Day of Music - poems, postcards, songs. world music day international musician day

Music is the greatest invention of mankind, which has accompanied society since its inception. Music reflects the traditions and customs of different nations, and they are easy to share: the language of the melody is simple and understandable to everyone. It is not surprising that such a unique cultural phenomenon has its own holiday - International Music Day, which is celebrated every year on October 1st.

1. When did the holiday appear?

Despite the fact that music is millions of years old, the holiday appeared relatively recently. In 1973 he was established by the International Music Council of UNESCO, and two years later the first symphony concerts were held in his honor.

Since 1975, International Music Day has been an official holiday for people of art: composers, musicians, philharmonic workers, and musicologists.

2. Music Day in Russia

In Russia, the Day of Music was discussed only in 1996. This year, the brilliant Russian composer, scientist and public figure Dmitry Shostakovich would have turned 90 years old.

In 1973, he addressed the United Nations with an open letter, in which he asked to establish a music festival and thereby recognize its role in uniting peoples and exchanging cultural experience.

Shostakovich became one of the creators of the holiday, the "godfather" of the Day of Music.

3. Main events on Music Day in Russia

Cultural events are held in Moscow and St. Petersburg on International Music Day: meetings with musicians, exhibitions and performances.

Traditionally, St. Petersburg hosts a concert by the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and the Chamber Orchestra of the Conservatory.

Music Night in Moscow is especially popular: the Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra and Oleg Lundstrem's jazz band perform at different venues. Organ music sounds in the Roman Catholic Cathedral. And all this is completely free!

4. The emergence of music and musical instruments - what do scientists say?

Music accompanies human society since its inception.

In the African desert, archaeologists have discovered rock paintings of ancient tribes. They depict people with outlandish devices in their hands. Presumably, these were the first musical instruments. We will never know what sounds they made - and, probably, this music was far from modern. But it was already part of the life of our ancestors.

5. The oldest musical instrument museum in the world

A recent discovery in China showed that the inhabitants had a special attitude towards music and everything related to it.

In 2000, one of the oldest museums in the world, the Han Dynasty Museum, was found. In it, the researchers found unique instruments (more than 150 copies in total) in excellent condition. These are pipes and flutes of various shapes and sizes, bells and lithophones (stone plates).

6. When did music appear - an excursion into history

According to scientists, music appeared at the same time as speech. At first, primitive people, performing collective work, made certain repetitive sounds to set the rhythm and coordinate their actions.

Later, they began to supplement dances with melodic sounds - again, to maintain the rhythm.

The sounds of music are pleasing to the human ear, are perceived easily, unite and infect with a single mood, so music not only took root in primitive society, but also became the driving force behind its development.

7. The origin of the word "Music"

"Music" is derived from the word "muse".

In ancient Greek mythology, the Muses are the daughters of Zeus, the goddess of the arts and sciences. For example, Terpsichore is the goddess of dancing, and Euterpe is the goddess of poetry. They celebrated their arts with songs, dances and playing the divine harp.

The origin of the word is obvious: music is what is associated with the muses.

8. The value of music for a person

Music has a beneficial effect on human health and psyche. A measured, calm melody evokes positive emotions and removes depression, while a rhythmic melody improves mood and performance.

Even Pythagoras believed that sound waves enter into resonance with the vibrations of internal organs and treat them. Modern medicine notes the facts of the positive influence of music on the work of the heart.

Music lessons develop intelligence and memory in children, increase the pain threshold and prevent hearing loss with age in adults.

9. Such different musical styles…

Style matters!

  • About influence classical music many people know about the human psyche: it calms the nerves and even treats chronic diseases.
  • Rock and rap depress the nervous system, can lead to depression, provoke aggression, anxiety.
  • But few people know that country music- seemingly so light and positive - can negatively affect a person. In the US, country music lovers are more likely than others to commit suicide, divorce their spouses, and conflict with others. There is no clear explanation for this phenomenon.

10. Music is not only a spiritual concept, but also a material one.

Music changes the structure of water. The famous experiment of the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto showed that under the influence of melodies of different directions, water crystallizes in different ways.

