Icon "The Savior in Strength" - A very important icon for all believers! Saved in strength icon meaning.

Saved in power. Old Russian icon

"The Savior in the Force" is one of the strongest icons of Andrei Rublev's work. This icon is deeply symbolic. It is not surprising that since the 15th century the icon "The Savior is in Strength" has become central in Russia and the largest in the temple iconostasis.
“The Savior in the Powers” ​​is the central icon of the Deesis row. Jesus Christ is depicted as Christ the Judge at the Last Judgment with the Gospel. Above His head is a halo, a red rhombus covers the entire figure and turns into a blue oval, they depict the Heavenly powers: nine ranks of the Heavenly powers: Beginnings, Angels, Archangels, Powers, Dominations, Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones. They are all present here. The quadrangular sail is the four Gospels, the four Evangelists, the four Directions of the World to which the Gospel is preached. It depicts an Angel, an Eagle, a Taurus and a Lion - these are the symbols of the evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. And at the same time, the qualities of Christ: Angel - humanity, Eagle - the height of the spirituality of the Holy Scriptures, Taurus - sacrifice, Leo - royalty. Such is the symbolism of the "Savior in the Force."
The Savior on the icon is depicted "in strength" - surrounded by angels, the powers of heaven. But the word "powers" in the name of the icon can have a second, deeper meaning.
At the time of the painting of the icon, theologians and many thinking people were stormy disputes about the Divine energies, and the appearance of the icon "The Savior in the Force" is associated with these disputes. There is an assumption that in the icon "The Savior in Strength" the Hesychast monks symbolically conveyed knowledge about Divine energies. A scarlet rhombus, a scarlet square and a green oval, against which the Savior is depicted, are symbols of precious stones - jasper, sardis and emerald.
Perhaps the Hesychasts were based on information from the Revelation of the Apostle John, which is filled with prophecies about the future of mankind. It contains the following lines: “and behold, a throne was set in heaven, and there was One sitting on the throne; and this One seated in appearance was like a jasper stone and a sardine stone; and a rainbow round about the throne, like an emerald in appearance” (Rev 4:2-3). Jasper (jasper) comes in different colors, but theologians define it as a red stone. Sardis (Greek - carnelian) - a stone of red or yellow-orange color. Smaragd (Church Slavonic name for emerald) is a green stone.

Andrey Rublev "The Savior in the Force"

The theologians of that time mention three main energies of God the Father: the Being (Nature) of God, Goodness (Grace) and Wisdom (Wisdom).
After all, it is God the Father who is always spoken of as "He who sits on the throne." And since it is impossible to depict God the Father, then “sitting on the throne” is depicted the Son of God Jesus Christ. After all, he possessed all the fullness of the energies of the Father even when he was an incarnated person. That is, “The Savior in the Force” is the image of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, the Savior, surrounded by (the same as the Father’s) energies (forces), the symbol of which are the precious stones jasper, sardis and emerald ...
In the Bible, the Savior is called “living stone” (1 Pet 2:4), the apostles are called “living stones” (1 Pet 2:5), Christ calls the Apostle Peter “stone” (Jn 1:42). After all, a stone is a symbol of spiritual firmness.
And it is no coincidence that the emerald, which since ancient times was considered a "stone of wisdom and composure", turned out to be a symbol of Divine Wisdom. It was believed: whoever wears an emerald will not make a wrong step, will not cause harm.
And it is no coincidence that the carnelian is a biblical symbol of Divine Grace, or Love. After all, the name "carnelian" means "pleasing (or reminiscent) of the heart." It was believed that carnelian has the ability to protect the living from death and disease, gives happiness and peace, improves mood, helps in love ...
It was said about the properties of red jasper in Russia that this “red stone will amuse the heart and sadness and drive away unsimilar thoughts, it multiplies reason and honor, it heals a person’s strength and memory.” Jasper is a symbol of the new immortal nature of man, which "will replace" his mortal nature.
Such is the unproven, but well-founded opinion of some scholars about the mystical meaning of Rublev's icon "The Savior is in Strength."

Tver icon

"The Savior in Power" is an icon that occupies a central place in any church. This is a kind of starting point, from which the rest of the icons already go further, like circles on the water from a thrown stone. On both sides of the “Savior in Power” there are saints who turn their gaze precisely to this image, located in the center of the iconostasis.
The theological concept indicates to us that the icon "The Savior in Power" is an image that expresses the appearance of the Savior at the end of time in glory and power. Jesus Christ will descend to earth to fulfill the Divine Providence, uniting the heavenly and the earthly under Christ's head. This image is based on the biblical texts of the prophet Ezekiel, who had a corresponding vision. Thus, "The Savior in Strength" is a theological treatise, rendered in a pictorial and symbolic style, which tells us about the Second Coming of Christ. Let's look at the image of "The Savior in the Force" in more detail.

