How to find out where my grandfather fought in the Second World War, what awards did he have? How to find a person who disappeared or died during the Second World War. memo

How to Search for the Fallen and Missing March 9th, 2017

On the eve of May 9, Memory is remembered especially sharply. The fallen continue to fight. Successfully. In the information war. They fought off the first untruth - they were not forgotten. The cynical, distorted, confused Internet has given up - it is being cleared by the modern search for soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

Thank you grandfather for the Victory - these are not empty words. Looking for missing grandparents. And they find. Last battles, burial places. The missing find their destiny. Yes, it's really necessary for the living. And there are many. Help each other, suggest the search path. They find relatives, fellow villagers, and simply hitherto unknown heroes.

Here is one of the confessions:

“I remember from my distant childhood the stories of my grandmother that her brother Moskal Ignat went to war in 1941 and disappeared into oblivion ... disappeared without a trace, like thousands of poor soldiers who were ground by the millstones of a terrible war. The family remembered him and reflected on his difficult fate. 70 years have passed ... Grandmother passed away ...

Her grandchildren became adults and had their own children ... And only recently, shoveling search sites "neta", I found it. In the very first days of the war, my grandfather was captured, like tens of thousands of others. Six months later, he died in captivity in the Stalag II F camp (315) in Hammerstein ... Now I have one more target. Come to the grandfather's grave and say thank you to the grandfather for the Victory."

Most of us are not of Count bloodlines. Our ancestors who fought gave us a chance to find a family history that aristocrats would be proud of - and they held in high esteem, first of all, heroes ... Heroic participants in the Great Patriotic War give solidity and meaning to our biographies. All you need is to break away from the hustle and bustle a little, ask veterans, save photos and letters, find out where the dead are buried, restore the combat path of the missing, look at search sites full of unique documents.

A neighbor came to me, found out about the military search, told me about her grandfather - he died on the Leningrad front. The officer's daughter - my friend's mother - has never seen him, she has been dreaming of bowing to the grave all her life. They drove a first and last name into the search - and here it is, the whole military short fate of the 42nd twenty-five-year-old lieutenant who died in the winter, the commander of a mortar platoon.

They also found a burial place. Not immediately - after the war, the remains, like other soldiers, were transferred to the fraternal memorial. Here is the name engraved in granite. There are places to go for both daughters and grandchildren. There is also a more complex search, but it costs both time and effort.

I do not believe lies about the war. They entered and left it different - romantics and cynics, tough and tender, matured and remained children, who fell out of love and found the only love.

Is war dirty? Is our peaceful world cleaner? Someone saved the skin, and someone - comrades. Someone gave rations to hungry children in Germany, and someone unworthy of revenge. Some refused to put the armor, others hid from the call. I know one thing: we are not their judges. They paid for everything with the victory given to us.

You can never reach them, because only war, as the highest test, makes it possible for everything in a person to manifest itself. They got us out of it. They entrusted the smallest thing - to protect the memory from dirty hands and evil tongues. The conclusion is very simple: the small efforts of each save our common Memory of the holy war.

There is so much to tell, publish documents, post photos about the Great Patriotic War and its participants - our relatives and friends. After all, this is our family tree, only we ourselves can write it. You will meet in this search with people who are not indifferent, enthusiastic.

To help, we publish Internet addresses that can help you. Good luck in this noble cause!

2. The generalized data bank contains information about the defenders of the Fatherland who died and went missing during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period -

3. How to establish the fate of a soldier who died or went missing during the Great Patriotic War -

4. Search for participants in the Great Patriotic War, burial sites, partisan movement, evacuation hospitals, soldier medallions, forums on war topics -

5. Confirmation of the participation of a relative in the Second World War from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation -

6. Database on prisoners of war -

7. Book of memory of Soviet prisoners of war -

9. Search for buried and immortalized soldiers on the territory of the Kaliningrad region -

10. Addresses of search associations of the International Association of search associations "People's memory of the defenders of the Fatherland" -

12. Genealogical forum of IOP. The Second World War. 1939-1945 —

13. Various information, thematic forums about the Great Patriotic War and its participants -

14. Memorial of the Great Patriotic War -

15. Base of monuments, memorials, military graves of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War "Remember us" -

16. "War album - a digital archive of photographs of the Second World War (1939-1945) -

