N. G

The novel "What to do?" Chernyshevsky wrote in 1862-1863. The work was created within the framework of literary direction"sociological realism". Literary historians attribute the novel to the genre of utopia.

Central storyline book is love story with a positive end. In parallel, the work touches upon social, economic and philosophical ideas of that time, the themes of love, the relationship of fathers and children, enlightenment, the importance of human willpower. In addition, there are many allusions to the coming revolution in the novel.

main characters

Vera Pavlovna Rozalskaya- a purposeful, freedom-loving girl, "with a southern type of face." She thought in a new way, did not want to be just a wife, but to do her own thing; opened sewing workshops.

Dmitry Sergeyevich Lopukhov- a physician, the first husband of Vera Pavlovna. After a staged suicide, he took the name Charles Beaumont.

Alexander Matveich Kirsanov- a friend of Lopukhov, a talented physician, the second husband of Vera Pavlovna.

Other characters

Maria Alexevna Rozalskaya- the mother of Vera Pavlovna, a very enterprising woman who always looked for profit in everything.

Pavel Konstantinovich Rozalsky- manager of the Storeshnikovs' house, father of Vera Pavlovna.

Mikhail Ivanovich Storeshnikov- "a prominent and handsome officer", ladies' man, wooed Vera Pavlovna.

Julie- a Frenchwoman, a woman with a difficult past, found herself a Russian lover, helped and sympathized with Vera.

Mertsalov Alexey Petrovich- a good friend of Lopukhov, a priest who married Lopukhov and Vera.

Mertsalova Natalya Andreevna- Mertsalov's wife, and then Vera's girlfriend.

Rakhmetov- Lopukhov's friend, Kirsanova, was straightforward, with bold views.

Katerina Vasilievna Polozova Beaumont's (Lopukhov's) wife.

Vasily Polozov- father of Katerina Vasilievna.

I. Fool

“On the morning of July 11, 1856, the servants of one of the large St. Petersburg hotels near the Moscow station railway was confused." The day before, at 9 o'clock in the evening, a certain gentleman stopped by them. He didn't answer in the morning. After breaking down the doors, they found a note: “I am leaving at 11 pm and will not return. I will be heard on the Liteiny Bridge, between 2 and 3 o'clock in the morning. Don't have any suspicions."

The policeman said that at night a pistol shot was heard on the bridge and the shot cap of the missing gentleman was found. Gossips decided that he did it because he was "just a fool".

II. The first consequence of a foolish deed

That same morning, at 12 o'clock, a young lady was sewing and humming a French song in an undertone. A letter was brought to her, which brought her to tears. The young man who entered the room read the letter: “I disturbed your calmness. I'm leaving the stage. Don't be sorry; I love you both so much that I am very happy with my determination. Farewell". His hands shook. The woman exclaimed: “You have his blood on you!” "And I have his blood on me!" .

III. Foreword

The author argues that he "used the usual cunning of novelists: he began the story with spectacular scenes torn from the middle or end of it." He reflects that among his audience there is a share of people whom he respects - "kind and strong, honest and able", so he "still needs" and "already" to write.

Chapter 1. Life of Vera Pavlovna in the parental family


Vera Pavlovna grew up in high-rise building on Gorokhovaya, which belonged to the Storeshnikovs. Rozalsky - house manager Pavel Konstantinych, his wife Marya Aleksevna, daughter Vera and "9-year-old son Fedya" lived on the 4th floor. Pavel Konstantinovich also served in the department.

From the age of 12, Verochka went to a boarding school, studied with a piano teacher. She sewed well, so she soon sewed the whole family. Because of her swarthy, “like a gypsy” skin, her mother called her “stuffed animal”, so Vera used to consider herself an ugly girl. But after some time, the mother stopped driving her almost in tatters, and began to dress her up, hoping to find the daughter of a rich husband. At the age of 16, Vera began to give lessons herself.

