Pussy Riot members in prison (15 photos). What are the members of Pussy Riot doing now?

Pussy Riot known as the feminist punk band that rocked the global community in 2012. Their performances are illegal and take place in non-traditional places. Thus, actions in the subway, on the roof of a trolley bus, in a pre-trial detention center and even in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and on Red Square became famous. Pussy Riot does not have clear frontmen, the soloists perform under pseudonyms, which are often changed. In public, participants appear exclusively in face-covering balaclavas, bright multi-colored dresses and tights.

Pussy Riot was born in 2011. According to its participants, after the "Arab spring" they realized that Russia lacked sexual and political emancipation. They decided to introduce audacity, a feminist whip into society and demand a woman president. Politically, the group's interests revolve around feminism, fighting law enforcement, decentralization of government, and "anti-Putinism."

Representatives of Pussy Riot classify themselves as "the third wave of feminism", they have a fairly clear philosophical outlook, are critical of the dictatorship and promote freedom of thought. The group actively advocates for gender freedom and calls for the rejection of the conventional opposition between heterosexuality and homosexuality.

The views of Pussy Riot were repeatedly specified by the participants. So, they vehemently protested against fraud in the 2011 elections, advocated the resignation of Vladimir Putin. They rank it as a symbol of patriarchal views, citing as an example the words about the tasks of a woman in society (childbirth and passive service to men). Pussy Riot advocates for the release of political prisoners, the rejection of abortion restrictions and the promotion of homosexuality.

The group is creative. First of all, the girls perform their own songs. Performances are illegal actions with live performance to the electric guitar, are filmed and actively distributed on the Internet.

One of the most scandalous performances, followed by punishment, was a punk prayer in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior
Mother of God, drive Putin away, performed on February 21, 2012. After him, three representatives of the movement were detained - N. Tolokonnikova, M. Alyokhina and E. Samutsevich, who during the investigation did not confirm their involvement in Pussy Riot. The investigation continues under the close attention of foreign media and with the active support of Pussy Riot by residents of France, Finland, Poland and other countries who hold rallies in defense of girls near Russian embassies.

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On February 21, 2012, a group of masked girls climbed the pulpit in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Here they began to dance and sing their so-called punk prayer. For this hooligan trick, the girls were detained and sent to a pre-trial detention center. This is how Russia found out about Pussy Riot. Today, without exaggeration, almost the entire country is following the trial of a female punk band, which is divided into two camps: defenders of girls and those who believe that they need to go to jail.

The trick in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was far from the first in track record girl group. On their account, participation in political and environmental actions, protection of other offenders, who, according to Pussy Riot, did a good deed in the fight against corruption, and a concert for detainees at protests after the elections to the State Duma on December 4, 2011. Its main difference was that the girls sang right in front of the pre-trial detention center.

None of their activities for Pussy Riot ended in punishment. And that time, when they went to Volkhonka, they also thought that they could get away with everything. However, everything ended for the offenders extremely sad. At first, they were going to apply administrative punishment to them. However, given the mass dissatisfaction of Orthodox Christians and their statements about insulting all believers, the case was reclassified as a criminal article. Now hooligans face up to 7 years in prison.

The case of the punk band was studied for a long 5 months, and on July 4, 2012, the first hearings began. Literally after the first meeting, everyone who expected the girls to be released was taken aback by the news that they would remain in custody until at least mid-January 2013. And this is despite the fact that a number of members of the team have young children.

As part of the trial, the townsfolk put forward their versions of what is happening. Some of them do not understand why the girls are kept behind bars for so long. After all, their actions do not fall under the particularly grave and grave articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Others believe that in this way Pussy Riot decided to punish this and other offenses. But practically everyone is waiting for one thing - when the punk band will be forgiven by His Holiness Patriarch of All Russia Kirill himself.

In addition, this process is marked by a number of scandals. The group's defenders gather in front of the Tagansky court building both on the days of preliminary hearings and on July 4, and organize demonstrations and spontaneous rallies there. After each meeting of supporters women's team they are transported to different police departments of the city of Moscow for trials. However, two actions in support of the team caused shock among those around them. Both of them were held in St. Petersburg. During one of them, in early July, a 22-year-old girl was symbolically crucified in front of the Church of the Savior on Blood, wearing a knitted mask similar to those used by Pussy Riot. Another took place on July 23, 2012. A silent young man with a poster in support of the group approached the Kazan Cathedral. Those who approached him closer people could see that his mouth was sewn up with coarse thread. So one of the St. Petersburg artists Peter Pavlensky expressed his protest.

On July 20 and 23, 2012, two preliminary hearings were held at the Khamovnichesky Court in Moscow on charges of hooliganism against three members of the Pussy Riot group. They considered a dozen different motions submitted by both lawyers and prosecutors.

At the first meeting, the most interesting issue for everyone was the extension of the ending term of the accused in the pre-trial detention center - the prosecution insisted on this. The prosecutor's office motivated the extension of the term of imprisonment by the fact that the accused could escape. Not all of them are registered permanent job in Moscow, and those registered do not live on. The defenders asked to be released under the guarantee of various famous people, of which there were 53 persons on the list, but only seven were present in court. The court decided this issue in favor of the prosecutors - the term of detention was extended for six months, until January 12, 2013.

The main outcome of the second meeting was the announcement of the start date for the consideration of the case on the merits - the court set it for 30 July. In addition to all this, the lawyers' petition to bring to court about thirty additional witnesses and experts, including the President of Russia and the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, was rejected. The atmosphere in which both meetings were held turned out to be quite calm - the supporters and opponents of Pussy Riot who gathered near the court did not show aggressiveness. Perhaps that is why the interest of journalists in the second meeting fell sharply.

Pussy Riot - "Riot of the Vaginas" - created in the summer of 2011, a punk rock band that does not have a permanent composition of participants. The group gained fame not with its songs, but with the places of public actions - Red Square, pre-trial detention center, etc. The participants consider the illegality and provocative nature of theirs to be necessary, therefore there is nothing unexpected in the fact of detention. The arrest took place after the action in the altar of Christ the Savior, which the participants of the "punk-prayer". In a criminal case initiated on February 26, 2012, this action was qualified as hooliganism. On March 3, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina were detained, who said that they had nothing to do with Pussy Riot and the action in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. On March 16, Ekaterina Samutsevich was added to the number of detainees. The criminal case against the other participants of the action has been separated into a separate proceeding, and their names are either unknown to the investigation or simply not made public. For hooliganism, group members can be sentenced to up to 7 years. However, in the text of the “punk prayer” there was a negative mention of Putin, so simple hooliganism received a public response as a rebellion against the system and acquired a political connotation.

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In February 2012, during the election campaign period, the Pussy Riot group, consisting of three girls, held an “anti-Putin” performance, choosing the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow for this purpose. With their punk performance near the altar of the most famous church in Russia, they caused a wave of indignation among believers and ministers of the Orthodox Church.

The group began performing in October-November 2011, and managed to hold its punk performances in many crowded places - on the roof of the concert hall No. 1, in the metro and even on Red Square. These actions were treated with irony, and the only punishment for the girls was a fine of 500 rubles. Such impunity allowed the group to continue their performances, and they chose the pulpit of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior as their stage.

The video with the performance was posted on the Internet, in a few days it collected a huge number of views and caused a great public outcry. Three participants, Maria Alyokhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Ekaterina Samutsevich, were arrested and charged under the article “hooliganism”, the maximum punishment for which is up to 7 years in prison.

The public is divided into two camps - some believe that the girls simply made a mistake and unknowingly committed a small offense. It is quite enough to get them to confess their guilt and punish them as for a small administrative hooliganism. Others are of the opinion that the actions of the participants fall under Article 282, that is, they contributed to "inciting religious hatred and discord, committed humiliation and insult to the feelings of believers." And, if they are recognized as capable, they must be held accountable for their actions in accordance with the letter of the law.

At the first hearing of the court, it became clear that the court was of the second opinion, that is, it did not yet consider the actions of the group "Pussy Riot" an innocent childish prank. The arrest of the accused was extended for another six months, until January 2013. Despite numerous actions, signature campaigns and speeches offering to release the girls, the court was inexorable and decided that another measure of restraint would be too lenient.

The question of the deprivation of the members of the group "Pussy Riot" of freedom has already grown out of the framework of the usual case, any decision will now become political. Either the court will release the girls, recognizing the possibility of everyone expressing their “civil position” in this way, humanism in this case will be a manifestation of the weakness of the court. Or recognize them as guilty, and the progressive public will start talking about repression and a criminal regime. In any case, even those who first took the punk prayer in the Temple for another Internet joke began to take an interest in the matter.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the act of the infamous punk band Pussy Riot, who staged a performance in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The President is counting on a correct and reasoned decision of the court.

On August 2, at a briefing in London, the president broke his silence and spoke for the first time about the sensational case of Pussy Riot. So far, only Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has commented on the high-profile case.

“There is nothing good in this,” RIA Novosti quotes the president as saying. “I don’t really want to comment.” However, he nevertheless answered journalists’ questions: “I think if the girls were, for example, in Israel and defiled something there (you probably know that there are pretty strong guys there), they just can’t leave."

He also gave an example with the Caucasus: “Or we would go to the Caucasus, desecrate some Muslim shrine - we would not even have time to take them under protection.”