17. An open access information resource filled with all the documents available in the military archives on the progress and results of the main military operations, exploits and awards of all the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War -

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It has been operating since 2007. Over 45 million visits have been registered on it for over 8 years. These figures show that despite the fact that more than 70 years have passed since the end of the war, many families are still looking for where their relatives died and were buried. And today OBD "Memorial" (hereinafter simply OBD) is the most complete electronic source containing information about the nominal losses of the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War. However, one must understand that the OBD is not a “Book of Memory”, but a bank of archival documents that allows users of the bank to independently study and analyze many documents, from military to modern, stored in various archives. And to find information, despite the many mistakes made in wartime reports.

Alas, complete information about all the dead and missing in the war is not here and never will be. But there is a constant replenishment, more and more new documents are being processed, and the probability of finding a mention of a person increases with each update of the OBD.
Documents from various archives are loaded into the OBD: the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (TsAMO), its branches, the Central Naval Archive of the Ministry of Defense (TsVMA), the Russian State Military Archive (RGVA), the State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF) and several of its regional branches , the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for perpetuating the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland (Office for the UPPZO), a number of regional and district military registration and enlistment offices. Documents have also been uploaded from several regional archives and museums in Latvia, where they were transferred from the military registration and enlistment offices of the respective regions. It is difficult to overestimate the ability to see documents from various sources on one electronic resource.

What documents are collected in the data bank?

Firstly, nominal reports of units about irretrievable losses . The military units were required to regularly send these reports to the Department for Recording Personal Losses (since 1942 - to the Central Bureau for Recording Losses on the Fronts) of the Main Bureau of the Red Army. Reports had to be drawn up in a specific form containing identifying data on military personnel, including the names and places of residence of relatives, as well as information about the reason for departure and the place of burial in case of death. Many of them are designed that way. And in others - the information is incomplete, somewhere the initials are indicated instead of the name and patronymic, separate columns are not filled. And where the reports were not written on forms, a free form is generally possible.

The second important type of document is dead books and burial books that were conducted in medical institutions. Unfortunately, the archives did not include books from all hospitals and medical battalions, and for some of those present there, not for the entire period of operation. But from time to time new documents pop up here as well.
The third type of document is funeral notices . There are not so many of them in the data bank yet. The fact is that the main part of the notices was handed over to relatives or remained in the military registration and enlistment offices at the place of delivery (in this case, the military registration and enlistment office issued its own notice based on the received document). Only those that the military registration and enlistment offices returned to the Loss Records Office were included in the archive, since either the notice was sent again, or it was impossible to hand it to the addressee, or it turned out that the serviceman was alive, and the notice was issued erroneously. Now work has begun on processing the funeral notices that have been preserved in the military registration and enlistment offices and uploading them to the OBD.

Separate array - officer exclusion orders from the lists of personnel of the Red Army. Logically, all the dead and missing officers should have been noted in such orders, however, judging by the content of the OBD, this is not so.
The OBD also has documents about Soviet prisoners of war . Here, again, one cannot speak of completeness, and there is no single place of storage for them. Documents about prisoners of war are scattered all over the world. There are many cards and lists in TsAMO, there are documents in the RGVA, GARF and its regional branches, the archives of the FSB, archives and memorial complexes in the territories of the countries in which the Nazi camps were located, the US National Archives. And how many documents about prisoners of war are contained in the regional archives of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus, still needs to be clarified.

