What signs indicate pedestrian crossings. Unregulated pedestrian crossing

Ensuring the safety of pedestrian traffic is one of the main tasks of drivers. Basically, the interaction of drivers and pedestrians takes place at pedestrian crossings.

Pedestrian crossings are indicated by information direction signs 5.16.1; 5.16.2 "Pedestrian crossing", which are installed directly at the crossing point, and road markings 1.14.1; 1.14.2 "Zebra" type (see Fig. 32). In some cases, one of these means of regulation can be applied where the visibility of the pedestrian crossing is less than 100 m, warning sign 1.20 is installed in advance. If pedestrian crossings are not marked at all in a settlement or on a separate street, then the driver must remember that pedestrians in such conditions are recommended to cross the road at intersections.

Marked pedestrian crossings may or may not be regulated. At controlled pedestrian crossings(i.e., where the traffic light of the three-color signaling is working or the traffic controller is located) the order in which vehicles pass is determined by their signals. However, drivers should always remember that when the signal to allow the movement of vehicles is turned on, there may still be people at the pedestrian crossing who have not yet completed the crossing. Therefore, you should start moving only after making sure that pedestrians are safe. "Rules traffic"require special attention from the driver if there is a stopped car in front of the pedestrian crossing. crosswalk it is possible only by making sure that this standing car does not block the visibility of a person at the crossing (Fig. 32).

Road signs GOST 1087 - 78.

It should also be remembered that blind pedestrians may appear on the road. Where they cross the street systematically, to signs 1.20; 5.16.1; 5.16.2 "Pedestrian crossing" additionally install a sign 7.15 "Blind pedestrians". Elsewhere, blind pedestrians may also cross the street by signaling drivers with a white cane. Drivers are required to let these people pass freely.

When approaching a marked pedestrian crossing, the driver must first of all evaluate the visibility conditions, i.e. the ability to clearly determine whether there are people on or near the crossing. If the driver is not sure that he has a full view of the area where the pedestrian crossing is located at a sufficient distance, then he should slow down in order to increase the time for orientation and be able to take precautions when pedestrians are detected later.

The rules require the driver to slow down when approaching a pedestrian crossing if there are people on it, or to stop to let pedestrians pass if they do not have time to complete the crossing before the car passes. This applies not only to passing pedestrian crossings in the forward direction, but also when turning right or left at an intersection (Fig. 33).

If crossing the road is regulated by the traffic controller and he stretched his hand up, then all pedestrians and drivers of vehicles, regardless of the direction of their movement, must stop. The driver must also remember that in the event of traffic jams, he should not stop at a pedestrian crossing (Fig. 34), making it impossible for pedestrians to cross carriageway streets. In such cases, you must stop before the pedestrian crossing.

Stops of public transport (tram, trolleybus, bus) are a common crowded place and therefore drivers should be especially careful when passing by them. As a rule, pedestrian crossings are equipped directly near the stopping points, and the above requirements and recommendations already apply here. However, if near stopping point if a crossing is not equipped, this does not exclude the appearance of people on the roadway who have exited a public vehicle or intending to land.

The rules require that car drivers at public transport stops located in the middle of the road stop to let passengers on their way to boarding or after disembarking (Fig. 35).

When approaching a vehicle that has stopped on the road and has an identification mark for group transportation of children, the driver must slow down and even stop to ensure the safety of children who may appear on the roadway.

With a high intensity of vehicle traffic, the departure of a bus or trolleybus from a stopping point can be difficult for cars that go around it. Therefore, in order to reduce possible delays in passenger transport, the Rules require that in settlements drivers of all other vehicles moving in the same direction gave way to buses and trolleybuses departing from the designated stop.

Crossing unregulated pedestrian crossings is dangerous for both pedestrians and car drivers. We all know that road safety is fully dependent on all participants. Sometimes drivers are to blame for accidents, but it is not uncommon for pedestrians to be to blame. How can drivers protect themselves and their loved ones on the road from negligent pedestrians?

First, let's define the concepts. The driver is the person who drives the vehicle. Drivers include even drovers leading a herd of animals. A pedestrian is a person who is on the road outside of transport, and who does not work on a particular vehicle. Persons moving in wheelchairs without a mechanical drive, also apply to pedestrians, as well as those who roll a bicycle, motorcycle, stroller, etc. on the road.

