Scottish cats scottish. The most recognizable features of appearance. What to feed Scottish Fold kittens

There are many amazing breeds of cats in the world: tailless, curly, smooth-haired, shaggy and completely naked. And every breed has its fans. Cats are loved, since ancient times they are considered the most intelligent, affectionate and graceful animals. One of the most charming breeds is the Scottish Straight Cat. Her appearance does not at all contradict the traditional beauty of the cat family. A cute little face with a snub nose and huge eyes has long won human love and respect.

It is known that the Scottish straight-eared cat existed several centuries ago. However, the lop-eared breed appeared quite recently. In Scotland, in 1962, in one village, an amazing kitten with straight, hanging ears was born to an ordinary cat. They were turned back, and their tips stuck down. Such a phenomenon, according to scientists, is associated with but no deviations in the body and character of the new breed, except for the external original look, no more were found.

This is how British and American cats appeared in the world. British and American cats also took part in the formation of the Scottish Fold breed. There are four varieties of these short-haired fold, short-haired straight, long-haired fold and long-haired straight. The main ones are - a spherical small head with large round and hanging auricles, as well as wide-open eyes, giving a childish naive look.

cat: character and habits

In addition to the unusual touching appearance, animals have a lot of positive aspects. These are graceful calm cats, but at the same time they are playful, which does not disappear even in adulthood. They are very wise and hardy, with a sense of dignity and a wonderful accommodating character.

These plush lumps do not require special attention and care. They get along well with small children and love their owners. In Russia, the Scottish straight-eared cat is the most popular and beloved animal. The Scot curls up on his knees with great pleasure, loves hands and affection. He is absolutely non-vindictive and good-natured. Friendly, sociable, balanced - such are they, Scottish straight cats. See photo below.

Possessing inexhaustible and enviable patience, these animals quickly adapt to conditions, get along well even with other animals. They are real aristocrats - naturally educated, smart and easy to train. Often they are taken to circus artists. Even quite little kitty easily accustomed to the toilet and scratching posts. In food, animals are also picky - they eat almost everything they give. A characteristic and amazing feature of this breed is the ability to stand on its hind legs.

This is what they do when they ask for something or want to get some object that interests them. The Scottish straight-eared cat is a true companion. They need to be treated as equals. They love attention, care and affection. This is an ideal breed for families with children. Cheerful, sociable, with a sunny character, pets are disposed to tenderness. They are ready to be with the owner around the clock or patiently wait for his return from work.

The history of the breed scottish straight. Standards and features of these cats. Physical and emotional behavioral characteristics. Difficulties in raising a kitten of a Scottish straight cat. Care for these cats.

The Scottish Straight is a variety of the Scottish cat breed, which has become very popular over the past decades. For many years, she has been the main family favorite among connoisseurs of extraordinary and at the same time complaisant cats.

Scottish Straight is an example of feline elegance, grace and inexhaustible energy. The Scots are incredibly sunny animals, capable of giving warmth and affection in immense quantities. However, if your pet is not satisfied with some moments in his life, then he will undoubtedly show his character.

The Scottish straight-eared cat is sometimes compared with the British, although apart from the external similarity, these two breeds have nothing in common. These cats are more attached to humans and have a docile nature. If with early age you will show your pet that you are his best friend, show love and care, then very soon your pet will answer the same.

History of the Scottish Straight breed

The Scottish Straight cat breed begins its history from the stage of development of their direct relatives - the Scottish Fold, which began to settle in humans back in 1961. After lengthy observations and research, it was possible to find out that the Scottish fold cat does not accept crossing with representatives of its own species. Kittens were born incredibly painful and with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

After a series of experiments, breeders were able to understand that the most successful option for crossing with a Scottish Fold cat is a straight-eared species, which allows offspring to be born healthy and capable of development. So, the Scottish Straight appeared - a Scottish breed with erect ears.

They are cats with normal straight ears that have not risen due to an external lop-eared gene that did not appear after crossing. So, the Scottish Straight has softer ear cartilages. After birth, all kittens acquired the characteristic Scottish fold flattened ears. A month later, breeders determine which of the babies is a representative of the Scottish Fold or Scottish Straight.