A special place is occupied by documents of the so-called door-to-door polls . After the end of the war in 1946-1947. district military commissariats collected questionnaires from residents of their territory for those who did not return from the war, whose fate was unknown, with information about the last contact. This data was sent to the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Soviet Army, where information about service in the army was checked, and a decision was made for each person. Decisions were sent back to the military registration and enlistment offices, and on the basis of their military registration and enlistment offices issued notices. However, the missing dates given in these decisions are at odds with reality. If a serviceman did not live in the occupied territory, as a rule, he was recognized as missing 3 months after the last news, and if in the occupied territory - 3 months after the release of his place of residence. So it turned out that a person could disappear in 1941, but it was officially announced that he disappeared in 1944. In the documents of household surveys, most often there is no information about the real fate, in most cases even the unit in which the fighter served was not indicated. It’s good if there is a field mail number from the letters: just a part of it can be determined from it, and this is already a serious clue for further searches.
From other documents of the war and the first post-war period, one can note lists of those buried in a specific place, lists of those released from captivity, released from the encirclement (These people, according to other documents, are mostly listed as missing).
But the information about the burial of a person in a particular place, indicated in the loss report, medical document, funeral notice and other documents of the forties and even fifties, does not mean that the person is still buried there. After the war, there were numerous reburials of the remains in memorial cemeteries. Alas, often the names were lost. In 1991, by order of the Ministry of Defense, both in the USSR and in the countries of the socialist camp, passports for Soviet military burials began to be compiled. Each passport indicated the number of those buried, the number of known (lists were attached to them) and the number of unknowns. But after the collapse of the USSR, most of the former republics did not send their already completed passports. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation received burial passports from the Byelorussian SSR, partly the Ukrainian SSR and one region of the Latvian SSR. Passports from Poland were not accompanied by paper lists of the buried. And in the RSFSR, passports were received by no means for all burials. All these passports were kept at the Military Memorial Center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (now the Directorate for the UPPZO) and were uploaded to the OBD. In recent years, thanks to the representations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military memorial work, created in a number of countries, new passports of burials in these countries have appeared (and appear to this day). In 2014, re-certification of burials on the territory of the Russian Federation was carried out, the results of which consistently supplement the HBS. But at the same time, it must be taken into account that in the lists of the buried, attached to the passports, information about a person is minimal - full name, title, year of birth (not always), date of death. And even initials instead of the name and patronymic. For common surnames and given names without other documents, it is often impossible to determine who exactly they are talking about. A person can be reliably considered certain if there is a document about his death in these places or approximately on the same date. It must be admitted that the lists of the buried are not always accurate, and some people are listed on their passports as buried in two (and sometimes three!) places at the same time.
A separate array is represented in the OBD documents of military transit points (WFP). These documents are not associated with losses, and therefore the search for them is carried out separately from the main array. But according to these documents, one can try to find traces of a person about whom it is not even known in which unit he served. A little bit of information about where the person was sent off the WFP could be the key to further searches.
As an additional application, more than 1000 have been uploaded to the OBD printed "Books of Memory" created in the regions. These books contain information from various sources, and there are cases when, except in the "Book of Memory", there is no mention of a person.

How to search for information in the OBD?

So, the main types of documents contained in the OBD are listed. Now it's time to consider the nuances associated with the search. A lot of them. And the lack of information on request does not always mean that there is no data about a person in the OBD. But first, you should figure out which version of the OBD is better to use and why you need to register on the site.
On the main page of the site in the upper right corner it says that the work is carried out in the new version, and those who wish to use the old version can follow the link. The difference, first of all, is that the old (original) version uses flash technology, which is not supported in tablets and mobile phones. So those who want to work with these devices have no choice. But those who prefer to use desktop computers and laptops can choose. The main advantage of the old version is more convenient work with the document page image. The advantages of the new version are the output of the number of records as a result of the request (up to 10000), the ability to specify the place of primary burial in a separate field in the request. And most importantly, all the innovations that will be made in the future to the OBD software will concern only the new version. Just the possibility of searching at the place of primary burial indicated in a separate field is such an innovation that has appeared quite recently. Based on this information, everyone can choose for themselves a convenient version for work.
As for registration on the site, it is completely optional. To search for specific people and view the information found, registration is not required. Registration is required for those who want to search for cases by archival details or search for documents by their numbers and dates, as well as those who want to enter additional information for the record per person. We will talk about additional information a little later, but for now we will simply fix that until the need arises, you can not register.
Now directly about the search. The fields on the main page are intended for people with little computer experience. By entering their full name and year of birth, they can immediately see the result of the query. For those who are not afraid to work with a computer, it is better to immediately switch to the advanced search mode, where the user has many opportunities for targeted search.

