Interesting facts about the TV game. Rules of the game Who is broadcasting how to become a millionaire

A few years ago, these people were unknown to anyone, led a normal life, but today, if not everyone, then very many residents of not only the Russian Federation, but also the CIS countries and even neighboring countries know about them. These people did not dream of wealth, they worked and earned money in order to support their family. Little did they know that one day their lives would change drastically. Who are they - ordinary residents of our country who have become real millionaires thanks to the television quiz "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?". Did the win on the show turning point in their lives? What has changed since then, and what was the fate of national heroes?

1999 The Russian national channel NTV broadcasts the popular show "Oh, lucky!" with permanent host Dmitry Dibrov. In 2001, the program was bought by Channel One (former ORT - Public Russian Television) and changes the presenter - the still little-known young humorist Maxim Galkin becomes it. And already in the first edition of the television quiz on Channel One, Igor Sazeev from St. Petersburg becomes the winner and receives one million rubles as the main prize. Before today skeptics claim that the management of Channel One decided to make this man a winner in order to attract even more viewers to this program on Channel One, as in the program “Oh, lucky!” in the two years of its existence on NTV, no one has won a million. However, be that as it may, Igor Sazeev played with dignity and got his win quite deservedly.

Igor Sazeev is a man who was 39 years old at the time of winning and has six children. According to him, he was preparing not so much for the game itself, but for the qualifying round, which he was afraid not to pass. To do this, he studied the history of the Russian Federation, and also looked through a large number of directories. His zeal and work were not in vain - luck smiled at Igor. That's just for a short while. After receiving a prize of one million rubles, he was forced to pay three hundred and fifty thousand to the state treasury as a tax on the prize. The information that the money prizes from the program are not advertised and for Igor Sazeev the news of the need to pay a 35 percent tax was a real shock.

As for the game itself, Igor Sazeev was confused only once - when he was asked a question regarding the work "Eugene Onegin". In subsequent interviews, the man honestly admitted that this question took him by surprise, since many years had passed since he had read Pushkin's work. And he answered all other questions clearly and confidently, as he knew the correct answer. However, despite the fact that Igor Sazeev is the first winner of the game who wants to become a millionaire and did not hope that he would become the owner of such a serious prize, he still expected that he would reach at least the tenth question, since he had enough knowledge in various fields of human activity.

Today, Igor Sazeev does not hide the fact that he was brought to the program by chance - during the joint viewing of this television quiz, he often correctly answered those questions to which other participants left the game or gave incorrect answers. The wife, seeing such abilities in her husband, advised him to go and take part himself and win a million rubles for the family. So Igor Sazeev ended up on the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”.

As mentioned above, many skeptics believe that Igor Sazeev's victory in the television quiz is a good PR for Channel One. However, the winner believes that he honestly won his million. He does not believe that the questions he answered were too easy, they fully complied with the rules and regulations of the program and were divided into three blocks - comic (easy), medium complexity and questions of increased complexity. It just so happened that for Igor the questions turned out to be convenient and nothing more.

According to psychologists, a serious test of a person's moral "strength" is quick and unexpected wealth or power. Igor Sazeev became richer by a million rubles for one television program. And, even despite the need to pay taxes, he became the owner of a huge amount of money. However, the winner of the TV quiz does not belong to the category of people who spend their winnings on various banquets in the very first months, festive events, and then they discover that there is no trace left of the winnings. After several years, Igor believes that he spent the money worthily and did not squander the winnings. He has a negative attitude towards those people who do not want to work, but prefer to receive money “just like that”, but at the same time he does not believe that winning in such a serious intellectual program is a dishonest or unworthy way to earn money.

Today, Igor again dreams of taking part in the program. Asked if it might be worth trying his luck abroad this time, the newly minted millionaire replies that he thinks he won't even be able to pass. qualifying round, since this will require answering questions regarding local features, the history of the country in which he will play.

