How does a Taurus girl relate to her mother. How to Raise a Taurus

Taurus is reliable as a rock, and later in life he often becomes a support for other people. Taurus girl is a child who likes to feel confident, then she is able to spread calm and tranquility to those around her.

If your child is a girl according to the horoscope Taurus

This is a sign of the earth, it is important for people born under this sign to feel solid ground under their feet. Not wanting to soar in the clouds, they quickly lose their bearings with unexpected changes, the absence of routine and regime. The Taurus child needs to discover his abilities himself, he gets annoyed when he is forced to do something.

The Taurus girl does not like it when he is involved in emotional fights and crises, he tends to stand his ground. The emotional power of Taurus comes from his ability to imagine life as continuous and to be content with the simple pleasures of life,

Tauruses play the role of builders. They overcome difficulties and obstacles to achieve their goal, no matter how long it takes. It is amazing to observe endurance in Taurus children; constancy and fidelity are characteristic features of their relationships with other people.

What Parents of a Taurus Girl Need to Know

Taurus - girls are characterized by the same interest in the practical world and the same need for physical contact, as well as boys.

It's useless to tell your daughter "don't touch" when she puts her finger on your makeup or cake batter to taste it; it already obeys the sensuality that it possesses by nature.

Little Taurus girls are happy to explore the world, enjoying ordinary, everyday things. Being the parent of such a child, you can escape from the complexities of life and enjoy the childlike spontaneity.

Taurus value the most necessary things in life - good food, the beauty of nature, people's affection for each other. In childhood, Taurus girls strive to get as many of these benefits as possible - they form a kind of emotional ballast for later life.

Features of raising children under the sign of Taurus

Girls - Taurus are distinguished by a special, inherent only to them femininity. They do not have a love for frills and jewelry, because they value convenience above all else. The word "fragility" does not come to mind at the sight of girls - Taurus, because they are endowed with a fortress characteristic of earth signs.

They are distinguished by sensuality and earthiness. Taurus is not devoid of charm, they know how to use women's tricks to get what they want. They love affection, but this is not importunity, but an attempt to make sure of your constancy: by touching you, girls - Taurus check whether you are really there.

The Taurus girl from the earliest years is distinguished by seriousness and prudence. The representative of a fixed sign is so focused on her affairs that she has little interest in what is happening around. It has a subtle inner flair, easily recognizes a lie. Close people appreciate her for her loyalty and devotion, despite the rather complex nature. This sweet girl can be quick-tempered and stubborn, you should not test her patience for strength.

The Taurus girl thinks very pragmatically, despite her childhood. She does not need advice and guidance, parents can be confident in the brilliant future of their daughter. The girl will certainly arrange her life in the best possible way without outside help. The representative of the most economic sign of the zodiac strives to achieve financial well-being, has a passion for beautiful, expensive things.

Taurus Girl Personality

The dominant element of the sign is the Earth, its influence explains the melancholic temperament of the girl. A serious, collected Taurus girl has the talent to clearly plan for her future life. From an early age he knows what he wants to become. She will be successful in any business related to material values. Recommended professions: economist, accountant, manager, auditor.

Quite still, the baby Taurus touches with his indispensable desire to help his mother. The little hostess loves to put things in order in the house, her things are neatly collected and laid out in their places. The representative of the second sign of the zodiac is a real woman in all her manifestations: she can turn from a serious lady into a windy coquette in just a second. She is capricious and capricious, loves complements. It is rather difficult to win the heart of a charming girl; she tries to choose a smart, strong and reliable man as her life partner.


In love and friendship, the Taurus girl is a faithful partner. She does not perceive lies and deceit at all, she is always extremely honest with loved ones. The girl will not forget about the promises made to her, she will definitely follow up on their implementation. Taurus has a rare insight: he clearly sees the intentions of the interlocutor, even if he tries to deceive her. Too quickly disappointed in people, earning her forgiveness is a difficult task. The Taurus Girl recognizes only an equal and honest partnership.

Hard work and dedication

Taurus is an earth sign, whose representatives have numerous talents. Often they have "golden hands", they love and know how to create amazing things from the simplest materials. A girl from an early age loves to make crafts, she can do what she loves for hours. An adult girl sets herself only realistic goals, achieves them with commendable perseverance. She will study diligently, gain experience and will definitely achieve heights in her field of activity. Parents can be sure that their daughter - from a simple seamstress will eventually become a famous designer.


The Taurus girl seems to many to be too self-confident. She fiercely defends her opinion only because she is absolutely sure that she is right. Stubbornness and perseverance in achieving a goal are not at all a desire to demonstrate one's superiority. The girl really believes in herself and does only those things that she considers especially important. It is almost impossible to convince Taurus of anything, although sometimes she can take the point of view of a person who is really authoritative for her. Sometimes excessive categoricalness gives her trouble, but the girl stubbornly continues to achieve her plan, not retreating in the face of difficulties. There is no doubt that her success is guaranteed.


The Taurus girl has the ability to easily and simply solve the most difficult issues. She always uses old, proven methods to achieve her goals. Very rarely commits rash acts, especially carefully controls financial spending. Attacks of frivolity are a rare occurrence, a practical Taurus girl must be confident in her future. Since childhood, the girl has felt the need for her own savings, saves with pleasure and comes up with ways to earn money. Parents can be calm about the future of their daughter, she will always live in abundance and prosperity.

How to Raise a Taurus Girl

Still a little girl - a whole person, she will not tolerate interference in her affairs. If the baby decided to study the toy, then with all responsibility she will approach this matter. Mom can scold her daughter as much as she wants, she will still disassemble the complex mechanism into the smallest parts. From an early age, parents should pay attention to the health of the baby. She is too prone to colds, the most vulnerable places of the body: throat, lungs.

During school years, Taurus may encounter some difficulties in their studies. The girl studies with diligence, trying to meet the requirements of teachers. It is not her fault that she is a realist, therefore she is only interested in the material that is related to the material side of life. Conflicts are possible with classmates due to excessive stubbornness: the Taurus girl does not want to obey the opinion of the majority. It is necessary to direct the energy of the child in the right direction, an active girl can bring great benefits to the family and society. Parents can send their daughter to the sports section, perseverance and endurance are qualities that will lead Taurus to success.

