Learning to read English. How to teach a child to read in English - important rules and common mistakes when learning

Among all foreign languages, English is the most demanded and necessary. This is due to the fact that it is popular in many countries around the world. Knowing English, you can communicate in almost any country. People must master this language well in order to be able to work with it and communicate. It is important not only to be able to speak, but also to read well. The question arises: how to learn to read in English, what is needed for this? The most important thing is the desire to constantly learn and perseverance, which will allow you to continue your studies, despite any difficulties.

  • So, in order to quickly learn how to read English, the first thing you need to do is learn all the letters and their correct pronunciation. AT English language the name of the letters often does not match the pronunciation, this is important to know. In addition, the pronunciation of letters often depends on their location, you should always remember this too and know the rules for pronouncing each letter of the English alphabet. Without knowing the rules of pronunciation, it will be simply impossible to read the text and understand it by ear.
  • Equally important in reading is the ability to divide words into syllables. You need to know which syllable is open and which is closed. The rules of consonance, publicity and pronunciation of letters must be taught at the very beginning. You can find these rules in reading textbooks in English.
  • During training, you must keep a good English dictionary with you. This will allow you to look at the transcription of the word at the right time, which will help you read the words correctly. The dictionary should be easy to use and contain as many words as possible. In fact, learning to read English correctly is not as difficult as it might seem to a beginner. But to achieve a result, as elsewhere, it is necessary a large number of practice, and the help of a mentor. It is better to read together with a teacher, lecturer or a person who knows English very well. He will be able to show you the errors and how to solve them.
  • You need to read as much and as often as possible, doing it regularly. Significant gaps in learning will lead to inhibition, and, in the end, you will stagnate in one place, making the same mistakes. Now there are many services on the Internet that allow you to learn how to read English online, there are even programs that check the correct pronunciation. Such opportunities have appeared only recently. If earlier it was necessary to turn to professional teachers, now you can get by with a computer and the Internet.
  • When you learn to read most words in English fluently, you can move on to studying intonation, which can rise or fall while reading the text. Decreasing and raising intonation can occur in exclamatory, declarative and interrogative sentences.

If you firmly said to yourself: I want to learn how to read English quickly and correctly, then you should plan in advance the time at which you will study. You need to do this every day, if only for 20 minutes. Everyone can allocate such an amount of time, of course, it is better to devote as much time as possible. Then the result will be achieved faster. But even 20 minutes a day will be enough to learn how to read English well and understand the text by ear. Reading classes are best done before bedtime, then the information will be absorbed better.

. Now we need to learn how to learn to read in English. This is not so easy, in most cases the rule "as we hear, so we write" does not work here. The thing is that there are more sounds in the English language than letters, many sounds are formed by combining several letters, and also depend on which letters surround them. Each of these points greatly affect the correctness of reading. All of them are reflected in the rules of the English language, and in order to learn how to read in English correctly, we need to learn these reading rules.

At first, you can print this article by clicking on the printer icon at the very beginning of the article, and look at it as the need arises. If you put in a little effort, you will learn to read correctly very quickly. In addition, we have already touched on many rules in the articles on the pronunciation of sounds, but here they are put together for convenience. Let's get started :)

In English, there are 4 types of syllables: open - ending in a vowel and closed - ending in a consonant, as well as 2 types of combination with the consonant r (look at the table below). It just depends on the type of syllable and how to correctly read the vowels a, e, i, o, u, y in an English word.

How to read vowel combinations

her-s ee; ea-s ea; ie— bel ie ve; ei- rec ei ve

a+ss-grass; a+st— last; a+sk- task; a+sp- grasp; a+lm— calm; ea+r- heart

[ ɔ : ] au— author; aw- saw; oo+r— door; augh+t— taught; ought— thought; a+ll— wall; a+lk— talk; w+r— warm