Since 2004, Russian breeders have begun to register the Scottish Straight Scottish Straight as a full-fledged breed that has the right to participate in the championships. It was in Russia that these animals won and attracted everyone's attention due to their beauty and the brightest feline charm. These cats have gained great popularity and have become one of the leading breeds, which is now a real hunt.

Scottish Straight breed standards

Scottish straight cat Scottish Straight has its own specific features which will include the following:

  1. The body is fairly small and rounded. The cat is small and compact. Despite their small size, the shoulders and pelvis are massive and muscular, well developed.
  2. Paws are rounded, plush. Very developed, strong, medium length. They look graceful and slender.
  3. The head is outlined with a rounded shape, which makes the cat look like a cartoon character. The neck of the animal is short and strong. The pads have characteristic shape unique to this breed. In males, the cheeks and vibrissae pads are noticeably pronounced.
  4. The tail can have different lengths depending on the proportions and sizes of the animals. It tapers towards the end and has a rounded tip.
  5. The nose is neat and short, fairly wide and pronounced. It has a prominent base and an oval shape.
  6. The ears are exceptionally straight, the cartilage on them is soft and elastic. They emphasize the roundness of the skull, make it more expressive.
  7. Their eyes are large and wide, somewhat reminiscent of an owl. Their color depends on the color of the animal's coat and is not limited to any one.
  8. The coat is incredibly soft to the touch, has no thick undercoat, and has a distinct plush texture. Usually homogeneous and dense, but may vary depending on climatic conditions and nutrition.

Physical Characteristics of Scottish Straight

The physical parameters of this species do not actually differ from the British, but still have some significant differences that should be noted.

Scottish Straight female

male scottish straight

It should be noted separately that males and females may not always differ in weight and dimensions, which are provided for by the breed standards. Sometimes a cat is significantly larger and more aggressive in character than a cat. But this is not a deviation from the breed or marriage. Such a phenomenon is considered as an individual one, which takes place in the nature of the existence of this species.

Emotionally behavioral characteristics of the Scottish Straight breed

There are real legends about the nature of these cats. Some of their owners speak of incredible alienation and indifference. However, any behavioral features of the animal depend solely on the upbringing, your attitude towards your pet and how much attention and affection you give him.

So, by the standards of this species, the Scottish Straight cat has a surprisingly gentle and peaceful character. Unlike their British counterparts, they are somewhat melancholic and lazy.

The Scottish straight-eared cat chooses one owner for itself, but they treat all family members with respect and respect. The pet is incredibly attached to people and does not like to be left alone for a long time. Despite the originality of its character, the cat is able to adapt to the rules of the house in which it lives. She gets along well with other pets, although she sometimes behaves quite jealously.

He shows his attitude towards children as they get to know each other. If he feels a good and respectful attitude towards himself, he will easily make friends with the child, and can even sleep with him at night, lulling him with his songs.

This breed is quite calm, not aggressive and restrained. Scottish Straight will not wake you up in the morning with his morning runs or irritable meows. He is able to disturb you only if he is very hungry or he needs your attention.

These cats often adapt to the personality of their owner. They can be calm and aloof, or active and agile. They are quite obedient and not inclined to create dirty tricks to spite the owner.

Difficulties in raising a Scottish Straight kitten

Taking a kitten into your care, you should be very careful and attentive in matters of its upbringing. Scottish Straight kittens are somewhat capricious and self-willed at first, but with the right attitude, the animal will quickly understand that you are the master of the house.
Kids do not always understand what they want from them. They often get offended and nervous if things don't go the way they want them to. To accustom a kitten to everything new should be gradual, not in a hurry. Do not be surprised if at first he will ignore you, or even run away and hide.

Do not try to teach him everything at once. As they grow up, show the baby his place for food, toilet and other needs. If you decide to train your kitten, then be prepared for the fact that it will take most your free time, as this business requires patience and endurance.

The main advantages of the breed:

  • Friendly;
  • Balanced and calm;
  • Get along well with other animals;
  • Amenable to training;
  • Affectionate and good-natured;
  • Do not create problems and mess in the house;
  • They can become your best friend.

