Menshikov readings. squad of the brave

Good fellow People's poet. Young man, daring. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it: A lesson for good fellows(Pushkin. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel). - Well, she's obviously right. And what is he? He came as a robber, Vanka the key-keeper, showed his slyness and rude male arrogance and left again, as if saying goodbye: know ours, here we are, what good fellows we are!(V. Pikul. Bayazet).

Phraseological dictionary of Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .


See what "Good fellow" is in other dictionaries:

    good fellow- well done, young man Dictionary of Russian synonyms. good fellow n., number of synonyms: 2 well done (41) young man ... Synonym dictionary

    Good fellow- People's poet. Approval Young man, daring. BMS 1998, 384; F 1, 302 ...

    Good fellow- typical character, hero and active actor nar. songs. The epithet D.M. does not contain the meaning of kindness, but rather indicates the quality factor, compliance with the requirements for young men in the physical. and morals. relationships. His image... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    I, good fellow, without goats, without sheep: there would be a song.- I, good fellow, without goats, without sheep: there would be a song. See ZADOR GULBA LEISURE ...

    Chok, chok, chok, tobacco, a good fellow sits down on a point, drinks God's grass. Christ's box.- (they speak against the schismatics). See FOOD… IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    well done- See brave... Synonym dictionary

    WELL DONE Dictionary Ushakov

    WELL DONE- 1. Well done, well done, husband. (nar. poet.). Daredevil, brave man (about heroes folk epic, usually with the epithet kind). "Perform you, good fellow." song. “I wouldn’t look out of the window at the daring young man.” A.K. Tolstoy. 2. FELLOW, well done, husband. one … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    well done- and well done. In folk poetic speech"brave, daring" well done, born. well done. Good fellow. In the meaning “a young man of strong build; skillful, dexterous person ”(used in the function of a tale in relation to males and females) well done, kind ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    WELL DONE- Good fellow. Folk poet. Approval Young man, daring. BMS 1998, 384; F 1, 302. Well done warms someone. Sib. Iron. About an old woman who remarried. FSS, 113. Elderly fellow. Ohlon. Old bachelor. SRNG 28, 294. Well done in Russian, but ... ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

Natalia Vetchinova


To form an idea of ​​the heroic past Russian people Ancient Russia , great Russian heroes - defenders of the Russian land.

To revive the idea of ​​the epic, of the epic heroes - Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

Arouse interest in the language of epics, legends.

Cultivate a sense of pride the heroic power of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers desire to imitate them.


To instill love and a sense of pride in the Fatherland, respect for the heroic military traditions.

Develop a sense of rhythm, communication skills of children (the ability to communicate, answer questions, solve riddles).

Promote development motor qualities: agility, strength, speed, jumping ability, accuracy.

Fix the rules of relay games, monitor the precise execution of motor tasks

Cultivate moral and volitional qualities.

Preliminary work:

Reading passages about epic heroes: "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber", "Dobrynya Nikitich and Serpent Gorynych", "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent".

Artwork on topics: "Weapon heroes» , « Bogatyrs» , "Horses heroes» .

View animated film "Ilya Muromets";

Examination of paintings by M. V. Vasnetsov « Bogatyrs» , "Knight at the Crossroads".

Listening to fragments musical works N. Rimsky-Korsakov, A. Borodin, M. Glinka;

Interpretation of proverbs and sayings about heroes;

Joint artistic activity « Russian bogatyrs» .


Princess Yaroslavna;

Boys team "Good fellows";

Boys team "Brave Knights";

Girls - Russian beauties;

Vasilisa the wise;

Elena the beautiful.

Children enter the hall to the music of S. Namin « Our heroic strength»


Oh, you are a goy, good fellows and young people! We have gathered today not for an honorable feast, but for a good conversation and a collaborative one. Great and mighty Russia. Today, on February 23, we celebrate big celebration- Defender of the Fatherland Day. No wonder Russia has always been proud of its warriors - both soldiers and generals. Where did Russian warriors great power? And she got them from their ancestors - epic Russian heroes. And who are heroes? (Strongmen, warriors, defenders)

Children, what were they like? Russian bogatyrs? (Resolute, brave, courageous, courageous, courageous, fearless)

Today we welcome two squads in our hall heroes!

This is the squad "Good fellows" and squad "Brave Knights"


Loves Russian people of heroes, praises them, composes songs about their exploits, about how they cherish and protect native Russia. What are these stories called? (Epics) Now I want to check how you listened to them.