The second winner of the program, who has already managed to take away three million rubles, was Viktor Chudinovskikh, who took part in the program together with his wife.

The fate of Yuri is similar to the fate of Igor Sazeev - Yuri was a talented boy from childhood, took part in all kinds of events that were held at school, participated in intellectual quizzes, olympiads in various subjects. In a word, Yuri Chudinovskikh possessed such knowledge that allowed him to study not in the usual general education high school, but in a special boarding school for gifted children. By a coincidence, Igor Sazeev graduated from the same secondary general education institution at one time. However, the fate of Yuri was not easy - despite the large number of various talents, it was difficult for the modest Chudinovsky to find his place "under the sun". He worked hard and earned little. Until the moment he got on the program as a participant, the family saved on almost everything, but there was still not enough money. However, oddly enough, having got to the doubles game, the husband and wife made a mutual decision already directly in the studio - to take risks and go to the end.

Irina and Yuri Chudinovskikh are sociable people who have many friends. In order not to lose the opportunity to win the maximum amount of money, they put several of their intellectual acquaintances at the phones at once, one of whom was the director of the secondary school where Irina works. This man teaches history in high school and they planned to contact him if they came across a difficult question on history in the program. However, fate decreed otherwise - the spouses began to doubt the issue that concerned astronomy. I had to call a specialist in this matter from Moscow. However, he could not answer this question either, only at the last second one of the friends who participated in the “brainstorming” remembered that we are talking about Venus, which has a gaseous shell and therefore is the hottest on it. However, despite the fact that friends helped the Chudinovsky couple win three million rubles, Yuri and Irina did not consider it necessary to thank them for this.

Today, Irina and Yuri Chudinovsky are called people who, in fact, became the prototypes of the heroes who took part in the filming of the Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire. In addition to the fact that Yuri and Irina moved from one city to another for a long time, they wandered, trying to find better life, even while participating in the program, childhood memories surfaced in Yuri's memory. Yuri Chudinovskikh honestly admitted to reporters after his victory on the show that he did not know the exact answer to the last question. However, despite this, at the last moment, when he and Irina were about to take the money and leave the program, he remembered the childhood cartoon"Well, wait a minute" and the answer was found.

After winning the program, the life of Yuri and Irina Chudinovsky changed into better side- after the program went on the air, Yuri was invited to work for a good position in a serious banking structure, where he works as a deputy CEO and until today.

However, the win did not radically change the lives of these people from Kirov, since, according to Yuri, three million rubles is too little to radically change something - the money earned by their own mind on the program dispersed too quickly.

Svetlana Yaroslavtseva is a person who managed to win three million rubles on her own. Unlike the couple Yuri and Irina Chudinovsky, she did not take part in the pair program - she decided to rely on her own strengths and talents. She was born and lived in the city of Troitsk (Moscow region), unlike previous winners, Svetlana did not study at prestigious educational institutions preferring self-education to studying at Moscow universities.

Svetlana Yaroslavtseva answered fourteen questions of the presenter with dignity and was only one step away from three million rubles, but the last - the fifteenth question - baffled her. "Which writer in the time of Catherine II was a page?". Svetlana did not know the answer - this was evident from her facial expressions, gestures and serious excitement, reflected on the face of the future millionaire. Despite the fact that she tried to remain calm, the audience in the studio, and then the viewers, noticed the internal struggle - to take 500 thousand rubles or go to the end. The choice was not easy. Svetlana Yaroslavtseva, who managed to keep the hint until the end of the program, asked a question auditorium and it was the people who came to the program that helped her win three million rubles.

With the money won, Svetlana Yaroslavtseva bought a summer house near Troitsk, as well as a one-room apartment for her elderly mother. A few months after her victory, the woman fulfilled her old dream - to visit the Dead Sea, Netanya, Jerusalem, Eilat.