The main rule when making requests: if you did not find the person you were looking for, this does not mean that there is no information in the OBD. Maybe you just need to look elsewhere. There are several reasons why an existing record is not found when entering absolutely accurate information. First, some fields may not be filled in the document. For example, the year of birth is not specified. In this case, if you specify the year of birth in the query, the record will not be found. The same will happen if the exact date of birth is specified in the request, which is missing in most documents. Most often, if there is, then only the year, without the month and date. Secondly, the information in the document can be reduced. Most often this applies to names and patronymics. There can be both actual abbreviations, and not only from the beginning of the word (for example, the abbreviation “Alek-vich” is possible, and go and figure out whether Aleksandrovich or Alekseevich was meant), and the indication of initials or the absence of a patronymic. Thirdly, there are numerous errors in the documents made by clerks, who often were either semi-literate or wrote by ear. And finally, there could be errors made when filling in the fields by the operators. Although multiple automatic and manual checks of the input information were carried out during processing, errors are inevitable when processing huge volumes in a short time. In addition, it is often simply impossible to understand the clerk's handwriting or the document has defects that do not allow filling in the field correctly. All these factors must be taken into account when formulating requests.
The easiest option is to type all the words to search in a common string. But don't be surprised if this results in extra records appearing in the query results. The fact is that words from the common string are searched in all fields of the record, so if, for example, the word Aleksandrov or Lvov is in the common string, records will be found both of people with that surname and of natives of these cities, called up from them or buried in them. It is better to enter words with multiple meanings in a query not in a general line, but in specialized fields. The set of these fields depends on the types of information in which records are searched. And only those fields that are relevant for at least one of the types marked for search are shown for possible filling. Indeed, in documents about prisoners of war, for example, it is never indicated where a person is called from (the Nazis were not interested in this), in the lists of the buried, attached to the burial passports, there is no information not only about the place of conscription, but also about the place of birth, etc. . By default, the search is carried out among all types of documents associated with images, except for "Memory Books". This is due to the fact that records from the "Books of Memory" are usually shown first, and with a large number of them in the search results, it can be difficult to get to the records from archival documents. Therefore, if entries from the Books of Memory are required to be included in the search results, this must be specified explicitly before making the first query with their participation. If in the query some of the words are specified in the general line, and some - in specialized fields, all elements of the query are taken into account, and the words typed in the general line are searched in all fields of the record, and the words typed in the fields are searched only in these fields of the record. The query results include records that match all search criteria.
When entering query words in the fields, you can select a search criterion. There are four of them: by the exact meaning, by the beginning of the word, by the exact phrase and full-text search. Different criteria give different results. For example, by entering the word "lieutenant" in the rank field, for the exact value we will get only lieutenants as a result, for the value from the beginning of the field - lieutenants and lieutenants of various services, and for other criteria options - all records that have the word "lieutenant" in this field , i.e. and ml. lieutenants, and Art. lieutenants and lieutenant generals. The choice of the criterion from the beginning of the field is indispensable in those cases when we want to receive as a result of the search records not only with full names and patronymics, but also with abbreviations or initials. The "exact phrase" criterion differs from the full-text search in that it fixes a clear word order, while in the full-text search mode, only the presence of words in the field is important, and their order is arbitrary. At the same time, it must be remembered that any separator - a dot, a comma, etc. - is perceived as a word boundary, i.e. an exact date, for example, 03/10/1942, is treated as 3 words, so the exact phrase criterion is always specified for the date by default. Indeed, in the full-text search mode, 03.10.1942 would also be included in the result. The modes of the exact phrase and from the beginning of the field can be artificially set in the general line. To specify the exact phrase, the phrase must be enclosed in quotation marks, and to specify the beginning of a word, put an asterisk in the text field. A complex option is also possible. For example, if you specify “Antip* E* G*” in quotes in the search string, the result will include all people whose last name begins with Antip, First name with E, and patronymic with G, i.e. Antipov Evgeny Grigorievich, Antipkin Efim Grigorievich, Antipova Ekaterina Gerasimovna. etc. Hyphens in the query must be replaced with spaces.

Search organization options vary greatly depending on how widespread the information specified in the request is. If the surname is rare, it is often enough to specify only it and look through the found records for the ones you are looking for. If a rare name or patronymic, you can add them to the surname. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the probability of their incorrect spelling in documents and use possible variants of errors in queries. Practice shows that many users find the records they need, despite errors in surnames, first names, and patronymics. The ability to view the document itself, from which the information was transferred to the database, to clarify from it whether this is the person they are looking for (for example, according to information about relatives) is the undoubted value of the OBD. If the information entered in the query occurs frequently, then the result of the query will be a large number of records, and then you need to either look through them in a row, or enter additional requirements into the query. In the latter case, the number of records will decrease as a result, but at the same time, the necessary records may also fall out of the result if they do not contain information on additional requirements.

