Men's lips with a pencil. Portrait

In this tutorial I will teach you how to draw lips using simple form triangle. The whole process consists of 10 simple steps. You will be able to create different kinds lips, making small changes in step 1. I will use the following materials in this tutorial:

  1. Mechanical pencil 0.5 mm HB
  2. Graphite pencil 6B
  3. Eraser-nag (soft eraser)
  4. Blending stick
  5. Smooth thick paper for drawing (Bristol cardboard)

Step 1.

Draw an elongated isosceles triangle. Stepping back from its top a little down, draw an arc (a curved line resembling the shape of the letter U). Swipe straight horizontal line approximately halfway between the arc and the base of the triangle. The longer the horizontal line, the wider the lips will be. With a shorter line, the lips will look more plump.

Step 2

Create the outline of the upper lip by connecting extreme points a horizontal line with an arc at the top of the triangle, the resulting figure should resemble Cupid's bow.

Step 3

Create a lower lip - draw a smooth curved line, the lowest point of which does not go beyond the border of the triangle. Following the horizontal line, draw the outlines of the parted mouth.

Step 4

Erase the triangle and determine where the light source will be. In this figure, it is located on the top right. I outlined the outline of the most lit areas of the lips and then applied a light tone to the less lit areas with a soft graphite pencil, and also added a falling shadow from the lower lip to the left.

Step 5

Continue applying foundation on both lips, leaving the areas you marked in step 4 as the lightest. Notice the shadow below lower lip- its dark tone gradually lightens from left to right, thereby showing the direction of light from the top right. On the outer contour of the lower lip, leave light areas on the border with the drop shadow.

Step 6

Using a thin lead pencil (I use a 0.5 HB mechanical pencil) draw lines of wrinkles and cracks. Do not press the pencil too hard, otherwise it will be difficult for you to achieve the desired effect further.

Step 7

Using a shading stick, rub the tone on the lower lip. Do not touch the lightest areas that you outlined earlier. So the lips will look more voluminous and natural. You will notice that the lines of wrinkles and cracks in the process of shading will gradually begin to fade and merge with the tone. Do not overdo it so that they do not disappear completely.

Step 8

Go over the lighter areas of the lower lip with the corner of the eraser, pressing it lightly against the paper. Use the eraser to lighten the highlights with gentle movements to create the effect of glossy lips.

Step 9

Repeat steps 7-8 for the upper lip.

Step 10

Using soft graphite pencil 6B, darken the following areas: the outer contours of the lips, the shadow under the lower lip, the corners of the lips, and cracks and wrinkles. You can resize the lips by moving the horizontal line (step 1) higher to make the upper lip thinner, or lower, to make it thicker. The glossy effect also makes the lips look fuller. Experiment with different triangle shapes. Don't be discouraged if the first time you don't get it exactly the way you intended. Keep drawing, and then each step will become completely clear. You will draw realistic lips effortlessly!

Complexity artistic work with the profile of the lips, as the most mimic active part of the face, is due to several factors: a large variety of shapes of this part of the face, the choice of the appropriate mimic position of the lips in the absence of the ability to fix them statically, the difficulty of applying a tonal and microcomponent pattern to the surface of the lips due to their pronounced physical relief .

For the image of the lips, it is also required to prepare a pencil with a hardness of H - for drawing a contour, 2B - for applying halftones, and a hardness above this - for marking edges and sharp shadows.

Choice of lip shape and philtrum

It should be remembered that the model will be able to "keep" the lips motionless only in the state complete calm. If it is necessary to depict a smile or some other mimic grimace on the lips, the artist is required to remember this state very clearly in order to clearly reproduce it with further drawing. To do this, you can prepare for yourself an auxiliary labial-facial sketch before you draw the lips in stages with a pencil. The sketch consists of eight straight lines repeating the outlines of the lips.

Another necessary condition for a successful portrait or copy is the correct selection of lighting and applying it to a preliminary sketch. An example is shown in the image below.

How to draw lips and accurately convey highlights on their wet outer shell? To do this, use pencils with a hardness of 4B and an eraser.

The role of the muscular frame and the philtrum in the construction of the contour and plane of the lips

The lips together with the groove form the most mobile component human face. The concentration of the muscular frame around them suggests the presence of specific folds and, consequently, individual tones and midtones that form unique portrait qualities.

The circular muscle of the mouth, which creates their elevation, completely surrounds the lips. The pits on either side of them are created by the large zygomatic muscles, the muscles of lowering the mouth, and the muscles of laughter. The cavity under the lip is formed by the muscle of lowering the mouth and the muscle of lowering the lower lip.

