How the world of the boar family is revealed. What are the customs of the Kabanov family? Katerina as the embodiment of a pure, strong and bright people's soul

The play "Thunderstorm", written by A.N. Ostrovsky, tells about the people of the 19th century and tells about the life of provincial Russia of that time. The main actions in the work take place in the town of Kalinov, which is located on the high bank of the Volga. Against the backdrop of the dazzling attractiveness of the surrounding nature and tranquility, a tragedy occurred that disrupted the quiet life of this town.

Not everything is so wonderful in Kalinov. Here, in people's homes, there are frequent assaults and screams, and hard-hidden tears are shed. Approximately in the middle of the work tells about the life of one of the merchant families. Of course, there are a lot of such families in the city, and even more in the whole of Russia. But our life is arranged in such a way that all people observe certain rules and laws, and any disobedience to them is considered either a shame or a sin.

The most authoritative person from the Kabanov family is Marfa Ignatievna, a mother and a wealthy widow. It is she who commands relatives and introduces her own rules and orders in the family. So the last name suits her - Kabanova. This woman is stupid and uneducated, but very powerful. Martha is very cruel and stubborn, demanding that everyone follow her rules. Marfa Ignatievna is a very strong woman. She believes that the family is the most important thing and requires the subordination of all household members. But the woman loves her children very much - her son and daughter. The boar is condescending to her daughter Barbara, often letting the girl go to talk with young people, knowing how hard it will be for her daughter to be married. But she very often reproaches her daughter-in-law Katerina, makes the girl live the way she wants, and controls her every breath. Perhaps the woman is simply jealous of her daughter-in-law for her son! Her son's name is Tikhon. He is weak-willed, obedient and respects the opinion of his mother very much. Due to his weak character, he cannot object to his mother, he was brought up in obedience, the opinion of his mother is very important to him. According to Tikhon, every family should be built on love and mutual understanding, but he cannot disobey his domineering mother, nor can he stand up for himself and his wife, so he can only seek solace in alcohol. With her imperious character, the mother kills a man in him, making him a defenseless weakling. Tikhon cannot play the role of a husband and protector of his family, he does not know how to take care of family well-being. In the eyes of Katerina, he looks like a complete nonentity, and not a husband. She has no love for him, she pities him only and endures.

Varvara, Tikhon's sister, is much bolder and stronger than her brother. The girl secretly from her mother walks with her beloved Curly and does not report to Martha for every step she takes. Undoubtedly, it is easier for her to live than for Katerina. Varvara is always trying to get through to Katerina and explain to her that it is impossible to survive in their house without deception. But Katerina does not know how to lie.

Katerina has always been a stranger in this house, she is here as if in a prison, and everything happens against her will. In her own home, she was surrounded by affection and love, which she deserved. And in the house of Kabanikha, Katerina lives like a bird in a cage: in captivity she is sad, she patiently endures the drunkenness of her unloved husband and the undeserved reproaches of her mother-in-law. And she has no children, she has no one to give love and affection.

Fleeing from this horror, Katerina is looking for a person who could become her support, her protector, she is looking for true love. And because of this, the weak-willed and weak Boris, Dikiy's nephew, became in her eyes the best man, an ideal unlike her husband. She doesn't seem to see his flaws. But Boris failed to fall in love with Katerina. And we see Tikhon much better and nobler than him. Tikhon allows Katerina everything, because he loves her.

Because of this, Katerina's suicide was to be expected. She can no longer survive under the control of the Kabanikha. This tragedy stirred up the quiet life of this city, and even the cowardly Tikhon began to go against the will of his mother.

The example of the Kabanov family shows us that it is impossible to build relationships in the family on the principle of subordinating a weak person to a strong one. Domostroy foundations are crumbling, the power of autocrats is passing. A weak woman challenges the wild world with her death. However, suicide is not the best way out of this situation. Katherine could have made a different choice. For example, she could go to a monastery to devote her life to God, because she was very pious. However, the heroine chooses death, which becomes her strength and at the same time her weakness.

The image of the "dark kingdom" in the work "Thunderstorm" embodies the provincial town of Kalinov. The poor in it are forced to work around the clock, rich people prefer to spend time behind high fences and "eat" everyone who is in a state of dependence on them. The customs of the patriarchal merchant class are personified by the Kabanov family.

Marfa Ignatievna, a wealthy merchant's wife, is called nothing more than "Boar". This nickname gives the impression of something unpleasant. The heroine has a difficult character. She is despotic, power-hungry. Boar

He does not recognize anything new and believes in the power of rituals. She loves children in her own way, but considers them incapable of making their own choices. Marfa Ignatievna does not tolerate objections. Son Tikhon tries to be out of the house as often as possible so as not to be influenced by her, and daughter Varvara learns to deceive. Only Katerina, Kabanikh's daughter-in-law, can neither pretend nor go somewhere. She believes in the best and cannot stand the cruel morals that reign in the family.

Readers can remember Tikhon only as the son of Kabanikha - this is exactly the description the author gives him at the beginning of the work. The hero has a weak character. His desire to leave

Out of control is expressed in sprees away from home. Tikhon loves his wife and does not want to hurt her. He is at odds with himself and cannot choose between his overbearing mother and Katerina. Kabanov opposes Marfa Ignatievna when it is already too late: his wife passes away.

The character of Varvara Kabanova can be described by her name: "barbarian, foreigner." As long as the heroine manages to deceive her mother, she does not enter into open conflict. “If only everything was sewn and covered” - such a rule is true for the Kabanovs' house. As soon as the secret becomes clear, and Kabanikha tries to restrict her daughter's freedom, Varvara runs away. There is no doubt that her ability to adapt to circumstances will prove useful.

