How to win in "Russian Lotto": the secret of a big win. Lottery Winners - Don't Make the Same Mistakes

You will find out what is the probability of winning the lottery, whether it is possible to increase the chances of winning and which lottery is the most winning in Russia. All details in the article.

08.05.2018 Alexander Fattakhov

The desire to get rich has always driven people. Casinos, sports betting and of course lotteries offer an easy way to get huge amounts of money. But are these ways of earning money really so simple?

In this article, we will talk about which lottery can really win, what are the chances of an ordinary player, and whether it is worth playing at all.

What are the lotteries

Lotteries are once again experiencing a boom in popularity. Someone sees in them an opportunity to get rich easily, for others it is another type of recreation - to sit in front of the TV in the evening with the family, crossing out the cherished numbers.

If you are seduced by the prospect of easy money under the guise of a hobby, it's time to buy a lottery ticket.

But let's first understand what lotteries are. Their main difference is the form of implementation. There are two main types, which we will talk about.


The name speaks for itself. The results are known right at the point of purchase. It is necessary to erase certain fields on the ticket or open the envelope. Small winnings are paid out immediately on the spot. If you have caught luck by the tail, then contact the organizers to receive a large prize.

It is impossible to check the honesty of the instant lottery. Statistics are not tracked, results are not recorded.


They are divided into two types:

  1. The player fills in the fields himself.
  2. The ticket has filled fields.

There are no further differences. The lottery machine gives out balls with numbers, or the presenter takes out the kegs from the bag, the numbers that have fallen must be crossed out. Draws are broadcast on the Internet or on television. The results can be checked on the site, the honesty of most of them is beyond doubt, but the organizers in any case remain in the black.

In this article, in the future, we will focus exclusively on draw lotteries.

What is the probability of winning the lottery - what science says

It is interesting to consider the lottery from the point of view of science. What are the chances of winning?

The theory of probability is responsible for such calculations. Chance is calculated simply: the factorial of all possible options is divided by the factorial of the outcome.

The first question that arises is: what is a factorial? This is the product of all integers in a row up to the given one.

For example, the factorial of the number 4 looks like this:

4! = 1*2*3*4 = 24.

It turns out that for Gosloto 5 out of 36 the probability of winning is as follows:

36!/5! = 376992 (36 balls in the lottery drum, 5 random ones participate in the drawing)

That is, for every 376,992 participants, there is one winner. But the considered option is valid only for the jackpot, when all 5 numbers have been guessed. In this case, winning tickets are those in which at least two numbers are guessed. Here the chances are much higher, namely - 1 to 8, but at the same time you will receive only 80 rubles.

But not for all draw lotteries it is possible to accurately calculate the chance. In such as "Russian Lotto", the chance depends on the circulation. In large runs, 2 kegs remain in the bag and the number of prize tickets reaches 40%.

Most of the winnings are small cash prizes, but this does not stop the organizers from loudly declaring that every third ticket wins.

Having considered the most popular Russian and world representatives, we get the following:

Which lottery can you really win - what the statistics say

We have considered this question from the point of view of probability theory. But you need to understand that it works with a very large sample, about a million outcomes.

No company has yet held such a large number of draws, so it is more interesting to consider lotteries from the point of view of statistics.

4 state lotteries are sold under the Gosloto brand, we will consider the most popular - "5 out of 36". 5 drawings are held daily, and the total number of draws has exceeded 8100.

The statistics are quite interesting:

  1. Number of participants. From 10,000 to 20,000 tickets take part in each drawing. At the same time, the largest number of participants falls on the evening draws.
  2. Amounts played. If we talk about circulations in which the jackpot is not played, then the payouts range from 300,000 to 800,000 thousand rubles.
  3. Jackpot. The super prize is drawn on average every hundredth draw. That is, every 20 days there is another millionaire.

Russian loto

One of the most popular and oldest lotteries in Russia. Draws are held once a week on Sundays.

The site provides the following statistics:

  1. Number of participants. From 2,500,000 to 3,500,000 tickets take part in a regular draw. In special ones, when 2 kegs remain, from 7,000,000. On January 1, 2018, a record was set: more than 45,000,000 participants took part in the draw.
  2. Amounts played. On a typical day, 100,000,000 - 120,000,000 rubles are drawn. For special editions, the amount is doubled. The record belongs to the January circulation - 2,125,000,150 rubles.
  3. Missing kegs. Most often, the numbers 83, 76, 78, 70, 37 remain in the bag.

Chance of winning. This indicator depends on the numbers not drawn. There are no official statistics on the site. But by simple mathematical calculations, the following result will be obtained: 4 barrels - 20%, 3 - 30%, 2 - 40%.

housing lottery

The name speaks for itself. All major prizes are real estate (country houses, cottages, apartments). The rules are exactly the same as in the "Russian loto". Only instead of a bag of kegs, a lototron is used. The draw takes place once a week on Sunday.