Sanaksar monastery

In the center of the icon is Jesus Christ seated on the throne. Most of the icon is made in red, which is a symbol of the fiery nature of the Lord God. Christ is dressed in golden robes, the color of which is a symbol of the radiance of glory. White clothes symbolize the purity and purity of Christ. The icon has a geometric background. A blue oval is superimposed on a red rhombus and a red square. This combination of colors is a symbol of the fact that human and divine natures are combined in the Son of God. Also, it can be evidence of a combination of truth and grace, incarnation and unknowability.
The right hand of Jesus Christ traditionally blesses mankind. In his left hand, the Savior holds an open Book, which is considered the Book of Life. In this Book are written all the names of saved souls. Alternatively, the Book can symbolize the Book of Revelation with seven seals, which only the Lamb can open. As for the depicted geometric figures, the blue circle is the celestial sphere, where angelic ranks and incorporeal forces live. The red square is a symbol of the earth, where there are four elements and four cardinal points. Christ on the icon is surrounded by numerous angelic faces.
Conversation of the art critic of the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery Lyubov Yakovlevna Ushakova and information from the open Internet

The icon "Savior in power" is present in every church. It is located in the central part of the iconostasis. It has a special meaning and importance among people who believe in God. The icon "Savior in power" includes all the important events that are present in Christianity. They are depicted in the way that the prophets represented them. The meaning of this image will be discussed below.

Description of the icon and its elements

The peculiarity of such a holy image as the icon "The Savior in Power" lies in its symbolism. It is quite complex compared to other images.

The icon "The Savior in Power" has several important elements:

  1. The image depicts Jesus, who is dressed in white and gold clothes. White is a symbol of purity and innocence. And the gold says that Jesus is a saint.
  2. On the icon "The Savior is in strength" (its photo is presented above for clarity) there is an image of a red square. He is behind Jesus. Its ends are pointed. This square is a symbol of the earth. In its corners are depicted such symbols of the Gospel as the Lion, Taurus, Eagle and Angel. They refer to Saints Matthew, Luke, John, Mark.
  3. Behind Jesus is also a blue oval. It is a symbol of spirituality.
  4. On a blue background, angels are depicted, which symbolize the forces. In honor of these forces, the icon is named.
  5. The red diamond, which is drawn on top of the blue background, is the designation of the world that we cannot see.

The meaning of the icon "Savior in strength"

The meaning of this icon lies in the fact that the image of Jesus Christ means a combination of the spiritual component in it with divinity, as well as its belonging to the human state.

This image refers to a treatise from the Bible on the Second Coming of Christ. The Son of God must unite the heavenly and earthly forces together.

What helps?

What helps the icon "Savior in strength"? This icon can be addressed with various prayers. It will help in difficult life situations, namely the loss of a loved one. It also helps those who have experienced any mental disorder or shaken emotional background. Prayers to this icon will help restore mental strength and set the person in the right mood.

The Son of God will help a person to refuse to commit rash acts. It will protect you from evil spirits. You can also ask the icon to improve relations in the family, to achieve mutual understanding and acceptance of relatives or other close people as they are. People will be given the understanding that it is not worth remaking others, they should be accepted with all their character traits.

How to pray and when?

You should refer to this icon during the period. You can also pray during other major church holidays.

People who come to the temple should know that they can pray to the Lord in any form convenient for them. But you can also learn the prayer to the icon "The Savior in Strength" and pronounce it when turning to God.


The icon "Savior in strength" is a plot that is quite common.

It is ranked among the Pankrator iconography, the importance of the meaning that is embedded in it determines its place in the temple. As mentioned above, this holy image is located in the central place of the iconostasis.

This image goes far into history. For the first time such an icon arose in the XIV-XV centuries. The basis for it was a vision. It came to the description of Hierophany. Revelation has been given

The image of this image was based on biblical texts. It has been preserved to the present. Jesus holds the gospel in his hand. The saint holds it in his left hand. And with a gesture of the right hand, he blesses the faithful. Christ is floating in the air, he is inscribed in a red rhombus.

The icon "The Savior in Power" is not only an image of the biblical text. It is saturated with all sorts of signs that speak of prophecy. This is an interpretation of the Bible.

