Alec Marshall. Relationship Crisis

Alexander Minkov, now known as Marshal, is familiar with the Penza region firsthand. For three years, the singer served in Serdobsk in a helicopter regiment. He got there, being expelled from the military school of the air defense forces, where he studied in the specialty of combat control.

“Three years later I was released” Marshal was born in the family of a military pilot, so from childhood he dreamed of becoming a military man. After school, Alexander decided to continue his father's work and in 1974 he entered the Stavropol Higher Military School of the Air Defense Forces with a degree in combat control navigator. But soon the guy realized that he was in a hurry to opt for military career. The desire to study music seriously and professionally prevailed over the desire to become an officer. He abandoned his studies and was soon expelled from the military school. In the same year, Marshal was called up for military service in the city of Serdobsk. Despite the fact that the future singer served on the territory of our region, he met Penza only when he was a famous performer. Since during the service in Serdobsk it was impossible to visit our city. - Yes, and where could a soldier go without a penny in his pocket! In addition, the dismissal was given only for one day, - says the press manager of Alexander Marshal Yulia Borisova. The singer himself, every time he visits Penza, involuntarily recalls that he once served here: - Yes, I remember how it is now, it was May 11, 1977 - the day of my demobilization from the army. And after three years of military service, one might say, I was released. To be honest, I just burst into tears from the feeling of spring and freedom. After the army, Alexander Marshal worked as a rescue sailor in the Crimea, and then as a mechanic in the Soyuzattraction company. This was the end of his professional search. Alexander began to engage exclusively in music.

Marshal called friends Despite the childhood dream of a military career, Marshall has been involved in music since childhood. When I went to general education school, and this was in 1964, at the same time he entered the musical piano class. And he mastered the skills of playing the guitar on his own and already at school he formed his own group "Stepnyaki". I wrote my first song at the age of 15. Alexander also had his own group at the military school. Here, friends of Alexander Minkov gave him the nickname Marshal. - In the school, in parallel with my own vocal and instrumental ensemble, there was another ensemble, which was located at the school orchestra, - says the singer. - The ensemble was called "Pilgrims", the guys sang in three voices. I also sometimes joined them, and we sang in four voices. It was so great! I just remember - they sang so cleanly and beautifully. The “Pilgrims” once said to me: “You probably want to become a field marshal when you finish school?” I say, "I don't know." And so it went - stuck. Field Marshal, Marshal ... Since that time, Alexander Minkov became a Marshal. Although this nickname was predetermined by fate much earlier. Once, as a child, Alexander watched a military parade on TV with his parents. They showed the Minister of Defense, who, in an open limousine, drove along Red Square and congratulated them on the holiday. And then Sasha told his mother that he would also drive a car, like that marshal. Mom advised him to become at least his driver.

Dossier "KP"

Marshal (Minkov) Alexander Vitalievich was born in the city of Korenovsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory. He came to Moscow immediately after the 1980 Olympics. At first he worked in restaurants, at the Mosconcert, as well as with many musical groups. Then he began working in the rock group Gorky Park. He currently lives in Moscow, is married and has a son, Artem.

Alexander Marshal is rightly called one of the main actors in domestic show business and a real man. Millions of women are in love with the singer, and he, despite his age, continues to "hussar". However, in history Russian music he goes in like talented singer and a composer, not just a "ladies' man".

Guy with character

Sasha Minkov (such is real name popular artist) was born in a small town in the south Krasnodar Territory. His mother was a dentist, and his father was an army pilot designer. Accordingly, none of the boy's relatives had anything to do with the world of art.

When it was time to go to school, Sasha told his relatives that, in addition to general education, he would also go to music. Dad and mom agreed, warning their son that music lessons should not affect his academic performance. The son accepted the challenge and diligently prepared both for school lessons and for piano lessons.

Soon the Minkov family moved to Tikhoretsk, where Sasha again found a music school for himself, continuing to learn the technique of playing the piano and learning to play the guitar on his own.

For the first time in front of a large crowd, Sasha performed in the sixth grade. By that time, his father was transferred to the service in the town of Salsk, and there, at the local school, Minkov Jr. created the VIA "Stepnyaki". After a little rehearsal, the guys began to perform on the stage of the local club, and a little later - at weddings and name days.

