What can be cooked from small apples. Easy apple recipes

When it comes to preparing apples for the winter, you can talk for hours, because there are a lot of recipes for various apple goodies that will be an excellent addition to a winter diet that is scarce in fresh fruits and vegetables. Consider a few delicious and simple variations on the theme of "apple blanks for the winter."

Jams and preserves from apples for the winter

The classic option is to make jam - a delicious delicacy for all the sweet tooth.

  • There are hundreds of jam recipes. The basic recipe for plain jam- peeled and pitted apples are covered with sugar and boiled to the desired consistency.
  • For jam, the following proportions are used: per kilogram of apples - 180-200 grams of sugar.
  • In addition to apples, you can add to the jam for taste and increase the usefulness, for example, lemons, walnuts and other goodies.
  • Jam is cooked in the same way. The only thing is that the jam needs to be boiled down to a completely homogeneous consistency.

As a rule, at least twice as much sugar is used for jam (for sour apples - 1: 1) than for jam. To make the jam faster homogeneous, you can initially beat the apples with sugar with a blender.

Jam and marmalade from apples for the winter

Jam is prepared as follows:

  • Pour the peeled, sliced ​​apples with water so that the water does not cover the tops of the apples, and cook over low heat until they begin to fall apart (usually up to 10 minutes, depending on the variety and ripeness of the fruit).
  • Throw the apples in a colander.
  • Add sugar to the pulp (at the rate of 500 g per 1 kg of apples) and cook, stirring occasionally.
  • We continue to boil until it thickens.
  • Roll into sterilized jars.

For cooking jam, it is better to use a saucepan with a thick bottom. Then the likelihood of burning is minimal.

Marmalade is prepared in much the same way. The only thing when we cook apples in water is to put the apple waste (peel and seeds) collected in a bag into the water, as they are a source of pectin, which contributes to a better hardening of marmalade.

To prepare marmalade, apples thrown into a colander are rubbed (through a sieve or in a blender) and then boiled.

Soaked apples for the winter

The taste, loved since childhood, is soaked apples. Small, white, with sourness - an overeating that delights the household on winter evenings.

The recipe for such a "grandmother's" delicacy:

  • At the bottom of the jar lay out the leaves of cherries and black currants.
  • Lay the apples in rows, shifting each row with leaves.
  • Fill with brine (for 5 liters of water - 200 grams of sugar, a tablespoon with a mountain of salt).
  • We cover with gauze, leave to ferment for several days.
  • When the foam settles, close the jars with nylon lids, take them out to the basement (to the cold).

After two months, apples can be eaten.

To prepare pickled apples, you need whole apples with tails. Choose green apples. An excellent option is Antonovka or Snezhny Kalvil.

Dried apple fruits for the winter

Plus drying - any apples are suitable for it, up to hit, damaged by worms, small and nondescript.

Drying is prepared as follows: wash and peel apples, cut into oblong slices and dry. For drying, electric dryers are sold today. Working with them is a pleasure. We put apple slices in rows in special containers, turn on the dryer and it does all the work for you.

If there is no special dryer, you can dry the apples simply in the sun, for example, on a windowsill or in a conventional oven.

So that dried fruits do not acquire a reddish tint, but remain light color, prepared for drying, apple slices are wetted in a weak saline solution, for the preparation of which you need a liter of water and an incomplete teaspoon of salt.

Juices and compotes from apples for the winter

With a juicer, making juice is a matter of minutes. Bring the squeezed juice to a boil, add sugar if necessary (the proportions depend on the sweetness of the apples) and roll it into sterilized jars.

A simple recipe for a delicious compote:

  • We lay out prepared apples (cut or whole) on a third of the jar.
  • Pour boiling water for 5-8 minutes.
  • Drain the water, add sugar to taste and bring to a boil.
  • Pour the apples with the resulting syrup.
  • Roll up.

Apples are one of the most popular fruits that are actively used in cooking. Drinks, jams, pies, salads and much more are prepared from them. To date, so many recipes are known that sometimes even experienced housewives are not able to decide what can be made delicious from apples. You will learn the answer to this question from today's article.

