Mystical places in the USA. Mystical places in the USA: the house of the Winchesters, the Manchak swamps, the Prazer zone

Mystical places in the USA is a very large and long list of truly strange and mysterious places. Some modern scientists have already found an explanation, some not. What and whom to believe, decide for yourself. Many of us in childhood loved to listen to scary stories. But someone, even having matured, likes to tickle his nerves with stories about mystical and inexplicable things. It is for such people that we offer a trip to the three most mysterious and mysterious places in the United States.

Mystical places in the USA

The Winchester Mansion, located in the American city of San Jose, has been attracting tourists from all over the world for many years with its sad story. This house was once owned by Sarah Winchester, whose husband was the natural son of the founder of the famous arms company, Oliver Winchester. Sarah's life was sad and full of suffering, sometimes it seemed to her that her family was being pursued. bad rock: first her newborn daughter died, then her father-in-law, and a few years later her husband died. Desperate with grief, the widow went to an appointment with a medium in order to last time talk to your loved one. During a séance, the spirit of her husband appeared to her. He said that their arms business brought people so much pain and death that now the entire Winchester family is cursed with spirits. And in order to be saved, Sarah needs to build a house in which they cannot find her. The widow, whose mental condition and before that it was unstable, after such news, she finally lost her mind. In 1884 she bought huge house in California and immediately began to remodel it.
She completed the rooms, staircases and entire floors, turning her home into giant maze in which the vengeful spirits were to get lost. In order to make it even more difficult for them to find Sarah, many “tricks” were made in the house: secret windows, secret passages, doors behind which there were walls, and long stairs that rested on the ceiling.

Construction was carried out 24 hours a day and did not stop for a single day for thirty-eight years. After Sarah's death in 1922, the empty house was not demolished, but restored and made public. It is still open for tourists and everyone who wants to wander through the dark corridors of this gloomy mansion.

Mystical sites in the US are often associated with the Manchak swamps.

After this swampmore than once tried to drain in order to restore treesnor, but the place seemed to be really cursed: newhurricanes demolished all buildings, and workers constantlydied from accidents.People no longer settle in this terrible place,and alligators became its rightful owners,which teem with local swamps. They come hereonly tourists who are taken for a feeboating on the lake. The most impressive of themclaim to have heard strange sounds, and manythey swear that a howl was heard in the distance, although nothere are no wolves here. But, in spite of the fact that everythingno rational explanation can be found, swampsManchak every year more and more overgrown with mistycal legends and rumours.

This anomalous zone, which is now known to the whole world, was discovered by the American George Preiser in 1940. Once he suffered from severe migraines and, in order to alleviate his suffering, he walked a lot on fresh air. Once, during such a walk in the California forest, he accidentally came across a thicket, completely overgrown with eucalyptus trees. He felt a strange, unlike anything in this place, and his headache instantly disappeared. He began to return there every day until he finally got rid of migraines. Prazer decided to settle in this place and began to build himself a wooden hut. But no matter how hard he tried, she constantly twisted to one side, as if something was pressing on her from one side. Now this place, named after Prazer, is visited by many tourists who are trying to find a clue to the strange things that are happening here.

The tree trunks here are not straight, but twisted by a screw, the compass needle runs in a circle and does not show right direction, a metal ball, launched along a metal chute, for inexplicable reasons, rolls into reverse side, and people sometimes feel such intense pressure that they have to lean forward to keep from falling. Scientists agree that magnetic and electric field lines are broken in the Praser zone. But while none of them has been able to give an accurate explanation of everything that happens, this place is considered one of the strangest and most mysterious on the planet. Address: 465 Mystery Spot Rd, Santa Cruz, CA 95065. Admission: $5, parking $5.

According to magazine (March 2013)

If it seems to you that there is nothing scarier than Dracula's castle in the world, then you read a lot and travel little. The island of dolls, the cemetery of hanging coffins, the forest of suicides - ELLE has selected the TOP 10 scariest places in the world, visiting which can not only expand your horizons, but also deprive you of sleep.

