Sister of Oksana Samoilova. Yulia Samoilova's cousin starred in candid photo shoots for men's magazines

13.03.2017 17:04 12045

Internet users are actively discussing rumors that the representative of Russia at Eurovision is a relative of 28-year-old Oksana Samoilova, the wife of rapper Dzhigan.

The other day it became known that 27-year-old Yulia Samoilova will represent Russia at Eurovision 2017. Then there were rumors that Yulia was the sister of another very famous girl, Oksana Samoilova, the woman portal writes.

Both Samoilovs were born in the city of Ukhta, with a difference of one year. Both also have a brother, although if Yulia writes that his name is Eugene, then Oksana, who walked at her brother's wedding two years ago, prefers to hide his name.

Also on the official page of the singer in the biography it is written: “In order to deal with the offender or the offender, I incited my brother and sister to “brutal reprisal”. Oksana, Zhenya and I were like three musketeers! One for all and all for one!".

Yulia Samoilova became famous in 2013 thanks to her participation in the Factor A talent show, where Alla Pugacheva appreciated her vocal abilities. The prima donna has repeatedly admitted that for her the young singer is an absolute favorite.

Russia at Eurovision 2017 will be 27-year-old Yulia Samoilova, who has been confined to a wheelchair since childhood. The singer will perform the song Flame Is Burning.

Yulia's candidacy as a participant in Eurovision has caused controversy on the Web. Some believe that the girl will succeed, while others are sure that it was not worth sending a disabled singer to Kyiv.Many celebrities, including Alla Pugacheva, stood up for the singer.


Yulia's relatives also support her and believe that she will cope with everything. By the way, it recently turned out that among the relatives of the artist there are well-known personalities in show business. It turned out that Yulia is the cousin of the wife of rapper Dzhigan Oksana Samoilova.

On March 20, Channel One released the release of the program “Let them talk”, dedicated to Yulia. Not only the singer herself came to the studio of the show, but also her relatives, as well as friends and teachers. A surprise for Samoilova was a video message from her cousin Oksana and her husband Dzhigan.

“Yulia and I are paternal cousins. Until the age of 15, we grew up together, in the same city, even in the same house. Then I left for Moscow, and she arrived a little later. Julia wanted to sing all her life, but I didn’t want anything (laughs). We were punished in the same way, scolded in the same way, that is, our parents did not make any difference between us. She grew up like a completely normal child. Perhaps because of this, what is happening now is happening. We are proud, we are happy. A person has been striving for this all his life, ”said Oksana.

Frame from the transmission

Dzhigan admitted that he himself would not have gone to Eurovision: “I think that such contests ... are a slightly different story. I don't like him, to be honest. But for Julia - this is a class! I look at the comments about this and wonder. Many are unhappy. People start talking to me about this, not knowing that Yulia is my relative. I don’t even want to listen to this, I immediately interrupt and say that this is my relative. People immediately turn pale, blush.

The couple wished Yulia good luck and victory: “Yul, we love you, we wish you good luck. Walk this path with your head held high as you go through life. We will get sick. Victory!

How many people with disabilities achieve great success in their careers? And now you can safely discard at least half of those who were able to climb to the top from among them. One of these is Yulia Samoilova. It is hardly appropriate to talk about luck or luck here, because what this girl did is not a miracle, but the result of hard work on herself, and, of course, talent. But in order to perform on stage in front of an audience of thousands, Yulia had to overcome many fears and complexes.

The girl wanted to be seen as a talented performer, and not as a miserable disabled person who received applause only because she decided to go on stage. I must say that she succeeded and now the whole country knows about her and is proud of Yulia.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Samoilova

As soon as the young girl began to gain popularity, rumors immediately spread about her height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Samoilova? She turned 29 this year. There is no data on the height and weight of the girl. No one for sure was interested in what parameters a disabled girl has.

Today, Yulia Samoilova (photos in her youth and now almost do not differ) is very popular, but many prophesy that the peak of the singer's fame is yet to come. One cannot but agree with this, because all the Eurovision participants automatically attract the views and attention of millions of compatriots. In the last year, Yulia was not allowed to compete in Ukraine for political reasons, but this year she will definitely get there.

Biography and personal life of Yulia Samoilova

Since the girl woke up famous, everyone is interested in the biography and personal life of Yulia Samoilova. The singer was born in Ukhta (Komi Republic), in a working-class family. Mother - Margarita Samoilova, father - Oleg Samoilov. As the girl's parents say, she was born healthy, and the illness that made her disabled caught Yulia later.

Despite all the difficulties that disabled children often face, Yulia went to a regular school, despite the ridicule of children. It was hard, but also instructive. The girl did not want to feel flawed, wanting to gain knowledge in a regular school.