In adolescence, the girl is too quick-tempered. She reacts sharply to any comments addressed to her. The Taurus girl painfully perceives every attempt to violate her personal space. Parents should communicate with the obstinate teenager calmly and friendly, avoiding rudeness and violence. The representative of the earth sign is distinguished by prudence, she will not overstep the boundaries of what is permitted without a good reason.

Parents should remember that their daughter from infancy is an independent person. Adults do not have to carefully control her every step, she herself knows how to take care of herself. From an early age, she demonstrates miracles of practicality, parents should support her desire for independence. The girl is attached to her family, appreciates and loves close people, even if sometimes she does not demonstrate the best character traits. The main thing in raising a wayward Taurus girl is patience, love, care.

Not only the name determines some aspects of the personality and even the fate of a person. In this case, you also need to take into account the horoscope. And even though skeptics are not too positive about this statement, life nevertheless shows that such a division of people does take place. Today I want to talk about exactly what kind of baby it is, and how it will differ from its peers - this will be discussed further.

Basics about Taurus children

So, what is he, a child - a representative of this zodiac sign? Initially, it should be noted that these are "earthly" children. That is, their element is earth. They are, in general, calm and assiduous. However, they are distinguished by perseverance and even to some extent stubbornness. It should be noted that such kids need a hard floor under their feet and a reliable rear. That is why Taurus children always value their family and consider it the main support in life. But, despite this, the small representatives of this zodiac sign are independent and independent from their parents. They do not tolerate being led. No need to be surprised if they respond to coercion with aggression and extreme discontent.

But still, it should be noted that the Taurus child is a calm and balanced person. Very rarely, they break down and get nervous, cause inconvenience to parents and others. If it were not for stubbornness, then this sign could be called ideal. Such children never fight with their peers, yielding to them in almost everything. But that doesn't mean they can't take care of themselves. Such precedents will happen, but extremely rarely. After all, Taurus is very patient and able to endure insults and other inconveniences for a long time. It must also be said that the Taurus child will always stand up for the weaker. Even if you have to go against someone who is stronger or smarter. Such children are not afraid of difficulties, it is important for them that justice always prevails.

And one more very important point: Taurus-child really appreciates comfort and coziness. Such kids just need to live in good conditions, eat tasty food and enjoy their lives. Representatives of this zodiac sign do not need much, but they should always have a comfortable minimum.

Games and entertainment

How does Taurus-child have fun and what will he be fond of? Initially, it is worth recalling that these are calm children. And their games should be the same. Ideally for such kids, a game with a designer, folding puzzles is suitable. These amusements will captivate such a child for a long time, giving parents rest and peace of mind. Taurus also love to read. Prefer mostly fantasy and fairy tales. They should not be denied this. After all, representatives of this sign really like to live in a fictional world.

It is important to note that the Taurus child is such crumbs that they can try a lot until they find something that is really interesting and exciting. It can be almost anything: drawing, modeling from plasticine or clay, carving, embroidery, sewing, dancing, singing, etc. If the baby does not show anything at first glance, you should try to find his hobby. After all, creativity is one of the most important paths on the life path of representatives of this zodiac sign.

Important: Taurus is naturally endowed with a good voice. They love to sing and do it with great pleasure. If you work on the voice of the Taurus child, he can make an excellent singer.


We consider further the horoscope and the zodiac. Taurus child, it is also important to note, most often cute or attractive. Such children always have a special feature of appearance that attracts attention. It can be plump lips, big eyes, fluffy eyelashes or golden curls. One thing is for sure: such a baby will always and everywhere be admired by others. But this has its own minus: such children are very often exposed to someone else's energy. And unfortunately, not always positive.

Crumbs-Taurus are always stocky, short. They have powerful arms, legs, body. The same applies to girls. The eyes of such children are mostly dark, deep-set. However, even in early childhood, they know how to look good, because they have an innate sense of style. At an older age, as a teenager, it will be very important for Taurus to dress well. This does not mean that children will chase fashion. On the contrary, they will dress as they please. Despite everything and not listening to the opinions of others. It is worth noting that it is among the Taurus that there are so many eccentrics and unusual personalities.

The Taurus Child girl will outwardly be far from the modern ideal. These are not miniature and fragile beauties, which can be called Thumbelina. However, this does not mean at all that such babies are outwardly unattractive. They have charm and charisma, which are sometimes more important than a slender figure. It is important to note that such girls often find themselves in sports, reaching the top in this field.

About family

What else is interesting about Taurus (sign)? Children, as already mentioned above, value their family very much. Relatives for them are the main thing in life, while for other children, friends or entertainment are more important. Parents for such kids are not only authorities, but also the best comrades. Tauruses love and respect their mom and dad, no matter what. We must also not forget that such children are kinesthetic. Physical contact is very important to them. Therefore, they should be hugged and caressed as often as possible. In early childhood, they should feel their mother as often as possible, because of this, in the first year of life they may seem capricious.

If there are several children in the family, Taurus can behave differently in different situations. The elder brother (sister) Taurus is practically the same parent who will take full care of the kids, while bearing full responsibility for their lives and health. You can always rely on such children, leaving the house in charge. However, if Taurus has a weather relative, then difficulties may arise. The child may sometimes act selfishly, refusing to share his toys. But this is all because of jealousy, the struggle for the attention of parents. Such children should not be scolded, they just need to be shown that they are also loved, like the second child. After this, the spirit of rivalry should disappear, and peace and tranquility will be established in the family.

It must also be remembered that the Taurus baby does not like change. For him, stability and constancy are important. Frequent change of residence is not for such kids. It is even difficult for them to leave their home for a while, for example, to go on vacation. During the departure, they experience stress, and to some extent even despair. However, after a while everything returns to normal. Such children return to their father's house with great joy. During the absence, they often get bored, no matter how interesting it may be on vacation.

Let's take a look at the horoscope. The Taurus child, as mentioned above, is very attached to the house. That is why it is often very difficult for him to take a step towards something new. Especially at an older age. His parents should help him with this. Such children from a very early age should be given to various circles, studios and courses so that they visit various places without getting hung up on their home. And if at first such a baby can resist this, later he will definitely say “thank you” for this.