Nazca is the name of a city and a desert plateau in southern Peru. A tiny city with a population of 27 thousand people is constantly teeming with tourists. Some people want to look at mysterious drawings, left on dry desert soil, others - to visit the Chauchilla cemetery. Spread out in the suburbs of Nazca, this necropolis is literally open to visitors. Imagine large pits paved with sticks in which the dead sit. Amazing embalming technology has preserved bodies - at least bones - in in perfect order. Among the inhabitants of Chauchilla there are many who can boast of magnificent hairstyles - despite the fact that the last dead man was buried here 11 centuries ago.

The city on the banks of the river of the same name stands two kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Until April 27, 1986, it was a rapidly developing atomic city, all the inhabitants of which were somehow related to nuclear power plants. Immediately after the monstrous accident at the station, almost fifty thousand of its population was evacuated and the city turned into a monument. Or rather, a memorial. So it stands empty for more than thirty years, becoming spooky museum under open sky. Residential buildings, a hospital, kindergartens and schools, playgrounds, a Ferris wheel - everything remains. And not a single soul.

The Echo Valley in the Philippines is full of rocks. Coffins hang close to each other on them. The locals are convinced that the higher the body of the deceased is located, the faster he will be in heaven. Forcing them to bury the bodies is useless. The tradition of burying the dead in the air has existed for more than two thousand years, and how and on what the coffins are attached, locals don't tell, it's a secret.

There are many islands in the suburbs of Mexico City, the most famous of course is La Isla de las Muñecas, the Island of the Dolls. In the fifties of the last century, a young man named Julian Barrera witnessed the death of a child, a girl, who drowned near this island. Barrera kept her doll for himself, and from that moment the spirit of the deceased began to appear to him. To appease the spirit, Julian began to hang old dolls found in the garbage heaps on the island. And in the end, he settled on this island. In 2001, after his death (Barrera, like that same girl, drowned near the island), enthusiasts, his relatives, continued the work. There are a lot of dolls here and together they look very creepy.

The real name of the mansion located in Transylvania is Bran, but it is known, of course, as the castle of Dracula, Count Vlad the Fourth, who received the nickname the Piercer because of his love for impaling his subjects. The castle built on the edge of the abyss is one hundred percent embodiment gothic style: gloomy decoration, howling sounds (caused by a chimney that begins to hum when strong wind). The main attraction of the castle is Dracula's bedroom with a huge bed, it is here, according to legend, that the owner preferred to drink the blood of his victims. The “house” looks very well-groomed, for which thanks to Francis Ford Coppola, who invested in the reconstruction of the castle when he filmed his adaptation of Bram Stoker’s novel there.

In the Czech village of Lukova, the church of St. George (St. George) has been standing since the 14th century. It was empty in 1968, after a fire broke out during the funeral service and the roof collapsed. A few years ago, the sculptor Yakov Khadrava, preparing to hand over thesis, decided to turn the church into a platform for his experiments. And he populated the empty building with human statues, whose heads are covered under the covers. The sight is mesmerizing and scary. The teachers, by the way, were also imbued with Jacob's diploma - in such a original form- accepted.

The famous Mount Fuji is known not only in itself: at its foot lies Aokigahara, a dense forest full of rocky caves. Aokigahara is incredibly quiet and very, very gloomy. Already in ancient times, the forest was considered a place of "residence" of monsters and ghosts. And it was here that the inhabitants brought and left their loved ones whom they could not feed - the infirm old people and children. The dark reputation of Aokigahara with might and main attracts people who are inclined to take their own lives there. Over the past 60 years, the bodies of more than five hundred suicides have been found in the forest - in this sense, Aokigahara is second only to the famous Golden Gate Bridge.

Not surprisingly, the "Suicide Forest" is crammed full of signs urging would-be suicides to come to their senses. The Japanese believe that once they enter Aokigahara, they cannot leave it. Therefore, it is visited only by rescuers who are looking for those who want to commit suicide, and daredevil tourists.