“I don't think they should be judged so harshly for that. I hope they will draw some conclusions themselves,” the President stressed. At the same time, Putin nevertheless noted that only the court should make a final decision on the Pussy Riot case: “I hope that the court will make the right decision, justified.”

When asked if this topic was raised during negotiations with British Prime Minister David Cameron, the president replied in the negative: "No, they did not remember." The main topic of high-ranking officials' talks was the Syrian conflict.

The Forbes.ru publication cites the opinion of the lawyer of one of the accused members of the group. Nikolai Polozov considers Putin's statement the beginning of a "radical change" in the case. The defender hopes that the court will nevertheless "listen to the opinion of the president and will consider the case more legally."

Members of the now world-famous punk band Pussy Riot have been charged with hooliganism for a "punk prayer" (as they call it) in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior "Mother of God, Drive Putin Out." Later, a video with a scandalous performance was posted on the Internet, which caused a great public outcry. The girls face up to 7 years in prison.

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Pussy Riot is an infamous female punk rock band that became famous throughout the world with a punk prayer service at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in February 2012. Now three of the participants are under investigation, awaiting a court decision. Many world-class stars spoke out in defense of the girls, representatives of Russian show business also have their own opinion on this case.

The Russian magazine Afisha, which covers various events in the field of entertainment, asked Russian musicians about their attitude to the situation that arose with the Pussy Riot group. Singer Tatyana Bulanova, who gained particular popularity in the 90s, believes that they deserve punishment. According to her, they expressed to all believers, especially to those who were present in the Temple at that moment. In her opinion, members of a punk band should not be imprisoned, but large fines are required.

Ilya Lagutenko, the leader of the Mumiy Troll group, paid attention to the popularity of the Pussy Riot team. He was surprised that the number of listens to the group's albums posted on the Internet is very small. And after asking his friends, the musician realized that none of them knew anything about the work of this group.

The leader of the "Time Machine" Andrei Makarevich took up arms against Western musicians, saying that T-shirts with inscriptions in support of Pussy Riot and their defensive speeches are "such a trick to protect the persecuted." But, the musician believes, it's time to release, according to him, they received their punishment.

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The three members of the Pussy Riot group have been in custody since March 2012 and are awaiting a court decision, which will be issued on August 17. The girls committed an act of vandalism in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in February 2012, singing in front of the altar of the church a punk prayer service “Mother of God, drive Putin away.”

Ekaterina Samutsevich, Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova were charged under article 213, part two of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism committed by a group of persons by prior agreement). The motives for this act are called hostile feelings towards believers. This article provides for a term of up to 7 years in prison. The state prosecutor in court asked the participants of the punk prayer service to be sentenced to three years in prison with a general regime. He mitigated the punishment due to good characteristics and the presence of two of them with small children.

The girls from Pussy Riot repeated in the debate that they do not consider themselves guilty of the charges against them. They claim that their performance was buffoonish, buffoonish and did not carry hatred and enmity towards Orthodox believers. Participants of the punk prayer service associate the action with their political views, explaining his speech by the desire to protest against the support at that time of the presidential candidate Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin by Patriarch Kirill.

According to the prosecutor, Pussy Riot's performance at Christ the Savior and, in addition, a similar performance at the Yelokhov Cathedral shortly before, were intended to undermine cultural traditions and foundations of Russia. The prosecutor does not see a political component in this action, since, according to him, not a single one of the politicians was heard in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The lawyers of the injured party also insist on the absence of political motivation and ask for suspended sentences.

Maria Alekhina told reporters that the Pussy Riot group included people of different worldviews. The defendants also emphasized that they had nothing to do with the placement on the Internet of a video clip with their performance in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

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Pussy Riot is a female punk rock band that has become famous all over the world for its trick in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. On February 21, 2012, masked girls ran onto the altar and, turning on the sound amplification equipment, began to sing the punk prayer “Mother of God, drive Putin away.” Their performance was interrupted by temple guards, and a video with a punk prayer got on the Internet.

The group Pussy Riot (from English - "riot of the pussy") was created in the fall of 2011. Since then, its participants periodically organized performances in the form of unauthorized actions. They passed in various unexpected places. Girls from Pussy Riot performed at the stations of Moscow, on the roofs of trolleybuses, in the police detention center, on Red Square. The last place of the protest was the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Members of the group identify themselves as third-wave feminists, and position their political as anti-authoritarianism. They criticize the dictatorship of power, the cult of power and propaganda of freedom of creativity and thinking. They also advocate equality at all levels and for gender freedom.

Feminists from Pussy Riot support those who protest against the falsification of the 2011 elections, advocate the resignation of the President of the Russian Federation - V.V. Putin, who is considered an adherent of patriarchal views.

The first composition of the group Pussy Riot was "Free the paving stones", dedicated to the elections to the State Duma on December 4, 2011 (the song was performed at different metro stations). Action No. 2 was the song "Kropotkin Vodka", which was performed in trendy bars and shops, it was also timed to coincide with the aforementioned elections. The composition "Death, freedom to protest" was performed on the roof of the special detention center in Moscow, in support of the protesters against the falsification of the election results; "Putin pissed" - on Red Square in January 2012.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova was also a participant in 2008, when in the zoological museum, in front of a crowd of visitors next to a stuffed bear, a group of young people had sex. The ideological slogan that accompanied this action sounded something like this: "The people have power and the people like it."

Currently, three arrested participants in the punk prayer service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Ekaterina Samutsevich and Maria Alyokhina - are waiting for the court verdict, which will be announced on August 17.

The sensational case of the punk band Pussy Riot is coming to an end. If no unforeseen circumstances interfere, judge Marina Syrova will begin to announce her verdict on August 17, 2012 at 15:00 Moscow time. The prosecution demanded real imprisonment for a period of 3 years for the troublemakers. The defense insists on the full justification of the scandalous trio.

The high-profile trial proceeded very dynamically, the sessions sometimes continued until late at night, so such a long time-out before the final verdict was delivered came as a complete surprise to many observers. According to the press secretary of the Khamovniki Court of Moscow, Daria Lyakh, on August 17, media representatives will not be allowed into the courtroom. However, this does not mean at all that there will be no coverage of the long-awaited event - on the contrary. A separate room will be allocated for numerous journalists, from which they will be able to follow the announcement of the verdict online. It will be even more convenient for the press - you won't have to listen to the judge standing up in a separate room, and reading the final verdict will probably take a lot of time.

Pussy Riot members Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina and Ekaterina Samutsevich were put on trial as a result of the so-called "punk prayer" in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow on February 21, 2012. They were charged under Article 213 Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - “Hooliganism motivated by religious hatred and enmity against any social group citizens." The defendants themselves claim that they do not experience any religious hatred towards believers, but on the contrary, with the words of their song: “Mother of God, drive Putin away!” - they tried to influence the political situation in the country, and now they are being persecuted precisely for this phrase and precisely because of their civic position.

It is worth noting that no matter what motives really led the girls, the process is already clearly political - the resonance is too great. And if in Russia assessments of Pussy Riot’s act differ, and the attempts of individual politicians and show business to express their attitude to this case are more like PR, then in the West the scandalous trio is perceived precisely as “prisoners of conscience” and put on a par with dissidents of the Soviet era . Support for Pussy Riot was openly declared by Peter Gabriel, Madonna, Sting, Bjork - and this is far from full list figures of world show business. But it is much more important that world politicians are in solidarity with them.

So whatever the verdict, one thing is clear already now - the scandalous punk band has become famous, and on a global scale, and this glory will apparently last for a long time. In this regard, they can already be congratulated on a certain victory, at least as artists. But the image modern Russia in the eyes of the world community, this process will not benefit in any case. And within the Russian society, supporters and opponents of Pussy Riot, in any case, the notorious “prayer service” will not soon be forgotten. So political speculation around this topic is unlikely to stop even after August 17th.


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On February 21, 2012, the Pussy Riot group held a punk prayer service "Mother of God, drive Putin away!" in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, protesting against the President of the Russian Federation and against the merging of the Russian Orthodox Church with the state. After that, two camps formed - supporters and opponents of the action.

On February 21, 2012, four members of Pussy Riot went to the pulpit in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, danced for a few seconds, crossed themselves and tried to pronounce the words of the song. Soon the temple guards took them out. The footage of the action was later supplemented with a soundtrack and footage from other locations showing the band performing the song with electric guitars. In the song, the girls ask the Mother of God to expel the president.

The action of the girls caused a huge resonance in society. Many were outraged. On March 3, 2012, three soloists were arrested, and on August 17 they were sentenced to two years in prison. In court, the accusation was built around an alleged motive of hatred and religious enmity. But the group members reject the version of such a motive. Pussy Riot did not admit their guilt and stated that at most their act could be called an administrative offense, but not a criminal one.

However, during the consideration of the case in the Khamovniki court, the girls apologized to the believers, saying that they did not intend to offend them. Nadezhda Tolokonnikova explained that the motives behind the punk prayer were political. She noted that the activists did not utter offensive words against God, the church, or believers. She also acknowledged that perhaps the choice of the temple as a place for the action was a mistake, but they did not think that their actions could offend anyone.