Proper Care of the Scottish Straight Cat

This breed is also famous for its ease of care. Caring for her is not at all difficult and takes a minimum amount of time. Due to the presence of short and whipped hair, the cat does not need constant combing and cutting. It is enough for you to comb your pet with a stiff brush once every few weeks, thus removing dead hairs.

These cats are unusually clean, they almost do not need bathing. Universal cleaning and washing may be necessary only in case of flea prevention or in case of unsuccessful embarrassment, when the cat is completely dirty.

Scottish Straight do not have special or chronic diseases that are unique to this species. Thanks to good health and excellent genes, they can claim the title of the most trouble-free animals. The health of this breed can be envied by the most elite cats, as it has no problems with ears, eyesight, or digestive system.

Scottish Straight Facts

  1. Despite its youth, this breed has enough rich story and a lot of interesting cat facts:
  2. Scottish Straights are close relatives and can be born from the same cat, but they lack the gene responsible for folded ears. So, kittens of two different breeds are born at one time;
  3. Scottish fold females can only be mated with representatives of the straight-eared breed, that is, the Scottish Straight;
  4. This is one of the few breeds that has such a huge arsenal of coat colors;
  5. In addition to Russia, this species has no right to participate in championships and international exhibitions;
  6. The European Cat Breeding Federation still did not recognize it as a full-fledged breed;
  7. Cats of this species are more good-natured and accommodating than their lop-eared counterparts.

Scottish Straights are an amazing find for anyone who wants to get a cute furry friend. Despite its multiple features and not always simple nature, this breed is increasingly gaining its popularity and becoming more and more in demand.

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Funny and cute lop-eared cats are gaining more and more popularity. But before you take a pet, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the breed, so that later you will not be surprised at his tricks. Therefore, let's talk in this article about the nature of the Scottish Fold cat.

In fact, the Scots or Scottishfold, as they are also called, are very peaceful and affectionate creatures.

A bit of history

For the first time, representatives of this breed were talked about in the middle of the twentieth century. By and large, the first Scots appeared by chance from the British and outbred cats. Later, breeders became interested in the breed and already in 1963 they began to breed lop-eared cats.

By the way, the first appearance of the Scots on television took place in 1970 in the Soviet cartoon "Carlson is back", where the cat of the nanny-housekeeper Miss Bock Matilda was a representative of the Highland Fold. But Scottishfold can be seen in the anime "The Return of the Cat".


If we talk about the description of appearance, then it is worth noting that the main distinguishing feature breeds - hanging ears.

You will always recognize a Scot by:

  • round head;
  • hanging ears;
  • short and dense wool;
  • big eyes.

Below are photos of Scottish Folds.

Character Description

The character of Scottish cats is their undoubted plus. First of all, because they are calm and balanced. These are the animals that will even watch a movie with you. Due to their assiduous nature, they can follow something for a long time and motionlessly.

A cat of this breed is usually affectionate and kind. They have a soft nature. Babies are more curious and playful than adults. If a kitten wants to explore every corner of his house, then an adult cat will find a secluded place to sleep.

They do not cause any particular difficulties to the owners, they like to have a person nearby, but usually they choose a pet from their home, to which they become attached - this is a bit of a dog character.

At the same time, he does not require special attention to his person and is not imposed on the owner, although he loves warmth and affection.


In addition, an indisputable plus of the breed is learning and cleanliness. If some representatives of other breeds have a skittish character and can do something in retaliation to a person, then the Scot will not do dirty tricks in the form of a puddle past a tray or a tattered sofa.

Since childhood, they are accustomed to scratching posts and pots, so in adulthood they will not bring the associated inconvenience.

A separate item is a characteristic voice. The Scot is one of the quietest members of the cat family. They meow extremely rarely - if they get hungry or call for help. Their voice is quite quiet, which is sometimes even worth listening to. However, these animals are quiet in other respects: despite the rather powerful paws and voluminous body, they move not like elephants, but rather like ballerinas - quietly and gracefully.

