The da vinci code picture of the last supper. Icon "The Last Supper", meaning, what helps

On the eve of the suffering and death on the Cross, the Lord Jesus Christ served His last meal with His disciples - the Last Supper. In Jerusalem, in the Upper Room of Zion, the Savior and the Apostles celebrated the Old Testament Jewish Passover, established in memory of the miraculous deliverance of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. After eating the Old Testament Jewish Passover, the Savior took bread and, having thanked God the Father for all His mercy to the human race, broke it and gave it to the disciples, saying: “This is my body, which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me." Then He took a cup of grape wine, also blessed it and gave it to them, saying: “Drink from it all; For this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” Having communed the apostles, the Lord gave them the commandment to always perform this Sacrament: "Do this in remembrance of Me." Since Christian church for each Divine Liturgy performs the Sacrament of the Eucharist - the greatest sacrament of the union of believers with Christ.

Word on the Gospel Reading on Maundy Thursday ( 15.04.93 )

The Supper of Christ is a secret. Firstly, because the disciples gather around the Teacher, hated by the world, hated by the Prince of this world, who is in the ring of malice and mortal danger, which manifests the generosity of Christ and requires fidelity from the disciples. This is a requirement violated by a terrible betrayal on the part of Judas and imperfectly fulfilled by other disciples, who fall into slumber from despondency, from despondent forebodings when they should be awake with Christ while praying for the Chalice. Peter, dumbfounded by fear, with oaths, renounces his Teacher. All students run away.

Eucharist. Sofia Kyiv

But the line between fidelity, however imperfect, and completeness remains. This is a terrible line: an irreconcilable clash between His generosity and holiness, between the Kingdom of God, which He proclaims and brings to people, and the kingdom of the Prince of this world. This is so irreconcilable that, as we approach the mystery of Christ, we are confronted last choice. After all, we come closer to Christ in a way that believers of other religions cannot even imagine. They cannot imagine that it is possible to get as close to God as we do when we eat Christ's flesh and drink His blood. It's hard to think, but what to pronounce! What was it like for the apostles to hear for the first time the words by which the Lord established the truth! And woe to us if we do not experience at least a small part of that trembling which then should have seized the apostles.

The Last Supper is a mystery both because it must be hidden from the hostile world, and because in its essence there is an impenetrable mystery of the last condescension of the God-man to people: the King of kings and the Lord of lords with His hands washes the feet of the disciples and thus shows His humility to all of us. What can surpass this? Only one: to give Himself to death. And the Lord does it.

We - weak people. And when our hearts are dead, we want well-being. But as long as we have a living heart, sinful, but alive, what does the living heart yearn for? About the fact that there was an object of love, infinitely worthy of love, so that it would be possible to find such an object of love and serve it without sparing yourself.

All the dreams of people are unreasonable, because they are dreams. But they are alive, as long as the living heart strives not for well-being, but for sacrificial love, for us to be gladdened by indescribable generosity towards us and for us to respond with some share of generosity to this and faithfully serve the King of kings and the Lord of lords, who is so magnanimous. to your servants.

Our Lord in the person of the apostles called us his friends. It is more terrible to think about it than to think that we are God's servants. A slave can hide his eyes in a bow; a friend cannot avoid meeting his friend's gaze - reproachful, forgiving, seeing the heart. The mystery of Christianity, in contrast to the imaginary mysteries with which false teachings seduce people, is like a depth impenetrable to the eye. the clearest water, which, however, is so great that we do not see the bottom; yes and no it - the bottom.

What can be said tonight? Only one thing: that the Holy Gifts that will be brought out and given to us are the same body and blood of Christ that the apostles ate in an unimaginable shock of the heart. And this meeting of ours is that last Last Supper. Let us pray that we do not betray God's mystery - the mystery that unites us with Christ, that we experience this warmth of the mystery, that we do not betray it, that we respond to it with even the most imperfect fidelity.

