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As a site of unusual, curious and strange news, the site, of course, could not ignore the topic of unusual and strange hobbies. Initially, we wanted to select for you the ten strangest hobbies and hobbies . But, due to the fact that there are much more than 10 of them, for now we present the most unusual hobbies in our opinion, but most likely due to a very, very large number of unusual and strange hobbies and hobbies, our section the strangest hobbies in the world will be constant. Perhaps after reading this post you will also stop collecting banal coins, stamps and postcards, and become interested in something unusual.

So check yourself to see if you can get carried away with one of the strangest and most unusual hobbies in the world.

Let's read about the strangest hobbies in the world and see what kind of strange things people like to collect. Although it is now considered that there is nothing unusual to have a hobby, but if you start collecting belly button fluff in large jars (yes, believe me, there are such hobbies)… some may call this activity very, very strange indeed, but this is what can make you famous!

Or what if someone really likes collecting animal skeletons? So let's all take a look at some of the weirdest hobbies in the world. Enjoy!

1. The world's largest paint ball.

Some call it strange hobby, others look at the results achieved with admiration, but one thing is for sure, Mike Carmichael became famous precisely because of his passion! The life of a decorator (or, in simple terms, a dyer) seemed boring to him, and adding a little imagination, he decided that you can always find something good, even if you do it all the time. Even if from day to day you just paint and paint. Back in January 1977, Mike decided to paint a baseball...

The world's largest paintball.

With 22,894 layers of paint applied to the ball, it now weighs 1,587 kg (3,500 lbs). People from all over the world now come to add a layer of paint to the ball, not to the ball, although in English language it means the same thing.

Back in January 1977, Mike decided to paint a baseball...

The ball is so large that it requires reinforced metal rods to hang it. The first coat of paint was added by son Mike Carmichael, and has been maintained ever since Golden Rule for those who add color to the ball - everyone new color should be different from the previous ones. So if you want to add your own layer of paint to the largest ball of paint, you will need to choose your color correctly.

At first Mike just decided to paint the baseball...

The most interesting thing is that this hobby has many fans, as evidenced by photographs of other paint balls.

2. The kindest hobby.

For many rich and very wealthy people, charity has already become something of a hobby. Moreover, in the world there really are very a large number of volunteers and volunteers helping people. But there is one person who has truly taken charity to a passion.

A certain Reed Sandridge, immediately after he was unexpectedly fired from his job, decided to give away money free of charge to those in need in order to somehow help people. For this purpose, he specially allocates 10 dollars a day and gives it to the person in need, in his opinion. He meticulously writes down all the good deeds he has done during the day in a special notebook, so that the memory of those whom he helped will always be with him.

This is not only an unusual hobby, but sometimes also fun. But to be honest, while it may look fun, or some even look really cute, seriously...poor dogs! Some people in China have a very peculiar hobby... they "tune" dogs. Even though it may seem strange, just take a look at the photos below... these dogs really are extremely glamorous, like a work of art... but with fur!

4. Houses of cards.

The site has already written about this hobby.

Enthusiasm card games Usually it doesn’t lead to any good, but as it turned out, not always.

All boys dream of anything in childhood, some want to become an astronaut, some want to become a President, some just rich, some an architect, and some just famous. It would seem how to combine this in one dream? Bert McLane from Los Angeles succeeded. He became both a rich and famous architect. And all because he knows how to build card “houses” better than anyone else.

5. Belly button fluff.

No matter how strange and even “disgusting” it may sound to some, another unusual hobby that is increasingly more people begins to get carried away, this is collecting fluff from the navel. Yes, yes, exactly fluff. The pioneer of this hobby was Graham Barker, who introduced the fashion for collecting navel fluff. What he has been doing successfully for more than 20 years, in connection with this he even got into famous book Guinness records. And after that he and his hobby became quite popular. When asked why he does this, he always answers the same: “Why not?”

Human hobbies today are limitless, it’s hard to argue with that. We have already told you about many of them, but there are still some hobbies that, due to their novelty and sometimes even unusualness, many of you have not even thought about! And today we will tell you about them in detail!


