Infrastructural complex composition, value. Types of transport

After watching this video tutorial, users will be able to get an idea about the topic “Infrastructure complex: composition, value. Types of transport". During the lesson, you will be able to find out what is included in the infrastructure complex, what is the infrastructure and its composition. The teacher will also talk about the main types of transport.

Without an infrastructure complex, it is impossible to imagine the work of enterprises or the life of the population. The better the territory is developed, the more institutions that provide a variety of services on it. In the city, the infrastructure complex is better developed than in the countryside. The infrastructure complex is divided into two relatively independent parts: communication system which includes transport, communications, and service industry, which includes: trade and food (shops, cafes, canteens), consumer services (repair shops, ateliers, hairdressers, baths), housing and communal services (housing and communal services - provision of housing, with its improvement), culture and art (concert, exhibition halls, theaters, libraries, radio and television), science and education (higher educational institutions, schools), health care and physical education (clinics, hospitals, sports complexes, stadiums), social security (maintenance of nursing homes, orphanages, boarding schools, organization of pension security and insurance), financial and credit sphere (banks, insurance and financial organizations, investment funds), public administration (defense, law enforcement).

Services. Their types

The infrastructure complex consists of industries that produce services.

Services are divided into two groups: material(trade, catering and consumer services) and intangible(education, culture, healthcare) (Fig. 1). According to the frequency of consumption, services are also divided into two groups: permanent(housing and communal services, trade, transport) and periodic, i.e. needed sometimes(health care, hairdressing or recreational services).

The nature of the services Services
material Materialized in the objects of their influence Trade, public catering, housing and communal services, consumer services
Non-materialized in the objects of their influence Transport and communications
Intangible Required Education, culture, healthcare, physical culture
Necessary Public administration, defense, public order

Rice. 1. Classification of services according to their nature and types

Services ensure the normal operation of agriculture, industry and other sectors of the economy, ensuring a quality standard of living for people.

Transport. Transport system

The main task of transport is to provide reliable communication between sectors of the economy, regions of the state, as well as between Russia and other countries. To do this, there are different modes of transport, they must be interconnected with each other, forming a transport system. Transport system consists of all types of transport united by transport nodes.

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Vladivostok, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities are major transport hubs (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Major transport hubs in Russia

There are several types of transport: land(railway, road), water(sea and river), air, as well as a special mode of transport - pipeline. The unified transport system of Russia is about 160,000 km of railways, 680,000 km of paved roads, 100,000 km of inland waterways and more than 210,000 km of pipelines. About 4.5 million people are employed in this industry. The work of transport is evaluated by such indicators as cargo turnover and passenger turnover.

The leading place in terms of cargo turnover belongs to water and pipeline transport, which transports large volumes of goods over long distances. According to the volume of transported goods, rail, pipeline, and road transport are distinguished. The proportion of road transport is growing rapidly.

In the passenger turnover, its share approaches 60%, and in the volume of passenger transportation, it prevails (about 90%).

The types of transport differ in the following indicators:

  • Cost price(the sum of the cost of the vehicle, the transport route and the cost of loading and unloading stations). The most expensive mode of transport is aviation, and the cheapest is sea.
  • Transportation speed. The fastest is air transport, the slowest is sea and river transport.
  • Reliability
  • Comfort
  • Influence of natural conditions. This factor is typical for aviation, sea and river modes of transport.


  1. V.P. Dronov, V.Ya. Rum. Geography of Russia: population and economy, grade 9.
  2. V.P. Dronov, I.I. Barinova, V.Ya. Rom, A.A. Lobzhanidze. Geography of Russia: economy and geographical areas, grade 9.
  1. Rating of subjects of the Russian Federation in terms of provision with sports infrastructure ( ).
  2. Rating of Russian regions by quality of life ().
  3. infrastructure complex. The composition of the complex. transport role().

In GDP 6.6%, 6.2% in employed, 19% in OPF, 65% in the service sector.