She speaks of Maxim Galkin with a gleam in her eyes, speaks of his charisma and incredible charm. The only thing that really surprised her during the game was the look of a tired person, eyes full of longing. However, to the surprise of Svetlana Yaroslavtseva, this was absolutely not visible on TV.

Today, yesterday's millionaires lead a normal life. They live among us and continue to work, study, reach new heights and open horizons. These people were lucky and gave a lot of positive emotions, but today their life is practically no different from the previous one - everything passes, money is spent, but the memory of such a gift of fate remains forever.

First, the players must go through a small qualifying round, in which they must place the answer options in the correct sequence in the shortest possible time. The one who does it faster than others wins. Then the winner of the qualifying round takes a place opposite the leader, the rules are explained to him, and an intellectual duel begins.

  • Questions. To earn Grand Prize- 3 million rubles, you need to correctly answer 15 questions from various fields of knowledge, each of which has 4 answer options and only one is correct. All questions have a specific value. The first five are jokes and are fairly easy to answer. From the 6th to the 10th - general topics, and therefore more complex, and from the 11th to the 15th - the most difficult, requiring knowledge in certain areas.
  • Sums. There are 2 amounts called "fireproof" - this is 5,000 rubles. (for the answer to the 5th question) and 100,000 rubles. (for the answer to the 10th). These amounts will remain even if the answer is incorrect in the subsequent stages. If an incorrect option is selected, the winnings will be reduced to the nearest “fireproof” amount reached and the participant will be terminated from the program. The player at any time has the opportunity to refuse to continue the game and take the money earned.
  • Hints. The player is offered the following hints: "50:50" - the computer removes two incorrect options, "Call a friend" - within 30 seconds the player can consult with one of the previously declared friends. "Audience Help" - the audience in the studio votes for the correct answer, in their opinion, and the results are provided to the participant. Starting October 21, 2006, a new clue "Three Wise Men" was added to the game show.

TV show of the First Channel " Who want to be a millionaire?"- an analogue of the television game of the British channel ITV1" Who wants to be a millionaire?

History of the TV show Who wants to be a millionaire? / Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

In Russia, the TV quiz Who want to be a millionaire?” first started on the NTV channel under the name “ Oh lucky!", the well-known TV journalist Dmitry Dibrov acted as the host in it.

Its current name is the game " Who want to be a millionaire?"Received only in 2001 - along with a new" registration "on Channel One. From now on, "Who wants to be a millionaire?" the popular humorist and showman Maxim Galkin begins to lead. In 2008, after his departure from Channel One, a survey was conducted among viewers regarding the candidacy of the new host of the show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” - he became again Dmitry Dibrov. By the way, from the same year in the game "Who wants to be a millionaire?" starts to sound new music written by the composer Ramono Kovalo.

The Russian audience is not alone in their love for this exciting game. Quiz "Who wants to be a millionaire?" the Englishman David Briggs came up with it and embodied it together with the presenter Chris Terrent, first on radio, and then, in the fall of 1998, on television.

The success of the project was simply stunning: a year after the release of the show, the show gathered an audience of 20 million. A year later, the lucky one finally appeared, who won the first million (pounds sterling, of course). Show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" changed its name several times (“Double the stakes”, “Mountain of money”), until it acquired the current one, which has become famous in all corners of the planet.

Today in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? play in 107 countries around the world. Many stars of show business, sports, politics answered the questions of the presenters. The money won, as a rule, went to charity.

Game Show Rules Who wants to be a millionaire? / Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

In order to become the owner of the coveted “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” prize, the participant does not need to do anything supernatural - he just needs to cope with 15 questions, choosing one of the four proposed answers to each of them. If the attempt is successful, you can get a certain amount of money and leave the game "Who wants to be a millionaire?" or continue answering questions to increase your winnings. Each next question is more difficult than the previous one, but along with the complexity, of course, the amount of reward also increases. And for the first wrong answer - "departure" from the game "Who wants to be a millionaire?". The questions are divided into three levels of difficulty: from the 1st to the 5th - comic questions, which will not be difficult to answer; from 6th to 10th - more difficult questions general topics; from the 11th to the 15th - the most difficult questions requiring knowledge in certain areas.

