Thunderstorm is a characteristic of the image of Katerina. The image of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm": the tragedy of the "women's share" in the interpretation of A


On the topic: The image of Catherine, his ideological meaning in drama

A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"
Group 1A student
Zavalny Vladimir

Why don't people fly like this
how are the birds?
(A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm")

I. The history of the writing of the drama, the prototype of Catherine.

II. 1. Place of Katerina among other faces of the drama:
A) upbringing and life before marriage
B) living conditions after marriage

2. Character traits Katerina:
A) sincerity and truthfulness
B) passion of nature, depth and great power of feelings
C) determination, willpower

3. Katerina and the society of Kalinov:
A) with whom and for what is the fight
B) what is the basis of the internal struggle in the soul of Katerina
C) what events prompted public repentance
D) what events led to suicide
E) why Boris and Tikhon could not help
E) the difference between Katerina's protest and Kulibin's protest

III. The role of the image of Katerina for contemporaries and subsequent generations of Russian people.

There is a version that Ostrovsky wrote "Thunderstorm", being in love with a married actress of the Maly Theater Lyuba Kositskaya. It was for her that he wrote his Katerina, it was she who played her. However, the actress did not respond to the writer's fiery love - she loved another, who later brought her to poverty and early death. But then, in 1859, Lyubov Pavlovna played like her own destiny, lived with feelings that were understandable to her, creating the image of a young touching Katerina, who conquered even the emperor himself.

Katerina grew up in a wealthy merchant's house easily, carefree, joyfully. Telling Varvara about her life before marriage, she says:
“I lived, I didn’t grieve about anything, like a bird in the wild. Mom did not have a soul in me, dressed me up like a doll, didn’t force me to work, what I want, it happened, that’s what I do.” Growing up in a good family, she acquired and retained all the beautiful features of the Russian character. It's pure open soul who can't lie. “I don’t know how to deceive; I can’t hide anything,” she says to Varvara.

And it is impossible to live in the husband's family, not knowing how to pretend. Katerina's main conflict is with her mother-in-law Kabanikha, who keeps everyone in the house in fear. The philosophy of Kabanikhi is to frighten and humiliate. Her daughter Varvara and son Tikhon adapted to such a life, creating the appearance of obedience, but took their souls away on the side - if only "it was sewn and covered" (Varvara - walking at night, and Tikhon - getting drunk and leading a wild life, breaking out of the house) .

Katerina, quiet, not interfering in household affairs, scares the Kabanikha. With what? - With its purity, hot, sincere soul, which does not tolerate falsehood. So, Katerina does not pretend that she honors customs that she does not accept with her soul: she did not howl after her husband left, as her mother-in-law wanted.
Yes, and she immediately confessed her love for Boris - first to Varvara, and after the arrival of her husband - to him and her mother-in-law. The depth, strength and passion of her nature are manifested in her words that if life here becomes disgusting to her, then nothing can hold her back - either she will throw herself out the window, or drown herself in the Volga. And her dreams are "strange", incomprehensible to the local inhabitants: "Why don't people fly like birds?"
And what courage, willpower, a married woman had to have in order to confess her love to Boris, putting into him all her desire for freedom, happiness. It is these qualities of Katerina that come into conflict with the world of Marfa Kabanova, for whom blind worship of the traditions of antiquity is not a spiritual need, but the only chance to maintain her power. Even to religion they have different attitude: Katerina has this natural feeling (“I loved going to church to death! It’s like, it happened, I’ll go to heaven”), while Kabanikha has hypocrisy, formality (quickly passes from thoughts about God to everyday affairs).

Katerina is the best, but still part of the patriarchal system - she is inherent in religious fear (she is afraid of thunderstorms as a punishment for sin). It was the thunderstorm and the fear of the punishment of the Lord, and even the feeling of guilt before her husband that prompted her to publicly confess her sin.