One of the most interesting and exciting hobbies today is geocaching. This kind of hobby has great amount varieties and forms. Depending on the scale of a particular game - a competition to find a treasure, not only very wealthy individuals, but also quite ordinary people can engage in geocaching.

We have already mentioned a little about its essence. In more detail, the whole point of the game is to find a treasure buried somewhere. As a rule, several teams take part at once, and the team that finds the treasure first is the winner. If we talk about the scale of the game, geocaching is played both at the city level and at the the whole country or even peace!

To practice geocaching, any beginner will have to acquire the necessary knowledge about the features of the game and skills, as well as necessary equipment. You can read more about geocaching .


Bookcrossing is rightfully one of the most , which, although poorly developed, has still found hundreds and thousands of admirers around the world. Its essence lies in the fact that a person, having read a particular book, marks it in a special way and leaves it in any accessible place. Next, the coordinates of this book are posted on a forum or bookcrosser portal, which allows another person to find it and carry out the same manipulations in the future.

The main idea of ​​this hobby is to support the worldwide circulation of books. Admirers of this hobby firmly believe that someday it will take on impressive proportions and will be able to turn the whole world into one big library.


Literal translation from English. Slacklining sounds like "walking on a line." The whole main essence of such a hobby, the level which depends on the length of the sling (cable) and the height of its attachment, consists in the practice of balancing, moving along a sling (usually nylon or polyester) stretched between two stationary objects (stations).

The level of difficulty of passing the “track” directly depends on the width and structure of the line. The degree of line tension can be adjusted based on the preferences of a particular slackliner, based on his level of training and experience.

There are many forms of slacklining today. There is even a stunt slackline, the essence of which is not in the usual walking and balancing on a sling, but in performing technically and physically difficult tasks. on a tight rope, requiring the line walker to have serious physical training and experience in such an extreme hobby.

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Everyone spends their leisure time differently. Some read books, others draw, others prefer sports or dancing, and some just lie on the couch in front of the TV. There are many options for spending time, but among them there are also some rather strange hobbies.

1 – Toy traveling

The essence of this unusual hobby is to send your toys to trip around the world. For this purpose, the ToyVoyagers website was created, where a diary of a toy is kept, where you can choose a temporary home for it with its owners, send and receive photos. But if you want to bring the “traveler” home, the temporary owners will send the toy home.

2 – Extreme ironing

David Fitzgerald from the UK, also known as "Safety Setting", became interested in extreme ironing in 1997. From a simple security officer environment David turned into a real extreme sportsman. He irons clothes underwater while skydiving or mountain climbing. Not everyone can adopt such a hobby.

3 – Dog grooming, China

Perhaps one of the most eccentric hobbies you can imagine. For the competition, the owners cut and dye the dogs in such a way that they become like other animals or objects. the main objective competition, which takes place in China, of course, money! For winning it you can get 30 thousand US dollars. I wonder what animal activists say about this hobby.

4 – Muing

There is a strange competition in Wisconsin where participants moo. Whoever imitates a cow's moo the best wins Grand Prize competition. The last winner There was a ten year old boy named Austin who was rewarded with $1000, a gold bell and a cow costume.

5 – Train surfing

Train surfing as a hobby originated in Germany in the 1980s. Crazy hobby is considered one of the most dangerous in the world, and for good reason. Trainsurfers climb onto the roofs of trains and perform tricks: jumping or running on high speed. In search of adrenaline, the most reckless train surfers climb onto the roofs of high-speed trains. More than 40 people a year die just from trying to learn to surf on a train.

6 – Vehicle tattooing

Taiwanese pensioner Lee Zongxiong paints unusual graffiti on cars. Lee became interested in unusual tattooing Vehicle in 1999. The drawings are words from sacred Buddhist texts that the Taiwanese paints on the fenders, roof, license plates and even on car windows.

Lee only paints on his own cars, of which there are four in the family. His grandson promised to buy a big bus when he grows up so that his grandfather can enjoy his hobby.

7 – Participate in news in the background

Paul Yarrow from the UK has been in the news more than once. We have seen him on BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Sky News. Paul appears in the areas where the news crew is located and creeps into the background of the frame, playing a random passerby.