How else is a Taurus child different? The characteristic of this sign suggests that such children study well at school. If desired, they can even be excellent students. However, this is not typical for them. Taurus will study only those sciences that they like and like. What is not interesting, they will just "pass".

Since Tauruses love order and don't like change well, school years can be the golden time for them. And although initially the process of addiction may be delayed (we are talking about first-graders), then everything will be very good. These are children who will not break the established rules and will never go against the system. Therefore, teachers always like them. Taurus are always on good terms with their peers, having no enemies or ill-wishers.

As for your favorite items, do not forget that Taurus are representatives of the earth element. They are practitioners to the core. Therefore, they also like practical sciences, not theoretical ones. Such children will never understand philosophy or rhetoric, but physics or chemistry can become their close friend.

Do not forget that Taurus is very slow. They study well, but they are not able to grasp everything “on the fly”. To understand, they need a little more time than other students. However, they are able to compensate for this with a good memory and perseverance.

Attention: Taurus should never be punished for sluggishness, he should never be urged on. This can be stressful for these kids. After such incidents, kids can lose faith in themselves and their strengths, gain insecurity and complexes. So with the assessments of their activities, one must be extremely careful not to injure or offend in vain.


Let's take a look at the signs of the zodiac. Taurus-child differs from other children in the desire to eat well. If in early childhood all the kids refuse to eat, then the representatives of this sign, on the contrary, love to eat well. Moreover, they are prone to overeating. And this often causes such a problem as obesity and weight gain.

Sweets are very fond of Taurus children. They just can't imagine life without something tasty. But they also like various fruits. They especially love strawberries and melons. And all because these are probably the sweetest berries.

Attitude towards material

The Taurus child is a boy, however, like a girl, this is a very thrifty child. Nothing ever breaks, gets damaged or lost. They are very careful with all their property. They are economical and not capable of squandering. Such children will never buy anything superfluous for themselves, wanting to raise money for something big and worthwhile. And they do it with no problem. However, such children will not spend their material resources on gifts to relatives, even the closest ones. They will postpone them “for later” and be sure to do so for themselves.

Fears and negative personality traits

It should be noted that Taurus is very afraid of change. For them, this is probably the worst thing that can happen in life. They are strongly attached to people, places, ways of life. And they are reluctant to change. They experience any termination of a relationship very difficult, and this despite their age. It is very difficult for Taurus to adapt to new circumstances. In adulthood, such a person will always have something from childhood in the house to remind him of his father's house.

I must also say that these are very thrifty kids. And often it even goes beyond all permissible boundaries, side by side with greed. To eradicate this negative trait, such a child must be taught to share from a very early age.

Well, the main drawback of the Taurus children is stubbornness. However, it does not manifest itself too often, unless such babies are contradicted for any reason. Otherwise, the child may do the opposite just to get his way.

A few words about girls

What is special about a Taurus child girl? Such babies are very economic, they are attached to the house and even in adolescence they will not walk at night. From girls - representatives of this sign, excellent wives and future good mothers grow up. After all, they are not used to arguing and conflicting. It is easier for them to obey than to achieve their own.

Girls of this sign also do not strive to be the first in the company or at school. But they succeed anyway, because they are very kind and often good-looking. Representatives of this sign make excellent swimmers and athletes.

A few words about boys

What is he, a child-Taurus boy? Such guys, at first glance, may seem like mums and sissies. However, this is absolutely not the case. For them, parents are the strongest authority, that's true. But they also have their own head on their shoulders. The boys of this sign are very slow and calm, they do not look like the brutal guys that girls like so much in their teens. However, these are excellent husbands and fathers. This should not be forgotten.

Combination of two horoscopes

Well, at the very end, I would like to say a few words about what children can be, depending on belonging to the eastern horoscope.

Taurus and Rat. Such children cannot sit in one place, despite their outward calmness. They are very fond of especially with the ball. Their main fear is to appear ridiculous in the eyes of others.

Taurus and Bull. These are children who set themselves inflated goals. They are very dependent on the material, so from childhood they try to earn money. For example, they can do work at home for a certain amount of money. Often they try to use people for their own purposes. However, they rarely succeed.

Taurus and Tiger. These kids are very smart. They seem wise and reasonable beyond their years. They will never be the first to get into a fight and will not argue. Often ambitious, they think that they will succeed. This is where they get burned.

Taurus and Cat. Children of this combination are very calm. They are homebodies to the core. They do not like companies and society, they prefer to be alone with themselves. Uncommunicative.

Taurus and Dragon. Very humble kids. They will never put their "I" above others. Prone to self-sacrifice. Such children really want to be the first, but they do not succeed. Although in the company they can take the role of "gray cardinal".

Taurus and Snake. These kids really want to appear smart. But their knowledge is shallow, superficial. They know everything, but little by little. This is their main problem. At school, teachers like them, but most often relationships with peers do not add up.

Taurus and Horse. This kid is responsible. In addition, such children really want to be useful to others, doing everything even to the detriment of themselves. They are moderately optimistic, they appreciate their strengths, therefore they are never deceived in their expectations and hopes.

Taurus - Goat. The child of this combination is a thinker. He will think it over ten times and only on the eleventh - will he do it. It should be noted that this is a very contradictory combination. In such a child, laziness and the desire to reach certain heights are constantly fighting. The Taurus child, at birth, has a very changeable and sentimental character. For girls, this is not so scary yet, but boys with these traits will have to fight all their lives. What else is interesting about the Taurus-Sheep combination? In this case, the child can completely go to school or hobby. And all in order to prove to others their importance.

Taurus and Monkey. These children often have high self-esteem. They believe that everyone must obey them. Because of this, a lot of troubles arise in the company with peers. They love to work in public. Although at heart they are still good guys who will never harm anyone.

Taurus and Rooster. Such a child is a warrior, a soldier. He must achieve his goal with a fight, it’s more interesting for him. If there are no problems, such children can create them themselves, so that later they can solve them on their own. These are strong-willed kids who have a strong character from early childhood.

Taurus and Dog. These kids never hurt anyone. After all, they are able to think before they say or do something. Their main problem is increased caution, which can often play a cruel joke on them.

Taurus and Pig. This is a very strict and demanding child. Such children always look good, they follow their speech. They are very careful, because they believe that the main thing in their life is to please others.