Maria Alyokhina, in her conciliatory letter to believers, asks to forgive her those who are offended by her actions and words and writes that she did not intend to offend anyone's religious feelings.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina and Ekaterina Samutsevich themselves position themselves as believers in God and say that they often attended church. But at the same time, they do not always approve of the manifestations of the church, and also oppose the close interaction of higher clergy from the Russian Orthodox Church with state power, the commercial and political use of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

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Pussy Riot is a controversial feminist punk rock band known for performing in inappropriate venues. The girls introduced the public to their work in the Moscow metro, on Red Square, on the roof of the pre-trial detention center. Their last performance took place in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

On February 21, 2012, Pussy Riot staged their controversial "punk prayer" event at the temple. The girls sang the song "Mother of God, drive Putin away", while crossing themselves with the banner of the cross. After about forty seconds, the girls were led outside by the guards.

On February 26, the group members were put on the wanted list. On March 3, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina were detained, and a week and a half later, Yekaterina Samutsevich. Since then, the girls have been in custody. At the beginning of the summer, they were charged with hooliganism motivated by religious hatred, committed by a group of people by prior agreement, although the participants themselves claim that their action was purely political in nature, and they in no way wanted to hurt the feelings of believers. On August 17, a sentence was passed: two years in a penal colony, although independent human rights activists argued that such an offense is an administrative offense, and an adequate punishment for it is imprisonment for 15 days. The court's decision surprised and outraged many, including Orthodox Christians, whose feelings, according to the prosecution, were offended.

People around the world have risen to the defense of Pussy Riot, but so far their actions have not had the desired effect. Many Western stars also decided to show solidarity with the scandalous singers and support the girls, outraged by the state of freedom of speech in Russia and considering the detention of Pussy Riot members to be arbitrariness and a violation of human rights. Madonna, who came on tour to Russia, appeared on stage in underwear with the inscription "Pussy Riot" on the back and a balaclava hat covering her face. Later, in an interview, the singer stated that she hoped that the girls would be released. Former Beatle Paul McCartney wrote an open letter to Vladimir Putin expressing similar wishes. Singer Bjork posted on her Facebook account photos of the detained girls and her comment that she hopes to see them soon free and sing with them. In an interview for Amnesty International's website, Sting expressed his regret that a dissident musician in Russia faces jail time and said he hopes the government will come to their senses and allow the girls to return home.

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On August 17, 2012, the verdict was read to the Pussy Riot group, participants in a high-profile trial that split Russian society. Lawyers of convicted girls are given the opportunity to appeal the verdict within 10 days after its announcement. In addition, the Moscow City Court, to which the cassation will be filed, may consider it for another month. All this time the girls will be in jail.

Members of the Pussy Riot group Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina and Ekaterina Samutsevich were charged with hooliganism of the feelings of believers. The reason for this was the "punk prayer" held by the girls on March 3, 2012 on the sole of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Initially, a noisy company of girls in multi-colored short dresses in balaclava caps on their heads, singing: “Mother of God, drive Putin away!”, Temple employees simply pushed out into the street. It would seem that the case would end there, but after a while, according to the statements of the witnesses-victims, a trial was scheduled, the girls were found and taken into custody.

From the very beginning, inadequately strict measures of detention were applied to the suspects involved in the case. Since, according to the country's Constitution, the church in Russia is separated from the state, it was not very clear why hooligan actions were reclassified as a criminal offense. Even those citizens, believers and atheists, in whom the actions of the group initially aroused hostility and rejection, were subsequently concerned that their trial would turn into a real court where the law had no place.

It is difficult to find a rational explanation for the ongoing proceedings. The reason for the indignation was added by the video broadcast of the trial in the case of Pussy Riot. All interested viewers were able to make sure that the qualifications of judges and prosecutors are of the lowest level. Only one of the three examinations conducted admitted, with references to ancient religious codes, that signs of religious hostility were found in the “punk prayer”. Some professional psychologists, in turn, considered that such an examination would discredit their profession, but this opinion was not heard by the court.

The low quality of the judicial investigation, which did not take into account most of the evidence and arguments of the defense, made the sentence itself expected - two years in a penal colony for each member of the group. Lawyers called the conviction not a legal document, but artwork far from the letter of the law. Therefore, the public continues to worry and wait for the outcome of the appeal - a cassation appeal has been filed.

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In February 2012, an unprecedented event took place in the main cathedral of the country, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Four girls in masks, dressed in colorful bright clothes, burst into the temple, climbed onto the pulpit, took out musical instruments and sound amplifying equipment, and for several seconds performed a song strange for this holy place, called a punk prayer.

Three participants in this orgy were able to figure out and in March 2012 handcuffed them. The girls called themselves a Pussy Riot group, and their vulgar behavior in the temple was nothing more than a political action. They were provoked to do so by a speech by Patriarch Kirill on the eve of the presidential election, in which he encouraged his flock to vote for Putin.

The public reacted ambiguously both to the action itself and to the trial. Some considered the performance blasphemy, vandalism and simply the highest measure of rudeness, others - a manifestation of patriotic feelings, freedom of speech, and foreign media have already dubbed the girls "prisoners of conscience." In essence, we can say that "this was not the place where it was worth holding any performances at all, and even more so singing blasphemous songs and arranging" demonic "dances." Approximately this was expressed by people who filed lawsuits against members of the sensational group.

In mid-July 2012, the trial of three members of Pussy Riot began. Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina and Ekaterina Samutsevich appeared before the court under article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The essence of the accusation boiled down to the fact that it was an action aimed at inciting inter-religious hatred, on the basis of hatred towards a certain group of believing citizens. To many observers, the whole process gave the impression of a grandiose farce. Moreover, it was a farce on both sides. The defense and the defendants behaved brazenly and disrespectfully towards the victims and the judge, the victims spoke the same memorized phrases, the judge constantly exchanged sarcastic remarks with the defense, and crowds of people gathered around the court every day, divided into two camps.

Many well-known artists spoke out in support of the young group. Before the verdict was passed, a lot of words were said about the fact that the crime committed was incorrectly qualified, that the girls should incur administrative punishment, but not criminal liability. Among the supporters of the punk group were Andrey Makarevich, Sting, Madonna and many others.

However, on August 17, 2012, when passing the verdict, the judge said that, given the wide public outcry and the public danger of the deed, the court could not reclassify the case. And also taking into account extenuating circumstances (the girls are involved for the first time, everyone has dependent children), the court sentenced them to two years in prison in a general regime colony. The girls have already served part of their term, so in fact they still have a little more than a year and a half left. At the sentencing, the now-convicted members of Pussy Riot smiled.

Tip 14: Which celebrity came out in support of Pussy Riot

On August 17, the Pussy Riot members were sentenced. Their trial lasted several months and caused many loud protests in the press and social networks. Many celebrities came out in support of the three feminists, including foreign stars: Sting, Madonna and others.

Celebrities in Russia and around the world are divided into two camps because of the situation that has unfolded around the members of the Pussy Riot group. Some agreed with the need for criminal punishment of girls who staged a punk prayer in an Orthodox church, while others are categorically against it.

In support of Pussy Riot, many figures of national culture spoke out. On June 26, a joint open letter was sent to the Chairman of the Supreme Court. Signatures on the document were left by famous actors and directors Yevgeny Mironov, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Oleg Basilashvili, Eldar Ryazanov, Andrei Konchalovsky, Igor Kvasha, Pavel Chukhrai, Liya Akhedzhakova, Mark Zakharov and Roman Viktyuk; musicians Diana Arbenina, Gleb Samoilov, Andrey Makarevich, Boris Grebenshchikov, Valery Meladze and Yuri Shevchuk; writers Lyudmila Ulitskaya and Mikhail Zhvanetsky, dancer Nikolai Tsiskaridze and others.

In the text of the letter, the authors state that the action of a punk band is not a criminal offense, and the case against the girls should be transferred to the category of an administrative one. Moreover, it states that the prosecution of girls compromises the justice system itself and undermines public confidence in it and, in general, in the institutions of power. Actress Chulpan Khamatova supported the defendants not only in word but also in deed, coming to the court building and making a brief statement to journalists.

Foreign celebrities also spoke out for the pardon of Pussy Riot. Among them are the luminaries of the musical genre Madonna and Sting, Peter Gabriel and Mark Almond, Bjork and Nina Hagen, actor Danny DeVito and writer Stephen Fry and others. Many of them expressed their protests against the arrest of Russian feminists on their personal pages on social networks. For example, actor Elijah Wood called the intentions of their act noble, and the girls themselves are beautiful and persistent in their views. Sting said that the act of the group is a manifestation of dissent, which is a natural right of any citizen of a democratic state.

On August 17, 2012, the court delivered its verdict. Three members of the group were sentenced to two years in prison. The completed process became the loudest in Russia in recent years and caused a great resonance in other countries of the world. More than 80% of the world's media and hundreds of well-known bloggers covered the course of the trials. The verdict caused a new wave of indignation, including among persons holding high political positions in a number of states. The girls' lawyers are going to appeal the court's decision and send an appeal, which can be considered as early as September.

The participants successfully chose a stage image that does not allow them to be confused with other musical groups. Even in frosty performances, the girls dress in bright light dresses and colored tights. Knitted balaclavas that cover their faces emphasize the anonymity of feminists.

On February 19, 2012, the band members entered the Yelokhovsky Epiphany Cathedral with a guitar and sound-amplifying equipment. There was no service in the temple, there were few people. When the feminists started shouting the words to a song dedicated to the close friendship between the Patriarch and the President of the Russian Federation, they were escorted out by security. Two days later, on February 21, the participants tried to hold a punk prayer service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (there was no service at that time either). The girls got up on the solea, knelt down and began to cross themselves, making prostrations. When the participants tried to sing, the guards took them outside the temple.

