.3. Injury hazard in the office: - when personal safety rules are violated; - when turning on electrical appliances and LLP equipment (technical training aids); - when working with piercing, cutting instruments.4. Report incidents of injury to the school administration5. Comply with occupational safety regulations6. Refers to non-electrical personnel and must have the 2nd qualification group of electrical safety clearance.7. Do not independently repair electrical appliances, sockets, etc.8. Bear responsibility (administrative, material, criminal) for violation of the requirements of labor protection instructions.

Safety requirements before starting work

Check the readiness of the classroom for classes; - check the serviceability of the electric lighting; - prepare the necessary tools for labor lessons; - prepare equipment for practical classes, demonstrations of experiments in natural history lessons (The Environment); - ventilate the classroom; - check the sanitary and hygienic condition of the classroom.

Safety requirements during operation

Observe personal safety and the requirements of occupational safety instructions; - monitor the observance of discipline by students; - control the implementation of practical tasks by students; - provide instruction to students on labor safety, on all types of practical work and excursions; - do not allow students to carry LLP equipment; - do not allow students to turn on electrical appliances on their own.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

In case of emergencies, take measures to evacuate children; - report the incident to the school administration, in case of a fire, notify service 01; - provide first aid to victims in case of injury; - if students suddenly become ill, call a medical professional and inform parents.

Safety requirements after completion of work

Disconnect the TSO equipment from the power supply; - accept the tools given to them for work from students; - check the consistency of their number; - remove the TSO equipment and tools; - after the excursion, check the number of students; - monitor the cleaning of workplaces after practical classes; - ventilate the office; - turn off the electric lighting, lock the office with a key; - inform the administration about all shortcomings discovered during training sessions.


on labor protection for primary school teachers

responsible for the classroom

Responsible for the classroom

1. Organizes safety and monitors the condition of workplaces, educational equipment, and visual aids.

2. Does not allow training sessions to be conducted in premises that are not equipped for these purposes and not accepted for operation.

3. Participates in the development of labor protection instructions.

4. Conducts or organizes the teacher’s instruction on labor protection for students with mandatory registration in the class register or a standard magazine.

5. Makes proposals for improving and improving the conditions of the educational process (for inclusion in the agreement on labor protection), and also brings to the attention of the head of the educational institution about all the shortcomings in ensuring the educational process that reduce the vital activity and performance of the students’ body (low lighting, noise ballasts, fluorescent lamps, environmental violations in the workplace, etc.).

6. Immediately informs management and the trade union committee about every accident that occurs with a student.

7. Bears responsibility in accordance with current labor legislation for accidents that occur with students during the educational process as a result of violation of labor safety standards and regulations.


on compliance with fire safety measures for teachers

Every teacher is obliged:

1. Know and strictly observe fire safety rules in an educational institution, avoid actions that could lead to fire and combustion.

2. Be able to call the fire brigade and use primary fire extinguishing means.

3. Know your responsibilities when detecting smoke, a burning smell, or in the event of a fire.

4. Upon completion of work, turn off electrical appliances and the electrical network.

Anyone who discovers a fire or ignition must:

1. Immediately notify the fire department by calling 01 or the school administration.

2. Before the arrival of the fire department and administration, take measures to evacuate students, and at the same time begin to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing means.

3. When arriving at the fire site, the administration or fire brigade provide all the necessary information:

 about the location of the fire, the measures taken to eliminate it;

about the presence of fire and explosive materials in the building or basement;

 about the presence of people in the room engaged in eliminating fires and in need of help.

To avoid fire in the educational building, classrooms, and workplaces, it is prohibited: 1. Smoking and using open fire in places not designated for these purposes.2. Use non-standard (homemade) electrical appliances.3. Use electric irons, electric heaters and other electric heating devices without stands made of non-combustible materials. 4. Use non-standard (homemade) fuses to protect electrical networks. 5. Use temporary electrical wiring.6. Connect several electrical consumers to one power source.