How to remember the found record?

First of all, you need to remember the record number. It is highlighted in the upper left corner of the entry form. This number never changes, and by entering it into the search bar, you can easily find the entry. It is only necessary that the search area includes the type of document to which the document belongs - the source of the record. Therefore, to search by record number, it is better if the checkboxes are checked for all types of documents. Remembering the record number is also useful because practice shows that users often forget the query with which they found the record. And then they write letters to the developers of the site: “I used to find a record, but now I don’t. Why did you remove it?" And then it turns out that now he uses a query that is different from the one with which he found the record.

And secondly, you can put the entry in the "Favorites". But "Favorites" is fixed for a specific computer. You can't see it from another computer.

What are the most common errors and inconsistencies that need to be taken into account in a query if records are not found?

First, the error can be in any unstressed vowel. For example, the name Vladimir is found in documents in four spellings: in addition to the correct one, there are also Vlodimir, Vlodimer, Vladimer. Also, a single consonant is often found instead of a double one: Genadiy, Ipolitovich, etc. And you can’t do an automatic replacement when entering - after all, an illiterate clerk could also meet during the execution of documents. It would probably be worthwhile to enter two values ​​​​in such cases - both from documents and commonly used ones, but firstly, they didn’t guess right away, and secondly, in this case, the record would not be found by the exact value that is often used in queries. There may be differences in the spelling of patronymics - Gennadievich and Gennadievich, Kuzmich and Kuzmich, Nikitovich and Nikitievich, etc. In addition, it is necessary to take into account possible errors associated with the handwritten text - it is often impossible to distinguish between g and h, mo and lu, n and p, e and s, even a and o are difficult to distinguish. And remember about the distortion when recording "by ear".

What should I do if an error is found in a recording?

It is very important to distinguish the cause of the error here. If a mistake is made when transferring information from a document to a database, whether due to poor legibility of the text or for some other reason, you need to write to the support service - ELAR Corporation - through the feedback on the website or directly at [email protected], specifying the record number and the error. If a mistake is made in the document itself, it is useless to write to ELAR: since the OBD is a bank of archival documents, exactly what is indicated in the document is reproduced in the record. Also, it is not necessary to send additional information to ELAR - the exact date of birth and other data not reflected in the published document. However, it is possible to independently enter a clarification to the record. Here we return to the "Additional Information" block, which we talked about when discussing the need to register on the site. On the screen form that displays information about a person, there is a button that says "Add extra. information" if there is no additional information for the entry, or "Add. information" if available. A user registered on the site can enter any corrective or clarifying text, images of documents, links to Internet resources in this section. After review of the entered information by the moderator, it becomes publicly available. Thus, the official part of the site associated with archival documents is separated from the additional one filled in by users. Well, if you want to officially correct the inaccuracies made in the document, for example, correct the surname so that the person is registered under the correct surname, you must contact the archive in which the document is stored, attaching supporting documents, and better - through the military registration and enlistment office. Then the archive, on the basis of the presented documents, will create a new document on changes, the document will fall into the archival file and subsequently enter the OBD.

I hope that the information presented here will help you find information about people who died and disappeared in the Patriotic War in the OBD. I remind you that the OBD is constantly updated, the records are corrected, so I advise those who are looking to look at the site about once a quarter. And if anyone knows about the presence in the archives of documents on the topic of the site that are not in the OBD, please report this with the indication of archival details to the site support service [email protected] or me personally [email protected].

Viktor Tumarkin

Good day everyone!

Not so long ago, I tried to help an acquaintance find relatives who fought in the Second World War (1941-1945). Oddly enough, we quickly managed to find his grandfather, the number of his unit where he fought, and also looked at several of his awards. The acquaintance was pleased and proud of his grandfather, but I thought ...

I think that after all, almost every family has relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War, and many would like to know more about them (which is why I decided to sketch this article). Moreover, many old people do not like to talk about the front, and it is not uncommon for the family to not even know all the grandfather's awards!