Another positive character - they are easy to travel with as they are quite calm cats who are not afraid of transportation. Often they can be seen at exhibitions, which also indicates adaptation to new places and people.

Behavioral Features

As you probably noticed, by their nature the Scots are quite balanced and assiduous. This may be due to the fact that the breed was originally domestic, because it was bred artificially and, in fact, had no wild ancestors. This cat will feel great in an apartment and certainly not one of those who will live somewhere in the yard of a private house.

The Scottish cat will get along without any problems even in a small space, although it will require proper care and attention to itself. In addition, walks on fresh air and some socialization.

Another feature of the breed is unusual postures for other animals: the Scots can stand on their hind legs if they are trying to examine something, or sleep on their backs, which representatives of other breeds usually do not do.

Relationships with other animals

Communication with other animals in Scottish Fold cats develops positively, if you teach them to do this even from a small one. Quite easily, due to their nature, representatives of the breed get along even with dogs. But at the same time, the Scot is not particularly demanding on communication in general, so the absence of other animals in the house will not negatively affect the behavior of the pet.

At the same time, by their nature, they are excellent hunters, so you can forget about naughty rodents in the house.

Relationships with children

Thanks to the accommodating nature of the Scottish cat, children easily find with them mutual language. A cat of this breed easily adapts to a child, usually affectionate and playful. In addition, the lop-eared are quite patient with some children's pranks (although this, of course, does not mean that a child can be allowed to torment a kitten).

On the positives of character:

  • calmness, balance and perseverance;
  • cleanliness;
  • caress;
  • fidelity, friendliness;
  • easily get along with other animals and children;
  • are not afraid to travel;
  • are able to hunt.

It would seem that this breed is ideal - a quiet, affectionate and friendly cat, with a wonderful character that does not misbehave and does not jump around the cabinets. But what about the bad sides of the Scot's character?


Of course, there are also disadvantages that are worth talking about, so as not to be surprised by surprises later. First of all, it is worth making a remark: friendship with dogs is not a novelty for Scottishfolds, but it also happens that animals do not get along with each other. This may be due to the fact that they cannot share the owner's love. Although it is interesting that they will not climb on the rampage and provoke or support a quarrel - most likely they will simply leave the conflict zone.

The second minus is that Scottish Fold cats have a somewhat selfish and lazy character.

Because of this, the cat may not always want to perform certain actions or learn something. To influence the situation, you need to make it clear to your pet why he needs this or that skill, because they learn new things quite easily.

Among some of the negatives, it is worth mentioning the greed of character. Lop-eared cat is quite greedy for food, in other words, gluttonous. But the fact that an unimaginable amount of food fits into it does not mean at all that it must be fed to failure. It is better not to exceed the recommended rate - this will be enough for the cat to get enough and feel good. The fact that he does not refuse the supplement does not mean at all that the fluffy has not eaten.

Scottishfold Care

By their nature, the Scots are unpretentious in their care: it is enough to comb short-haired cats once a week, and long-haired cats - 2-3 times. Bathing is often not recommended at all, but their character helps them cope and easily endure even such a stressful situation for many cats.

But you should always look after the cleanliness of the ears: due to the unusual shape, it can accumulate earwax which must be cleaned regularly and carefully.

Interesting about the representatives of the breed

  • The breed is not recognized at home in Scotland until now. And, what is most amusing, it is because of the ears.
  • Most Scots have short hair.
  • The ears of babies are not bent immediately - they are born with straight ears, which begin to bend only by 3-4 months. Those representatives of the species whose ears are not bent are called Scottishstraight, (straight-eared, respectively).
  • They are able to stand on their hind legs for a long time.
  • Males are usually larger than females.
  • If you cross the Scots with each other, then the offspring may have serious problems with the ears. Therefore, they are knitted with ordinary non-lop-eared cats.
  • Although most lop-eared Scots are chronic couch potatoes, a more active character when choosing a pet will give out his mobility compared to other kids.

Peacefulness and easy affectionate nature of the cat are the undoubted advantages of the breed. And speaking of character flaws, you understand that they are not so great or critical. There are animals that require much more attention and are more whimsical to care for, and their character is completely different.