By the time he graduated from school, Alexander could not decide which path to choose for himself next. On the one hand, he wanted to be a pilot like dad, on the other hand, to make music on a professional basis. In 1974, Sasha made up his mind - he took the documents to the Stavropol Higher Military Aviation School to train as a combat control navigator. At the school, the nickname "Marshal" stuck to the young man.

Once in the barracks, Alexander did not lose his head, but immediately began organizing musical ensemble. So he managed to combine two dreams - to study as an officer and do what he loves.

However, after completing his second year, the young man realized that music attracted him more than flying in the sky. It just didn't work out like that. After talking in a raised voice with the commander of the school of explanations with his own father, Marshal went to serve as an ordinary soldier for another year.

Conquest of Moscow and the West

But when the army finally said goodbye to him, the young man was able to devote himself entirely to music. The father, upset by his son's act, refused to help him financially, and Alexander took on any side jobs. Before becoming popular singer, he was a rescue sailor, a mechanic, and a musician in a restaurant.

At some point, Alexander realized that all his undertakings in his native land were marking time. Having collected his things, he left to conquer Moscow. In Belokamennaya, I accidentally came across an ad from which the musician learned that a certain Moscow group needed a bass player. Marshal responded to the offer and did not lose.

Having accumulated experience in "Flowers" and in "Araks", Marshall supported the intentions of Alexander Belov to create a team that would present Russian rock to the whole world. Thus was born legendary band"Gorky Park". Since 1987, Alexander and his friends set off to conquer the West and America.

Interesting Notes:

Returning home in the early 90s, Marshal replaced the band as a vocalist. In total, Alexander's romance with Gorky Park dragged on for 12 years - the vocalist finally left the ensemble in 1999, loudly declaring that the group had exhausted itself.

Solo career steps

At the end of the 1990s, the beginning solo career Alexander Marshall. He recorded the compositions "Shower", "Eagle", "At the Crossroads", "I'm Flying Away Again", "Wait a minute", which immediately burst into various charts. In 1998, the singer presented his debut album"May be". The musician's fans warmly greeted the subsequent albums of their favorite artist:

  • “Where I have not been” (with the hits “Let go”, “Sky”, “Old Yard”);
  • "Highlander";
  • "Special";
  • "White Ash".

In 2002, the performer, together with the aspiring artist Ariana, recorded their own version of the romance “I will never forget you” from the legendary opera “Juno and Avos”. it musical composition noted many music critics. Then he recorded the discs "Dad" and "The Cranes Are Flying"

In 2008 former members"Gorky Park" decided to get together again and held several successful concerts. In the second decade of the new century, Alexander Marshal pleased his fans with the albums “Until Sunrise night star"(2012), "Turn around" (2012). In 2016, he recorded together with the band " living water"single "Shadow".

In 2017, the singer successfully held solo concert in the Kremlin. In addition to concerts and work in the studio, Alexander Marshal is also busy working on television. As a presenter, he conducted a cycle of military programs "Legends of the Army" on the Zvezda channel.

Secrets of personal life

The singer does not like to talk about topics of his personal life. According to information available from various sources on the web, Alexander has a wife, Natalya, who gave him his only son, Artem. According to other sources, Natalya is a popular performer, and he has two children (there is also a daughter, Polina, who lives in America with her mother).

In the early 2000s, the media wrote about the romance of a popular artist with Nadia Ruchka, one of the soloists popular group"Brilliant". The couple often appeared together on secular evenings, but neither Alexander nor his wife Natalya commented on this relationship. The musician returned to his legal wife, who forgave her husband's betrayal.

In 2018, information appeared that Alexander Marshal had a new hobby - a young journalist and model Karina Nugaeva, who is 36 years younger than her boyfriend.

According to the girl, she met popular artist during his anniversary concert in the Kremlin. The artist himself called the incident “chemistry”. The legal wife, again, did not comment on her husband's new hobby.

Not so long ago, Alexander Marshal underwent spinal surgery to remove a hernia between the vertebrae. Doctors strongly recommended popular artist go in for sports, and the singer regularly makes a “bar”. And in his spare time, the musician likes to collect models of military aircraft. His collection includes more than three dozen aircraft.

