All the most important phrases are quiet. All favorite poems are unknown

all important phrases should be quiet,
all photos with relatives are always unsharp.
the weirdest people are always the greatest,
and the reasons for happiness are always weightless.

you hear the most honest in the kitchen at night,
because if about feelings - not on the phone,
and if you cry, then howl like a wolf,
so that a dreary echo for half a district.
favorite songs - all in a hoarse voice,
all favorite poems - unknown.
all impudent people are always nonentities,
and all close people are always not local.
all important meetings are always random.
the most loyal subjects are traitors,
funny clowns - all sad,
and stubborn skeptics are all dreamers.
if the house is cozy - not a castle for sure,
and an old apartment in Odessa.
if you contact someone - forever, firmly.
Let now not so everything, but you hope.
Yes, it's different now, but believe: we will come true,
if you really change, so all life in a new way.
what is most important will not be forgotten,
and brilliant ideas are always delusional.
who crossed out unnecessary, those are free,
you need to let go, with whom you are too different.
After all, if the mood is not New Year's,
It means that you are definitely not celebrating with those.

Other titles for this text

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  • Am_Poetry - All Important Phrases (Ok Melnikova)
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  • Ok Melnikova (audio verses) - All important phrases should be quiet ...
  • Ok Melnikova - All important phrases should be quiet ...
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  • Radoslava Melnikova (audio verses) - All important phrases should be quiet...
  • Ida Mickiewicz - All important phrases should be quiet...

What wise and precise words...

All important phrases should be quiet,

All photos with relatives are always unsharp.

The weirdest people are always the greatest

And the reasons for happiness are always weightless.

You hear the most honest in the kitchen at night,

After all, if about feelings - not on the phone,

And if you cry, then howl like a wolf,

So that a dreary echo in half the district.

All favorite poems are unknown.

All arrogant people are always nonentities,

And all close people are always not local.

All important meetings are always random.

The most loyal subjects are traitors,

Funny clowns - all sad,

And stubborn skeptics are all dreamers.

If the house is cozy - not a castle for sure,

And the apartment is old in Odessa.

If you contact someone - forever, firmly.

It may not be so now, but you hope!

Yes, it's different now, but believe we will come true,

If we change, then all life in a new way.

What is most important will not be forgotten,

And brilliant ideas are always delusional.

Who crossed out the unnecessary, those are free,

You need to let go of who you are too different from.

Ravshana Kurkova reads a verse that made a splash on the Internet:


Ravshan Kurkov verse

A verse called "All the Important Phrases" by Ok. Melnikova, reads Ravshan Kurkov, blew up social networks immediately after the release. Thousands of reposts on facebook, a million views on youtube and constant quotes on instagram. And listening to these words, we understand why this is so:

All important phrases should be quiet, All photos with relatives are always blurry. The strangest people are always great, And the reasons for happiness are always weightless.

You hear the most honest thing in the kitchen at night, After all, if about feelings - not on the phone, And if you really cry, then howl like a wolf, To make a dreary echo for half the district.

All important meetings are always random. The most loyal subjects are traitors, Circus clowns are all sad, And stubborn skeptics are all dreamers.

If the house is cozy - not a castle for sure, But an old apartment in Odessa. If you contact someone - forever, firmly. It may not be so now, but you hope!

Yes, it's different now, but believe, we will come true, If we change, then all life in a new way. What is most important will not be forgotten, And brilliant thoughts are always delusional.

Who crossed out unnecessary, those free, You need to let go, with whom you are too different. After all, if the mood is not New Year's, It means that you are definitely celebrating with the wrong people.

See also how.

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