If a player on the show "Who wants to be a millionaire?" unable to cope with the issue alone, he can use the hints.

To date, the player is offered four hints:
"50:50" - the computer removes two incorrect answers;
"Help a friend" - within 30 seconds, the player can consult either with a friend on the phone or with a viewer in the studio;
"Audience Help" - each viewer in the studio votes for the correct answer, in his opinion, and the player is provided with voting statistics;
"The right to make a mistake" (introduced in 2010) - the player has the right to give two answers if the first answer turned out to be wrong, but only once per game. The use of a hint must be declared before a response is given. Using this clue along with the "50:50" clue gives a 100 percent pass on the question.

From October 21, 2006 to September 13, 2008, there was also a "Three Wise Men" hint - within 30 seconds, the player could consult with three famous personalities located in another room. Special editions with star players did not use this tooltip. As of December 27, 2008, the hint has been cancelled.

From September 4, 2010, you can play in two versions: "classic" - the regular version of the game until September 4, 2010; "risk" - the player receives a hint "The right to make a mistake." As a result, the player has 4 of them. However, there is only one fireproof amount, which the player sets himself.

Winners of the Russian version of the TV quiz Who wants to be a millionaire? / Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

We won 1,000,000 rubles:
Irina and Yuri Chudinovskikh (broadcast date - January 18, 2003)
Igor Sazeev (broadcast date - March 12, 2001)
We won 3,000,000 rubles:
Svetlana Yaroslavtseva (broadcast date - February 19, 2006)
Timur Budaev (broadcast date - April 17, 2010).

Star wins and losses on the quiz show Who wants to be a millionaire? / Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

In 2011, a separate Ukrainian version of the TV show appeared - "Millionaire - Hot Seat". The host is the famous Ukrainian showman Volodymyr Zelensky. It is noteworthy that the program is released in an updated format, Hot Seat, which is not used in the Russian version.

Game "Who wants to be a millionaire?" mentioned in seven feature films.

Broadcast of the show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" on Saturdays at 17:50 on Channel One.

    In order to take part in the program Who Wants to Become a Millionaire? you need: call 8-809-505-99-99 and try to answer the question correctly.

    To become a participant in the program Who Wants to Become a Millionaire? A few years ago, you had to call by phone, leave your details. The computer then made a selection of future players for the game. And the editor has already called these lucky ones, asking questions if someone answered the largest number, who was invited to the studio of the TV program Who Wants to Become a Millionaire? quot ;.

    Now everything is easier to get on the program Who Wants to Become a Millionaire? you need to fill out a questionnaire on the website of the First TV channel and try to fill in all the fields. Tell as much as possible about yourself, about your hobbies, hobbies. In the questionnaire, they offer to answer the question What will you spend three million rubles on?

    Photographs and preferably a video file must be attached to the questionnaire. And all that remains is to wait and hope that after some time you will become a participant in the program Who Wants to Become a Millionaire? quot ;.

    In order to get to the game Who Wants to Become a Millionaire? you need to fill out a questionnaire. Which you can find on the game's website. The questionnaire is quite extensive. After filling out the questionnaire, you just have to wait for the editors or game administrators to pay attention to you. Therefore, you can embellish your hobbies or achievements a little in the questionnaire to arouse interest.

  • Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - how to get on the show

    As far as I understand, during the program itself, the host asks questions that can be answered via SMS. There you can also try to win something on your phone. But it is silent about how much SMS will cost ... Well, or I haven’t heard of downtime.

    In the same place, during the transfer, he says by which number you can apply for participation in the program. And here you can learn more about it at website of the program There, at the very bottom, there is this phone number and the rules for selecting participants.