The draw statistics are as follows:

  1. Number of participants. It is lower than in the more popular Russian Lotto. For the standard draw - up to a million, for special draws - up to 2.5 million.
  2. Amounts played. In the standard draw, up to 80 million rubles are raffled off. The record belongs to the January special edition, during which more than 310,000,000 rubles were raffled off.
  3. Non-falling balls. The balls numbered 18, 72, 11, 70, 37 take part in the game least of all.

Golden Key

In the past, one of the most popular representatives, and the main competitor of Russian Lotto. In 2015, it ceased to exist, for unknown reasons. We wanted to compare the Golden Key statistics with existing analogues, but there is no information.

The only thing that was found was a loud mention that during the existence of 2000 prizes worth more than 1 million each were drawn.


Sportloto is the oldest representative on this list. Draws are held every 15 minutes. Sportloto does not brag about the large amounts paid. The maximum possible amount is 10,000,000 rubles. The biggest win I found in the archive is 63,000 rubles.

Examples of winnings in Russia

Everyone is only interested in large sums, no one cares about tickets for which you can get 100 or 110 rubles. Although in the largest circulation of "Russian Lotto" only such tickets accounted for more than a billion rubles of payments!

Everyone is interested in millionaires and only the biggest prizes.

We have compiled a selection of the biggest prizes:

  • 184,000,000 - Valery T. from Omsk ("Gosloto 6 out of 45" dated 02/10/2014);
  • 250,000,000 - unknown winner ("Russian Lotto" dated 01/01/2018);
  • 267,000,000 - Yuri N. from Nizhny Novgorod ("Gosloto 6 out of 45" dated February 21, 2018);
  • 358,000,000 - Nikolai F. from Novosibirsk ("Gosloto 6 out of 45" dated February 27, 2016);
  • 506,000,000 - Natalia Vlasova ("Russian Lotto" dated November 5, 2017).

A noteworthy fact is that February is the busiest month. He won 3 of the largest prizes out of 5.

The network contains information about winnings of 300,000,000 and 367,000,000 rubles. But we did not find it on the website of the organizers.

Is it worth playing the lottery?

Huge sums of money are raffled off every day, photos of happy millionaires and owners of new apartments regularly appear on the network. It seems that everyone, except you, has already received his treasured million.

Is it worth playing to get rich? Definitely not. That is, regular participation in lotteries does not guarantee wealth.

There are stories in which farmer John from Texas bought lottery tickets every day for ten years. And in the eleventh year, he wins $100 million. And it's true, such stories exist. But no one talks about the same farmers who do not win anything, but simply spend a lot of money.

This is a game of chance, it should be treated solely as entertainment. The release of adrenaline into the blood, pleasant emotions even from a small win. But gambling cannot be considered as a reliable tool for making money. You will not earn anything but losses and damaged nerve cells.

The organizer will always make a profit, no matter how much was drawn. True, no one hides this fact. Consider the results of the Russian Lotto lottery on January 1: 2 billion rubles in winnings seems like a huge amount.

But let's look at the number of tickets sold (more than 42.5 million) and the cost (100 rubles). By multiplying, we get that more than 4 billion were received from sales alone.

FAQ - answers to the most frequently asked questions

The lottery is a complex mechanism that includes not only organizers and participants.

There are many interesting and important questions related to the rules, conditions and just money. We have answered the most popular and important ones.

Question 1. How taxed is the winnings?

In Russia, this figure is 13%. The winner is obliged to include the prize money in the general income declaration or receive the winnings already taking into account the tax deduction. For example, you won a million rubles. The first option is to get it in your hands, after paying a tax of 130,000. The second option is to get 870,000 already taking into account the tax deduction.

Question 2. How to increase the chances of winning?

Here it is worth turning to the theory of probability. This science gives a definite answer. To maximize the chances of the desired outcome, you need to increase the number of attempts.

Let's take a simple example. You have 10 numbered balls in the bag, you need to draw a ball with number 3. Having one attempt, the chance of success is 10%, increasing the number of attempts to two, the chance will increase to 20%.

For the lottery, the same principle applies, only the number of "balls in the bag" is much larger. Buying more tickets increases the chance of winning, albeit slightly.

Question 3. How to choose a ticket to win?

There is no answer to this question, otherwise everyone would be millionaires, and the organizers would go around the world. It all depends on your luck, and it is impossible to measure it mathematically.

In my youth, I often played instant lotteries, as the owner of a "light hand", but I never received large sums. Conspiracies, psychics, fortunetellers will not help in any way, you will only lose your money. The above describes in detail how the theory of probability works, and it is impossible to influence it by such means.

