Bollywood dances buy disc training. Indian dances - tutorial

Indian dances video lessons for beginners Intricate and bright, uplifting, Indian dances known to everyone in the world. They are also familiar from films. And simply because now the kaleidoscope of these amazing movements is becoming more and more popular. But everyone knows how difficult it is for those who are just starting to learn something. Naturally, Indian dances are no exception. Everyone remembers how bright, but rather complex movements are there.

Especially some of them. Also, when performing Indian dances, it is important to express emotions with the eyes in an expressive way. Indian women have eyebrows involved in the dance, and lips stretched in a wide smile, and burning eyes with inviting looks. But beginners should first deal with the first difficulties. These, unfortunately, also include the choice of teaching method.

If you want the most economical option, but one that will teach as well as any instructors, you can choose the proposed video lessons that are suitable for all beginners. Who said that the art of Indian dance, despite all its complexity, cannot be learned on its own? At home, especially while in proud loneliness in the room, the beginner dancer feels much more comfortable and relaxed. Have a nice and productive viewing of the girl, the main thing is to believe in yourself and everything will work out!

Video lesson: Folk Indian dance (online training)!

Video lesson: Indian dances - tutorial!

Video lesson: Bharatanatyam - video training!

A selection of video lessons of Indian dances for beginners:

Below is a selection step by step videos Indian dance lessons for beginners at home, which will no doubt teach you something useful and useful.

If you have questions, objections, or would like to express your opinion or point of view, you can always feel free to leave a comment below. We wish you good luck in your endeavor!

The classic of true Indian dance is a unique combination of physical and spiritual beginnings. All of them are easily recognizable by the specific movements of the dancers, each of which has its own meaning and significance. "Indian Dances - Tutorial" will help those who want to master or improve the technique of the original movements of Indian dances.

Hindu legends insist on the divine origins of the dance, the main movements of which were invented by the god Shiva, he is also called the Lord of the dance Shiva or Nataraja. He initiated the secrets of the movements to his wife Parvati, and then passed them on to men, and Parvati to women. Many lines of movement coincide with yoga.

Video training "Indian dances - tutorial"

classical dances

Their movements captivate the attention of the audience and subjugate the consciousness, as if transferring them to a world with another dimension, with other colors and divinely sublime images.

Many ancient treatises on dances are known, which "legitimized" its traditions. And yet, they have their own "handwriting". Kathak is popular in northern India, Bharata Natyam in the south, and Odissi in the east. According to the classification of the National Academy of Music, Dance and Drama, there are eight types of classical Indian dances:

  1. Bharata Natyam.
  2. Kathak.
  3. Kathakali.
  4. Kuchipudi.
  5. Manipuri.
  6. Mohiniattam.
  7. Odissi.
  8. Sattriya.

Temple dances until the beginning of the last century belonged only to temple rites. They are based on spiritual practice and are of the same age as yoga. The performers, along with the musicians, were held in high esteem and were even kept at the expense of the church. They took part in all the ceremonies dedicated to the cult of God. The place around the temple was considered the only place where people could admire the dance. During the period of British rule, it began to lose its ritual purpose.

Folk and dances that the audience is used to seeing in Indian cinema, are not canonized and there are no traces of them in any writings.

Mudra and hasta

Before proceeding with learning, it is necessary to learn mudra and hasta, i.e. position of fingers and hand gestures. Then master the "alphabet" of the movements of the body, as well as the neck, head, eyes, etc.

Movement with one hand is called asamyuta hasta, and with two hands is called samyuta hasta. In every movement, some meaning is encoded - Hasta Viniyoga. In technical dances, where the main semantic load is aesthetic perception, hasta, there is nothing more than an artistic framing of movements - rasa.


Once upon a time, the dances were called “dances of the“ servant of God ”, i.e. temple dancers, and is known as the most ancient dance- theatre. All of them are canonized. Alaripu and jatiswaram are accompanied and have their own melody and fixed sequence of movements. They looked at the European audience more than others.