This unusual owlet-like face and cute look big eyes does not leave anyone indifferent. They have such a look that you want to certainly take them in your arms and hug them. But such a rush of feelings, unlike other well-known cat breeds, representatives of this one will only be happy. Guess what we're talking about? Of course, this is one of the most affectionate breeds - Scottish Fold or just a Scottish Fold cat.


Many breeds of cats cannot boast of a well-known and reliable history of their origin. But this does not apply to the lop-eared Scots: their history is clear and well known in detail.

According to some reports, the first one appeared in the 17th century in China. But such a baby did not attract Chinese felinologists. And then, already in 1961, on a farm in Perthshire (Scotland), a kitten was born again to an ordinary cat with this unique feature. The cat was named Susie, who later became the ancestor of a new breed. However, why do they have such an incredible resemblance to British Shorthair cats? There is also a well-known explanation for this.

When Susie gave birth to her kittens, her daughter named Snooks was presented to a local farmer and shepherd, William Ross, who had a cat. british breed. Soon after the friendship of the pets, Snooks had their own babies with unusual ears, but exactly like dad. Farmers gave several kids to breeders. In the late 60s, breeders tried to register lop-eared cats, but the attempt was unsuccessful. At the time, it was thought that lop-eared cats might have hearing problems.

Later it turned out that the folds had serious genetic problems with the musculoskeletal system, and by the beginning of 1970 their breeding in England had lost success. But the further formation of the new breed was continued in the United States, where geneticists managed to keep the unusual mutation without harm to animal health. So already in 1994 the breed was recognized by the American Association of Cat Fanciers.


It's no secret that the Scottish Fold cat is very similar to the British Shorthair: the same round face with plump cheeks and large eyes, a charming smile, a downed muscular body. However, the Scottish Fold has almost no visible ears. They are small and bent forward, so the image of these kittens is especially reminiscent of an owlet, as in the photo.

But it is the Scottish fold ears that raise the most questions: does it harm the health of the pet, how do the ears become like that? Surprisingly, all kittens are Scottish lop-eared breed are born with straight ears. Only from the 21st day a special fold is laid, after which the ears of some babies fall down. This is due to the peculiarities of the mating of these animals, which you can learn about in our article. We only note that it is impossible to knit two lop-eared ones: one of the partners must be with straight ears. Read about the mating of these pets in the article.

Kittens whose ears curl up with age are called Scottish folds, and those whose ears remain straight are called Scottish strides. They share all the characteristics of the Scottish Fold breed, with the exception of the ears. Although they cannot participate in exhibitions, they can easily become pets.


Scottish fold cat of medium size. Her body is strong, like that of British relatives, but compact. The neck is medium, fairly broad and strong in appearance. Paws are not too high, but not short with neat pads.

The head is round with a well developed chin, round cheeks and pronounced whisker pads. The eyes, like those of the British, are round and wide open. Of course, the most important distinguishing feature of the breed is the small, barely noticeable ears, tilted forward and down. Moreover, the denser they are folded, the better. Learn more about the description of the breed from the video channel Ost PressServis.

Coat type and colors

The Scottish Fold cat has an incredibly rich palette of colors. Kittens can have coats of any color from black to white. But the most popular still remain classic blue and purple. Read more about existing and popular colors here.

Scottish folds differ not only in color, but also in the length of the coat. There are long-haired and short-haired Scottish folds. Longhairs are called highland folds. A collar around the neck and panties on the paws give them a special charm. If the cat has long hair and straight ears, then its name is Highland Straight. It turns out that four varieties of kittens can be obtained from one pair of cats at once: Scottish Fold, Highland Fold, Scottish Straight and Highland Straight.

But no matter how long the wool is, you will be surprised how pleasant it is to the touch. Oddly enough, but the quality of wool also depends on its color. As breeders say in reviews, cats of more exotic colors have less plush coats. But she is not without this quality.

The character of the Scottish Fold is ideal for balanced and calm people, appreciating peace and harmony in the house. Scottish cats are always osho friendly to people, get along well in large families with children or with a single person. According to the type of temperament, cattle are phlegmatic, but very affectionate to people and dependent on their company. Be prepared that the pet will follow you from room to room and will always be there.