8. Collecting belly button fluff

Since 1984, Australian Graham Barker has been collecting perhaps the strangest collection in the world - belly button fluff. Over the years of his hobby, he collected 22 grams of fluff, for which he was included in the Guinness Book of Records. He sold his collection to the Australian Museum.

9 – Ecstasy Collection

In 2009, a man called Dutch authorities to report the theft of his ecstasy collection, which included more than 2,400 tablets. He knew it was illegal, but was concerned about the danger to his collection. The Dutchman has been collecting narcotic pills for more than 20 years.

10 – The largest paint ball

American Michael Carmichael applied 22,894 layers of paint to a baseball. One day he decided to paint his ball, and later came up with a new hobby - applying a new layer of paint on top of the old one, always of a different color. Since 1977, the ball has increased its weight to 1588 kg and has become a real attraction.

11 – Dorodango

A Japanese hobby that involves polishing mud balls. The strange hobby was a traditional hobby of Japanese children. There is even a specific technique for creating mirror-smooth mud balls.

12 – Faking Death

They say that after faking death in DPS and murder, Chuck was invited to a movie where he would play a corpse.

13 – Collecting paper bags

Some people collect sanitary paper bags that are provided in hospitals or airplanes. One of the largest collections is collected by a Singaporean buggyist - it includes 388 packages from 186 airlines. Now, for those who are passionate about this hobby, there are websites where you can buy paper bags from different companies.

14 – Carousel ride

A 78-year-old man from the USA went on rides 90 times in one day. For Vic Clement these are quite ordinary numbers. Since childhood, he loves carousels and can ride on them for several hours without a break. Throughout his life, Vic has tried many rides, riding them more than 4,000 times.

15 – Collecting handcuffs

Frank Reno collected the most large collection handcuffs in the world. It contains 377 copies. Frank took up the hobby in 1995. The collection can be seen at blacksteel.com.

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You don't know how to entertain yourself in the evening? Don't you want to do cross stitch or go horseback riding? Look at the list of unusual hobbies. These classes are non-trivial and interesting. Yes, they will require you to invest effort and money, but then you will be able to do what you love.

Sand painting

One of the unusual hobbies, which became popular thanks to Ksenia Simonova, has captured the minds of people. Drawing with sand is something that even a person far from art can learn. Yes, drawing skills will undoubtedly be required. But drawing silhouette images is much easier than making similar work using pencil and paper. You should come up with or find a suitable image and then use your fingers to draw it on the sand. This exciting activity develops creative thinking.

If you don't mind tracing images on a flat surface, you can create designs inside the bottle. This activity can become one of your creative hobbies. To do this you will need sand or colored salt. You need to pour the material into the bottle in layers, and then use a long sharp stick to create a pattern. A little evening practice, and you will be creating non-trivial handmade gifts within an hour. This hobby can even be turned into a business.

Scotch tape paintings

Creative people use a creative approach to create their masterpieces. For example, Max Zorn - Dutch artist, uses tape as a material for her works. This unusual hobby made him famous throughout the world. But you can also try yourself in this art form. There is nothing complicated here. If you don't know how to draw, but have a good feel for shape, you can print out silhouettes of people and “color” them with tape. It's not difficult at all.

It is enough to break the drawing into light and shadow parts, and then sculpt the required shape. This way you can create not only portraits. You can draw nature, architecture or cartoon scenes. Even a primitive image made using this technique will look amazing. If it’s difficult for you to immediately get into the idea, you can start by copying several paintings by the Dutchman. This will help you understand the essence of working with tape. And don’t think that copying is not creativity. All famous artists At first, all they did was redraw the paintings of recognized masters.

Coffee bean paintings

Do you want to find unusual hobbies? Consider creating art from coffee beans. Even people who do not know how to draw can master this type of creativity. The fact is that creating silhouettes is much easier than regular ones. full-fledged paintings. You only need to print the appropriate image in the lines and fill it. With just a week of practice, you can create your first artistic work. The main thing in this type of creativity is accuracy and painstakingness.


There are different types of hobbies. Some of them are creative, others are sports, and others are aimed at self-development and self-improvement. Ebru is a creative hobby. What does this incomprehensible word mean?