The head of Pavel Konstantinych decided to woo the girl, but he was going for too long. Soon, the master's son Storeshnikov began to go to the Rozalskys, and began to pay much attention to Verochka. To arrange their marriage, Marya Aleksevna even took expensive tickets to the opera in the same box where the hostess's son was with friends, they were vigorously discussing something in French. Verochka was embarrassed and she, citing a headache, left earlier.


Mikhail Ivanovich dined with other gentlemen in a fashionable restaurant. Among them was one lady - Mademoiselle Julie. Storeshnikov said that Vera was his mistress. Julie, who saw Vera at the opera, noted that she was "magnificent", but clearly not Mikhail's mistress - "he wants to buy her."


When Storeshnikov came to the Rozalskys the next day, Vera deliberately spoke to him in French so that her mother would not understand anything. She said that she knew - yesterday he decided to "expose" her to his friends as a mistress. Vera asked not to visit them and leave as soon as possible.


Julie, together with Storeshnikov, came to Vera, as the lady needed a piano teacher for her niece (but this was just a fictitious reason). Julie told Marya Aleksevna that Mikhail made a bet with friends on Vera.


Julie considered Vera a good passion for Storeshnikov: “marrying her, despite her low birth and, compared to you, poverty, would have moved your career forward a lot.” Julie also advised Vera to become Storeshnikov's wife in order to get rid of her mother's persecution. But Storeshnikov was unpleasant to Vera.

After some thought, Storeshnikov really got married. Vera's parents were delighted, but the girl herself said that she did not want to marry Mikhail. However, Storeshnikov nevertheless begged for a delay in the answer instead of a refusal. Coming to visit the girl, Mikhail "was obedient to her, like a child." “Three or four months passed like that.”

Chapter 2


To prepare younger brother Faith to enter the gymnasium, the father hired a medical student Lopukhov. During the lessons, 9-year-old Fedya told the teacher everything about Vera and her potential fiancé.


Lopukhov did not live on state support, and therefore did not starve and did not get cold. From the age of 15 he gave lessons. Lopukhov rented an apartment with his friend Kirsanov. In the near future, he was to become an intern (doctor) in one of the "Petersburg military hospitals", soon to receive a chair at the Academy.


Marya Aleksevna invited Lopukhov to an "evening" - for her daughter's birthday. At the evening, during the dance, Lopukhov got into a conversation with Vera. He promised to help her "break out of this humiliating situation" associated with the upcoming wedding.

At the end of the evening, Verochka thought about how strange it was that they spoke for the first time "and became so close." She fell in love with Lopukhov, not yet realizing that her feelings were mutual.


Somehow, in order to finally check Lopukhov, whether he had views of Vera, Marya Aleksevna overheard the conversation between Vera and Dmitry. She heard Lopukhov telling Vera that cold practical people are right: “only the calculation of profit controls a person.” The girl replied that she completely agreed with him. Lopukhov advised her to marry Mikhail Ivanovich. What she heard completely convinced Marya Aleksevna that conversations with Dmitri Sergeyevich were useful for Vera.


Lopukhov and Vera knew they were being followed. At the request of Vera, Lopukhov was looking for a place for her as a governess. Kirsanov helped find the right option.

XII. Verochka's first dream

Vera dreamed that she was locked in a damp, dark basement. Suddenly the door opened and she was in a field. She began to dream that she was paralyzed. Someone touched her, and her illness went away. Vera saw that she was walking across the field beautiful girl with a changing appearance - English, French, German, Polish, Russian and her mood was constantly changing. The girl introduced herself as the bride of her suitors and asked to be called "love for people". Then Vera dreamed that she was walking through the city and freeing the girls locked in the basement and treating girls who were paralyzed.


The woman, to whom Verochka was supposed to go as a governess, refused, because she did not want to go against the will of the girl's parents. Frustrated, Vera thought that if it was really hard, she would throw herself out the window.