She flees from a hated house, where her husband takes pity on her, but beats her (because it is necessary); seeks Boris for protection, hoping for help, but finds only the sympathy and impotence of a loved one. Boris is weak, weak-willed. “Oh, if only there was strength!” was all he could say. Katerina is left alone and throws herself off a cliff, not wanting to live in this scary world. I believe that this act is not from weakness, but from the strength of her character.

Katerina's protest is stronger than Kuligin's, who depends on " the mighty of the world this," and therefore goes no further than verbal reasoning.

The image of Katerina calls for freedom, spiritual emancipation. According to Dobrolyubov, "She is eager for a new life, even if she had to die in this impulse" Her impulse, death is not in vain: after all, Varvara left the house, Tikhon rebelled, the world of Kabanikha collapses (having lost authority, she can only go to the monastery). No wonder the play was banned from staging, seeing in it "a veiled appeal to indignation." The townsfolk did not let their daughters see the play.

For us, the image of Katerina is the image of a beautiful Russian, pure, bright soul. This is what prompts us to fight the "dark" forces of tyranny, ignorance, rudeness, opportunism, which exist to this day.

Tasks and tests on the topic "The image of Catherine, its ideological meaning in the drama of A.N. Ostrovsky Thunderstorm"

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Infringed in the rights and early married. Most of the marriages of that time were calculated for profit. If the chosen one was from a wealthy family, this could help to get a high rank. Marry even if not for a loved one young man, and the wealthy and rich were in the order of things. There was no such thing as divorce. Apparently, from such calculations, Katerina was also married to a rich young man, a merchant's son. married life did not bring her happiness or love, but, on the contrary, became the embodiment of hell, filled with the despotism of the mother-in-law and the lies of the surrounding people.

This image in Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" is the main and at the same time the most controversial. She differs from the inhabitants of Kalinov in her strength of character and self-esteem.

Katerina's life in her parents' house

The formation of her personality was greatly influenced by her childhood, which Katya likes to remember. Her father was a wealthy merchant, she did not feel the need, mother's love and care surrounded her from birth. Her childhood passed cheerfully and carefree.

The main features of Katherine can be called:

  • kindness
  • sincerity;
  • openness.

Her parents took her to church with them, and then she walked and devoted her days to her favorite work. Passion for the church began in childhood with attending church services. Later, it was in the church that Boris would pay attention to her.

When Katerina was nineteen years old, she was given in marriage. And, although, in her husband's house there is everything the same: both walks and work, this no longer gives Katya such pleasure as in childhood.

The former lightness is no longer there, only duties remain. The feeling of support and love of the mother helped her to believe in the existence higher powers. Marriage, which separated her from her mother, deprived Katya of the main thing: love and freedom.

Composition on the topic “the image of Katerina in the Thunderstorm” would be incomplete without getting to know her surroundings. It:

  • husband Tikhon;
  • mother-in-law Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova;
  • husband's sister Barbara.

The person who hurt her family life- mother-in-law Marfa Ignatievna. Her cruelty, control over the household and subordinating them to her will also apply to her daughter-in-law. The long-awaited wedding of her son did not make her happy. But Katya manages to resist her influence thanks to the strength of her character. This scares the Kabanikha. With all the power in the house, she cannot allow Katerina to influence her husband. And he reproaches his son for loving his wife more than his mother.

In conversations between Katerina Tikhon and Marfa Ignatievna, when the latter openly provokes her daughter-in-law, Katya behaves extremely dignified and friendly, not allowing the conversation to turn into a skirmish, answers briefly and to the point. When Katya says that she loves her like her own mother, the mother-in-law does not believe her, calling it a pretense in front of others. Nevertheless, Katya's spirit cannot be broken. Even in communication with her mother-in-law, she addresses her with “You”, showing by this that they are on the same level, while Tikhon addresses her mother exclusively with “You”.