according to the rules of conduct and technology security For students

on physical education lessons V initial classes

1. Students who have completed safety instructions are allowed to attend physical education lessons.2. Students who have a doctor's clearance (main and preparatory health groups) are allowed to attend physical education lessons. 3. Students are required to wear sports uniforms and clean sports shoes during lessons. Sports uniform must correspond to the temperature in the gym and weather conditions (when exercising outdoors). It is prohibited to practice in T-shirts.4.Students change clothes in a specially designated place - the sports locker room.5.In the gym, it is prohibited to stand on window sills, open windows, stand on benches, litter, or behave rudely towards other students. In the event of a conflict situation, students must inform the teacher about this. 6. Valuable items are not recommended to be left in the locker room; they should be handed over to students who are exempt from classes or to the physical education teacher. 7. Students who are exempt from classes must attend class with the class in sports shoes. They are required to show the teacher a medical certificate of release.8.When the bell rings for class, students gather in formation in the gym. When classes are held outside, students do not leave the room without the accompaniment of a physical education teacher. 9. It is prohibited to chew chewing gum during physical education lessons. 10. It is prohibited to use a mobile phone, a player, take photographs or film a video camera. 11. Students should not interfere with the teacher conducting a lesson. and other students to perform exercises in class. 12. Students are required to behave correctly towards other students. In the event of a conflict situation between students, immediately contact the teacher.13.During lessons, students are required to perform only those exercises that the teacher has allowed them to do.14.When performing exercises independently (educational games, competitions, etc.), students must take into account their level of physical preparedness, health status and location of classes.15. It is prohibited to independently take sports equipment located in the gym and coaching room. 16. While performing exercises with balls (tennis, volleyball, basketball, football, medicine), the student must control the fall of the ball in order to avoid intentional injury to other students. 17. During sports games, students are required to behave correctly towards other players.18. It is prohibited to perform any exercises on the crossbar and wall bars without the permission of the teacher. 19. Hanging from basketball hoops and basketball backboards is not allowed. 20. Moving the goals without the permission of the teacher is prohibited. 21. Students must be careful when moving from one half of the hall to the other when the hall is divided into two parts for two groups (classes). 22. If you find any breakdowns of sports equipment, immediately report this to the teacher. 23. If you feel unwell during the lesson, the student must immediately inform the physical education teacher. He is also obliged to inform the teacher about an injury or poor health that appears after a physical education lesson.

Job description

primary school teachers

1. General Provisions

1.1. A primary school teacher is appointed and dismissed from work by order of the director of a general education institution from among persons with higher or secondary specialized education.

1.2. In his activities, a primary school teacher is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model Regulations “On Educational Institution”, Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Conditions and Organization of Education in General Educational Institutions, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Education Committee of the Ulan-Ude city administration, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of MAOU Secondary School No. 8, employment agreement (contract) , orders and instructions of the school director and this job description. The teacher complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

1.3.Primary school teacher must know:

    The Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on educational issues, the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

    fundamentals of general theoretical disciplines to the extent necessary to solve pedagogical, scientific, methodological, organizational and managerial problems at the elementary level of a general education institution, pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology, school hygiene;

    requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education) and recommendations for their implementation in a general education institution;

    methods of teaching subjects and educational work, programs and textbooks that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO;

    requirements for equipment and equipment of classrooms and utility rooms;

    teaching aids and their didactic capabilities;

    main directions and prospects for the development of education and pedagogical science;

    fundamentals of law, scientific organization of labor, safety and fire protection.

2. Job responsibilities of a primary school teacher

Educational process

2.1. Complies with the rights and freedoms of students contained in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2.2. Carries out training and education of students taking into account psychology of primary school age, individual characteristics and inclinations of students, their level of development.

2.3 . Provides training and education to students, taking into account the specifics of the subject taught, organizes classroom and extracurricular activities of students in accordance with the schedule in the specified premises.

2.4. ABOUT carries out training and education of students taking into account the relevant sections of the Basic educational program of primary general education of MAOU Secondary School No. 8, the specific requirements of the standard; provides a level of training that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and is responsible for its implementation.

2.5. Ensures the inclusion of junior schoolchildren in various forms of extracurricular activities in accordance with the Program of spiritual and moral education and development of the educational institution.

2.6. Provides support and accompaniment to the personal development of students. Identifies their educational requests and needs. Collects data about the plans and intentions of schoolchildren, their interests, inclinations, motives, strengths and weaknesses. Helps children identify and solve individual problems associated with mastering EP. Develops programs of correctional work with students.

2.7 .Ensures that work programs comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

2.8. Masters, develops and implements work programs in subjects. Organizes the educational process in strict accordance with the approved planning.

2.9. Uses a variety of techniques, methods and means of training and education to ensure the achievement of educational goals.

2.10. Uses generally accepted interpretations (traditional and innovative forms) of daily work plans in his work. Stores the document during the academic year and makes it available for review upon request.

2.11 . Allows the school administration to attend his lessons at any time in order to monitor work in accordance with the school Charter.

2.12. Complies with the school Charter, Internal Labor Regulations, the requirements of this instruction, as well as local acts of the school, orders and instructions of the administration of the educational institution.

2.13 . Complies with ethical standards of behavior and is an example for students.

2.14 .Organizes joint work with the school librarian and parents to organize extracurricular reading for students.

2.15 . Organizes school events of an intellectual nature in relevant areas.

