What kind of person can be considered responsive to the arguments of crime and punishment. Self-justification or self-deception of Raskolnikov (based on Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment") What does it mean to be "responsive"

In abundance of all human characters, traits, properties, there are such definitions as courage and cowardice. But what does this mean? What kind of person can be called a brave man, and what kind of a coward? And what is true courage? Does the school bully boldly act, offending those who are younger, weaker, those who cannot stand up for themselves? And will a person be called a coward who kept silent about an insulting statement addressed to him?

There is courage, thoughtless, stupid.

For example, the courage of a guy who climbs on the roof to impress. And there is real courage, such that makes soldiers rush into battle, that guides a person when he protects others with himself. Truly brave were such people as Gagarin, who first flew into space. What was waiting for him there? Emptiness. But still he didn't flinch. The hero of Russia Alexander Prokhorenko was also brave. What moved him there, behind enemy lines, when he called fire on himself? Of course it was incredible courage.

Taras Bulba from the work of the same name by Nikolai Gogol was a very brave man. His son Ostap was just as brave. When Ostap was executed, he only shouted: "Father!" And Taras answered him, risking his life, he supported his son for the last time. But Taras also has a younger son - Andriy, his courage on the night when he steals food for his beloved is explained not by strength of character, but only by the recklessness of a man in love.

Performing a feat, a person is guided by different feelings - this is love for the motherland and love for relatives or a sense of duty. And what is a cowardly person guided by? For example, Rodion Raskolnikov, the hero of Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. The young man has a theory that people are divided into two classes. Either you are a trembling creature or you have the right. Rodion refers himself to the second category, but in the course of the story it becomes clear that in fact Rodion belongs to the first category. He did not think about the consequences, committing murder, he thought only that he would have money. And then, hiding from justice, he is tormented by doubts: maybe surrender? But he never makes any attempts to come to the police, only Sonya encourages him to repent.

Pontius Pilate from The Master and Margarita can also be called cowardly. When the procurator is faced with a choice: execute Yeshua and be safe, or listen to himself, but take a chance and pardon the condemned, he chooses the first. Because it makes him feel better. Cowards are selfish, they think only about themselves and doing things they think only about how it will be better for them. Courageous people think of others, which is why they can and do brave deeds.

All arguments for the final essay in the direction of "Courage and cowardice". Does it take courage to say no?

Some people are shy. Such people very often do not know how to refuse, which is used by others. The heroine of the story by A.P. Chekhov "". Yulia Vasilievna works as a governess for the narrator. She is characterized by shyness, but this quality of her reaches the point of absurdity. Even when she is openly oppressed, unfairly deprived of her earnings, she is silent, because her character does not allow her to fight back and say no. The behavior of the heroine shows us that courage is needed not only in emergency situations, but also in everyday life, when you need to stand up for yourself.

How is courage shown in war?

Extreme conditions, as a rule, reveal the true essence of a person. Confirmation of this can be found in the story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". During the war, Andrei Sokolov was captured by the Germans, he was starved, kept in a punishment cell for trying to escape, but he did not lose his human dignity, did not behave like a coward. The situation is indicative when, for careless words, the camp commandant called him to his place to shoot him. But Sokolov did not retract his words, did not show his fear to the German soldiers. He was ready to face death with dignity, for which he was spared his life. However, after the war, a more serious test awaited him: he learned that his wife and daughters had died, and only a funnel remained in place of the house. His son survived, but his father's happiness was short-lived: on the last day of the war, Anatoly was killed by a sniper. Despair did not break his spirit, he found the courage to continue life. He adopted a boy who also lost his entire family during the war. Thus, Andrei Sokolov shows a wonderful example of how to maintain dignity, honor and remain courageous in the most difficult life situations. Such people make the world better and kinder.

How is courage shown in war? What kind of person can be called brave?

War is a terrible event in the life of any person. It takes away friends and loved ones, makes children orphans, destroys hopes. War breaks some people, makes others stronger. A striking example of a bold strong-willed personality is Alexei Meresyev, the main character of B.N. Field. Meresyev, who had dreamed of becoming a professional fighter pilot all his life, was seriously wounded in battle, and both legs were amputated in the hospital. It seems to the hero that his life is over, he cannot fly, walk, loses hope of creating a family. Being in a military hospital and seeing an example of the courage of other wounded, he understands that he must fight. Every day, overcoming physical pain, Alexey does exercises. Soon he can walk and even dance. With all his might, Meresyev is trying to achieve admission to the flight school, because only in the sky does he feel in his place. Despite the serious requirements for the pilots, Alexey receives a positive response. The girl he loves does not refuse him: after the war they get married and have a son. Aleksey Meresyev is an example of a man with an unbending will, whose courage even the war could not break.