Question 4. What is the biggest win in the world?

The record holder is the American Powerball. In 2016, the largest jackpot was drawn in the amount of $1,568,000,000. However, there were three lucky ones and the amount was divided, each received $528 million.

The biggest single win also belongs to Powerball. In 2017, the only winner of the $758.7 million jackpot was a resident of Massachusetts.

How to win the lottery - an entertaining video on the topic of the article:

“Winning a million in the lottery” sounds tempting, because it is associated with a game that people of all ages are interested in.

Everyone wants to win, even if it's just a simple competition with no monetary reward. And the lottery attracts with the opportunity to become the owner of a large amount, sometimes counted in millions.

What really works here, is it just a chance, or are there some ways that the win becomes more real. Before answering these questions, it is worth understanding the essence of this type of draw.

What is a lottery?

Based on the origin of the word “lottery”, which means “lot” (from Italian), the principle becomes clear: a game in which a lucky number falls out or does not fall out. As a result, the player or becomes the owner a large amount, or loses the money invested in the lottery ticket. The essence of the draw is randomness: which numbers will fall out. Or are there patterns?

Example: A resident of Sochi won 365 million rubles in the lottery

You can live your life and not think about the existence of lotteries, but you can try your luck and be among the lucky ones that the whole world will talk about. In May 2017, a resident of Sochi purchased a Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery ticket and won 365 million rubles.

This case was a record, in Russia there has not yet been a win of this size in the entire history of the lottery movement.

The winner spent all 700 rub. to buy a ticket, and this insignificant expense was returned to him in millions of times more.

It seems that it couldn't be easier: buy a ticket, fill in the numbers and wait for the draw. And, of course, hope to win.

Types of lotteries

The whole variety of lottery draws is divided into 2 main types:

  • Instant.
  • Circulation.

They differ in the duration of the waiting time and the amount of winnings.

The first kind does not no difficulty. Most often, you need to overwrite a certain place (scratch layer) and find out the result, or tear the sealed bundle and unfold it to read the answer.

Instant lotteries attract lack of expectation: when will the circulation. You can find out here and now how favorable fate is in terms of receiving an unexpected prize. By the way, the winner receives a medium-sized win immediately, and if we are talking about an amount with several zeros, then you will have to contact the organizers of the draw.

Draws are held on certain days and hours. Lotteries of this kind are divided into the following types:

  • The participant independently fills in the numbers or crosses them out in a special table, having his own strategy. This option makes a person feel their involvement in what is happening. There is something here like magic.
  • Receipt of tickets with serial numbers. After the draw, a lucky number is determined, if it matches, the owner of such a card becomes the winner.

The circulation type includes auctions, promotions, contests and quizzes.

Such draws turn into an entertainment event. Usually they are organized by a specific company, which prepares for the winners not only a big cash prize, but also valuable gifts - branded presents.

5 ways to hit the big jackpot

Do not be skeptical about the opportunity to bring the happy moment of winning closer, because this is a voluntary matter. A person has the right to decide for himself whether to tempt fate at random or not. As for tips on how to win the lottery, you can check for yourself whether they work or not.

  • The approach is multi-circulation. The system is simple: you should come up with an arbitrary sequence of numbers and use it several times in a row in several tickets.
  • Psychological analysis. The invented combination of numbers must be disassembled into parts. If any specific dates come to mind, in order not to repeat them, you need to swap the numbers. You need to go beyond associative numbers and try to come up with more unpredictable sequences.
  • Collective purchase of lottery tickets. A group of volunteers gathers, who are dumped at a certain amount into the general treasury, and buy tickets. This significantly increases the probability of winning, which will then be divided among all participants in the company. Basically, team players prefer "6 out of 49", but sometimes they try at random in "Gosloto 5 out of 36" or "Russian Lotto". From the history of the application of such a strategy, there are amazing examples, when in 2015 the staff of the Los Angeles Hospital won more than 300 million dollars.
  • Expanded bet. Digital combinations thought out in advance fit into the same fields. Although there are additional costs for such a complex bet, it is worth a try. Here there is an increase in the number of sequences, which can positively affect the outcome of the draw and bring the longed-for victory closer.
  • Distributed editions. We are talking about buying lotteries from organizers that support the delayed issuance of winnings. The participants of the game are waiting for the final completion of all stages of the draw. Thus, the prize not received immediately increases in value. This is a kind of investment of your own winnings on favorable terms. Here the size of the winnings plays a role, which is distributed among the participants proportionally.

Top list of lotteries in the world:

Sportloto Keno

One of the most common bingo-like games, or most regular lotteries. Here you need to show your own imagination, figure out what numbers to fill in the game coupon. In a simple ticket from 1 to 20 numbers, in a gaming totalizator up to 80. The amount of winnings depends on the number of matching numbers.