At a young age, the Scots are mobile and playful, but with age, cats prefer to lead a measured lifestyle. Such a pet will not climb curtains or climb onto a closet. His favorite pastime, as the reviews say, will be lying on the couch and watching everything that happens around him with an important look. But lop-eared cats are also distinguished by affection. So if you like the British Shorthair but don't quite like its independence, then the Scottish Fold is a great alternative.

The first question that arises among newly minted owners fold kitten, of course, concerns the care of the ears. Surely these ears require special care? However, they do not require any special care - just more thorough than usual. Ears should be regularly wiped with a swab dipped in warm boiled water or in a special solution. This is done carefully, without getting the liquid inside, but only processing the sink from above.

Both long-haired and short-haired cattle should be brushed regularly with a special soft brush. This will remove excess hair and will prevent the formation of intestinal blockage. As for bathing, experts in reviews advise bathing pets once a month. Exhibition pets more often. Concerning proper nutrition Scots, read more about this on the website.

But in order for the animal to easily and simply perceive all hygiene procedures, kittens need to be taught to care from childhood. Nail trimming, litter box and scratching post training - all this should be mastered by three months.


Since the folded ears of the Scots are a mutation, albeit a natural one, some health problems can occur when breeding. These can be problems of the musculoskeletal system and tail, and congenital cardiomyopathy. Also, lop-eared Scots have a predisposition to eye diseases, polycystic kidney disease and gastrointestinal diseases. In this regard, they are advised to feed them only with ready-made professional feeds of the highest class.

However, with proper breeding, these moments are reduced to zero. Therefore, we advise you not to buy Scottish Fold kittens “on hand”, in bird markets, even if you are attracted by the price of a pet. After a trip to the veterinary clinic, there may be nothing left of the money saved. Also, ask breeders for certificates of the absence of genetic problems in pets.

But as for hearing, they hear Scottish folds no worse than their straight-eared counterparts. When asked how long Scottish Fold cats live, we will answer 15-20 years. Don't be surprised, because good care and right choice your pet will be able to live many happy cat years too.

Scottish Fold became a hero Soviet cartoon Carlson is back. It was the favorite of the housekeeper Freken Bock. If you remember her appearance, it can be noted that it was a representative of the Highland Fold type named Matilda. What would you like to name your cattle? Popular nicknames are presented here.

A detailed description of the character of Scottish Fold cats Scottish Fold, their pros and cons. Features of physiology. Habits. Skills, learning and recommendations for their education.

Cats are amazing animals. These are soft and fluffy predators, which, regardless of size, can fully show the hunting instinct and selflessly protect the owner and territory. They are more independent than dogs and more restrained in showing their friendly feelings, but they are just as devoted and loving.

Representatives of the cat family are very attached to the place and do not like to roam from house to house, so they guard their warm and cozy home and are always on the alert. Only the cat feels and hears the steps of the owner from afar, for example, when he just turned into the yard. She also sensitively reacts to the steps of a stranger who comes close to a house, car or fence. In their private homes large territory possessions, from which other animals are mercilessly expelled - cats, dogs or annoying birds.
One of the most beautiful and sweetest representatives of the cat family is the Scottish Fold cat. These cute fluffies look like plush toys. And the ears folded in an envelope give their muzzles a funny roundness and an innocent look. It is impossible to be angry with them, even if there is a reason. This is a playful cat, affectionate and smart.

Features of the physiology of the Scottish Fold breed

As a rule, Scottish folds are quite large. Their weight varies from 4 to 10 kg, the height at the withers is 30 cm. They have strong paws and powerful claws, which the Scottish Fold rarely releases. The nature and habits can be very different, but most breeders note their increased playfulness, friendliness and aggression only towards dogs, rodents and strangers.