They buried here for four centuries in a row, until late XVIII century. There was little space, a lot of bodies. As a result, more than 100,000 dead people found shelter in a small area. So that everyone had enough space, the old tombstones were covered with earth and new ones were immediately put up. Thus, 12 layers of graves were accumulated. Over time, some layers due to the sagging earth crawled out into the light of day, running into later ones, and the cemetery became like a crowd at rush hour in public transport.

Here she is, southern american gothic In his best. The Manchak swamp is located near New Orleans and is called nothing more than a swamp of ghosts. Slaves fled here from their masters, but none of them got out of here - they were all eaten by giant crocodiles. The spirits of the dead and those same crocodiles are the main ingredients in the eerie menu of Manchak, a place that attracts tourists so much. Excursions are actively led in the swamp, both during the day and at night.

Built in Portugal in the 16th century, the chapel is filled with the remains of monks: in total, more than five thousand people rest there. Bones, skulls are everywhere, wherever you look. And the inscription on the roof of the building - "Better the day of death than the birthday" - sets in an optimistic mood.

House of Winchesters

Manhattan and Hollywood, Las Vegas and Disneyland - there are many places in the USA that can shake the imagination. But if, in addition, you want to tickle your nerves and look behind the scenes of reality, please! In the New World, there are no less chilling stories and inconsolable ghosts than in old Europe. It is known that since the Europeans settled America, after a heated shootout for the division of new property in which the strongest survived, they managed to create a powerful state on their own. taste. To live would not grieve. But at some point, the Americans clearly felt the vacuum of history and longing for centuries-old roots, once ruthlessly rejected. Therefore, regardless of the costs, they began to transport across the ocean ancient castles ruined European families and enthusiastically explore the past of the conquered territories. Hence the greed for artifacts, and the tendency to cultivate legends varying degrees antiquity, as well as the willingness to boast of national wonders to everyone. The selection is really impressive. Judge for yourself.


Traveling around the USA, tourists certainly try to visit California with its amazing landscapes and luxurious beaches. And there they are certainly recommended to visit the town of San Jose, where the main West coast. We are talking about the Winchester House, located on the boulevard of the same name at number 525. Among other things, this impressive mansion is rightly considered a unique architectural structure. He, as you probably already guessed, belonged to the Winchester family, whose head - William - invented a perfect weapon by the standards of his time. The house has 7 floors, over 160 rooms, 13 bathrooms, 6 kitchens, 40 stairs. It has 2,000 doors, 450 doorways, 10,000 windows, and 47 fireplaces. All this is connected and functions without the slightest logic, more like a dangerous labyrinth than a dwelling. Why? The fact is that not everyone liked the family products of this family: too many people died with its help in cowboy showdowns. Therefore, the devout wife of the inventor - Mrs. Sarah Winchester - was very afraid of reprisals from the ghosts of those killed. After the death of her husband, she lay in oblivion for some time, and when she came to herself, she demanded a medium to communicate with William. He advised to build a strange house that could confuse the spirits that would come for the widow or other descendants. This monster was built, by the way, for almost forty years! Spirits, of course, still took a fancy to him and frolic how much in vain. The doors here rest against the walls, and the stairs break into the ceilings. Wandering through the endless corridors, you never know which of the bedrooms you will get into next time and what you will meet behind a sign with the inscription "Toilet". They say people go missing here and there. Although this is not always noticeable, because up to half a million people visit Winchester House a year.

Salem's famous museum is the Salem Witch Museum. Salem is famous for the 1692 witch trials in which 19 men and women were hanged and Gilles Corey, aged 80, was stoned to death for refusing to plead guilty or innocent.