By the way, many mistakenly believe (and I did until recently) that in order to find at least something, you need to know a lot of information about a person, know how to access archives (and where to go), have a lot of free time, etc. . But in fact, now, in order to try to start a search, it is enough to know the first and last name.

And so, below I will consider several interesting sites in more detail ...

No. 1: The feat of the people

A very, very interesting site created by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It is a large database in which all available documents from the military archives are entered: where and who fought, what awards he received, what feats, etc. Absolutely everything is entered, regardless of the ranks and scale of the feat. I can add that the base of the site has no analogues in size.

Then you will see a list of found people: note that there can be a lot of them if your relative has a common name and surname. Opposite each person will be displayed his year of birth, rank, order, medal (if any).

The card itself displays quite a lot of information per person: rank, place of conscription, place of service, date of the feat (if any), archival documents on the award, registration card, photo of the leaflet describing the feat, medals and orders (example below).

In general, quite informative and complete. I recommend starting your search for a person from this site. If you are lucky and you find data about him here, then you will get pretty decent information to continue your search (you will know the year of birth, the part where he served, where he was called from, etc. details that many people don’t already know about).

By the way, despite the fact that all the basic information has already been posted on the site, from time to time it is updated with new archival data. Therefore, if you did not find anything, try to come in after a while and search again, also use the sites that I will give below.

#2: OBD Memorial

The full name of the site is Generalized Data Bank.

The main purpose of this site is to enable citizens to find and learn about the fate of their relatives, find out the place of their burial, where they served, and other information.

The Military Memorial Center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out a unique work, as a result of which you can use the reference system of global importance!

The data used to populate the database of this site are taken from official archival documents located in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Central Naval Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Military Archive, the State Archive of the Russian Federation, etc.

During the work, more than 16.8 million documents, more than 45 thousand passports of military graves were scanned and posted online.

How to search for a person in OBD

Yes, it's pretty standard. On the main page of the site, enter all the information that you know into the search fields. It would be nice to enter at least the first name, last name, and patronymic. Then press the search button (example below).

In the data found, you will see the date and place of birth of a person, by which you can navigate and start viewing the necessary profiles.

The following information can be found in the questionnaire: full name, date and place of birth, date and place of conscription, military rank, reason for leaving, date of leaving, name of the source of information, fund number, source of information. And also see the scanned sheet itself with archived data.

No. 3: Memory of the people

Another site with a huge database created by the Department of Defense. The main goal of the project is to enable all users to obtain information about the participants of the Great Patriotic War through new web tools and the development of generalized data banks "Memorial" and "Feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

To start searching for a person, just enter his full name (if any, then another year of birth). Then click the "Find" button.

Next, you will be shown all the people found with similar initials. By opening a card for a person, you will find out: his date of birth, place of conscription, military units, awards, dates of feats, numbers of funds - sources of information, archive, you can see scans for which awards were given.

In addition, on this site you can see what was the path along which your grandfather moved and fought (an example on the map below: the beginning of the journey near Novosibirsk, then Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny, etc.).

Note: the map is quite large, and the screenshot below shows a small piece of it.

Where grandfather was and fought - the path on the map!

If you are looking for a burial place for your relatives who participated in the Second World War, I recommend that you also read this article:.

In it, you will learn how to correctly create a request to the archive, how to issue it, and where exactly to send it. In general, very useful information.

Well, that's all for me, I hope it helped, if not found, then at least gave useful "food" to start searching.

about charitable donation

(public offer)

The international public organization "International historical, educational, charitable and human rights society "Memorial", represented by the Executive Director Zhemkova Elena Borisovna, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Benefactor", hereby offers individuals or their representatives, hereinafter referred to as the "Philanthropist" ”, collectively referred to as the “Parties”, conclude a Charitable Donation Agreement on the following terms:

1. General provisions on a public offer

1.1. This offer is a public offer in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

1.2. The acceptance of this offer is the transfer of funds by the Benefactor to the account of the Beneficiary as a charitable donation for the statutory activities of the Beneficiary. Acceptance of this offer by the Benefactor means that the latter has read and agrees with all the terms of this Agreement on charitable donation with the Benefactor.

1.3. The offer comes into force from the day following the day of its publication on the official website of the Beneficiary www..

1.4. The text of this offer may be changed by the Beneficiary without prior notice and is valid from the day following the day it is posted on the Site.