USSR →Russia Russia

Alexander Marshal(real name - Alexander Vitalievich Minkov; genus. June 7, 1957, Korenovskaya, Krasnodar Territory, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian rock musician, singer, bass player, songwriter. Known as a member of the Araks, Pilgrims, Flowers and Gorky Park groups, as well as solo artist. The artist's repertoire includes songs both in Russian and in other languages ​​(English, Ukrainian). Winner of the "Chanson of the Year" ("Radio Chanson"), "Golden Gramophone" ("Russian Radio") and the Song of the Year festival.


Born on June 7, 1957 in the village of Korenovskaya. Father, Vitaly Pavlovich Minkov (1932-2001), was a 1st class military instructor pilot in military unit 65235, and his mother, Lyudmila Ivanovna Minkova (1930-2015), was a dentist. At the age of 7, the future artist went to school number 34 Tikhoretsk [ ] , at the same time in the musical class of the piano. From the fifth grade to the eighth, he studied at the secondary railway school No. 34 named after V. I. Lenin (“Leninskaya”), in the same city. He taught himself the guitar. “My childhood smells of dry winds and shoe polish of soldiers' boots,” recalls Alexander Marshal. His creative career began in the sixth grade playing on the dance floor, and in 1972, having moved to the city of Salsk, where he created VIA Stepnyaki at school No. 5, he played at dances and weddings.

"Gorky Park"

Using the increased interest of Western society in the USSR in the second half of the 1980s, caused by perestroika and the fall of iron curtain, in his North American work, "Gorky Park" used the image of an emphatically Russian group, exploiting common images and western stereotypes about the USSR and Russia. The musicians at concerts and in videos performed in clothes with elements of Russian folk costumes (for example, in shirts with Russian patterns), combined with the use of Soviet symbols. The lyrics used references to Russian folk and Soviet art: at the beginning of the song "Bang" Russian motifs were used folk song"Meadow duck". Especially for Alexei Belov by an American company musical instruments Kramer made a balalaika-shaped guitar, the music of which was used in the band's songs. The Gorky Park logo is the American and Soviet flags tied to each other.

Gorky Park

An album was released in 1989 Gorky Park which brought the team popularity. It received a five-point rating from Billboard in the nomination "Best Performance". Compositions such as " Bang"And" Try to find me", Entered the hit parade" Billboard". "Bang" climbed to number three on the MTV charts. The album itself was ranked 80th on Billboard's Top 200 Albums List. In three weeks from the start of sales, the circulation of the album exceeded 300,000 copies.

Already on the wave of popularity, Gorky Park comes to Moscow for a grandiose combined festival with the participation of Western groups, where he performs on the same stage with Skid Row, Bon Jovi, Cinderella, Mötley Crüe, Ozzy Osbourne and Scorpions.

Moscow Calling

The recording of the album, in addition to the group itself, was attended by vocalists Richard Marks and Phi Weibil from The Tubes, guitarists Steve Lukater from Toto, Steve Farris from Whitesnake, Dweezil Zappa and saxophonist of the Pink Floyd concert line-up Scott Page, mixing was supervised by Erwin Masper. Moscow Calling was released on March 29, 1993. In many countries, including Russia, he saw the light under the name Gorky Park II. Not hitting the American charts, the disc still managed to gain considerable popularity, selling in the world with a circulation of half a million copies. The disc received great popularity in Denmark, having received platinum status there. In Europe, this disc was represented by BMG, in Scandinavia - by CNR, in Japan - by Crown, in South-East Asia- Pony Cennen, in Russia - SOYUZ.

International success Moscow Calling allowed Gorky Park to gain financial independence and equip its own studio in Los Angeles. Alexander Marshal: "From now on, we ourselves will manage our honestly earned money."

Solo career

In December 1998, the singer's debut disc "Maybe" was released. The songs of the album, written by various authors (including Marshal himself), were in different styles: rock, stage, chanson. In 1999, the first solo concert of Alexander Marshal took place in Krasnodar. And on October 13-14, 2001, solo concerts of Alexander Marshal were held in Moscow at the State Kremlin Palace.