Ebru is the Turkish art of water painting. The basin is filled with a special solution, which can be purchased at any art store, and then paint is poured into the water using a knitting needle. Paintings are created by mixing layers of color pigment. Do you think it's difficult? No. A little practice, creativity and developed imagination will help you become good artist.

slate art

What are some hobbies that help develop creative skills? One of them is slate art. And if you thought that such work was done with a pencil, then you are mistaken. They are created on a pencil, or rather, on its lead.

Skilled craftsmen can carve jewelry. For example, it could be a caravan of camels or the profile of a woman. One of the popular themes is intertwined hearts. It takes more than one year to master this hobby. First of all, a person must become a sculptor and jeweler, and only then will he be able to create works of art from fragile lead.

Photographic art

What are your hobbies? Today, one of the most popular leisure activities of people is photography. Of course, amateur photography on a phone cannot be considered art. But the creation of creative works using professional equipment can become not only a hobby, but also a job. Wedding photographers start by making photography their hobby. They train their eyes, learn to use equipment, set the light correctly and choose a good angle. After years of practice, they get wonderful shots that help them earn money through their favorite activity.

Writing fanfiction

One of the hobbies is literary creativity. But it is not necessary to create your own universe and invent heroes. If you have a favorite book but don't like the ending, or want to make a spin-off storyline main thing, then you can do it. Write fanfic. What it is? This piece of art, which is based on an existing story. But you don’t copy it, but complement it or redo it a little. Sometimes they're like that creative works may become more popular than the work they are a parody of. Just remember Fifty Shades of Gray. This book, according to one version, was written as fan fiction for Twilight.


Do you love dress up parties? Then the fashionable hobby called cosplay is simply created for you. unique masquerades in which adults become heroes of their favorite comics, historical eras or TV series. There are a lot of cosplays, and they are all of different genres. You can choose the one you like. You need to prepare for such events in advance. All participants sew their own costumes or order them from a studio. It is in this preparation that costplayers find their main pleasure. The process of creating an image is more important for many than performing in a suit during the evening.

Breeding butterflies

A century ago, people raised pigeons. This was a hobby not only for aristocrats, but also for ordinary townspeople. Even today you can find people who are not indifferent to these birds. But there are very few of them. But breeding butterflies can become an unusual hobby and passion. Some are fascinated by the process of emergence beautiful creation from the cocoon, others simply enjoy looking at the colorful beauty. And also many people turn this hobby into a profitable business.

Today it is fashionable to order butterflies for a wedding, Valentine's Day or birthday. Guys confess their love to girls, using winged creatures to achieve greater effect. You can breed butterflies for yourself, or you can sell them. In any case, this unusual hobby will bring unprecedented pleasure.

Edible creativity

What is the most fashionable hobby today? Of course it's baking. Cooking professionally - difficult task. Even an inept housewife can bake cupcakes and buns at home. But not everyone can create small masterpieces from culinary products. Therefore, people who have creative thinking and can knead dough have firmly occupied the baking niche. Girls in free time can create small cakes or complex compositions, which are decorated with mastic. Housewives bake pancakes or make Viennese waffles.

If you don't know what to do in your spare time, give preference to cooking. Relatives and friends will definitely appreciate your new hobby. And also, with the proper skill, you can set up mass production. For example, bake cookies for the holidays and sell them to colleagues. Or perhaps you will enjoy assembling gingerbread houses and you can make money by creating them.


Unusual hobbies for men it is a collection of miniature models. Many boys are interested in building with Lego as children. But when boys grow up, they become less interested in combining plastic parts. The soul requires something more. But not everyone becomes architects and engineers. Some go into law or medicine. But they spend their leisure time building miniature cities. It could be like collective images our homeland, and realistic city projects. Moreover, some reach such a level of mastery when they launch miniature cars around the city, turn on the lights in the windows and start trains.

Houses of cards

An interesting and unusual hobby is construction. But not in the standard sense of the word. Everyone has tried such masterpieces. But few people reach good luck in this type of activity. Some limit themselves to buildings of three floors, while others erect “large-scale structures.” Moreover, many are fascinated not so much by the process of creating such a structure as by the process of its destruction. But such destroyers prefer building with dominoes. This is also a kind of hobby, which today is considered almost art. Why? The thing is, once the dominoes fall, they create interesting images.