Katerina's husband cannot be considered either positive or negative characters. In fact, he is a child tired of the control of the parent. However, his behavior and actions are not aimed at changing the situation, all his words end with complaints about his existence. Sister Varvara reproaches him for being unable to stand up for his wife.

In communication with Varvara, Katya is sincere. Varvara warns her that life in this house is impossible without lies, and helps arrange a meeting with her lover.

The connection with Boris is fully revealed by the characterization of Katerina from the play "Thunderstorm". Their relationship develops rapidly. Arriving from Moscow, he fell in love with Katya, and the girl reciprocates his feelings. Although the status of a married woman worries him, he is unable to refuse dates with her. Katya struggles with her feelings, does not want to violate the laws of Christianity, but during her husband's departure, she secretly goes on dates.

After the arrival of Tikhon, on the initiative of Boris, the dates are stopped, he hopes to keep them a secret. But this is contrary to the principles of Katerina, she cannot lie either to others or to herself. The thunderstorm that has begun pushes her to tell about the betrayal, in this she sees a sign from above. Boris wants to go to Siberia, but refuses to take her with him to her request. He probably does not need her, there was no love on his part.

And for Katya, he was a sip fresh air. Having appeared in Kalinov from a foreign world, he brought with him a sense of freedom, which she lacked so much. The rich imagination of the girl appropriated to him those features that Boris never had. And she fell in love, but not with a person, but with her idea of ​​him.

The break with Boris and the inability to connect with Tikhon ends tragically for Katerina. The realization of the impossibility of living in this world prompts her to throw herself into the river. In order to break one of the strictest Christian prohibitions, Katerina needs to have great willpower, but the circumstances leave her no choice.

A. N. Ostrovsky in each of his plays created and showed multifaceted characters, whose life is interesting to watch. One of the playwright's works tells about a girl who committed suicide, unable to withstand the pressure of circumstances. The development of the character of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky, as well as her emotional experiences, are the main driving forces plot.

In the list of actors, Ostrovsky designates Katerina as the wife of Tikhon Kabanov. With the development of the plot, the reader gradually reveals the image of Katya, realizing that this character is not exhausted by the function of the wife. The character of Katerina in the drama "Thunderstorm" can be called strong. Despite the unhealthy situation in the family, Katya managed to maintain purity and firmness. She refuses to accept the rules of the game, living by her own. For example, Tikhon obeys his mother in everything. In one of the first dialogues, Kabanov convinces his mother that he does not have his own opinion. But soon the topic of conversation changes - and now Kabanikha, as if casually, accuses Katerina of the fact that Tikhon loves her more. Until this moment, Katerina did not participate in the conversation, but now she is offended by the words of her mother-in-law. The girl addresses Kabanikha as you, which can be regarded as a hidden disrespect, as well as some kind of equality. Katerina puts herself on a par with her, denying the family hierarchy. Katya politely expresses her dissatisfaction with the slander, emphasizing that in public she is the same as at home, and there is no need for her to pretend. This remark actually speaks of Katya as strong man. In the course of the story, we learn that the tyranny of the Kabanikh applies only to the family, and in society the old woman talks about maintaining family orders and proper upbringing, covering up her cruelty with words about the benefactor. The author shows that Katerina, firstly, is aware of the behavior of her mother-in-law; secondly, I disagree with this; and, thirdly, he openly declares to Kabanikhe, whom even his own son cannot object to, about his views. However, Kabanikha does not leave attempts to humiliate her daughter-in-law, forcing her to kneel before her husband.

Sometimes a girl remembers how she lived before. Katerina's childhood was quite carefree. The girl went to church with her mother, sang songs, walked, according to Katya, she didn’t have everything that could be. Katya compares herself before marriage with a free bird: she was left to herself, she controlled her own life. And now Katya often compares herself to a bird. Why don't people fly like birds? she says to Barbara. “You know, sometimes I feel like I’m a bird.” But such a bird cannot fly away. Once in a cage with thick bars, Katerina gradually suffocates in captivity. Such a freedom-loving person as Katya cannot exist in the rigid framework of the kingdom of lies and hypocrisy. Everything in Katya seems to breathe with feelings and love for the most unique - for life itself. Once in the Kabanov family, the girl loses this inner feeling. Her life is similar to life before marriage: the same songs, the same trips to church. But now, in such a hypocritical environment, Katya feels false.