The infrastructure complex is a set of industries and activities that create the necessary conditions for the functioning of the basic industries of material production and provide favorable living conditions for the population (including the quality of the environment). The infrastructure complex includes social, industrial and environmental infrastructure.

The division of the infrastructure complex into types is rather arbitrary, since often the same infrastructure facilities serve both production and the population, and contribute to environmental protection. In addition, some elements of the infrastructure directly affect the functioning of production, others indirectly, providing the necessary living conditions for the population. Therefore, the infrastructure complex has an intersectoral character and acts as a large subdivision of the economy, which is called the sphere of production of services, both industrial and non-productive. According to the share of the sphere of production of services in GDP, they judge the degree of progressiveness of the structure of the economy. In Belarus (2001), the service sector accounts for 45.1% of GDP production. This area employs 52% of all employed in the economy. So far, this is still significantly lower than in highly developed countries (60-70% both in terms of the share of services in GDP and the number of people employed in the economy), but in recent years the role of the service sector in the economy of Belarus has been increasing and its importance as a factor in development and investment attractiveness countries is increasing.

Of particular importance for attracting investment in the economy of the country and its regions is a relatively high level of development of industrial infrastructure. Since the composition, functions and level of development of social infrastructure have already been considered when characterizing the level and quality of life of the population (lecture 6, p. 82-87), and the composition and role of environmental infrastructure - in assessing the natural resource potential (lecture 4, p. 56 -66), the subject of this lecture is precisely the production infrastructure as the most important factor in the development of all intersectoral complexes and the country's economy as a whole.

Production infrastructure includes such industries as transport and communications, trade and public catering, logistics and marketing, procurement, information and computing services, engineering infrastructure (main systems of water and energy supply, waste disposal and processing, etc.), etc.). types of services for the production of goods. Taken together, they act as a material embodiment of the complexity, interconnectedness of the development of all spheres of activity in the country and in its regions. They integrate all branches of production within each territorial division and include them in the territorial division of labor with other regions. The share of industries classified as industrial infrastructure accounted for (2001) almost 53% of the total volume of services produced in the country, and about 20% of all employed in the service sector.

Transport and communications make a particularly large contribution to ensuring the comprehensive development of the country and its regions. They are quite developed sectors of the country's economy largely due to the favorable economic and geographical position of Belarus and the historical intersection on its territory of the most important trans-European railways, pipelines, highways, fiber optic lines and power lines connecting the east and west, north and south of the Eurasian continent. The share of transport and communications in the production of Belarus' GDP is 11.3% (2001). The number of people employed in these sectors is about 7% of those employed in the economy.

Transport complex as part of the infrastructure of Belarus includes all types of modern transport: rail, road, pipeline, river and air. The problem of creation of own marine merchant fleet is being solved. All modes of transport are interconnected, each of them has functional features, and together in interaction they form a transport system, the main role of which is to meet the needs of all economic entities of the country and the population in transportation and international relations.

In recent years, transport has made a great contribution to the export potential of Belarus, successfully (with a positive balance) exporting transport services and becoming, in fact, one of the country's important branches of specialization in the international division of labor. Transport accounts for (2002) 56.7% of the total Belarusian export of services. Basically (83.3%), these are freight transport services and the largest share in the international export of freight traffic is occupied by pipeline transport, followed (in approximately equal shares) by road and rail.

Table 14 shows indicators characterizing the activities of all modes of transport and their role in the country's transport system.

As follows from the data in Table. 14, the leading role in terms of the volume of transported goods and the transportation of passengers is played by automobile transport . But in terms of cargo turnover, it is inferior to pipeline and railroads, and in terms of passenger traffic - to railroads. The features of motor transport, unlike all other types, are high maneuverability (the ability to deliver goods and passengers "from gate to gate"), versatility, speed of transportation and the availability of a variety of vehicles. Due to the higher cost of transportation over long distances than that of railways, motor vehicles are most widely used for transporting goods over short distances in small batches, as well as for transporting passengers dispersed along certain flows on intra-district and intra-city routes. However, in recent years, road freight transport over long distances and especially international has increased. Belarusian road carriers (about 12,000 road trains in operation) deliver goods to more than 40 countries in Europe and Asia.