“In battle, those who are most in danger are those who are most obsessed with fear; courage is like a wall” G.S. Crisp
Do you agree with the statement of L. Lagerlöf: "When fleeing, more soldiers always die than in battle."

In the epic novel "War and Peace" you can find many examples of human behavior in war. So, officer Zherkov manifests himself as a person who is not ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of victory. During the battle of Shengraben, he shows cowardice, which leads to the death of many soldiers. By order of Bagration, he must go to the left flank with a very important message - an order to retreat. However, Zherkov is cowardly and does not convey the message. At this time, the French are attacking the left flank, and the authorities do not know what to do, because they did not receive any orders. Chaos begins: the infantry flees into the forest, and the hussars go on the attack. Because of the actions of Zherkov, a huge number of soldiers die. During this battle, young Nikolai Rostov is wounded, he, along with the hussars, boldly rushes to the attack, while other soldiers are in disarray. Unlike Zherkov, he did not chicken out, for which he was promoted to officer. On the example of one episode in the work, we can see the consequences of courage and cowardice in the war. Fear paralyzes some and makes others act. Neither flight nor fight guarantees the salvation of a life, but courageous behavior not only preserves honor, but also gives strength in battle, which increases the chances of survival.

How are the concepts of courage and self-confidence related? Courage to admit wrong. What is the difference between true courage and false courage? What's the difference between bold and risky? Does it take courage to admit your mistakes? Who can be called a coward?

Courage, expressed in excessive self-confidence, can lead to irreparable consequences. It is generally accepted that courage is a positive quality of character. This statement is true if it is associated with intelligence. but a fool is sometimes dangerous. So, in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Yu. Lermontov can find confirmation of this. The young cadet Grushnitsky, one of the characters in the chapter "Princess Mary", is an example of a person who pays great attention to outward manifestations of courage. He likes to have an effect on people, speaks in pompous phrases and pays excessive attention to his military uniform. He cannot be called a coward, but his courage is ostentatious, not aimed at real threats. Grushnitsky and Pechorin have a conflict, and offended pride requires a duel with Grigory. However, Grushnitsky decides on meanness and does not load the enemy's pistol. Learning about this puts him in a difficult situation: to ask for forgiveness or be killed. Unfortunately, the cadet cannot overcome his pride, he is ready to face death bravely, because recognition is unthinkable for him. His "courage" does no one any good. He dies because he does not realize that the courage to admit his mistakes is sometimes the most important thing.

How are the concepts of courage and riskiness, self-confidence, stupidity related? What is the difference between arrogance and courage?

Another character whose courage was stupid is Azamat, Bela's younger brother. He is not afraid of risk and bullets whistling over his head, but his courage is stupid, even fatal. He steals his sister from the house, risking not only his relationship with his father and his safety, but also Bela's happiness. His courage is not aimed either at self-defense or at saving lives, therefore it leads to sad consequences: his father and sister die at the hands of a robber, from whom he stole a horse, and he himself is forced to flee to the mountains. Thus, courage can lead to terrible consequences if used by a person to achieve goals or protect his ego.

Courage in love. Can love inspire people to great deeds?

Love inspires people to great deeds. So, the main characters of O. Henry's story "" showed an example of courage to readers. For the sake of love, they sacrificed the most precious thing: Della gave her beautiful hair, and Jim gave the watch he inherited from his father. It takes a lot of courage to realize what is really important in life. Even more courage is needed to sacrifice something for the sake of a loved one.

Can a brave person be afraid? Why shouldn't you be afraid to admit your feelings? What is dangerous indecision in love?