An unregulated pedestrian crossing is the easiest and least expensive crossing. At such crossings, drivers of vehicles must give way to pedestrians without fail. Such transitions, as a rule, are equipped on small streets where the traffic flow is relatively small.

All traffic violations pedestrians are not expensive, and for crossing a pedestrian crossing at a red light, and for crossing the road in the wrong place, a citizen will get off with a relatively small fine. But if an accident occurs through his fault, the punishment will be much more significant.

Remember that traffic rules and safety principles must also be observed by pedestrians crossing unregulated pedestrian crossings. Even a pedestrian can go to jail for violating traffic rules.

At unregulated pedestrian crossings, the rules are extremely simple - you need to take care of your own safety. When crossing an unregulated pedestrian crossing, the pedestrian has full advantage over any vehicle. However, the rules prohibit stopping traffic and stopping in the middle of the roadway. Exceptions are cases where it is related to security.

Pedestrians entering an unregulated pedestrian crossing should give way only. However, in practice, I do not recommend that you throw yourself under the wheels of ordinary cars. It is far from obvious to everyone that in an accident involving a car moving at a speed of at least 50-60 km / h, the chances of surviving are not great.

Let me remind all drivers of a few fundamental rules related to unregulated pedestrian crossings and, in particular, pedestrians. The driver must give way to pedestrians when he turns right at a traffic light.

The driver of the vehicle, when approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing, is obliged to slow down or even stop to enable pedestrians who have stepped onto the carriageway, or are just about to do so, to start crossing the carriageway.

In all cases with blind pedestrians about to cross an unregulated pedestrian crossing, the driver must give way to them, as well as to persons accompanying blind pedestrians who signal with a white cane.

Often, in an accident with a collision with a pedestrian, the driver is not to blame, respectively, he will not have to bear the punishment. By the way, some and other road users have opposite opinions. Some insist that the driver is to blame for an accident involving pedestrians, while the other side claims the opposite.

Any accident involving a pedestrian at an unregulated pedestrian crossing will have a number of unpleasant consequences for the driver. First, it is a huge waste of time. Even the usual collision of two vehicles takes up to 80 hours to parse. Secondly, it is a huge moral damage.

In accordance with Art. 1100 Civil Code Russian Federation, the owner of the source of increased security must compensate the moral damage to the injured pedestrian. The car is such a source, and, therefore, even if the driver of the car is not guilty of an accident, the injured pedestrian has the right to demand compensation for moral damage in court.

And who will compensate the driver for the damage if the fault for an accident at a pedestrian crossing is assigned to a pedestrian who violated the rules for crossing an unregulated pedestrian crossing? According to Art. 15 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a driver injured through the fault of a pedestrian has the right to demand in court compensation for the losses incurred.

Losses should be understood as the costs that a person has incurred or must incur in order to restore anything, including the damage caused. In addition, this can include the cost of a lawyer. Thus, if the case goes to court, the driver may demand compensation for damage caused to the car, as well as moral damages and legal expenses.

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Pedestrian crossings located outside intersections are organized for the movement of pedestrians through the carriageway on sections of roads that do not have intersections for a long distance.

Depending on the intensity of traffic in a particular area, pedestrian crossings can be equipped with traffic lights, respectively, such transitions will be regulated, a can only be marked with signs and markings - in this case the pedestrian crossing will be unregulated .

Regulated pedestrian crossing

Driving through a pedestrian crossing, in front of which a traffic light is installed, is similar to driving on controlled intersection. When turning on the permissive signal, drivers need to wait until the pedestrians have finished crossing, and only after that can they start moving.

Drivers who are just approaching the crossing at the moment when the green signal is already on, but before the crossing in the adjacent lane there is still some kind of vehicle, do not rush through the pedestrian crossing. Better slow down and be careful. If the vehicle is stationary, it may be allowing pedestrians to complete the crossing of the roadway.

Unregulated pedestrian crossing

“The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to slow down or stop before the crossing in order to let pass pedestrians crossing the carriageway or entering it to make the transition” - paragraph 14.1 of the Rules.

In accordance with clause 4.5 of the Rules, at unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians can enter the carriageway after they estimate the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and make sure that the crossing will be safe for them.

It is safe to remove vehicles in such a way that, without changing the speed, or rather without resorting to emergency braking, these vehicles will approach the intersection after the pedestrian has completely crossed the carriageway.

But how does it really happen?