The development of motor transport in Belarus, in addition to the trans-European corridors No. 2 and No. 9 (with branches) passing through its territory, is facilitated by a rather dense network of paved roads of international, republican and local significance. With a density of paved roads equal to 321.9 km/thous. km. 2 territories of the republic, in the Minsk region it reaches 398 km / thousand km. km 2, and in Gomel is 234.9 km / thousand km. km 2. The largest share in the transportation of vehicles is occupied by agricultural goods, as well as light and food industries, timber, building materials and parts.

The main problems of motor transport are: high depreciation of the rolling stock, which requires its renewal and modernization, stimulating the acquisition of domestically produced equipment by Belarusian carriers; non-compliance of the structure and technical condition of public roads with the requirements of motor transport and Western European norms and standards; insufficient development of the service maintenance system on main roads. Overcoming these problems is carried out in stages in accordance with the state program "Roads of Belarus for the period 1997-2005." and the Program of Social and Economic Development of Belarus for 2001-2005.

infrastructure complex unites sectors of the economy that produce a variety of services. It is divided into the communication system and the service sector.

The communication system includes transport and communications.

The main types - railway, road, river, sea, air and pipeline - form the country's transport system. Modes of transport are connected using transport hubs, that is, points at which several modes of transport converge and the exchange of goods between them is carried out.

The unified transport system of Russia is about 160,000 km of railways, 680,000 km of paved roads, 100,000 km of inland waterways and more than 210,000 km of pipelines. More than 4.5 million people are employed in this industry.

The leading place in terms of cargo turnover (that is, the product of the mass of cargo and the distance of transportation, ton-kilometers) belongs to rail and pipeline transport, which transport large volumes of cargo over long distances. According to the volume of transported goods (t), rail, pipeline, and road transport are distinguished. The proportion of road transport is growing rapidly. In the passenger turnover (the product of the number of passengers transported by the transportation distance, passenger-kilometers), its share approaches 60%, and it prevails in the volume of passenger traffic (about 97%).

The development of Russia's transport system varies by region. The availability of communication routes both in terms of total length and density (kilometers per 1000 km2 of territory) differs by 10 times or more. Thus, the average density of motor roads in Russia is 28 km (per 1000 km2), but in regions it varies from 5 (Far East) to 172 km (Central Chernozemny). Among the subjects of the Federation, Moscow, Vladimir, Tula, Lipetsk, Belgorod, Kaliningrad regions, as well as Adygea and Kabardino-Balkaria stand out in terms of the density of roads.

A transport network has been developed in the North-Western, North Caucasian, Volga-Vyatka and Volga regions.

The leading one in Russia is the railway. This is primarily due to the geographical features of our country. The advantages of this type of transport: large carrying capacity, low cost of transportation, independence from. In the European part of the country, the configuration of roads resembles a giant "wheel", the center (axis) of which is Moscow. "Spokes" - 11 railway lines - depart from it in different directions. To the east of the "wheel" stretched latitudinal highways (to, Orenburg). After the collapse of the USSR, significant sections of the largest latitudinal highways - the Trans-Siberian, Central Siberian and South Siberian - were outside of Russia. The only proper Russian section (Ekaterinburg - Tyumen - Omsk) is not able to provide a reliable transport connection between the western and eastern regions of the country.

Road transport is one of the most expensive at the cost of transportation. At the same time, it has great maneuverability and speed, making it possible to deliver goods directly to consumers. The efficiency of road transport largely depends on the density and quality of roads. However, 1/10 of the road us, and 1/3 has a low quality hard coating. The largest highways (12) radiate from Moscow. In the eastern regions, their density is sharply reduced. Until now, there is no road crossing the whole of Russia from west to east.

