Lyubov Uspenskaya real name and surname. Lyubov Uspenskaya: biography

The singer started very early independent life and with young years got used to everything important decisions take by yourself. She always knew how and loved to sing, and at the age of sixteen, at the invitation of the head of the gypsy choir, who performed at the Kiev Jockey restaurant, she began performing in their show program, without informing her father.

At that time, Lyuba was studying at music school, and he saw his daughter as a famous artist, not a singer in a restaurant. When Zalman Sitsker found out that Lyuba was singing in front of a drunken audience, his anger was so boundless that he hit his daughter with all his might so that she bled in the throat. After that incident, they did not talk for a long time, until Lyuba began to bring good money into the house. In the restaurant, she also met her fate - the first Husband of Lyubov Uspenskaya Victor Shumilovich was a musician and arranger.

In the photo - Lyubov Uspenskaya with her first husband Viktor Shumilovich

Them family life promised to be happy and prosperous, but this was not destined to happen. They had to endure the death of two twin sons who died before birth, and then Lyubov met the administrator of the orchestra Yuri Uspensky who worked at the same restaurant. At that time, both he and she were not free, but the romance between them continued to develop, and when the singer was about to emigrate to Canada, they signed.

In the photo - Uspenskaya and Alexander Plaksin

They left the USSR together, Uspenskaya began performing at the Sadko restaurant on Brighton Beach, and her husband at first could not find a job, and then, at the request of his wife, he was taken to the same restaurant as a manager. They broke up because of the singer's affair with a young man named Vladimir, besides, Ouspensky was annoyed by his wife's cheeky behavior, and he even wanted to forbid her to bear his last name.

The third husband of Lyubov Uspenskaya became Vladimir Franz, whom she had known since her days at a Kiev restaurant. Franz was a wealthy man, pampered Uspenskaya with expensive gifts, but their marriage ended after she did not meet at the Arbat restaurant in Los Angeles, where the singer was invited to work. Alexander Plaksin.

The fourth husband of Lyubov Uspenskaya turned out to be not a very successful businessman - he spent a million dollars, which his wife gave him, to organize his business, but the business did not go, and Uspenskaya had to help her husband out. According to the singer's friend, Plaksin settled down well next to his wealthy wife, but he himself is nothing. But Lyubov Uspenskaya does not stop saying that her fourth husband is the love of her life.

The queen of Russian chanson Lyubov Uspenskaya did not immediately find her happiness - she was married four times. bright and interesting woman She has always attracted the attention of the opposite sex. She met her first love very early, at the age of sixteen, but the real feeling came only twenty years later.

The one who was first

The first husband of young Lyuba, still Sitsker, was the musician and arranger Viktor Shumilovich. She met him at the Kiev restaurant "Jockey" Lyuba, a student at a music school, secretly from her father performed in a restaurant as part of a gypsy ensemble. Viktor also worked in the same restaurant.

Young people got married, and Lyuba became pregnant. because of medical error the twins the girl was carrying died. One boy died in childbirth and the other within a few days. Due to the tragedy, relations between the spouses deteriorated, and the young people divorced.

The one who gave the surname

Even at the time when Lyubov was married to Shumilovich, she became close to the administrator of the orchestra in the restaurant, Yuri Uspensky. At that moment, he was also married, which did not prevent him from arranging scenes of jealousy from his beloved.

In the early 70s, Lyubov decided to emigrate to Canada after her father. She faced denunciations, classifying her as unreliable. For two years she was not given permission to leave, she lost her job. She sang at weddings and ate the money that she managed to earn in a restaurant. She participated in the protests, went to jail. In a word, she became a real dissident.

Meanwhile, Ouspensky realized that Ouspenskaya would emigrate sooner or later, divorced and took his mistress to the registry office. With this marriage, he has amassed a lot of trouble for himself. He was fired from the post of head of the radio and television orchestra of Ukraine, was not hired, he managed to get a job only in a funeral orchestra at a local cemetery.