2.16. Communicates with parents (legal representatives), provides them with advisory assistance, ensures that they are familiar with documents regulating the organization of educational process at school, informs about the progress and prospects of educational process in the classroom and school, organizes parent meetings.

Occupational Health and Safety

2.18. Responsible for the implementation of orders “On labor protection and compliance with safety regulations” and “On ensuring fire safety”:

    safe conduct of the educational process;

    instructing students on occupational safety during training sessions and educational events with mandatory registration in the class register or the “Journal of instructing students on occupational safety and health”;

    organizing students’ study of rules on labor protection, traffic safety, healthy lifestyle, behavior at home, etc.;

    monitoring compliance with labor protection rules (instructions).

2.19. Complies with labor protection, safety and fire protection rules and regulations.

2.20. Ensures the protection of the life and health of students during the educational process in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

2.21. Immediately informs the school administration about accidents and takes measures to provide assistance to the victims.

Work with documents

2.22. Systematically works with official documentation: class journal, student diaries, electronic document management.

2.23. Carries out ongoing monitoring of students’ progress and attendance in lessons, fills out the class register every lesson in accordance with the “Instructions” and submits current grades to the class register. Does not allow negligence in filling out or correcting records.

2.24 . Submits required reporting data to the administration in a timely manner.

2.25 .Controls the availability of notebooks in academic subjects for students, compliance with the established school procedures for their design, maintenance, and compliance with a uniform spelling regime.

2.26 .Complies with the following procedure for checking student workbooks: in grades 1-4, all class and homework of students is checked daily.

2.27 .In a timely manner, in accordance with the schedule, carries out the number of tests and other practical parts established by the program and curriculum.

2.28 .Checks control dictations and tests in mathematics in grades 1-4 for the next lesson.

2.29. Enters into the class journal all grades for tests for the month in which they were conducted.

2.30 .Works on mistakes made in the test work in the next lesson after the test work. Submits work reports in a timely manner.

2.31 .Keeps student test books for 4 years.

2.32 .When the teacher performs the duties of the head of the classroom, the teacher:

    carries out certification of his office;

    maintains the portfolio of the office assigned to him in accordance with the current Regulations;

    monitors the order in the office, the organization of work places for teachers and students;

    constantly replenishes the classroom with teaching aids necessary for completing the curriculum, instruments, and technical teaching aids;

    takes part in the inspection of classrooms.

Improving teaching skills

2.33 . Systematically improves his qualifications through self-education and course training. Participates in the work of primary school educational institutions in order to improve teaching skills.

2.34. Pass mandatory certification of teaching staff once every five years for the appropriate qualification category and receive it in case of successful certification.

2.35. According to the annual work plan of the institution, he takes part in the work of pedagogical councils, production meetings, meetings with the director, parent meetings, as well as subject sections held by a higher organization.

Organizational culture

2.36. Replaces lessons for absent teachers as directed by the administration.

2.37. The teacher on duty comes to work 20 minutes before the start of his main activity (8 hours 20 minutes) and leaves 20 minutes after their end; is on duty during breaks between lessons.

2.38. Organizes and monitors student meals in the dining room.

2.39. The teacher is prohibited:

    change the class schedule at your discretion;

    cancel, extend or shorten the duration of lessons (classes) and breaks between them;

    remove a student from a lesson.

3. Rights of a primary school teacher

A primary school teacher has the rights:

3.1. Provided by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution”, the School Charter, the Collective Agreement, Internal Labor Regulations.

3.2. To make decisions that are binding on students and to take disciplinary measures in accordance with the School Charter.

3.3. For advanced training in institutions of the retraining and advanced training system.

3.4 .To receive a pension for long service, social guarantees and benefits in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.5. For long-term (up to 1 year) leave at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work. The procedure and conditions for granting leave are determined by the founder and (or) the Charter of the educational institution.

3.6 .To participate in the management of a general education institution in the manner determined by the Charter of this institution.

3.7 . Make proposals for improving the educational process, the mode of work with students, and work with parents.

3.8. To protect professional honor and dignity.

3.9. Take advantage of extended paid leave of 64 calendar days.

3.10. Free medical examinations are carried out periodically.

4. Responsibility of a primary school teacher

4.1. In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the teacher is responsible for:

    implementation of educational programs in full;

    implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in accordance with the OOP of the NOO;

    the life and health of students during the educational process and extracurricular activities conducted by the teacher;

    compliance with the rights and freedoms of students determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and local acts of the school;

    high-quality and timely maintenance of necessary documentation;

    implementation of orders “On labor protection and compliance with safety regulations” and “On ensuring fire safety”;

    safe conduct of the educational process;

    taking measures to provide first-aid to the victim, promptly notifying management about the accident;

    instructing students on occupational safety during training sessions, educational events with mandatory registration in the class register or the Journal of instructing students on occupational safety and health;

    organizing students’ study of rules on labor protection, traffic safety, healthy lifestyle, behavior at home, etc.;

    monitoring compliance with labor protection rules (instructions).