These cats are afraid of heights, so they are unlikely to jump on mezzanines and chandeliers. Due to genetic characteristics, they have an unstable vestibular apparatus, which does not allow dizzying chases along the cornices and upper shelves of cabinets.
Another one distinguishing feature The Scottish fold is that it often takes a straight stance on its hind legs. So she kneads her spine. Breeders believe that if both parents of a kitten are lop-eared, then it inherits genetic changes that lead to serious disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, a lop-eared cat or a cat is recommended to be crossed with a smooth-haired British or British blue breed.

The nature and habits of the Scottish fold cat Scottish fold

This species loves entertainment and games, but they always do it with dignity and aristocracy. Such a cat will be able to show the mood of others with one graceful and unobtrusive movement of the back or tail. She will not roll on the floor with a wild roar or hiss menacingly at the offender, but simply turn away if she does not want to communicate.

The character and habits of the Scottish Fold cat differ for each pet - one kitten is independent or wayward, and the other is affectionate and playful. Often Scottish kittens are given to children, as they can be brought up together and your kids from childhood will absorb the basics of kindness, patience, care and understanding regarding their neighbor. Together they will not be bored, because representatives of this breed are mobile, active and love to explore the unknown.

At the same time, the cat should have its own place, which it will determine itself. They are very jealous of attempts on their own independence. Therefore, if a cute pet has chosen your chair as a favorite place, then you will have to look for a new one, as it will not allow anyone else to sit there.

They are very malleable to training, so you can teach the Scottish Fold anything. For example, immediately basic things: how to use the tray, where the scratching post is located, the feeding place and the resting place. They love to be held on hands and get used to them pretty quickly. These cats have enough high level intelligence and intuition is developed, so they are sensitive to changes in the mood of the owner. Their high level of adaptability allows them to avoid whims and prolonged taming.
They also acquire knowledge that can be beneficial. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this when training and training. Let's say you want your pet to wake you up in a strict certain time, then make a rule to feed him 10 minutes after waking up. Then he will definitely come to wake you up in anticipation of a treat. Or teach him to go to bed at the same time, bringing a small piece of goodies to his bed.

The character of these fluffy beauties is extremely stable, there are no manifestations of cat hysteria. Another feature of the breed is the unusual timbre of the voice. He seems to be a little creaky. Therefore, most often they do not talk very loudly with the owners, giving their purr a quiet and soft tone. They would make excellent diplomats, because in the event of a conflict, the Scottish Fold “keep their mark” and behave relatively calmly.

Thus, speaking about the character traits and habits of Scottish Fold cats, the following advantages can be distinguished:

  • persistent character and mood;
  • playfulness and love for children;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • easy to train and educate;
  • love to be with family.

Socialization skills and learning ability of lop-eared cats

Scots easily and quickly get used to people. They clearly know their master, are devoted to him, but do not feel discomfort surrounded by other people. They are almost always located near the gathering place of the whole family. For example, while watching TV in the evening, when everyone gathers on the sofa, the cat will lie on the windowsill or in his favorite chair, enjoying the warmth and communication. They especially love the elderly and children. If a representative of this breed falls in love with someone, he will be ready to follow his affection everywhere on the heels. One should take into account important feature- Scottish fold cat does not perceive the cry. If the owner makes this mistake several times, then the pet can become aggressive, uncontrollable and afraid of people.

Also, the Scots will not tolerate rudeness in treatment - if you allow yourself to take a cat by the scruff of the neck, you will receive well-deserved contempt and aggression. Since, firstly, it really hurts them (they are large, heavy and have problems with the spine), and, secondly, it is humiliating.

In order for your pet to always feel good, it is necessary to provide him with daily physical activity.

Also, they are very fond of gardens, so it is useful to have a few plants in the room or even a small indoor palm tree.

In general, the Scottish Fold cat is a wonderful friend of the family and home, requiring little care other than affection, warmth and love. If you pay attention to her young age, try to educate her, then she will be grateful to you all her life and will show her affection and affection in every possible way.

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ROBERT BURNS (1759-1796) "An extraordinary man" or - "an excellent poet of Scotland", - so called Walter Scott Robert Burns, ...
The correct choice of words in oral and written speech in different situations requires great caution and a lot of knowledge. One word absolutely...
The junior and senior detective differ in the complexity of the puzzles. For those who play the games for the first time in this series, it is provided ...