Throughout life, every person tries to find himself, his place in life and a hobby that would bring joy and pleasure. Most often, people find an outlet in drawing, singing, creating something with their own hands, but there are some unique people who come up with absolutely unthinkable and ridiculous entertainment, to which a common person It's unlikely that he'll think of it. Some of these unexpected entertainments even managed to bring eccentrics popularity, making them famous people. In the continuation of the article you will find the 7 strangest hobbies in the world!

Filing claims in court

Court is something that many, at least sensible people, try to avoid, but not Jonathan Lee Riches, who entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most litigious person in the world. IN this moment he is serving time for fraud in a federal prison in Kentucky.

In pursuit of “legal masterpieces,” Riches has filed 2,600 lawsuits in various federal district courts from 2006 to the present day. The targets of his litigiousness included former US President George W. Bush, Somali pirates, the disappeared American labor leader Jimmy Hoffa, Holocaust survivors, the Roman Empire and even Buddhist monks. Jonathan Lee Riches has also sued various scientific ideas and inanimate objects, including the Lincoln Memorial, the Dark Ages and the Eiffel Tower.

Collecting ecstasy

In 2009, the police in the city of Irbeek (Netherlands) received a strange call: a 46-year-old man reported that an unknown person had stolen a collection of ecstasy from his home, which was stored in coin albums and numbered more than 2,400 tablets.

According to the victim, he himself never used drugs and was well aware that his unusual hobby was illegal. The man decided to report to the police for the simple reason that several dozen tablets in his stolen collection were poisonous.

The Irbik authorities did not press charges against him due to a lack of direct evidence. The man said that he no longer hopes to see his amphetamine collection again.

Flying... without a plane

Have you ever jumped from a plane with a parachute? And without a plane in a wingsuit, soaring like a bird above the ground?

Wingsuits appeared in the early 1930s and were made of canvas and whale bone, which naturally had a negative impact on the duration, range and safety of the flight.

Modern wingsuits began to be developed in the mid-1990s. Thanks to their improved design, they allow the athlete to travel tens of kilometers through the air (the current record is just over 27 km) when falling from a height of 5,000 meters.

Purchasing a wingsuit in the United States, for example, is quite difficult, since the government of the country, as well as a number of manufacturers, require a person to have serious experience in this matter - at least 200 standard free fall jumps, completed no earlier than 18 months before submitting the request to buy a suit.

Extreme ironing

Ironing clothes is a rather boring and tedious task. What if you combine it with rock climbing, snowboarding and other extreme sports? “Nonsense,” you say. But no!

It all started in 1997, when a resident of the East Midlands (a region in England) named Phil Shaw was given a choice: stay at home and do his favorite thing - ironing - or go rock climbing with friends. Being a completely sensible person, Shaw decided to combine both, therefore, in addition to climbing equipment, he also took with him an ironing board and an iron. This is how a new hobby was born - extreme ironing, which in 15 years managed to conquer the whole world. Fans of the sport (if you can call it that) have ironed their shirts on kayaks, mountaintops, and even in the middle of busy highways.

Participation in artistic dog grooming competitions

People who take part in dog grooming competitions “abuse” the poor animals as much as they want. What can I say?! Judge for yourself:

News bombing

Some people make history, while others are constantly trying to “get noticed” in news reports, just at the moment when this story is being conveyed to the audience. These background characters are called “news bombers.”

The man who is captured in all the frames presented below is London resident Paul Yarrow. Over the course of several years, he managed to appear in many reports from such well-known television companies as the BBC, al Jazeera, Sky News and others.

Yarrow finds out about the places from which the live broadcast will be broadcast, comes there, and while the correspondent talks on camera about the events that took place, he simply stands in the background, not disturbing anyone.

Trainsurfing (travel outside trains)

Trainsurfing originated in Germany in the 1980s and from there spread throughout to the globe. Its essence is to find a train - the faster the better - jump on it and, probably, die after that. What other consequences can we expect from such a dangerous undertaking?

In 2008, more than 40 people, mostly young, died from train jumping in Germany.

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