Katerina was never able to become part of the Kabanov family. She spends most of her time reminiscing about the past. A young woman dreams of flying like a bird, of being free. Nothing can keep her in the "dark kingdom": Boris does not pass the test of love, Tikhon does not dare to object to his mother ... A thunderstorm begins in Katerina's life. She dies, remaining proud and independent.

Thus, the Kabanov family in the play is represented by several characteristic images. Similar people can be found in different cities. Ostrovsky gives an exhaustive description of the patriarchal world and the people who live in it.

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The main character in the Kabanov family is the mother, a wealthy widow Marfa Ignatievna. It is she who dictates her own rules in the family and commands the household. It is no coincidence that her last name is Kabanova. There is something animal in this woman: she is uneducated, but powerful, cruel and stubborn, she demands that everyone obey her, honor the foundations of house building and observe its traditions. Marfa Ignatievna is a strong woman. She considers the family to be the most important, the basis of social order and demands the uncomplaining obedience of her children and daughter-in-law. However, she sincerely loves her son and daughter, and her remarks speak of this: "After all, out of love, parents are strict with you, everyone thinks to teach good"

The work consists of 1 file

What are the customs of the Kabanov family?

The main character in the Kabanov family is the mother, a wealthy widow Marfa Ignatievna. It is she who dictates her own rules in the family and commands the household. It is no coincidence that her last name is Kabanova. There is something animal in this woman: she is uneducated, but powerful, cruel and stubborn, she demands that everyone obey her, honor the foundations of house building and observe its traditions. Marfa Ignatievna is a strong woman. She considers the family to be the most important, the basis of social order and demands the uncomplaining obedience of her children and daughter-in-law. However, she sincerely loves her son and daughter, and her remarks speak of this: "After all, out of love, parents are strict with you, everyone thinks to teach good." The boar is condescending to Varvara, lets her go for a walk with the youth, realizing how hard it will be for her in marriage. But she constantly reproaches her daughter-in-law Katerina, controls her every step, makes Katerina live the way she considers right. Perhaps she is jealous of her daughter-in-law for her son, which is why she is so unkind to her. “Since I got married, I don’t see the same love from you,” she says, turning to Tikhon. And he is unable to object to his mother, since the person is weak-willed, brought up in obedience, respects the opinion of his mother. Let us pay attention to Tikhon's remarks: "But how can I, mother, disobey you!"; "I, mother, don't take a single step out of your will," etc. However, this is only the outer side of his behavior. He does not want to live according to the laws of house building, he does not want to make his wife his slave, a thing: "But why be afraid? It's enough for me that she loves me." Tikhon believes that relations between a man and a woman in a family should be based on the principles of love and mutual understanding, and not on the subordination of one to the other. And yet he cannot disobey an imperious mother and stand up for his beloved woman. Therefore, Tikhon seeks solace in drunkenness. The mother, with her imperious character, suppresses the man in him, making him weak and defenseless. Tikhon is not ready to play the role of a husband, a protector, to take care of family well-being. Therefore, in the eyes of Katerina, he is a nonentity, and not a husband. She does not love him, but only regrets, suffers.

Tikhon's sister Varvara is much stronger and bolder than her brother. She adapted to life in her mother's house, where everything is based on deceit, and now lives by the principle: "Doing whatever you want, if only everything was sewn and covered." Barbara, secretly from her mother, meets with her beloved Curly, does not report to Kabanikha for her every step. However, it is easier for her to live - an unmarried girl is free, and therefore she is not kept under lock and key, like Katerina. Varvara tries to explain to Katerina that it is impossible to live in their house without deception. But her brother's wife is incapable of this: "I don't know how to deceive, I can't hide anything."

Katerina is a stranger in the Kabanovs' house, everything here is "as if from under bondage" for her. In the parental home, she was surrounded by love and affection, she was free: "... what I want, it happened, I do it." Her soul is like a bird, she must live in free flight. And in the mother-in-law's house, Katerina is like a bird in a cage: she yearns in captivity, endures the undeserved reproaches of her mother-in-law and the drunkenness of her unloved husband. She does not even have children to give them her affection, love, attention.

Fleeing from family despotism, Katerina is looking for support in life, such a person on whom she could rely, to truly love. And so the weak and weak-willed nephew of Wild Boris becomes in her eyes the ideal of a man, unlike her husband. She does not seem to notice his shortcomings. But Boris turned out to be a man unable to understand Katerina, to love her just as selflessly. After all, he throws her at the mercy of her mother-in-law. And Tikhon looks much nobler than Boris: he forgives Katerina everything, because he truly loves her.

Therefore, Katerina's suicide is a pattern. She cannot live under the yoke of the Kabanikh and forgive the betrayal of Boris. This tragedy stirred up the quiet life of a provincial town, and even the timid, weak-willed Tikhon begins to protest against his mother: "Mamma, it was you who ruined her! You, you, you ..."

On the example of the Kabanov family, we see that relations in the family cannot be built on the principle of subordinating the weak to the strong, the house-building foundations are being destroyed, the power of the autocrats is passing away. And even a weak woman can challenge this wild world with her death. And yet I believe that suicide is not the best way out of this situation. Katherine could have done differently. For example, go to a monastery and devote your life to serving God, because she is a very religious woman. But the heroine chooses death, and this is both her strength and her weakness.

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