Unfortunately, not all residents of the metropolis have their own dacha where you can grow fruits and vegetables. Therefore, it is important to know what to look for when buying apples. It is best to purchase these fruits in late summer or early autumn. It is advisable to give preference to local varieties, as they are much tastier and more aromatic than imported ones.

Before buying, you need to carefully examine the fruits you like. They should not have dents or dark spots. Do not purchase overripe and slightly rotten fruits. They are unlikely to be very juicy and tasty. Ruddy ripe apples should be covered with a dense elastic skin. Also, the quality of fruits can be judged by the aroma emanating from them.

It is advisable to store the fruits in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator or in any other dark, cool place. Very often, inexperienced housewives save fruits incorrectly, and some even put them on the balcony, forgetting about the cold weather. Therefore, they often have the question of what can be made from frozen apples. It should be noted that such fruits remain quite edible and suitable for preparing various dishes. Thawed apples quickly begin to spoil, so they should be used as soon as possible or sent to the freezer.


The recipe for this simple and delicious pie is probably known to many housewives. However, not everyone realizes that it is prepared not only from fresh fruits. This option will be a real discovery for those who do not know what can be made from frozen apples. Before you start working with the dough, be sure to double-check that your kitchen has everything you need. In this case, you will need:

  • 4 eggs.
  • A glass of sugar and wheat flour.
  • 4 apples.
  • Vanillin sachet.

Having figured out what can be made from frozen apples, you need to take a closer look at the technology itself. First, raw chicken eggs and granulated sugar are combined in one bowl. Beat everything well with a mixer into a dense foam and slowly begin to add the sifted flour. Vanillin and slices of frozen apples are added to the resulting mass. Everything is thoroughly mixed and the finished dough is laid out in a mold, the bottom and walls of which are greased with vegetable oil. Charlotte is baked at 180 degrees for forty-five minutes. After that, it is taken out of the oven, cooled and served on the table.

Tsvetaevsky pie

This option will certainly come in handy for those who are considering what can be made from compote apples. This recipe makes very tasty pie from shortcrust pastry with fragrant fruit filling and sour cream filling. To pamper your family with such a dessert, do not be too lazy to purchase all the necessary components in advance. To prepare this pastry you will need:

  • 150 grams of butter.
  • 2/3 cup not too fat sour cream.
  • Half a teaspoon of baking soda.
  • 2.5 cups of wheat flour.

All these ingredients will go into the dough. Since this dessert implies the presence of filling and filling, the above list should be supplemented. They include in it:

  • 2-3 apples from compote.
  • 2 tablespoons of flour.
  • A glass of sugar.
  • Raw chicken egg.
  • A glass of sour cream.

Having understood what can be made from compote apples, you should understand the main technological steps in making this pie. First you need to do a test. To do this, melted butter and sour cream are combined in one container. Mix everything well and gradually add the sifted flour and soda. If desired, loose lush dough can be slightly sweetened.

Then the resulting mass is laid out on the bottom of the mold and gently leveled with wet palms, not forgetting to form the sides. Apples cut into slices and filling are laid on top, for the preparation of which flour is mixed in a suitable bowl, a raw egg, vanillin, granulated sugar and sour cream, and then beat thoroughly with a whisk or mixer. The cake is baked in an oven heated to 180 degrees. After about 35-45 minutes, it is taken out, cooled on a wire rack and served on the table.

Milk shake

This option will surely appeal to those who follow their own figure. This healthy diet drink can be made from 2 apples. In addition, it does not contain a single gram of sugar. Before you start the process, make sure that your refrigerator has:

  • 300 milliliters of milk.
  • 2 large green apples
  • A quarter teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

Having figured out what can be made from an apple and milk, it should be noted that for these purposes it is advisable to purchase fruits of non-acidic varieties. Otherwise, you will not get a delicious cocktail. Pre-washed, peeled and chopped fruits are crushed with a blender. After that, milk and vanilla sugar are added to the resulting puree, and then beat well at high speed for at least five minutes.

The resulting mass is placed in the refrigerator, and after half an hour it is poured into tall glasses or glasses. If desired, the finished cocktail is sprinkled with grated chocolate, coconut or nut chips.