The Last Supper in icons and paintings

Simon Ushakov The Last Supper icon 1685 The icon was placed above the Royal Doors in the iconostasis of the Dormition Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery

Dirk Bouts
sacrament of communion
Altar of Saint Peter's Church in Louvain

Washing the feet (John 13:1-20). Miniature from the Gospel and the Apostle, XI century. Parchment.
Monastery of Dionisias, Athos (Greece).

Washing the feet; Byzantium; X century; location: Egypt. Sinai, monastery of St. Catherine; 25.9 x 25.6 cm; material: wood, gold (leaf), natural pigments; technique: gilding, egg tempera

Foot washing. Byzantium, 11th century Location: Greece, Phokis, Osios Loukas Monastery

Julius Schnorr von Karolsfeld The Last Supper Engraving 1851-1860 From the illustrations for the Picture Bible

Foot washing. Statue in front of Dallas Baptist University.

October 15 to Sunday December 3, 2017 for 8 Sundays see Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece "The Last Supper" until 22.00.
The extended schedule of the museum will increase the number of applicants by 3,000 people. The museum will be open until 22.00 (last opening at 21.45):
October 15
22 of October
29th of October
November 5 (free admission in honor of the Una Domenica al Museo initiative)
November 12
November 19
November 26
December 3 (free entry in honor of the Una Domenica al Museo initiative)
Only a certain part of the tickets can be pre-booked by phone 02 92800360, the rest of the tickets will be sold at the museum box office from 14.00 on the day of the visit to the museum.

The Last Supper (Cenacolo Vinciano)

In the heart of Milan in the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie (Santa Maria delle Grazie) kept greatest work world art Leonardo da Vinci The Last Supper (Cenacolo Vinciano) in Italian ) . I would like to point out that this work not a picture but fresco, which talented painter painted on the wall of the refectory of the monastery.

The fresco depicting the scene of the last meal of Christ with his disciples was commissioned by the Duke of Milan, Ludovico Maria Sforzo. The painting was started by Leonardo in 1495 and completed in 1498; work was intermittent.
The approximate dimensions of the fresco are 880 by 460 cm. It is noteworthy that the artist did not paint the work on wet plaster, but on dry plaster, in order to be able to edit it several times. The artist applied a thick layer of egg tempra to the wall, which caused the destruction of the fresco already 20 years after it was painted.

Fresco "The Last Supper":

This fresco depicts the most scary tale betrayal and manifestation of the most selfless love. The main characters are a teacher and a student who betrayed him. Both know what is going to happen and both will not try to change anything.
The picture of the last meal of Jesus with the apostles was recreated by many painters, but no one, either before or after Leonardo da Vinci, could convey the drama of the New Testament narrative with such expressiveness. Unlike other artists, Leonardo did not begin to paint an icon, he was interested in non-church dogmas, and human feelings Savior and his disciples. Thanks to the techniques used by the master, observers seem to fall inside the fresco. No other painting on the theme of the Last Supper can compare with the uniqueness of the composition and the drawing of details Leonardo's masterpiece.

It is believed that the work depicts the moment when Jesus utters the words that one of the apostles will betray him (“and when they were eating, he said: Truly, I say to you that one of you will betray Me”), and the reaction of each of them.
As in other images of the Last Supper of that time, Leonardo arranges those sitting at the table on one side of it so that the viewer can see their faces. Most previous writings on the subject have excluded Judas by placing him alone on the opposite side of the table to that of the other eleven apostles and Jesus, or by depicting all the apostles except Judas with a halo. Judas holds a small pouch in his hand, possibly representing the silver he received for betraying Jesus, or being an allusion to his role among the twelve apostles as treasurer. He was the only one who put his elbow on the table. Knife in hand Petra, pointing away from Christ, may refer the viewer to the scene in the Garden of Gethsemane during the detention of Christ.