Vera and Dmitry decide to get married, discuss later life. The girl wants to earn her own money so as not to be a slave to her husband. She wants them to live as friends, they have separate rooms and a common living room.


While Lopukhov had business, Vera lived at home. Once she went out with her mother to Gostiny Dvor. Unexpectedly, the girl told her mother that she had married Dmitry Sergeyevich, got into the first cab she came across and ran away.


Three days before that, they really got married. Lopukhov arranged for his friend Mertsalov to marry them. He remembered that they kissed in the church and, so that it would not be too embarrassing there, they kissed beforehand.

Having escaped from her mother, Vera went to the apartment Lopukhov had found for them. Lopukhov himself went to the Rozalskys and reassured them about what had happened.

Chapter 3


"Things were going well for the Lopukhovs." Vera gave lessons, Lopukhov worked. The owners, with whom the spouses lived, were surprised by their way of life - as if they were not a family, but brother and sister. The Lopukhovs entered each other only by knocking. Vera believed that this only contributes to a strong marriage and love.


Vera Pavlovna opened a sewing workshop. Julie helped her find clients. Having gone to her parents, she, returning home, did not understand how she could live in "such disgusting embarrassment" and "grow up with love for good."

III. The second dream of Vera Pavlovna

Vera dreamed that her husband and Alexei Petrovich were walking across the field. Lopukhov told a friend that there is “pure dirt”, “real dirt”, from which an ear grows. And there is "rotten dirt" - "fantastic dirt", from which there is no development.

Then she dreamed of her mother. Marya Aleksevna, with malice in her voice, said that she was taking care of a piece of bread for her daughter, and if she had not been evil, the daughter would not have been kind.


"The workshop of Vera Pavlovna settled down." She first had three seamstresses, who then found four more. For three years, their workshop has only developed and expanded. “A year and a half later, almost all the girls already lived in one large apartment, had a common table, stocked up on provisions in the same manner as is done in large farms.”


Once, after a walk, Dmitry Sergeyevich fell seriously ill with pneumonia. Kirsanov and Vera were on duty at the bedside of the patient until he recovered. Kirsanov had been in love with Vera for a long time, so before his friend's illness he very rarely visited them.

Both Kirsanov and Lopukhov "plowed their way with their breasts, without connections, without acquaintances." Kirsanov was a physician, "already had a chair" and was known as a "master" of his craft.

Being with the Lopukhovs during the illness of a friend, Kirsanov understood that he was "stepping on a dangerous path for himself." Despite the fact that the attachment to Vera resumed with greater force, he managed to cope with it.

XIX. The third dream of Vera Pavlovna

Vera dreamed that she was reading own diary. From him, she understands that she loves Lopukhov because he "brought her out of the basement." That before she did not know the need for a quiet, tender feeling, which is not in her husband.


Vera had a premonition that she did not love her husband. Lopukhov began to think that he would not "keep her love behind him." After analyzing the latest events, Lopukhov realized that feelings arose between Kirsanov and Vera.


Lopukhov asked Kirsanov to visit them more often. Vera realized her passion for Kirsanov and wrote a note to her husband apologizing that she loved Alexander. The next day, Lopukhov went to relatives in Ryazan. A month and a half later he returned, lived for three weeks in St. Petersburg, and then left for Moscow. He left on July 9, and on July 11, "in the morning there was a bewilderment in a hotel near the station of the Moscow railway."


An acquaintance of Lopukhovy Rakhmetov volunteered to help Vera. He knew about Lopukhov's plans and handed over a note where he wrote that he was going to "leave the stage".

Rakhmetov had the nickname Nikitushka Lomov, named after a barge hauler who walked along the Volga, "a giant of Herculean strength." Rakhmetov worked hard on himself and acquired "exorbitant strength". He was quite sharp and straightforward in communication. Once I even slept on nails to test my willpower. The author believes that such people as Rakhmetov, “the life of all flourishes; without them, she would have died out.