Apple pear jam

This is a great homemade option. It will definitely come in handy for housewives who have not yet decided what can be made from apples for the winter. For the preparation of this sweet delicacy, it is advisable to select only fresh ripe fruits. Before starting the process, check if you have in your kitchen:

  • A kilo of apples.
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar.
  • Kilo pears.

At the initial stage, you should do the preparation of fruits. They are washed, cleaned from the core, cut into slices and put in a large bowl. Sugar is also poured there and the fruits are left to release the juice.

After a couple of hours, a basin with apples and pears is sent to the stove and heated to 80 degrees, not forgetting to stir constantly and not allowing it to boil. After that, the future jam is removed from the fire, covered with a lid and left for ten hours. After this time, the container is returned to the stove and brought to a boil, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. As soon as the first bubbles appear on the surface of the dessert, the basin is removed from the heat and put aside. The next day, the procedure is repeated again. After the jam boils, it is laid out in sterile glass jars, rolled up with lids and put away for subsequent storage.

In addition, there are many varieties of jam that can be made from pears and apples. For example, a recipe with oranges. For every kilogram of fruit, take 3 liters of drinking water, 3 kilos of sugar and a few citrus fruits. Such a dessert can be made in the form of mashed potatoes, after passing apples and pears through a meat grinder.

lazy strudel

This option will certainly be appreciated by those who do not yet know what can be made from apples and purchased puff pastry. This pie is good because it takes a minimum set of products and very little time to prepare it. It can be quickly baked for unexpected guests or just for evening tea. To do this, in your refrigerator should be:

  • Half a kilo of apples.
  • 250 grams of puff pastry.
  • ½ cup raisins.
  • 150 grams of sugar.
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon.
  • 1/3 cup walnuts.
  • Raw chicken egg.

Having understood what can be made from apples and dough, you need to analyze in more detail the technology for making lazy strudel. Pre-washed and peeled fruits are cut into small cubes and combined in one bowl with cinnamon, ground nuts, sugar and raisins.

Thawed puff pastry is laid out on a work surface dusted with flour, rolled out a little and visually divided into three parts. The prepared filling is placed in the middle of the layer, covered with the part that is located on the right, and smeared with an egg. Spread the rest of the dough on top and make several oblique cuts. The future strudel is once again smeared with raw chicken egg, sprinkle with sugar and send to the oven. Bake it for about half an hour at 200 degrees.

Fruit salad

The recipe for this useful and very delicious dish will surely fall into the collection of those who do not know what can be made from tangerines and apples. To prepare four servings of this delicious treat, you will need:

  • Large ripe banana.
  • 200 grams of tangerines.
  • Big green apple.
  • A few mint leaves.

Mandarin is divided into slices, films are removed from them and put in a salad bowl. A peeled and chopped banana and chopped mint leaves are also placed there. The apples are divided in half and the core is removed. After that, they are peeled, cut into medium cubes and combined with the rest of the ingredients. Everything is gently mixed, trying not to damage the fruit pieces, and served.

Homemade ice cream with cinnamon

This recipe will surely interest those with a sweet tooth who are wondering what can be made from apples. To prepare such ice cream, you need a little patience and a certain set of products. In this situation, you should have at hand:

  • 2 large not too sweet apples.
  • A quarter of a pack of butter.
  • 200 milliliters of milk.
  • 50 grams of low-fat cream.
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon.
  • Sugar, cloves and nutmeg.

Having understood what can be made from apples, you need to figure out exactly how homemade popsicles are made. In one bowl combine cinnamon, sugar, cream and milk. In a separate saucepan, heat the butter and add cloves, nutmeg and chopped apples to it. All this is boiled on a minimum heat for about five minutes, not forgetting to stir constantly. Otherwise, the contents of the saucepan may burn.

The resulting thick homogeneous mass is cooled and combined with whipped creamy-milk mixture. All this is covered cling film and sent to the freezer. To speed up the hardening process of homemade ice cream, it is advisable to stir it every 15-20 minutes. Before serving, the cold dessert is laid out in bowls and decorated with fresh berries.