Jesus gesture can be interpreted in two ways. According to the Bible, Jesus predicts that his betrayer will stretch out his hand to eat at the same time as him. Judas reaches for the dish, not noticing that Jesus is also reaching for him right hand. At the same time, Jesus points to bread and wine, which symbolize the sinless body and shed blood, respectively.
The figure of Jesus is located and illuminated so that the viewer's attention is drawn primarily to him. The head of Jesus is at the vanishing point for all perspective lines.

The painting contains repeated references to the number three:

The apostles sit in groups of three;
behind Jesus are three windows;
the contours of the figure of Christ resemble a triangle.
The light illuminating the whole scene does not come from the windows painted behind, but comes from the left, as in real light from the window on the left wall.
In many places the painting passes golden ratio; for example, where Jesus and John, who is on his right, put their hands, the canvas is divided in this ratio.

How to visit the Last Supper fresco by Leonardo da Vinci in Milan:

Viewing the fresco is carried out groups up to 30 people. Be sure to book your ticket in advance, and the reservation must be paid immediately. There are many sites that sell tickets at exorbitant prices, but it is more profitable and more reliable to buy on the official website of the Italian Ministry of Culture
Tickets can be purchased online, however, this is very difficult and almost impossible during the peak tourist season, so it is advisable to take care of buying tickets well in advance of the trip.
20 minutes before the session in the building to the left of the church, you need to exchange the booking slips for the tickets themselves. There is also the entrance to the Last Supper.

Ticket price:

An adult ticket costs 10 euros + 2 euros booking fee.

Book by phone: +39 02 92800360
Ticket sales:
From 13 DECEMBER ticket sales for the month of March
From 12 JANUARY ticket sales for the month of April
FROM 8 FEBRUARY ticket sales for the month of May
From MARCH 8 ticket sales for the month of June

Opening hours of the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie:

8.15 -19.00, break from 12.00 to 15.00.
On holidays and holidays the church is open from 11.30 to 18.30. Day off: January 1, May 1, December 25.

How to get to Santa Maria delle Grazie:

by tram 18 towards Magenta, stop Santa Maria delle Grazie
Metro line M2, stop Conciliazione or Cadorna

The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most famous images the last meal of Jesus Christ with his disciples. He began work on it in 1495 or 1496 and finished in 1498. This Renaissance masterpiece has been praised, studied and copied for more than 500 years, and the fresco itself is still on the wall of the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. Edition business insider talked about it with the historian and author of the book "Leonardo da Vinci and the Last Supper" Ross King.

At one time the fresco was very popular

Despite the fact that today da Vinci is known as the author of various inventions, manuscripts, drawings and sketches, it was The Last Supper that made him famous during his lifetime. According to King, this image immediately became very popular in Europe. “It was the most copied painting of the next century. Not only paint was used, but also marble, wax and ceramics. Everyone wanted to have their own version. Leonardo has finally created the work he dreamed about and which brought him fame, ”he said.

The composition is based on the rule of thirds. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The fresco depicts the reaction of the apostles to the words of Jesus: “And I tell you truly, one of you will betray me.” King noted that da Vinci, like no one else, paid tribute to this episode. “He grouped the 13 figures in the image in such a way that each one stands out with its gestures, but does not detract from the overall effect,” the historian added. Each of the figures turned out to be unique and memorable, and all thanks to the details.

Fresco miraculously managed to survive

The Last Supper has survived bombings, dampness, and several centuries of environmental damage. When asked why this 15th-century image is still so revered today, King replies that its preservation is almost a miracle. “A hundred years ago it was considered lost forever. And after a recent restoration, we can appreciate its beauty. Even with some damage, this lovely picture" he added.

Several times The Last Supper was on the brink of destruction

There have been many dangers in the history of the fresco. When King Louis XII invaded Milan in 1499, he intended to cut the image off the wall of the cathedral and take it with him. By the middle of the 16th century, the fresco was considered completely destroyed due to moisture and peeling paint.

In 1796, the French again encroached on it. This time in the face French Revolution. Then the troops used the refectory of the monastery as their base and expressed their anti-church thoughts in front of the image.