Taurus child ( April 20 — May 20) is a representative of the earth element, from an early age he needs support under his feet and a reliable rear. That is why family plays a big role for him. He wants to feel loved and needed. At the same time, such a child is very independent and will not allow his parents to control him. He can respond to any coercion with aggression.

However, this happens extremely rarely, only if Taurus has to do something against his will. Usually this zodiac sign is soft and calm. He will not fight with peers or act up. This is a friendly, peaceful and smiling child. However, you can be sure: the outwardly soft Taurus is ready to stand up for himself and for those who are weaker, repulsing the enemy.

Taurus is a sign of the Zodiac, for which comfort, both internal and external, is very important. Therefore, since childhood, he loves to eat delicious food, have a good rest in a relaxed atmosphere. He likes active games on the street with peers, the main thing is that laziness does not interfere with him. In the company, he becomes a leader because he strives for justice and does not like to quarrel.

Most of all, the child is afraid of change.. He is strongly attached to his parents, friends and comrades. Therefore, the termination of a relationship is very painful at any age. It is not easy for Taurus to adapt to changes, because they lose a sense of confidence. Often they get a favorite toy that reminds them of home everywhere.

The sign of the Zodiac affects the attitude of Taurus to money. Thrift is characteristic of him from early childhood. He's not the type to spend pocket money on useless knick-knacks. He diligently saves them up to buy something he really needs. A reverent attitude towards money in Taurus persists for life.


Usually Taurus is very attractive in appearance, despite a certain roughness. Most often they are short, stocky, have a strong body, powerful shoulders and developed legs. The eyes are usually dark, large, deep-set. Nature endowed this zodiac sign with an innate sense of beauty, so Taurus knows how to look good. They dress modestly, but with taste, they value convenience in clothes.

Girls are far from fragility and diminutiveness. They have a strong, well-built figure. But, despite this, the Taurus girl looks feminine, likes to imitate her mother, dress up in beautiful clothes. Boys Taurus from the cradle look strong and behave like a man. They tend to emphasize their gender quite early.

In family

The Taurus child needs a strong and friendly family. Physical contact is of great importance to him, so parents should hug and caress him more often, showing their love. He sincerely loves his parents, is proud of them, and is always ready to help. He carries his love for loved ones through his whole life. Family ties are the most important thing in the life of Taurus, so in adolescence it is difficult for him to leave his father's house, where everything is so familiar and sweet to the heart. However, even living separately, he will continue to help the family in word and deed.

Sometimes a little Taurus behaves selfishly, refusing to share toys with brothers and sisters. The reason for this behavior lies in the possessive attitude that characterizes this zodiac sign. Parents must show Taurus that he is loved, then he will stop competing.

He values ​​constancy and stability most of all. He rarely betrays his hobbies, so if he decides to practice singing (by the way, this zodiac sign is naturally endowed with a beautiful voice), he will give himself to him with all passion. But the sports sections are unlikely to please Taurus, so if the child does not like sports, then there is no need to forcibly sign him up for hockey or football.

The Taurus child loves to tinker in the ground, make something, work with his hands - he has golden ones. Parents should encourage these abilities, but do not forget about the spiritual development of the child. Reading books, excursions and communication will help him develop comprehensively. Often a child is afraid to take a step into the world, so parents should be ready to gently guide their child, give him the right guidance.


The Taurus child usually does well in school. He never violates the accepted order, because the knowledge of what can and cannot be done gives him the necessary confidence and calmness. School years can be the best in the life of Taurus, who love orderliness and constancy.

Perhaps, adaptation to new conditions for a first-grader is somewhat more difficult than for peers, but finally getting used to it, Taurus joins the team. He is loved by teachers, classmates respect him for his benevolence and readiness to help. This sign of the Zodiac does not like to argue, sort things out, so it will never get into a fight, preferring to resolve the conflict peacefully.

From childhood, the first earthly sign of the Zodiac learns the world in practice, so at school he also prefers it over theory. Taurus likes to talk more about how an object works than to draw it in the imagination. At the same time, Taurus is characterized by slowness, they switch from one type of activity to another with great difficulty.

Therefore, they need more time to understand the material being studied. Because of this, some children may fall behind in their studies, but they usually compensate for the slowness with diligence and a good memory.

Parents and teachers should be aware of the characteristics of the child, so as not to create stressful situations. In no case should you urge Taurus, punish him for sluggishness. Otherwise, the child will have complexes, self-doubt, which will negatively affect his future life. You just need to give it as much time as it takes. Then the learning process will bring joy to Taurus, and parents will be proud of the child's good academic performance.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Taurus girl - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Taurus is reliable as a rock, and later in life he often becomes a support for other people. Taurus girl is a child who likes to feel confident, then she is able to spread calm and tranquility to others.

If your child is a girl - Taurus

This is a sign of the earth, it is important for people born under this sign to feel solid ground under their feet. Not wanting to soar in the clouds, they quickly lose their bearings with unexpected changes, the absence of routine and regime. The Taurus child needs to discover his abilities himself, he gets annoyed when he is forced to do something.

The Taurus girl does not like it when he is involved in emotional fights and crises, he tends to stand his ground. The emotional power of Taurus comes from his ability to imagine life as continuous and to be content with the simple pleasures of life,

Tauruses play the role of builders. They overcome difficulties and obstacles to achieve their goal, no matter how long it takes. It is amazing to observe endurance in Taurus children; constancy and fidelity are characteristic features of their relationships with other people.

What Parents of a Taurus Girl Need to Know

Taurus girls have the same interest in the practical world and the same need for physical contact as boys. It's useless to tell your daughter "don't touch" when she puts her finger on your makeup or cake batter to taste it; it already obeys the sensuality that it possesses by nature.

Little Taurus girls are happy to explore the world, enjoying ordinary, everyday things. Being the parent of such a child, you can escape from the complexities of life and enjoy the childlike spontaneity.

Taurus value the most necessary things in life - good food, the beauty of nature, people's affection for each other. In childhood, Taurus girls strive to get as many of these benefits as possible - they form a kind of emotional ballast for later life.