It is surprising that having such inner strength, Katya does not oppose herself to others. She is “a martyr, a prisoner, deprived of the opportunity to grow, develop,” but she does not consider herself as such. Through the "millstone of hostility and malicious envy" she tries to pass with dignity, without losing or vulgarizing her essence.

Katya can easily be called bold. Indeed, the girl tried to fight the feelings that flared up in her for Boris, but still decided to meet him. Katya takes responsibility for her own destiny and decisions. In a sense, during the secret meetings with Boris, Katya gains freedom. She is not afraid of "neither sin nor human judgment." Finally, a girl can do what her heart tells her to do.

But with the return of Tikhon, their meetings cease. Katya's desire to tell about her relationship with Diky's nephew does not please Boris. He hopes that the girl will remain silent, dragging her into the net. dark kingdom”, from which Katya tried so desperately to escape. One of the critics of the drama, Melnikov-Pechersky, surprisingly aptly described Katerina: “a young woman, having fallen under the yoke of this old woman, experiences thousands of moral torments and at the same time realizes that God has put an ardent heart in her, that passions are raging in her young breast , not at all compatible with the seclusion of married women, which dominates the environment where Katerina found herself.

Neither the confession of treason, nor the conversation with Boris lived up to Katerina's hopes. For her, difference and discrepancy real world and visions of the future proved fatal. The decision to rush into the Volga was not spontaneous - Katya had long felt the approaching death. She was afraid of the approach of a thunderstorm, seeing in it retribution for sins and bad thoughts. frank confession Katerina becomes like a desperate communion, a desire to be honest to the end. It is noteworthy that between the events a confession of treason - a conversation with Boris - suicide takes some time. And all these days the girl suffers insults and curses from her mother-in-law, who wants to bury her alive in the ground.

You can’t condemn the heroine, talk about the weakness of Katerina’s character in The Thunderstorm. Nevertheless, even having committed such a sin, Katya remains as pure and innocent as in the first acts of the play.

Discussing the strength or weakness of Katerina's character can be useful for grade 10 students when writing an essay on the topic "Katerina's character in the play" Thunderstorm "".

Artwork test

Perhaps, few works of that time, and even among the works of the author Ostrovsky himself, could cause so much heated debate than the play "Thunderstorm".

The desperate act of Katerina Kabanova, who crossed the line of life and death, causes both sympathetic understanding and sharp rejection. There is no single opinion, and there cannot be.

Characteristics of the heroine

The beloved and spoiled daughter of a merchant family, Katerina marries Tikhon, turning her world upside down. On the example of her parents and a new family, we see how different it can be patriarchy: ostentatious and demonstrative (what will the neighbors say? what will the acquaintances think?), or deep and sincere, hidden from prying eyes.

The lack of a full-fledged education contributes to the fate of this woman. According to Katerina's stories, she learned her knowledge from the stories of her mother and father, as well as praying women and wanderers. Faith in people and admiration for the world created by God - these are its main features. Katerina did not know hard work, she loved to go to church, which seemed to her a fabulous temple, where angels were waiting for her.

(Kiryushina Galina Aleksandrovna as Katerina, stage of the Maly Theater)

A cloudless and happy childhood is quickly replaced by a bleak marriage. A kind, naive and very religious girl for the first time faced with undisguised hatred for the people around her. AT new family there is no more room for angels and joy. Yes, and marriage itself is not at all for love. And if Katerina hopes to fall in love with Tikhon, then Kabanikha - as her mother-in-law is called by everyone around - leaves no chance for either her son or daughter-in-law. Perhaps Tikhon would have become the one who would have made Katya happy, but only under the wing of his mother he does not know such feelings as love.