From the footage of both performances and the studio soundtrack, the video “Mother of God, drive Putin away” was edited and posted on YouTube. This entry aroused the indignation of the head of state and the Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church. Three of the five participants in the punk prayer service were detained - Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Ekaterina Samutsevich, Maria Alyokhina. The girls were accused of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred.

The victims were a temple guard, a key-keeper, a candle-maker and 6 parishioners. The participants apologized to the believers, whom the punk prayer could offend, but refused to plead guilty. The basis for the accusation was the third linguistic examination, which found religious hatred in the lyrics of the song. Two previous examinations, which did not find such motives, were not taken into account by the court. The court also did not recognize the presence of young children in Tolokonnikova and Alyokhina as a mitigating circumstance.

All participants of the action were sentenced to 2 years in prison to be served in a penal colony. Feminist lawyers have begun formalizing custody of the children of Tolokonnikova and Alyokhina, as there is a real threat of transferring the kids to foster families.

The international human rights organization Amnesty International recognized the convicted feminists as prisoners of conscience. Both during the trial and after the verdict, numerous actions took place in Russia and around the world in support of Pussy Riot. Some of them can be called barbaric. So, in Kyiv, members of the Femen movement, using a chainsaw, knocked down a bow cross erected in memory of the victims. Stalinist repressions, explaining this act of vandalism by supporting Pussy Riot.

On August 17, protest inscriptions appeared on the wall of the Cathedral of John the Baptist in Pskov. On August 25, 4 worship crosses were cut down in the Chelyabinsk and Arkhangelsk regions. On August 30, the bodies of two women killed with savage cruelty were discovered in Kazan. “Pussy Riot” was written in blood on the wall. It is unlikely that this brutal murder was committed by a fan of the group - most likely, the killer tried to confuse the investigation. However, protests over a politically motivated court decision can be expected to take the most unexpected forms.

On February 21, 2012, five girls at the altar of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior performed an act, which the media then dubbed a punk prayer. Law enforcement agencies considered this action to be hooliganism, and three members of the group - Ekaterina Samutsevich, Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova - were detained until the end of the investigation. The investigation over Pussy Riot caused a resonance not only in Russian society but also in many countries. Rallies were organized in support of the girls in Perm, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Berlin, Toronto and many other cities. World-class pop stars such as Madonna and the legendary Sir Paul McCartney demanded their release.

Nevertheless, a rather lengthy investigation for the article "hooliganism" ended in a lawsuit. Five months after the arrest, the girls appeared before the Khamovnichesky Court in Moscow. Initially, the alignment was very clear: the prosecution had to prove the motive of religious hatred in order to justify the measure of restraint in the form of detention (and the terms were extended three times during the investigation), which is used in case of malicious hooliganism.

The defense side had to prove the political motives of the act. According to the most widespread version in the media, Pussy Riot performed the song “Virgin Mary, drive Putin away!”. But the employees of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, heard on the first day of the trial, could not confirm this version. They did not hear any political statements, but from the lips of the girls the phrase “shit of the Lord” and insults against the Patriarch sounded.

The defense failed to prove the political nature of the action, and it somewhat changed its tactics. The girls began to talk about their ignorance about the ban on women entering the pulpit. Therefore, the order in the temple is violated not from evil. But at the disposal of the court was a video of the group preparing for the action, where one of the girls says: “We will serve a punk prayer service at the altar, because women are not allowed to enter there.”

Thus, these arguments of the defense are no longer valid. Well, the judge managed to formulate the reasoning part of the verdict, which insists on the motive of religious hatred. All the girls were found guilty and received two years in a penal colony.

Journalists were not allowed to read the verdict. According to eyewitnesses, about two thousand people gathered in the courtroom and next to it. At 14.00 an action in support of the defendants was scheduled by the active group. At this time, the girls were brought to the courthouse and they were in the escort awaiting the verdict. Soon Judge Marina Syrova began to read it. There was a live video broadcast from the courtroom. During the reading of the verdict, which lasted several hours, the defendants were handcuffed, guarded by eight policemen.

All this time, paddy wagons loaded with supporters of the acquittal of members of the Pussy Riot group, who were detained by riot police, were driving away from the courthouse.

The story of the scandalous punk prayer in the temple, the arrest of the girls from the Pussy Riot group and their subsequent sentence to two years in prison caused a strong resonance in society. The protesters turned many against themselves, but also many came out in their support.

One of the most striking actions in defense of Pussy Riot was an open letter from 103 cultural figures in June 2012. These prominent Russians signed a letter demanding the release of the girls. Not all of them directly supported the action in the temple and the activities of the participants, but all noted that this cannot be considered a criminal offense. Among the signatories are Ch. Khamatova, O. Basilashvili, E. Mironov, F. Bondarchuk, Y. Shevchuk, E. Ryazanov, etc.

Supporters of the group also collected signatures on the Internet under an open letter to Patriarch Kirill, where they asked him to show Christian mercy and petition for the closure of the criminal case before the court.

Actions in support of the group took place both in Russia and abroad. These were both single pickets and actions with the participation of several people. Abroad, for example in Prague and Berlin, actions were held in front of the buildings of Russian embassies.

In interviews, at their performances, foreign cultural figures and musicians spoke out in support of the punk band. These are singers Madonna, Bjork, Patti Smith, Peaches, singers Sting, Paul McCartney, Faith No More, writer Stephen Fry, etc.

Among the supporters there are also foreign politicians. So, in August 2012, more than a hundred deputies of the German parliament in open letter protested against the detention of girls in a pre-trial detention center, stating that this is a restriction of freedom of speech and a violation of human rights. Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg, as well as EU representative in Russia Fernando Valensula, also spoke out for the release of Pussy Riot.

Actions in support of the girls were also held during the court hearings on the case. At the same time, there were no arrests. So, on the day of the verdict on August 17, the actions were held in different countries peace. And in Moscow, unknown people put balaclavas on the monuments of A. Pushkin and N. Goncharova and on the sculptures of partisans at the Belorusskaya metro station. Outside the courthouse, Pussy Riot supporters played the band's songs and performed in support of the band.

The girls were put on the wanted list on February 26, a few days after their performance in the temple. Initially, the police managed to detain Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina. Three weeks later, the third member of the group, Ekaterina Samutsevich, also found herself in a pre-trial detention center. At the beginning of the summer, the girls were charged with hooliganism motivated by religious hatred, carried out by a group of people by prior agreement. At the same time, the Pussy Riot members themselves claim that the musical composition they performed in the church is acutely political and should in no way offend the feelings of the Orthodox.

After repeated extensions of the arrest and lengthy preliminary hearings, on August 17, 2012, Judge Marina Syrova finally pronounced a verdict on Pussy Riot. Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Ekaterina Samutsevich and Marina Alyokhina will spend two years in a penal colony. Taking into account the time they have already served in the pre-trial detention center, the girls should be released on March 4, 2014.

After the verdict was passed, Pussy Riot's defense represented by Nikolai Polozov, Mark Feigin and Violetta Volkova filed a cassation appeal with the Khamovniki Court, where the trial took place. According to the girls' lawyers, if the sentence is not overturned, complaints to the Supreme and Constitutional Courts, as well as to the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights, will follow. Consideration of the application is planned to be held in late September - early October 2012. Volkova, Feigin and Polozov hope that after the case is considered, the members of the scandalous punk band will be immediately released.

Pussy Riot supporters continue to hope that the President of the Russian Federation will personally pardon the girls and allow them to return to their families and children. However, when the lawyer Violetta Volkova discussed this theoretical situation with the group members, Nadezhda, Ekaterina and Maria flatly refused to leave the colony ahead of schedule. If Pussy Riot is not cleared of all charges, they plan to serve their time in full.

In this article, we have collected more than 60 cartoons by domestic and foreign artists.

Girls who accomplished a civil feat and performed a prayer to the Mother of God with an appeal Mother of God, drive Putin away! were sentenced to 2 years in a penal colony.

Most sensible people have correctly understood this verdict. The well-known paranoid godfather was sentenced to two years of continuous shame and contempt.


In Sochi 2014, members of a punk band were filming a video for a new song in the port and were attacked by Cossacks. Nadezhda Tolokonnikova was pepper sprayed in the face. She and other activists were pushed, knocked to the ground and whipped with whips. On the recording, you can hear how the Cossacks swear at the same time. Even the photographer who filmed what was happening got it. Some participants required medical attention. Tolokonnikova tweeted that she had bruises and marks from a whip on her body, and an abrasion and a bruise on her temple.

Mark Adams, press officer of the IOC, called the actions of the Cossacks a shameful act. According to him, the video and photos taken the day before caused him concern. The governor of the region Alexander Tkachev expressed his regret over the incident. He demanded that those responsible for the attack be punished.

The clip is called "Putin will teach you to love your homeland." It includes footage showing several members and one member, Pussy Riot in balaclavas, being attacked by Cossacks as soon as they want to start their performance.

Pussy Riot - Putin will teach you how to love

Before the whole world had time to enjoy the spectacle of the liar and scoundrel of the president of a once great country at the shameful press conference on March 4, 2014, a picture of women crippled by Russian fascists appeared on all information TV channels.