Lottery "6 out of 49"

The principle of the game is similar to the previous one. Here you also need to guess the numbers: the more there are, the higher the winning amount. There are various nuances that affect the increase in the prize bet. For example, if the value of the bonus ball matches one of the numbers crossed out in the ticket, the winnings for 5 guessed numbers increase.

Tempting is super prize, which increases each time, if no one won it, goes to the next draw.

Russian loto

Fans of the traditional lotto can play Russian Lotto, which can bring a good win. The participant is in front of the TV screen with a ticket in hand. The host of the drawing calls the numbers that need to be noted on the ticket.

The circulation takes place in three stages:

  1. Closing 5 numbers horizontal line.
  2. Complete closure of the horizontal line.
  3. Closing all ticket numbers.

The jackpot here is also cumulative. So the top prize can go up to fabulous sum. Reviews about this game say that it is the most popular among Russians.

"Gosloto" and its varieties

In a number of Russian lotteries, Gosloto is the leader. The happy owners of jackpots were convinced of this (in 2009 - 100 million rubles., in 2013 60 million rubles .).

You can play this lottery by buying a real ticket, or you can choose the online mode. Purchase a virtual ticket on the website, pay for it in a convenient way. Fill it out in digital format and participate in the drawing, which is held daily on the website. By the way, you can fill out a ticket yourself or use an automatically generated combination of numbers.

You can also use a mobile phone. To play Gosloto 5 out of 36, send a message to 9999, for Gosloto 6 out of 45 - 654, for Gosloto 7 out of 49 - 749.

housing lottery

The drawing of cash prizes is held weekly, on Saturdays. The circulation principle is similar to other state lotteries, with the only difference: winnings from 2-3 apartments.

Golden Key

The prizes in this lottery are in monetary terms and in the form of real estate. The draw is held in several rounds:

In the 1st, 5 numbers must match with the first 5 balls.

In the 2nd - 15 numbers in the ticket must match the values ​​on the dropped balls.

3rd - the coincidence of 30 numbers with the balls of the lottery drum.

4th and subsequent stages - it is necessary to match all the numerical values ​​in the ticket with the dropped balls.

American lottery Mega Millions

The Megamillion lottery has been called that since 2002. It used to be "Biggame" ("Big Game").

The participant of the drawing makes a choice: 5 main and 1 additional ball. You can win in one of 5 categories. The biggest win is the jackpot when guessing the values ​​of all 6 balls. The drawing is carried out with the help of 2 lottery drums, in one - 56 balls, in the other - 46 "mega-balls".

The minimum size of the main prize in the history of the lottery was $12 million If there is more than one winner, the jackpot amount is evenly divided between them.

The biggest jackpot in 656 million dollars divided between 3 players. The single winner was an American from New York who won $319 million

New York Lotto

American lottery, the principle of the game is similar to the previous one. The main and bonus numbers are also drawn here. Winners are determined by different levels.

If you guess 3 numbers - the minimum win. If all 6 balls match, the jackpot is won. You must be at least 18 years of age to participate in this game. Throughout the entire period of this lottery, the smallest main prize was $3 million, and the largest was 65 million dollars.

This game is remarkable in that it can be played by anyone living in any country in the world.

European Lottery Euro Jackpot

The numbers on a lottery ticket are called stars or euros. Do not be upset if you did not manage to get the main win, there are 11 more prize positions provided here. Additional prizes are not so small, they can be tens of thousands of euros.

The amount of bonuses depends on the state of the prize fund, which consists of proceeds from the sale of tickets and the possible transfer of the jackpot from one draw to another. This lottery is available not only to Europeans, a resident of any part of the globe can become participants.

EuroMillions Lottery

The main European lottery, in which about 10 countries participate. Due to such a wide geography of coverage, a sufficient number of participants have been attracted, so the prize fund sometimes reaches very large sizes. With a lottery cost of 2 euros, you can become a Euromillionaire in a few days. In addition to the jackpot, you can receive cash prizes on 13 levels.

The unplayed main prize goes to the next draw. But there are limitations here: if the prize fund increases to 190 million euros, it is not raised again.

Due to the fact that this lottery covers different countries, tax on the prize is paid under the terms of the law of the country where the ticket was purchased.

Examples of people who hit the big jackpot

There is no person on earth who would not dream of becoming a millionaire, except perhaps monks and billionaires. Some have no interest in money at all, for others it is little money. However, not everything is easy with getting a win of several million.

Not all the lucky ones are in a hurry to advertise their luck, moreover, they do not want to give their name and place of residence. The reason for such fears is understandable, because there are many scammers and criminals in the world, from whom it is better to stay away.