The couple managed to emigrate only in 1978, and first they moved to Italy. According to some reports, Uspenskaya worked for some time as a traveling salesman, but they soon managed to move to the United States. There, on Brighton Beach, Ouspenskaya resumed her singing career Restaurant "Sadko" The husband did not work for a long time, because he could not find himself in a foreign country. Ouspenskaya had to ask the owners of the restaurant to take her husband to work. He got a job as a manager.

According to insiders, Ouspensky was annoyed by his wife's cheeky behavior, and Ouspenskaya's affair with a young boy put an end to their relationship. Ouspensky even demanded that the ex-wife change her last name, but the singer refused. It remains Uspenskaya to this day.

The one who gave wealth

The next husband of the singer, popular among the emigrants, was Vladimir Franz, according to some reports, quite wealthy man. Lyubov knew him from the time of his work in Kyiv. Then, in a restaurant, a young imposing man asked the young singer to remove wedding ring. He explained that if she succeeded, they would definitely get married. The young people failed to continue their acquaintance that evening, the vigilant wife took Vladimir to the other end of the hall.

Interesting Notes:

She met Franz 8 years later in New York. According to Uspenskaya, Vladimir was engaged in oil and gold mining in Africa, and spoiled Uspenskaya very much. One day she lost her husband's diamond ring on the beach. And Alexander Plaksin appeared in the life of Uspenskaya.

The one who gave happiness and daughter

Ouspenskaya considers her last husband, with whom the singer has been married for more than thirty years, the love of her life. They met at the Arbat restaurant in Los Angeles, where Uspenskaya worked.

On the second day of their acquaintance, Alexander Plaksin gave Lyubov a convertible"Mercedes SL", and on the third day asked to have a baby. The topic of childbearing was very painful for Uspenskaya, but a miracle happened, the woman became pregnant. At 34, the singer became a mother.

Uspenskaya recalls that on her daughter's birthday, her Husband gave her a luxurious gift - a gold Cartier watch studded with diamonds. Alexander was not poor, but he could not afford such a watch either.

Later, the singer found out that her husband had sold a share in a car service in order to buy her beloved the thing that she dreamed of. Since then, Lyubov Uspenskaya has acquired many expensive watches and other jewelry, but these watches remain the most beloved and expensive. She doesn't even wear them so as not to lose them.

It is customary to say about Alexander Plaksin that he is a businessman, but what kind of business he is engaged in is not known for certain. Gossips claim that back in the USA, Ouspenskaya allocated to her husband a large sum money for the business, but he failed and went bankrupt. They say that he just settled down well next to a successful and wealthy wife, that he has a grumpy character and allows him to swear at his wife-nurse in a state of drunkenness.

Be that as it may, in all her interviews, Ouspenskaya never tires of repeating that she would never have been able to get away from Plaksin, because he gave her the main thing - the happiness of motherhood and the happiness of being a beloved woman.

Lyubov Uspenskaya- Russian and American singer.

Lyubov Zalmatovna Uspenskaya/ Lyubov Uspenskaya (maiden name - Sitsker) was born in the winter of 1954 in Kyiv. Her father was the director of the Kyiv factory household appliances. Lyubov Uspenskaya's mother died during a difficult childbirth, in early childhood The girl was raised by her grandmother. Then the father married a second time, and the daughter moved in with him.

The creative path of Lyubov Uspenskaya / Lyubov Uspenskaya

Lyubov Uspenskaya graduated from a music school and the Kiev Musical College. Gliere. Her musical debut took place in hometown, she also collaborated with musician Grigory Balber.