Alexander Marshal's album "White Ashes" was released in October 2001. The album includes the songs "White Ash", "Who are we?", "Bride" and many other tracks. In the same year, the album "Special" was released. In 2002, Marshal recorded the album "Batya", which he dedicated to his father, military pilot V. Minkov, and to everyone who served and fought and stands guard over peace. And already in February 2003 came out new album Alexander Marshal "Father Arseny". This album includes an audio film, created with the consent of Patriarch Alexy II, dedicated to the priest Arseniy. Father Arseniy was repressed as a priest in the 1930s. With his faith, he saved hundreds of people, it was thanks to him that they believed in themselves, in the future, in life. In 2002, Alexander Marshal, together with the young singer Ariana, recorded a new, modern version sublimely tragic ballad "I will never forget you" romance from the rock opera "Juno and Avos".

In February 2006, the album "Or So" was released, and in May a solo concert was successfully held at the Moscow Art Theater named after M. Gorky - "Life on loan". In June 2007, Alexander Marshal recorded the song "Name of You" to the words of E. Muravyov, music by V. Lotkin. The song was recorded as a duet with Maria Novikova. Filming of the video for this song took place in Lviv; video director Alan Badoev.

In 2012 he released the album "Turn around", in which he was the author of more than half of the songs.

Revival of Gorky Park

In 2008, the group was revived at the Avtoradio-15 festival. The team played 5 songs and an insert from the instrumental track "Volga Boatman". A few days later, at the awards ceremony of the Muz-TV television channel, Gorky Park received an award for their contribution to rock music and performed the same composition with the song "Moscow Calling".

In 2016, he met Yuliana Kopteva (born April 5, 1984), a model from an escort agency for VIPs.

Since 2017, she has been dating Karina Nugaeva (born May 23, 1993), the editor-in-chief of Chanson radio from a wealthy family.

Social activity

In June 2011, he joined the Public Advisory Council on the problems of functioning and development transport complex of the city of Moscow under the Government of the city.

On February 12, 2019, during an interview with journalist Yuri Dudyu, he stated that if he [Yuri Dud] is not a supporter of Vladimir Putin, then he should leave Russia.

The work of Alexander Marshal is familiar and close to many listeners who love hard rock, lyrical, military songs and chanson. The artist still works hard, successfully recording new songs and performing at concerts in different cities, where fans give him a warm welcome.

Marshal's biography contains many interesting events, thanks to which music has become his favorite thing.

Childhood dreams of a military career

The future singer (his real name is Minkov) was born in 1957 in Korenovsk, Krasnodar region. His parents were far from the world of art: his mother, Lyudmila Ivanovna, worked as a dentist, and his father, Vitaly Pavlovich, was a military pilot. It is not surprising that even in his early childhood, all Sasha's dreams were associated with military craft. But despite the desire to follow in the footsteps of his father, the boy was drawn to music, thanks to which he was engaged in music school in piano class. As he got older, he learned to play the guitar, and then organized his own band. The young man played on dance floors and weddings, where he also performed his songs.


Having successfully passed the exams at the Stavropol Military Aviation School, the 17-year-old Minkov began to study the basics of flying. He did not give up his passion for music and at the same time played in musical group. It was during these years that the nickname "Marshal" was assigned to him, which the artist later applied as creative pseudonym. After studying at the school for two years, Alexander realized that he was attracted not by a military career, but by a musician. However, in order to do what he loved, he had to have a serious talk with his father, and then serve as an ordinary soldier for another year.

Participation in Gorky Park and solo performances

In the early 80s, the future singer came to Moscow, where at first he performed in restaurants and took part in Stas Namin's groups - Araks and Flowers. In 1987 he entered new team- the rock group "Gorky Park", which quickly declared itself in music world. The group gave concerts not only in their homeland, but also in the cities of America, where the musicians lived for several years. Until 1998, Marshal performed in the team as a soloist, replacing the departed soloist Nikolai Noskov.

Group "Gorky Park".

Soon the singer decided to pursue a solo career, releasing his debut album almost immediately. solo album"May be". His next albums included songs in different styles: rock, pop compositions and chanson. And later, Alexander dedicates his work to wartime and to those who stand guard over peace. The recognition and love of fans have earned his songs such as “Road”, “White Ash”, “Bride”, “Shower”, “Don't Fly Away”, “My Home is Russia”, “Rota”, “Sailboat” and others. During his career, the singer has recorded about 20 albums, also performing duet compositions with Maria Novikova, Dj Groove, Natasha Koroleva, Emin, Mali. He periodically performs with the Gorky Park group at various festivals, performing his favorite hits of the 80s and 90s.