[ ɔ ] wa- want

oo- too; ou— group

ew— new

[u] oo— book

[w:] ea+r— learn; wo+r— work

[ʌ ] about— son; ou— country; oo— flood

[ei] ai— rain; ay—day; ey— they; eigh eight

i+gn sign; i+ld child; i+nd— blind: igh—night

[ɔi] oi— oil; oy toy

ou- out; ow- down

[əu] oa— coat; ow— know; o+ll— toll; o+ld cold

ea+r near; ee+r— engineer

[e ə ] ai+r- chair; e+re— there; ea+r bear

oo+r- poor; our— tour

How to read consonant combinations

[k] ck— lucky

[ʃ] sh— ship

ch- chip

tcn- catch

[θ] th- thick

[ð] th— this

[f]ph- phone

qu quite

[n]kn- knife

[ ŋ ] ng— thing

[ Lk] nk- sink

[h] wh + o— who

[w] wh + other vowels what

[r] wr at the beginning of a word before vowels — writer

How to read consonants that have two reading options


[s]- before e, i, y: nice, city, icy

[k]- in other cases: come, catch


- before e, i, y: large, engine, gym
exceptions: get, begin, give

[g]- in other cases: good, go

Exercise 2, Read the words using the rules for reading sounds and sound combinations

Lace, bank, park, me, let, term, kite, lit, bird. torn, my, tea, bee, receive, brass, blast, task, balm, August, bought, tall, war, want, loo, stew, look, world, blood, child, light, boil, coal, toll, tear, cheer, there, air.

Exercise 3. Read the words using the rules for reading sounds and sound combinations

Buck, sheep, cheese, batch, thin, they, phone, quiet, knife, thing, tank, where, who, writer, nice, came, engine, get, go.

There are two standard methods for teaching reading in English:

  1. You study the English alphabet, transcription signs, and then check the transcription of the dictionary to see how the word is pronounced. The disadvantage of this method is that you cannot correctly read a word you do not know without a dictionary.
  2. You learn the English alphabet and then you learn the rules for reading in English, of which there are more than fifty, and each rule has many exceptions. Therefore, you still have to study transcription and check each new word in the dictionary.

With the advent of new technologies in our lives, each new word can be entered into the Google dictionary and listened to. But again, this is not the best. The best way learning to read.

From huge amount rules, transcription icons and exceptions, the desire to learn to read in English remains only among the most persistent adults, and in schoolchildren all this causes fear and dislike for the language.

However, there is a third way of teaching reading in English, which was specially developed by the Americans themselves to teach reading to children with dyslexia and learning problems. Why exactly him? Yes, because it is simple! It doesn't matter who it's made for.

The essence of the method is that you need to memorize 44 sounds and 150 letter combinations that represent these sounds.

So, what is english alphabet code?

As you all know, in English alphabet 26 letters, the combination of which gives 44 sounds. (Speech sounds are called phonemes.) When you divide a word into the smallest sound parts - this is the “division of a word into phonemes”. For example, the words dear (dear) can be divided into three sounds.

This word has 4 letters and 3 sounds (phonemes).

In English, there are usually several ways to write each sound. Let's compare:

In these two words, you hear the same sound in the middle of the word, however, it is expressed in two different combinations letters (graphemes).

This is the main point. There are only 150 English graphemes expressing 44 English sounds. Using these graphemes, you can correctly read or spell (spel) any English word.

How to use the English Alphabetic Code:

In each horizontal row of the table, ways of writing each sound, which is indicated in the main (first) cell, are presented. The most common ways to write a sound are on the left side of the line and, accordingly, the most rarely used graphemes are located on the right.

    1. Download the table with the English Alphabetic Code to your computer and learn the principle of its construction. ()

    1. The pronunciation of English sounds, signed with Russian letters, is very conditional and is given more for clarity. Therefore, it would be better if you listen to the pronunciation of each English sound separately on our website according to the table located here, since in it each sound is well-read by a native speaker. Listen to each sound several times and repeat it out loud.
    2. Read each word in the line, paying particular attention to the correct pronunciation of the sound.
    3. It's time to start remembering. Of course, you should first remember the most common combinations of letters, moving from left to right. You can do it yourself, or you can use our course, specially designed for learning and memorizing the English Alphabetical Code, which will allow you to quickly and correctly learn to read in English and accurately write down English words by ear.