A. Morois in the story "" shows readers how dangerous indecision in love is. The protagonist of the story, Andre, falls in love with an actress named Jenny. He wears violets to her every Wednesday, but does not even dare to approach her. Passions boil in his soul, the walls of his room are hung with portraits of his beloved, but in real life he cannot even write a letter to her. The reason for this behavior lies in his fear of being rejected, as well as in self-doubt. He considers his passion for the actress "hopeless" and elevates Jenny to an unattainable ideal. However, this person cannot be called a "coward". A plan arises in his head: to go to war in order to accomplish a feat that will "bring" him closer to Jenny. Unfortunately, he dies there, never having time to tell her about his feelings. After his death, Jenny learns from his father that he wrote many letters, but never sent a single one. If Andre had come closer to her at least once, he would have known that for her "modesty, constancy and nobility are better than any feat." This example proves that indecision in love is dangerous because it prevents a person from becoming happy. It is likely that Andre's courage could have made two people happy, and no one would have to mourn the unnecessary feat that did not bring him closer to the main goal.

What actions can be called courageous? What is the feat of a doctor? Why is it important to be bold in life? What does it mean to be brave in everyday life?

Dr. Dymov is a noble man who has chosen to serve people as his profession. Only indifference to others, their troubles and illnesses can serve as the reason for such a choice. Despite the hardships in family life, Dymov thinks about his patients more than about himself. His dedication to work often threatens him with dangers, so he dies saving the boy from diphtheria. He manifests himself as a hero by doing what he was not obliged to do. His courage, loyalty to his profession and duty do not allow him to do otherwise. To be a doctor with a capital letter, you must be courageous and resolute, such as Osip Ivanovich Dymov.

What does cowardice lead to? What actions does cowardice push a person to? Why is cowardice dangerous? What is the difference between fear and cowardice? Who can be called a coward? Can a brave person be afraid? Is it possible to say that there is only one step from fear to cowardice? Cowardice is a sentence? How do extreme conditions affect courage? Why is it important to have courage in making your decisions? Can cowardice hinder the development of personality? Do you agree with Diderot's statement: "We consider a coward who allowed his friend to be insulted in his presence"? Do you agree with the statement of Confucius: “Cowardice is knowing what to do and not to do it”

It's hard to be brave all the time. Sometimes even strong and honest people with high moral principles can be frightened, as, for example, the hero of the story V.V. Zheleznikova Dima Somov. His character traits, such as "courage", "correctness" set him apart from other guys from the very beginning, he appears before readers as a hero who does not allow offending the weak, protects animals, strives for independence and loves work. During the campaign, Dima saves Lena from her classmates, who began to scare her by wearing the "muzzles" of animals. It is for this reason that Lenochka Bessoltseva falls in love with him.

But over time, we observe the moral decline of the "hero" Dima. At first, he is frightened by the problem with his classmate's brother and violates his principle. He does not talk about the fact that his classmate Valya is a flayer, because he is afraid of his brother. But the next act showed a completely different side of Dima Somov. He deliberately let the whole class think about what Lena told the teacher about the disruption of the lesson, although he did it himself. The reason for this act was cowardice. Further, Dima Somov plunges deeper and deeper into the abyss of fear. Even when Lena was boycotted, they mocked her, Somov could not confess, although he had a lot of chances. This hero was paralyzed by fear, turning him from a "hero" into an ordinary "coward", devaluing all his positive qualities.

This hero shows us another truth: we are all woven from contradictions. Sometimes we are brave, sometimes we are afraid. But there is a huge gap between fear and cowardice. Cowardice is not useful, it is dangerous, because it pushes a person to bad deeds, awakens base instincts. And fear is something that is inherent in everyone. A person who performs a feat may be afraid. Heroes are afraid, ordinary people are afraid, and this is normal, fear itself is a condition for the survival of the species. But cowardice is already a formed character trait.

What does it mean to be brave? How does courage affect the formation of personality? In what situations in life is courage best manifested? What is real courage? What actions can be called courageous? Courage is the resistance to fear, not the absence of it. Can a brave person be afraid?

Lena Bessoltseva is one of the most powerful characters in Russian literature. In her example, we can see a huge gap between fear and cowardice. This is a little girl who finds herself in an unfair situation. Fear is inherent in her: she is frightened by the cruelty of children, she is afraid of stuffed animals at night. But in fact, she turns out to be the most courageous of all the heroes, because she is able to stand up for those who are weaker, she is not afraid of general condemnation, she is not afraid to be special, not like others. Lena proves her courage many times, such as when she rushes to Dima's aid when he is in danger, even though he betrayed her. Her example taught the whole class goodness, showed that everything in the world is not always decided by force. “And longing, such a desperate longing for human purity, for selfless courage and nobility, more and more captured their hearts and demanded a way out.”