Everything that Yulia Samoilova faced in her childhood and youth made her stronger, she became independent and stubborn, which helped her achieve good results in her career.

Of course, Yulia did not dream that the girl would be able to perform on stage with popular Russian singers. The first enthusiasm for vocals was still at children's matinees, since that time Julia began to study vocals with her mother, and later with a teacher.

In her youth, Yulia Samoilova often sang at discos, won prizes at song contests in the region. 10 years ago, the girl also managed to lead a group that lasted two years.

The first and main step of Yulia in show business was participation in the song TV project "Factor A". Then, she managed to conquer the jury and touch the audience with a gentle performance of the composition "Prayer". At the end of the project, Yulia took second place and received the Alla Pugacheva prize.

In 2017, Yulia Samoilova was supposed to perform at the Eurovision Song Contest, but due to political differences between countries, the girl was banned from entering Ukraine. In the same year, Yulia Samoilova will go to the international competition, only with a different song.

Although it is difficult for people with disabilities to arrange their personal lives, but this is not about today's heroine. Yulia Samoilova is the wife of Alexei Taran.

Family and children of Yulia Samoilova

The network often flashes news on the topic "Family and children of Yulia Samoilova." As you know, the girl leads her own vlog, in which you can see how the everyday life of a rising star goes. It was from the vlog that fans of creativity learned that she became the godmother for the baby of her friends. Unfortunately, the girl cannot have her own children.

In general, the family of Yulia Samoilova consists of her parents, husband and cousin, who turned out to be the notorious Oksana Samoilova, model and wife of the popular Dzhigan. Whether Oksana keeps in touch with her relative Yulia is unknown.

Yulia's mother worked in the service sector, and her father was a miner.

According to the singer herself, now a whole team has also become her family, which is preparing her to participate in Eurovision 2018.

Husband of Yulia Samoilova - Alexey Taran

The husband of the wheelchair-bound singer attracts a lot of attention. The first and only husband of Yulia Samoilova is Alexei Taran. Usually, girls with disabilities do not bathe in male attention, and therefore, they do not sort out offers. This is definitely not an option for Julia, who gained self-confidence over time. The girl met a guy on a social network without reporting her disability. When meeting in reality, the guy was not scared off by the sight of Yulia. But this was only the beginning of the trials that she prepared for her chosen one. As the girl herself admits, due to her bad character, she repeatedly tested the man for strength, and he steadfastly endured Julia's whims, thanks to which he received love and reciprocity.

To this day, Julia is surprised at their union with Alexei, because they have little in common, apparently, a simple law played a role here: “Opposites attract!”.

Illness of Yulia Samoilova - why is she in a chair

As soon as the girl went on stage, they immediately began to wonder what kind of illness Yulia Samoilova was - why was she in the chair? According to the singer, she was born completely healthy, but with the disease gene. She could have lived a normal life with the Werding-Hoffmann gene for spinal amyotrophy, but the polio shot had dire consequences.

It was vaccination that became the impetus for the fact that at the age of 13 Yulia received a disability (the first group). This is a terrible disease that forever chained the girl to a wheelchair, but did not break her spirit. Nevertheless, despite all the obstacles that Yulia has to overcome on her way, she not only did not give up, she spread her wings and flies towards her dream.

Yulia Samoilova song for Eurovision 2018

Yulia Samoilova's song at Eurovision 2018 made a lot of noise. Some consider the girl not talented enough to participate in such a large-scale song contest from Russia. Someone suspects that the country is using the singer's limited opportunities to take first place in the competition. Nevertheless, most of the listeners approved of the song with which the girl will go to represent the country in Portugal this year.

Yulia Samoilova is a talented young singer whose energy and determination are admirable, because the girl is confined to a wheelchair, but this did not prevent her from achieving success in the musical field. In 2013, she became a finalist in the Factor A music competition and received a personal honorary prize from Alla Pugacheva. In 2017, Yulia Samoilova was chosen as the representative of Russia at the Eurovision music contest, but Ukraine, which hosted the contest this year, refused to let her into the country, so in 2018 the singer went to represent the country in Lisbon bypassing the qualifying competitions, but did not reach the final.

Childhood of Yulia Samoilova. Disease

Yulia was born and raised in the city of Ukhta, Komi Republic. In Soviet times, people from all over the country came to work there, for the same reason Yulia's parents ended up there. My father worked as a miner, my mother worked in the service sector.

The family lived a simple happy life until misfortune happened. After an unsuccessful vaccination against polio (according to the singer's relatives, in reality, vaccination cannot be the cause of this disease), little Yulia began to have health problems. She stopped walking, began to melt before our eyes. The treatment did not give positive dynamics, the doctors' forecasts were disappointing. By the age of 13, the girl was diagnosed with spinal amyotrophy of Werdnig-Hoffmann and given the first group of disability.