We hope that the Phonetic approach to learning to read in English will help you in such a difficult task.

See you on our website.

F1 - Brings up Windows "help" or the help window of the active program. AT Microsoft Word Shift+F1 key combination shows text formatting; F2 - renames the selected object on the desktop or in the explorer window; F3 - Opens a search window for a file or folder on the desktop and in Explorer. The key combination Shift+F3 is often used to search backwards; F4- Opens a drop-down list, such as the address bar list in My Computer or File Explorer. Alt+F4 in Windows is used to close applications, and Ctrl+F4− to close part of a document or program (such as tabs) ; F5 - Refreshes the active window of an open web page, desktop, explorer, etc. In Microsoft PowerPoint, F5 starts the slide show from the beginning, and the key combination Shift + F5 - from the current slide; F6 - Switches between screen elements in the window or on the desktop In Explorer and Internet Explorer - move between the main part of the window and the address bar; F7 - checks spelling (in Word, Excel); F8 - selects the boot mode when the operating system is loaded. Word editor includes enhanced text selection. Selection of a fragment from the initial to the final position of the cursor occurs without holding down the Shift key. Pressing the F8 key again selects the word closest to the cursor. The third is a sentence containing it. Fourth paragraph. Fifth, document. You can remove the last selection by pressing Shift+F8. You can disable the mode with the Esc key; F9-- in some programs updates the selected fields; F10 - activates the full menu, and the key combination Shift + F10 activates context menu; F11 - switches the window to full screen mode and back, for example, in Internet Explorer; F12- go to the choice of file saving options (File -> Save as). On a standard PC/AT keyboard, the alphanumeric block consists of 47 keys and includes keys for entering letters, numbers, punctuation, arithmetic, and special characters. The result of the action of these keys depends on the case (lower - upper) in which these keys are pressed. The control keys Shift, Ctrl, Caps Lock, Alt and AltGr (right Alt) are also called modifier keys, as they are designed to change the actions of other keys. Shift (read "Shift") - uppercase key (non-fixed switching). Used simultaneously with other keys, such as alphanumeric dialing keys capital letters and upper case characters. In addition, the Shift key is used as a modifier in keyboard shortcuts and on mouse clicks. For example, to open a link in a separate window in a browser, you need to click on the link with the mouse button while holding down the Shift key. Ctrl (read "control") - used in combination with other keys, for example: Ctrl + A - in Windows, selects all text in the window; Ctrl + B- in the MS Word editor switches the font to "bold-normal"; Ctrl+С- in programs with WinAPI copies the text to the buffer, and in console programs it terminates the command; Ctrl+F- in many programs brings up the search dialog; Ctrl+I- in MS Word editor switches the font to "italic-normal"; Ctrl+N- in programs with a multi-window interface opens a new empty window; Ctrl+O- in many programs brings up a dialog for opening an existing file; Ctrl+P - in many programs sends text to print or calls the print dialog; Ctrl + Q - exit from it in some programs; Ctrl+R- in browsers refreshes the contents of the window; Ctrl+S- in many programs saves the current file or calls the save dialog; Ctrl+T- in browsers opens a new tab; Ctrl+U- in MS Word toggles text underlining; Ctrl+V- in programs with WinAPI pastes the contents of the clipboard; Ctrl+W- closes the current window in some programs; Ctrl+Z- in many programs undoes the last action; Ctrl+F5- refreshes content in browsers; Ctrl+Home - in programs with a text field, jumps to the beginning of the document being edited; Ctrl+End- in programs with a text field jumps to the end of the edited document; Ctrl+- in Total Commander navigates to the root directory of the disk. Alt (read "Alt") - used in conjunction with other keys, modifying their action. For example: Alt+F4- closes them in all