Actor Yoo Seung Ho filmography. Interview with Yoo Seung Ho, "There's a cute girl with short hair somewhere

Ideal type: Park Shin Hye (after coming from the army, he said this in his interview)

Seung Ho's mom always wanted her son to be in the entertainment industry. At the age of six, she enrolled him in courses acting skills. Soon after, Seung Ho made his debut in 2000 in the mini-drama Fish Bones, which aired on MBC. At a young age, he often had to play the main characters in his youth and this really made Yoo Seung Ho, year after year, more popular.

In 2008, Yoo Seung Ho took part in charity project"I Love Asia" along with other celebrities such as Park Jin Young, Jackie Chan, the Wonder Girls and Jang Na Ra. This year, the artists supported the victims of the Sichuan earthquake.

As for his rise in popularity... the small and sweet boy at the time became popular with Korean viewers through the dramas Precious Family and Queen Seondeok, where the actor played the main characters in his youth. In early 2010, he and singer IU sang "Believe In Love" as a duet for the Korean charity show Searching for Love. The actor went to the slums of India and Sri Lanka to look at the living conditions of people. Yoo Seung Ho, who had already matured, began to be offered leading roles, and in 2010 he played one of the main roles in the drama Master of Learning along with famous actor Kim Soo Ro. The drama ended successfully with a rating of 23.9%, which is considered quite high in Korea. At the end of the same year, the actor was approved for leading role in the multi-episode drama Flame of Desire with actress Seo Wu. The drama ended in March 2011 with the same high rating as Master of Learning, with a rating of 24.5%.

Recently, Yoo Seung Ho has been referred to as " younger brother» So Ji Sub because he looks better over the years. In 2011, he was cast as the lead in the drama Warrior Baek Dong-soo. As the actor admitted, he chose this drama to showcase his masculine and mature image. On an episode of SBS's 'One Night of Entertainment TV', actor Yoo Seung Ho and Yoon Seo Yi were interviewed for the release of their new drama Warrior Bae Dong Soo. question to Yoo Seung Ho, “How did you feel when you found out that you would play with Yoon So Yi?” He replied, “I liked it. We have always been good friends, so a good and pleasant feeling immediately arose. “Yoon So Yi added, “I’ve been friends with Seung Ho since young years. At times high school we joked a lot with each other, but now he's in high school, and he's a little awkward around me." The reporter also asked the actor, "How do you feel playing your first negative role?" He replied, "I like it, but my character is not always bad." Yoon Seung Ho then showed his angry expression upon request, but the actor was also unable to hide his innocence, so he laughed while recreating the image. Yoo Seung Ho also shared his thoughts on changing his image in the public eye. "Since filming 'The Way Home', many people still consider me small and call me 'national little brother'. I would like to show a more serious and masculine image through my role in 'Warrior Bae Dong Soo'. I'm even already passed the entrance exams to the university, so I am already an adult.”

The first episode of Warrior Baek Dong-soo received high rating. According to AGB Nielsen Media Research, the first episode of Warrior Baek Dong Soo received a rating of 10.1%, surpassing the first episode of the popular drama Lie to Me. The drama was watched by 15% of women who are over 40, which allowed them to gain a high rating. The battle between Jung Kwang Ryul and Choi Min Soo was the climax of the first episode. The pilot episode explored the backstory and birth process of Baek Dong Soo.

While filming Warrior Baek Dong-soo on July 29, 2011, Yoo Seung-ho, on his way to filming, "was in car accident. According to sources, the accident was quite serious, and the actor received many injuries, including a broken jaw. Although, due to the accident, he underwent surgery on his right cheekbone, the doctors still allowed the actor to return to film set drama Warrior Peng Dong-soo. The doctors also warned that he should make sure that his crack in the front of the skull (in the cheekbone area) was not affected by something. Once the swelling and redness subsided, Yoo Seung Ho decided to proceed with further filming as quickly as possible. A rep for the artist said, “Yoo Seung Ho was determined to return to the set as he didn’t want to disturb the others (interrupt filming).” The decision was reportedly made after repeated discussions with the actor, his mother, and the producers.On the day of filming, the production team celebrated his return with a cake, as well as giving him more vacation privileges.The producers edited the script to eliminate fight scenes.