Best of all, water "reacts" to classics: after freezing under a microscope, you can see graceful snowflakes of the correct form with six rays. But hard Rock does not have the best effect on the crystallization process: snowflakes turn out to be shapeless, torn, different in size. The scientist explains this phenomenon by the special frequency of the sound wave inherent in melodic music (Hado energy), which resonates with the water molecule and gives it the correct shape.

11. Wellness music of bells

The sounds of the bell are able to kill pathogenic bacteria and heal the body. In Russia, bell ringing was used to treat diseases of the joints, remove the evil eye and spoilage.

In medieval Europe, during a plague epidemic, bells were rung and the epidemic receded.

Modern studies confirm that bell ringing has a negative effect on pathogens of dangerous diseases, their activity in the body is reduced by 40%.

12. The language of music

There is a special language of music - "Sol-re-sol". Its basis is seven notes, they are syllables in words. The language was created by the French Jean-Francois Sudr, who spent more than 40 years developing rules and vocabulary.

As a result, the artificial language turned out to be very complex and inconvenient. In 1868, writings were published in a new language, but they soon forgot about it.

13. The longest song in the world has been playing for a thousand years!

The longest song called "Longplayer" will sound exactly one thousand years! It is performed on special bells - Tibetan bowls. Music is controlled by a computer programmed for a very long time.

International Music Day was established on October 1, 1975 by UNESCO. Music Day 2018 is celebrated around the world October 1. One of the initiators of the establishment of the holiday is the composer Dmitry Shostakovich. World Music Day is celebrated annually around the world with large concert programs, with the participation of the best artists and creative teams. On this day, compositions that are included in the treasury of world culture are heard in different parts of the world.

When is the date of the holiday: Music Day

But it's not a secret for anyone that mankind has been familiar with music since ancient times. Even in African caves, rock paintings of long-disappeared tribes have been preserved. The finds have the outlines of people with musical instruments in their hands. Of course, we are never destined to hear their music, but it once enriched and diversified their lives, was a companion of their joyful or sad emotions.

No matter what date this holiday is celebrated, we all know that music has a very great power. Surely there are few people in the world who are indifferent to music. Many composers, through musical works, tried to convey the state of their soul as beautifully as possible. And now all connoisseurs of music from generation to generation will pronounce their names with gratitude and delight. Music does not age, it will live in the hearts of people for as long as a person exists.

Music... it's hard to imagine the existence of mankind without it. Ancient people thought the same way, this conclusion can be drawn on the basis of rock carvings of people with musical instruments in their hands found in ancient caves in Africa. Even in those distant times, musical sounds brightened up the existence of man. Archaeological excavations have unearthed the most ancient musical instruments, created two thousand years ago. And now music helps a person to live, it has a magical power that touches the most delicate strings of the human soul. Many works of modern authors have entered the treasury of world culture and will live forever. The composer D. Shostakovich became the initiator of the creation of the International Music Day, and officially it began to be celebrated all over the world from October 1, 1975 by the decision of UNESCO.

Let the music flow like a river into the hearts
The tender melody will never end
Let him give smiles and bring joy,
And it only helps you to move forward!

Happy Music Day! Happiness in the soul let it live
And music gives you a flight to the sky,
Helps to overcome all difficulties
Achieve everything, regret nothing!

International Music Day
I wish you major notes,
Let melodies of success
You are protected from adversity.

Let the chords of happiness rumble
And the sounds of joy are heard
Today the music is beautiful
We shout from the heart: "Vivat!".

Congratulations on International Music Day and I want to wish that a joyful and kind melody always sounds in the soul, that the heart sings and does not stray from the rhythm of happiness, that music gives unforgettable feelings and wonderful emotions.

Happy International Music Day!
Of course, I wish you great inspiration.
Great happiness, sincere love,
May all your dreams come true.

So that life flows as if by notes,
And only under a bright peaceful sky.
So that grace surrounds everywhere,
Didn't have to grieve.