Chapter 4


Berlin, July 20, 1856. Letter to Vera Pavlovna from a "retired medical student" in which he conveys the words of Dmitry Sergeevich. Lopukhov understood that their relationship with Vera would no longer be the same as before, reflected on his mistakes and said that Kirsanov should take his place.


Vera is happy with Kirsanov. They read and discuss books together. Once, during a conversation, Vera said that “the organization of a woman is almost higher than that of men,” that women are stronger and more resilient than men.

Vera suggested that "you need to have such a thing that cannot be abandoned, which cannot be postponed - then a person is incomparably stronger." Vera cited Rakhmetov as an example, for whom a common cause replaced a personal one, while they, Alexander and Vera, only need a personal life.

To be equal to her husband in everything, Vera took up medicine. At that time, there were no female doctors yet, and for a woman this was a compromising matter.


Vera and Alexander note that over time, their feelings only become stronger. Kirsanov believes that without his wife, he would have long ceased to grow in the professional field.

XVI. The fourth dream of Vera Pavlovna

Vera dreamed of a field covered with flowers, flowering shrubs, a forest, a luxurious palace. Vera is shown three queens, goddesses who were worshipped. The first is Astarte, who was the slave of her husband. The second is Aphrodite, who was exalted only as a source of pleasure. The third - "Integrity", showing a jousting tournament and a knight who loved an inaccessible lady of the heart. The knights loved their ladies only as long as they did not become their wives and subjects.

The guide of Faith said that the kingdoms of those queens are falling, and now her time has come. Vera understands that she herself is the guide and the new queen. The conductor says that it can be expressed in one word - equality. Faith sees in a dream New Russia where people live and work happily.


A year later, Vera's new workshop "was completely settled" . The first workshop is run by Mertsalova. Soon they opened a store on Nevsky.


Letter from Katerina Vasilievna Polozova. She writes that she met Vera Pavlovna and is delighted with her workshop.

Chapter 5


Polozova owed a lot to Kirsanov. Her father was "a retired captain or staff captain". After resigning, he began to engage in entrepreneurship and soon created a "hefty capital". His wife died, leaving him a daughter, Katya. Over time, his capital reached several million. But at some point he quarreled with " the right person”and at the age of 60 he was left a beggar (compared to the recent one, otherwise he lived well).


When Katya was 17 years old, she suddenly began to lose weight and took to her bed. Just a year before the wedding with Vera, Kirsanov was among the doctors who took care of Katya's health. Alexander guessed that the cause of the girl’s ill health was unhappy love.

“Hundreds of suitors followed the heiress of a huge fortune.” Polozov immediately noticed that Solovtsov liked his daughter. But he was "a very bad man." Polozov once said a taunt to Solovtsov, who began to rarely visit them, but began to send Katya hopeless letters. Rereading them, she imagined love and fell ill.


At the next medical consultation, Kirsanov said that Polozova's disease is incurable, so her suffering must be stopped by taking a lethal dose of morphine. Upon learning of this, Polozov allowed the girl to do what she wanted. The wedding was scheduled three months later. Soon the girl herself realized her mistake and broke off the engagement. Her views had changed, now she was even glad that her father had lost his wealth and "the vulgar, boring, nasty crowd had left them."


Polozov decided to sell the stearin plant and, after a long search, found a buyer - Charles Beaumont, who was an agent for the London firm of Hodchson, Lauter and K.


Beaumont said that his father came from America, he was here "a distiller at a factory in the Tambov province", but after the death of his wife he returned to America. When his father died, Charles got a job in a London office that deals with St. Petersburg and asked for a job in Russia.


Polozov invited Beaumont to dinner. During the conversation, Katya said that she wanted to do some useful work. Beaumont advised her to get acquainted with Mrs. Kirsanova, but after that to tell about how her affairs were.


Beaumont began to visit the Polozovs very often. Polozov considered him a good match for Katerina. Katerina and Charles fell in love, but did not show their passion, they were very restrained.