1. Name heroes that you know.

2. Where is Ilya Muromets from? (from Murom)

3. Who gave Ilya Muromets the treasure sword? (Svyatogor)

4. Where was Dobrynya Nikitich born? (in Ryazan)

5. What family is Alyosha Popovich from? (priest)

6. What does the name Dobrynya Nikitich mean? (Dobrynya - kind, great, Nikitich - winner, brilliant)

7. What prince did these heroes? (to Vladimir)

8. Who from heroes could he forge his own weapons? (Ilya Muromets)

9. Who from the hero bore the nickname"quiet"? (Nikitich)

10. Who did Alyosha Popovich fight? (with Tugarin Zmey)

11. What was the name of the horse of Ilya Muromets? (Burashka)


I suggest everyone go on a journey to the competition Russian heroes.

Princess Yaroslavna enters the hall.

Princess Yaroslavna:

Hello good fellows!

Hello red girls!

Glory Russian side!

Glory Russian antiquity!

And about this old

I'll start telling

So that the children can know

About the affairs of the native land.

My fatherland! Russia!

The spirit of antiquity lives in you

And not one more element

Your people have not won!

I see two squads among you heroes, show me your gallant prowess and strength heroic and resourcefulness.


Princess Yaroslavna, we invite you to the competition. Be the judge for our members.


Thank you for your trust, but I need help. Allow me to choose for judging Vasilisa the Wise and Elena the Beautiful (choose from guests).

Good fellows, Brave knights, for your ingenuity and speed you will receive orders, at the end of the competition we will sum up and determine which squad heroes she will score more orders and she will win!


To begin with, let's remember, before we set off, what we had to choose Russian hero? (road)

Well, let's choose a path.

Governors, you have this right.

The governors approach the stone at the crossroads and read:

You go to the right - money and fame.

If you go left, you will lose your friends...

If you go straight, danger awaits you and heroic outpost!

The governors choose the road straight ahead.

The game "Collect hero on a hike» (Girls must put everything they need in a bag, the participant who completes the task correctly and fastest will win)


Girls, beauties, say a parting word!


There are bumps on the forehead

Lights under the eye

Well, if you are boys,

Then you - heroes!

1st governor:

Scratches, splinters.

We are afraid only of iodine!

Here, not shy of tears

The commander himself is pouring!

2nd governor:

Let the head be green

And in plasters leg,

But there are still strengths

To defeat the enemy!

"Farewell Dance" performed by all participants.

(music from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession")

To start, warm up

And walk across the bridge.

You can't get away with it -

The abyss is waiting for you there, friends.

Warm-up in progress. The boys are on the gymnastic bench.


Stretch your legs, it's time to stretch your arms!

A logarithmic game is in progress "Hey blacksmith!"

The leader announces the competition "Strongmen"

Members of the spirit squads alternately perform push-ups on the mats (3 times each, then raise the dumbbells (3 times).

Here is the river on the way

Do not pass, do not pass -

Nightingale robber evil,

The bridge broke here over the river.

Here's an obstacle on the way

It's not that easy to get through.

We must quickly remember and say proverbs!

Children say proverbs:

There is safety in numbers.

One for all and all for one.

Whoever goes ahead - that fear does not take!

Die yourself, but save a comrade.

Hard to learn, easy to fight

Where there is courage, there is victory.

It is always useful to study military affairs.

Stand up for the right cause.

Only those who are afraid are beaten.

A skilled fighter is well done everywhere!

Victory does not wind in the air, but gets it with your hands.

Savvy in war helps doubly.

They fight not by number, but by skill.

From native earth die but don't go.

Its earth and handful sweet.

The native side is the mother, and the alien side is the stepmother.


It's time to take a break! Halt!

Yes, only during the rest you need to gain strength.

And for this dance Russian folk is a good helper.

Children perform Russian folk dance"Lady".


Solve riddles guys.

Such a shirt is not knitted, not sewn,

It is woven from iron rings.


Weapons are not easy to raise,

Not just pick up and hold in your hands.

It was easy for them to take their heads off their shoulders,

Well, guess what? Of course….


An iron hat with a sharp end

And in front, the beak hung over the face.


To protect the chest from the blows of the enemy

You already know it for sure

On the left hand of the hero hangs

Heavy, shiny and round...

Here is a barrier, here is Koschey

You need to prove that you heroes!


I have a rope in my hands, who is the strongest of the guys!

Competition "Pull the Rope"

The host announces a contest in ingenuity.

1. The main weapon of the Nightingale - the robber (whistling)

2. Royal head distinction (crown)

3. Heroic figure(three)

4. Headgear designed for a fool (cap)

5. Rogue figure (fourty)

But alas, it wasn't there.

Everything suddenly swirled like a whirlwind!