We will talk about the artist's personal life, and also find out in which tapes he starred. Detailed information about the actor - in the article below.


The hero of our article was born in 1993, on August 17. The boy was born in Incheon. At that time, a girl was already growing up in the family - his older sister. The biography of Yoo Seung Ho in childhood was closely connected with his mother. For the boy, she was the closest and dearest person. Already in adulthood, he shared information that as a child he loved to sit up with his mother in the kitchen for a long time, eat and talk with her about everything in the world. Yoo Seung Ho himself believes that he is a pronounced introvert by nature, but since his profession is public, the actor tries to communicate as much as possible with his colleagues and fans.


The boy's career began in early childhood. Then no one could have thought that the boy was waiting for such success. The baby appeared on television for the first time in 1999, when he was only 6 years old. Then he was invited to take part in advertising mobile phone. Why did they call the "boy from the street"? The fact is that creative Group, who filmed the video, did not want to involve real actors in the work, she wanted to see new faces. Of course, the boy himself could not know about this, but his mother took care of it. She sent photos of the boy to the casting, and in the end he was chosen to shoot the final video.

Acting debut

As we already guessed, the biography and filmography of Yoo Seung Ho are inextricably linked. But when did the debut happen? It happened just a year after filming the commercial. Then the little actor made his debut in the TV series Daddy Fish. In the mini-series, the guy played the role of the ailing son of the protagonist. Thus, we understand that the child initially got a prominent role. In 2001 little artist took part in the filming of two episodes of the series, which was released on television every week.

2002 was a turning point in the guy's acting career. He was invited to take part in the filming of the film "The Road to Home", but for the actor this tape became "the road to success." The name of the protagonist of the film was Sang U. He was a spoiled and capricious young man who was used to having his every whim fulfilled at the first call. Circumstances have developed in such a way that he needs to live for some time with his deaf-mute grandmother, and even in the village. Before the eyes of the audience, the egoist learns love, patience and sacrifice. Even though the film was low-budget, it grossed over $20 million. A year later, this film was re-released on DVD by the American company Paramount. For his role in this film, Yoo Seung Ho was even awarded international award. After in home country the guy was released on the screens of the film, he was affectionately nicknamed "The Nation's Little Brother".


Since 2002, the biography and filmography of Yoo Seung Ho have been woven into a single whole. After his debut, the little actor became very popular, he received many offers. The following year, he took part in the filming of a romantic comedy called Merry Erotic Christmas. In the series Love Letter, the boy played the main role. In addition, throughout the year he also starred in episodes of various TV series. In 2004 there was new round fame and success, which lifted the guy to unprecedented heights. In to the world big movie he returned with Don't Tell Dad. Also this year, he took part in the filming of the TV series Precious Family, Sweet Buns, Immortal Admiral Lee Sun-sin. He took part in the filming of the weekly series. In 2005, the growing boy starred in the film Sad love story and Magic Warriors Mir & Gaon. In the same year, he won the Best Young Actor nomination. He was noted for his roles in the films Immortal Admiral Lee Sunsin and Beloved Family.

financial success

In 2006, Yoo Seung Ho (Yoo Seung Ho), whose biography we are considering, starred in the series "Teacher and the Alien". A little later, he appeared in the drama "Sincere Paws", which collected incredible sums at the box office. The tape told about a sister and brother who were abandoned by their relatives to the mercy of fate. To give his sister a little happiness, her brother (Seung Ho) steals little puppy and presents it to his sister. With the advent of a furry friend, the life of the guys is filled with joy. However, a fatal accident leads to unexpected consequences and the destruction of children's illusions. Incredibly, this touching story was able to attract over 1 million viewers and raise over $4.5 million.

In 2007, Yoo Seung Ho starred in historical films, where he played important characters in childhood. It was the series "The King and I" and "Legend". The role in the first tape again brought the boy a victory in the nomination "Best Young Actor". In the same year, the guy received such an award only at another festival and for another film (“Sincere Paws”).

In 2008, the guy won the "Hot Young Man" nomination. This year, he starred in a film called "Unforgettable", which was about the journey of a school teacher and her students to Seoul.