Alaripu. Literally means "flower bud". The dancer acts as a flower, offers the deity a dance and a flower. At first motionless, but gradually coming to life. Then the eyes come to life, parts of the body gradually begin to move. The dance is performed to the recitative sollukatta, smolukatta, accompanied by a drum.

Jatiswaram in jati means "variations" and swaram means "range of notes". The beginning is fast with a gradual slowing down of the tempo followed by corvey dance blocks.

With their dances, Indians cultivate folk traditions and established dance steps. For Europeans, they are interesting for their originality and the possibility of adaptation, like a show, adding variety to the dance art palette.

Indian dances- have several types: classical Indian dance, Indian folk dance, Indian variety dance, as well as a dance called "Bollywood". In the lessons you will learn each of these types, but of course, not a single dance can take place without the initial steps. today can be found in many, many schools, clubs, studios, but only the First dance school immerses you completely in the atmosphere of Indian culture. With us you will learn not only dance steps, but also develop own style, learn Interesting Facts about dancing, and you can learn how to wear a sari correctly!


Our comfortable halls, comfortable location of the studios, attentive and sensitive staff, subscription system and promotions - these are the advantages that distinguish our school from all the others. In this list, we did not mention our coaches and this is natural. Our trainers are undeniable professionals who themselves are practicing dancers and participants in international competitions.

If you continue your studies, have changed studios and want to find another club, other Indian dances in Moscow, then be sure to come to us! We are waiting for every student, everyone who has shown interest in dancing and wants to learn. Realize your dream at a democratic price today. Come on this "dance path" with us.

Indian dance training

Each Indian dance is a separate, unique show, which includes both plots known to everyone for a long time, and the style of each dancer, personal "chips" that make the dance a dance, and not just a set of movements. it enchanting show, joy and happiness in every movement that you want to share with the whole world.

Dancing is a great modern hobby that is gaining popularity every day. Girls and business women, women try to keep up with the times and choose dancing as a way to deal with stress, overweight, fatigue, chronic depression. Indian dance studio gives a free first lesson for those who decide to study Indian dances . Our workouts are fun and laughter, they are purposeful ladies who really want to learn something, as well as highly professional trainers and kind staff, comfortable studios and much, much more. We really want you to like it with us, we value our reputation and therefore we do everything to make our training sessions memorable for a long time, and you will definitely continue your course!


We provide Indian dance training not only for those who started their thorny path of dance, but also for those who have been practicing for a long time, puts their numbers. After all, there is no limit to perfection. Experienced trainers of our school will help you with the implementation of your own compositions, help you to go through a difficult step from knowing the set of movements and connections to improvisation, teach you how to work with dance attributes (scarves, shawls, cold weapons, torches, etc.), and also give you confidence and prepare for competitions and championships. " former dancers it doesn’t happen, ”we say, and if you ended your dancing career a long time ago, but really want to go back, come to us to recover.

Immediately pour a tub of water on the heads of those who loudly proclaim that any dance can be learned on their own at home, for example. There is one, but a serious obstacle to such an opportunity - your self-organization. If you are a person who is not able to force yourself to engage systematically, if your hobbies are in most cases fleeting, then you simply cannot do without a coach.

Where to start learning

If the first impression you saw live or on TV or the first trial lesson showed you that this is exactly what you would like to do, that it is worth studying and that it is worth studying, then there may be two fundamentally different schemes of your actions. .

First. In case of low self-control, it is highly recommended to buy the most expensive subscription to classes in the studio. There is a chance that paid large sum money will be exactly the incentive that will make you go through the entire course of classes without missing a single one. Moreover, you should immediately choose the longest subscription. The first one runs out, buy the second, third, etc. There will come a moment when you realize that without Indian dance you simply cannot.

Second. You know what you want and you know that you have enough willpower to master the basics on your own. In this case, you can learn belly dancing on your own, in any case, the basics on the Internet: paid or free.

In any case, you can first study the information about the dance: when, who, what and how danced. A lot of thematic information today is posted on various Internet resources. Absolutely all Indian films in in large numbers contain national dance varying degrees complexity and skill. There are more dances in older tapes, in recent films- this is most often the final song-dance in the style of "Bollywood" - a modernized dance "based on".