Sea transport is one of the cheapest due to the huge carrying capacity of ships, relatively straight traffic routes. But significant costs are required for the construction of ships and ports. In addition, maritime transport is highly dependent on natural conditions. There are 39 ports in Russia, but only relatively large ones. 60% of ports are shallow and cannot accommodate large vessels. Own seaports provide only half of the country's needs. The first place in cargo turnover belongs to the ports (Vostochny, Vanino, Nakhodka). About 25% of the Russian fleet is concentrated here. (, Vyborg, Kaliningrad) has a very favorable position, but there are few ports here, their total capacity is low. Oil is mainly exported through the ports of the basin (Novorossiysk). The Northern Sea Route passes through the basin, which is of great importance for the life support of the regions of the Far North.

River transport plays an important role in those areas where high-water rivers flow (mainly in the North). It is profitable to transport goods that do not require fast delivery (, grain). The main navigable basin is the Volga-Kama. This is the core of the unified deep-water system of the European part of Russia. The largest ports in the basin are three Moscow (Southern, Western and Northern), Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Volgograd and Astrakhan. In second place in terms of volume of work performed is the pool (with tributaries). There are also large ports in Omsk, Tomsk, Tobolsk, Tyumen, Surgut, Urengoy, Labytnang. The third most important is the water transport basin (, Sukhona, Vychegda). Air transport gives a large time gain over medium and long distances. In the poorly developed regions of Siberia, this is the only means of communication. The most massive passenger flows are sent from Moscow in five main directions: Caucasian, Southern, Eastern, Central Asian, Western. Four Moscow airports (Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Vnukovo and Bykovo) account for 30% of all passenger air travel in Russia. Major air transport hubs are St. Petersburg, Ufa, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Vody, Sochi, Nizhnevartovsk, Surgut, Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Vladivostok.

The most important types of communication in Russia are postal and telephone. The network is quite developed (over 50 thousand enterprises, including 2/3 in rural areas). In terms of the provision of services to the population, it is significantly inferior. The mobile network is developing rapidly, which will alleviate the severity of the problem. The development of satellite communications is promising.

>> Composition of the complex. The role of transport

infrastructure complex

§ 31. Composition of the complex. The role of transport

Infrastructure 1 complex unites sectors of the economy that produce a variety of services (Fig. 59). This distinguishes it from all other intersectoral complexes.

Service is a special kind of product. It is consumed not in the form of a thing, but as an activity. Services are different in nature, the breadth of the circle of consumers and the frequency of consumption.

? Consider the classification of services (Tables 31, 32). Complete them with examples.

The life of modern society is hard to imagine without services. They ensure the normal operation of the industry, Agriculture and other sectors of the economy, determine the quality of life of the population. However, the role of the infrastructure complex is determined not only by this.

1 Infrastructure - a set of structures, buildings, systems and services that provide conditions for the normal operation of various sectors of the economy and the life of the population.

The development and use of any territory is impossible without the appropriate infrastructure: residential and industrial buildings, roads, water pipes, power lines, etc. At the same time, the better the territory is developed, the more various infrastructure structures it has. For example, in the most developed region of the country - the Central - 10% of the territory is occupied by infrastructure. And in the Far East - only 0.5% of the territory. Infrastructure costs are usually very high. For example, 1 km of a modern motorway costs about $1 million. But you cannot save on these costs, as this results in much greater losses.

In Russia, the development of the infrastructure complex has not been given due attention for a long time. Contrary to world practice, it was considered a secondary subdivision of the economy. Therefore, his share of Russian economy much lower than in the developed countries of the world (Table 33), and in the complex itself many complex problems have accumulated.

The infrastructure complex is divided into two relatively independent parts: 1) the communication system (transport and communications), which is often called the production infrastructure; 2) the service sector (trade, public catering, culture, art, science, education, etc.), called social infrastructure

Communication system covers transport and communications. Its main task is to move people in space, information, energy and various cargoes.