The statistics of millions of winnings is as follows:

  • In 2011, in one of the cities of Scotland, the owner of a lottery ticket received a solid prize - 185 million euros.
  • In 2012, 4 winners won at once 112 million Australian dollars, which were divided equally among themselves.
  • Four Brazilians Win the Mega-Sena Lottery 195 million reais.
  • The jackpot in the Grand Lotto 6/55 (Philippines) draw in 2010 was 741 pesos.

In Russia, there are also a sufficient number of those who were lucky enough to get a large cash prize by investing mere pennies in buying a ticket. This is how the top ten minions of fate look like:

  • The smallest of the big winnings, which went to a resident of Togliatti, Yuri Ivanov - 952 thousand rubles. This experienced player never stopped dream and believe in luck, used various tricks to turn a lucky break in his favor and achieved his goal.
  • A resident of the Urals just before Christmas became the owner of capital exactly at 1 million rubles. He wished to remain anonymous so as not to arouse increased interest in his person.
  • Jackpot in 2.5 million rubles. received Alexander Osterenko from a small town in the Samara region. He was not an avid player, the desire to buy a ticket arose spontaneously. sometimes worth it listen to your intuition, which Alexander did, becoming a millionaire overnight.
  • One Russian, who did not want to be named, accidentally bought an RJ lottery ticket along with the purchase of a train ticket. Imagine his surprise when it turned out that he was waiting for a win in 11 million rubles.
  • Just before the New Year, Nadezhda Mumetzyanova won 29 million rubles. — it was the Bingo Show jackpot.
  • In Gosloto 35 million rubles. won by Evgeny Sidorov, who spent only 560 rubles on the bet.
  • A resident of the Leningrad region unexpectedly turned up luck in 100 million rubles. - the largest cash prize in the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery. Having become a millionaire, he wisely disposed of his capital, raised his business, investing several million in the construction of a hotel, acquired real estate in St. Petersburg, bought a car for himself and his father. He did not forget about his own sister - he gave her an apartment. Helped friends by lending them several million. Out of kindness, he gave 2 million to charitable causes.
  • Jackpot total 184 million rubles. ended up in the hands of a resident of Tomsk. The Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery brought him such a pleasant surprise. Rate of 810 rubles. turned out to be such an impressive gift.
  • Winning in 200 million rubles. ended up in the hands of a resident of Nizhny Novgorod. The size of the bet in Gosloto was 700 rubles, as a result of which he joined the ranks of millionaires.
  • Throughout the history of Gosloto, a resident of Novosibirsk who did not want to reveal his name received a prize in 358 million.

It is worth talking about record winnings in the United States separately:

The golden leader among all winnings in the world is the jackpot in $1.5 billion , plucked last year in the Powerball lottery. The lucky ones were three Americans.

  • The MegaMillions lottery is the leader in winning large amounts. In 2012 there was a record - a prize in $640 million.
  • In 2013, two Americans shared the prize in $648 million. In America accepted to encourage outlet owners for distributing tickets. The Gift Shop received a $1 million award.
  • An impressive win in $590 million. won by Gloria McKenzie (84) from Florida. She well remembered the moment when, when buying a Powerball ticket, her missed the man in front of him.
  • Third largest - $580 million. owns a Powerball lottery prize won by a Missouri couple.
  • $390 million. the Megamillion was won by two Americans from Georgia and New Jersey in 2007.
  • At a meatpacking plant in Lincoln, Nebraska, a group of workers have bought Powerball tickets more than once. Hope and faith in success did not leave them, and in 2006 they waited for their finest hour and won $360 million.

Interesting fates of people who received large lottery winnings

Truck driver Steven Chica won 1 million pounds sterling, who accidentally bought a ticket in a supermarket for change.

An Englishman from Grimsby became the owner 7.5 million pounds. He settled in a luxurious mansion, he built a swimming pool, at the bottom of which the lucky numbers of the lottery ticket are laid out.

Receiving a prize in 27 million pounds, Englishwoman Margaret gave almost the entire amount - 26 million to charity.

Bus driver Sharon lived modestly until she won $10.5 million. But she failed to manage her money wisely. Bought a house, a car, began to drive too wasteful lifestyle and until all the money runs out. Now she has returned to her former job again and began not to live, but to exist. The only right thing she did was to make deposits for her 6 children.

Susan Mullins won $4.2 million. and this success so turned her head, and her needs increased to unacceptable limits. She began to take large loans and did not calculate her strength. When she was left practically without a penny, she ended up in debt to banks in the amount of 154 million dollars.

Scavenger Mike Carroll unexpectedly became a millionaire by winning the lottery $15 million. Unfortunately, he was brought into the world of endless entertainment and drugs. He lost his capital in 5 years.