4.2. In case of violation of the school's Charter, the terms of the collective agreement, the internal labor regulations, this job description, or the orders of the director, the teacher is subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Art. 192 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4.3 . For the use of teaching and educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality, a primary school teacher may be dismissed in accordance with Art. 336 TCRF, clause 2.

5. Relationships

5.1. Relationships with students, administration, colleagues, parents and other persons, the teacher builds on a friendly basis.

5.2. The working day of a primary school teacher begins no later than 8 hours 40 minutes. The working hours are set by the class schedule in accordance with O volume of teaching load.

5.3. Replaced for a period of temporary absence by teachers of the same joint venture education or teachers related to the curriculum in P reproducing your subject in this class.

5.4. Replaces temporarily absent teachers in accordance with the established procedure on the terms of hourly payment and according to tariffs (depending on the term replacements).

5.5. Receives regulatory and legal materials from the school administration organizational and methodological nature, gets acquainted with receipt relevant documents.

5.6 . During holidays that do not coincide with vacations, school administration to pedagogical, methodological or organizational work within a time frame not exceeding academic time loads before the start of the holidays. The work schedule is approved by order school director.

5.7. A primary school teacher is appointed and dismissed by the director educational institution.

5.8. The primary school teacher reports to the school director and the supervising deputy director for academic work at the primary stage of education in in full, to members of the administration in accordance with their powers.

1. General safety requirements

1.1. Students who have passed a medical examination and safety instructions are allowed to participate in classes.

1.2. Risk of injury:

when working with sharp and cutting tools; when working with office glue; in case of violation of TB instructions.

1.3. The office should have a first aid kit equipped with the necessary medications and dressings to provide first aid to victims.

2. Safety requirements before starting classes

2.1. Prepare the necessary materials and tools.

2.2. Listen carefully to safety instructions when performing work.

2.3. Enter the office calmly, without rushing.

2.4. If you have poor vision, wear glasses.

2.5. Put on work clothes - sleeves, an apron.

3. Safety requirements during classes

3.1. Perform all actions only as directed by the teacher.

3.2. Pass the scissors to each other with the sharp end down.

3.3. When cutting paper or fabric, do not point the scissors towards yourself or a friend.

3.4. Do not make sudden movements while working.

3.5. Maintain order and discipline in the workplace.

3.6. When using a sewing needle, wear a thimble.

3.7. Use office glue carefully.

3.8. Do not leave the workplace without the teacher's permission.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If you feel unwell, stop classes and inform the teacher.

4.2. If a fire occurs in the classroom, immediately stop classes and, at the teacher’s command, leave the room in an orderly manner and without panic.

4.3. If you are injured, immediately report the incident to your teacher.

5. Safety requirements at the end of classes

5.1. After finishing work, clean your place.

5.2. Place the scissors in the case and the sewing needles in the pincushion.

5.3. Report any shortcomings discovered during work to the teacher.

5.4. Check that the workplace is safe and that all needles have been removed.

5.5. Clean yourself up, wash your face and hands with soap.

Acrobatics and wrestling section

A student who has failed to comply or violation of these rules held accountable and re-instructed. In the event of a repeated violation, he may be suspended from training for up to one week. And in case of a malicious violation, he is expelled from the trainees.

For training you need:

1. Have replacement shoes in order to walk from the locker room to the hall. In the hall, leave it neatly placed under the benches along the wall.

2. Enter the hall only in sportswear.

3. Form should be without zippers, buttons, fasteners and other hard or interfering elements, fit the body, and not have wide pockets or protruding patches; The appearance of clothing should be clean and tidy. The T-shirt or tank top must be tucked in so that it does not wrap around the belayer’s arm or fall onto the face during flips.

4. Uniform for boys: T-shirt or sports jersey, sports pants or shorts (above the knee), a change of socks.

5. Uniform for girls: T-shirt, swimsuit or short gymnastics tights, cycling shorts, leggings or shorts (above the knee), replacement socks.

6. Before training, remove watches, chains, rings, bracelets, earrings and other hard or interfering objects.

7. Carefully refers to sports equipment, equipment of halls and other premises of the Children's Sports Center and the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Sports, maintaining cleanliness and order in the locker rooms and utility rooms.

8. Respectful to all members of the group, the staff of the Southern Izmailovo Children's Center and the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Technology, trainers and all teachers working in the hall.