About Salem (now Denver, a suburb of Boston), Massachusetts, probably everyone knows. It was here that the witch hunt was announced, when in Europe they were already forgotten to even think about. It all started with the fact that two girls, Betty and Abigail, complained about the harassment by demons, which their adult aunts allegedly sent to them. Adult uncles in cassocks took the words of the children on faith and began to seriously investigate the case. As a result, more than 150 people were arrested and accused of witchcraft and links with the devil. This was followed by a trial in the "best" traditions of the Spanish Inquisition and, of course, a death sentence. In addition, two more dogs were hanged. But what was it - real experiments with black magic, mass mental disorder or someone's cunning calculation, no one will say today. The expression "Salem witches" has become a household word, the ominous plot formed the basis of several films and books. But the city, in search of salvation from notoriety and the deathly curses of the executed, even had to change its name. However, it didn't help. And today, at night, the groans of tortured citizens and the evil giggling of two girlfriends are heard there.


In this collection you will see houses famous for their oddities. People who visited these places were convinced that not everything in the world has a rational explanation. What is so terrible and mystical about them?

1. Winchester house in California

A huge estate in San Jose, where the widow of Oliver Winchester, the owner of an arms company, lived. When Sarah Winchester Inherited multi-million dollar fortune, then the spirit of the deceased appeared to her and said that their money was earned on human grief, and in order to atone for guilt, needs to build a house without stopping, in which the ghosts of the victims will be lost. And so she did. Construction lasted as long as 38 years!

Currently, the house has about 160 rooms, 6 kitchens, 40 staircases, 13 bathrooms and one shower. The house has 2000 doors, 450 doorways, about 10,000 windows (even stained glass windows have survived) and 47 fireplaces. The house has many doors and stairs leading to nowhere.

2. Ossuary, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic

In the Czech town of Kutná Hora there is an active Church of All Saints with a basement chapel. In 1511, a half-blind monk decided to put things in order in a cemetery overflowing from war and plague and built six pyramids of bones in honor of the dead. In the 18th century, Prince Schwarzenberg commissioned the well-known wood carver Frantisek Rint to decorate the chapel and arrange the remains. As a result, the entire interior of the chapel and, even the coat of arms of the prince, is made up of human bones. According to anthropologists, the remains of at least 40 thousand people are represented here. Only the chandeliers took about 3,000 skeletons.

3. Devils Museum, Kaunas, Lithuania

The museum was founded in 1966 on the basis of the personal collection of Professor Žmuidzinavičius. By 1991, there were 1,742 exhibits from more than 20 countries.

4. Dracula's castle, Romania

The Transylvanian Bran Castle is known as Dracula's Castle. It stands on the edge of the most terrible abyss in the Carpathians. Looks gothic castle in the spirit of his presentation in Stoker's famous novel Dracula. The castle has narrow corridors, cramped rooms and a strange main chimney that emits special howling sounds in strong winds. There are 56 rooms in the castle, one of them has a huge bed with four pillars and a canopy. According to legend, it was here that the owner sucked the blood from of his victims. The house was named the "Castle of Horrors" thanks to Vlad IV, known for his cruelty and his passion to impale everyone in a row. And the road leading to the castle is still called the "Road of Pointed Stakes".

5. Museum of Torture, Mdina, Malta

This is the most impressive torture museum that is full of all kinds of shocking torture devices. All instruments are real, from the Middle Ages. And the characters are made of wax. The hunchback caretaker works as a guide, giving even more flavor to this terrible place.

6. Tower of the Mad, Vienna

In the 18th century, a lunatic asylum was located in Spitalgasse, and today there is a pathological anatomy museum. Visitors must have strong nerves. This is a real monument to pathologies, deformities, gene mutations and harsh medieval medicine. Also here you can see exhibits related to the field of gynecology and venereal diseases.

7. Stanley Hotel, Colorado

Perched high in the Colorado Rockies, the hotel was the inspiration for's Stephen King horror novel The Shining. Here the writer was visited by a ghost. Guests and staff also reported hearing the voices of children playing in the hallways late at night and the sound piano music in an empty room.