The composition is built using geometric shapes. They symbolize the Universe, in the center of which is Jesus, who is the Savior. It is located in a red rhombus. Its color is symbolic. It means fire of a saving nature.

The oval speaks of the infinity of being, it depicts a sphere that implies the Kingdom of Heaven. The red square represents the ground. Four corners tell people about the four elements on which the Earth rests. The animals that are located on the edges of the quadrangle are the evangelists. They spread the Word of God to all four corners of the world.

The color scheme of the icon also has its own meaning, namely, red means earth, and blue means sky. The symbolic meaning is that Jesus combines the divine and earthly beginnings.

This icon has an apolycaptic meaning, it determines its location in the temple.

Believers should know that there are special workshops where you can order the writing of an icon. It will be made according to the required dimensions and taking into account the wishes of the client. As a rule, such workshops are located directly at the temple and work in them is carried out with a blessing. Icon painters observe the necessary traditions and the canon of the church when painting images. The period during which an icon is painted can range from a couple of weeks to several months. It also depends on the complexity of the work.

I would like to say a few words to those people who are just starting their steps towards faith. First of all, do not be embarrassed that there is not enough knowledge about holy images and how to pray, how to behave in the temple, and so on. The main component is that a person turned his gaze to God, that his essence is looking for spirituality. Therefore, for starters, you can simply come to the temple for a service, think about what worries you, or turn to the Almighty with your words without using prayers.

Over time, a person will learn the prayers he needs, after which he will turn to the holy images through them. Remember that everyone is equal before God. Therefore, one should not think that ignorance of any laws and canons of the church deprives a person of the opportunity to enter the temple.

You can get yourself a mentor who will talk with a person and guide him through life, give certain advice. If the soul is drawn to faith, it should be given such an opportunity.

The icon "The Savior in Strength" is known to every true believer and visitor of Orthodox churches - in the church, the shrine occupies the central place of the iconostasis. It is important for the presence of the main significant events that Christians experienced, represented by the prophets who went down in history.

Description of the icon

Each description of the icon of the Savior in strength begins with the main one - with its plot. It is he who is considered the most common among Pankrator iconography and beyond. For the first time the icon appeared in the period of the XIV-XV centuries, the basis for which was one vision, which appeared to the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel. Angels carry the throne of God, and animals are nearby. They are not what they seem to be today, this is a kind of semblance, incorporeal living beings. Their image is enclosed in the guise of a man, animals, birds. There are only four of them - the symbols of the evangelists: a lion, an eagle, a man and a calf. In the left hand of Jesus Christ is the Holy Gospel - the Gospel, in the right hand - admonishing believers on the path of righteousness. This icon is one of those that have an apocalyptic meaning.

Symbolism of the icon

Not only the display of the biblical text is this shrine. The symbolism of the icon of the Savior in power is overflowing with various signs interpreting the prophecy. The geometric figures from which the composition is built represent the Universe, where the center is the Savior Jesus Christ. He is in the saving fire, indicated on the icon in the form of a red rhombus. The infinity of being contains an oval, blue is the sphere of the Kingdom of Heaven, a symbol of spirituality. The earth on the icon of the Savior in strength is depicted in the form of a red square. In this equilateral figure, the four corners serve as a symbol of the four elements from which the planet is built: air, water, earth and fire. The animals located at the edges of the quadrangle, as mentioned above, mean the four evangelists, namely St. John, Matthew, Luke and Mark. Their task is to preach the Gospel to all directions of the world: north, south, west and east. The color design of the icon also has its own meaning. The earth is characterized by scarlet colors, and the sky is represented by blue tones. The icon of the Savior in Power symbolically connects two principles: the earthly and the divine.

The symbolism of this holy image is quite complex, unlike others, but that is what makes it special. The depicted Son of God is dressed in white and gold robes, which speaks of his purity, purity and holiness, enclosed in the color of noble metal. And on a blue background, angels can be seen, symbolizing forces. It is in their honor that the icon of the Savior in Power has such a symbolic name.

The meaning of the icon "The Savior in the Force"

Jesus Christ on the throne is the main image contained in the icon of the Savior in Power, the meaning of which expresses the union of the human, earthly and divine state. The treatise from the Bible speaks of the Second Coming of Christ, which will be the moment of the merger of the earthly and heavenly holy forces together, which are imprinted on the icon in the interlacing of geometric figures behind the face of the Son of God.

What does the icon help with?

The icon of the Savior in strength helps all believers and provides protection from unclean forces to everyone who prays.

The holy image will save from risky, rash acts and the fall, will help in difficult life situations, especially when a loved one is lost or a serious illness is detected.