Features of raising a Taurus girl

Girls - Taurus are distinguished by a special, inherent only to them femininity. They do not have a love for frills and jewelry, because they value convenience above all else. The word "fragility" does not come to mind at the sight of girls - Taurus, because they are endowed with a fortress characteristic of earth signs.

They are distinguished by sensuality and earthiness. Taurus is not devoid of charm, they know how to use women's tricks to get what they want. They love affection, but this is not importunity, but an attempt to make sure of your constancy: by touching you, girls - Taurus check whether you are really there.

Taurus girl - a child for whom feelings are important

The Taurus girl from childhood pleases her parents with a calm character and outstanding abilities. She gives tenderness and care to loved ones, helps her mother with the housework, and is a good student at school. Love and attention are very important for this baby, because she assigns an important role in her life to feelings.

Taurus girl: general characteristics according to the horoscope

The Taurus girl is a little housewife who will find a use for every thing. It is important for such a child to develop his abilities without the help of parents. The lectures irritate him. On the contrary, he wants to show independence and show others what he is capable of.

A girl of the earth sign of the zodiac is unlikely to wear boyish outfits. She will be happy to try on a beautiful dress, complement it with a bright rim or mother's beads. This little girl wants to be feminine since childhood. She has excellent taste and a refined sense of beauty.

An “earthly” girl needs to touch and taste everything. It is unlikely that she will deny herself the pleasure of rummaging through her mother's cosmetic bag or dipping her finger into the pie dough. It is very important for her that her parents are always there. She can touch one of her relatives to make sure of his presence.

Baby Taurus prefers comfortable things, so she is unlikely to appreciate a beautiful hairpin that pulls her hair. Rather, she will ask her parents to buy her a regular elastic band to wear every day and under any outfit. This child has good physical data, so he can easily go in for sports.

Taurus girl: character

The Taurus girl from childhood gives the main place to feelings, but she treats all things practically. She likes to play with dolls, explore the world around her and express her emotions vividly. The parents of such a child should rejoice that they have the opportunity to enjoy childish spontaneity and forget about business for a while.

The baby of the earth sign of the zodiac appreciates delicious food, the naturalness of nature, bright feelings. As a child, she strives to win the love and affection of others. She likes it when adults hug her, kiss her, praise her. She does not like to be in the center of attention, but she does not tolerate loneliness well.

It is important for a Taurus girl to feel the ground under her feet. She doesn't want to be in the clouds. On adults, she gives the impression of a calm and reasonable child who strives for practicality, order, and discipline. The "earthly" baby herself knows what she needs, so she gets annoyed when her parents demand something from her.

The girl of the zodiac sign Taurus does not like to feel in emotional fights. She firmly defends her position in disputes and tries with all her might to achieve her goal. She likes comfort, she appreciates peace and tranquility. Faced with difficulties, she tries to find a way out of the situation. She is patient, practical and hardy.

Little Taurus are peacemakers. They will never enter into a conflict of their own free will and will try their best to settle the ensuing dispute. If necessary, they will be able to influence others and direct them in the right direction. These children will always give love and tenderness to their parents.

Taurus girl horoscope: early childhood

Daughter Taurus pleases parents with her calmness. She is not curious, so she very rarely asks her father and mother questions. Most of the time, the "earthly" baby plays with dolls or draws. In addition, she almost never cries. She's just too lazy to waste emotions in vain.

The Taurus girl always has a good appetite. She likes delicious food, she eats with pleasure what her mother has prepared. Thanks to good nutrition, this child has a strong physique, grows up strong and healthy, and in school years often begins to play sports.

The "earthly" baby is a gentle and docile creature. She attaches great importance to physical contact, so she often hugs one of her parents. However, once in the spotlight, she often withdraws into herself and does not know what to talk about with new people.

To friends, a girl born under the sign of Taurus is trying to demonstrate her skills. She enjoys participating in games where you need to show your knowledge. She can be caught building a dollhouse, modeling from plasticine, drawing. In the future, such a child can achieve significant success in artistic activity or vocal skills.

An earthly baby needs stability, so she does not tolerate long trips. Even if her parents take her to a resort or camp, she misses home a lot and is truly delighted when she returns to her native walls. For her, a change of residence or a kindergarten is a lot of stress.

If parents treat their daughter Taurus gently, educate her in a friendly environment, then a soft and flexible person, an exemplary housewife and mother, will grow out of her. Rigid requirements will negatively affect the character of the child. Over time, he will become angry and gloomy.

School years of the Taurus girl

The first day at school is hard for a baby born under the sign of Taurus. However, over time, she gets used to the new environment and becomes a diligent student. In the diary, such a child has good grades, he diligently performs homework. But he does this not because he is delighted with the school, but in order to woo the teachers.

The Taurus girl is not late for classes. She tries to follow not only the training regimen, but also her own. She does not get tired of predictability, on the contrary, in a familiar environment she feels more confident. Such a child rarely asks questions to teachers, and before raising his hand, assesses how necessary it is.

The baby of the earth sign of the zodiac likes classes in which you can reason. She is alien to objects where you need to show imagination. This little girl is in no hurry to learn new material. Behind her slowness lies not laziness, but a desire to firmly acquire knowledge. It is important for such a child to maintain a set pace both at home and at school.

The "earthly" girl always brings the work begun to the end. It is difficult for her to switch from one task to another. She is capable of constant, measured work and is ready to demonstrate her knowledge at an opportunity. Clutter annoys her. She needs everything to have its place.

Parents should show the world to the growing daughter Taurus. In the future, this will help her avoid stress when changing the situation. And in order to teach the baby to manage finances, it is best to trust her with small amounts. Soon she will understand that money can be saved, she will gain experience and in adulthood she will be financially secure.

To find a common language with a small body, parents must treat him like an adult. Otherwise, their daughter can demonstrate her stubbornness, or even completely withdraw into herself. With such a child, you need to communicate on an equal footing, without raising your voice to him and not demanding complete obedience.

Characteristics of the youth of the Taurus girl

Growing up, the girl Taurus begins to be interested in boys. She has a strong physique, is distinguished by good health, but at the same time she looks very feminine. Over time, the representative of the earth sign of the zodiac masters the subtleties of communication with men. She can quickly win over a person if she needs it.