Meeting with Boris gives the unfortunate woman hope that life can still change and become better. The black atmosphere of the house pushes her to rebel and try to fight for her happiness. Going on a date, she realizes that she is committing a sin. This feeling does not leave her either before or after. Firm faith in God and awareness of the depravity of the perfect deed push Katerina to confess everything to her husband and mother-in-law.

The image of the heroine in the work

(Scene from drama)

Struck, but deep down understanding his wife, Tikhon does not condemn her. Only Katerina herself does not feel better about this. Forgiving yourself is much harder. Perhaps she wanted to relieve her mental turmoil with a confession, but it just didn’t work out. She doesn't need forgiveness. The very thought of returning to the house for her becomes identical with death, only not instantaneous, but long, painful, inevitable. According to the religious canon, suicide is a mortal sin that cannot be forgiven. But this does not stop the desperate woman.

In her thoughts, Katya often imagines herself as a bird, her soul is torn to heaven. She is unbearable to live in Kalinovo. Having fallen in love with Boris, who has recently arrived in the city, she imagines how they will leave the hated city together. Love is seen as a real and so close salvation. Yes, only a mutual desire is needed to fulfill a dream ...

(Fragment from a dramatic production)

Having met Boris on the banks of the Volga, Katerina is deeply disappointed. Once upon a time, such a beautiful young man resolutely refuses to take with him married woman, giving her the final blow to her heart with his refusal. Katya does not want to be a stumbling block in her family anymore, to continue to drag out a bleak existence, to break her soul day after day for the sake of her mother-in-law.

And here it is - very close, you just need to take a step off the cliff into the waters of the Volga. And the storm seems to her the most that neither is an indication from above. What Katya once thought only vaguely, afraid to admit to herself in sinful thoughts, turned out to be the most easy way out. Not finding her place, support, love, she decides to take this very last step.

Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" was written a year before the abolition of serfdom, in 1859. This work stands out among the other plays of the playwright due to the character main character. In The Thunderstorm, Katerina is the main character through which the conflict of the play is shown. Katerina is not like other residents of Kalinov, she is distinguished by a special perception of life, strength of character and self-esteem. The image of Katerina from the play "Thunderstorm" is formed due to the combination of many factors. For example, words, thoughts, environment, actions.


Katya is about 19 years old, she was married early. From Katerina's monologue in the first act, we learn about Katya's childhood. Mommy "didn't have a soul" in her. Together with her parents, the girl went to church, walked, and then did some work. Katerina Kabanova recalls all this with light sadness. An interesting phrase of Varvara that "we have the same thing." But now Katya does not have a feeling of lightness, now "everything is done under duress." In fact, life before marriage practically did not differ from life after: the same actions, the same events. But now Katya treats everything differently. Then she felt supported, felt alive, she had amazing dreams about flying. “And now they dream,” but only much less often. Before marriage, Katerina felt the movement of life, the presence of some higher forces in this world, she was devout: “how she loved to go to church with passion! " From the early childhood Katerina had everything she needed: mother's love and freedom. Now, by the will of circumstances, she is cut off from native person and deprived of liberty.


Katerina lives in the same house with her husband, her husband's sister and mother-in-law. This circumstance alone does not contribute to a happy family life. However, the situation is worsened by the fact that Kabanikha, Katya's mother-in-law, is a cruel and greedy person. Greed here should be understood as a passionate, bordering on insanity, desire for something. The boar wants to subordinate everyone and everything to his will. One experience with Tikhon went well for her, the next victim was Katerina. Despite the fact that Marfa Ignatievna was waiting for her son's wedding, she is unhappy with her daughter-in-law. Kabanikha did not expect that Katerina would be so strong in character that she could silently resist her influence. The old woman understands that Katya can turn Tikhon against her mother, she is afraid of this, so she tries in every possible way to break Katya in order to avoid such a development of events. Kabanikha says that Tikhon's wife has long become dearer than her mother.