9. It is forbidden to be in the gym if there is no trainer there. The hall is a place of increased danger.

10. If you are late or arrive early, enter the gym only with the permission of the coach.

11. When missing class notify the coach in advance and report the reason (you can via SMS message).

12. Before entering the hall, look around and make sure that you do not interfere with the progress of the training.

13. Do not use deodorants, eau de toilette, perfume with a strong smell and staining cosmetics .

14. Don't leave it in locker rooms valuables.

15. Students need to know fire safety rules and a building evacuation plan. If an electrical equipment malfunction is detected, you should immediately notify the trainer.

16. In the event of a fire, heavy smoke, or a complete power outage in the dark, you must stop classes and leave the premises in accordance with the evacuation plan.

During training it is necessary:

17. Contact the trainer and all teachers working in hall on you, by name and patronymic.

18. Execute accurately and on time trainer instructions .

19. Qualitatively warm up .

20. If you feel unwell, inform your coach.

21. When doing exercises in a group maintain distance and intervals, necessary to prevent a collision even if the exercise is performed incorrectly (falling, stopping, returning to the starting position, etc.) by any of the group members.

22. For execution difficult exercises place gymnastic mats in the landing zone and ask the coach to provide insurance.

23. Master self-insurance techniques, pass a test to the trainer and be able to apply them in practice.

24. Do extra exercises to strengthen neck muscles and backs.

25. To do exercises only those suggested by the trainer or with the permission of the coach.

26. on shells, check their condition, place mats in areas of possible fall.

27. It is forbidden to shout and To talk loudly .

28. It is prohibited to be distracted or distract others while performing an exercise or belay.

29. It is prohibited to run from one place of study to another.

30. It is prohibited to perform complex acrobatic exercises without insurance .

31. It is prohibited to be in the landing zone or possible fall of the person performing the exercise.

32. Before starting the exercises on equipment and simulators, it is necessary to check their technical serviceability, and if a malfunction is detected, inform the coach. Place safety mats in areas of possible fall.

33. It is prohibited to be on shells together.

34. In the event of an accident or injury, the victim or an eyewitness to the incident must immediately notify the coach or any teacher present in the hall so that immediate measures can be taken to provide first aid.

35. Execute only in the same direction as others doing, along the midline, without deviating from it.

36. Perform in turns, to increase the intervals in a checkerboard pattern, wait until the person walking in front of you clears the exercise area.


38. Return along the edges of the hall or along the same line, depending on the instructions of the coach, without interfering with other members of the group.

39. Execute only in the same direction as others practicing along the midline, without deviating from it.

40. You will be free before performing the exercise.

41. It is forbidden to return diagonally, only along the edges of the hall without interfering with other members of the group.

42. Execute only in the direction from the runway, along the midline, without approaching the edge.

43. Before performing the exercise, make sure that the run-up and landing areas are clear.

44. It is prohibited to return to the runway area on the tumbling track.

45. Execute only with permission trainer.

46. Before performing the exercises, put on the front and back trampoline edges gymnastic mats.

47. only one person .

48. Exercises are prohibited on the edge of the trampoline .

49. On a trampoline you can only perform suggested by the coach exercises.

50. It is forbidden to jump off the trampoline on a hard floor .

51. When getting off the trampoline, make sure that the landing area is clear and that the part of the frame through which you will get off is securely covered with mats.

52. Before performing the exercise, make sure that mini tramp is securely installed: Does not wobble or slide.

53. Make sure the projectile is securely attached to the floor with a lanyard .

54. to the landing zone and to the frame mini trampoline gymnastic mats.

55. Make sure the takeoff and landing areas are will be free .


57. Execute only with permission trainer.

58. Before doing the exercises secure the edges balloon so that during jumping its edges do not come off and do not slide.

59. When leaving the cylinder, make sure that landing zone will be free.

60. Before performing the exercise, make sure that the mini-trampoline or bridge is securely installed: it does not swing or slide.

61. To perform the exercises, put to the landing zone gymnastic mats.

62. Make sure the takeoff and landing areas are will be free .

63. Return to the starting position at a distance of two meters from the edge of the runway, without interfering with other members of the group.

64. You can be on the trampoline at the same time only one person .

65. For that, to put on or take off the lounge it is necessary to loosen the tension of the rubber until it hangs. Ask a partner or trainer to help adjust the tension.

66. While doing the exercises, keep an eye on to prevent the rubber from twisting, if it twists strongly, turn around and perform the exercise in the other direction.

67. Make sure that the tire tension is identical on each side .

68. Stop exercising on the auxiliary bench if headache.

69. At the end of the exercises remove the safety belt, hang a special weight instead of it and raise the lounge.

At the end of classes, you should put the sports equipment in the designated place and put in order training area and locker room.