Personal life: marriages and affairs with women

Marshal rarely shared his personal life with journalists and fans, however, it is known that he was married three times. His first family came early. Not finding mutual language with his wife, he divorced her very quickly. There were no children in this marriage. The second wife gave birth to the artist's daughter Polina.

In the photo, Alexander Marshal in his youth with his daughter.

After the divorce, the girl stayed in America with her mother, so he could rarely communicate with her and take part in her upbringing. In the third marriage, Alexander had a son, Artyom. For a long time there was a warm atmosphere and understanding in the family, in addition, his wife Natalya acted as its director. But already in the mid-2000s, they began to notice him with the lead singer of the Brilliant group, Nadezhda Ruchka, giving rise to dry talk about their romance. But this relationship never turned into something serious, and later Marshal began to appear in the company of a young model Yulia, whom he was 30 years older than.

Singer with ex-wife Natalya.

He still attracts the attention of young girls: on this moment his chosen one is 24-year-old Karina. The girl works as an editor at the Chanson radio, where the lovers met. The artist, who celebrated his anniversary, came on the air, and after the performance they talked closer. The couple is not embarrassed by a significant age difference, and they find mutual interest and understanding. Despite his age, the 60-year-old singer has slim figure(height - 193 cm; weight - 92 kg), he is always energetic and tastefully dressed. have excellent appearance Marshall is helped by sports. His day starts with exercises, in addition, he practices planks.

In the photo, Alexander Marshal with his son Artyom. Instagram marshalsinger.

His 25-year-old daughter received an education in computer graphics, but did not want to work in her profession. The girl dreams of making a career as an actress and acting in films, so she attends various auditions and auditions, and also takes lessons acting skills. She rarely comes to Russia and visits her star father, but Alexander often calls her up, trying to keep abreast of all her events. The son became interested in singing, performing under the pseudonym Trilla. He has already written the first hip-hop songs and shot a video.

Famous Russian singer Alexander Marshal has long made a name for himself, and successful career. During tours, he is warmly welcomed by fans not only from different corners our homeland, but also abroad. Of course, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity still prevail among the admirers of the singer's talent. Any other woman would surely find it very difficult to come to terms with such a restless female love, which is constantly surrounded by her husband, but wife of Alexander Marshal Natalya Minkova long years is next to her husband, experiencing with him both the joy of victories and the bitterness of failures, therefore he perceives the fanatical love of other women quite calmly.

The musician met his wife at one of the St. Petersburg concerts, where he performed as part of the then Gorky Park group as an opening act for an American rock band. A significant meeting took place in a buffet backstage. Alexander Marshal characterizes his feelings as love at first sight. In principle, his heart did not deceive him. After all, Natalya turned out to be exactly the woman who is ready to follow her beloved anywhere, knows how to forgive and treat her husband's shortcomings with understanding. The couple spent the first years of their married life in America. In the same place, on June 18, 1997, the common son Artyom was born. At the beginning of their relationship, Alexander Marshal was not yet a very famous and popularly beloved singer. However, when he returned to his homeland, he quickly gained both fame and popularity. All this time, Natalya was his reliable rear. Moreover, she became not only the keeper of the hearth, but also the director of her husband.

However, in the early 2000s, disturbing rumors spread in show business that the singer's family was under threat. They were connected with Alexander Marshal's novel with Nadezhda Ruchka, a performer from the "Brilliant" group. As in the proverb - everything secret becomes clear - so in real life the musician could not hide his feelings for a young colleague, starting to appear with her at social events. Everyone around began to talk about the imminent divorce of Alexander Marshal and his wife. And only she kept a stubborn silence. The relationship between the singer and the young soloist of the "Brilliant" either ended or began again. The musician then returned to his wife, then left again. This story, according to the press, continues to this day. Just last year, the public was again excited by the message that Nadezhda Ruchka and Alexander Marshal were together again. Be that as it may, but he also does not seem to intend to end his relationship with his wife. They are still officially married, although they live apart. Probably, Natalya Minkova sacrifices her own nerves and happiness for the sake of her son's peace of mind. Or maybe she still loves her unfaithful husband and is waiting for the next return?

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