Lyubov Uspenskaya: “Honestly, my parents developed complexes in me. For example, they often told me: “No matter how much you feed a wolf, he looks into the forest!”. I listened to this and thought: Lord, what did I do, why Do they say so? Even my parents often repeated to me that I was ugly ... I raised myself. Over time, I convinced myself that I was beautiful, that I would succeed. I began to go on stage, watched the reaction of men, corrected something in myself. As a result, I gained confidence, self-esteem grew. I saw how men drag me from me, how they try to overwhelm me with gifts and flowers. "

Lyubov Uspenskaya moved to Yerevan at the age of seventeen, and in 1978 she and her husband Yuri Uspensky emigrated from the USSR to Italy. While the documents were being prepared for further emigration to Canada, where Lyubov Uspenskaya invited by his father, the young family lived in the seaside town of Ladispol on the outskirts of Rome and studied Italian.

Lyubov Uspenskaya: “After our mass “resettlement”, this town just came to life. Italian men, dressed early in the morning, drove around the city in cars, casting passionate glances at our Russian girls. Moreover, they knew all our girls by name. And their Italian wives arranged real strikes demanding that we be evicted, because “Russian emigrants are beating their husbands!”

Soon Lyubov Uspenskaya I was advised to go to the USA, where it is easier for an aspiring singer to realize herself. A year later, she ended up in the United States, where she performed on the stage of the Russian restaurant Sadko on Brighton Beach.

In 1985, her debut album called "Beloved", which helped her to create Mikhail Shufutinsky. In the early 1990s compositions Lyubov Uspenskaya could be heard in Russia. The artist toured not only in America, but also in European countries: France, Italy, Austria.

In 1993 Lyubov Uspenskaya came to Moscow to shoot a video for the song "Cabriolet". Her performances in the capital and in St. Petersburg caused an unprecedented stir: Uspenskaya was invited to take part in the most famous television shows: "Song of the Year", "Six Encore Songs", "Chanson of the Year" and others. In addition, the artist is a regular participant in the annual national award"Chanson of the Year"

Lyubov Uspenskaya stayed in Moscow and released several new albums. She is still called the queen of chanson. She dedicated her last disc “Fly, my girl, fly” to her daughter Tatyana, who is studying in the United States and dreams of realizing herself in the musical field.

Personal life of Lyubov Uspenskaya / Lyubov Uspenskaya

She first married at the age of eighteen, but in 1973 grief happened in a young family: newborn twin boys died. The second spouse of the artist was Yuri Uspensky. However, your true happiness Lyubov Uspenskaya acquired only after the fourth marriage.

With her husband, a businessman Alexander Plaksin, the singer has been together for over twenty years. In 1989, the couple had a daughter, Tatyana.

Lyubov Uspenskaya: "When you live with a person, you know all his weaknesses and strengths what is important to him, what worries him more. If what kind of lover you are, you must always remember this. If he cares what kind of hostess you are, be a great hostess. If he loves sports, you need to love this sport with him. If your husband loves music, love it and you. Then you will be fine. I try to do what Sasha likes, not because I adapt to him. I just truly love everything about it."

Discography Lyubov Uspenskaya / Lyubov Uspenskaya

  • Fly My Girl (2010)
  • Carriage (2007)
  • To the only tender (2007)
  • Bitter Chocolate (2003)
  • Express to Monte Carlo (2002)
  • I'm Lost (1997)
  • Carousel (1996)
  • Concert at the Metropole (1995)
  • Far Far Away (1995)
  • Hussar Roulette (1995)
  • Express to Monte Carlo (1993)
  • Don't Forget (1993)
  • Favorite (1993)
  • My Loved One (Favorite) (1985)

Lyubov Zalmanovna Uspenskaya is from Kyiv. maiden name the singer is Sitzker. Lyubov was born on February 24, 1954. The granddaughter was raised by her grandmother, since her mother died while serving time in prison. Until adolescence, she considered her mother, but after she found out the truth.

Lyuba's father was the director of a household appliances factory. He always respected his daughter's desire to make music. He was proud of her success.