The three-headed serpent Gorynych met on the way,

Don't expect salvation here!

relay race is underway "The most accurate".

Participants in turn must ride a horse to Zey Gorynych and cut off his head with a sword (heads of Zmey Gorynych - Balloons, return, pass the horse to the next participant.

Princess Yaroslavna:

You hit the target accurately and defeated the snake!

So our competition is over.

It was a big test!

Congratulations guys, you deserve an award.

The princess summarizes the results of the competition and presents certificates to the participants.

1st girl:

Try to remember today

And keep it in your heart.

You are strong, you are brave

And the treacherous enemy will not be able to approach you!

2nd girl:

And there are big things in life

Where honor did not call you,

You boldly go, ready spear!

Fight for your beloved, for your happiness!


Well, guys, our journey has come to an end. You are all great, you did all the tasks well, you were attentive, courageous, dexterous, quick-witted. And in the end, we must remember what covenant was left to us heroes?

Protect your homeland, take care of it. Protect the weak, the poor, the elderly and children. Be strong, brave, courageous, courageous. love your own earth, their people, their country and homeland.

Princess Yaroslavna:

Oh you goy, heroes and holy Russians,

And you saddled good horses,

Yes, you stood for faith and the fatherland,

And bow to you about Russia and forever and ever.

Girls read wishes:

We liked the way you performed now

You are the boys of the highest class, we are proud of you!

Bogatyrsky we want to wish you health

The best thing in the world is to run and beat everyone in football!

May luck be with you, only you are friends with us.

Help us in everything, protect us from others.

In general, dear boys, we will open for you secret:

There is no one in the world better than you!

When we all look at your fights with our eyes wide open,

We believe that with your preparation we will always protect the country.

Let a purple-blue bruise bloom under the eye,

It is hard in learning, the battle will be much easier.

And we can live quite calmly under your protection

As long as your backs are strong, we will have nothing to grieve!


Dear participants of the competition, on the eve of the Defender of the Fatherland Day

to us at Kindergarten a package arrived, our soldiers sent it Russian army, and in the parcel of this gift for future soldiers, defenders of Russia, for you!

A dance is being performed « Our heroic strength» .

The children leave the room.

Three trips of Ilya Muromets

An old Cossack, Ilya Muromets, rode across an open field, across a wide expanse, and ran into a fork in three roads. There is a combustible stone at the fork, and on the stone the inscription is written: “If you go straight, you will be killed, if you go to the right, you will be married, and if you go to the left, you will become rich.” Ilya read the inscription and became thoughtful:

- To me, the old one, death is not written in battle. Let me go where to be killed.

How long, how short he was driving, thieves-robbers jumped out onto the road. Three hundred plantains. They bawl, they wave shalygas.

Let's kill the old man and rob him!

“Stupid people,” says Ilya Muromets, “without killing the bear, divide the skin.

And he unleashed his faithful horse on them. He himself stabbed with a spear and smashed with a sword, and not a single murderer-robber remained alive.

He returned to the fork and erased the inscription: "If you go straight, you will be killed." He stood near the stone and turned the horse to the right:

- There is no need for me, the old one, to be married, but I will go and see how people get married.

I drove for an hour or two and ran into the white-stone chambers.

A red-haired girl-soul ran out to meet her. She took Ilya Muromets by the hands and led her into the dining room. She fed and watered the hero, entreated:

- After the bread and salt, go to bed to keep. On the road, I guess I got tired!

She led me to a special room, pointed to a downy feather bed.

And Ilya, he was savvy, dexterous, noticed something was wrong. He threw the beauty girl on the featherbed, and the bed turned, overturned, and the hostess fell into a deep dungeon.

Ilya Muromets ran out of the chambers into the courtyard, found that deep dungeon, broke down the doors and let him out on White light forty captives, unlucky suitors, and the mistress - the red maiden - was locked tightly in the underground prison.

After that, he came to the fork and erased the other inscription. And he wrote a new inscription on the stone: "Two paths were cleared by the old Cossack Ilya Muromets."

I won't go to the third side. Why should I, old, lonely, rich be? Let someone young get wealth.

The old Cossack Ilya Muromets turned his horse and went to the capital city of Kyiv to carry out military service, fight with enemies, stand for Great Russia and for the Russian people!

On that, the tale of the glorious, mighty hero Ilya Muromets ended.



I’ll take a sonorous, yarovchaty harp and tune the harp in the old way, I’ll start an old-fashioned, old-fashioned story about the deeds of the Slavic Russian hero Dobrynya Nikitich. To the blue sea for silence, and kind people for obedience.