The eye of all people is different, therefore, few can correctly determine the distance to the car and its speed. And very often pedestrians rely on drivers in the sense that the driver sees them and will be able to either slow down or stop in time to make it possible to cross the road. Drivers, in turn, rely on pedestrians, thinking that they are smart enough not to climb under the wheels. Similar assumptions different parties often lead to misunderstandings.

What should drivers and pedestrians do in such cases?

  • If you have to give way to a pedestrian, then you need to give way unambiguously, up to the stop of the car. You need to stop in such a way as not to drive into the "zebra" so that the pedestrian understands that he is being let through at the crossing. Any driver, leaving the car, becomes a pedestrian, and he understands the gestures of other drivers. But not every pedestrian is a driver, and besides, many pedestrians do not know the Rules at all.
  • If you drive up to a pedestrian crossing or stop and see a vehicle standing or stopped near them, you must immediately assume that people may appear because of it and you need to take measures to reduce speed.

The phrase "measures to reduce speed" should be understood not just slowing down the car. You also need to look in the rear-view mirror - someone else is probably following you and your intention to slow down and stop should be clear to him. To do this, you need to press the brake pedal a little earlier so that your brake lights light up.

  • You should start crossing the carriageway at an unregulated pedestrian crossing only when you are sure that you will have time to pass it before the vehicles approach the crossing. Or, when you are sure that they really let you through. You can stand on the roadway next to the sidewalk and raise your hand up, facing the drivers - thereby making it clear that you are going to cross the road.
  • If one car stops to let you through, don't rush headlong across the road. You also need to make sure that the driver following you sees you at the crossing and is also ready to stop. You need to try to cross the road quickly.

One more moment. The roadway is wide and many drivers have a question: is it worth waiting for the pedestrian to cross the road if he just stepped onto the roadway from the opposite side? Some stand and wait, while others drive through the transition. This situation is often disputed. Because some are punished and others are not.

The disputes mainly relate to the analysis in determining the punishment for "failure to comply with the requirements of traffic rules to give way to pedestrians" under Article 12.18 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. The article indicates the term "Give way to pedestrians", and in clause 13.1 of the SDA - the term "Give way to pedestrians", which is not in the definitions of clause 1.2 of the SDA. Even though it's basically the same thing.

Explanation of the traffic police: If the pedestrian, through your fault, did not change the trajectory of movement and did not slow down, then you did not violate the rules. In other words, if the pedestrian at the crossing is far away, and you can safely pass without interfering with him, then you can cross the pedestrian crossing without waiting for him to cross the road. (Author's note: it's better, after all, to wait until the pedestrian crosses the road).

But this is the legal side. Our task is to foresee the traffic situation and prevent accidents associated with collisions with pedestrians at a pedestrian crossing. And for this you need to understand the reasons why these incidents occur.

There are a lot of reasons that cause accidents when passing a pedestrian crossing, and they happen both through the fault of the pedestrians themselves and through the fault of the drivers.

The most main reason Accidents due to the fault of pedestrians - ignorance of many pedestrians of the Rules of the road or unwillingness to comply with them.

Other mistakes of pedestrians are banal inattention, inability to assess the situation to the left and right of the crossing, some kind of frivolity bordering on insanity. For example, how can you cross a busy road with a raised hood on your head - not seeing anything around, while talking on the phone? …

The most common mistake made by drivers is the violation of clause 14.1 of the traffic rules, which requires drivers to slow down or stop when approaching a pedestrian crossing to let pedestrians through.

The second reason is non-compliance with clause 13.1 - the order to let pedestrians cross the carriageway onto which the driver is turning.

The situation is sometimes unpredictable. Some pedestrians at the pedestrian crossing, knowing that they are obliged to let them through, go through the roadway (they are sure that if they have an advantage, then they are right), others stand in indecision and at the most unexpected moment suddenly go out onto the roadway and start running across road. And neither of them think at all that a car, even at low speed, weighing more than a ton, will not be able to stop immediately.

Another one cause of the accident when driving through a pedestrian crossing due to the fault of the driver - when the driver sees that a vehicle has stopped before the crossing, but he still passes the crossing without making sure that no one is crossing the road at that moment. In this case, a collision occurs due to limited visibility, but no one removes the blame from the driver - he should have assumed the presence of danger and be able to predict the situation.

There are many reasons, and from a legal point of view it will be a violation of some paragraph of the Rules, and from a moral point of view, the price of such a violation may be someone's health or someone's life. Follow the rules of the road and be careful on the road.


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