8. Borley Mansion

There is one old mansion in Borley, located in a zone of high paranormal activity. Abnormal phenomena constantly occur in the house and near it, all kinds of ghostly visions appear, otherworldly sounds are heard. But the most frequent guest of this place is the restless spirit of the nun Mary.

9. House with chimeras in Kyiv

The House with Chimeras in Kyiv is now used as a museum and meeting room for the president of the country. All offices renting premises in this cultural center, went bankrupt, as the architect of the building Gorodetsky put a curse on him. Therefore, all the inhabitants of the House will certainly suffer from the chimeras living in it.

10. Glamis Castle in Scotland

This Scottish castle is famous for its ghosts. For example, the spirit of Lady Janet Douglas, who was accused of witchcraft, and after 5 difficult years of painful imprisonment, was burned at the stake. Since then, her ghost often prays in the chapel and hovers around the rooms of the castle. The second is the ghost of Count Beardie, to whom the devil himself comes every night to play cards.

11. St John's Hospital, Lincolnshire, England

The clinic, founded in 1852, contained the poor, suffering from mental disorders. The methods of treatment used are quite cruel. After the closure of the institution in 1989, hired workers had to remove all medical utensils from the building. However, they were unable to do this: the men claimed that they were being pursued at every turn by terrible screams from nowhere. Firefighters repeatedly came to the abandoned clinic, as it seemed to people that flames were escaping from the windows. There were no signs of a fire, but they saw some strange lights flickering in the corridors.

12. Hotel "Diplomat" in the Philippines

Residents of houses located next to the Dominican Hall in Baguio are kept awake at night by chilling screams, groans, hurried steps, and slamming doors. They believe the source of these sounds is the abandoned Diplomat Hotel, which was a refuge for refugees during World War II. The building was bombed and shelled, and many sisters of mercy were innocently executed by soldiers of the Japanese army. The guests of the hotel, which opened on this site in the 1970s, also had a hard time: they constantly imagined ghostly black figures walking around the halls, appearing in the windows and hiding behind heavy curtains.

13. Waverly Hills Sanitarium, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

The Waverly Hills Sanatorium, opened in Louisville in 1926,, specialized in a terrible and incurable disease in those days - tuberculosis. During the years of the epidemic, many thousands of people died from it. But instead of treatment and rehabilitation within the walls of a medical institution, hopelessly ill people were subjected to barbaric experiments. For removal of bodies dead people the hospital used a secret passage - a long tunnel, where the highest paranormal activity is now taking place. Ghosts are often seen in the long narrow corridor, and some restless souls continue to "live" in the hospital wards. In 1961 tragic story hospital continued, it was converted into a nursing home. The conditions of the patients were terrible, the results of the checks shocked the whole world. Since 1982, the sanatorium has been in disrepair, attracting only numerous research groups. Random movement of objects, inexplicable sounds and smells are just some of the otherworldly phenomena that can be observed within the walls of the Waverly Hills Sanatorium.

And which of the presented houses do you think is the scariest?

Of all the abandoned buildings and places that once frightened us not only in the virtual, but also in real world, hospitals and psychiatric clinics look the scariest. However, much more frightening are those places that during their "life" were not intended for certain atrocities, but for some reason unknown to us, became the objects of scary stories, tales in roadside eateries, and sometimes even places of worship .. .

1. House of Winchesters.

525 Winchester Boulevard in San Jose, California, USA was built by Sarah Winchester in 1881 after the death of her husband, owner of a manufacturing company. firearms Oliver Winchester. The medium she approached convinced Sarah that her family was under a curse. Sarah didn't have to stop building her house to confuse the spirits. Over forty years of construction, more than a hundred rooms and staircases were erected. It is believed that the spirit of Sarah, who died in 1922, still lives in this unusual building.
The Boston Medium or the Winchester Curse

2. Amityville

On November 13, 1974, six residents of the city of Amityville (New York), members of the DeFeo family, were murdered: parents Ronald and Louise and their children were shot dead in their own beds. They were killed by Ronald DeFeo Jr., who claimed that the demonic forces that lived in the house pushed him to this crime.