The beating of women by Putin's Hitler Youth is quite in the spirit of Putin's press conference on Ukraine, in which there were only two interesting moments:
1. How Putin continuously jerked his leg and shook his sore head (restless leg syndrome).
2. How Putin, without batting an eyelid, brazenly lied that his Russian troops in Crimea were a gang of obscure ragamuffins without family or tribe, who had found 26,000 sets of Russian ammunition, assault rifles, machine guns and armored vehicles at some dump.

The St. George Ribbon is now used in Russia instead of the banned fascist symbols. Bullying of millions of patients who are not given painkillers in Russia, when even rear admirals shoot themselves from it - this is the fate prepared by Putin for all Russians. It is clear that Ukrainians are fleeing from such a bastard...

Courageous girls who accomplished a civil feat and performed a prayer to the Mother of God with an appeal Mother of God, drive Putin away! were sentenced to 2 years in a penal colony.

Most sensible people have correctly understood this verdict. The well-known paranoid godfather was sentenced to two years of continuous shame and contempt.

Even Germany's Federal Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has scathingly criticized the conviction in the Pussy Riot case. "An inadequately severe sentence does not correspond to European values, the principles of the rule of law and democracy, to which Russia, as a member of the Council of Europe, must remain committed," the statement of the head of the German government, circulated on Friday, August 17, 2012, in Berlin says. "A vibrant, developing civil society and politically active citizens are an indispensable prerequisite, not a threat, to Russia's modernization," Merkel said, stressing that she had been following the group's trial with concern.

In Paris, unidentified persons stylized a monument to the Russian Expeditionary Force in France under the image of the punk band Pussy Riot, two members of which were sentenced to two years in prison for a punk prayer service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. This is reported by Russian-speaking users of LiveJournal. A yellow balaclava was put on the officer's head, and a pink dress was put on the torso. The officer's legs and boots were painted bright blue. Unknown also painted in purple horse sculpture. His muzzle was wrapped in a blue cloth and a green cloak was put on his back. On the pedestal, unknown people wrote pink paint free pussy. The memorial to the soldiers and officers of the Russian Expeditionary Force who fought as part of the Allied armies in 1915-1918 was opened in the presence of Vladimir Putin on June 21, 2011 in Paris, on the Seine embankment, next to the Pont Alexandre III and the Grand Palais exhibition palace . The author of the monument was Vladimir Surovtsev.

And on November 16, 2012, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, at a meeting of the Petersburg Dialogue forum, asked Russian President Putin a question directly to the face, which the deputies of the Bundestag asked to convey to Vladimir Putin. Merkel expressed doubts about the fairness of the punishment of the group members and suggested that the response to this sentence in Germany would be much stronger. "If the Pussy Riot story had taken place in Germany, the discussion in society would have been stormy. But was it necessary to send two young girls to a camp for two years? I don't know if it would have happened in Germany." The President of Russia reacted immediately with his usual lies and slander, reminding the chancellor and the German deputies of the supposedly anti-Semitic public actions of the punk band in the shopping center of Moscow. Addressing the forum participants, Putin stressed the inadmissibility of "supporting people who take anti-Semitic positions." Putin, as always, lied. It's like wetting two fingers on him. After all, in fact, the mentioned action was not anti-Semitic, but grotesque and satirical in nature: the art group "Voina", protesting against xenophobic sentiments in society, played out the "execution" of homosexuals and guest workers. Five activists who played the role of "condemned" (one of them was a Jew) were "hanged" in a shopping center in Moscow. The band members unfurled a rainbow flag with the words "Pestel on ***". Alexey Plutser-Sarno, the ideological inspirer of the "Voina" art group, spoke about this action in his blog and Oleg Vasiliev in the article THE STAFF OF A JEW IS ME. One of the events that prompted "Voina" to protest was a video of the "execution of a Tajik and a Dag", distributed in 2008 on the Internet. The Russian authorities were much more active in the search for those who copied the entry in blogs, and not those who killed people in front of the camera.

“I do not approve of the trial of the girls from the punk band Pussy Riot. They should not have been punished, but forgiven, released and compensated for the damage caused during the persecution. High-profile trials cannot strengthen the authority of either the Church or the people who, on her behalf, created such a precedent. Apparently, the whole point is in the precedent, someone wanted to create it. I will refrain from making harsher statements."

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) criticized the decision taken by the Moscow court. "Customs such as hooliganism and inciting religious hatred should not be used to limit the right to freedom of expression," Dunja Mijatović, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, said in Vienna. Freedom of expression should not be restricted or suppressed - no matter how provocative, satirical or sensitive a point of view might be. And under no circumstances should free expression of opinion lead to imprisonment, the OSCE representative stressed.

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Pussy Riot members Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alekhina.


The famous British musician wrote a letter Russian authorities in support of Maria Alekhina on May 20, 2013. The girl went on a hunger strike after she was denied personal presence at a meeting on the issue of parole.
Maria Alyokhina, today announced a hunger strike after being refused the right to attend her own parole hearing. Paul hopes that Russian officials will grant Maria the right to be present in court in the city of Berezniki.
Paul wrote handwritten letters to Russian officials in support of both Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, who was last month denied parole, asking them to consider release on parole.

In his letter regarding Maria, Paul wrote:
"My personal belief is that further incarceration for Maria will be harmful for her and the situation as a whole, which, of course, is being watched by people all over the world.
"In the great tradition of fair-mindedness which the Russian people (many of whom are my friends) are famous for, I believe that you granting this request would send a very positive message to all the people who have followed this case."
And in his letter regarding Nadezhda:
"I have had a long relationship with the Russian people, and, with this in mind, I am making the following request in a spirit of friendship for my many Russian acquaintances who, like me, believe in treating people - all people, with compassion and kindness."

Maria and Nadezhda were jailed last August for a breach of public order motivated by religious hatred.

"I believe that the fulfillment of this request will be good news for everyone who follows this case," the musician wrote in a letter published on his official website. "I am convinced that the further imprisonment of Maria will negatively affect both her and the situation as a whole," McCartney wrote. He also expressed support for another member of Pussy Riot, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, who was denied parole by the court at the end of April.

Pyotr Verzilov, husband of another convicted Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, published a handwritten document signed by Paul McCartney on May 20. It begins with an appeal to the judge Lidia Yakovleva: Dear Lidia Mikhailovna (dear Lidia Mikhailovna).

German TV channel ZDF dishonored "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

The Germans even issued an appeal in Russian. It all started with the fact that on the day of the verdict on Pussy Riot, June 17, 2012, actress Anna Talbach, among other well-known cultural figures, spoke out in support of the convicted girls on the ZDF public-legal TV channel in the Aspects program, DW-World recalls. de. "This is a violation of freedom of expression! These are young women, this is their opinion, they just want to be heard. Putin is afraid of three punk girls, since he punishes them so severely as a warning to others?" - said, in particular, Talbach.

Later, in September 2012, the actress joked on the satirical program Roche und B öhmermann that she received "a lot of money" for speaking out in support of Pussy Riot. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" foolishly took her words at face value and after more than six months, either from a hangover, or from her own idiocy, she published material in which she quoted Anna Talbach and called the actress’s “first sane thought” a comic statement that she considers stupid, "when the actors suddenly start talking about politics." It is noteworthy that KP was not the only publication that raised this topic in June 2013. TV channel "Russia" a day later, Talbach also idiotically quoted, at the same time "convicting" the ZDF of misappropriation of taxpayers' funds. “Russian journalists clearly did not understand or did not want to understand that the program Roche und B öhmermann was satirical, that Anna Talbach only jokingly mocked the actors who seriously talk about politics, that she jokingly assured that she also spoke on other serious or curious topics "only for the money", - notes DW-World.de. Anna Thalbach, in turn, has already apologized for the bad joke and assured the audience that she did not receive any money for speaking out in support of the girls convicted of "punk prayer". At the end of June, ZDF issued a special video, in which the presenter of the TV channel addresses journalists in Russian and explains that Talbach's statement about money is "pure irony, sarcasm, in other words, a joke." "But you passed off a joke from fun show. So, first of all, your story is completely false. And secondly, it's too late... Colleagues, you are selling old jokes," says the host of the German TV channel. She also invites the pro-Kremlin media to use this Russian-language material in their reports.

ZDF disgraced TIME, VESTI and Komsomolskaya Pravda
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ZDF employees are at a loss as to why the Russian media have only seized on this story now that the Talbach programs were released last year. "Maybe some internal political motives, maybe an attempt to convince Russian citizens that the members of the Pussy Riot group do not enjoy such support in the West as it seems that they have to buy votes in their defense," the editor-in-chief of the Aspects program suggested. Daniel Fiedler in an interview with DW-World.de. Answering a question about the journalistic duty to carefully check the information, he said that they were approached by a representative of the Rossiya TV channel, and they explained to him that Talbach acted in a satirical program and joked. “It seemed that he understood everything. All the more was our amazement that these insinuations continued. We were surprised, surprised, and then offended,” Fidler concluded.

There is a growing belief all over the world that Russia is being run by a paranoid lunatic. The article contains statements on this topic by many famous people and politicians.

Sundance Film Festival Special Jury Award for Best Documentary international theme received a punk movie about the punk band "Pussy Riot: Punk Prayer" by Mike Lerner and Maxim Pozdorovkin.