However, this is not all bad in his story. The city authorities used this room to hold prisoners. In the 19th century, some well-intentioned people tried to restore the fresco, but their attempt almost ended with the painting torn in two. However, the most dramatic incident occurred on August 15, 1943, when Allied troops bombed the building. And although most of the church turned into a pile of rubble, The Last Supper remained unscathed.

Everything started differently

Da Vinci began work on the fresco at a very inopportune time. Just a year before the start of Project Ludovic XII started the First Italian War. “It was a terrible tragedy for Italy, the beginning of decades of occupation and struggle. For the artist, these events meant the loss of a commission on which he had been working for about 10 years - a huge bronze rider on a horse, ”says King.

In those days, bronze was collected and melted down into weapon steel. Da Vinci not only lost money due to the war, but also the eventual fame and reputation in creative circles that he so badly wanted to achieve. As compensation, he received an order for The Last Supper, although for him it did not seem like a very good replacement.

Da Vinci thought he would never create a masterpiece

“Now Leonardo is considered a genius who can do anything. But he had his disappointments and failures. In 1499 he was 42 years old. Then many contemporaries believed that he wasted his potential. He was unable to complete several orders, as a result of which people began to consider the artist unreliable, ”comments the historian. One of the poets mocked da Vinci because in 10 years he hardly finished one painting. Therefore, he really wanted to create something that would bring him fame and reputation among future generations. He managed to get all this after the Last Supper.

Da Vinci created a fresco on top of his early work

So, one of the apostles recalls one of his early works. Da Vinci was always on the lookout interesting people that could be captured. According to King, one of them can be found in the image James Zebedee.

"He spreads his arms and open mouth looks at bread and wine. Was there before beautiful drawing red chalk, created 5 years before. A similar posture indicates that in the place of the apostle there was a musician playing the string instrument. Leonardo was very fond of music and made a similar sketch. After 10 years, he used it for the figure of Jacob, ”continues King.

Despite popular assumption, Mary Magdalene is most likely not in the image.

For many years, there have been suggestions that Mary Magdalene is depicted to the right of Jesus, and not John the Theologian. However, King believes that this is not the case. “John the Evangelist was the youngest apostle who was always depicted behind Jesus - without a beard and slightly androgynous. Lenonardo adhered to this description, because it was such a man who was the ideal of beauty that constantly arose in his work, ”King notes.

According to the historian, Mary Magdalene did occasionally appear in some of the paintings depicting the Last Supper. For example, italian artist Fra Beato Angelico, in one of the frescoes in the monastery of San Marco in Florence, shows her preparation for communion along with other apostles. Therefore, there is nothing surprising or strange in her appearances in such paintings. However, in this case, her image is not worth looking for.

Like other hidden symbols

“I am suspicious of the idea of ​​hidden messages and codes in Renaissance paintings. There are many things in them that we cannot understand or appreciate in 500 years, such as the gestures of the apostles. Each of them may have its own meaning, but we will never know it, ”King notes.

He also advises not to take conspiracy theories in Dan Brown's novels too seriously. In his opinion, da Vinci only wanted to convey emotions and drama, and not some secret symbols. This is the obsession of our age, not his.

However, the fresco contains several references to the life of the artist himself.

You can forget about hidden symbols and encrypted messages, but this does not mean that there are no interesting details on the fresco. King believes that the images of the apostles are in many ways reminiscent of da Vinci's friends and his contemporaries, and the fresco can partly be considered an image of the entourage of Lodovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan and the customer. In addition, the tapestries in the fresco are reminiscent of the tapestries in his residence.

Da Vinci depicts Jesus Christ as a vegetarian in a fresco

Bread and wine during the Last Supper have for Christians special meaning. However, on the fresco, da Vinci added a few details that may seem strange today - pieces of eel on the grill. The artist himself was a vegetarian, so he added this to his painting.