Music is our soul strings
They always sing different songs to us,
On holiday and sadness, in noise, in silence -
Music is nearby and it's wonderful!

I wish you many good melodies,
And go along with music through life,
Believe me, the road is always more fun,
If there is music with you on the go!

Music is just seven notes
But they can work wonders:
Music is poison, it's salt, it's honey,
Eyes full of happiness and grief!

It combines different feelings,
She gives a stream of bright colors!
Music is the best art in the world
Every day is better with her!

lives from birth
Music with us
It contains songs of rain,
Mother's lullaby.

Melody sounds
And their overflows
Make the world ours
Kinder and more beautiful.

7 marvelous notes
They walk around the world
Happy Music Day
Congratulations planet.

Solemn chord
We celebrate the holiday
I am the whole world happy music day
Congratulations today.

Dominate the world
7 beautiful notes.
In our hearts and souls
Music lives.

She knows no boundaries
And flies around the world
Let happy music
Make a planet.

Music included,
Everyone understands exactly
That she takes everyone into the world -
He has no equal.

Music is flight!
Let her live in the soul
A magical 7 notes
They give a sunny sunrise.

Overflows of bright sounds
Ile love in it heard flour.
We wish - will save you
Music is always out of boredom.

Beautiful music is good for the soul
Hurry up to plunge into her idyll.
You enjoy its greatness and wonder,
Her sound like emeralds!

Let the ringing flow through the years and centuries,
After all, music is like a "fast river" ...
Carries us to the "fairy tale" of crystal notes,
Among the sounds of "trunk"...

She is fraught with magical properties,
Able to heal us from disorder.
Luxurious values ​​can teach:
How to live, love, and value devotion!

Listen to the sounds
Open your heart to them.
Behind the music - flour
Yes, a little pepper...
Thoughts lead,
That means the soul
In those sounds finds
The answer is slow.
How beautiful everything is!
... music day, do you hear?
Romance. Great.
Know how to fly higher!

International Music Day is celebrated around the world on October 1st. The holiday was created at the initiative of UNESCO. This day is widely celebrated among all people whose professions are related to music. The decision to celebrate this day was made in 1973. The main purpose of the holiday is the exchange of experience between the cultures of different countries, as well as the introduction of the masses to such an art form as music. It was also assumed that exhibitions of musical instruments, photographs from various concerts could be held on this day. There were also meetings with musicians and other famous people who have dedicated their lives to music.

In Russia, these holidays have been actively celebrated since 1996, and the composer Shostakovich proposed the idea. This composer is one of the greatest composers of the 20th century in the world.

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In musical arrangement,
Today the whole earth will be
Its creators - patience,
And inspiration for the year!

We sing along today
To all our favorite songs
After all, world music day -
Is there a better holiday?
And let there be more, more
In the world of beloved music -
Energetic and invigorating
Or smooth and beautiful!

Today is the holiday of music lovers,
Great Music Day!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Turn on the music more powerfully!

All singers and musicians
DJs, geniuses of all notes,
We admire the talent
And we hand over the holiday of lines,

We wish you good luck
Let there be success in work
And of course, the returns
For comfort,

And create such a miracle
Only the wise can
Music is beautiful
Music is the call of the soul!

Only the music of the soul will heal the wounds,
Warms the heart, renews thoughts.
I can call the conservatory a temple,
That keeps the magic of the melody.

Day of music! Congratulations musicians.
May your life be light, easy!
Don't be short on talent
May any dream come true!

Happy music day, buddy! Congratulations!
May every day bring you warmth
And everything around is great inspiration,
And the muse sings on your shoulder!

I wish you endless success!
Be happy and surrounded by love!
Let any barriers melt in an instant!
You are truly in love with music!

Music has a special fate -
Give us rest, console us in adversity.
With her grief and merry revelry,
Together with her, moments and years.

The soul sings, the violins are incessant,
Fanfares sound your steps
Farshlags in the corners of your smile
Foreplay, your eyes are strict.

On Music Day, you are airy like a waltz,
Like a scherzo cheerful and mischievous.
Sound more! Be generous!
Like a tremolo, staccato, like a string!