Is it necessary to defend the truth, to fight for justice? Do you agree with Diderot's statement: "We consider a coward who allowed his friend to be insulted in his presence"? Why is it important to have the courage to stand up for your ideals? Why are people afraid to speak their mind? Do you agree with the statement of Confucius: “Cowardice is knowing what to do and not to do it”

It takes courage to fight injustice. The hero of the story, Vasilyev, saw injustice, but due to his weakness of character, he could not resist the team and its leader, the Iron Button. This hero tries not to offend Lena Bessoltseva, refuses to beat her, but at the same time tries to remain neutral. Vasiliev tries to protect Lena, but he lacks character and courage. On the one hand, there is hope that this character will improve. Perhaps the example of the brave Lena Bessoltseva will help him overcome his fears and teach him to stand up for the truth, even if everyone around him is against it. On the other hand, Vasiliev's behavior and what his inaction led to teaches us that you cannot stand aside if you understand that injustice is happening. Vasiliev's tacit consent is instructive, since many of us face similar situations in life. But there is a question that every person must ask himself before making a choice: is there anything worse than knowing about injustice, being a witness to it and just being silent? Courage, like cowardice, is a matter of choice.

Do you agree with the saying: “You can never live happily when you are trembling with fear all the time”? How is hypocrisy related to cowardice? Why is fear dangerous? Can fear stop a person from living? How do you understand the saying of Helvetius: “To be completely devoid of courage, one must be completely devoid of desires”? How do you understand the stable expression: “fear has big eyes”? Can it be argued that a person is afraid of what he does not know? How do you understand Shakespeare's saying: "Cowards die many times before death, the brave die only once"?

"The Wise Piskar" is an instructive story about how fear is dangerous. Piskar lived and trembled all his life. He considered himself very smart because he made a cave in which he could be safe, but the downside of this existence was the complete absence of real life. He did not create a family, he did not find friends, he did not breathe deeply, he did not eat his fill, he did not live, he just sat in his hole. He sometimes thought about whether there was any benefit from his existence for someone, he understood that there was not, but fear did not allow him to leave his comfort and safety zone. So Piskar died without knowing any joy in life. In this instructive allegory, many people can see themselves. This story teaches us not to be afraid of life. Yes, it is full of dangers and disappointments, but if you are afraid of everything, then when will you live?

Do you agree with the words of Plutarch: "Courage is the beginning of victory"? Is it important to be able to overcome your fears? Why fight fears? What does it mean to be brave? Can you develop courage? Do you agree with Balzac's statement: "Fear can make a daredevil timid, but it gives courage to the indecisive"? Can a brave person be afraid?

The problem of overcoming fear is also revealed in Veronica Roth's novel Divergent. Beatrice Pryor, the protagonist of the story, leaves her home, the Forsaken faction, to become the Dauntless. She is afraid of the reaction of her parents, afraid of not going through the rite of initiation, of being rejected in a new place. But her main strength lies in the fact that she challenges all her fears, looks them in the face. Tris puts herself in great danger, being in the company of the Dauntless, because she is "different", people like her are destroyed. This scares her terribly, but much more she is afraid of herself. She does not understand the nature of her difference from others, she is frightened by the thought that her very existence can be dangerous for people.

The struggle with fears is one of the key problems of the novel. So, Beatrice's beloved name is For, translated from English it means "four". That is the number of fears he needs to overcome. Tris and Four fearlessly fight for their lives, for justice, for peace in the city they call home. They defeat both external enemies and internal ones, which undoubtedly characterizes them as courageous people.

Do you need courage in love? Do you agree with Russell's statement: "To be afraid of love is to be afraid of life, and to be afraid of life is to be two-thirds dead"?

A.I. Kuprin "Garnet bracelet"
Georgy Zheltkov is a petty official whose life is devoted to unrequited love for Princess Vera. As you know, his love was born long before her marriage, but he preferred to write letters to her, pursued her. The reason for this behavior lay in his self-doubt and fear of being rejected. Perhaps if he were bolder, he could become happy with the woman he loves.

Can a person be afraid of happiness? Does it take courage to change your life? Is it necessary to take risks?