In a glorious city, in Ryazan, there lived an honest husband Nikita Romanovich with his faithful wife Afimya Alexandrovna. And to the delight of his father and mother, their only son grew up, young Dobrynya Nikitich. Here Nikita Romanovich lived for ninety years, lived and got on, but passed away. Afimya Alexandrovna was a widow, Dobrynya was an orphan of six years. And at the age of seven, Afimya Alexandrovna sent her son to learn to read and write. And soon, soon, his diploma in science went: Dobrynya learned to read books smartly and wield an eagle feather more quickly.

And for twelve years he played the harp. He played the harp, composed songs.

The honest widow Afimya Alexandrovna looks at her son and is overjoyed. Dobrynya grows broad in the shoulders, thin in the waist, black sable eyebrows, sharp-sighted falcon eyes, fair-haired curls curl in rings, crumble, her face is white and blush, exactly poppy color, and there is no equal in strength and grip, and he is affectionate, courteous.

Dobrynya and the Serpent

And now Dobrynya grew up to full age. Heroic grips awakened in him. Dobrynya Nikitich began to ride on a good horse in an open field and trample kites with a frisky horse.

His dear mother, the honest widow Afimya Alexandrovna, said to him:

- My child, Dobrynushka, you don’t need to swim in the Pochai River. Pochai is an angry river, it is angry, ferocious. The first jet in the river cuts like fire, sparks fall from the other jet, and smoke pours from the third jet. And you don’t need to go to the distant mountain Sorochinskaya and go there to snake holes-caves.

Young Dobrynya Nikitich did not listen to his mother. He went out of the white-stone chambers into a wide, spacious courtyard, went into a standing stable, led out the heroic horse and began to saddle: first he put on a sweatshirt, and on the sweatshirt he put felt, and on the felt - a Cherkassy saddle, decorated with silks, gold, tightened twelve silk girths . The buckles at the girths are pure gold, and the pegs at the buckles are damask, not for the sake of bass-beauty, but for the sake of strength: after all, silk does not tear, damask steel does not bend, red gold does not rust, the hero sits on a horse, does not age.

Then he attached a quiver with arrows to the saddle, took a tight heroic bow, took a heavy club and a long spear. The young man called in a loud voice, ordered him to be escorted.

It was visible how he mounted a horse, but not how he rode away from the yard, only a dusty smoke curled like a pillar behind the hero.

Dobrynya traveled with a steamer across an open field. They did not meet any geese, or swans, or gray ducks.

Then the hero drove up to the Pochai River. The horse near Dobrynya was exhausted, and he himself became wise under the baking sun. I wanted a good fellow to swim. He dismounted from his horse, took off his traveling clothes, ordered the couple to drag the horse and feed it with silk grass-ant, and he himself, in one thin linen shirt, swam far from the shore.

He swims and completely forgot that his mother was punishing ... And at that time, just from the eastern side, a dashing misfortune rolled up: the Serpent-Horynishche with three heads, twelve trunks flew in, eclipsed the sun with filthy wings. He saw an unarmed man in the river, rushed down, grinned:

“You are now in my hands, Dobrynya. If I want, I’ll burn you with fire, if I want, I’ll take you full of life, I’ll take you to the Sorochinsky mountains, into deep holes into snakes!

The Snake-Gorynyshche pours sparks, burns with fire, manages to grab the good fellow with its trunks.

And Dobrynya was agile, evasive, he dodged the snake's trunks and dived deep into the depths, and emerged right at the shore. He jumped onto the yellow sand, and the Serpent flies behind him.

The good fellow is looking for heroic armor, than he can fight with the Serpent-monster, and he did not find either a couple, or a horse, or military equipment.

The little fellow of the Serpent-Gorynishcha was frightened, he ran away and drove away the horse with armor.

Dobrynya sees: things are not right, and he has no time to think and guess ... He noticed on the sand a hat-cap of the Greek earth, and soon, soon filled his hat with yellow sand and threw that three-pound cap at the opponent. The Serpent fell on the damp ground. The hero jumped up to the Serpent on his white chest, he wants to kill him. Then the filthy monster pleaded:

- Young Dobrynushka Nikitich! Don't beat me, don't execute me, let me go alive, unharmed. We will write notes between ourselves with you: do not fight forever, do not fight. I will not fly to Russia, ruin villages with villages, I will not take people full of people. And you, my elder brother, do not go to the Sorochinsky mountains, do not trample the little serpents with a frisky horse.

Young Dobrynya, he is gullible: he listened to flattering speeches, let the Serpent go free, on all four sides, he quickly, soon found a couple with his horse, with equipment. After that he returned home and bowed low to his mother:

- Empress Mother! Bless me for the heroic military service.