3. Alcatraz

This island in the San Francisco Bay has become world famous as an impregnable prison for especially dangerous criminals, as well as those who attempted to escape from previous places of detention. For 29 years of existence of the prison, which saw murders, suicides and bloody riots of prisoners, the place managed to acquire rumors and legends.
Secrets of Alcatraz

4 Fox Sisters Cabin

Three sisters from Hydesville, New York, were mediums. Communicating with the spirit of the merchant, they asked him questions, to which he gave answers through knocks, creaks and other sounds. The house is considered a place of presence of otherworldly forces.

5. White House

The building no doubt hides a great many stories and events that no one will ever know about. To the number famous stories rumors about the ghost of Abraham Lincoln.
Ghosts of the Capitol

But there is also something else.

The town of Dudleytown in Connecticut is considered a cursed city and is notorious.
More than a hundred years ago, people left this place due to an endless series of mysterious deaths, accidents and disappearances without a trace of the inhabitants of the city.
So today, Dudleytown attracts the attention of only researchers of anomalous phenomena and curious tourists.
The town is located at the foot of three mountains - Bald Mountain, Woodbury Mountain and Coltfoot Triplets, surrounded on all sides by a dense forest, which was given the ominous name of the Dark Forest, and there are very bad rumors about this town.

In 1792, a certain Gershom Hollister broke his neck after falling off a threshing floor at William Tanner's farm. It was said that someone pushed him. The owner of the farm was suspected of this, but he was never charged. Meanwhile, Tanner was clearly out of his mind - demons and demons seemed to him everywhere. He claimed that with the onset of darkness in the city from the forest penetrates devilry and that one of the monsters, right in front of his eyes, tore apart a man.

In 1804, Sarah Faye, the wife of General Herman Swift, died during a thunderstorm from a lightning strike. Her husband went mad after Sara's death.

Then the wife of John Patrick Brophy died of tuberculosis. Shortly thereafter, two of his daughters disappeared into the woods, and Brophy's house burned to the ground one night. John's body was not found at the scene of the fire, and no one else saw him, either alive or dead.

Mary Cheeney, the young wife of prominent American journalist and publisher Horace Greeley, born and raised in Dudleytown, hanged herself a week before her husband was defeated in the presidential election. The reason for the suicide remained unknown.

Soon, in the house of one of the townspeople, William Taners, there was a terrible murder of Gersham Hollister, who came to visit him. The latter was found in a pool of blood, literally shredded to pieces. Taners, accused of the crime, said that demons and ghosts live in his house, as well as a terrible animal, which must have killed Hollister. Shortly after these events, Taners went insane, and the killer was never found.
A few other townspeople went crazy for no apparent reason. Rumors spread that ghosts and some terrible wild beast lived in the houses and on the streets of the town. Two children of a local teacher once went into the forest and did not return. Searches were organized, but the children were never found.

By 1899 people were leaving Dudleytown. Old people died, and those who were younger left here, frightened by rumors of a curse. The abandoned lands were overgrown with forest.

In 1920, a well-known New York physician, cancer specialist Dr. William Clark settled in Cornwall. He dreamed of living in a quiet and peaceful place, in the bosom of nature. Clark built a summer house in the woods, near Dudleytown, and began to live there with his wife. Somehow he had to go on business to New York for a while. His wife was left alone forest house. When the doctor returned a few days later, it turned out that the woman had gone mad. She ended her days in a psychiatric hospital.

What happened in Dudleytown, what was the reason for these strange deaths?