The Taurus girl knows what she wants from life. Choosing a profession does not cause her difficulties. She dreams of working in a field that is not associated with hard physical labor, and is not averse to entering the faculty of applied arts, becoming a seller of cosmetics or flowers, a dancer or a singer.

An "earthly" girl usually does well in college, but sometimes gets poor grades due to inattention. Its ready is full of grandiose ideas. In addition, the representative of this zodiac sign is very talented. She can graduate from college with honors if she thinks she needs it.

A girl born under the sign of Taurus strives for a serious relationship. Realizing that by the end of her studies she does not have a permanent partner, she will direct all her efforts to caring for herself and try to find her betrothed. However, the attention of the representative of the earth element will be directed not only to personal life, but also to professional activities.

If a Taurus girl does not marry after coming of age, then she will try to get as much pleasure from life as possible. It is at the age of 18 that the moral foundations will be laid, allowing you to build a future life. The material base of the earthly sign of the zodiac will be created in the period from 20 to 30 years.

The character of the girl according to the zodiac sign: Girl - Taurus

Taurus girls have the same interest in the practical world and the same need for physical contact as boys. It's useless to tell your daughter "don't touch" when she puts her finger on your makeup or cake batter to taste it; it already obeys the sensuality that it possesses by nature. Little girls enjoy exploring the world, enjoying ordinary, everyday things. Being the parent of such a child, you can escape from the complexities of life and enjoy the childlike spontaneity. Taurus value the most necessary things in life - good food, the beauty of nature, people's affection for each other. In childhood, girls strive to get as many of these benefits as possible - they form a kind of emotional ballast for later life, Taurus girls are distinguished by a special femininity inherent only to them. They do not have a love for frills and jewelry, because they value convenience above all else. The word "fragility" does not come to mind at the sight of Taurus girls, because they are endowed with a fortress characteristic of earth signs. They are distinguished by sensuality and earthiness. Taurus is not devoid of charm, they know how to use women's tricks to get what they want. They love affection, but this is not importunity, but an attempt to make sure of your constancy: by touching you, the Taurus girls check whether you are really there.

Character of a girl by zodiac sign for other signs:

Taurus Girl

The Taurus girl from the earliest years is distinguished by seriousness and prudence. The representative of a fixed sign is so focused on her affairs that she has little interest in what is happening around. It has a subtle inner flair, easily recognizes a lie. Close people appreciate her for her loyalty and devotion, despite the rather complex nature. This sweet girl can be quick-tempered and stubborn, you should not test her patience for strength.

The Taurus girl thinks very pragmatically, despite her childhood. She does not need advice and guidance, parents can be confident in the brilliant future of their daughter. The girl will certainly arrange her life in the best possible way without outside help. The representative of the most economic sign of the zodiac strives to achieve financial well-being, has a passion for beautiful, expensive things.

Taurus Girl Personality

The dominant element of the sign is the Earth, its influence explains the melancholic temperament of the girl. A serious, collected Taurus girl has the talent to clearly plan for her future life. From an early age he knows what he wants to become. She will be successful in any business related to material values. Recommended professions: economist, accountant, manager, auditor.

Quite still, the baby Taurus touches with his indispensable desire to help his mother. The little hostess loves to put things in order in the house, her things are neatly collected and laid out in their places. The representative of the second sign of the zodiac is a real woman in all her manifestations: she can turn from a serious lady into a windy coquette in just a second. She is capricious and capricious, loves complements. It is rather difficult to win the heart of a charming girl; she tries to choose a smart, strong and reliable man as her life partner.

In love and friendship, the Taurus girl is a faithful partner. She does not perceive lies and deceit at all, she is always extremely honest with loved ones. The girl will not forget about the promises made to her, she will definitely follow up on their implementation. Taurus has a rare insight: he clearly sees the intentions of the interlocutor, even if he tries to deceive her. Too quickly disappointed in people, earning her forgiveness is a difficult task. The Taurus Girl recognizes only an equal and honest partnership.

Hard work and dedication

Taurus is an earth sign, whose representatives have numerous talents. Often they have "golden hands", they love and know how to create amazing things from the simplest materials. A girl from an early age loves to make crafts, she can do what she loves for hours. An adult girl sets herself only realistic goals, achieves them with commendable perseverance. She will study diligently, gain experience and will definitely achieve heights in her field of activity. Parents can be sure that their daughter - from a simple seamstress will eventually become a famous designer.


The Taurus girl seems to many to be too self-confident. She fiercely defends her opinion only because she is absolutely sure that she is right. Stubbornness and perseverance in achieving a goal are not at all a desire to demonstrate one's superiority. The girl really believes in herself and does only those things that she considers especially important. It is almost impossible to convince Taurus of anything, although sometimes she can take the point of view of a person who is really authoritative for her. Sometimes excessive categoricalness gives her trouble, but the girl stubbornly continues to achieve her plan, not retreating in the face of difficulties. There is no doubt that her success is guaranteed.


The Taurus girl has the ability to easily and simply solve the most difficult issues. She always uses old, proven methods to achieve her goals. Very rarely commits rash acts, especially carefully controls financial spending. Attacks of frivolity are a rare occurrence, a practical Taurus girl must be confident in her future. Since childhood, the girl has felt the need for her own savings, saves with pleasure and comes up with ways to earn money. Parents can be calm about the future of their daughter, she will always live in abundance and prosperity.

How to Raise a Taurus Girl

Still a little girl - a whole person, she will not tolerate interference in her affairs. If the baby decided to study the toy, then with all responsibility she will approach this matter. Mom can scold her daughter as much as she wants, she will still disassemble the complex mechanism into the smallest parts. From an early age, parents should pay attention to the health of the baby. She is too prone to colds, the most vulnerable places of the body: throat, lungs.

During school years, Taurus may encounter some difficulties in their studies. The girl studies with diligence, trying to meet the requirements of teachers. It is not her fault that she is a realist, therefore she is only interested in the material that is related to the material side of life. Conflicts are possible with classmates due to excessive stubbornness: the Taurus girl does not want to obey the opinion of the majority. It is necessary to direct the energy of the child in the right direction, an active girl can bring great benefits to the family and society. Parents can send their daughter to the sports section, perseverance and endurance are qualities that will lead Taurus to success.