A real detective story happened to William Post as soon as he received the prize in $16.2 million. He quarreled with his wife, who began to claim her share of the winnings. Then problems began with relatives, many of whom appeared out of nowhere. The most striking moment was with his brother, who was so envious of his brother that he ordered him to be killed in order to take away the coveted millions. As a result, William was left with nothing, but was very glad that he was alive.

Hope for luck or believe in magic?

The lottery is a phenomenon that should be treated like a game. This approach will save you from despair if you cannot get rich easily. And if, nevertheless, fortune smiled, you should not lose your head, because it's just money. They can buy a lot, but not all.

You can't buy health, conscience, you can't buy life.

If you really want to win, you can use the recommendations of experienced players, follow all sorts of signs and other magical rituals. But still, the main thing is luck.

Dreams of receiving a large amount of money with a minimum of physical costs periodically arise for everyone. One option that can fulfill such desires is to buy a lottery ticket. However, the number of offers on the market today is so huge that it can be difficult to choose one. It is important not only to understand the conditions of the draw in which it is decided to participate. Of great importance is also the chance to become a winner. That is why many are trying to find the most winning lotteries in Russia.

List of the most winning lotteries in Russia in 2019

Those who do not get tired of playing and believe in luck are trying to figure out which lottery is better to buy in order to win in 2019. It is important that the draw is conducted honestly and exclusively in accordance with Russian law. It is these rules that the Stoloto trading house adheres to, which today is the country's largest distributor of state tickets. Below is a list of 2019 lotteries that are the most popular and provide a real opportunity to win.

Russian Lotto is the most honest lottery in Russia

Many Russians call the Russian Lotto the most honest lottery. For more than twenty years, millions of people from all over the country have been participating in the game. The popularity of Russian Lotto is due to a combination of several factors:

  • simple rules that everyone can understand;
  • holding a draw in front of a large number of people in the studio;
  • lack of apparatus - the kegs are taken out of the bag by the guests of the draw.

To become a participant in one of the most popular lotteries in Russia, it is enough to buy a ticket and turn on the TV on the NTV channel at the appointed time. After that, it remains to listen carefully to the host, cross out the numbers that have fallen out in the playing field and hope for luck. In Russian Lotto, you can win not only fairly large cash prizes, but also a car, an apartment, a country house or a trip.

GOSLOTO 5 of 36

Since Soviet times, the popularity of lotteries in which you need to guess several numbers has not weakened. Gosloto 5 out of 36 is a new version of just such a game.

Today the ticket of this lottery contains two fields. In the first one, you need to mark at least five numbers, in the second - choose only one number out of four. At the same time, in order to provide yourself with the biggest chance to win, you can choose more numbers. In the first field, a maximum of eleven cells can be crossed out, in the second - four.

You can win by guessing at the top of the ticket from two numbers. If you managed to correctly cross out all five numbers drawn in the draw, the size of the prize increases significantly. If at the same time the player guessed the number of the second field, he receives at least three million rubles. If the second field turned out to be incorrect, the minimum win is one hundred thousand rubles.

housing lottery

Many consider Housing to be one of the best lotteries in Russia. Its main task is to help in solving real estate issues. Therefore, the prizes here are apartments, country houses. However, this does not deprive the participants of the drawing of the opportunity to receive money as a prize.

Reviews show that the rules of the Housing Lottery are clear to absolutely everyone without additional explanation. Each ticket includes two fields containing 15 numbers. They are randomly selected from a range of 1 to 90. You don't have to guess anything. It is enough to buy a ticket with the combination of numbers you like and wait for the draw.

When watching the game, you should cross out the dropped balls. In the first round, those who have at least one line completely crossed out win, in the second - those who have no numbers left in the upper or lower field, in the subsequent ones - tickets with completely crossed out numbers. At the same time, even tickets won in the first and second rounds continue to take part in the game.

However, it is not necessary to keep track of the circulation. If for some reason this does not work out, you can check the winning ticket on the website of the lottery organizer.

golden horseshoe

The Golden Horseshoe ticket is the same as in the Housing Lottery and in the Russian Lotto. However, the game in question has a clear advantage - absolutely all draws are conducted until the eighty-seventh move. This allows you to call the Golden Horseshoe a lottery, where you win more often. Each circulation allows ticket buyers to receive houses, cars, and many cash prizes.

The super prize in the Golden Horseshoe is three million rubles. To get it, it is enough to cross out five numbers of any horizontal line in the first moves. However, such a super prize is not the maximum. As draws are made in which it is not played, there is a gradual increase in it.

To find out if the ticket won, you can watch the draws on the NTV channel. If this fails, you can check the lottery on the distributor's website, at points of sale, by phone, through a mobile application, as well as in the newspaper Arguments and Facts.