Movie roles, voice acting, awards

The biography of the Korean actor Yoo Seung-ho is firmly connected with the cinema. This has been the case since childhood, and it continues to this day. In 2009, the young guy starred in the films "City of the Fathers" and "The Secret of the Fourth Lesson." This year was also significant for the fact that the guy tried his hand at voice acting for the first time. He voiced the main character in the cartoon "Astroboy". He also flashed a cameo in the series "You're Beautiful!", Namely, in the 9th episode of it.

In 2009, the young man starred in a historical series called The Great Queen Seondeok, where he played one of the key roles. For this work, the guy was awarded the nomination "Best new actor at the MBC Drama Awards. A few months later, at another festival, he received an award in the nomination "Best Star Man".


In 2010, the guy, along with singer IU, recorded a single called Believe in Love for one show. After some time, a video was released, which was a huge success. Wrote a song with diary entries Seung Ho, which he did during his trip to Sri Lanka. Actor career continued in new series - "Master of Learning" and "Flame of Desires". In the TV series Flame of Desire, Yoo Seung Ho, whose biography can be found in the article above, played Kim Min, the second son in a wealthy family. The guy was sincere and pure, he lived by real values. However, he felt lonely, and transferred this pain to dancing, which became his hobby. He expressed his emotions by dancing until he fell to the floor exhausted. In the series "Master of Education" our hero played Beck - a rather problematic student who did not want to take on the mind. The series tells how the guy managed to pull himself together and enter prestigious university Korea. For his role in this series, the guy was nominated for Best Dressed, TV Actor category.

Second financial takeoff

In 2011, the young man starred in a historical series called Warrior Baek Dong Soo. The story tells about the friendship of two little boys who have been together since childhood. However, it so happened that fate separated them. Both of them grew up to be excellent warriors, whose swords left no chance for the enemy to survive. Dong-soo worked in the royal guard, and Yeo-un, played by the hero of our article, led a team of assassins who wanted to overthrow the dynasty.

The guy also voiced Greaney in the popular cartoon Brave Leafy. Later, he took part in the filming of the series "Blind", where he played on the set with actress Kim Ha Neul. They were the main characters of the story. The girl went blind during the disaster, and the guy worked as a courier. It would seem that they can connect, because they do not even know each other.

However, at one point, they randomly become witnesses of the same crime. When the police question them, it turns out that everyone has different versions of what is happening. An investigation begins, and in the meantime, the killer wants to get even with the witnesses. In the summer of 2011, the tape was presented at the BiFan festival, and a couple of months later it was released in South Korea. The film grossed over $15 million at the box office.

lucky trio

Actor Yoo Seung Ho, whose filmography we are gradually listing according to the year of release of a particular tape, every year seems to be becoming more and more popular and in demand on television. In 2012, he starred in the short film Fragments of Sweet Memories. He also appeared in the series "Aran and the Magistrate", "I miss you", "Operation Love". In the latest tape, Yoo Seung played a romantic young man who is in love with the girl of his dreams, but cannot admit it to her. He gets a chance to return to the past to change the course of events, and the guy gladly accepts this chance. However, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Our hero played the role of the Jade Emperor in the historical series Aran and the Magistrate. In the TV series I Miss You, Yoo Seung played the role of a sweet and gentle young man. However, in fact, he is the hero of the film turned out to be a brutal killer and a psychopath who only wanted revenge. Filming in these series showed all film critics how different actor Yoo Seung can be and how well he copes with any image.

Time to surprise

We have already listed almost all films and dramas with actor Yoo Seung Ho, except for those in which he has starred over the past few years. However, in 2013, he surprised his fans not with a film role, but with the release of a photo book Travel Letter, Spring Snow, And... He also tried himself in a new role - he became a storyteller in documentary series"People's Education". Pleased his fans with the fact that he starred in one of the episodes of TopGear Korea programs.

In March 2013, he entered the army, where he showed himself as a responsible and reliable soldier. In the same year, the guy received an award in the Excellence Award from the Battalion Commander nomination.