So how to draw lips in stages?

Specificity of the image of mimic lip wrinkles

Wrinkles as deformations of the skin due to its regular movement are formed in childhood. If only the deepest and most obvious wrinkles are depicted on the groove and the skin around the lips, drawn as a full-fledged micro-depression with penumbra, then directly on the lips drawing wrinkles according to their planar and dimensional features will give the lips a lively expression, a healthy realistic look and bring the artist closer to understanding how to draw beautiful lips.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to depict such irregularities on rounded planes without cutting through them with lines, but by creating an outline of an additional layer, from which the folds are then carefully molded.

Building a lip contour

How to draw lips, "tied" by their position to the face? To do this, it is necessary to construct several additional planes in the figure.

Asking the question of how to draw lips with a pencil, and starting drawing coordination lines on paper, you must remember first of all the required angle and turn of the face. To do this, the axial line of the face is first drawn, according to which the semi-axis of the inclination of the lips is drawn next.

The figure below shows how the two lines that outline the boundaries of the philtrum form their maximum elevation above the line of the mouth. These lines, following through the lips, descend to the lower edge of the labial halo and are attached to the chin along the facial muscles. If facial features are required, these vertical blocks are separated by one or more horizontal faces. It is necessary to build similar lines, dividing the rest of the lips in half and reducing them to the muscles of the chin, indicated in the figure by a cupped elevation. Next, lines are built that limit the corners of the lips.

Now, according to the drawn facial structural grid, the labial-facial sketch is transferred to it.

Applying tone to the labial planes

First of all, it is necessary to highlight with a pencil - 4B and above - all the edges that are extreme to the viewer: the connection of the upper corner of the lip with the edge of the groove, the front and middle circles of the lower lip and the border of the upper in the foreground.

The imposition of tone is carried out strictly with the definition of the angle of incidence of illumination. It is necessary to remember about the culture of the stroke, the slope of the strokes in 85% of the tone should be directed in one direction, preferably parallel to the lighting. First, a shadow is placed on vertical planes: nasolabial folds, folds of the corners of the mouth, a deep vertical labial furrow and two faces of the philtrum. The nose is shaded.

With a pencil of medium softness from 2V to 4V, the upper lip is shaded to the center in the foreground - a tonal stretch is made towards the light with the tone receding into the background. The lower edge of the lower lip is highlighted in tone at the junction with the muscles leading to the chin. With semicircular strokes to the desired plane, a tone is applied to the lip lapel, also making the far corner pale. soft pencil the anterior protruding plane of the lips is emphasized. The halftone is superimposed on the muscle folds.

With an eraser, shiny surfaces on which light falls are selected and wiped. The planes of the lips closest to the viewer are emphasized, creating a contrast with the darkened edges.

Study of small details and various decorative attributes for the lips

Together with the task of how to draw lips, the question of their decoration and drawing is determined.

In general, wrinkles are applied to the plane of the lips in the very last turn. If a portrait is supposed to have a mustache or any other hair that is directly related to the lips, in the recommendation on how to draw lips in stages with a pencil, the step of applying shadows is skipped - they are added with a few strokes to free planes. If it is required to draw a piercing on the lips that passes directly through the upper or lower lapel, as well as teeth that go to the lapel, a recess is drawn under them according to the dimensions of the required accessory, which is distinguished by a few strokes of hardness H.

In this lesson I will teach you how to draw lips with a base on a triangular shape in just ten easy steps. You can reproduce different types of lip positions by making minor adjustments in the first step. This method came about by accident: I somehow compared lips to a bow and arrow.

(I regularly get messages from subscribers who have tried this method, and they are all convinced of its effectiveness. I hope it helps you too! Have fun creative process!)

For this tutorial you will need:

- a mechanical pencil with an HB core 0.5 mm thick;
graphic pencil 6V (for example, Derwent);
- nag eraser;
- shading;
- smooth paper (for example, Bristol).

Step 1:

Draw an elongated isosceles triangle. Under the top corner, draw a curve (in the shape of a “U”). Draw a horizontal straight line between the curve and the base of the triangle. The longer the drawn line, the wider the lips will be, and vice versa: the shorter, the fuller.

“But what if I want to draw it already on the face?” See my face drawing tutorial for the location of the "triangle". Here you will have to pay attention to the proportions, and they will help you calculate the length of the triangle and the width of the lips, taking into account the rest of the face.

Step 2:

Outline the upper lip, imitating the shape of Cupid's bow.

Step 3:

Draw the lower lip with a curved line that does not extend beyond the base of the triangle. Based on a horizontal line, “slightly open” the drawn mouth.