Charles proposed to Catherine, warning that he was already married. The girl realized that it was Vera. Katherine gave him her consent.


The next day, Katerina went to Vera and said that she would introduce her to her fiancé. The Kirsanovs, having learned that it was Lopukhov, were very happy (Dmitry staged suicide, changed his name, left for America, but then returned). “The same evening we agreed: for both families to look for apartments that would be nearby.”


“Each of the two families lives in its own way, as it pleases which one. They see each other like family." “Sewing, continuing to grow together, continue to exist; there are now three of them; Katerina Vasilievna has arranged her own for a long time.” This year, Vera Pavlovna will already "take the exam for a doctor."


Several years passed, they lived just as amicably. The author depicts a scene of festivities. Among the youth there is a certain lady in mourning who says that "you can fall in love and you can get married, only with analysis, and without deceit."

Chapter 6

"To the Passage! - said the lady in mourning, only now she was no longer in mourning: a bright pink dress, a pink hat, a white mantilla, a bouquet in her hand. She had been waiting for this day for over two years. But, the author, not wanting to continue, finishes his story.


Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do?" interesting gallery of strong, strong-willed characters - "new" people. This is Vera Pavlovna, Kirsanov, Lopukhov, above whom, as if standing apart, the image of Rakhmetov. All these people made themselves and did not stop working on self-development, while trying to invest as much as possible in the “common cause”. In fact, they are revolutionaries.

The main character of the book, Vera Pavlovna, is not an ordinary woman for that time. She decides to go against the will of her parents, is not afraid of the condemnation of society, opening her workshops, and then becoming a doctor. She inspires other women and people around them to self-development, serving the common cause.

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“A special person” Rakhmetov in the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?”

Sitting in the solitary confinement of the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress, in the intervals between interrogations and hunger strikes, N. G. Chernyshevsky wrote his program work “What to do?”. This novel had the effect of an exploding bomb in political life Russia and at the same time became a new word in Russian literature in form and content.

N. G. Chernyshevsky was the first in Russian literature to create the image of a practical revolutionary who prepared himself for a tough struggle against the autocratic-feudal system. At first glance, Rakhmetov (that is the name of this hero) occupies very little space in the novel. All in all, at a dramatic moment, he gives the main character a letter from her allegedly deceased husband and reads a lecture to her on the topic of educating feelings. Immediately, the author outlines the biography of the hero in several lines, mysteriously adding: "I know more about Rakhmetov than I say." We understand censorship. There is no consensus on who was the prototype of this hero, but, in my opinion, this is the image in which Chernyshevsky collected all the features that delighted him different people with whom he met in his "anti-social" activities. The figure is significant.

The surname of the Rakhmetovs has been known in Russia for a very long time. By the nineteenth century, she had amassed considerable fortunes. Consequently, Rakhmetov grew up in wealth, but could closely observe in his estate all the injustices perpetrated by his serf father. He came to St. Petersburg as an “ordinary kind and honest young man” of sixteen years old and entered the “Faculty of Natural Sciences”. After meeting Kirsanov, Rakhmetov’s transformation into a “special person” begins. God, of course, did not offend this young man with talents. But his character was irrepressible. If you read smart and fair books, then, without stopping for three days, until you fall dead. If you develop physical strength, then become Nikita Lomov, pull a barge for four. If you train your will, then sleep on nails and starve. If you learn about the grief of the people, then don’t forget about it for a minute, be a “gloomy monster.” If you fall in love, then all the humiliated and insulted humanity, leaving no room for personal life. to his comrades. In my opinion, such a character trait is called "maximalism". But acquaintances called Rakhmetov a "rigorist". Translated from Latin, "rigorism" means excessively petty strictness in observing any principles. N. G. Chernyshevsky believed that strictness in observing the principles cannot be excessive. He admired his hero, saying that among the many acquaintances there were only eight people of this type: “There are few of them, but the life of everyone blooms with them; without them, she would have stalled, would have turned sour; there are few of them, but they allow all people to breathe, without them people would suffocate. The mass of honest and kind people is great, but such people are few; but they are in it - theine in tea, bouquet in noble wine; from them her strength and fragrance; this is the color the best people, this is the engine of engines, this is the salt of the salt of the earth.