programs; Alt + F7 - in some programs calls the search dialog; Alt + F10 - in some file managers, calls a directory tree; Alt+Tab - on Windows, jumps to the next running window; Alt+letter - in some programs calls menu commands or opens menu columns. In addition, the Alt+Shift or Ctrl+Shift key combinations are commonly used to switch keyboard layouts. Capslock (read "Kapslock") - switching to uppercase mode (fixed switching). Pressing the key again cancels this mode. Used when typing in CAPITAL letters. The Esc control key (read "Escape"), used to cancel the current operation or the last change, minimize the application, go to the previous menu or screen, or remove the selection, is located in the left corner of the keyboard next to the function key block. In the operating room Windows system The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Esc brings up the Task Manager. Tab (read "Tab") - in text editors, enters a tab character and works with indents, and in graphical interfaces moves focus between elements. For example, moving between the desktop, the Start button, the Quick Launch bar, the taskbar, and the system tray. The action of the AppsKey is equivalent to a right-click of the mouse and brings up the context menu for the selected object. Line feed key Enter (Enter) - serves to enter a line feed when typing, selecting a menu item, submitting a command for execution or confirming some action, and so on. Backspace (read "Backspace") - in text editing mode, deletes the character to the left of the cursor, and outside the typing area - returns to the previous program screen or web page in the browser. Delete (read "Divides") - deletes the selected object, the selected text fragment or the character to the right of the input cursor. The Insert key (read “Insert”) is used to switch between the insertion mode (the text seems to be moving apart) and replacement (new characters replace existing text) when editing text. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Insert replaces the "copy" command, and Shift+Insert - "paste". In the file managers Total Commander and FAR Manager, the key is used to select a file or folder. PrtScn (print screen) (read "Print screen") - takes a screenshot and places it on the clipboard. In combination with the Alt key, a snapshot of the currently active window is copied to the clipboard. The service key ScrLk (Scroll Lock) (read “Scroll Lock”) blocks scrolling and, when activated, the contents of the entire screen are shifted with the cursor keys, which is very convenient when editing large tables, for example, in Excel. Pause / Break (read "Pause" or "Break") - suspends the computer. In modern operating systems this key is only relevant when the computer is booting. The up, down, right and left arrows refer to the cursor keys and allow you to move through the menu items, move the input cursor in the corresponding direction by one position. In combination with the Ctrl key, the arrows move to greater distance. For example, in the Microsoft Word editor, Ctrl+← moves the cursor one word to the left. With the Shift key, a block of text is selected. The Home and End keys move the cursor to the beginning and end of the current line in a document or file list. What hot keys are useful to know. The key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc is indispensable when the computer freezes, it calls the "Task Manager", with which you can end the process, end the task or shut down the computer. The Alt + Tab keys allow you to switch between open windows. A panel with all open applications appears in the center of the screen, and when you select the active window, you need to hold down the Alt key and press the Tab key several times. The combination Alt + Space (space) opens the system window menu, with which you can restore, move, maximize, minimize and close the window without using the mouse. Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift - switch keyboard layout. Using Win + D, you can minimize all windows and show the desktop, and the Win + M keys minimize all windows, except for dialog ones. Win + E opens the My Computer folder. Win + F - open a window to search for a file or folder.