Dan Ackroyd, a reporter for the Hartford News, found out about Dudleytown in 1993 and decided to find out. unusual story this settlement. The journalist studied a thick sheet of newspapers in the library, talked to people living nearby, and this is what he managed to find out.
The settlement was founded by the four Dudley brothers, who emigrated from England in the late 40s of the 17th century. A trail of crimes trailed behind their ancestors. The brothers' grandfather, Ralph Dudley, stole from the royal treasury and was executed. Father, Joseph Dudley, who had an extremely hot temper, hacked his wife with an ax. Uncle, Thomas Dudley, moved to America, where he received a position as deputy manager of the Massachusetts Bay Company.
He became famous for his persecution of the Puritans, despite the fact that he came to America with them. Maybe that's why the Dudley brothers decided to move to a place where no one knew them or their family history.
In 1660 they settled in a deserted forested region of Connecticut.
Soon other colonists joined them. This is how Dudleytown was born.
But the curse of the family overtook the brothers.
A few years later they all died under mysterious circumstances. The eldest, William, fell ill terrible disease- the whole body was swollen and covered with ulcers. Before his death, the unfortunate screamed in pain.
The second brother, Alexander, went to a nearby town, but the horses carried, the wagon overturned, and Alexander broke his neck.
The third brother went fishing, and when he returned home, he told scary story that he allegedly met his executed father, alive and well, on the shore of the lake, and he ordered him to kill his wife. A few days later, Andrew disappeared and was never seen again.
Younger brother, Edward, once repaired a horse harness in a barn. Suddenly, a fire started in the house. People noticed the flame when it was already blazing with might and main. Edward couldn't get out of the barn and burned to death.
So all the Dudley brothers were finished. But the curse did not leave the city.

Boston ghost hunter Robin Barron once found a bloody cow horn in a hole. In addition, Barron noticed that fragments of stones with incomprehensible symbols scrawled on them were lying on the sides of nearby roads. All this could indicate that witchcraft or satanic rituals were carried out in the vicinity of Dudleytown.

Dudleytown has been dubbed the “dead zone”: there are few wild animals in the forest, and birdsong is not heard. The daredevils talked about some strange lights and sounds.
One day a TV crew visited here. As soon as the journalists set out to start filming, people were suddenly seized by a feeling of severe suffocation and were forced to stop working.

In July 1998, girls Sarah and Jane went on a tour of Dudlitown with two of their friends, attracted by the legend of the city's curse. As soon as the guys turned onto the road leading to Bald Mountain, all four of them had strange unpleasant sensations. Jane's stomach cramps, Sarah's back stiffened, and the two boys, as they later admitted, experienced a feeling of unreasonable horror.

Another eyewitness reports: "I have been to Dudleytown twice - this creepy place. The first time I went there alone, the second time I decided to take my friends with me. As soon as we entered the forest, everything around was quiet. Not even the chirping of cicadas could be heard, although it was mid-August. For a while we wandered through the forest, taking pictures. After another 100 steps, all three of us, without saying a word, stopped. We, like the time when I first came here, were seized by an irresistible desire to immediately turn back. This feeling was so strong that we started to run.
What is the secret of the abandoned city?

Renowned demonologist and "ghost hunter" Ed Warren has stated that the curse of Dudleytown has nothing to do with the aristocrat Edmund Dudley. The Dudley brothers, according to Warren, descended from a certain English judge, who at one time sentenced dozens of people to death for witchcraft. Perhaps one of them took revenge by cursing him?
Warren also believes that no monsters living in the Dark Forest actually exist and no satanic rituals were performed there. Then what is it?
Perhaps the very atmosphere of these places drives people crazy, which is why ghosts begin to seem to them. Most likely, we are talking about a strong geopathogenic zone.

Today, the names characteristic of the village of Dudleytown are a thing of the past. They are remembered only by the walls of old houses, gradually collapsing from time to time, because there is no one else to repair them. There are no more Brofis, Johns, Rogers, Cooks and, of course, Dudleys. Now Dudleytown serves as a home only for wild animals.
However, the descendants of those who once lived here intend to once again defy the curse and settle again in Dudleytown.
The city, in their opinion, deserves to exist.
Well, let's pay tribute to these brave people!
Let's see if they will be able to negotiate with the unknown forces that rule in Dudleytown, or will they add themselves to the list of victims?
Future will tell…

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