The icon will support in times of mental disorders and an unstable emotional background in order to protect from stupid things and promote recovery. The Savior in power is also famous for its ability to give a person family well-being, mutual understanding and love.

Prayer to the icon "Savior in strength"

Prayer to the icon of the Savior in Power helps a person to tune in the right way, gather strength and survive the black streak in life. It forces one to pronounce tormenting thoughts in the right words and thereby conveys them to the Lord. Therefore, in any emergency, it is worth making a sincere prayer:

Oh, holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia: hierarchs and pastors of the Church of Christ, royal passion-bearers, noble princes and princesses, good warriors, monks and mirsts, pious men and women, in all ages and estates for Christ suffered, faithfulness to Him even to death testifying and received the crown of life from Him!

In the days of the fierce persecution, our land from the godless befell, at trials, in imprisonment and abyss of the earth, in bitter labors and all mournful circumstances, the image of patience and shameless hope courageously showed nature. Now, enjoying sweetness in paradise, before the Throne of God in glory, you will always praise and intercede from the Angels and all the saints to the Triune God.

For this sake, we, unworthy, we pray to you, our holy relatives: do not forget your earthly fatherland, the sin of Cain's fratricide, the desecration of shrines, godlessness and our iniquities aggravated. Pray to the Lord of Forces, may He establish His Church unshakable in this world of many rebellious and evil; may the spirit of brotherly love and peace revive in our land; Yes, we will be a royal priesthood, a generation of God, chosen and holy, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever. Amen.

The icon "The Savior in Strength" refers to the iconography of Pantokrator and represents a fairly common plot. In the decoration of a Russian Orthodox church, this icon occupies a special place - in the center of the iconostasis, which corresponds to the importance of the meanings contained in it. The image of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the icon "The Savior in Power" reflects the key event of the Christian religion as it was imagined by the prophets.

As for the meaning of the icon, then the Theological concept indicates to us that the icon "The Savior in Power" is an image that expresses the appearance of the Savior at the end of time in glory and power. Jesus Christ will come down to earth to fulfill the Divine Providence, uniting heavenly and earthly things under Christ's head. This image is based on the biblical texts of the prophet Ezekiel, who had a corresponding vision. God's glory appears in the icon through many symbolic figures, many of which are isomorphic and geometric. Thus, "The Savior in Strength" is a theological tract, rendered in a pictorial and symbolic style, which tells us about the Second Coming of Christ.

The history of the image of the icon "The Savior in the Force"

In the center of the icon is Jesus Christ seated on the throne. Most of the icon is made in red, which is a symbol of the fiery nature of the Lord God. Christ is dressed in golden robes, the color of which is a symbol of the radiance of glory. White clothes symbolize the purity and purity of Christ. The icon has a geometric background. A blue oval is superimposed on a red rhombus and a red square. This combination of colors is a symbol of the fact that human and divine natures are combined in the Son of God. Also, it can be evidence of a combination of truth and mercy, incarnation and unknowability, etc.

Buy the icon "The Savior is in strength" believers should, for prayers in the most difficult situations, ask for help in despair, sorrows, sorrows, hardships and sadness. Mentally ill people pray to this icon and receive salvation, prayer in front of the icon relieves mental disorders, neuroses, painful thoughts and visions. The spiritual image of the Lord protects Christians from the tricks of the evil one, protects from all evil spirits, and warns against sinful, unconsidered and unrighteous deeds. It is appropriate for this icon to pray and ask the Lord to send prosperity to the house, love, prosperity, mutual understanding between family members, and also cry out to the Lord for the gift and teaching of a Christian love and respect for his neighbor.

Day of the icon "Savior in strength"

The miraculous icon of the Lord "The Savior in Strength" is revered on all great church holidays, a special commemoration is performed on the days of the Savior, namely August 14, August 19 and August 29.

The image called "The Savior in Power" is an image of the Lord Jesus Christ, usually placed in the center of every church or home iconostasis. Every believer knows it well: the Lord solemnly sits on a throne surrounded by Heavenly Forces. It is on this image that they usually pray to Jesus Christ at every church service, because it hangs directly above the Royal Doors of the iconostasis. The image shows the most important dogmas of the Orthodox faith, contains the interpretation of the Bible and the prophetic presentation of the main event in world history - the Last Judgment. The unusual name of the icon “The Savior in the Powers” ​​means that at the end of time, the Lord Jesus Christ will appear before people of all ages as a strong and glorious Almighty, surrounded by Heavenly Powers, that is, by different members of the Angelic hierarchy: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions ... On the icon around Christ is depicted and a number of symbols covering earthly history, people and animals - in such a way that, in accordance with the Divine Plan, the world after the Last Judgment will again acquire the features of paradise, when everything earthly and heavenly will unite under the rule of Christ. The word Spas is an abbreviation for the word Savior, which means that the Lord saved all people from the slavery of sin. Interestingly, it is the icon of the Savior in the Powers that is the type of image created in Ancient Russia. It belongs to the iconography of the so-called Pantokrator, widespread in Byzantium, but this iconography received deep theological understanding and symbolism of the image only from ancient Russian icon painters.


