How to make a landscape page in Word. Adding a new page in MS Word document

When working in a Word text editor, the portrait page orientation is not always suitable. Sometimes it is necessary that the pages are like in an album, i.e. located horizontally. It's not at all difficult to do this. It is much more difficult to make a landscape page in Word in the middle of a document. Here is where you have to work hard.

Default about The page orientation in Word is portrait, but it can be changed to landscape if necessary. How to do it?

This may be necessary when creating reports from or for an album.

  1. Choose a team FilePage settings…

2. In the opened window « Page settings » select the tab « fields". In chapter " Orientation» click on « landscape” and save by clicking the button “ OK ».

If you want the document to have only one or more sheets in the middle of the document in landscape orientation,

then place the cursor on the page that should be landscape and select from the menu FilePage settings . In the opened window " Page settings » tab « fields" In chapter " Orientation» install « landscape". Below in the section " Sample» in the window « Apply» in the drop-down list, select « to the end of the document ” and press the button “ OK ».

Next, place the cursor on the page from which the book format will go again, and do the same. Just select " Orientation » — « Tolower ". And in the section Sample» in the window « Apply» also set to the end of the document.

As you can see, nothing complicated.

The same can be done in a text editor. Word 2007/2010. To do this, open the menu Page layout and to the right of the block name Page settings click on the little black arrow. You will open a window Page settings .

Do the rest in the same way as described above.

This is how you can make a landscape page in Word in the middle of a document .

If you have Word 2007 or 2010 installed, you can watch a video tutorial on changing page orientation:

Hello everyone. Sometimes there is a need to create a document in Microsoft Word where all pages would be vertical, and the other page (or several) would be horizontal. For example, it might look like this:

Everything looks so simple. It seems that it is enough to select the desired page and change its position to landscape. But if you do this, you will see that not one page will become horizontal, but all.

Therefore, I will tell you about how to change the orientation in a few simple steps of only one page (and you can have several of them), while leaving the others in a vertical position.


Getting Started:

The last action will cause all the following pages to be expanded horizontally. But what can be done so that only the necessary pages remain turned upside down? And for this you need to repeat the same steps, only in step 4 select Portrait orientation.

Advice: You can repeat these steps as many times as you like, combining horizontal and vertical sheets throughout the document.

Attention! Step 2 is very important. When you select the next page, you create a section break in the text, allowing you to reposition pages only in that section. If you add a new page by selecting Insert - Blank Page or Insert - Page Break, then Word inserts a page but does not insert a section break, causing all pages to be flipped in step 4, not just one.



That's all. Now you know how you can turn the page in any direction and arrange vertical and horizontal pages in Word. If you have any questions - write in the comments.

Quite often in my work I had to deal with a seemingly simple question. How to rotate one of the pages horizontally when creating a document in Microsoft Word, i.e. how to make one page document landscape? The rest of the pages must remain in portrait orientation.

Usually, colleagues created the second document separately, made one landscape page in it, and after printing put this page into the main document. But this is not very convenient.

In this article I will tell you how to make one page landscape in Word without leaving the document and without doing unnecessary manipulations.

Let's say we're creating a new document. Our first page should be book (vertical), we will make the second landscape (horizontal), and the third and subsequent pages should be book again.

1. Open a new Microsoft Word document. The cursor should be on the first page. Select the tab on the top toolbar "Page Layout" - "Breaks" - "Next Page"

2. A new page will appear in vertical orientation with a blinking cursor on the first line. I'm going to the point "Page Layout" - "Orientation" - "Landscape". Our second page has become landscape.

3. It remains to make the third and subsequent pages of vertical orientation. We already know the algorithm of actions. The cursor is on the second page. Click on the top menu bar "Page Layout" - "Breaks" - "Next Page".

4. Page 3 will appear while landscape orientation. Let's go to the point "Page Layout" - "Orientation" - "Portrait".

Now all subsequent pages will be vertical orientation.

In this way, you can rotate pages in a document as many times as you like. Thank you for your attention. Hope this article helps you.

A Word document doesn't always have to be exactly the same. In particular, different fonts, sizes, etc. can be set on its different pages, in addition, both landscape and book pages can be used in one document. In one of the previously written materials, I already talked about how to make one book page in this text editor. As you understand, now it's the turn to talk about the exact opposite process: how to make one page landscape in word. In principle, these actions are very similar to each other, but still not without some differences.

If the document has one page

It's very easy to make one page landscape when the document contains no other pages besides it. In this case, you only need to perform a few clicks. The first is to go to the "Page Layout" section. From there, go to the Page Setup block, where there is an Orientation button. After clicking on it, two lines appear in front of you with the inscriptions "Book" and "Landscape". It is clear that you select the second line, and the page takes on a horizontal view.

If the document has many pages

If there are many pages in the document, and you need to make landscape only one or a few, the above method does not suit you. The fact is that, using it, you will make all the pages of the document landscape, and you do not need this. What to do? Follow my recommendations:

If your document has more than two pages, follow the same steps. That is, first you make the entire document horizontal, after which you manually return those pages that should be in portrait orientation to their original appearance.

When creating multi-page documents in the Word text editor, a number of users may be faced with the need to present a number of document pages in portrait orientation, and another in landscape orientation (especially when it comes to materials that include various charts, graphs, and so on). At the same time, an attempt to change the orientation of the desired page completely changes the orientation of all pages in the document, which the user does not need at all. In this article I will tell you how to make one book page another landscape page in Word, and what methods exist for this.

How to make one book page another landscape in Word - ways

If you need to create one book page in Word and another landscape page, then I recommend using a number of methods, which I will outline below. At the same time, I note that these methods work with versions of MS Word 2007 and higher, and if someone has older versions of a text editor, I recommend that you abandon mastodon programs and install a more modern version of MS Word. So, let's move on to listing the necessary tools.

Method 1. Select the desired text

So how to make landscape orientation one page in Word? If you have multiple pages of a document in portrait orientation, but want to display some of the text in that document in landscape form, then follow these steps:

The desired text will be transferred to a separate page in landscape format, and you will receive a visual example of how to make one book page another landscape in Word. If you need to reduce the font on the computer, the instruction was described by me.

Method 2. Pagination

An alternative to the first method is pagination of the document you need. So, if you didn’t manage to make one landscape page and another book page in the Word in the first way, then do the following.

Let's say you have text for five pages in a book layout, and you need to make the second and fourth sheets of the landscape form. Proceed as follows:

Starting from the second page, all pages became landscape.

  1. Now we need to make the third book page in Word. Place the cursor on the upper left edge of the third page, enter the page settings again, but select "Landscape" and "Until the end of the document" there.
  2. The third and subsequent pages will be landscape. Now we again go to the fourth page and, using the same algorithm, make it a book page.
  3. Then we go to the fifth and make it landscape. I think the essence of the action is clear to the reader.
  4. As a result, we get the following result.

How to make one page landscape another book in a Word document [video]

You can see how these methods visually look in the video below.

The methods I have listed will help the reader with the answer to the question "How to make one book page another landscape page in Word." In most cases, the first method is enough, which effectively places the text you need on the page of the orientation you need. If you want to mark up your document in advance, then create the required number of pages in advance (the “Insert” tab - “Blank Page”), and then use method No. 2, and your idea will be effectively implemented.

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