Vera Sheina was afraid to be happy and wanted a quiet marriage, without shocks, so she married a cheerful and handsome Vasily, with whom everything was very simple, but she did not experience great love. Only after the death of her admirer, looking at his dead body, Vera realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by. The moral of this story is this: you need to be brave not only in everyday life, but also in love, you need to take risks without fear of being rejected. Only courage can lead to happiness, cowardice and, as a result, conformity, leads to great disappointment, as happened with Vera Sheina.

How do you understand Twain's statement: “Courage is resistance to fear, not its absence”? How is willpower related to courage? Do you agree with the words of Plutarch: "Courage is the beginning of victory"? Is it important to be able to overcome your fears? Why fight fears? What does it mean to be brave? Can you develop courage? Do you agree with Balzac's statement: "Fear can make a daredevil timid, but it gives courage to the indecisive"? Can a brave person be afraid?

Numerous writers have addressed this topic. So, the story of E. Ilyina "The Fourth Height" is dedicated to overcoming fears. Gulya Koroleva is an example of courage in all its manifestations. Her whole life is a battle with fear, and each victory is a new height. In the work we see the life story of one person, the formation of a real personality. Every step she takes is a manifesto of determination. From the first lines of the story, little Gulya shows real courage in a variety of life situations. Overcoming children's fears, he takes a snake out of the box with his bare hands, sneaks into the cage from the elephants in the zoo. The heroine grows up, and the tests encountered in life become more serious: the first role in the cinema, the recognition of her wrong, the ability to answer for her actions. Throughout the work, she struggles with her fears, does what she is afraid of. Already an adult, Gulya Koroleva is getting married, her son is born, it seems that her fears have been defeated, she can live a calm family life, but the biggest test lies ahead of her. The war begins, and her husband goes to the front. She fears for her husband, for her son, for the future of the country. But fear does not paralyze her, does not force her to hide. The girl goes to work as a nurse in the hospital to somehow help. Unfortunately, her husband dies, and Gulya is forced to continue fighting alone. She goes to the front, unable to look at the horrors that happen to her loved ones. The heroine takes the fourth height, she dies, having defeated the last fear that lives in a person, the fear of death. On the pages of the story, we see how the main character is afraid, but she overcomes all her fears, such a person can undoubtedly be called a brave man.

Starting work on the novel, Dostoevsky wrote: "... to destroy the uncertainty, that is, to explain the whole murder in one way or another ..." Some critics read that the author failed to do this. In his novel "Crime and Punishment" Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky raises the problem of permissiveness, "Napoleonism", the elevation of one person over another. He shows how this seemingly logical and well-built theory breaks down in practice, bringing torment, suffering and, in the end, repentance.

The main character of the novel.

Everything that served as the motives for the crime of Rodion Raskolnikov is built on deep, intricate contradictions, which we have to figure out. For the first time, the idea of ​​permissiveness appears in Dostoevsky on the pages of the novel The Double, and it is also revealed more deeply in Crime and Punishment. Both works show the collapse of this theory. What exactly is this theory? According to Raskolnikov, there are people who are allowed to do everything. People standing above society, crowds. People who are even allowed to kill. And so Raskolnikov decides to cross

The line that separates these "great" people from the crowd. Murder, the murder of a decrepit, petty old usurer, who has nothing to do in this world (according to Raskolnikov, of course), becomes this very feature. "Everything is in the hands of a man, and everything he carries past his nose is solely from cowardice," Raskolnikov thinks.

Having chosen the role of the savior of mankind, Rodion Raskolnikov seeks to "rise" above the stupid crowd and by the power of his power to do what he wants. But his act, on the contrary, shows his inhumanity and worthlessness. On the eve of the crime in the tavern, he hears a conversation consonant with his theory - that this old woman can easily be killed and everyone will only say thank you for this. But in answer to the question: "Will you kill the old woman yourself or not?" - the interlocutor replies: "Of course not." Is it cowardice? For Raskolnikov, apparently - yes. But in fact… It seems to me that these are elementary human moral and moral norms. "Thou shalt not kill," says one of the commandments. This is what Raskolnikov crosses over, and it is for this crime that punishment will follow.