The title of the Almighty or Pantokrator (literal translation - Omnipotent, Ruler of everything) is written on the icon "The Savior in the Powers" next to the usual name of Jesus Christ for the icons of the Lord. This is the first visual theological element of the icon: such a title signifies the fullness of the Incarnation. The Lord, as the Son of God and the Son of Man, is the Head of the spiritual and earthly world, the Almighty God, the Ruler of the world, who has the ability to create and change absolutely everything. The calling of God as the Almighty is also found in the Old Testament, for example, in the psalms of King David, and in the New Testament texts. In the Gospel and the prayers of the first Christians who have come down to us, this word is used only in the context of the Last Judgment, it is called in the book of the Apocalypse by the Evangelist John the Theologian: that is why the icon “The Savior in Power”-Pantocrator depicts the Second Coming of Christ. In the Orthodox tradition of Byzantine icon painting, the icon of Christ the Almighty was also present on the frescoes of the early Christians, created secretly - in the Roman catacombs; Christ on the throne and with the Book appears on icons in the 4th-6th centuries. The oldest icon of the Almighty that has come down to us is the Sinai Christ of the middle of the 6th century, created in the monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai. This image is the most important in the iconography of Christ (including such types of images as the Savior Emmanuel, the Savior Not Made by Hands, the Crucifixion and others). It is found in single icons, in “shoulder” (up to the beginning of the chest, on the shoulders) and waist compositions, in iconostases and separate triptychs (folding of three icons, including the image of the Lord, the Mother of God and the revered saint), on frescoes and wall mosaics: namely The Almighty Savior is a traditional image of God, which resides under the central dome of an Orthodox church. The Savior on the throne - the basis of the icon "The Savior in Power" - is also one of the oldest subtypes of the iconography of the Savior Almighty. The throne is a symbol of the power of God, a reflection of the Old Testament appearances of the Lord of Hosts to the prophets and the words of the Gospel that the Lord will judge people from the throne. The name also reflects the composition of the icon: the Savior is depicted from the front, completely turned to the worshipers and sitting on the throne and with a scarlet pillow, His feet are at the foot of the throne. The icon "The Savior in Power" is a variety of the image of the Lord Pantokrator that developed in the XIV-XV centuries as an understanding of the Apocalypse by ancient Russian icon painters. In the traditional Russian iconostasis, it was she who took the central place; no other icons of Christ are traditionally placed in the main, deesis row of the iconostasis. The icon-painting canon of the Savior in Power is based on biblical texts, therefore it is carefully described in the manuals for icon painters (“originals”) and has been preserved in detail for centuries until today.


The iconography of the “Savior in the Powers” ​​is a reflection of the Old Testament vision of the prophet Ezekiel and a reminder of him in Theophany (appearance of God) to John the Theologian, the author of the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse). In the Russian translation, the lines of the Apocalypse depicted on the icon are as follows: “A throne stood in heaven, and God sat on that throne; He shone like gems of jasper and sardine; around the throne was a rainbow, transparent and bright like an emerald ... In front of the throne - glass, like a crystal, the sea; in the throne and around it are four animals with many eyes and six wings ... singing: holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, is and will be. With his right hand Christ blesses people, with his left hand he holds an open Book. The meaning of the Book is also deeply symbolic and ambiguous: in accordance with the interpretation of the Old Testament, it is the Book of the Testament of God and man, the Book of Life with the names of those who will enter the Kingdom of God, the Good News of the Gospel, and the Apocalypse tells us that this is also the Book of Revelation, closed seven seals, which no one can read except the Savior Himself. The book is also a symbol of Jesus Christ Himself, because, according to the words of the evangelist John the Theologian, He is the Word of God that came into the world (it is interesting that there is a corresponding allegorical iconography of Christ: Etymasia or the Throne prepared - Christ is depicted in the form of a Book on which the Spirit flies Saint in the form of a dove). Many theologians argue: “The Savior in the Powers” ​​is a theological treatise written in the language of icon-painting visual symbols about the Last Judgment of the Lord Almighty, Judging righteously, going, according to the word of the Gospel, to judge the living and the dead - all people of all ages.