Maxim Pozdorovkin about the film "Pussy Riot: Punk Prayer"

The Russian-British documentary about the punk band Pussy Riot was first presented to the Russian-speaking audience at the Odessa International Film Festival (OIFF). Tape British Mark Lerner and Russian director Maxim Pozdorovkin "Pussy Riot. Punk Prayer" was shown as part of the out-of-competition program. The film was made during the trial of members of the punk band Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina and Ekaterina Samutsevich and tells the history of the group in detail. The film contains a lot of archival documentary footage, interviews with the girls' parents, who give their assessments of the actions of their daughters, talk about their childhood and youth. The film also contains a lot of conversations with the girls' opponents, mostly Orthodox activists. The Russian audience will be able to watch the film "Pussy Riot. Punk Prayer" in December 2013 at the "Artdocfest" festival in Moscow.

The trial of the beauties of PUSSY RIOT[

The trial of the beauties of PUSSY RIOT

The trial of the beauties of PUSSY RIOT

The trial of the beauties of PUSSY RIOT

The most interesting thing is that they represent almost all types of Russian female beauty.

One with an iconic face. You can draw Madonna from it.

The other is Botticelli, Mona Lisa.

And the third is fair-haired. Like from the posters Soviet Union celebrating our woman.

Icon "Mother of God, drive Putin away!" photo Ivan Polissky

Mireille Mathieu on TVC gagged and misrepresented

The meaning of the interview of the famous singer was changed to the opposite. The famous singer did not support the unlawful verdict of Putin's trial, but the TVC channel decided to "silence" this phrase on the air. A castrated and distorted version on the TVC channel was aired. When translating the words of the famous singer, reporter Alexandra Glotova "put" completely different words into the mouth of Mireille Mathieu, distorted the accents of what was said, and the final and most important phrase "But as a woman, an artist and a Christian, I wish mercy on them." was simply simply "in the Orthodox way" sent to the trash.

The management of the "TV Center" apologized to the singer in the person of her official representatives.

Here is what Mireille Mathieu actually said: “I think that these girls are not fully aware of their actions. The temple is not a place where you can demonstrate, you can make demands in a different way. The temple is a place of reverent solitude and respect. It is like sacrilege, because in your temples you feel such ardent faith. But as a woman, an artist and a Christian, I want mercy for them (gentle attitude)."

On the air of TVC sounded ( false translation highlighted in red): "I think they're insane. I condemn their actions. The church is not the place for such actions. (The most important part of the phrase has been cut out.) Church has always been and always will be a place where people come for light, for the purification of the soul. This is a sacred place that must be respected. Especially Russian churches! They have such ardor and zeal!" (The main phrase has been cut.)

Mireille Mathieu's statements distorted and "cut" by Alexandra Glotova caused an uproar in France:

In her LiveJournal, Alexandra Glotova wrote: "Yes, the authorities leaked me, you don't have to track the broadcasts, I'm not there."

P.S. The point, however, is not at all in the insidious bosses. Alexandra Glotova specialized in interviews with "celebrities". And what famous person, after this scandalous distortion of words and the gagging of Mireille Mathieu, would want to give an interview to the lying journalist Alexandra Glotova?

Yoko Ono thanks Pussy Riot

John Lennon's widow Yoko Ono presented the Lennon-Ono Peace Prize, which she founded, to the Russian punk band Pussy Riot in New York. On behalf of the imprisoned members of the group, the award was accepted by Peter and Gera Verzilov, the husband and daughter of Nadezhda Tolokonnikova. At the same time, Yoko Ono expressed gratitude to the members of the punk band for their contribution to the cause of the struggle for the freedom of expression of women.
Earlier in Washington, Pyotr Verzilov, Nikolai Polozov, Mark Feigin and Violetta Volkova met with a number of congressmen, suggesting that the authors of the so-called “Sergei Magnitsky list” expand it to include individuals involved in the Pussy Riot case. Lawyers rank as such not only the judge and prosecutors, but also a number of Russian journalists, including Andrei Karaulov, Alexei Pimanov and Arkady Mamontov.

OZPP: Pussy Riot prayed to the Mother of God in the museum

OZPP appealed to the prosecutor's office with a request to check the facts of misappropriation of funds and misuse of the premises of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

As the head of the OZPP, Mikhail Anshakov, explained, the courtyard of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia is a religious organization, 7% of the territory of this temple complex was officially transferred to it. The entire temple complex, which is 55 thousand square meters, is owned by the city of Moscow, in trust management of the Foundation of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Despite the fact that the name is associated with the XXC, this organization is secular, it does not have the right to carry out religious activities. And vice versa, as a secular organization, it is obliged to comply with the law, including in the field of trade. "Vasily Poddevalin, head of the Foundation of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - is former employee of the economic department of the presidential administration ... Previously, according to my information, he was sitting on cash flows allocated for construction. After that, he earned the trust of certain individuals, and he was put in charge of all the property of the complex. That is, this is a fairly large-scale and serious scam."

“The Christ the Savior Cathedral Foundation is a secular organization managed by Poddevalin and his family. Poddevalin himself is actually the manager of all the property of this temple complex. He actually turned the premises of the temple complex into a business center,” says the head of the OZPP. “If you know, there are dry cleaners , car washes, laundromats above the altar, there is a company that sells seafood. There are more than 15 organizations in total. Of these, only seven have formal leases, to my knowledge."

"They are exempted from issuing cashier's receipts when they sell religious objects. But there the assortment is adapted to demand, for tourists, for example, Faberge eggs for 150 thousand rubles," Anshakov explained. The objects of worship, according to him, can only include icons, crosses, candles, incense and the like.

The human rights activists decided to fight against the leadership of the XXC after consumers began to complain about the unsatisfactory quality of the goods purchased on the territory of the temple complex.

"There is a brisk trade in jewelry. And since no one controls them, as I understand it, they decided to actively trade in cheap Arab gold. Many consumers contacted us ... They buy a ring or chain, bring it home, begin to examine it and see it instead of the hallmark of the assay office Arabic script", - said the head of the OZPP. In his opinion, people in this product were seduced by the fact that, according to the assurances of the workers of the temple complex, it was consecrated.

"XXC belongs to the city. It is like a museum. It is, in fact, a public place. And in a public place, according to the Constitution, a religious organization cannot establish its own rules," Anshakov said.

He agreed with Novaya Gazeta's suggestion that Pussy Riot, it turns out, received two years in prison for an action not in an Orthodox church, but in a museum.

“Yes, in a public place. In this case, there is not even administrative responsibility,” Anshakov said. “More likely, here we are talking about something else. By the way, we also applied to the Moscow prosecutor’s office about this, but did not receive a response. that the very courtyard of the Patriarch of Moscow and the Russian Orthodox Church are acting illegally, this is arbitrariness when they establish the procedures for visiting, since they have no formal relation to this premises.

Foreign and domestic cartoonists draw Pussi Riot

Icon of the Mother of God, drive Putin away!



The Art of Being a Sign is the title of a book that Nadezhda Tolokonnikova is writing in prison. This is a book about actionism, contemporary art, about the action in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which became an Archimedean fulcrum that almost turned the world upside down. Why "a little", because the world is in the arms of Putin's oil blackmail, and besides North Korea there must be empires of freaks who will point at geography lessons with a shaking pointer and say: “Children, but you don’t need to go there, you don’t need to live there, what a ..


(written in pre-trial detention center No. 6 in Moscow and the Mordovian colony IK 14 in rare moments when Nadya could do something for herself)

Episode One.

History of Pussy Riot. Sources: 1. Castling Putin-Medvedeff 2. "Avignon girls" Picasso 1907. 3. Much more.

The Pussy Riot group appeared in October 2011, a week after Medvedev's announcement. This is a direct reaction of a group of citizens to the threat of political stagnation in Russia that arose on September 24th. When Medvedev announced that Putin would be president. Castling shocked everyone for whom the word "freedom" is not an empty phrase. The fate of the country for 12 years was given to Putin. That's your problem friends, if you thought your votes mattered. It was an outrage against Russia.

Now the investigation and the prosecutor's office, pointing to my dual citizenship, say that I did not plan to live in the Russian Federation.

This sounds even more ridiculous. that since September 24, 2011, the talk that “it is necessary to bring down” has become more popular than ever. The scenario of emigration did not suit me. I was torn with excitement for several days. Realizing that I can not leave my native culture. Native places and native language. I understood that difficult times were coming, when to live “not by lies” - a testament handed over to me by Dmitry Prigov from Solzhenitsyn, when, when asked how to live correctly, in the spring of 2007 at the “I Believe” exhibition at the winery, Prigov said: “Live not by lies ”, - it will become really difficult to live not by a lie.

And after these few exciting days of my life, I decided that the coming season will be for me ... That I will do everything to shake this unkind political predetermination. And yet, apparently, it was destined to drink the cup of this political season to the bottom.

Pussy Riot is developing a flash punk performance format. Pussy Riot is political art, like “Windows of Growth”, like A. Rodchenko's political poster.

The current of artistic actionism originated in Europe in the 60s. In the USSR, it was developed by such groups as "collective actions". In the 90s it was Brener, Kulik, Prigov. The works of these artists are recognized in the artistic, art history communities.

But there will always be people who will say that the Black Square, the “Avignon Maidens” are not beautiful and not ethical ...

Episode Two.