Thanks to her father, Uspenskaya performed for the first time in a restaurant. He wanted to show his friends how talented his daughter was. The director of the institution even offered her to take the place of the singer. In order to perform in a restaurant, Lyuba began to skip classes at the school, where she gained the skills to play the button accordion.

As a teenager, she was very difficult character. She often rebelled, refusing her grandmother's and father's advice.

Lyuba began to sing in Kyiv in a restaurant. She got good wages, but she always dreamed that she would leave for Russia in order to escape from the care of her family. Once she was invited to perform in a group from Kislovodsk. At the age of 17, she left Kyiv and went there to build a career. There she became popular.

Father and grandmother were against such a decision and even went for Lyuba to take her home. Only in the Caucasus did they realize that they loved her very much, appreciated her, and therefore resigned herself to the fact that from now on she would live on her own. From Kislovodsk Lyuba moved to Yerevan. She began working at the Sadko restaurant and quickly gained popularity. Only the authorities of the country were not happy with her behavior, and therefore Lyuba could not withstand the pressure and left.

For one year she lived in Italy, and in 1978 she moved to the USA. She got a job at a Russian restaurant in New York.

Against the backdrop of these events, she recorded new songs, worked with Willy Tokarev and received an invitation to perform a duet with Mikhail Shufutinsky. Until 1986, Lyuba lived in the USA.

In 1985, she released her debut album "My Loved One", 8 years later another collection "Favorite" was released, followed by "Don't Forget".

In the 90s she moved to Moscow. There she began to give concerts, write new songs and shoot videos for them. All this made her incredibly popular. In 1994, she presented to the public 2 albums "Cabriolet" and "Hussar Roulette". They have become popular with music lovers.

After 2 years, the collection "Union" was released, as well as the disc "Carousel". In 1997, she presented another collection, "I'm Lost". The song of the same name made a star out of Assumption.

Interesting Notes:

In 2002, Lyubov released the collection "Express to Monte Carlo", a year later - "Bitter Chocolate". She regularly wins the Chanson of the Year awards. In 2007, she presented 2 more discs “To the only tender” and “Carriage” for fans.

In 2010, she released the collection Fly, My Girl. After 2 years, she presented another song “The Story of One Love”, and also in 2013 released the collection “Happy Anniversary”.

Now the artist often participates in music festivals. In 2016, she released the collection “I Still Love” and took part in the show "Secret for a Million". She revealed her main secret, being the only participant in the project who went for it. She talked about how, at the age of 16, she had an abortion in adverse conditions.

In 2017, she was again awarded the Chanson of the Year award. This time for the songs "Sky" with Agutin and "I still love."

Today, Lyubov Uspenskaya lives in the Russian Federation, she is a significant person among connoisseurs of Russian chanson, collects concert halls, releases new songs and videos. You can also see her in the show "Two Stars" as a participant. In 2018, she sang a duet on the New Wave with Nastya Kamensky. Their work has become very popular with fans of contemporary music.

Personal life

At the age of 17, Lyubov Uspenskaya got married for the first time. The father gave his approval for this marriage. Her chosen one was V. Shumilovich, who was also a musician. The couple had twins, but they died. One at birth, the second - after 14 days. The couple could not withstand such a test, and therefore the marriage was annulled.

Yury Uspensky became the second spouse of Lyuba, she left for the USA with him, but there their relationship faded away. Love met V.F. Fox, who became her third husband, inspirer and producer. In the 80s, their marriage was annulled.

Lyuba was carried away by businessman Alexander Plaskin. He won her over with his generosity. On the second day of their acquaintance, he gave her a white convertible. Subsequently, she fell head over heels in love with him. The couple got married. Since then, they have not parted for more than 30 years.

In marriage, a daughter, Tanya, was born. She is now a yoga teacher and lives in Europe.

Lyubov Uspenskaya notes that she always left men first, but she would never have left Plaksin, since he made her the happiest mother in the world. You can find out more about the personal life of Lyubov Uspenskaya.