The offer to shoot in the TV series Joseon Magician came to the guy when he was still in the army. Filming began in the winter of 2015. The story tells about the love of a princess and a wizard. In the fall of 2015, the series Imaginary Cat was released, which was based on the comic book. Seung Ho played a part-time writer at a nearby bookstore. The guy has a complex and ambiguous character, so it is not easy for him to get along with people. He has a favorite red cat Bokkil. Together they help each other feel needed.

Yoo Seung Ho: personal life

On the this moment the actor's heart is free. As he himself admits, he simply does not have time to deal with his personal life, and this has been the case since childhood. Yoo Seung Ho, whose biography and personal life worries everyone around, would not want his chosen one to be famous. He also says that he moves away from girls because he is afraid of publicity and bragging from a potential passion that she is dating famous actor. The guy admits that he likes innocent, simple girls with wavy hair. He himself loves to just walk around the city, sit in parks, but believes that due to his profession, ordinary dates will not be available. Instead of expensive restaurants, he prefers an evening in the company of his beloved girl with a plate of noodles that they would eat together.

About Yoo Seung Ho, whose biography we reviewed above, we can say a lot of interesting things.

  • It is believed that his works most beloved by the audience are “The Road to Home” and “Sincere Paws”.
  • As a child, the boy's family was very poor, and he himself said that they were literally starving.
  • Before taking any action, the guy carefully weighs all the arguments.
  • He has a dream - to earn a lot of money, then to give it to the poor and suffering people.
  • Considers it necessary to take care of the environment.
  • Yoo Seung Ho (biography above) honestly admits that he is not as good in sports as he would like.
  • He also says that he did not like to study at school.
  • Engaged for some time in music school(learned to play the piano), but then gave it up.
  • In the near future, the guy wants to learn several foreign languages.
  • Considers himself an introvert and has two close friends who are not celebrities.
  • It is recognized that during the service in the army did not want to watch TV.

Hobbies: Internet, games
Skill: ice skating
Blood type: A
Education: graduate School Shin Baek(Baek Shin High School)

Yoo Seung Ho was born on August 17, 1993 in South Korea. His mother always wanted her son to be in the entertainment industry. At the age of 6, she enrolled her son in acting classes. Soon after, Seung Ho made his debut in 2000 with the mini-drama Fish Bones, which aired on MBC. At a young age, he often had to play the main characters in his youth and this really made Yoo Seung Ho, year after year, more popular.

In 2008, Yoo Seung Ho took part in the I Love Asia charity project along with other celebrities such as Park Jin Young, Jackie Chan, Wonder Girls, and Jang Na Ra. This year, the artists supported the victims of the Sichuan earthquake.

In early 2010, he and singer IU sang the song "Believe In Love" as a duet for the Korean charity show Searching for Love. The actor went to the slums of India and Sri Lanka to look at the living conditions of people. As an adult, Yoo Seung-ho was offered leading roles and in 2010 he played one of the main roles in the drama Master of Learning along with the famous actor Kim Soo-ro. The drama ended successfully with a rating of 23.9%, which is considered quite high in Korea.

In 2011, he was cast as the lead in the drama Warrior Baek Dong-soo. As the actor admitted, he chose this drama to showcase his masculine and mature image. On an episode of SBS's 'One Night of Entertainment TV', actor Yoo Seung Ho and Yoon Seo Yi were interviewed about the release of the new drama Warrior Bae Dong Soo.

In early 2012, Yoo Seung Ho was cast as the lead in a remake of the acclaimed 2007 Japanese drama of the same name, Operation Love. Yoo Seung Ho and Park Eun Bin surprised viewers with this drama. In the drama, Yoo Seung Ho and Park Eun Bin kissed too passionately and viewers were shocked by what they saw, as they are used to seeing Yoo Seung Ho as a cute guy. Korean viewers reacted to this with comments, "It's a really passionate kiss," "I can't believe they're kissing for real!", "They're both adults now, so it's okay," "Why is my heart beating so fast?" "I've seen different kissing scenes but my heart is beating so fast because Seung Ho is doing it."