The student should not smoke (book by Allen Carr: “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking”) and engage in other bad habits (lecture by Zhdanov: “Alcohol terror”), incompatible with acrobatics. Maintain hygiene and sports regime. The acrobat must value your health and the health of others, be an adherent of a healthy lifestyle (book by Allen Carr: “The Easy Way to Lose Weight”).

Presentation for a physical education lesson (grade 5) on the topic:
Safety precautions in a gymnastics lesson

Rules of conduct and safety instructions during gymnastics lessons.


Slide captions:


The student must: wear sports shoes and uniform; enter the gym and perform exercises with the permission of the teacher; maintain interval and distance; Students are not allowed to: - leave the location of the lesson without the permission of the teacher; — push, place steps in formation and movement; 2

Gymnastic beam It is impossible for two participants to be on the apparatus at the same time. Perform the exercise with insurance. The entire area around the log is covered with mats in one layer, and in the landing area - in two layers. Before performing the exercise on the balance beam, learn it and achieve confident performance on the floor or gymnastics bench.

Tumbling track When laying there should be no gaps, as well as overlapping one edge of the mat on another. Before performing the exercise, make sure that there are no foreign objects or students on the mats that could interfere with the task. While doing exercises, do not run out onto the path or disturb others.

Crossbar Do not perform exercises on sports equipment with wet palms. On the crossbar, you must remember that inaccuracy in performing the exercise or insufficiently good grip leads to a breakdown and fall. Place gymnastic mats in the areas where the dismounts occur.

Rope Climbing Do not swing the rope on which the student is performing the exercise. Climb and descend from the rope in the manner indicated by the teacher. . Do not use it for other purposes. Place a gymnastic mat at the dismount site. You must not slip off the rope when descending.

Vault Do not perform exercises without insurance. On the vault, place the mats in two layers at the landing site. Check the functionality of the bridge. Do not start the exercise if there is interference during the run-up or landing area. When performing a vault for other students, do not run over the run-up area.

Gym 8

For failure to comply with safety measures, the student may not be allowed or suspended from the lesson.

Students are allowed to take classes:

  • classified for health reasons into the main and preparatory medical groups;
  • have undergone safety training;
  • having sports shoes and a uniform that does not restrict movement and corresponds to the topic and conditions of the classes.
  • The student must:

    • have short-cropped nails;
    • enter the gym, take sports equipment and perform exercises with the permission of the teacher;
    • treat sports equipment and equipment with care and do not use it for other purposes;
    • know and follow these instructions.
    • Gymnastic apparatus must be securely fastened, and their metal supports must be covered with mats. Remember that when performing exercises on apparatus, safety largely depends on their serviceability:

    • mats should be without tears and placed in places where there are slips and likely falls;
      • the rope should not have any breaks or knots;
      • the log must have a smooth surface without burrs, cracks, or roughness and be installed at a height appropriate to the age characteristics of those involved;
      • the poles of the beams must be dry and smooth, without cracks;
      • the crossbar must be smooth, without rust and magnesium deposits;
      • The surface of the pommel horse must be smooth, dry, and without tears.
      • Do not exercise if you have fresh calluses on your hands.

        When performing exercises in a stream (one after another), maintain sufficient interval and distance. Do not perform complex elements without insurance if you are not confident in their performance.

        The student must know and follow instructions when practicing gymnastics. For failure to comply with security measures, a student may not be allowed or suspended from participating in the educational process.

        II. Safety requirements before starting classes

        The student must:

        • change clothes in the locker room, put on sportswear and shoes;
        • remove items that pose a danger to other students (earrings, bracelets, watches, etc.);
        • remove sharp and other foreign objects from the pockets of the sports uniform;
        • under the guidance of the teacher, prepare the inventory and equipment necessary for conducting the lesson;
        • at the teacher’s command, stand in line for a general formation.
        • Be careful when moving and installing gymnastic equipment.
          Do not carry or transport heavy gymnastic equipment without special carts and devices.
          When carrying the mats, hold on to the special handles on the side, two people on each side. When laying, make sure that their surface is smooth and does not bunch up, there are no gaps, and there are no overlapping edges of the mat on another. The entire area around the log is covered with mats in one layer, and in the landing area - in two layers.
          On the vault, at the landing site, lay mats in two layers, at least five meters long.
          Working together to change the height of the beams, loosen the screws and lift both ends at the same time, holding onto the pole and not the metal support. The width between the poles should not exceed shoulder width.
          Set the height of the crossbar in the position when it lies on the floor.
          Good strength of braces and fastenings should ensure the stability of the projectile. Do not stand under the crossbar while installing it.
          When installing jumping apparatus, extend the legs alternately on each side, after tilting the apparatus.