Mother blessed him, and Dobrynya went to the capital city of Kyiv. He arrived at the prince's court, tied his horse to a chiseled pillar, whether to that gilded ring, he himself entered the white-stone chambers, laid the cross in the written way, and bowed in the learned way: he bowed low on all four sides, and to the prince and princess in person . Kindly Prince Vladimir met the guest and asked:

- You are a burly, burly good fellow, whose clans, from what cities? And how to call you by name, call you by your native land?

- I am from the glorious city of Ryazan, the son of Nikita Romanovich and Afimya Alexandrovna - Dobrynya, the son of Nikitich. I came to you, prince, to the military service.

And at that time, Prince Vladimir's tables were pulled apart, the princes, boyars and Russians were feasting mighty heroes. Vladimir, Prince Dobrynya Nikitich, sat down at the table in a place of honor between Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich, brought him a cup of green wine, not a small cup - one and a half buckets. Dobrynya took chara with one hand, drank chara for a single spirit.

And Prince Vladimir, meanwhile, walked around the dining room, proverbially the sovereign pronounces:

- Oh, you goy, mighty Russian heroes, I do not live in joy today, in sorrow. Lost my beloved niece, young Zabava Putyatichna. She walked with her mothers, with the nannies in the green garden, and at that time the Zmeinishche-Gorynishche flew over Kyiv, he grabbed Zabava Putyatichna, soared above the standing forest and carried it to the Sorochinsky mountains, into deep snake caves. If only one of you, children, would be found: you, the princes of your knees, you, the boyars of your neighbor, and you, the mighty Russian heroes, who would go to the Sorochinsky mountains, rescued from the full of snakes, rescued the beautiful Zabavushka Putyatichna and thereby consoled me and Princess Apraksia!

All the princes and boyars are silent in silence. The larger one is buried for the middle one, the middle one for the smaller one, and there is no answer from the smaller one.

This is where Dobrynya Nikitich came to mind: “But the Serpent violated the commandment: don’t fly to Russia, don’t take people in full, if you took it away, captivated Zabava Putyatichna.”

He left the table, bowed to Prince Vladimir and said these words:

- Sunny Vladimir, Prince of Stolno-Kyiv, you throw this service on me. After all, the Serpent Gorynych recognized me as a brother and swore not to fly to the Russian land for a century and not to take it in full, but he violated that oath-commandment. I have to go to the Sorochinsky mountains, to rescue Zabava Putyatichna.

The prince brightened his face and said:

- You consoled us, good fellow!

And Dobrynya bowed low on all four sides, and to the prince and princess in person, then he went out into the wide courtyard, mounted his horse and rode to Ryazan-city.

There, he asked his mother for blessings to go to the Sorochinsky mountains, to rescue Russian captives from the full of snakes.

Mother Afimya Alexandrovna said:

- Go, dear child, and my blessing will be with you!

Then she gave a whip of seven silks, gave an embroidered white-linen shawl and spoke to her son these words:

- When you will fight with the Serpent, your right hand he will get tired, he will become mad, the white light in his eyes will be lost, you wipe yourself with a handkerchief and wipe your horse. It will take away all your fatigue as if by hand, and the strength of you and the horse will triple, and wave a seven-silk whip over the Serpent - he will bow to the damp earth. Here you tear-cut all the snake's trunks - all the snake's strength will be depleted.

Dobrynya bowed low to his mother, the honest widow Afimya Alexandrovna, then mounted a good horse and rode to the Sorochinsky mountains.

And the filthy Serpent-Gorynishche smelled Dobrynya for half a field, swooped in, began to shoot with fire and fight, fight.

They fight for an hour or so. The greyhound horse was exhausted, began to stumble, and Dobrynya's right hand waved, the light faded in his eyes.

Here the hero remembered his mother's order. He wiped himself with an embroidered white-linen handkerchief and wiped his horse. His faithful horse began to jump three times faster than before. And Dobrynya lost all his fatigue, his strength tripled. He seized the time, waved a seven-silk whip over the Serpent, and the Serpent's strength was exhausted: he crouched down to the damp earth.

Dobrynya tore-chopped the snake trunks, and in the end he cut off all the heads of the filthy monster, chopped them with a sword, trampled all the snakes with his horse and went into the deep holes of the snake, cut and broke the strong constipation, let out a lot of people from the crowd, let everyone go free.