Already in May of this year, he received one of the main roles in the drama Aran and the Magistrate, along with actors such as Lee Joon Ki and Shin Min Ah. Yoo Seung Ho plays the role of the Great Jade Emperor, who is a ruler sent from heaven. He is interested in women, art and trade. The actor appeared in the image of a playboy, demonstrating incredible charisma. The drama "Aran and the Magistrate" is based on the South Korean legend "Aran". Aran is a ghost girl who wants to know the truth about her unjust death. She meets a magistrate named Eun Oh who can see ghosts and they both continue their journey together.

Hello, dear readers YesAsia! We continue our rubric "Stars in childhood"! We have good news, now it will come out every other day and we will definitely put links to detailed information about the stars, where you can find many interesting links to photos, videos, ratings and so on…

Thanks for supporting the thread!

stage name: Sulli / 설리 / Sulli
Real name: Choi Jin Ri / 최진리 / Choi Jinri
Profession: actress, model, MC and former member f(x)
Date of Birth: March 29, 1994
Growth: 169 cm
The weight: 45 kg

Sulli is best known for her group f(x), which she officially left just recently. Advertising activities brought her no less popularity, and as an actress she appeared in only a few major films.

Sulli has been in the entertainment industry since childhood, so there are still many photo shoots with Sulli.

The photo on the left (with ice cream) seems to reflect true character Sulli surviving before today. She feels free everywhere and because of this, she often does not hesitate to look funny. And the photo is right, she is filming a historical drama.

On the left, she is filming a historical drama, and on the right, on the set, someone or something offended her to tears ...

And now she is so beautiful...

And this is her charming face - she is the main face of the cosmetic company Etude House

Name: Yoo Seung Ho / 유승호
Profession: Actor and model
Date of Birth: August 17, 1993
Growth: 175 cm
The weight: 66 kg

Yoo Seung Ho is currently filming two dramas My Dream Cat (mini-drama) and the thriller “Remember” as a lawyer with a phenomenal memory. But many of us remember him from the drama "I miss you", although this is a minor but perhaps one of his best roles.

Look at the difference between Yoo Seung Ho as a child and Yoo Seung Ho now... he hasn't changed much =)

and here are some more pictures from his childhood...

Name: Song Joong Ki | 송중기 | Song Joong Ki (Song Joong Ki)
Profession: actor, MC and model
Date of Birth: September 19, 1985
Growth: 178 cm
The weight: 65 kg

Song Joong Ki will soon be appearing in his fans' new and highly anticipated drama "Descendants of the Sun" as the noble captain of the UN peacekeeping force! Why is the drama so highly anticipated? Because this is Song Joong Ki's first job after his return from the army, where he graduated as an officer with the rank of sergeant - the role is just right for him.

When you see photos from childhood like Song Joong Ki, you are amazed at how much they look like themselves in childhood ...

and this is how he is now ... almost unchanged, right? =)

To be continued…

Yoo Seung Ho was born on August 17, 1993 in South Korea. His mother always wanted her son to be in the entertainment industry. At the age of 6, she enrolled her son in acting classes. Soon after, Seung Ho made his debut in 2000 with the mini-drama Fish Bones, which aired on MBC. At a young age, he often had to play the main characters in his youth and this really made Yoo Seung Ho, year after year, more popular.

In 2008, Yoo Seung Ho took part in the I Love Asia charity project along with other celebrities such as Park Jin Young, Jackie Chan, Wonder Girls, and Jang Na Ra. This year, the artists supported the victims of the Sichuan earthquake.

As for his rise in popularity... the small and sweet boy at the time became popular with Korean viewers through the dramas Precious Family and Queen Seondeok, where the actor played the main characters in his youth. In early 2010, he and singer IU sang the song "Believe In Love" as a duet for the Korean charity show Searching for Love. The actor went to the slums of India and Sri Lanka to look at the living conditions of people. As an adult, Yoo Seung-ho was offered leading roles and in 2010 he played one of the main roles in the drama Master of Learning along with the famous actor Kim Soo-ro. The drama ended successfully with a rating of 23.9%, which is considered quite high in Korea. At the end of the same year, the actor was approved for the main role in the serial drama Flame of Desire along with actress Seo Wu. The drama ended in March 2011 with the same high rating as Master of Learning, with a rating of 24.5%.