1.5. The Offer is valid until the day following the day of posting on the Site notice of cancellation of the Offer. The Beneficiary has the right to cancel the Offer at any time without giving reasons.

1.6. The invalidity of one or more terms of the Offer does not entail the invalidity of all other terms of the Offer.

1.7. By accepting the terms of this agreement, the Benefactor confirms the voluntary and gratuitous nature of the donation.

2.Subject of the contract

2.1. Under this agreement, the Benefactor transfers his own funds as a charitable donation to the account of the Beneficiary, and the Beneficiary accepts the donation and uses it for the statutory purposes.

2.2. The performance by the Benefactor of actions under this agreement is a donation in accordance with Article 582 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

3. Activities of the Beneficiary

3.1. The purpose of the activities of the Beneficiary in accordance with the Charter is:

Assistance in building a developed civil society and a democratic rule of law that excludes the possibility of a return to totalitarianism;

Formation of public consciousness on the basis of the values ​​of democracy and law, overcoming totalitarian stereotypes and assertion of individual rights in political practice and public life;

Restoration of historical truth and perpetuation of the memory of victims of political repressions of totalitarian regimes;

Identification, publication and critical reflection of information about human rights violations by totalitarian regimes in the past and the direct and indirect consequences of these violations in the present;

Assistance in the full and public moral and legal rehabilitation of persons subjected to political repression, the adoption of state and other measures to compensate for the damage caused to them and provide them with the necessary social benefits.

3.2. The beneficiary in his activities does not aim to make a profit and directs all resources to achieve the statutory goals. The financial statements of the Beneficiary are annually audited. The beneficiary publishes information about his work, goals and objectives, activities and results on the website www..

4. Conclusion of the contract

4.1. Only an individual is entitled to accept the Offer and thereby conclude the Agreement with the Beneficiary.

4.2. The date of acceptance of the Offer and, accordingly, the date of conclusion of the Agreement is the date of crediting funds to the bank account of the Beneficiary. The place of conclusion of the Agreement is the city of Moscow of the Russian Federation. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 434 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Agreement is considered concluded in writing.

4.3. The terms of the Agreement are determined by the Offer as amended (subject to amendments and additions) valid (in force) on the day the payment order is issued or the day it deposits cash into the Beneficiary's cash desk.

5. Making a donation

5.1. The Benefactor independently determines the amount of the amount of the charitable donation and transfers it to the Beneficiary by any payment method indicated on the website www..

5.2. When transferring a donation by issuing a debit from a bank account, the purpose of the payment should indicate “Donation for statutory activities”.

6. Rights and obligations of the parties

6.1. The Beneficiary undertakes to use the funds received from the Benefactor under this Agreement strictly in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and within the framework of the statutory activities.

6.2. The Benefactor gives permission for the processing and storage of personal data used by the Beneficiary solely for the performance of the specified agreement.

6.3. The Beneficiary undertakes not to disclose to third parties the personal and contact information of the Benefactor without his written consent, except when this information is required by state bodies that have the authority to require such information.

6.4. The donation received from the Benefactor, which, due to the closure of the need, has not been partially or completely spent according to the purpose of the donation indicated by the Benefactor in the payment order, is not returned to the Benefactor, but is redistributed by the Benefactor independently to other relevant programs.

6.5. The Beneficiary has the right to notify the Benefactor of current programs through electronic, postal and SMS mailing lists, as well as through telephone calls.

6.6. At the request of the Benefactor (in the form of an electronic or regular letter), the Beneficiary is obliged to provide the Benefactor with information about the donations made by the Benefactor.

6.7. The Beneficiary does not bear any other obligations to the Benefactor, except for the obligations specified in this Agreement.

7.Other terms

7.1. In the event of disputes and disagreements between the Parties under this agreement, they will, if possible, be resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute through negotiations, disputes and disagreements may be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the courts at the location of the Beneficiary.