He brought Zabava Putyatichna into the world, put him on a horse and brought him to the capital city of Kyiv. He brought him to the princely chambers, there he bowed in a written way: on all four sides, and to the prince and princess in person, he started a speech in a learned way:

- By your command, prince, I went to the Sorochinskiye mountains, ruined and fought the snake's lair. He killed the Snake-Gorynishch himself and all the little serpents, released the darkness-darkness to the will of the people, and rescued your beloved niece, the young Zabava Putyatichna.

Prince Vladimir was glad, happy, he hugged Dobrynya Nikitich tightly, kissed him on the sugar lips, seated him in a place of honor, he himself spoke these words:

- For your great service, I favor you with a city with suburbs!

To celebrate, the prince started an honorable feast-table for all the boyar princes, for all the mighty illustrious heroes.

And everyone at that feast got drunk, ate, glorified the heroism and prowess of the hero Dobrynya Nikitich.

Alyosha Popovich

Alyosha Popovich Jr.

In the glorious city of Rostov, at the cathedral priest of Father Levonty, a single child grew up to comfort and delight his parents - the beloved son Alyoshenka.

The guy grew up, matured not by the day, but by the hour, as if the dough on the dough was rising, poured with strength-fortress. He began to run outside, play games with the guys. In all childish fun-pranks, he was the ringleader-ataman: brave, cheerful, desperate - a violent, daring little head!

Sometimes the neighbors complained:

– I don’t know how to keep me in pranks! Take it easy, take care of your son!

And the parents of the soul doted on their son and in response they said this:

“You can’t do anything with daring-strictness, but when he grows up, he matures, and all pranks and pranks will be removed as if by hand!”

This is how Alyosha Popovich Jr. grew up. And he got older. He rode a fast horse, and learned to wield a sword. And then he came to the parent, bowed at the feet of his father and began to ask for forgiveness-blessing:

- Bless me, parent-father, to go to the capital city of Kyiv, to serve Prince Vladimir, to stand at the heroic outposts, to defend our land from enemies.

“My mother and I did not expect that you would leave us, that there would be no one to rest our old age, but it is apparently written in the family: you work in military affairs. That is a good deed, and we bless you for good deeds!

Then Alyosha went to the wide yard, went into the standing stable, led out the heroic horse and began to saddle the horse.

First he put on sweatshirts, put felts on the sweatshirts, and on the felts a Cherkasy saddle, tightly tightened the silk girths, fastened the gold buckles, and the buckles had damask studs. Everything is not for the sake of beauty-bass, but for the sake of the heroic fortress: after all, silk does not rub, damask steel does not bend, red gold does not rust, the hero sits on a horse, does not age.

He put on chain mail armor, fastened pearl buttons. In addition, he put on a damask breastplate on himself, took all the armor of the heroic.

In the cuff, a tight bow, bursting, and twelve red-hot arrows, he took both a heroic club and a long-sized spear, girded himself with a sword-treasury, did not forget to take a sharp knife-dagger. The boy shouted in a shrill voice:

- Do not lag behind, Evdokimushka, rule after me!

And they only saw the daring of the good fellow, how he sat on a horse, but did not see how he rolled away from the yard. Only a dusty smoke rose.

How long, how short, the journey continued, how much, how little time the road lasted, and Alyosha Popovich arrived with his steamer Yevdokimushka in the capital city of Kyiv.

They stopped by not by the road, not by the gates, but galloped through the city walls, past the coal tower to the wide princely courtyard. Here Alyosha jumped off the goods of the horse, he entered the princely chambers, laid the cross in the written way, and bowed in the learned way: he bowed low to all four sides, and to Prince Vladimir and Princess Apraksia in person.

At that time, Prince Vladimir had an honorable feast, and he ordered his faithful servants to seat Alyosha at the stove post.

Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin

There were no glorious Russian heroes at that time in Kyiv.

The princes gathered for the feast, the princes met with the boyars, and everyone sits gloomily, their riotous heads hung, their eyes sunk into the oak floor ...

At that time, at that time, with a noise-rumble of the door on the heel, Tugarin the dog was swinging and entering the dining room.

The growth of Tugarin is terrible, his head is like a beer cauldron, his eyes are like bowls, in his shoulders - an oblique fathom. Tugarin did not pray to images, he did not greet princes, boyars. And Prince Vladimir and Apraksia bowed low to him, took him by the arms, seated him at the table in a large corner, on an oak bench, gilded, covered with an expensive fluffy carpet. Russell-sprawled in a place of honor Tugarin, sits, grins with his whole wide mouth, mocks at the princes, boyars, scoffs at Prince Vladimir. Endovami drinks green wine, drinks it with standing mead.

They brought swan geese and gray ducks baked, boiled, fried to the tables. On a carpet of bread, Tugarin put it on his cheek, white swan swallowed at once...