          III. Safety requirements during classes

          The student must:

          • Every time before performing an exercise, check the fastening of the locking screws;
          • wipe your hands dry, use magnesium;
          • perform complex elements and exercises with insurance;
          • when performing jumps and dismounts, land softly on your toes, squatting springily;
          • If you experience pain in your hands, redness of the skin, or water blisters on your palms during class, stop the class and notify the teacher;
          • move from projectile to projectile in an organized manner, according to a general command, in the manner indicated by the teacher.

          Do not stand close to the apparatus while other students are performing the exercise, do not distract or interfere with them.
          Climb and descend from the rope in the manner indicated by the teacher. Do not swing the rope on which the student is performing the exercise. Do not use it for other purposes.
          Before performing the exercise on the balance beam, learn it and achieve confident performance on the floor or gymnastics bench.
          When performing an exercise on the crossbar, you must remember that inaccuracy in performing the exercise or an insufficiently good grip leads to a breakdown and fall.
          Before performing a vault, install a gymnastic bridge from the apparatus at a distance depending on your capabilities, abilities and preparedness. Do not start the exercise if there is interference during the run-up or landing area. When performing a vault for other students, do not run over the run-up area. Belay while standing behind the apparatus.
          Perform floor and acrobatic exercises on mats or carpet. Before performing the exercise, make sure that there are no foreign objects or students on the carpet or mats that could interfere with the task. While doing the exercises, do not run out onto the mat or disturb others.

          IV. Safety requirements in case of accidents and extreme situations

          The student must:

  1. The mats must be intact, without protruding parts, and they must be placed on all possible expected places of falls or impacts.
  2. The rope is checked for possible tears; if there are excess knots, they need to be removed.
  3. Wooden surfaces of projectiles, for example a log, must be smooth, without roughness, chips, or burrs. Such projectiles are placed at a height suitable for the age group of students.
  4. Metal surfaces, such as the crossbar, should not have rust where they come into contact with the skin.
  5. Soft padded elements are also checked for cuts, tears, and voids.
  6. It is forbidden to perform exercises with sports equipment if there are fresh wounds and calluses on the palms.

General safety requirements when conducting gymnastics classes in a group require performing complex elements with safety nets. Children must maintain sufficient distance to avoid hurting each other.

Student Responsibilities

Gadgets, equipment, watches, jewelry should not be on your person. Such items are handed over to the teacher or locked. Safety rules for gymnastics lessons require that before classes, students change into a special uniform and then act in an organized manner and only with the permission of the teacher.

Before performing exercises, students must wipe their hands dry and tie their shoelaces to prevent sudden jumps off the equipment. Any classes that involve jumping are performed gently and without haste, repeating the teacher’s recommendations. If you notice a deterioration in your health, injuries or other incidents, you should immediately report this to the teacher.

Also, for safety reasons, during a gymnastics lesson it is forbidden to interfere with other children doing exercises, touch the apparatus or themselves during this, or distract them. Any beam exercise must be learned on a lower base or on the floor.

Actions in emergency situations

Safety precautions in the classroom provide for timely notification of the teacher about any unusual situation. If someone feels bad or is injured, this fact cannot be hidden. The victim is given rest and a doctor is called if the injury cannot be eliminated by one’s own efforts.

In the event of a fire, you must adhere to safety precautions in gymnastics during physical education lessons for students; the instructions oblige you to stop any activity and evacuate as an organized group together with the teacher according to the appropriate plan, notify management and call the fire department.

End of class

According to safety precautions in the classroom, after completing all tasks, the student must, at the teacher’s command, remove all sports equipment to specially designated areas and leave the room in an orderly manner. After which, children wash their hands with soap and change clothes.

These are general safety recommendations for gymnastics lessons at school; more detailed instructions are available in each educational institution; as a rule, they are given to students for signature. By following simple rules, proven over years of practice, you can greatly reduce the risk of playing sports and prevent the threat of injury in advance.

Safety in gymnastics lessons

Safety in gymnastics lessons

Students performing certain exercises (especially on gymnastic apparatus and vaults) are associated with a certain risk. Failure to comply with safety precautions and awkward movements may result in falls from equipment (crossbar, parallel bars, balance beam, gymnastic ladder, etc.), resulting in injuries.