“Boar: Al wife takes you away from me, I don’t know.
Kabanov: No, mother! What are you, have mercy!
Katerina: For me, mama, it's all the same own mother that you, and Tikhon loves you too.
Kabanova: You, it seems, could be silent if you are not asked. What did you jump out in the eyes of something to poke! To see, or what, how you love your husband?

So we know, we know, in the eyes of something you prove it to everyone.
Katerina: You are talking about me, mother, in vain. With people, that without people, I’m all alone, I don’t prove anything from myself ”

Katerina's answer is quite interesting for several reasons. She, unlike Tikhon, addresses Marfa Ignatievna as you, as if putting herself on a par with her. Katya draws Kabanikhi's attention to the fact that she is not pretending and is not trying to seem like someone she is not. Despite the fact that Katya fulfills the humiliating request to kneel before Tikhon, this does not speak of her humility. Katerina is offended by false words: “Who cares to endure in vain?” - with this answer, Katya not only defends herself, but also reproaches the Kabanikha with lies and slander.

Katerina's husband in The Thunderstorm appears to be a gray man. Tikhon is like an overgrown child who is tired of his mother's care, but at the same time does not try to change the situation, but only complains about life. Even his sister, Varvara, reproaches Tikhon with the fact that he cannot protect Katya from the attacks of Marfa Ignatievna. Barbara is the only person who is at least a little interested in Katya, but still she inclines the girl to the fact that she will have to lie and squirm in order to survive in this family.

Relationship with Boris

In The Thunderstorm, the image of Katerina is revealed through love line. Boris came from Moscow on business related to receiving an inheritance. Feelings for Katya flare up suddenly, as do the girl's reciprocal feelings. This is love at first sight. Boris is worried that Katya is married, but he continues to look for meetings with her. Katya, realizing her feelings, tries to give them up. Treason is contrary to the laws of Christian morality and society. Barbara helps the lovers meet. For ten whole days, Katya secretly meets with Boris (while Tikhon was away). Having learned about the arrival of Tikhon, Boris refuses to meet with Katya, he asks Varvara to persuade Katya to keep quiet about their secret meetings. But Katerina is not such a person: she needs to be honest with others and herself. She is afraid of God's punishment for her sin, therefore she regards the raging thunderstorm as a sign from above and talks about betrayal. After that, Katya decides to talk to Boris. It turns out that he is going to leave for Siberia for a few days, but he cannot take the girl with him. It is obvious that Boris does not really need Katya, that he did not love her. But Katya did not like Boris either. More precisely, she loved, but not Boris. In The Thunderstorm, Ostrovsky's image of Katerina endowed her with the ability to see the good in everything, endowed the girl with a surprisingly strong imagination. Katya thought up the image of Boris, she saw in him one of his features - the rejection of Kalinov's reality - and made it the main one, refusing to see other sides. After all, Boris came to ask for money from Wild, just as other Kalinovites did. Boris was for Katya a person from another world, from the world of freedom, the one that the girl dreamed of. Therefore, Boris himself becomes a kind of embodiment of freedom for Katya. She falls in love not with him, but with her ideas about him.

The drama "Thunderstorm" ends tragically. Katya rushes into the Volga, realizing that she cannot live in such a world. And there is no other world. The girl, despite her religiosity, commits one of the worst sins of the Christian paradigm. It takes a lot of willpower to make such a decision. Unfortunately, in those circumstances, the girl had no other choice. Surprisingly, Katya maintains inner purity even after committing suicide.

A detailed disclosure of the image of the main character and a description of her relationship with others actors The play will be useful to 10 classes in preparation for an essay on the topic “The image of Katerina in the play “Thunderstorm””.

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