Alyosha looked from behind the baking post at Tugarin the impudent man, and said:

- My parent had a gluttonous cow: he drank swill from a whole tub until it burst!

Those speeches did not come to Tugarin in love, they seemed offensive. He threw a sharp knife-dagger at Alyosha. But Alyosha - he was evasive - on the fly grabbed a sharp knife-dagger with his hand, and he himself sits unharmed. And he spoke these words:

- We will go, Tugarin, with you in the open field and try the strength of the heroic.

And so they sat on good horses and rode into an open field, into a wide expanse. They fought there, fought until the evening, the sun was red until sunset, no one was hurt. Tugarin had a horse on wings of fire. Soared, Tugarin rose on a winged horse under the shells and is getting on with the time to seize the time to hit and fall with a gyrfalcon from above. Alyosha began to ask, to say:

- Rise, roll, dark cloud! You spill, cloud, with frequent rain, flood, extinguish Tugarin's horse's wings of fire!

And, out of nowhere, caused a dark cloud. A cloud poured down with frequent rain, flooded and extinguished the fiery wings, and Tugarin descended on a horse from the skies to the damp earth.

Here Alyoshenka Popovich, Jr., shouted in his stentorian voice, as if playing a trumpet:

“Look back, you bastard!” After all, Russian mighty heroes are standing there. They came to help me!

Tugarin looked around, and at that time, at that time, Alyoshenka jumped up to him - he was quick-witted and dexterous - waved his heroic sword and cut off Tugarin's violent head.

On that duel with Tugarin ended.

Fight with the Basurman army near Kyiv

Alyosha turned the prophetic horse and went to Kyiv-grad. He catches up, he catches up with a small squad - Russian tops. Friends ask:

- Where are you heading the way, burly good fellow, and what is your name, called by your fatherland?

The hero answers the combatants:

- I am Alyosha Popovich. He fought and fought in an open field with the praiser Tugarin, cut off his violent head, and here I am going to the capital city of Kyiv.

Alyosha rides with combatants, and they see: near the city of Kyiv, the Basurman army stands. They surrounded, overlaid the city walls on all four sides.

And so much power of that unfaithful one is caught up that from the cry of the Basurman, from the neighing of the horse and from the creak from the cart, there is a noise, as if a Basurman rider-bogatyr is driving around the open field with thunder, yelling in a loud voice, boasting:

- We will erase Kyiv-city from the face of the earth, all the houses, yes god's churches We will burn with fire, we will roll the brand, we will cut down all the townspeople, we will take the boyars and Prince Vladimir to the full and force us to walk in the horde in the shepherds, milk the mares!

As Alyosha's companions saw the innumerable strength of the Basurmans, they heard the boastful speeches of the riders-praisers, restrained their zealous horses, became gloomy, hesitated. And Alyosha Popovich was hot-assertive. Where it is impossible to take by force, he swooped down there. He shouted in a loud voice:

- You are a goy-thou, good squad! Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided. It’s better for us to lay down our heads in battle than for the glorious capital city of Kyiv to experience shame! We will attack an uncountable army, we will free the great Kyiv city from misfortune, and our merit will not be forgotten, it will pass, a loud glory will sweep about us: the old Cossack Ilya Muromets, son of Ivanovich, will hear about us. For our courage, he will bow to us - whether it’s not honor, not glory to us!

Alyosha Popovich, Jr., with his brave retinue, attacked countless enemy hordes. They beat the infidels like they mow grass: sometimes with a sword, sometimes with a spear, sometimes with a heavy battle club. Alyosha Popovich took out the most important hero-cracker with a sharp sword and cut and broke him in two. Then horror-fear attacked the enemies. The opponents could not resist, fled wherever their eyes looked. And the road to the capital city of Kyiv was cleared.

Prince Vladimir found out about the victory and, with joy, started a feast, but did not invite Alyosha Popovich to the feast. Alyosha was offended by Prince Vladimir, turned his faithful horse and went to Rostov-grad, to his parent.

Alyosha, Ilya and Dobrynya

Alyosha is staying with his parent, at the cathedral priest Levonty of Rostov, and at that time the glory-rumor rolls like a river overflows in a flood. They know in Kyiv and Chernigov, there is a rumor in Lithuania, they say in the Horde that they are blowing a trumpet in Novgorod, how Alyosha Popovich, Jr. …

Glory flew to the heroic outpost. The old Cossack Ilya Muromets also heard about this and said this:

- You can see the falcon in flight, and the good fellow - on the trip. Today Alyosha Popovich Jr. was born among us, and the heroes in Russia will not be transferred forever and ever!