Recently, Yoo Seung Ho has been referred to as Seo Ji Sub's "younger brother" because he's been getting better looking over the years. In 2011, he was cast as the lead in the drama Warrior Baek Dong-soo. As the actor admitted, he chose this drama to showcase his masculine and mature image. On an episode of SBS's 'One Night of Entertainment TV', actor Yoo Seung Ho and Yoon Seo Yi were interviewed for the release of their new drama Warrior Bae Dong Soo. question to Yoo Seung Ho, “How did you feel when you found out that you would play with Yoon Seo Yi?” He replied, “I liked it. We have always been good friends, so a good and pleasant feeling immediately appeared.” She added, "I've been friends with Seung Ho since they were young. We used to joke around with each other a lot during middle school, but now he's in high school and he's a little awkward around me." The reporter also asked the actor, "How do you feel playing your first negative role?" He replied, "I like it, but my character is not always bad." Yoon Seung Ho then showed his angry expression upon request, but the actor was also unable to hide his innocence, so he laughed while recreating the image. Yoo Seung Ho also shared his thoughts on changing his image in the public eye. "Since filming 'The Way Home', many people still consider me small and call me 'national little brother'. I would like to show a more serious and masculine image through my role in 'Warrior Bae Dong Soo'. I'm even already passed the entrance exams to the university, so I am already an adult.”

The first episode of Warrior Baek Dong Soo received high ratings. According to AGB Nielsen Media Research, the first episode of Warrior Baek Dong Soo received a rating of 10.1%, surpassing the first episode of the popular drama Lie to Me. The drama was watched by 15% of women who are over 40, which allowed them to gain a high rating. The battle between Jung Kwang Ryul and Choi Min Soo was the climax of the first episode. The pilot episode explored the backstory and birth process of Baek Dong Soo.

While filming Warrior Baek Dong-soo on July 29, 2011, Yoo Seung-ho was involved in a car accident on his way to filming. , he underwent surgery on his right cheekbone, the doctors still allowed the actor to return to the set of the drama Warrior Peng Dong-soo. The doctors also warned that he should make sure that his crack in the front of the skull (in the cheekbone area) was not affected by something Once the swelling and redness subsided, Yoo Seung Ho decided to proceed with further filming as quickly as possible.The artist's rep said, "Yoo Seung Ho was determined to return to the set because he didn't want to disturb the others (to interrupt filming). ” Reportedly, this decision was made after repeated discussions with the actor, his mother and producers. On the day of filming, the production team celebrated his return with a cake and also gave him more vacation privileges. The producers edited the script to exclude fight scenes.

In early 2012, Yoo Seung Ho was cast as the lead in a remake of the acclaimed 2007 Japanese drama of the same name, Operation Love. Yoo Seung Ho and Park Eun Bin surprised viewers with this drama. In the drama, Yoo Seung Ho and Park Eun Bin kissed too passionately and viewers were shocked by what they saw, as they are used to seeing Yoo Seung Ho as a cute guy. Korean viewers reacted to this with comments, "It's a really passionate kiss," "I can't believe they're kissing for real!", "They're both adults now, so it's okay," "Why is my heart beating so fast?" "I've seen different kissing scenes but my heart is beating so fast because Seung Ho is doing it."

Already in May of this year, he received one of the main roles in the drama Aran and the Magistrate, along with actors such as Lee Joon Ki and Shin Min Ah. Yoo Seung Ho plays the role of the Great Jade Emperor, who is a ruler sent from heaven. He is interested in women, art and trade. The actor appeared in the image of a playboy, demonstrating incredible charisma. The drama "Aran and the Magistrate" is based on the South Korean legend "Aran". Aran is a ghost girl who wants to know the truth about her unjust death. She meets a magistrate named Eun Oh who can see ghosts and they both continue their journey together.

2009 MBC Drama Awards: Best New Actor (Queen Seondeok)
2007 South Korea Movie Awards: Best Young Actor
2007 Incheon International Design Paper: Heung Bo Dae Sa
2006 Korean Children's Movie Awards: Heung Bo Dae Sa
2005 KBS Drama Awards: Best Young Actor (Precious Family)

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