This popular sweet treat is quick and easy to prepare. Therefore, it is possible that the recipe for this dessert will be on the pages of a personal cookbook of housewives who collect interesting options what can be made from apples. Before you start working with products, be sure to make sure that you have in your home:

  • A couple of large ripe apples.
  • 100 grams of sugar and wheat flour.
  • Half a pack of butter.
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder.
  • Raw chicken egg.

Washed and peeled apples are cut in half. Carefully remove the core from each half. In a separate bowl, combine 4 tablespoons of sugar and butter. The resulting mixture is sent to the stove and brought to a boil. When the first bubbles appear, apples are added there and fried for about five minutes. It is important to periodically turn the fruit.

The fruits prepared in this way are laid out in small metal containers, poured with caramel, in which they were fried, and put aside. In a separate bowl, combine the remaining butter and sugar. Flour, egg and baking powder are also added there. All mix well until a homogeneous dough is obtained. After that, apples are poured over them and the containers in which the future dessert will be prepared are placed on a baking sheet filled with a small amount of water. “Puffs” are baked at 180 degrees for about a quarter of an hour. The finished delicacy is transferred to saucers, slightly cooled and served on the table.

Open puff pastry pie

This recipe is interesting in that it can be prepared not only from fresh fruits. Therefore, housewives who want to figure out how and what can be made from frozen apples will surely like it. Before you go to the stove, make sure your kitchen has everything you need. To make this pie you will need:

  • 200 grams of purchased puff pastry.
  • Egg white.
  • 200 grams of sugar.
  • 4 apples.

Pre-thawed store-bought dough is laid out on a work surface sprinkled with flour and rolled out in a thin layer, the thickness of which does not exceed five millimeters. After that, it is placed in a round baking dish. Spread apple slices on top and sprinkle them generously with sugar. The resulting semi-finished product is poured with a liquid mixture. To prepare it in one bowl, combine egg white and a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar and beat well with a mixer running on average speed, before the appearance light air foam. The future pie is sprinkled with crumbs made from baked dough leftovers, and sent to the oven. Dessert is prepared at 180 degrees for about half an hour.

Apple-tangerine compote

From ripe fragrant fruits, incredibly tasty and healthy drinks rich in various vitamins. To please your family with one of these compotes, you need to prepare in advance:

  • 250 grams of apples.
  • ¾ cup sugar.
  • 500 milliliters of drinking water.
  • 4 large tangerines.

Gently peel the zest from citrus fruits, trying not to touch white layer, cut it into thin strips, pour a glass of filtered water and boil over low heat. After that, it is thrown back into a colander and waiting for the excess moisture to drain.

Meanwhile, pour sugar into a saucepan of boiling water. When it dissolves, citrus zest and peeled apple and tangerine slices are added there. The future drink is boiled at a minimum heat for ten minutes. After that, the dishes are removed from the stove and the fruit compote is allowed to brew a little. Thanks to this, the drink you have prepared will acquire a richer taste and a pronounced apple aroma.

Easy, fast and tasty the best recipe for beginner cooks and confectioners! Of course, we are talking about the famous apple pie– . If there are apples and flour in the house, housewives (from beginners to experienced ones) know what to do with it! But the culinary possibilities of apples are not limited to just one pie, albeit a very tasty one. So, what can be baked from apples, except for charlotte? Fortunately, there are a lot of such dishes! We are in a hurry to offer you some interesting recipes that will help diversify your usual diet and discover the taste of your favorite fruit from a completely new side.

Puff rosettes with apples

It's good when the roses are beautiful. Even better if they are edible! Try to cook these cute puff flowers and be sure: you won’t just drag your home from such a dish by the ears!

You will need:

  • apples (preferably red ones) - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • puff yeast-free dough - 0.25 kg;
  • powdered sugar (for sprinkling) - to taste.


  1. Cut the apples into 4 pieces, remove the core. Cut into thin slices about 2 mm thick.
  2. Boil a glass of water in a saucepan, add sugar. Then gently lower the apple slices. After boiling them for 2-3 minutes, drain the water.
  3. Roll out the pre-thawed dough into a thin layer a millimeter thick. Cut it into strips 3 centimeters thick and 30 centimeters long.
  4. Arrange 5 apple slices on the strip. At the same time, they should protrude beyond the upper edge of the dough by one third. Carefully roll the strip with apples into a roll, tucking the bottom edges of the dough inward.
  5. Put the roses on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for about half an hour.
  6. Cool the finished pastry and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Layered beauty is ready! This is how you can feel like a cook and a gardener at the same time.