“The point is not how to justify the crime, but that it is unacceptable to justify it, no matter how,” the author reflects on the motives of the crime of his hero. Two words - "self-justification" and "self-deception" merge more and more clearly for Raskolnikov in the course of the novel. Talking about his article, in which Raskolnikov puts forward the theory of permissiveness, first to Porfiry Petrovich, then to Sonechka, when they already know that it was he who committed the murder, Raskolnikov seems to be trying to justify himself. This theory would have been interesting and even entertaining if he had not moved on to its practical implementation. After all, if Raskolnikov himself justifies his crime by the fact that the old usurer brought only harm to people, that no one needs her and she is not worthy of life, then what about the murder of the innocent Lizaveta, who simply turned out to be on the path of realizing the "brilliant "Raskolnikov's plan? It is here that this theory provides the first gap during practical implementation. This is what destroys Raskolnikov.

The misfortune of the protagonist of Dostoevsky's novel lies in the fact that, having lost firm spiritual guidelines in the world of moral relativity, he necessarily takes the path of insignificance, hiding behind the guise of greatness. The murder of Lizaveta makes one think: after all, if an accident can lead to such tragic consequences, then perhaps the root of evil lies in this very idea? Evil, even in relation to a useless old woman, cannot be taken as the basis of good deeds. The punishment for the deed turns out to be no less terrible than the crime itself - what can be worse than the suffering and torment of a person who has realized his guilt and fully repents? Raskolnikov finds reassurance only in faith, faith in God, which he replaced with the theory of the "superman".

Pisarev claimed that the root of Raskolnikov’s crime was in his poverty, but Raskolnikov himself explained his act to Sonya Marmeladova in this way: “You know .. what I’ll tell you: if only I slaughtered from what I was hungry, then now I would be happy! Know that!" Nature, driving the idea of ​​the hero of "Crime and Punishment" according to his own admission: "not reason, so demon." The problems posed by Dostoevsky are acute and relevant in our time. Its main idea, in my opinion, is that a society built on momentary profit, on dividing people into "necessary" and "unnecessary", a society in which people get used to the worst of sins - murder, cannot be moral and never people will not feel happy in such a society. After all, the principle through which Raskolnikov tried to cross is conscience.

Courage and timidity are moral categories associated with the spiritual side of the personality. They are an indicator of human dignity, they demonstrate weakness, or vice versa, strength of character, which manifests itself in difficult life situations. Our history is rich in such ups and downs, so arguments in the direction of "Courage and cowardice" for the final essay are presented in abundance in Russian classics. Examples from Russian literature will help the reader figure out how and where courage manifests itself and fear comes out.