I have great respect for N. G. Chernyshevsky, but I cannot fully agree with his opinion about Rakhmetov. That is, Rakhmetov himself, perhaps, was as good as the author says. But his image carries very dangerous grains. Firstly, I can’t trust a person who says about himself: “I shouldn’t love,” because I think it’s easier to love abstract humanity than a nasty neighbor from the second entrance. And if her harmful and irresponsible character becomes an obstacle on the way to a new society, what will a follower of Rakhmetov do with her? If Kirsanov says: "I accept the rule: against the will of a person, nothing should be done for him," then Rakhmetov, without any delicacy, says to Vera Pavlovna: "You know that a conversation with me cannot be avoided if it seems to me that a conversation is needed." He has already assumed the role of a judge who knows better than anyone what anyone needs. Ruthlessness towards oneself often provides a false basis for ruthlessness towards others.

Many people brought themselves up on the image of Rakhmetov. Among them, of course, there were ascetics and real heroes. But next to the "special person" grows "superman". And from rigorism one step to terrorism. Therefore, I end my work with the lines of Vladimir Mayakovsky, which are worth thinking about:

In mounds of books
buried the verse
iron strings accidentally discovering,
feel them,
like the old
but a formidable weapon.


Here genuine person, which is especially
but now Russia needs it, take it from him
example and whoever can and is able to follow
along his path, for this is the only
a path that may lead you
to the desired goal.

N.G. Chernyshevsky.

How actor Rakhmetov appears in the chapter "Features-
man." In other chapters, his name is only mentioned. But
it feels like the image is placed in the center reader's attention,
that Rakhmetov- main character novel "What to do?". Chapter "Oso-
poor man" forms, as it were, a small independent
message in a novel, the idea of ​​which would not be complete and understandable without it.
Talking about Rakhmetov, Chernyshevsky deliberately shifts
temporal order of facts, and does not give a definite sequence
Noah characteristics and biography. He uses hints and under-
rumors, intertwining what they "knew" about him with what they "learned"
afterwards. Therefore, each stroke of the biography has a principle
real meaning. For example, origin. Indeed, honor
mu raznochinets Chernyshevsky makes the main character socially -
political novel of a nobleman whose pedigree goes back to
deep into the ages? Perhaps, according to the writer, the image of the revolutionary
ra-nobleman made the idea of ​​revolution more convincing and attractive
boiler room. Since the best representatives of the nobility refuse
their privileges to live at the expense of the people, then the crisis is ripe.
The rebirth of Rakhmetov began in early youth. A family
his was obviously a serf. Buying says this
phrase: "Yes, and he saw that in the village." Watching the cruelty
serfdom, the young man began to think about justice.
"Thoughts began to wander in him, and Kirsanov was for him what
Lopukhov for Vera Pavlovna. "On the very first evening, he" eagerly served
shal" Kirsanov, "interrupted his words with exclamations and curses -
me to that which must perish, blessings to that which must
but live."
Rakhmetov differs from Lopukhov and Kirsanov not only
its aristocratic ancestry, but also the exceptional power
character, which manifests itself in the constant hardening of the body and mind
ha, but especially in preoccupation with the preparation for the revolutionary
noah struggle. This is a man of ideas in the highest sense of the word.
The dream of revolution for Rakhmetov is a guide to action, ori-
center of all personal life.
The desire for rapprochement with
ordinary people. This can be seen from his travels in Russia,
ty physical labor, severe self-restraint in personal life
neither. The people nicknamed Rakhmetov Nikitushka Lomov, expressing this
your love for him. Unlike the commoner Bazarov, who
condescendingly talked with the "thick-bearded" peasants, two
Ryanin Rakhmetov looks at the people not as a mass to be
study. For him, the people deserve respect. He tries to test
thief at least part of the weight that hangs on the peasant's shoulders.
Rakhmetova Chernyshevsky shows how a person is "very
rare", "special breed", but at the same time as a typical face,
belonging to a new social group, although a little
numerical. The writer endowed the "special person" with a severe requirement
respectfulness towards oneself and others, and even a gloomy appearance.
Vera Pavlovna at first finds him "very boring". Lopukhov and
Kirsanov, and everyone who was not afraid of anyone or anything, felt
and some cowardice in front of him at times ... except for Masha and
equal to or superior to her in the simplicity of soul and dress.
But Vera Pavlovna, recognizing Rakhmetov better, says of him:
"... what a gentle and kind person".
Rakhmetov is a rigorist, that is, a person who never
in what does not deviate from the accepted rules of conduct. He cooks
themselves to the revolutionary struggle both morally and physically. overslept
night on nails, he explains his act, widely and joyfully
smiling: "Test. Necessary. Unbelievable, of course: however
needed just in case. I see, I can. "So, probably, Cherny-
Shevsky saw the leader of the revolutionaries. To the question: "What to do?" -
Nikolai Gavrilovich responds with the image of Rakhmetov and the words marked
puppies in the epigraph. The figure of this rigorist had a tremendous
influence on subsequent generations of Russian and foreign revolutionaries
sioners. This is evidenced by the confessions of these people that their "beloved
Rakhmetov, in particular, was the father."
I like Rakhmetov. He has the qualities that
ryh is not enough for Bazarov. I admire his perseverance, will,
endurance, the ability to subordinate one's life to the chosen ideal,
courage, strength. I want to be a little like