The iconostasis is a partition in front of the altar in the central part of the temple, going from wall to wall. It is the iconostasis that is the main part of the temple interior; the eyes of all those praying are riveted to it. It consists of rows of icons - from one (in the ancient, early Christian churches and modern ones imitating them) to five. The iconostasis has practical and symbolic significance. First of all, the iconostasis closes the altar from the rest of the premises (katholikon) of the Orthodox church. This is still an Old Testament tradition: the altar, the Holy of Holies, was in a separate room behind a veil without icons. Now only the Royal Doors are closed with a veil - the main doors to the altar, located in the center of the iconostasis. The altar is closed, first of all, for the performance of some secret prayers, which, according to tradition, only the clergy can hear and read. With the advent of Christ into the world, His Church began to live in a new reality, in the New Testament of God and man - their new relationship. The Lord Himself accepted the nature of man, “deified” it, gave every person the opportunity to approach the state of God, to change completely, being cleansed of any sins. The iconostasis of an Orthodox church reflects this New Testament reality with the presence of new holidays, saints who have the opportunity to help people, the Mother of God. At first, the iconostasis consisted of 12 columns, symbolizing the 12 apostles, and was crowned with a cross, symbolizing the Crucified Christ. Over time, people created icons of the Lord and replaced the symbol with the image of Christ Himself, to whom they turned in prayer. This is how the main row (tier) of the iconostasis appeared - deesis, from the Greek word "deisis" - prayer or supplication. This row, in the center of which is the icon of the Savior in Power, is a detailed image of the Last Judgment. The Mother of God, the prophet John, the Forerunner and Baptist of Christ, the apostles and saints bow in prayer to the Righteous Judge sitting on the throne in glory - the Lord. Deesis means that the Church asks Christ the Judge for every person. With the advent of the icon "The Savior in the Force", the active development of the entire ancient Russian iconostasis began. In addition to the deesis tier, the rows of the festive (small icons depicting the great Orthodox holidays, located under or above the deesis) and the local (icons on the sides of the Royal Doors), rows appeared prophetic, patristic and the completion of the iconostasis - the Crucifixion. So the iconostasis reflected the whole human history in spiritual understanding. First, it shows the expectation of all people in the person of the prophets and saints of the Old Testament of the Messiah, and then the First (in the Gospel) and Second Coming of Christ as God's providence for humanity, revealed to people in the Apocalypse. The iconostasis is completed by a local row, in which the Royal Doors are built: this is the path to salvation depicted in the icons, which every believer must pass on earth. To the left of the Royal Doors is the icon of the Mother of God, who united the earthly and heavenly, showing an example of righteousness and giving Her help to all people. Locally venerated saints and icons of saints, in whose honor the temple was consecrated, are also an example of a righteous life. The Royal Doors show a part of the altar as a yet inaccessible paradise, where all people aspire to. The icon of the "Last Supper" above the Royal Doors is a sign of people's acceptance of Christ and union with Him in the Sacrament of Communion, through which people can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. As in the prayer at the Liturgy during the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, first all the faces of the saints from the Old Testament times and the departed are remembered, and then the living Orthodox Christians praying in the temple - so the iconostasis continues with the people gathered in the temple. Seeing the Lord in Power, we must remember the Last Judgment and correct our lives, partake of the Sacrament of Communion in order to become one with the Heavenly Church, which is depicted on the iconostasis, and with Christ Himself. The image of the Savior in the Powers is rarely made small, domestic, but it is worth trying to find it for a home iconostasis. Here it should also be located in the center. At home, the “red corner” serves as an analogue of the church iconostasis. There are much fewer icons here than in the church. "Red Corner" is arranged in front of the door, by the window or in any clean and bright place. On a special shelf for icons, which can be bought in shops at churches, in the center they put the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, on the left - the Most Holy Theotokos, and on the right - a revered saint, for example, the namesake to you and your loved ones or revered by all St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. You can add any other icons. If necessary, arrange an iconostasis on an ordinary bookshelf, but only next to spiritual books, and not entertainment publications.


The distinctive features of the posture and depiction of Christ Himself on the icon are as follows: Christ is always in the center of the icon and occupies most of its space. He sits on a throne - a throne, His feet are placed on a special elevation. On the throne lies a bright red pillow - an attribute of royal power in Byzantium. The red color with which the throne is often painted means the inviolable, scorching, as if by fire, Divine nature, the fiery appearance of God, revealed by Him in the Burning Bush - in the fire that engulfed the tree, but did not incinerate it, from which God spoke with the Old Testament prophet Moses.