Transport. All types of transport are divided into two groups. Those of them that can carry both various goods and people are called universal. Specialized types of transport move only certain goods (oil, gas, electricity). (Give examples of universal and specialized modes of transport.)

The main task of transport is to reliably connect individual links of the economy and regions of the country. No single mode of transport can solve this problem. Therefore, all modes of transport interact and complement each other, forming a transport system.

Transport system- the totality of all modes of transport, interconnected by transport hubs, i.e., points at which several modes of transport converge and goods are exchanged between them.

There are several hundred transport hubs of various types in Russia (Fig. 60). The largest of them is Moscow.

The role of various modes of transport in the transport system is determined by their share in the work of transport. Work transport is evaluated by several indicators: 1) the number of transported goods (million tons) and passengers (million people); 2) cargo and passenger turnover (Tables 34, 35).

Cargo turnover(t km) - the product of the amount of transported cargo (t) and the distance of its transportation (km).

Passenger turnover calculated similarly for the number of passengers carried.

When choosing a mode of transport, the cost and speed of transportation, carrying capacity and the influence of natural conditions on its work are usually taken into account.

? Think about how environmental conditions affect the operation of various modes of transport.

The cost of transportation for individual modes of transport varies greatly. The cheapest way to transport goods is by sea. But the speed of these transportations is low (25-35 km/h).

The second most economical transport is rail. It is only 30% more expensive than the sea one, but about 2 times faster.

Road transport is almost 15 times more expensive than sea and 10 times more expensive than rail.

The most expensive, but also the fastest mode of transport - aviation.

The cheapest type of passenger transportation is by bus.

Transport has a huge impact on the geography of the population and economy. (Confirm this with examples from atlas maps.) Settlements gravitate towards transport routes in order to save time. The cost of working and personal time for people living near highways is much lower than in settlements remote from them. (Why? Give examples.) Moving goods along highways changes their cost. The amount of transport costs in the total cost of production affects the location of enterprises (Table 36).

Questions and tasks

1. What industries are included in the infrastructure complex?
2. What is the role of transport in the Russian economy?
3. What types of transport form the transport system?

Attention! Problem!

Almost all parts of the Russian infrastructure are now in deep crisis.

Almost 1/3 of the railways and 1/6 of the roads are in serious need of repair. Bad roads dramatically reduce the speed of cars and trains, increase fuel consumption.

Annual losses due to bad roads are estimated at about 120 billion rubles. All seaports need modernization. The number of airfields is decreasing. Almost 1/3 of the country's population is in dire need of housing. In many Russian cities and urban-type settlements there is no water supply and sewerage, 50% of rural settlements do not have a single fixed telephone. Depreciation of water pipes is 40%, and heat networks - 60%.

Worn-out infrastructure not only reduces the efficiency of the entire economy, but also poses a threat to the life of the population. It is impossible to quickly reconstruct the infrastructure complex, since its individual elements are quite expensive.

Geography of Russia. population and economy. Grade 9: textbook. for general education institutions / V.P. Dronov, V.Ya. Rum. - 17th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2010. - 285 p.: ill., maps.

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The united branches of the economy that produce a variety of services constitute the infrastructure complex. It is divided into the service sector and the communication system, which includes communication and transport. The latter, in turn, consists of several types: pipeline, air, sea, river, road and rail, which form the country's transport system.


The value of the infrastructure complex is difficult to overestimate. Transport modes are connected by transport hubs. The infrastructure complex in terms of a unified transport system includes 160,000 kilometers of railways, 680,000 kilometers of paved roads for cars, 100,000 kilometers of waterways within the country, and more than 220,000 kilometers of pipelines.

This industry employs four and a half million people. Rail and pipeline transport are leading in terms of cargo turnover, moving huge volumes of cargo over long distances. Road transport is slightly behind them, although in the passenger turnover it occupies 60 percent of the total number of passenger-kilometers, and the volume of passenger transportation is 97 percent.