Typical injuries:
abrasions, abrasions and calluses;
bruises and sprains of the ligamentous apparatus of the wrist, elbow, shoulder, knee and ankle joints;
ruptures of the Achilles tendon and triceps surae muscle;
head bruises are possible.
Safety precautions
1. Choose the right places for training and place equipment in the hall, placing them at a sufficient distance from the walls and from each other. You cannot place the equipment so that students perform the exercise facing a bright light. Students should clearly see the projectile and the place of dismount. The equipment must be covered with gymnastic mats, taking into account the landing sites after dismounts and possible breakdowns and falls. It is advisable to lay two layers of mats in landing areas. Lay gymnastic mats like this. so that there are no gaps between them, and the landing occurs in the middle of one of them.
2. When preparing for parallel bars exercises, you first need to check the height of the bars. To do this, support the pole (not the liners) with one hand, and, with the other, unscrew the locking screw, press the latch spring. If you do this together, then one student should hold the poles and change their height, and the other should unscrew and tighten the locking screws. The height of the poles is usually set at both ends simultaneously, and standing under them is prohibited.
3. When installing the crossbar and bars of different heights, special attention must be paid to the vertical position of the racks and the uniform tension of the cables at the bar of the crossbar or at the poles of the bars, so that they do not overlap. When attaching to hooks on the floor (frogs), it is necessary to ensure that the chain link has been previously released and the guy ropes have been tightened securely. To check the correct installation of the projectiles, you need to grab the cables and pull them strongly toward and away from you: the crossbar and bars must be in a strictly vertical and stable position. Before starting the lesson, you should wipe the bar of the crossbar with a dry rag and sand it with fine sandpaper.
4. At least once a school year, it is necessary to carefully inspect suspended equipment (rope, pole, rings) and gymnastic walls. Especially often and carefully you should check the reliability of fastening the projectiles. Ropes, poles, gymnastic walls must be strong and securely attached to the ceiling or wall. Thread breaks and knots are not allowed on ropes. The poles and slats of the gymnastic wall must be smooth and free of cracks and chips.
5. In the preparatory part of the lesson, when performing general developmental exercises, especially with objects, it is necessary to indicate the appropriate distances and intervals so that students do not touch each other, which can lead to bruises. The warm-up should include preparatory exercises of directed influence.
To prepare the wrist joint, rotational movements of the hand are used; jumping and moving on hands while lying down; from a standing position, bent over, fall forward into a lying position.
The ankle joint is prepared by rotating the foot; raising on toes with springy swaying, etc.
To prepare the elbow and shoulder joints, perform: rotational and jerking movements; flexion and extension of the arms. It is effective to perform these exercises using gymnastic sticks and weights, such as dumbbells.
Preparation between the vertebral joints includes: bending and deep bending; various turns and rotations.
When performing flexibility exercises, it is necessary to take into account the level of physical fitness of the participants, since some exercises (for example, splits) can cause damage to the muscular-ligamentous apparatus.
6. In the main part of the lesson, assistance and insurance are important for safety. Assistance in gymnastics is facilitating the student’s actions when performing exercises. It helps students develop a correct understanding of the exercise and master the technique of performing it; used when students have insufficient development of muscle strength, coordination abilities, and speed.
The following help options are available:
guiding – the actions of the physical education teacher accompany the student throughout the entire exercise or its individual part, phase;
fixation – the teacher delays the student at a certain point of movement;
pushing – short-term assistance when moving a student from bottom to top;
support – short-term assistance when moving a student from top to bottom;
twist – short-term assistance to the student when performing turns;
combined assistance - the use of various techniques applied simultaneously and sequentially.
Help, as a rule, is provided at the initial stage of learning a new exercise. As you master the technique of performing the exercise, direct assistance is replaced by insurance, which allows you to solve the problems of psychological preparation of those involved (overcoming fear), as well as avoid injury.

Insurance is the provision of safety when performing exercises, carried out by the physical education teacher or class students. Depending on the complexity of the exercise, one person or several people at the same time belay. You cannot put students who are not prepared for this on insurance.
All those involved should be trained not only in assistance and insurance techniques, but also in self-insurance so that they can independently get out of dangerous situations.

Self-insurance is pre-learned safety techniques used by the practitioner himself to prevent injuries. For example, you can prevent falling from the apparatus by timely stopping the movement, jumping off the apparatus, performing additional movements (bending the arms, legs, torso to slow down the inertial movement), and changing the exercise.

It is very important to learn how to land correctly when falling: when falling backwards, you need to sit down, bend over and roll backwards; when falling forward, roll forward or fall flat while lying down, elastically bending your arms.

The person standing on the belay must choose the right place to provide the belay and, without interfering with the exercise, skillfully use different belay techniques. So, when performing exercises on the uneven bars, you cannot keep your hands above the poles in the path of the student’s movements. On the crossbar, rings and parallel bars of different heights, belay is performed either by standing exactly under the projectile, or by moving slightly as the swing progresses. It is especially necessary to belay students while performing a dismount (the belayer must be located directly near the landing site). When performing vaults on a horse (goat), belay standing directly at the landing site, supporting the student by the hand.

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