Pussy Riot is the girls of Avignon, they are naked, descending the stairs. Pussy Riot, like Duchamp and Picasso at the beginning of the 20th century, made a revolution, an explosion, but in a different sphere than they did: not in pure, almost Kantian aesthetics-for-itself, but in practical, applied aesthetics, which it became after the influence of the second half of the 20th century. century with its political and group activism and the mania for historical systemic change (found by Marx in the 11th thesis on Feuerbach)

We build our lives as SIGNS. Like geometric figures, with the precision of abstractions. By minimizing the human and carnal, we are ascetic. Figures in masks, without faces, concise.

The prototype of purity and conciseness is Jesus Christ. We learn minimalism from Christ.

As Picasso and Malevich did with canvas and paints, we treat our bodies and minds. This is O-cultivation to the highest degree. Cultivation, fascinated and captivated by culture. BECOMING A SIGN IS THE HIGHEST PLEASURE FOR A HUMAN.

Episode Three.


One of the functions of religion is to compress the array of earthly, carnal, vain life to the point of a stroke, to the test and test before eternal, spiritual life. In this contraction lies the meaning of the dogma about the resurrection or posthumous fiery hell and about the terrible judgment. The compression procedure entails the inculcation of two essential awarenesses:

1. The finiteness of the earthly path, its brevity, transience.

2. The need to live according to the laws of the spirit, righteousness, purity, straightforwardness, goodness, and not according to the laws of the flesh. This necessity is given, for example, by the coming separation of the wheat from the chaff.

Reducing carnal life, which in a natural setting seems to a person to be the focus of his entire existence, to a transient, vanishingly short obstacle course, to an examination task, frees a person from blind attachment to life, flesh, and puts him in that mode of existence, which I call the mode of experimentation. and the mode of raising semitones to the absolute. Free, bold experimentation - such a way of life falls out, however, only for those who live in the flesh. For someone who has gone through the procedure of shrinking earthly existence, recalculating it according to the scale of the spirit, the life of a prophet, hermit, ascetic, revolutionary, decisively sharp, without pity and embarrassment, managing his body and his time, is consistent, necessary and inevitable.

Halftones, from which the spirit-driven trembles in ecstasy, are halftones only for those who are accustomed to measuring events by a large, rough, crumbling scale of vanity of vanities. For the SPIRIT LEADED, these are huge.

I can and have learned never to be bored and not to be inactive, exciting my mind with crumbs, semitones. You say that this madness is a natural deviation from the norm, I affirm that this is a skill, a skill that brings the strongest satisfaction in the whole world from every minute lived - even at the sixth central, and in the women's prison IK-14.


I understand that many people think that girls got excited by going to H.H.C. They secretly approve, but want to play good. But do you see what's in their head? They are also artists. Yes, they named you. But still, artists. Artists. So behave in such a way that... you don't fall under the artist's chisel. It's so easy to become "quite good."

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Billy Bragg

Annie Lennox

Peter Gabriel

Nina Hagen

Kathleen Hanna

Adam "Ad-Rock" Horowitz

Mark Almond

Sting (Thomas Sumner), singer

Society, Feb 13, 03:21

Pussy Riot activist removed from flight to Spain Art group member pussy Riot Maria Alekhina removed from flight international airport El Prat... was to fly to Milan. At the same time, the publication notes that the participant pussy Riot removed from the flight along with another person. They, like... the second person taken off the flight was one of the participants in the tour " Riot days Tour", with which the art group traveled around Spain, visiting... The Ministry of Justice promised to pay compensation to Pussy Riot according to the decision of the ECtHR ... human rights (ECtHR) and will pay compensation to three members of the punk band pussy Riot for violating their rights in the case of the action in the Temple... for three months. On the eve of the commission of the ECtHR refused to reconsider the case pussy Riot and did not submit it to the Grand Chamber. So... The ROC responded to the ECtHR's refusal to review the case of Pussy Riot ... human rights (ECtHR) to review the decision in the case of members of the punk band pussy Riot is a blow to the legal protection of religious freedom in Europe, said... . Earlier, a commission of five judges of the ECtHR refused to review the case pussy Riot and did not submit it to the Grand Chamber. Lawyer ... Interfax that this decision is the basis for the cancellation of the sentence to the participants pussy Riot for a punk prayer at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in 2012... ECtHR refuses to review Pussy Riot case ... human rights (ECtHR) decided not to reconsider the case of members of the punk band pussy Riot and not to submit it to the Grand Chamber. About this... Alekhina and Others versus Russia). Lawyer Irina Khrunova, representing the interests of pussy Riot, told Interfax that the decision of the ECHR is the basis for the annulment of the verdict ... Pussy Riot activists appealed to the ECtHR against the arrest for the rally at the 2018 World Cup final activists pussy Riot Pyotr Verzilov, Nika Nikulshina, Olga Pakhtusova and Olga Kuracheva filed .... The 2018 World Cup final was held on July 15 at Luzhniki, then the activists pussy Riot ran out onto the field in police uniforms. The court arrested Verzilov... Russia appeals ECtHR ruling on compensation to Pussy Riot members ...), concerning the payment of compensation in the amount of almost €50 thousand to the three participants pussy Riot. It is reported by "RIA Novosti" with reference to the press service .... According to the decree, the Russian authorities are obliged to pay three members of the art group pussy Riot- Maria Alyokhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Ekaterina Samusevich - compensation in the case ... place in 2012. In February of that year, the five members pussy Riot entered the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and arranged there the so-called ...

Politics, 27 Sep 2018, 10:44

German doctors did not identify the substance that poisoned Pyotr Verzilov ... has not yet identified the substance with which the activist was poisoned pussy Riot and the publisher of "Mediazona" Petr Verzilov, according to the website of the German medical ... bad after the meeting on the case of disobedience to the police at the rally pussy Riot during the final of the World Cup. According to him...

Politics, 26 Sep 2018, 21:37

Society, 26 Sep 2018, 16:13

Society, 25 Sep 2018, 16:41

Verzilov spoke about his condition Activist pussy Riot and the publisher of "Mediazona" Pyotr Verzilov on Twitter spoke about his ... and the author's punctuation has been preserved. - RBC)," he added. 17 September participant pussy Riot Maria Alekhina said that Verzilov's condition remains the same, he sees ... he said that Verzilov received a certain report on the day of the poisoning. Participant pussy Riot Nadezhda Tolokonnikova told Dozhd that he received data from a person ...

Politics, 24 Sep 2018, 14:29

Verzilov's lawyer appealed to the ICR with a request to investigate his poisoning ... an application for initiation of a criminal case. It is associated with the poisoning of the participant pussy Riot Petr Verzilova, RBC's lawyer told. All necessary medical documents for...

Society, 17 Sep 2018, 12:15

Alyokhina spoke about the state of health of Verzilov Activist's health status pussy Riot and the publisher of "Mediazona" Pyotr Verzilov remains the same, he sees and ... regained consciousness. Edition "Medusa" with reference to relatives of the participant pussy Riot clarified that Verzilov was poisoned or was poisoned by a large dose of anticholinergics ...

Society, 16 Sep 2018, 03:08

Pyotr Verzilov was taken to Germany for treatment ... . Art group activist pussy Riot and the publisher of "Mediazona" Pyotr Verzilov arrived in Germany for treatment after severe poisoning, said the participant pussy Riot Maria Alekhina... pussy Riot sent to Berlin for treatment. Until 2009, Verzilov took part in the activities of the Voina art group. Later he moved to pussy Riot... football in Moscow. Then Verzilov, Nikulshina and two other participants pussy Riot ran out onto the field in police uniforms, they were all arrested...

Society, 15 Sep 2018, 17:29

Pyotr Verzilov will be sent for treatment to Berlin Punk band activist pussy Riot Pyotr Verzilov will be sent for treatment to Berlin, RBC told him ... the composition of the art group "War", after which he began to participate in activities pussy Riot. The last action of the group took place in Moscow during the final of the championship...

Society, 14 Sep 2018, 19:53

Pyotr Verzilov regained consciousness ... relatives reported that he was poisoned with anticholinergics. Art group member pussy Riot and the publisher of the Internet media "Mediazona" Pyotr Verzilov regained consciousness ... participated in the activities of the art group "Voina", after which he moved to pussy Riot. The last high-profile action with his participation took place during the final ... Luzhniki stadium in Moscow. He, Nikulshina and two other participants pussy Riot ran onto the field in police uniform during the game of national teams ...

Politics, 14 Sep 2018, 15:09

Trudeau expressed concern for Verzilov, who is in intensive care ... Canada's Justin Trudeau commented on the information about the hospitalization of an activist of an art group pussy Riot Petr Verzilov, who, in addition to Russian, has Canadian citizenship. About this ... was a member of the art group "War", after that he joined pussy Riot. The last action of the group took place on July 15 during the final of the championship...

Society, 13 September 2018, 17:59

Verzilov was transferred to the intensive care unit of the Sklifosovsky Research Institute Punk band activist pussy Riot Pyotr Verzilov is in intensive care at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute, RBC was told... pussy Riot. The last action of the group took place at the final of the 2018 FIFA World Cup - Verzilov, Nikulshina and two participants pussy Riot Olga Pakhtusova...