In adolescence, the girl is too quick-tempered. She reacts sharply to any comments addressed to her. The Taurus girl painfully perceives every attempt to violate her personal space. Parents should communicate with the obstinate teenager calmly and friendly, avoiding rudeness and violence. The representative of the earth sign is distinguished by prudence, she will not overstep the boundaries of what is permitted without a good reason.

Parents should remember that their daughter from infancy is an independent person. Adults do not have to carefully control her every step, she herself knows how to take care of herself. From an early age, she demonstrates miracles of practicality, parents should support her desire for independence. The girl is attached to her family, appreciates and loves close people, even if sometimes she does not demonstrate the best character traits. The main thing in raising a wayward Taurus girl is patience, love, care.

Taurus Combined Horoscope

Zodiac sign Taurus (child): full characteristics

Not only the name determines some aspects of the personality and even the fate of a person. In this case, you also need to take into account the horoscope. And even though skeptics are not too positive about this statement, life nevertheless shows that such a division of people does take place. Today I want to talk about children. Taurus Child: what kind of baby is it, and how will it differ from its peers - this will be discussed further.

Basics about Taurus children

So, what is he, a child - a representative of this zodiac sign? Initially, it should be noted that these are "earthly" children. That is, their element is earth. They are, in general, calm and assiduous. However, they are distinguished by perseverance and even to some extent stubbornness. It should be noted that such kids need a hard floor under their feet and a reliable rear. That is why Taurus children always value their family and consider it the main support in life. But, despite this, the small representatives of this zodiac sign are independent and independent from their parents. They do not tolerate being led. No need to be surprised if they respond to coercion with aggression and extreme discontent.

But still, it should be noted that the Taurus-child is a calm and balanced person. Very rarely, they break down and get nervous, cause inconvenience to parents and others. If it were not for stubbornness, then this sign could be called ideal. Such children never fight with their peers, yielding to them in almost everything. But that doesn't mean they can't take care of themselves. Such precedents will happen, but extremely rarely. After all, Taurus is very patient and able to endure insults and other inconveniences for a long time. It must also be said that the Taurus child will always stand up for the weaker. Even if you have to go against someone who is stronger or smarter. Such children are not afraid of difficulties, it is important for them that justice always prevails.

And one more very important point: Taurus-child really appreciates comfort and coziness. Such kids just need to live in good conditions, eat tasty food and enjoy their lives. Representatives of this zodiac sign do not need much, but they should always have a comfortable minimum.

Games and entertainment

How does Taurus-child have fun and what will he be fond of? Initially, it is worth recalling that these are calm children. And their games should be the same. Ideally for such kids, a game with a designer, folding puzzles is suitable. These amusements will captivate such a child for a long time, giving parents rest and peace of mind. Taurus also love to read. Prefer mostly fantasy and fairy tales. They should not be denied this. After all, representatives of this sign really like to live in a fictional world.

It is important to note that the Taurus child is a creative person. Such crumbs can try a lot until they find something that is really interesting and exciting. It can be almost anything: drawing, modeling from plasticine or clay, wood carving, burning, embroidery, sewing, dancing, singing, etc. If the baby does not show anything at first glance, you need to try to find him enthusiasm. After all, creativity is one of the most important paths on the life path of representatives of this zodiac sign.

Important: Taurus is naturally endowed with a good voice. They love to sing and do it with great pleasure. If you work on the voice of the Taurus child, he can make an excellent singer.

We consider further the horoscope and the zodiac. Taurus child, it is also important to note, most often cute or attractive. Such children always have a special feature of appearance that attracts attention. It can be plump lips, big eyes, fluffy eyelashes or golden curls. One thing is for sure: such a baby will always and everywhere be admired by others. But this has its own minus: such children are very often exposed to someone else's energy. And unfortunately, not always positive.

Crumbs-Taurus are always stocky, short. They have powerful arms, legs, body. The same applies to girls. The eyes of such children are mostly dark, deep-set. However, even in early childhood, they know how to look good, because they have an innate sense of style. At an older age, as a teenager, it will be very important for Taurus to dress well. This does not mean that children will chase fashion. On the contrary, they will dress as they please. Despite everything and not listening to the opinions of others. It is worth noting that it is among the Taurus that there are so many eccentrics and unusual personalities.

The Taurus Child girl will outwardly be far from the modern ideal. These are not miniature and fragile beauties, which can be called Thumbelina. However, this does not mean at all that such babies are outwardly unattractive. They have charm and charisma, which are sometimes more important than a slender figure. It is important to note that such girls often find themselves in sports, reaching the top in this field.

What else is interesting about Taurus (sign)? Children, as already mentioned above, value their family very much. Relatives for them are the main thing in life, while for other children, friends or entertainment are more important. Parents for such kids are not only authorities, but also the best comrades. Tauruses love and respect their mom and dad, no matter what. We must also not forget that such children are kinesthetic. Physical contact is very important to them. Therefore, they should be hugged and caressed as often as possible. In early childhood, they should feel their mother as often as possible, because of this, in the first year of life they may seem capricious.

If there are several children in the family, Taurus can behave differently in different situations. The elder brother (sister) Taurus is practically the same parent who will take full care of the kids, while bearing full responsibility for their lives and health. You can always rely on such children, leaving the house in charge. However, if Taurus has a weather relative, then difficulties may arise. The child may sometimes act selfishly, refusing to share his toys. But this is all because of jealousy, the struggle for the attention of parents. Such children should not be scolded, they just need to be shown that they are also loved, like the second child. After this, the spirit of rivalry should disappear, and peace and tranquility will be established in the family.

It must also be remembered that the Taurus baby does not like change. For him, stability and constancy are important. Frequent change of residence is not for such kids. It is even difficult for them to leave their home for a while, for example, to go on vacation. During the departure, they experience stress, and to some extent even despair. However, after a while everything returns to normal. Such children return to their father's house with great joy. During the absence, they often get bored, no matter how interesting it may be on vacation.

Let's take a look at the horoscope. The Taurus child, as mentioned above, is very attached to the house. That is why it is often very difficult for him to take a step towards something new. Especially at an older age. His parents should help him with this. Such children from a very early age should be given to various circles, studios and courses so that they visit various places without getting hung up on their home. And if at first such a baby can resist this, later he will definitely say “thank you” for this.