Lyubov Uspenskaya loves to travel. She looks great, admits that she takes care of herself and nutrition. She posts her photos on Instagram. It has over 400,000 subscribers.

Lyubov Uspenskaya - Soviet and Russian singer, famous for performing songs in the genres of Russian chanson and urban romance and repeated victories at the Chanson of the Year music award.

You can make a TV series or write a novel about Lyubov Uspenskaya, she is so rich in sharp turns of her fate. interesting life. Stormy romances and marriages, betrayals, adventures, happiness and suffering - it was everything.

Lyubov Zalmanovna Uspenskaya, nee Sitsker, was born in Kyiv on February 24, 1954. Mother Elena Chaika died, and the girl was raised by her grandmother. Love considered her his mother. It wasn't until she was a teenager that she was told the truth.

Father Zalman Sitsker worked as a director of a household appliance factory and was always proud musical talents daughters. It was he who first brought Lyuba to a restaurant and, in order to brag to his friends, asked her to sing. Lyubov Uspenskaya sang and the audience liked it so much that they did not want to let her off the stage. The director of the restaurant offered her a job as a singer. She happily agreed.

For the sake of work, she skipped classes at a music school. By the way, in music school the girl studied in the button accordion class. It was not her choice. Relatives really wanted to, in memory of grandfather, professional musician She also mastered folk instruments.

The family loved Lyuba, but both her grandmother and father tried to impose their opinion and behavior on her. Since she learned the truth about her own mother, who gave birth to her in prison and left the world untimely, something has changed in Lyuba. early adulthood led to the fact that she began to rebel, wanting to make all important decisions only herself.


The creative biography of the singer began in her hometown. Lyubov Uspenskaya sang in Kyiv. She earned good money in a restaurant, but still dreamed of leaving in order to escape from parental care. Her thoughts quickly materialized. In general, having a strong energy, this woman always gets what she wants. In the restaurant, musicians from Kislovodsk heard her and invited her to their city.

Without thinking twice, Lyubov agrees and at the age of 17 he goes to Kislovodsk to start an independent life and build a career as a singer. There she also sings in a restaurant and is quickly gaining popularity. Grandmother and father are categorically against and even go to the Caucasus for the unlucky Lyuba, but, realizing that she is doing well, she is loved and appreciated at work, they give her their blessing.

After working in Kislovodsk, the singer travels to Yerevan and becomes a local star there. People go to the Sadko restaurant specifically to listen to her. But the authorities are hinting that the manner of singing and moving is far from the correct Soviet school. In the end, Lyubov Uspenskaya cannot withstand the pressure and leaves the country.

She spent a year in Italy. In 1978, America became the destination. According to the singer, it was a trip to nowhere. But she took the risk and won. Only when she stepped on American soil at the airport did she realize that she would not be lost. She was met by the director of a Russian restaurant in New York and invited to work. The connections helped. Musician friends from Kislovodsk, who moved to America long before Lyubov, told the director about her as a brilliant artist. Uspenskaya is engaged in creativity, recording several albums, Willy Tokarev writes songs for her, and Mikhail Shufutinsky invites her to sing a duet. She gave 8 years to the USA.

The first album of the singer is released on English language in 1985 and is called "My Loved One", the second one translates this name into Russian - in 1993 the disc "Beloved" was released. Ouspenskaya sings songs, including the title track of the album, the song "Beloved", on mother tongue. In the same year, another album, "Don't Forget," was released.

In the early 1990s, the singer moved to Moscow, home country Lyubov Uspenskaya begins to give concerts, record new songs and music videos becoming more and more famous.

In 1994, Lyubov Uspenskaya released two collections of songs "Hussar Roulette" and "Cabriolet", which received a second name for English-speaking fans "The Best".

In 1996, the singer released an album already under the Soyuz label, this year the Carousel disc is released, and the next album, I'm Lost. The song "I'm Lost" brings the singer incredible popularity.