Gosloto 4 out of 20 is another version of the lottery, which involves crossing out a certain number of numbers in the ticket fields. Here both fields contain 20 digits each. To take part in the draw, you must cross out four numbers in each of them. The more you guess, the higher the winnings.

Often, experts say that it is in Gosloto that 4 out of 20 have the most winners. This is explained by several factors:

  • the lottery provides 12 combinations that lead to a win;
  • drawings are held much more often than in many other lotteries - three times a week;
  • more than 67% of proceeds from ticket sales go to the prize pool.

If you manage to guess all the numbers in each of the fields, the ticket holder receives a super prize, which, as a rule, accumulates more than 50-60 million rubles. Its guaranteed value is ten million rubles.

Gosloto 6 out of 45

In search of an answer to the question of which lotteries are the most winning in Russia, many pay attention to Gosloto 6 out of 45. Here, six should be crossed out on the playing field, consisting of 45 numbers. The winnings are paid if at least two numbers are guessed.

The draw is held very often - twice a day. If the super prize is not played within the current draw, it goes to the next one. As a result, it can reach several hundred million rubles. In the spring of 2017, the maximum super prize was drawn, which exceeded 364 million rubles.

Each participant can increase the chance of winning. To do this, it is enough to mark a larger number of numbers. If you buy a ticket online, you can choose up to 13 numbers. This increases the number of winning combinations, and hence the potential winnings.

Lottery 6 out of 36

Popular for many years, the 6 out of 36 lottery is known to many, it is distinguished by simple rules and an understandable formula for success. The draw takes place once a week on Saturdays.

The value of the main prizes in the considered lottery is fixed. It is in the range from one hundred to twenty thousand rubles. Every fourth ticket wins in the draw. In this case, the prize is received by those who manage to guess at least two numbers. The super prize, if it is not raffled off, grows with each new draw. Regardless of the current situation, it is never less than three million rubles.

Where to buy the most winning tickets of the best lotteries

There are several ways to purchase tickets for the described lotteries. Many go to distribution points in the old fashioned way. However, according to statistics, tickets purchased on Stoloto website. There are several explanations for this:

  1. No one stands in line, does not push, does not breathe in the back, so you can focus on choosing a good combination;
  2. When purchasing lotteries online, you can carefully read the rules of each of them and choose the most suitable option;
  3. It is possible to easily compare offered tickets for duplicate numbers.

Before choosing the best option, you should carefully study the presented rating of lotteries. By visiting the Stoloto website, you can not only buy tickets, but also try to figure out how to win more often.

Gambling for money has always excited the minds: everyone at least once, but wanted to try their luck and win without making any effort. Today, cards and roulette have been replaced by lottery tickets. They are inexpensive, but at the same time they can bring a lot of money, if only you choose them correctly.

Modern lotteries are very similar to fairy tales: they promise huge winnings just for buying a ticket. However, if everything was so simple, the organizing firms would have gone bankrupt long ago. There are two types of lottery tickets: some already offer an arbitrary combination of numbers, and the second is to choose the numbers in advance and check whether they guessed right. It is difficult to say which option is better, but if in the first case you can influence the choice only at the time of choosing a ticket, then in the second there are a little more opportunities.

Some rules for choosing numbers

There are several recognized methods that players often rely on:

  1. Choose the same numbers. According to the theory of probability, the selected combination must fall out at least once. However, it will take a long time to wait: for some lucky ones, luck smiled only after several decades of continuous participation.

Attention! It is worth remembering the cost of a ticket: over several years of continuous purchase, the amount will become quite significant.

To speed things up a little, you can calculate the probability of each number falling out and choose the most probable ones. You can do this manually or on special sites - the latter help you find lucky combinations.

You can often find the following combination: to get the first number, you need to add all the digits of the date of birth (for example, July 5, 1994 - 5 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4). The second number is the addition of all the digits of the name, if a is 1, b is 2, c is 3, etc. The third number is the sum of the first two.

  1. Randomness is not accidental: many gamblers are sure that only a lucky chance can help to win a large amount. For example, the license plate of a car passing by, the number of the bus they were on the day before, etc. To check the method, you need to pay attention to minor details on the day of buying a ticket or write down the very first numbers that come to mind.

Surprisingly, “unlucky” numbers often become lucky: for example, after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, many bet on the numbers “9” and “11” and won. Often they use the numbers of cars that have been in an accident or exploded the day before.

A bit of math

Although experts cannot say which numbers will fall out exactly, they can give some advice:

  1. You should not choose only even or only odd numbers - the probability of a match is less than 5%. It is better to choose equally those and those;
  2. You should not choose numbers that are nearby and even in one ten: it is unlikely that anyone will be lucky to pull out consecutive kegs. It is worth dividing the field diagonally and "scatter" them;
  3. The same endings will not work either, for example, 2-12-22-32, etc. - the probability of falling out is less than 1%;
  4. You can use addition or multiplication methods: for example, 7-14-21-28-35, etc. This choice gives a wide spread and allows you to use all tens.