The piercing sounds of the violin,
Drum rolling rumble
Always bring smiles
Even if he was drowning in sadness.

Music heals our souls
It blows off the soot and dust.
The best holiday in the world -
Day of music! Wherever you are.

Day of music. Restless Birds Day
Guitars, trombones, trumpets, pianos, songs.
Without music, the whole world is not interesting,
Without music, it is full of gray faces.

A skilled conductor will wave his hand,
And more colorful faces in a friendly choir.
We cry over chords in minor
And we believe in life, having suddenly heard a major!

There are few people on the planet who are absolutely indifferent to music. Of course, everyone has different tastes, someone prefers classical instrumental concerts, and someone prefers hard rock. But all these people can be united by the international day of music.


The history of the holiday dates back to 1974. This year, Lausanne hosted the 15th General Assembly of the IMC (International Music Council, affiliated with UNESCO). Then the idea of ​​the need to organize a holiday was expressed and approved.

But when is such a wonderful holiday celebrated? For the first time, festive events took place on October 1, 1975, and since then, Music Day has been celebrated on this day every year.

The main goals of the holiday are to spread the art of music, to get acquainted with the works of foreign composers, and to exchange experience.

The festive events were a great success, and since 1975 they have become traditional.

Celebration in Russia

Officially, International Music Day in Russia has been celebrated since 1996. To thank for the entry into our lives of this wonderful holiday, first of all, should be the famous Russian composer, pianist and teacher Dmitry Shostakovich.

D. Shostakovich not only wrote great music, but also devoted a lot of time to spreading musical culture. On the day of Shostakovich's 90th birthday, it was customary to celebrate Music Day in Russia.

Every year, all Russian cities host a variety of festive events dedicated to music, from concerts to photo exhibitions.

Celebration traditions

Music Day is, first of all, a celebration of people who play music professionally. That is, musicians, singers, composers, teachers of singing and music, students of the conservatory and students of music schools. But, of course, it can be celebrated not only by those who have decided to devote their lives to art, but also by people who simply love to listen and perform music.

A variety of events are timed to coincide with the Day of Music. On this day, music sounds everywhere: in concert halls, theaters, as well as on the streets and houses of ordinary people. On this day, parades of orchestras, street dance festivals, performances by professional and amateur groups can be organized.

Artists perform works of a wide variety of genres from classics to modern trends.

The younger generation is sure to be attracted to festive events, because one of the main goals of the holiday is to teach children to love and appreciate good music. Therefore, on October 1, various events are held in many schools and kindergartens. Children are invited to attend concerts, artists come to visit them, various music competitions, festivals and holidays are held.

Large festive events are held in music schools and conservatories. Pupils and students not only organize performances and concerts, but also prepare funny skits, because this is a holiday, so it should be as fun as possible.

The meaning of music

Music has accompanied mankind since the earliest times. This is confirmed by musical instruments that are found during excavations of ancient cities.

And today good music can excite our feelings and emotions. There are probably very few people who are completely indifferent, who will not be touched by any melody.

Of course, musical talent is not given to everyone, a person may not have a musical ear and voice, but almost everyone can be taught to listen, understand and appreciate music.

Music is a truly miraculous tool that can control human emotions. With the help of music, you can cope with pain and longing, find joy and feel happy.

And these are unfounded assertions. Doctors have proven that when listening to good music in a person, parts of the brain are activated that are “responsible” for the birth of a feeling of euphoria. True, to stimulate the pleasure centers in different people, it is necessary to use different melodies. It is for this reason that people's musical tastes can be radically opposite.

Our ancestors attached great importance to music, they believed that certain melodies can make a person happy or, on the contrary, make you worry. Therefore, various ritual songs and melodies appeared that accompanied a person throughout life. For example, "wedding" songs were performed at marriage ceremonies so that the newlyweds would be happy in their life together.

Of course, modern people no longer perceive music as something magical that can influence life and destiny, but this did not diminish their love for this type of art. Therefore, Music Day is a holiday not only for musicians, but also for ordinary people.

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