Step 4:

After you erase the triangle, define the light source. AT this example the light source is in the upper right side. I've highlighted the parts I want to lighten, and I'll also put a shadow on the left side of the lower lip.

Step 5:

Darken both lips and leave the areas that you defined as the lightest in step 4. You can see that there is a shadow under the lower lip. Toward the right side, it decreases, which shows that the light source is in the upper right corner.

Step 6:

Draw a few folds on the lips with a hard-soft pencil (0.5 mm). Don't push too hard, as you'll have difficulty with the next step.

Step 7:

Smooth out the darkening on the lower lip with a blender. Don't touch the highlights from step 4. The highlights will make the lips look fuller and rounder. You may also notice that the lip lines become thinner in the shade, but do not disappear completely.

Step 8:

Go over the sharpest corner of the eraser over the highlights and give the highlights a neater look with a glare effect.

Step 9:

Do the operations from steps 7-8 with the upper lip.

Last step:

Intensify the shadows in areas such as the outer edges of the lips, above the upper lip, the creases and corners of the lips (6B pencil).

You can change the size of the lips by moving the horizontal line up (for a thinner upper lip) or down (for a fuller upper lip). Also add a highlight with an eraser to make the lips look even more voluminous.

Do you have any questions? Leave them in the comments below the article! Don't be discouraged if you don't get what you want on the first try. Keep working, and take each step apart. Work will become much easier! Also don't forget to experiment with different triangle shapes and line positions in step 2.

Translation of an article from

In the lessons on how to draw lips with a pencil, they often write that it is difficult to draw them, as well as any part of the face. I don't think so, but on the contrary, I find drawing lips quite easy. The main thing is to do it correctly and remember about the structural features of human lips. So, sharpen your pencils sharply, look for a photo that you like and start! I will try to convince you that drawing lips is not at all difficult.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the first stage

Making a pencil sketch of the markings AT. The pencil may be 2B and 4B- this is not very important, since almost all B-marking pencils are suitable for sketching.

The sketch turned out to be quite simple, consisting of only a few lines. It should not contain anything superfluous. In general, the first stages of drawing in the lessons and how to draw lips are almost identical to each other. First, a sketch is made, and then shading.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the second and third stages

At the second stage, I do a light shading on the sketch and wipe the contours of the lips with an eraser, because it is almost impossible to make a feather and not go beyond the contours. Do not forget to wipe the sketch a little and outline the lips in more detail.

Of course, you need to leave the light areas of the lips without shading.

I start drawing lips with pencils of the group H. At the third stage, even after a slight drawing, the volume of the lips begins to be seen. So I'm doing everything right. I also draw the corners of the mouth and the line between the upper and lower lip with a darker pencil.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the fourth stage

At the fourth stage of the lesson how to draw lips with a simple pencil, I already draw the lips in detail, leaving light areas. It is important to draw with semicircular strokes - these are the structural features of the lips that I mentioned above.

Also, in the fourth step, I draw shadows around the lips. More attention should be paid to the shadow under the lower lip - this will give the lips the desired volume. We should not forget about the shadow above the upper lip, but it should be lighter than the shadow under the lower lip.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the last fifth stage

The final, fifth stage, I finish the drawing. In principle, after four stages, the lips look pretty good anyway - they have volume, both the lips themselves and the corners of the mouth are well drawn, but still, I would work on them a little more. Needs to be sorted out

Good day, our dear readers, today we, i.e. YOU learn How to draw a person's lips using a pencil for this. In general, my sister and I conferred for a very long time on the topic of which lesson to publish today. I offered her to draw an owl, but she insisted on her own and offered to make another one for drawing anime! As a result, after a little reflection, remembering your positive reviews about our lesson on drawing the eyes, we came to common denominator and drew a lesson about lips :) And I think we did the right thing, because there are plenty of different animals and birds on our site, and it would probably be wrong to post 2 posts in a row about anime.

And also * we tell you this by big secret* originally we wanted to give this lesson a slightly different name "HOW TO DRAW ... DUMPLINGS"!!! instead of normal and adequate "How to draw human lips"

But again, common sense won over our madness and we left the lesson with a normal name! Moreover, dumplings are better not to draw, but to sculpt or, even better, eat them !!! Although no one will answer this question better than you, our readers, can you still rename it? We'd love to hear from you in the comments on this post :)

Well, everything, you need to stop talking and start taking action. We hope you are ready for them! With you a pencil, an eraser, Blank sheet papers and a little desire. Come on, you'll be fine How to draw human lips.

And don't forget to click on the picture :)

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