Baked apples

So, what would it be to bake with apples? Well, actually, you can bake the apples themselves! This is an incredibly tasty, and besides, healthy dessert.

You will need:

  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • walnuts - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 0.25 l;
  • cinnamon - 2 tsp;
  • honey - 4 tbsp. l.


  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Wash the apples and cut out the middle.
  2. Add half a tablespoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon to each fruit.
  3. Finely chop the nuts, pour them into the apples and pour the remaining honey.
  4. Put the stuffed fruit on a deep baking sheet and fill with water so that the bottom is covered by a couple of centimeters. Place in oven and bake for 20-25 minutes.

Honey-apple yummy is ready!

apple fritters

What else can you bake with apples? For example, apple fritters. They can easily compete with classic pancakes, because they are prepared quickly and simply. And what delicious ones!

You will need:

  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • salt - 0.25 tsp;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml (for frying).


  1. Peel the apples from the peel and pass through a coarse grater. Add eggs and sugar. Then add flour, soda, salt and vanilla. Add flour gradually - so that the dough acquires a creamy consistency.
  2. Preheat the pan, but do not heat it up too much, so that the pancakes are well baked, but not charred. Fry in vegetable oil, spreading the dough with a tablespoon. When you flip the pancakes to the other side, be sure to cover the pan with a lid.
  3. When the pancakes have cooled down a bit, sprinkle them with powdered sugar or brush with honey.

That's all, the ruddy delicacy is ready! The dish is very sweet and tender.

apples in dough

If you still do not know what to bake from apples, pay attention to this recipe. Apple circles in the dough - it even sounds appetizing, doesn't it?

You will need:

  • apples - 3-4 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Separate the yolks and rub them with sugar.
  2. Add sour cream, stir. Then pour in the milk, add the flour and mix well again.
  3. Whip the egg whites and add them to the dough.
  4. Peel the apples, remove the core and cut them into slices half a centimeter thick.
  5. Dip the apple slices into the batter.
  6. Heat up the oil and dip the apples into it.
  7. Fry on both sides until golden brown.
  8. Sprinkle the finished treat with powdered sugar.

It turns out very tasty, and most importantly, satisfying!

Apple strudel

Well, we just could not ignore such an apple baking recipe as puff strudel with apple filling. This Viennese pie is made for real gourmets. Surely you are one of those!

You will need:

  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • puff pastry - 250 g;
  • cinnamon - 2 tsp
  • walnuts - a third of a glass;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • raisins - half a glass;
  • egg - 1 pc.


  1. Defrost the dough first. This will take about half an hour.
  2. Free the apples from the peel and core and cut into small cubes.
  3. Mix apples with raisins, cinnamon, sugar and ground nuts.
  4. Spread out the dough, dust lightly with flour and roll out. Put the filling in the center.
  5. Cover the filling with the half on the right. Then brush with egg and cover with the left half (like an envelope). Make cuts across the top.
  6. Brush with egg and sprinkle with sugar.
  7. Send to the oven at 200 degrees. Baking time - half an hour.

Fragrant Viennese pie with a Russian soul is ready!

See how many exist interesting recipes with baked apples! You can cook a new dish at least every day. So good luck with your apple experiments and bon appetit!

During the apple harvest, especially if it is rich, many gardeners sometimes just puzzle over what else to cook from apples. In this collection, we have collected recipes for just such a case - you can make not only pastries and desserts with apples!

Apples are a truly versatile fruit that is suitable for preparing not only various desserts and pastries, but also for preparing many second courses, as well as snacks and salads. If you have a very rich harvest of this wonderful fruit, try to diversify your daily menu with it, and the body will only thank you for such a diet with excellent health.

It is very useful to eat apples regularly, because this fruit is extremely rich in valuable substances: vitamins B1 and B2, B6, C, E, P, as well as carotene, potassium, iron, organic acids, pectins, fiber, phosphorus, iodine, flavonoids. With regular use, apples normalize the digestive tract and improve digestion, will be an excellent prevention of constipation, improve liver function. Apples also help lower blood cholesterol, prevent the movement of free radicals that cause aging, and remove them from the body. harmful substances reduce the risk of developing colon cancer.