"The Last Supper" - the apogee of creativity of one of the most outstanding artists in the world

Da Vinci was, in fact, the first to "throw a feast", depicting a famous gospel scene. Most often, the last meal of Christ was portrayed as ascetic, especially since the original source does not give much detail regarding the set of dishes. Contrary to his predecessors, who placed on the picture mainly the bread and wine necessary for communion (at best, adding a small lamb to them), Leonardo covered the whole meadow.

One of the three large common dishes in the center of the table is already empty, except for a slice of fruit (perhaps a pomegranate) on the edge. But in front of the Apostle Andrew is a dish filled with fish. The appearance of the fish is not so unexpected, since it is repeatedly mentioned in the Gospel, and some of the apostles themselves worked as fishermen before they were called by Christ. In addition, the fish is one of the ancient symbols of Christ himself. Greek first letters of words Jesus Christ Theou Uios Soter(Jesus Christ - God's Son the Savior) make up the word ichthus - "fish".

The latest restoration made it possible to see another dish: eel cut into pieces, served with orange slices. At the time of writing The Last Supper, such a delicacy could decorate the table in the most noble houses, and Ross King puts forward two versions of why the artist could place a dish so unconventional for the Last Supper plot.

According to one of them, since the painting was part of the conceited plan of Lodovico Sforza, then perhaps Leonardo wanted to display the luxurious hospitable receptions of his patron. And the second assumption refers to the story of the 15th century writer Gentile Sermini, where it is the dish of eels with oranges that acts as a symbol of gluttony. The work ridicules a priest who is in a hurry to finish the service as soon as possible in order to get home in time for dinner and taste the eel cooked according to a special recipe.

The anti-clerical spirit of the story was close to the views of Leonardo. But, on the other hand, he wrote exquisite dishes on the wall of the refectory of the monastery, whose members of the order most years they could take only bread and water, and the rest of the time - as much as possible simple meals. So it is quite possible that da Vinci still did not set a goal to mock the starving brethren.

Leonardo da Vinci's painting "The Last Supper" anticipates new stage development Italian art- High Renaissance.

The illusory space visually continues the real space of the refectory. The planes of the side walls and the ceiling that go into the depth act as an illusory continuation of the walls and ceiling of the refectory, but do not completely coincide with them due to their somewhat forced spatial perspective. In addition, the table with the figures sitting behind it is located slightly above the level of the floor of the refectory, and the figures are not shown in life size, but slightly larger. This eliminates the impression of a complete optical unity of real and illusory spaces, their relationship becomes more complicated, losing its uniqueness. Sacred action is no longer mixed with everyday and everyday affairs and appears more important, significant.

Even more striking is the impression of the ultimate tension of the plot collision, which Leonardo's fresco leaves. It is achieved thanks to the carefully thought-out composition of the picturesque story about the gospel event. The moment is shown when Jesus just uttered his words: “... one of you who eats with me will betray me”, and therefore all compositional trajectories are drawn to his figure - not only the optical, but also the semantic center of the work. Lonely and isolated from the rest, additionally highlighted by the image of a window behind Christ, falling into the focus of the convergence of perspective lines, his figure acts as a sign of unshakable calmness and unshakable confidence in the correctness of the chosen path. Spatial “pauses” on either side of it are visually read as an image of a truly “deathly” silence that immediately followed his words, replaced by a discordance of perplexed exclamations and in unison sounding “isn’t it me?”.

Each of the figures of the apostles represents certain type expression, through the language of facial expressions and gestures personifying bewilderment, anger, fear. To bring all this diversity together mental movements, Leonardo subordinates the image to a rigid compositional discipline. It can be seen that the apostles are united in groups, three in each, which is why their figures receive additional expressiveness in opposing each other. With this principle of compositional grouping, the internal rhythm of the action is revealed with amazing clarity, moreover, it gets the opportunity to develop in time. In fact, each of the groups represents a certain stage of comprehension of the words heard from the Teacher. An explosion of emotions, the epicenter of which is in the center of the table, where Jesus is sitting, in the form of a weakening echo reaches the ends of the table, from where, through the gestures of the apostles sitting on its ends, it returns to its starting point - the figure of Christ.

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