However, little Julia turned out to be a real fighter. Ignoring the ridicule of cruel peers, she attended a regular school. In the end, offensive attacks in her direction stopped, the girl learned to “take a hit” and solve her problems herself. This was greatly helped by parents who never treated their daughter as a disabled person, as well as music lessons, which became the meaning of her whole life.

Even in early childhood, the girl showed excellent vocal abilities. She still remembers her first performance at the New Year's party, where for the performance of Tatyana Bulanova's song "Don't Cry", the young artist received a flurry of applause and received a huge doll as a gift. From that moment on, she began to study vocals: first with her mother, and then with a professional teacher from the local Palace of Pioneers.

At the age of 10, Julia performed at a big concert for the first time, feeling like a professional artist. Since then, she regularly performed at school discos, repeatedly became the laureate of regional music competitions, and worked as a singer in a local restaurant for six months. In 2008, the girl organized her own rock band, which lasted two years.

Yulia Samoilova on the show "Factor A"

The turning point in the life of the young singer was participation in the music competition "Factor A" in 2013. Julia hesitated for a long time whether she should get involved in this adventure. However, her parents supported her, and the young man Yulia volunteered to accompany her to Moscow.

"Factor A": Yulia Samoilova - Prayer (2013)

The talented girl immediately made an impression on the selection committee and easily passed the casting. And during the performance of the contest song “Prayer”, the jury members, headed by Alla Pugacheva, greeted Yulia standing up. As a result, Samoilova took second place and received Alla's personal Golden Star from the hands of the Prima Donna.

This competition was a powerful impetus in the future career of the singer. She remained in Moscow and continued her active creative work. Julia collaborated with many famous artists, including Olga Kormukhina, Gosha Kutsenko, Lolita; actively toured the country, took part in music festivals.

Yulia Samoilova - We are together (Paralympic Games in Sochi)

In 2014, the singer was invited to perform at the opening ceremony of the Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi. The girl sang the song "We are together", the words of which touched all the audience:

Anything can happen my friend
You believe in luck, don't be sad
We can go through everything together

Eurovision scandal

In March 2017, it became known that Yulia Samoilova would represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest in Kyiv. The composition Flame is Burning (“The fire is burning”) by Leonid Gutkin, who previously helped Dina Garipova and Polina Gagarina with songs for Eurovision, was chosen for the competition.

When the Russians learned about the results of the selection, the majority unanimously supported the brave girl. There were also those who did not advise Yulia Samoilova to go to Eurovision, but only because the contest was to be held in Kyiv. Supporters of this point of view were worried that due to the tense political situation, the girl might be offended.

Julia Samoilova – Flame is Buning

Not without scandal. A couple of days before the announcement of the selection results on another Channel One project - the Minute of Glory show - Renata Litvinova, who was on the jury, insulted the one-legged dancer Yevgeny, advising him to "fasten the other leg." After that, some viewers considered the choice of Yulia Samoilova a kind of "curtsey towards the disabled", offended by the phrase voiced on the federal channel. Julia herself called this incident ridiculous.

But foreign Internet users did not greet the choice of Russia so warmly. It was not Yulia herself who was criticized (her performance, on the contrary, was highly appreciated), but the decision of Channel One, which many called "a forbidden reception." “Slavic countries, stop using people with disabilities in your propaganda!”, “Russia sends a girl to an embrasure as a target for booing. Hold on, Yulia! ”, - such comments were encountered in the discussion of her performance on the official website of the competition.

However, a week after the announcement of the results of the selection, the SBU banned Yulia from entering Ukraine for a three-year period. According to representatives of the department, the singer violated the legislation of Ukraine - in 2015 she visited the Crimean peninsula, which was regarded as a violation of the state border. As a result, Russia refused to participate in the competition. Moreover, all federal channels refused to broadcast Eurovision.

Personal life of Yulia Samoilova

Yulia has a common-law husband Alexei Taran, whom she met at the age of 20 via the Internet. Since then, the young man has always been close to his beloved, supporting her in all endeavors.

Now Alexey organizes her concerts and accompanies her on tour, being the administrator and tour manager of the singer.

Julia Samoilova now

After Yulia was refused to be allowed into the territory of Ukraine, Channel One prepared an official statement: in 2018, Yulia Samoilova will represent Eurovision without any castings, regardless of which country will become the winner and the next host of the contest. The disabled Portuguese singer Salvador Sobral won, and in May 2018 Julia traveled to Lisbon.

Eurovision: Yulia Samoilova - I won't break

However, Yulia and her song “I won’t break” (“I won’t break”) failed to reach the final of the show. Since the organizers of the contest introduced the division into semi-finals in 2004, Russia has always reached the Eurovision final.

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