A special person in Chernyshevsky's novel What to do

images goodies novel "What to do?" Chernyshevsky tried to answer the burning question of the 60s 19th century in Russia: what to do in order to liberate the country from the tyranny of serfdom? We need a revolution with the participation of the people themselves, which will be led by such experienced leaders as Rakhmetov, one of the main characters in the book.

Rakhmetov is a hereditary nobleman by origin, the formation of views on life and the rebirth of which began in his early youth, and meeting with "new people" only contributed to the final approval of his revolutionary worldview. Rakhmetov breaks with his class and completely connects his fate with the fate of the people. In order to test himself and more acutely feel the deplorable state of the masses, to better understand the thoughts and aspirations of the working people, Rakhmetov, in the same strap with barge haulers, goes all the way along the Volga.

In the author's characterization of Rakhmetov, the features characteristic of a revolutionary organizer come to the fore. Rakhmetov, by an effort of will, suppresses in himself what hinders him. social activities. Personal aspirations and passions, Chernyshevsky believes, do not prevent ordinary revolutionaries from benefiting society: such as Vera Pavlovna, Lopukhov, Kirsanov, who do not claim to be revolutionary leaders. And Rakhmetov is one of them, but something more. Chernyshevsky says: “Great is the mass of good and honest people, but there are few of them ... These are engine engines. It is the salt of the earth."

Chernyshevsky makes it clear to the reader in deaf hints that Rakhmetov is a special person, a leader busy preparing for the revolution. The author tells about the actions of the hero, which characterize him as the organizer of the struggle against the reactionary social order and serve as a means of propagating revolutionary ideas. Rakhmetov is constantly connected with people, especially with young people: "... Rakhmetov appeared, and behind him a whole gang of young people is gradually gaining."

Rakhmetov is demanding of those who join the ranks of the revolutionaries. But if he is demanding of his comrades, then he is merciless to himself. He knows that he has a thorny path ahead of him, and therefore he consistently prepares himself for it morally and physically. After sleeping on the nails for the night, Rakhmetov, smiling broadly and joyfully, explains his act: “A trial. Need". Strict regime Everyday life strengthened his will, gave physical and moral strength, turned him into a hero - Nikitushka Lomov.