Today Lyubov Uspenskaya lives and works in Russia. She is still popular among connoisseurs of urban romance and Russian chanson, although she has long since changed restaurants to large concert halls. Records albums, shoots videos, participates in shows. She takes care of herself and looks great. Ilya Grigoriev, with whom the singer delighted viewers with a duet in the show "Two Stars", speaks of her exclusively as a "real woman".

In the new millennium, the singer continues to release albums.

In 2002, Uspenskaya released the disc Express to Monte Carlo, and in 2003 the next disc, Bitter Chocolate. Since 2003, Lyubov Uspenskaya has been regularly receiving music award"Chanson of the Year". In 2003, the song "Clouds" was awarded the prize, and in 2004 - "To the only tender one." In 2005, the singer did not win this award, but since 2006 she began to receive the Chanson of the Year award annually for ten years.

In 2007, Lyubov Uspenskaya presents two new discs at once: this is an album with the title song "To the only tender ..." under the same name and the disc "Carriage".

In 2010, the singer released the album Fly, My Girl. In the same year, Lyubov received two Chanson of the Year awards, one for the song "First Love" in a duet with Vyacheslav Medyanik and for the solo composition "Fly, my girl, fly."

In 2012 fans heard new composition"The Story of One Love", and then other new songs by Lyubov Uspenskaya on the disc of the same name, and in 2013 - in the album "Happy Anniversary".

In 2014, the musician recorded the songs “I Love Him Too” in a duet with Irina Dubtsova and “Gypsy” in a duet with Tabor Returns.

Personal life

The first time Lyubov Uspenskaya got married at the age of 17 with the consent of her father. The musician Viktor Shumilovich became her husband. However, in this marriage, the singer endures one of the most difficult trials in life. She gives birth to twins, but the children do not survive. One is born dead, the other dies two weeks later. The marriage breaks up.

The second husband is Yuri Uspensky, also a musician. Love will not change the surname from the second marriage. When life in Soviet reality seems unbearable for her, it is with him that she will leave for the USA. In America, the marriage broke up.

There Lyubov Uspenskaya met Vladimir Frantsevich Lisitsa, an old friend. He became not only the third husband of the singer, but also her producer and inspirer.

In the late 80s, fruitful in creative plan the union broke up. Lyubov Uspenskaya was subdued by businessman Alexander Plaksin. She recalls with delight his gesture: the very next day after they met, he presented her with a white convertible as a gift. Alexander Plaksin is the fourth husband. They have been together for almost 30 years.

Lyubov Uspenskaya always left men first, but she admits that she would never have left Plaksin, because he gave her the joy of becoming a mother. In marriage, a daughter, Tatiana, was born, who now lives in Europe, teaches yoga, loves to travel. Periodically, the girl comes to Russia to visit relatives and friends.

Lyubov Uspenskaya maintains an account on Instagram, to which 400 thousand fans of the singer are subscribed.

Lyubov Uspenskaya now

Singer - frequent guest famous music festivals. At the "New Wave" in 2015, Lyubov Uspenskaya performed the song "Forget" together with Philip Kirkorov, and in 2016 at the same event, the singer performed together with Dominic Joker with the song "Well, where have you been."

In 2016, the singer released the collection "I still love ...". In November 2016, Lyubov Uspenskaya became a guest of the TV show Secret for a Million with Lera Kudryavtseva. The singer became the first celebrity for all episodes of the program, who decided to tell the main secret of her personal life in exchange for a prize of one million rubles. The singer donated the money to charity. For the sake of winning, the artist told how, at the age of 16, she had an abortion in artisanal conditions.

In 2017, the artist received the Chanson of the Year music award for the song “I Still Love” and the duet with Leonid Agutin “Sky”.




"I'm Lost"

"Bitter chocolate"

"To the only gentle..."

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