AT modern methodology more and more often they talk about the benefits of early learning foreign languages ​​(from 3-5 years). In particular, we are talking about the fact that young children can be easily taught to speak and read in English due to their psychological characteristics.

And, of course, the advantages of this approach seem to be obvious, because:

  1. The child's psyche is not yet overloaded with stereotypes, which means that it will be easier for the baby to get acquainted with the norms and values ​​of a foreign culture.
  2. Toddlers' needs for communication, imitation, their ability to accurately imitate sounds, words, and even whole phrases are simply incredible;
  3. Young children have high auditory and visual sensitivity, rapidly developing memory and thinking, which means that they can easily perceive and remember even difficult English sounds and words.

However, all these advantages are seriously weakened by other psychological characteristics young children, including:

  • children get tired quickly, which is why it is worth taking no more than 30-40 minutes for each lesson;
  • it is difficult for them to keep their attention by willpower for a long time, which is why it is believed that every five minutes in a lesson they need to change the type of activity (sang a song, then played with pictures, etc.);
  • Finally, children are dominated by visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, rather than abstract-logical, which makes it much easier for them to perceive English words in the form of images and objects than in the form of abstract descriptions and explanations.

Rules are also best given to young children "in action", for example, showing the rules of open and closed syllables on the practical examples rather than verbal instructions.

What scientists say

According to scientists L. S. Vygotsky and D. B. Elkonin, great place in a lesson with young children, you need to pay attention to game methods. Other researchers also strongly recommend developing the child's perception and imagination in ways available to him.

"So what to do?" inquisitive parents will ask. And if it is so difficult to teach young children to speak and read English, how then are there so many language courses and schools that confirm that even 4-5-year-old crumbs are able to communicate quite tolerably in English?

That's right, even a three-year-old is already able to reproduce many words and phrases. The main thing is to direct his abilities and desire in the right direction.

In the sense of studying english child it was fun and easy and so that his memory, logic, thinking and fantasy would develop at the same time. Let's take a closer look phased plan how to teach a toddler to read English letters, words and phrases already during the first year of study.

Stage 1. Preparatory.

In the methodology, it is also called introductory phonetic. That is, we do not study letters, do not analyze the rules for reading simple and complex words, but simply introduce the baby to the fact that English sounds differ from Russian (even similar ones), and English words are read in a completely different way.

In addition, we tell the child about the meanings English words, we enter simple phrases like I can see, show cards and play didactic or outdoor games with the child, listen to songs, watch cartoons.

Little butterflies help teach colors

The purpose of this stage is to interest the child in learning foreign language, as well as learn with him a number of English words and phrases that are already well known to him in Russian. For a three-year-old, this period can take about six months, for older children it can be reduced to 3-4 months (provided regular classes two or three times a week). But by no means should you miss it.

Stage 2. Get acquainted with the letters.

We continue to play with cards, watch cartoons and learn songs in English. Together with this, we begin to acquaint the baby with individual letters of the English alphabet.


Do not overly focus on the name of the letter A, B. More attention should be paid to establishing links between the letter and the sounds that it can represent in specific words.

In addition, it is important to include games like Bingo (Bingo) or Matching (Connect) in the lessons, where not only pictures, but also words would be involved.

Play games on the carpet, use cards and dice with letters. Ask the baby to put together the words that you will call him from the cubes. At the same time, we are learning to read in English - let the baby try to pronounce the received word without your prompting.

At the same time, not only visual and auditory memory will work, but also motor memory. And the child will be able to develop his logical thinking and securely fix the graphic forms of words in memory with the help of several channels of perception.

Stage 3. We compose phrases and phrases.

The phrases that we will offer the baby to read should already be familiar to him from the preparatory stage. At the same time, we expand vocabulary crumbs. For these purposes, simple phrases that can be filled with various vocabulary are well suited:

  • I can see a ... (pear, cow, pen / three pears, four cows, five pens);
  • I can ... (run, jump, sing);
  • I like … (milk, apple juice, bananas);
  • I've got ... (two dolls / three red pencils);
  • It's a … (car, train, box). It is... (yellow/small/long)

We suggest that the kid first build phrases like red pen, big dog, long train aloud and then read them.

Then we move on to the sentences themselves, helping the child to read them, using pictures with images and pictures with the words themselves.

Stage 4. Simple texts.

After making sure that the previous three stages have been fully mastered by the baby, proceed to reading simple texts in English, made up of phrases already familiar to him.

Text examples

  1. Meg is a cat. Meg is small. Meg is black and white. Meg can run and jump.
  2. I am Kate. I am five. I like milk and bananas. I can see four apples and two carrots on the table.
  3. It's a train. It is red. It is big and long. I like my train.

At first, even learned rhymes can be used as texts:

Gradually, as the baby's vocabulary expands and he gets acquainted with more difficult words, start reading richer texts.

Continue to learn songs and poems in English, you can gradually introduce the baby to watching not only educational cartoons, but also small fairy tales.

Praise the baby for any achievement and do not be afraid to suddenly overload his brain with complex information. If the training takes place in a playful way, then the kid will receive sheer pleasure from the process of learning English.

Read the word correctly

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