Various pastries and desserts, including blanks such as jam, are far from all that can be made from apples. With them, you can cook delicious main courses, as well as salads and snacks, it is these dishes that we will talk about today.

Recipes for main courses, salads and apple snacks

Even after heat treatment, apples retain a lot of useful substances, so feel free to cook various dishes with them and be sure that they will be not only tasty, but also extremely healthy.

Recipe for making apple pie

You will need: 80 g of apples, 30 g of dry rice, 10 g of lemon peel, raisins and sugar, 5 g of butter, salt.

How to cook apple pilaf. Rinse rice until transparent, cook friable porridge. Cut an apple into slices and pour boiling water (a small amount), bring to a boil, put raisins, sugar, zest, rice, butter, salt, cover and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. This plov can be served both hot and cold.

Just a few minutes and a stunningly tasty and very healthy side dish for any meat or fish dish is ready - this recipe should be noted by everyone who loves rice.

Another hearty and tasty second dish that can be prepared with apples is roast pork.

Roast Pork with Apples Recipe

You will need: 500g pork tenderloin, 2 bay leaves and apples, 1 bunch of parsley and a glass of vegetable or chicken broth, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. mustard seeds and flour, salt.

How to cook pork tenderloin with apples. Cut the meat across the grain into pieces about 2cm wide. Cut the seeds from the apples, cut them into cubes. Mix the flour and salt, heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the meat until golden brown, put the finely chopped onion, fry until browned, add flour, mix, fry a little more, put the apples, fry until they caramelize, then carefully pour in the broth, add spices . Simmer everything, bringing to a boil, over low heat for about 10 minutes with constant stirring or until tender. Sprinkle the finished roast with herbs and seasonings to taste.

Any man will certainly appreciate such a dish! Another great option is apple stew cooked in a cauldron over an open fire or, in the absence of the possibility of cooking in the air, in a container with thick walls.

Recipe for vegetable stew with pork and apples

You will need: 1.2 kg of young potatoes, 1.2 kg of pork ribs, 500g minced pork, 7 sweet peppers, 5-6 fragrant apples, 1-2 carrots, saffron, vegetable oil, garlic, black pepper, salt.

How to cook a stew with apples, pork ribs and vegetables. Place the ribs in a cauldron with a little oil, cut them so that the pieces are not too large, make a gentle fire, put young potatoes cut into halves on the ribs, carrot circles on it, then cut in half and peeled peppers, pepper and salt . Cut the apples in half, remove the seeds, stuff with minced meat mixed with finely chopped garlic, peppered and salted. Put stuffed apples on top of the peppers with minced meat up, cover the cauldron with a lid, sprinkle everything generously with saffron (preferably Imeretian) on top. Simmer for about an hour until done. When serving, put apples on the edge of the plate as the main meat dish, and everything else from the cauldron - nearby as a side dish, sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Of course, you can also make great salads with apples.

Recipe for a quick salad with apples "Vitamin"

You will need: 3 carrots, 1 apple, pear and tangerine, natural yogurt, sesame seeds.

How to make a quick apple salad. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, do the same with the seeded apple and pear, disassemble the tangerine into slices and remove the white films, combine the prepared ingredients, season with yogurt and mix, sprinkle the salad with sesame seeds.

This salad is a great breakfast or lunch option.

Another great apple breakfast option is apples stuffed with cottage cheese and nuts.

Recipe for apples stuffed with cottage cheese and nuts

You will need: 60g cottage cheese, 30g almonds, 3 apples, 1 egg yolk, 1-2 tbsp. sour cream, 1-2 tsp. sugar and butter, 1 tsp. powdered sugar.

How to cook apples stuffed with cottage cheese. Cut off the tops of large apples to a height of 1 cm, carefully cut out the seed box with a small knife, mix the cottage cheese with the yolk, sugar and melted butter, put the nuts, chopping them, mix. Stuff the apples with cottage cheese, cover with cut tops and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees until the desired softness. Serve with sour cream, powdered sugar, you can also add cream or sour cream.