How else is a Taurus child different? The characteristic of this sign suggests that such children study well at school. If desired, they can even be excellent students. However, this is not typical for them. Taurus will study only those sciences that they like and like. What is not interesting, they will just "pass".

Since Tauruses love order and don't like change well, school years can be the golden time for them. And although initially the process of addiction may be delayed (we are talking about first-graders), then everything will be very good. These are children who will not break the established rules and will never go against the system. Therefore, teachers always like them. Taurus are always on good terms with their peers, having no enemies or ill-wishers.

As for your favorite items, do not forget that Taurus are representatives of the earth element. They are practitioners to the core. Therefore, they also like practical sciences, not theoretical ones. Such children will never understand philosophy or rhetoric, but physics or chemistry can become their close friend.

Do not forget that Taurus is very slow. They study well, but they are not able to grasp everything “on the fly”. To understand, they need a little more time than other students. However, they are able to compensate for this with a good memory and perseverance.

Attention: Taurus should never be punished for sluggishness, he should never be urged on. This can be stressful for these kids. After such incidents, kids can lose faith in themselves and their strengths, gain insecurity and complexes. So with the assessments of their activities, one must be extremely careful not to injure or offend in vain.

Let's take a look at the signs of the zodiac. Taurus-child differs from other children in the desire to eat well. If in early childhood all the kids refuse to eat, then the representatives of this sign, on the contrary, love to eat well. Moreover, they are prone to overeating. And this often causes such a problem as obesity and weight gain.

Sweets are very fond of Taurus children. They just can't imagine life without something tasty. But they also like various fruits. They especially love strawberries and melons. And all because these are probably the sweetest berries.

Attitude towards material

The Taurus Child is a boy, however, like a girl, this is a very thrifty child. Nothing ever breaks, gets damaged or lost. They are very careful with all their property. They are economical and not capable of squandering. Such children will never buy anything superfluous for themselves, wanting to raise money for something big and worthwhile. And they do it with no problem. However, such children will not spend their material resources on gifts to relatives, even the closest ones. They will postpone them “for later” and be sure to do so for themselves.

Fears and negative personality traits

It should be noted that Taurus is very afraid of change. For them, this is probably the worst thing that can happen in life. They are strongly attached to people, places, ways of life. And they are reluctant to change. They experience any termination of a relationship very difficult, and this despite their age. It is very difficult for Taurus to adapt to new circumstances. In adulthood, such a person will always have something from childhood in the house to remind him of his father's house.

I must also say that these are very thrifty kids. And often it even goes beyond all permissible boundaries, side by side with greed. To eradicate this negative trait, such a child must be taught to share from a very early age.

Well, the main drawback of the Taurus children is stubbornness. However, it does not manifest itself too often, unless such babies are contradicted for any reason. Otherwise, the child may do the opposite just to get his way.

A few words about girls

What is special about a Taurus child girl? Such babies are very economic, they are attached to the house and even in adolescence they will not walk at night. From girls - representatives of this sign, excellent wives and future good mothers grow up. After all, they are not used to arguing and conflicting. It is easier for them to obey than to achieve their own.

Girls of this sign also do not strive to be the first in the company or at school. But they succeed anyway, because they are very kind and often good-looking. Representatives of this sign make excellent swimmers and athletes.

A few words about boys

What is he, a child-Taurus boy? Such guys, at first glance, may seem like mums and sissies. However, this is absolutely not the case. For them, parents are the strongest authority, that's true. But they also have their own head on their shoulders. The boys of this sign are very slow and calm, they do not look like the brutal guys that girls like so much in their teens. However, such children grow up excellent husbands and fathers. This should not be forgotten.

Combination of two horoscopes

Well, at the very end, I would like to say a few words about what children can be, depending on belonging to the eastern horoscope.

Taurus and Rat. Such children cannot sit in one place, despite their outward calmness. They are very fond of outdoor games, especially with the ball. Their main fear is to appear ridiculous in the eyes of others.

Taurus and Bull. These are children who set themselves inflated goals. They are very dependent on the material, so from childhood they try to earn money. For example, they can do work at home for a certain amount of money. Often they try to use people for their own purposes. However, they rarely succeed.

Taurus and Tiger. These kids are very smart. They seem wise and reasonable beyond their years. They will never be the first to get into a fight and will not argue. Often ambitious, they think that they will succeed. This is where they get burned.

Taurus and Cat. Children of this combination are very calm. They are homebodies to the core. They do not like companies and society, they prefer to be alone with themselves. Uncommunicative.

Taurus and Dragon. Very humble kids. They will never put their "I" above others. Prone to self-sacrifice. Such children really want to be the first, but they do not succeed. Although in the company they can take the role of "gray cardinal".

Taurus and Snake. These kids really want to appear smart. But their knowledge is shallow, superficial. They know everything, but little by little. This is their main problem. At school, teachers like them, but most often relationships with peers do not add up.

Taurus and Horse. This kid is responsible. In addition, such children really want to be useful to others, doing everything even to the detriment of themselves. They are moderately optimistic, they appreciate their strengths, therefore they are never deceived in their expectations and hopes.

Taurus - Goat. The child of this combination is a thinker. He will think it over ten times, and only on the eleventh time will he do it. It should be noted that this is a very contradictory combination. In such a child, laziness and the desire to reach certain heights are constantly fighting. The Taurus Child, born in the year of the Goat, has a very changeable and sentimental character. For girls, this is not so scary yet, but boys with these traits will have to fight all their lives. What else is interesting about the Taurus-Sheep combination? In this case, the child can completely go to school or hobby. And all in order to prove to others their importance.

Taurus and Monkey. These children often have high self-esteem. They believe that everyone must obey them. Because of this, a lot of troubles arise in the company with peers. They love to work in public. Although at heart they are still good guys who will never harm anyone.

Taurus and Rooster. Such a child is a warrior, a soldier. He must achieve his goal with a fight, it’s more interesting for him. If there are no problems, such children can create them themselves, so that later they can solve them on their own. These are strong-willed kids who have a strong character from early childhood.

Taurus and Dog. These kids never hurt anyone. After all, they are able to think before they say or do something. Their main problem is increased caution, which can often play a cruel joke with them.

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