Transport system density

The regions of Russia differ significantly from each other. If we consider the development of the transport system, sometimes the density of mileage of lines of communication per thousand square kilometers differs by more than ten times. For example, on average in Russia, the density of roads is 28 kilometers per 1 thousand square kilometers, but in the Far East region it is five per thousand square kilometers, and in the Central Black Earth region it is 172. The 9th grade can study the infrastructure complex of Russia in its transport incarnation by simply opening a map of roads or railways. You can immediately see where the paths are thicker.

The subjects of the Federation with the densest road system are: Moscow, Tula, Vladimir, Belgorod, Lipetsk, Kaliningrad regions, it is quite well developed in the North Caucasus, North-West, Volga and Volga-Vyatka regions. Here you can isolate three main directions of the entire transport system of Russia: east-west (latitudinal), north-south (Central European meridional - with access to Moldova, Ukraine and the Caucasus), north-south (along the Volga and around). The infrastructure complex in the field of transport is much less developed beyond the Urals.


Railway transport is the leading one in Russia, since such are the purely geographical features of the country. The advantages of this transport are high carrying capacity, low cost and no dependence on the weather. The railways of the European part of Russia are built in the form of a giant wheel, the center of which is Moscow, eleven highways diverge from it like spokes. The infrastructure complex is well supported by a well thought out rail transport system.

But this applies only to the European part. Latitudinal highways stretch to the east - to Yekaterinburg, Orenburg and Chelyabinsk, then - to Siberia, which, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, partially ended up abroad. There is only one completely Russian section in Siberia - Omsk-Tyumen-Yekaterinburg, and it is not able to provide sufficient transport links between the eastern and western regions of the country.

Very many regional sections of railways within the country (some very long and important) were closed during Perestroika, and now, of course, they are destroyed without maintenance and repair. And if we take into account that even under the Soviet Union there were clearly not enough of them in Siberia, then we can be sure that the role of the infrastructure complex in this part of the country should be strengthened.

By highway

One of the most expensive modes of transport is road transport. Among its advantages are maneuverability and speed. Efficiency depends on both the quality of the roads and the density of the flow. If we take into account that one tenth of all Russian roads are dirt roads, and one third has a low-quality hard surface, then this type of transport in the infrastructure complex industry requires development.

Twelve largest and high-quality highways diverge in different directions from Moscow, the European part of the country is covered with them, like a dense grid, but the further east, the density decreases, and there are few roads beyond the Urals. And there is still no such highway that would cross the country from east to west. Russia's infrastructure complex is still weak in this respect.

Over the seas

Sea transport is quite cheap due to the huge carrying capacity of ships and relatively straight routes. However, significant costs are constantly required for the repair and construction of both ships and ports. And here is the absolute dependence on natural conditions.

Russia already has 39 major ports, but only 40 percent of them can accommodate large ships. The rest of the ports are shallow. Geography also fails here, the 9th grade can trace sea transport routes from port to port on the map: only half of Russia's own ports can meet the needs of the country.


The leader in cargo turnover is the Pacific Basin, where large ports are located - Nakhodka, Vladivostok, Vanino, Vostochny, as well as a quarter of the entire Russian fleet is concentrated here. In second place is the Baltic basin with the ports of Kaliningrad, Vyborg, St. Petersburg. The geographical position is very favorable, but there are few ports, and their capacity is small. In any case, maritime transport greatly adorns the composition of the infrastructure complex.

The ports of the Black Sea (Novorossiysk, Sevastopol) export mainly oil, and the Navy reigns here. But the most important is still the basin of the Arctic Seas, where the Northern Sea Route passes, which provides the regions of the Far North with everything necessary.

Other forms of transport are for the most part inaccessible here, except for air, but this is often powerless, since weather conditions are rarely favorable. The infrastructure complex of Russia requires comprehensive development: the country is huge, the distances are immense, the geography is mostly inconvenient, and the needs are also appropriate.