    As far as I understand, you give your data on the phone - First name, Surname, Patronymic, date of birth - then the system randomly selects the participants, and then, if the system selects you, the program editor calls you. In general, everything is written there.

  • Get on the show Who wants to be a millionaire very difficult, because there are too many applicants. And very often famous and popular people become participants.

    But, if you consider yourself a lucky person, you can try to fill out a questionnaire on the site.

    Fill in the fields full name, date of birth and other information about yourself. It is important to write about yourself as detailed and interesting as possible so that you are invited to the casting.

    To do this, you need to fill out a questionnaire on the website of the First Channel.

    Here is the skin of the questionnaire for the selection of participants:

    As you can see, they ask not only the name. It's best to answer all questions. Taken for transmission interesting people, because the essence is not only in answering questions, but also in a dialogue with the host.

    To get to the game Who want to be a millionaire" you must first call the phone number 8-809-505-99-99 Or at least send SMS to number 7007, where instead of text from letters, type 1000000 ".

    At the other end of the line, the computer will ask you a question, and you try to answer it correctly. After the correct answer, the person is already a contender for participation in the game.

    Then this applicant, if his computer chooses from a million of the same ones, still has to be tested with the program editor in telephone mode. He will be asked questions that need to be answered correctly.

    It depends on this whether he can be a participant in the game Millionaire given person.

    My friend repeatedly tried to get on this program and now I understand where these prizes come from, which the winners receive. You call this program at 8-809-505-99-99 and they monotonously tell you what and how you need to do in order to get on the program. All this time, money is being charged from you for every minute. Then you are asked a question to which you need to give the correct answer. Then they begin to speak again approximately the same text that has already been heard before and ask the question again. As a result, my friend was never able to answer all the questions and give the right answers to all the questions, but he said a lot of money.

    Become a player intellectual games(and maybe get a win) is quite simple, but you will have to fill in the fields of the questionnaire. Go to the game's website and fill in the fields with easy questions about you and your interests. For some questions, you will have to come up with a decent answer in order to interest your personality. Don't forget to describe your dream and the reason you want to become a player.

    Attach a file with your best photo and send. If they pay attention to you, then it is possible that you will be admitted to the casting of program participants. The site of the TV game with the questionnaire is located here.

    I have experience in this show. Getting there was not exactly easy. First you send an SMS with the correct answer to the selection question. True, it was a long time ago, then the computer selected a hundred people who correctly answered the question. The editors called everyone and asked five more questions that had to be answered correctly. My result was four out of five, but the editor said that this is a normal result and not everyone even answers four questions - the average result was three correct answers out of five.

    I had a chance to participate in the final ten (again, I repeat that it was when they first selected the top ten participating in the game from a hundred, then only in the hall there was another selection - Galkin was the leader).

    Now it has become easier - you fill out the participant’s questionnaire on the site, but not everyone will be called, you have to interest those who create this program, because this is to some extent a show and it should be of interest to many, the rating of the program for the channel is the most important thing.

    Please note that after participating in this project, you will be asked not to glow in other equally popular shows for a certain number of years.

    They called me again, I think because my goal was to try to win a second time, but with Dibrov. True, this time the participation did not take place, but not to my regret :).

    There is a questionnaire on the channel's website that you need to fill out. To do this, go to this page and start filling in all the fields. The questions are very simple, you need to indicate your personal data, interests, hobbies and your thoughts on how you will spend your winnings. At the end, you need to attach your photo and send the questionnaire.

    To get into the body of the game who wants to become a millionaire, you need to apply on the game's website, there you will fill out a participant form and if you are lucky you will be invited to Moscow for the transfer.

    But on the transfer itself, you will need to go through the qualifying round and be the first to answer the quiz questions, then you will sit in the player's chair.

    Also, to get on the transfer, you can call the number 8-809-505-99-99 where the robot will ask a few questions and if you answer them correctly, you will be included in the lists of potential players.

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