Attention! It is not worth choosing an already winning combination - the probability that the same numbers will be pulled out is negligible.

If there are already numbers

If the numbers are already selected and written down in the lottery ticket, you only need to draw a lucky ticket. On the one hand, this allows you to rely on fate in everything, on the other hand, it does not allow the player to participate personally.

  1. Most people have lucky talismans or signs: when buying a ticket, you must use them.
  2. You can invite a baby or a person with a “light” hand to choose a piece of paper - it is believed that they are more lucky.
  3. You need to pull the ticket at random, without looking, so that fate itself leads the hand.
  4. It is important to avoid red and yellow clothes, it is better to go to the store in the dark. A cage and a strip will not work, it is also worth abandoning jewelry made of precious metals and any new things.
  5. Do not forget about the days: it is believed that luck is stronger on the day of birth, as well as on the same date and day of the week. Traditionally, good luck is attributed to the first half of Monday and Tuesday and the second half of Saturday and Sunday.

Attention! A curious method is visualization: by thinking about winning, you can materialize it in reality. Some even draw a mountain of money or new things to constantly think about winning.

Of course, no one can guarantee that the lottery ticket chosen according to all the rules will be successful and hit the jackpot. These are just tips that can help avid gamers get lucky. But it is worth remembering that you may not be lucky: you do not need to spend all your money trying to win.

How to choose a lottery ticket: video

Can I win the lotto or lottery? How realistic is this?

What is needed to predict the whole combination of numbers that should fall out on the next lottery draw?

Is it true that everyone who won serious sums in the lotto or lottery acted at random?

Is there a strategy that all gamblers use to "make" money in the lotto or lottery?

If there are ways, how to win the jackpot in the lotto or lottery?

Yes, there are indeed positive and affirmative answers to these questions!

Yes, there is a system by which you can win the jackpot in the lotto or lottery! And it is so real that people who know it really quickly become rich!

And now in more detail how to win big money in the lotto or the lottery!

Many digital lottery systems, sadly, are based on random numbers that do not repeat, but certain combinations are created with their help.

If a player wants to just guess numbers, for example, 5 out of 36, then he will most likely fail, since there are millions of combinations here.

Mistakes that lotto or lottery players make.

One of the common mistakes that players allow is trust in any "shamanic" or "magic" drawings. They usually look like various rectangles, squares, triangles, circles and polygons. People often trust them and try to use them to predict what numbers will fall out.

But, I do not advise trusting such drawings-predictions, since they have absolutely no system, are not scientifically substantiated. In simple words, these are just attempts to guess the numbers.

Also, there are systems that use the statistics of past draws. Sometimes, lottery gamblers use their years of statistics accumulated from past games to fill in new tickets. They also build graphs, write down which numbers fall out most often and much more. But often, such people spend more on tickets than they win.

But I want to please you - it's real to win!

You can make a prediction! This requires some calculations, the right system and of course the theory of probability.

I think it's not a secret for you that absolutely any lottery that uses numbers has an exact number of combinations that are easy to calculate.

And it is interesting that about 70-75% of these combos never come up. Therefore, they must be immediately discarded and not used.

Same way reduce the number of combinations knowing that the winning ones are those that have 3 or more matches with the balls drawn in the lottery machine.

For example, we can count that in game 5 out of 36 the number of possible combinations will be about three hundred and seventy thousand. But, if we take into account the huge number of numerical combinations that never fall out, then there will be about 50 thousand really possible.

But there are secrets that allow you to reduce the number of possible combinations several times more. Here it is necessary to apply more precise and cumbersome calculations. Doing it manually is inconvenient. To do this, for example, I use a program and a technique for increasing the number of matches, which can be detailed.

There are also methods that increase the likelihood of getting big winnings:

Always learn new and new information about lotto

Bad results are brought by playing the lotto or lottery at random

It is desirable to play a loto that uses a small number of numbers. This increases the chance of winning

Participate in all lottery games

Don't play when you want. There is a special set schedule for lotto games

State lotteries are better than others in terms of reliability

In the system that I use and offer you, few drop-down combinations are already excluded

There are combinations that never fall out at all. These are numbers from 1 to 6 in a row and a number of others.

The guaranteed win system that I use completely eliminates 95% of the unlikely draws in the lottery.

This system, authored by Sergey Stanovsky, is already prepared for use and is very easy to use. Using it, you no longer have to do any mathematical calculations, manually remove random combinations and conduct other studies.

That's why this program I use it myself and recommend it to you.

I hope my article will help you learn how to calculate winning combinations in the loto.

I wish you good and frequent winnings in the lotto or lottery.

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