8. Details of the parties


International Public Organization "International Historical, Educational, Charitable and Human Rights Society "Memorial"
TIN: 7707085308
Gearbox: 770701001
PSRN: 1027700433771
Address: 127051, Moscow, Maly Karetny lane, 12,
Email address: [email protected] website
Bank details:
International Memorial
Settlement account: 40703810738040100872
BIC: 044525225
Corr. account: 30101810400000000225

Almost every family in our country has relatives who went missing during the Great Patriotic War. Some scattered information is stored in the family, someone has preserved photographs. But when you see the name of a loved one in the report of the Memorial base, for example, for some reason you more clearly imagine a train under fire, trenches ... And it seems that if you find out at least something else, your soldier will not be so lonely in his obscure grave. And you hope that the soldiers who did not return will not be left without prayers.

About where and how to look for information about the burial place of a soldier of the Great Patriotic War, "Foma" was told by Dmitry Aleksandrovich Belov, Ph.D. ".

Step 1. Where to start

The fastest way to find your relative who died in the Great Patriotic War is the Memorial generalized data bank, the base of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense (TsAMO):

For this:

We go to the website of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which hosts the most complete electronic database in our country of those killed in the Second World War:

We fill in the columns "Last Name", "First Name", "Patronymic", "Year of Birth" of our deceased relative:

Ideally, we get a result of several lines with more or less complete information and continue to study the materials in the direction of concretizing the exact burial place.

In the surname or name, or in the patronymic, we change the letters, selecting them in such a way as if they were written by an illiterate person or the original document is poorly readable and there are alternative reading options. And perhaps you will stumble upon additional documents from the archive database.

Related material

5 myths about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War

June 22 - the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Military historian Alexei Isaev spoke about five, in his opinion, the most significant myths and misconceptions associated with this day.

At this stage of the search, the last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, preferably the title, is enough to start. If he is Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, then, of course, it will be more difficult. You need to be persistent to make sure that this is exactly the person you need, you will need details - the full name of the wife, mother, the name of the village, the city from where he was called up, the place of birth (in accordance with the administrative-territorial division of the USSR in the pre-war years - note ed.).

It is worth paying special attention to the fourth point. There are indeed silly spelling errors in the database. My great-grandfather's name was Andrei Kirillovich. I wrote "Kirillovich" as a normal person with two l, and then I thought that not everyone knows how Kirillovich is spelled ...

Kirillovich scored with one "l" and immediately found a burial place. Also Filippovich - maybe Felippovich, and with one "p", and so on. Such moments must be taken into account.

Ideally, the result of your search should be a document about the place of burial of a relative and information in which military unit (army, division or regiment) he fought.

If there is no information, one can hope that the search teams that are looking for and burying the remains of soldiers will find something. If the search engines managed to find someone, they turn to the military registration and enlistment office, looking for relatives themselves.

But you can continue to search on your own. In this case, it is necessary to collect the maximum possible amount of information in order to start a qualitatively new stage of the search.

What can help us in this?

Step 2. Gather additional information

Have the letters survived?

The most important thing in letters is the number of the field postal station (FPS) on the stamp of the envelope. It can be used to set the number of a division, regiment, etc.

A powerful resource: a lot of documents on military topics, memoirs, collections. If the number of the division, the area of ​​battles is known, then it is possible to find a description at least in general terms.

Database "Feat of the People"

TsAMO project.

This is a database where there is information about soldiers awarded medals. More about how to search in the "Feat of the People" database

This resource has several databases on hospitals. Dial the hospital number, press Enter and see which division he served.

And there are many other reference books on the types of troops, epaulettes, weapons.

But the most valuable thing on the forum is

If you register on it, you can get advice from completely unfamiliar historians, specialists, anyone who is fond of searching, military enlistment office workers.

To register at the top of this site (see the picture above in the lower right corner), you need to click the "Register" button. Next, you need to fill out the registration form.

Then create a topic (it's better to name it briefly, for example, "No. __-th rifle division. I'm looking for a relative"). After that, your request can be read by everyone who visits this site. Do not doubt! There will be enough such unfamiliar and caring people. Everyone will help you with the information they have. Some will answer, advise, consult, others will recommend sites, scan the documents you need, excerpts from books, etc.

Other resources

There are many more resources that publish interviews of veterans, biographies. But it should be borne in mind that these sources, as a rule, are of no historical value either for the researcher or for someone who wants to use this material in a search.

If, for example, for my current work, I need the memories of veterans who fought at the Stalingrad Tractor Plant on certain specific dates, then I will not get the expected result - these electronic databases do not filter by date and place.

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