Along the rivers

Where full-flowing rivers flow, river transport is the hope and support of the infrastructure complex. This transport is beneficial, especially if the goods do not require fast delivery. For example, grain, oil, timber and much more. The map shows where river transport is most developed: these are mainly the northern, Siberian and, of course, the Volga with tributaries.

The main navigable basin is the Volga-Kama, it is like the core of the entire deep-water river system of the European part of Russia. The largest ports: all three of Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Kazan, Astrakhan and Volgograd. The water basin of the northern part of Russia is also important for the functioning of the transport infrastructure, where cargo is transported along the Vychegda, Sukhona and Northern Dvina rivers.

Great Siberian rivers

Despite the fact that the volumes of work performed bring the Ob, Yenisei and Lena only to the second place, their importance in the infrastructure is extremely high. Navigation itself is shorter here, only 120-200 days a year, but winters are longer. Among the great Siberian rivers, the most important (and the largest in the country) is the Ob with its tributary the Irtysh. The main ports and piers through which cargo and passenger flows go: Biysk, Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Samus, Nizhnevartovsk, Surgut, Labytnangi, Omsk, Tobolsk, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansiysk. There is no developed network of railways in Siberia, and there are no roads either, so the transshipment and dispatch of goods along the waterways of Siberia is extremely important.

The Yenisei is often the only route along the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where regular navigation is carried out for three thousand kilometers. Cargo traffic follows from Krasnoyarsk to Dudinka. Ports and marinas: Abakan, Krasnoyarsk, Strelka, Maklakovo, Yeniseysk, Turukhansk, Igarka, Ust-Port. Sea vessels rise to the very Igarka. In Tuva, cargo and passenger traffic flow along the Yenisei through local shipping with its main pier - Kyzyl. The Lena River is still the main transport artery of the whole of Yakutia, the entire northern delivery takes place with its help. Main ports: Osetrovo, Kirensk, Lensk, Olekminsk, Pokrovsk, Yakutsk, Sangar, Tiksi, Bodaibo, Khandyga, Dzhebariki-Khaya.

On the wings

At impressive distances, air transport gives a big gain in time, it is also indispensable in the milk-developed regions of Siberia and the Far East, often being the only means of communication. There are five most massive passenger flows from Moscow: Caucasian, Southern, Eastern, Central Asian and Western. Thirty percent of all shipments in the country are made from four Moscow airports: Bykovo, Vnukovo, Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo.

Also major air transport hubs are St. Petersburg, Samara, Ufa, Mineralnye Vody, Yekaterinburg, Nizhnevartovsk, Sochi, Tyumen, Surgut, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, Vladivostok. During the Soviet Union, small airports functioned daily in every regional center of the region or region and in all cities. Unlike today, this transport was not expensive for passengers. Now, for example, in the vast - the size of France - Altai Territory, only one operates - in Barnaul, and that one requires reconstruction.


The most important types of communication in the Russian Federation are telephone and postal. Russian Post is a fairly extensive network: more than 50,000 enterprises, two thirds of which are in villages. But in providing the population with telephone services, Russia has always been significantly inferior to other countries, and even now it is inferior.

On the other hand, at present, computer technologies are making giant strides forward, and cellular mobile communications are rapidly developing, due to which this problem is practically solved. Moreover, the development of satellite communications is also very promising.

Service sector

This area includes trade and public catering - shops, canteens, cafes; consumer services - ateliers, repair shops, baths, hairdressers; Housing and communal services - provision of housing and its improvement; art and culture - exhibition and concert halls, libraries, theaters, television and radio; science and education - universities, schools; physical education and health care - hospitals and clinics, stadiums and sports complexes; social security - orphanages and nursing homes, boarding schools, pensions and insurance; credit and financial sphere - insurance organizations and banks, investment funds; public administration - law enforcement and defense. This entire infrastructure complex consists of industries that provide services.

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