  1. In the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" one of these situations is a war that puts the heroes before a choice: to give in to fear and save their own lives, or, defying danger, to preserve their fortitude. Andrei Bolkonsky in battle shows remarkable courage, he is the first to rush into battle to cheer up the soldiers. He knows that he can die in battle, but the fear of death does not frighten him. Fyodor Dolokhov also fights desperately in the war. The feeling of fear is alien to him. He knows that a brave soldier can influence the outcome of the battle, so he bravely rushes into battle, despising
    cowardice. But the young cornet Zherkov succumbs to fear and refuses to convey the order to retreat. The letter, which was never delivered to them, causes the death of many soldiers. The price for showing cowardice is prohibitively high.
  2. Courage conquers time and perpetuates names. Cowardice is a shameful stain on the pages of history and literature.
    In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" an example of courage and courage is the image of Pyotr Grinev. He is ready to defend the Belogorsk fortress at the cost of his life under the onslaught of Pugachev, and the fear of death is alien to the hero at the moment of danger. A heightened sense of justice and duty does not allow him to escape or refuse the oath. Clumsy and petty in his motives, Shvabrin is presented in the novel as the antipode of Grinev. He goes over to the side of Pugachev, committing a betrayal. He is driven by fear for his own life, while the fate of other people means nothing to Shvabrin, who is ready to save himself by exposing another to a blow. His image entered the history of Russian literature as one of the archetypes of cowardice.
  3. War reveals hidden human fears, the most ancient of which is the fear of death. In V. Bykov's story "The Crane Cry", the heroes face a seemingly impossible task: to detain the German troops. Each of them understands that it is possible to fulfill a duty only at the cost of one's own life. Everyone must decide for himself what is more important for him: to avoid death or to fulfill the order. Pshenichny believes that life is more precious than a ghostly victory, so he is ready to surrender in advance. He decides that surrendering to the Germans is much wiser than needlessly risking his life. Solidarity with him and Ovseev. He regrets that he did not have time to escape before the arrival of German troops, and most of the battle he sits in a trench. In the next attack, he makes a cowardly attempt to escape, but Glechik shoots at him, not allowing him to escape. Glechik himself is no longer afraid to die. It seems to him that only now, in a moment of complete despair, he felt responsible for the outcome of the battle. The fear of death for him is small and insignificant, compared with the idea that by fleeing he can betray the memory of his dead comrades. This is the true heroism and fearlessness of a hero doomed to death.
  4. Vasily Terkin is another archetype hero who entered the history of literature as an image of a brave, cheerful and brave soldier going into battle with a smile on his lips. But he attracts the reader not so much with feigned fun and well-aimed jokes as with genuine heroism, masculinity and steadfastness. The image of Terkin was created by Tvardovsky as a joke, however, the author depicts the war in the poem without embellishment. Against the backdrop of military realities, the unpretentious and so captivating image of the fighter Terkin becomes the popular embodiment of the ideal of a real soldier. Of course, the hero is afraid of death, dreams of family comfort, but he knows for sure that protecting the Fatherland is his main duty. Duty to the Motherland, to the dead comrades and to himself.
  5. In the story "Coward" V.M. Garshin displays the characteristics of the character in the title, thereby, as it were, evaluating him in advance, hinting at the further course of the story. “The war definitely haunts me,” the hero writes in his notes. He is afraid that he will be taken as a soldier and does not want to go to war. It seems to him that the millions of ruined human lives cannot be justified by a great goal. However, in contemplation of his own fear, he comes to the conclusion that he can hardly accuse himself of cowardice. He is disgusted by the idea that you can use influential acquaintances and evade war. An inner sense of truth does not allow him to resort to such a petty and unworthy means. “You can’t run away from a bullet,” the hero says before his death, thereby accepting it, realizing his involvement in the ongoing battle. His heroism lies in the voluntary rejection of cowardice, in the impossibility of doing otherwise.
  6. “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” B. Vasilyeva is by no means a book about cowardice. On the contrary, about incredible, superhuman courage. Moreover, her heroes prove that war can also have a female face, and courage is not only a male destiny. Five young girls are engaged in an unequal battle with a German detachment, a battle from which they are unlikely to come out alive. Each of them understands this, but not one of them stops before death and humbly goes to meet her in order to fulfill her duty. All of them - Liza Brichkina, Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Sonya Gurvich and Galya Chetvertak - perish at the hands of the Germans. However, there is not a shadow of doubt in their silent feat. They know for sure that there is no other choice. Their faith is unshakable, and steadfastness and courage are examples of true heroism, direct proof that there is no limit to human capabilities.
  7. “I am a trembling creature or do I have rights?” - asks Rodion Raskolnikov, confident that he is more likely the second than the first. However, according to the incomprehensible irony of life, everything turns out to be exactly the opposite. The soul of Raskolnikov turns out to be cowardly, despite the fact that he found the strength in himself to commit murder. In an attempt to rise above the masses, he loses himself and crosses the moral line. Dostoevsky in the novel emphasizes that it is very easy to embark on the false path of self-deception, but to overcome the fear in oneself and suffer the punishment that Raskolnikov is so afraid of is necessary for the spiritual purification of the hero. Sonya Marmeladova comes to the aid of Rodion, who lives in constant fear for what he has done. Despite all her external fragility, the heroine has a persistent character. She inspires confidence and courage in the hero, helps him overcome cowardice, and is even ready to share Raskolnikov's punishment in order to save his soul. Both heroes struggle with fate and circumstances, this shows their strength and courage.
  8. “The Fate of a Man” by M. Sholokhov is another book about courage and courage, the hero of which is an ordinary soldier Andrei Sokolov, whose fate the pages of the book are devoted to. The war forced him to leave home and go to the front to be tested by fear and death. In battle, Andrei is honest and brave, like many soldiers. He is faithful to duty, for which he is ready to pay even with his own life. Stunned by a live shell, Sokolov sees the approaching Germans, but does not want to run, deciding that the last minutes should be spent with dignity. He refuses to obey the invaders, his courage impresses even the German commandant, who sees in him a worthy opponent and a valiant soldier. Fate is merciless to the hero: he loses the most precious thing in the war - his loving wife and children. But, despite the tragedy, Sokolov remains a man, lives according to the laws of conscience, according to the laws of a brave human heart.
  9. The novel by V. Aksyonov "The Moscow Saga" is dedicated to the history of the Gradov family, which devoted its entire life to serving the Fatherland. This is a trilogy novel, which is a description of the life of an entire dynasty, closely related by family ties. Heroes are ready to sacrifice a lot for each other's happiness and well-being. In desperate attempts to save their loved ones, they show remarkable courage, the call of conscience and duty for them - defining, guiding all their decisions and actions. Each of the heroes is brave in their own way. Nikita Gradov heroically defends his homeland. He receives the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The hero is uncompromising in his decisions, several military operations are successfully carried out under his leadership. The adopted son of the Gradovs, Mitya, also goes to war. Creating heroes, plunging them into an atmosphere of constant anxiety, Aksyonov shows that courage is the destiny of not only a single individual, but also of a whole generation brought up to respect family values ​​and moral duty.
  10. Feats are an eternal theme in literature. Cowardice and courage, their confrontation, numerous victories of one over the other, and now become the subject of controversy and search for modern writers.
    One of these authors was the famous British writer Joan K. Rowling and her world-famous hero, Harry Potter. Her series of novels about the wizard boy won the hearts of young readers with the fantasy of the plot and, of course, the courage of the heart of the central character. Each of the books is a story of the struggle between good and evil, in which the first always wins, thanks to the courage of Harry and his friends. In the face of danger, each of them maintains steadfastness and faith in the final triumph of good, which, according to a happy tradition, the winners are rewarded for their courage and courage.
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An example of a final essay on the topic "Courage and cowardice as an indicator of inner strength" with examples from the literature.