    • In the left hand of Christ is usually an open Book. With His right hand He blesses the worshipers with a gesture. Christ is dressed in white or gold robes: white symbolizes the purity and sinlessness of Christ, and gold - His glory and holiness.
    • The main recognizable feature of the iconography of the "Savior in the Power" are complex symbolic figures that are not found on any other image of Christ: images of angels, animals and geometric figures that fill the entire space of the icon. All of them have a special theological meaning and denote different forces and phenomena on the material and spiritual levels. The colors of the figures are taken from biblical texts. In a general sense, their symbolism can be described as Omnipotence, Omniscience, Goodness and Mercy, the natural Incomprehensibility and Mystery of God.
    • The figure of Christ on the throne is inscribed in a red rhombus or in a red oval stretched along behind the throne with pointed edges. Next comes a blue oval or round sphere, placed in a red square, usually creating some kind of background for the whole composition.
    • The red rhombus around Christ is the radiance of the Divine fire, the reflection of the Divine nature of the Lord.
    • In the blue field of the circle, the outlines or silhouettes of the Heavenly Angelic ranks, that is, the hosts of the Heavenly King, are visible. It can be seen that they are in motion, creating the dynamics of the icon composition. Angels are depicted as sexless winged creatures, similar to young men, or simply symbolically - faces in wings. An oval or circle as an infinite all-encompassing figure means the spiritual, celestial sphere, the world of incorporeal spirits, the vault of heaven. What we see as the sky, the icon shows with visible spiritual vision as a space filled with Angels. Often there are angel wings with eyes on the icon, winged wheels at the foot of the throne and translucent images on the throne - all these are also symbols of the Heavenly Forces, the ranks of Angels surrounding God and helping Him.
    • A red square with elongated ends means earth, which has four elements. At its ends are the symbols of the four evangelists described in the Apocalypse: an angel (Matthew), a calf (Luke), a lion (Mark) and an eagle (John) - carrying the Word of God to all four cardinal directions.
The very color scheme of the icon, built on a combination of red and blue, means the union of the Divine and human, earthly nature of the Savior in Him alone, the fire of the Holy Spirit and the living water of the teachings of Christ, the unity of the Kingdom of Heaven and the earthly world under God's power. Sometimes the clothes of the Savior are also depicted in red and blue. The Savior in the Powers is a prophecy about the Last Judgment, a theological essay explaining the dogmatic teaching of the Church through signs and symbols. The symbolic composition of the image in its essence represents the Universe, which is covered and dominated by Christ the Almighty.


It is important that such a theologically complex iconography was created in Ancient Russia. According to legend, the author of the first icon "The Savior in Power" is the holy icon painter, monk of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, St. Andrei Rublev. It was created for the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir approximately in 1408-1420 and has a size of 18 x 16 cm. It was there that the tradition was created to place the image of the “Savior in Powers” ​​in the center of the deesis tier of the iconostasis. Currently, this icon, along with the famous "Trinity" by Andrei Rublev, is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. For six centuries, Russian icon painters have carefully followed the model created by St. Andrew. The revered icons of the Savior in Power are in Kostroma and the Church and Archaeological Museum at the Moscow Theological Academy. The days of special veneration of the icon "The Savior in Power" are the so-called Lord's holidays, that is, memories of the miracles and events of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus. On the days of the Spasov, a small image is often taken out to the middle of the temple:

    • August 14 - the first day of the Dormition Fast, the Origin (that is, the acquisition and honoring) of the Tree of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. It is also called the Honey Savior (by this day, the honeycombs are filled with honey and its collection begins, for which they are blessed with a special prayer) and the Wet Savior (according to the peasant tradition, wells were cleaned on this day and water-blessing prayers were performed over them)
    • August 19 - Transfiguration of the Lord, Apple Spas. This is the most important feast of the Lord, one of the annual twelve great feasts of the Church. On this day, Jesus Christ was transformed and shone in front of the disciples, so Christians often put the image of the “Savior in Power”, which depicts the Lord in shining robes, in the main place in the house and in the temple in the absence of a festive icon of the Transfiguration. At the Liturgy on this day, apples are consecrated (according to Russian tradition, grapes were originally consecrated in Byzantium), which is why the holiday has such a name.
    • August 29 - Third, Bread or Nut Savior, the day of memory of the transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image of Christ Not Made by Hands. On this day, the harvesting of bread was completed and nuts ripened, for the collection of which the peasants took blessings. After the Liturgy, homemade bread and pies baked from the flour of the new harvest were consecrated.