Here Ilya got on a good horse, on his shaggy bouffant, and rode along the straight road to the capital city of Kyiv.

At the princely court, the hero dismounted from his horse, he himself entered the white-stone chambers. Here he bowed in a learned way: on all four sides he bowed from the waist, and to the prince and princess in person:

- Hello, Prince Vladimir, for many years with your princess with Apraksia! Congratulations on great victory. Although there were no bogatyrs at that time in Kyiv, but the innumerable Basurman army-force was defeated, fought, the capital city was rescued from misfortune, adversity, paved the way to Kyiv and cleansed Russia of enemies. And this is the whole merit of Alyosha Popovich - he was young for years, but he took it with courage and dexterity. And you, Prince Vladimir, did not notice, did not honor him, did not invite the princes to your chambers and thereby offended not only Alyosha Popovich, but all Russian heroes. You listen to me, the old one: start a feast - a feast is honorable for all the glorious mighty Russian heroes, invite the young Alyosha Popovich to the feast and, with all of us, honor the good fellow for services to Kyiv, so that he would not be offended by you and would continue to carry military service.

Prince Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko answers:

- I will start a feast, and I will invite Alyosha to the feast, and I will honor him. Who will be sent as ambassadors, invited to the feast? Unless you send us Dobrynya Nikitich. He has been an ambassador and served as an embassy, ​​he is learned and courteous, he knows how to behave, he knows what and how to say.

Dobrynya came to Rostov-city. He bowed low to Alyosha Popovich, he himself said these words:

“Let’s go, daring good fellow, to the capital city of Kyiv, to the affectionate Prince Vladimir, to eat bread and salt, to drink beer with honey, there the prince will welcome you.”

Alyosha Popovich Jr. answers:

- I was recently in Kyiv, they didn’t invite me to visit, they didn’t treat me, and there’s no need for me to go there again.

Dobrynya bowed low in the second bow:

- Do not hold grudges-wormholes in yourself, but sit on a horse, and let's go to an honorable feast, where Prince Vladimir will reward you with honors, reward you with expensive gifts. The glorious Russian heroes also bowed to you and called you to the feast: the old Cossack Ilya Muromets called you first, and Vasily Kazimirovich called you, called Danube Ivanovich, called Potanyushka Lame and I, Dobrynya, call you honor by honor. Do not be angry with the prince at Vladimir, but let's go to a cheerful conversation, to an honorable feast.

“If Prince Vladimir had called, I wouldn’t have stood up and wouldn’t have gone, but as Ilya Muromets himself and the glorious mighty heroes are calling, it’s an honor for me,” said Alyosha Popovich, Jr., and sat on a good horse with his good squad, they went to the capital city of Kyiv. They stopped by not by the road, not by the gates, but the policemen galloped through the walls to the one to the prince's court. In the middle of the courtyard they jumped off zealous horses.

The old Cossack Ilya Muromets with Prince Vladimir and Princess Apraksia went out onto the red porch, met the guest with honor and honor, led by the arms to the dining room, to great place, Alyosha Popovich was put in a red corner, next to Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich.

And Prince Vladimir walks around the ward in the dining room and orders:

- Youths, faithful servants, pour a cup of green wine and dilute it with standing honey, not a small bowl - one and a half buckets, bring a cup to Alyosha Popovich, bring a cup to Ilya Muromets to a friend, and serve the third cup to Dobrynushka Nikitich.

The heroes rose on frisky legs, drank spells for a single spirit, and fraternized among themselves: they called Ilya Muromets the elder brother, Dobrynya Nikitich the middle one, and younger brother named Alyosha Popovich. They hugged three times and kissed three times.

Here Prince Vladimir and Princess Apraksia began to honor Alyoshenka, to favor: they unsubscribed, granted a city with suburbs, awarded a large village with suburbs.

- Hold the gold treasury as needed, we give you precious clothes!

Young Alyosha got up, got up on his feet and exclaimed:

- I was not the only one who fought the infidel army-force innumerable. Vigilantes fought and fought with me. Here they are rewarded and favored, but I don’t need a city with suburbs, I don’t need a large village with suburbs and I don’t need precious clothes. Thank you for the bread and salt and for the honors. And you let me, Prince Vladimir of Stolno-Kyiv, me with the cross brothers Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich walk around and have fun without duty, so that the ringing-ringing can be heard in Rostov and Chernigov, and then we will go to the outpost of the heroic stand , we will defend the Russian land from enemies!

Here Alyoshenka clapped his hand and stamped his foot:

- Ehma! Don't worry, godfather!

Here the glorious mighty heroes praised Alyosha Popovich, and at that feast ended.

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