With apples, you can cook many wonderful dishes, try and invent own recipes, because apples go well with so many products, including all types of meat and poultry. Happy inventions!

Apples are very useful fruits, varied in taste, shape and varieties. They are sweet, sour, tart, juicy or harsh, red, green or yellow.

They contain a lot of pectin, vitamins, fiber, minerals, acids and iron. An apple has many useful properties: improves digestion, liver function, rejuvenates the body, gives the skin a radiant appearance, increases hemoglobin.

It is advisable to eat ripe apples after Apple Savior i.e. August 19th. It is then that they become juicy, sweet, extremely healthy and tasty. Desserts, jams and compotes from these fruits can be prepared a lot, they are added to salads, pastries, baked or dried for the winter. Consider the most popular and very simple recipes using apples.

Thick apple jam bright orange

You will need:

  • 3 kg of dense apples;
  • 3 kg of sugar.

Wash fruits, remove seeds, cut into thin slices. It is better to lower the pieces during cutting into water with diluted citric acid so that they do not darken. Pour in layers with granulated sugar, leave for 6 hours to extract juice. Stir with a wooden spatula, put on a slow fire. Boil after boiling should be at least 40 minutes, removing the foam. We sterilize the jars, lay them out while they are hot, close them with metal lids.

Delicate apple jam

You will need:

  • 1 kg of soft overripe apples;
  • 700 grams of sand.
  • half a glass of water.

Fruits must be peeled and seeds, passed through a meat grinder or grated on a coarse grater. Sugar must be mixed with water, boiled to get syrup. Add apple gruel to the syrup, cook for 40-50 minutes, not forgetting to stir it all the time with a spoon or spatula. We cool the finished jam, transfer it to clean jars. It must be stored on the shelf of the refrigerator.

Sweet marmalade

You will need:

  • kilogram of ripe apples;
  • 600 grams of sugar.

Fruits must be peeled, baked, rubbed into gruel. Then you should mix the mass with sugar, cook over low heat. It is necessary to stir constantly so that the marmalade does not burn. When the mass becomes thick, it must be laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet covered with paper, put to cool. Ready marmalade must be cut with a knife, slices can be sprinkled with sugar.

Refreshing summer apple kvass

You will need:

  • a kilogram of apples, it is better to take Antonovka;
  • 100 grams of sand;
  • a glass of honey;
  • a teaspoon of cinnamon powder;
  • 10 grams of dry yeast;
  • 4 liters of cold water.

Fruit should be washed and cut. Then you should fill them with water, boil, turn off the gas and let stand for 3 hours. Through a thick gauze it is necessary to drain the resulting infusion. Add cinnamon, honey, dry yeast and sugar, mix everything well. Cover with a thick cloth, leave for 3 days in the dark. You can sweeten it a bit later if you like. Once again we pass kvass through gauze, put it in the refrigerator.

Original roses from red apples and puff pastry

You will need:

  • liter of water;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • puff pastry packaging;
  • 5 red apples of medium size.

Apples must first be cut in half, cleaned. Then each half must be cut into thin slices. We dissolve the sugar in boiling water, throw the slices there, wait 3 minutes to become soft. Puff pastry cut into long layers, sprinkle with sugar. We spread the pieces of apples with a red skin up, wrap it with a roll. We put in the oven, bake the roses for 20 minutes.

Sweet apple compote for the winter

You will need:

  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 300 grams of sand.

My dense apples, remove the core. We fill a three-liter jar to the shoulders, do not ram much. Pour boiling water, let it brew for 5 minutes under the lid. Drain the water, boil again and pour again for 5 minutes. For the third time, pour sand into boiling water, wait until it dissolves over low heat. Pour apples with syrup, roll up the lid with a typewriter.

Delicate apple pie

You will need:

  • 4 apples;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • a pinch of soda.

Apples should be cut into small pieces of any shape. Eggs should be beaten with sand until foam is formed. All products must be combined, pour the dough into a greased and well-heated form. Such a quick charlotte is prepared in just 30 minutes, it tastes tender, sweet, very fragrant. You can sprinkle the top of the biscuit with powder or vanilla sugar for beauty.

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