Before this image, they turn to the Lord about all their needs and, of course, confess their sins, prayerfully prepare for Confession and Communion. The Church blesses to read daily morning and evening prayers, which are in every prayer book, with appeals and repentance before the Lord. Any prayers can be read both in the temple and in front of the home iconostasis. You can replace the words of the prayer book with a prayer on the rosary in front of the icon of the Lord Jesus Christ: you need to mentally or aloud say the words “Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner” and move the bead on the rosary. This should be done for 10 minutes in the morning and evening - this will be your prayer rule. You can also pray with the rosary on the road. The icon of the "Savior in the Powers" or just a small waist-length image of the Lord should be with you on the way. For a car, a triptych is often purchased, where, together with Christ, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of travelers, are depicted. An appeal to the Lord in front of the icon "The Savior in Power" should begin and end your day. The earthly life of the Son of God is described in detail in the Gospel, described and explained in many books. The Lord gave himself as a sacrifice for human sins and conquered death itself, in His Resurrection returning the entire human race to paradise. Therefore, turning to God Himself is the most important prayer. Pray to the Lord Almighty at any moment of life:

    • Ask the Lord for help in any business, everyday difficulties and troubles,
    • Pray in danger
    • Ask for help in the needs of your loved ones and friends,
    • Repent before God of your sins, asking to forgive them, to let you see your mistakes and vices and correct yourself,
    • asking the Lord for help in any troubles and sorrows,
    • praying for healing in sickness,
    • turning to Him in sudden danger,
    • when you have anxiety, despondency, sadness in your soul,
    • thank Him for joys, successes, happiness and health.
Often we ourselves do not know that we are praying, asking: “If only I could be saved, if only I could avoid danger”, “Heaven, help!” - all these are prayers to our Great God. And He responded to your requests, expressed and not expressed - remember happy meetings, suddenly successful exams, an unexpected happy pregnancy, good work ... It seems to us that all these are cases - but the Lord really manages our life for the better, showing our possibilities, leading thank God for everything. Humility in the face of difficulties, turning to God with prayer at this time is the key to our salvation and upbringing of the soul, personal growth. Not a single psychologist is able to change, to make the soul happy in such a moment, as the Lord does. But we ourselves must strive for a life pleasing to God, visit the temple, pray at the service, help people, forgive the sins and mistakes of our neighbors, and behave calmly in conflicts. The Lord is a great Power and great Love, you only need to believe - and therefore trust Him with your life and your soul. Christ is not even a soldier who in battle lay down on the embrasure for the sake of his fellow soldiers, His feat is higher: being the Almighty, he voluntarily, in order to erase the past and future sins of mankind from the history of the universe, went to humiliation, torture and terrible suffering on the Cross from those whose He created the ancestors. The teaching of the Lord Jesus is a call to repentance, to the love of all people for all people, compassion and pity even for terrible sinners. In response to sincere prayer, first of all, peace, clarity and tranquility will appear in the soul, according to the testimony of many people - and this is truly a miracle that happens to every believer. Try also to talk with the priest if you have life's difficulties and spiritual anxiety. You can read a prayer to Jesus Christ in front of the icon "Savior in Strength" in Russian online according to the text below: Almighty, Word of God, great and perfect Lord and my God Jesus Christ, according to Your great mercy, never be separated from me, Your servant, but always abide in me by Your grace. Jesus, good shepherd of Your sheep, do not leave me to be subject to serpentine betrayal and satanic temptations, even though there is a perishable seed of sin in me. You, Lord God, whom all people worship, the All-holy King and Lord Jesus Christ, save me with a flickering light, by Your Holy Spirit, by which You enlightened and sanctified Your disciples. Give, Lord, to me, your unworthy servant, Your salvation all the days of my life, enlighten my mind with the light of the mind of Your Holy Gospel, my heart with the purity of Your words, my body with the power of Your suffering without passions, save my thoughts with Your humility and put me in the right time to glorify You with prayers and deeds - You, Lord, are glorified in all ages with Your Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit. Amen. Another short prayer to Jesus Christ in front of the icon of the Almighty in Russian: God! I am Your vessel: fill me with the gifts of Your Holy Spirit! Without Your help, I am empty and do not have grace, often full of all kinds of sin. God! I am Your ship: fill me with a load of good deeds. God! I am your ark: instead of passions, fill me with love for you and for your image - my neighbor. Amen. May the Lord Jesus Christ keep you with His grace and Love!

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