"Courage and cowardice as an indicator of a person's inner strength"


Courage and cowardice are born deep inside a person in childhood. Awareness of one's own spiritual power is the result of the upbringing and conditions of existence of a growing person. It is these two concepts that are responsible for how strong a person will become, how prepared he will be for the coming life.


The problem of courage and cowardice, which are indicators of the inner spiritual strength of a person and the strength of his character, is especially relevant in our time.

Thesis #1

Today, as well as several centuries ago, there are people who find the courage to confront environmental conditions. The cowardice of others does not allow them to change something in life, they are so numb with fear of reality that they are ready to easily give up what they have.


So in the play by A.N. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" we see two types of people on the example of Tikhon Kabanov and his wife Katerina. Tikhon is weak, he is cowardly, unable to fight the despotism of his mother. He cannot change anything in his life, although she does not completely suit him. Katerina finds in herself the strength and courage to resist the circumstances, even at the cost of her own life. At least, the reader feels much more respect for Katerina than for her husband.


We must be strong so that in moments when it is necessary, we can take the blow of life or make vital decisions. Our inner courage will overcome any difficulties. You must not allow cowardice to take over your desires and aspirations.

Thesis №2

Attempts to step over oneself, struggling with one's own cowardice or cultivating courage within, can lead a person to complete collapse. Be that as it may, it is very important to live in harmony with yourself.


In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky, the main character Rodion Raskolnikov tried to give himself not the qualities that were inherent in him. He changed concepts, considered cowardice what was actually the strength of his character. In an attempt to change himself, he destroyed the lives of many people, including his own.


You need to accept yourself the way you are. If something strongly does not suit you, for example, lacks courage of character, then you need to fight spiritual cowardice gradually, preferably with the support of loved ones.

Thesis №3

Spiritual courage invariably breeds courage in actions. Emotional cowardice portends cowardice in action.


In the story of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" we meet with two heroes who are close in age and upbringing - Pyotr Grinev and Shvabrin. Only now Grinev is the embodiment of courage and spiritual strength, which allowed him to adequately overcome all life's trials. And Shvabrin is a coward and a scoundrel, ready to sacrifice everyone around for his own well-being.


A person who behaves with dignity, nobility and steadfastness undoubtedly has courage, a special inner core that helps to solve newly emerging problems. He who is cowardly is helpless before the justice of life.

General conclusion (conclusion)

From childhood, a child needs to be educated with courage, the ability to withstand life's difficulties. The older a person gets, the harder it is for him to adjust. Therefore, the inner ability to cope with difficulties must be cultivated almost from birth.

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