There is a lot of printed literature from which you can draw the spirit and basics of technology. From artistic classics, you can plunge into the atmosphere, understand the aesthetics and partly the historical spirit of Indian dances, for example, from I. Efremov’s book “The Razor’s Edge”, which may not teach, but it will definitely arouse interest in Indian culture.

Almost everyone can learn the modern pop style of Indian dance "Bollywood" from video lessons, but to master traditional dances folk school This is long and painstaking work. Folk dance India is one of the most ancient. They have been performed for about five thousand years. Only the reverent attitude of the Indian people to their traditions made it possible to bring the dance to our days almost unchanged.

For so rich history Indian dance "overgrown" with a rich language of gestures and postures. And in order to master the latter, at a certain stage you just need a teacher. The whole philosophy of India is built on a student-teacher tandem, dance is no exception. Moreover, the higher the level of the student, the higher the degree of skill and knowledge of the teacher.

Therefore, a brief scheme for teaching Indian dances can be conditionally concluded in the following points:

  • We read about the history, culture, philosophy of India - we like it, we are interested;
  • We are watching free videos lessons on the Internet, we buy paid ones and try - carried away;
  • We are looking for a dance studio - it turns out;
  • We are looking for a professional coach, we raise the level - we grow.

We repeat the last point, repeat, repeat ... until we move to the next level of skill, of course, subject to an unbearable desire to practice Indian dances.

The teacher comes when the student is ready!

Indian dance video will help you learn to comprehend the dance with different parties, you will discover an inexhaustible source of inspiration and good mood. In addition, join the centuries-old Indian culture through dance - one of its brilliant facets. And to top it all off, regular classes, you can during years maintain excellent physical shape, because Indian dance is a firework of movements and the load falls on almost all muscle groups.

Captivating with beauty and aesthetics, Indian dances are familiar to each of us since childhood. The unusual, sometimes passionate and captivating movements of Indian dancers exude exoticism, and they have long earned world fame. Russian spectators brought up on bright musical films produced in India, you will certainly want to take the opportunity to feel like one of the heroines from the screen.


A colorful dance, accompanied by a melodic melody, brings joy both to the performers themselves and to those who are watching the colorful action with delight. The choreography of Indian dance is usually constructed in such a way as to produce a powerful external effect on the audience. The dancers manage to convey violent emotions through movements, their plasticity is distinguished by sensuality, grace and half-disguised sexuality, which by itself leaves no one indifferent.

  • Bollywood video lesson

First you need to decide on the style of dance that you want to learn first of all. It can be incredibly beautiful "Kuchipudi", "Kathak", "Bharatanatyan", classical dance or Indian fusion. Whatever you choose, rest assured that the Indian dance studio will be able to perfectly prepare you for self-study. The training program will begin with an introduction to the basics of dance and basic movements.

Indian dance lessons

Indian dance originated more than two thousand years ago, when girls serving in Asian temples were charged with the duty to please the celestials with singing and dancing. Of course, only those dancers who were in perfect control of their bodies were accepted into the service, because the best offerings were to be destined for the gods. Over time, women have achieved such mastery in their art that wealthy pilgrims, in order to see their divine charms, made huge donations to temples.


Today Indian dance lessons available to any woman who wants to learn how to control her body and cause unfeigned admiration of the audience. Being engaged, you will receive not only the load necessary to maintain a chic figure, but also experience an unprecedented aesthetic pleasure. Public acceptance your abilities, fit and slim figure, as well as a joyful mood will be guaranteed to you.

After the course of the training program has been thoroughly studied by you, you will be able to captivate men's hearts demonstrating everything they are capable of. The dance in your performance will become even more charming when you are fully equipped for it according to classical Indian laws. Dressed in a luxurious sari, embroidered with gold threads, and wearing jewelry - exquisite bracelets and light ankle bells - you will certainly feel like a goddess.

Nothing prevents you from taking bellydance training and classes at home will not be as difficult for you as it seemed on initial stage learning. Practice at home in a relaxed atmosphere, especially since such techniques can activate nervous system, to liberate the body as much as possible and give self-confidence.

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