Rakhmetov is gentle and kind in dealing with ordinary people and comrades who share his beliefs. Vera Pavlovna says of him: “I had a long conversation with the ferocious Rakhmetov. What a gentle and kind person he is!” But he is severely merciless and implacable towards those who hinder the happiness of people by trampling them human dignity. Severity and intransigence is a sign of the times, salient feature revolutionary democrats.

Rakhmetov is a generalized image of a professional Russian revolutionary. It reflects character traits prominent people 60s of the last century. Plekhanov, pointing to the generalizing significance of the image of Rakhmetov, said that "each of our outstanding socialists of the 60s and 70s had a considerable share of Rakhmetovism." The image of Rakhmetov rendered a huge impact on subsequent generations of Russian revolutionaries.

Perhaps Chernyshevsky is wrong when he speaks of the revolution as the only driving force. Don't know. History cannot be rewritten or changed. But he is right about one thing: a revolutionary must be “with clean hands and a warm heart.” Otherwise, how can one undertake the reorganization of society?

Chernyshevsky wrote his novel What Is to Be Done? in the era of rise revolutionary movement in Russia. The hero of the novel Rakhmetov, like no one else, was suitable for revolutionary activity. Rakhmetov is distinguished by rigidity, asceticism, iron will, and hatred of the people's oppressors. No wonder the leader of the Bolsheviks V. I. Lenin put this literary hero as an example to his comrades-in-arms, saying that only with such people a revolutionary coup in Russia is possible.
What is this special person who still attracts the attention of those who crave social upheaval for the common good? By origin, Rakhmetov is a nobleman. His father was a very rich man. But free life did not keep Rakhmetov on his father's estate. He left the province and entered the natural faculty in St. Petersburg.
Without difficulty, Rakhmetov became close in the capital with progressively thinking people. Chance brought him to Kirsanov, from whom he learned a lot of new and advanced political things. He began to read books avidly. It seems that he measured out a time period for himself and exactly fit into it. Six months later, Rakhmetov put the books aside and said: "Now reading has become a secondary matter for me; from this side I am ready for life." In these words of the hero, one can discern something that goes beyond the framework of a normally developing person.
Rakhmetov began to accustom his physical essence to obey the spiritual, that is, he began to order himself and fulfill these orders accurately and on time. Then he began to harden the body. Undertook the hardest work. He was even a burlak.
He did all this in preparation for great revolutionary deeds. He brilliantly managed to create himself a powerful physically and spiritually strong person. Rakhmetov fanatically followed the path chosen once and for all. He ate only what ordinary people ate, although he had the opportunity to eat better. He explained it simply: "So it is necessary - it gives respect and love ordinary people. This is useful, it can come in handy. " Apparently, in order to emphasize his extreme revolutionary nature, Chernyshevsky forced his hero to give up personal human happiness for the sake of the ideals of the revolutionary struggle. Rakhmetov refused to marry a rich young widow. He explained it this way: "I must suppress in myself love; love for you would tie my hands, they will not be untied soon - they are already tied.
The democratic writer Chernyshevsky in the image of Rakhmetov portrayed a revolutionary leader, a special person. The author wrote about such people: "This is the color of the best people, these are engines of engines, this is the salt of the salt of the earth."
But time has shown the failure of the Bolshevik ideas. And now it is clear to me why the leaders of the October Revolution chose Rakhmetov as their ideal. They developed those Rakhmetian qualities with which it was convenient for them to commit cruel deeds: they did not spare themselves, and even more so others, carried out orders with the chilling thoughtless clarity of an iron engine, treated dissidents as superhumans treat subhumans. As a result, Russia was covered in blood, and the world was shocked by the brutality of the revolutionary actions.
Our society is again on the way to a civilized future. And personally, I dream that in our future there will be fewer "special" people, and more ordinary people: kind, smiling, living their own lives. I want this future to become a reality.

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