Society, 12 September 2018, 23:57

Pyotr Verzilov ended up in intensive care ... 11 September. Doctors assessed his condition as serious. Group activist pussy Riot Pyotr Verzilov was hospitalized, his condition is assessed as serious ... of the art group "Voina", after that he began to participate in the activities pussy Riot. The last action of the group took place during the final of the World Championship: Verzilov... Pussy Riot Receives Herald Angels Award for Performance Punk band performance pussy Riot « Riot Days" received an award from the Bank of Scotland Herald Angels. About it... . The next day, August 20, pussy Riot will show it in the city of Newcastle. The Herald newspaper reports that pussy Riot within the framework of the festival, she showed her performance ..., a punk concert and verbatim, during which the actors utter monologues. pussy Riot play in front of a large screen projecting photos, videos and... The court did not consider the complaint of Pussy Riot members who ran onto the field ... the decision of the magistrate of the court district No. 364, which fined the producer of the punk band pussy Riot Petr Verzilov and three members of the group Olga Pakhtusova, Olga Kuracheva... on the field during the finals of the World Cup participants pussy Riot and fined them 1.5 thousand rubles. everyone. AT... . On July 30, Verzilov announced that he and three other participants pussy Riot was detained at the exit from the detention center. However, they are not charged... Pussy Riot announced Alyokhina's departure from Russia despite the ban Art group member pussy Riot Maria Alekhina managed to leave Russia, despite a temporary ban on... Alekhina left Russia, the art group said on Twitter pussy Riot, in which Alekhine is a member. “Masha Alyokhina found a way to escape, and... The bailiffs called the reason for the ban on the travel of a member of Pussy Riot to London ... the management of the FSSP clarified the reasons for the ban on exit from Russia of the participant pussy Riot Maria Alyokhina. The bailiffs noted that the ban was due to her evasion ... a ban on leaving Russia for Maria Alyokhina, a member of the art group pussy Riot, imposed in connection with the evasion of punishment in the form of mandatory ... Police released Pussy Riot members who ran onto the field during the World Cup ...Twitter. The day before, the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow returned the case of the participants for further investigation. pussy Riot who ran onto the field of the Luzhniki stadium during the World Cup final ... Croatia. They called their action "The policeman enters the game." Activist pussy Riot spoke about the preparation of the action at the finals of the 2018 World Cup The activists were ... 1.5 thousand rubles. Verzilov and other participants pussy Riot was again detained on July 30 when leaving the detention center. pussy Riot under interrogation after the World Cup The court returned for further investigation the case of those who ran onto the field during the Pussy Riot World Cup ... additional investigation of materials on administrative offenses against members of the punk band pussy Riot Petr Verzilov, Olga Kuracheva, Olga Pakhtusova and Veronika Nikulshina from ... the Luzhniki Stadium, where the teams of France and Croatia met, four participants pussy Riot ran out onto the field in police uniform and ran next to... A participant in the Pussy Riot rally at the 2018 World Cup final announced a second detention ... of the World Cup, no new charges were brought against them. Band member pussy Riot and the publisher of Mediazona, Pyotr Verzilov, was detained by the police immediately after ... they detained [me]. There is an order to deliver to the Luzhniki police department. Girls (participants pussy Riot who also took part in the action. - RBC) was also detained separately. They... and the three members pussy Riot was detained and taken to the Luzhniki police station. The interlocutor of the agency did not name the reason for the detention. Activist pussy Riot talked about preparing... Dvorkovich did not see "nothing terrible" in the action of Pussy Riot at the World Cup final ... effectively, despite the fact that during the final match the activists pussy Riot managed to break into the field. This opinion was expressed in an interview with RBC ... the police detained young people on the field. They turned out to be activists of the group pussy Riot- Olga Pakhtusova, Olga Karacheva, Pyotr Verzilov and Veronika Nikulshina. They ... thousand rubles. each for illegally wearing a police uniform. pussy Riot under interrogation after the World Cup pussy Riot- a punk band whose members became famous after performing ... Pussy Riot members fined for wearing police uniforms at World Cup finals ... theatrical props. The World Court of the Khamovnichesky District of Moscow appointed two activists pussy Riot a fine of 1.5 thousand rubles. for illegally wearing a police... the final World Cup match between the teams of Croatia and France. Protection of activists pussy Riot during the hearing she referred to the fact that wearing a police uniform ... on the territory of Russia. The police launched a search for elements of a crime in the action pussy Riot in the final of the World Cup During the final of the World Cup... The Moscow City Court left under arrest members of Pussy Riot who ran out onto the field ... . The Moscow City Court rejected the appeals against the arrest of all four members of the group pussy Riot who held an action on the field during the 2018 World Cup final ... . However, the court did not agree with this defense argument. pussy Riot under interrogation after the World Cup Activists pussy Riot- three girls and one young man - ran out ... to get them out, the game had to be suspended for two minutes. Activist pussy Riot spoke about the preparation of the action at the final of the 2018 World Cup His action... The Moscow City Court left under arrest a member of Pussy Riot who ran onto the field The Moscow City Court rejected the appeal against the arrest of one of the participants pussy Riot Veronika Nikulshina, who ran onto the field during the World Cup final... on Monday, July 23, the appeal court will consider complaints from three more members pussy Riot. On July 15, in the 52nd minute of the final match of the World Cup... Pussy Riot members who ran onto the field in the World Cup final appealed against their arrest Protecting group members pussy Riot Olga Pakhtusova, Olga Karacheva, Veronika Nikulshina and Pyotr Verzilov, who ran out... pussy Riot ran out onto the field. The match was suspended and the police detained the young people who interfered with the game. The activists were later arrested for 15 days. pussy Riot ... Pussy Riot activist spoke about the preparation of the action at the 2018 World Cup final ... . Together with shoulder straps, she cost the participants pussy Riot at 5 thousand rubles. On the Luzhniki themselves, the participants pussy Riot were caught using genuine FAN IDs... of the country. We are fighting for the interests of citizens,” said the activist pussy Riot. On their Facebook members pussy Riot earlier it was reported that by their action they demanded release...”. Activists who ran onto the field during the World Cup final pussy Riot Arrested Against Band Members pussy Riot cases were brought under Art. 20.31 Administrative Code... ECtHR awards nearly €50,000 in compensation to three Pussy Riot members The European Court of Human Rights ruled to pay three members of the group pussy Riot almost €50,000. The court recognized the violation of four articles by the Russian authorities... in the amount of €11,700. Sentencing the participants pussy Riot In February 2012, five members pussy Riot staged a so-called punk prayer in the temple... for the rights of prisoners in Russia. A video of the poll participants of the action was published pussy Riot at the final match In December 2017, Alyokhina was sentenced to ... Court arrests Pussy Riot activist who ran onto field during World Cup final ... pussy Riot Veronika Nikulshina, who ran onto the field during the 2018 World Cup final. The defense requested that the offense be reclassified as less serious. The court arrested the activist pussy Riot... a criminally punishable act.” pussy Riot during interrogation after the World Cup Earlier, RBC reported that the police are also checking the action pussy Riot for the presence in it ... the teams of France and Croatia in the 52nd minute of the meeting, the participants pussy Riot ran onto the field in police uniform, interrupting the game. The activists were... Lawyer says Pussy Riot members are being taken to court Group members currently pussy Riot, detained at the final of the World Cup in Luzhniki, are being taken to ... art. 20.31 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, ”said the representative of the TASS court. Earlier group pussy Riot stated that during the final match of the World Cup ... a video of a survey of participants in the action pussy Riot at the final match After this incident, the police began to check the action of the group Pyssy Riot under Art. 144 (order... Police start searching for elements of crime in Pussy Riot action at World Cup final The police launched an investigation pussy Riot during the final match of the World Cup for the presence of ... CPC). A video of the poll participants of the action was published pussy Riot at the final match Previously against group members pussy Riot who ran onto the field during the final... A video of the poll of participants in the Pussy Riot action at the final match has been published ... at the disposal of RBC there was a video recording of the conversation after the arrest with the members of the group pussy Riot who ran onto the field during the World Cup final match... "Why?" replied: "On the head!" The man continued by saying that pussy Riot their actions "set up" the country. His interlocutor replied that "this is not ...", - said the man. The police filed cases against the participants who ran onto the field pussy Riot RBC also received a copy of the report on the detention of participants ... Society, 10 July 2018, 22:31 Alyokhina received a fine of 400 thousand rubles. for evading compulsory work ... Kuntsevsky district fined 400 thousand rubles. member of a punk band pussy Riot Maria Alyokhina for evading compulsory work, RBC told her ... a fine, ”said the lawyer. Sidorkina explained that the court could send the participant pussy Riot under administrative arrest, but chose a fine, since she has ... planes. Action against the blocking of Telegram in Moscow. Photo report Participant herself pussy Riot RBC told RBC that the action was held in defense of the right to secrecy... Alyokhina was sentenced to 40 hours of compulsory labor for a rally near the FSB building Group member pussy Riot Maria Alyokhina was found guilty of an administrative offense and appointed 40 ... she came out with a poster to the FSB building on Lubyanka. Group member pussy Riot Maria Alyokhina was found guilty of an administrative offense for being ... and an executor of the policy of red terror. Alyokhina is a member of a punk band pussy Riot, which gained fame after the action in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in 2012 ...

Pussy Riot five years after sentencing

They divided society into two opposing camps, returned the word “blasphemers” to mass use, provoked the adoption of a law on the protection of the feelings of believers, and moved world pop stars to pity. Madonna sang for them, father Andrey Kuraev preached, oppositionists stood up and people who called themselves Orthodox activists broke their spears. We are talking about the Pussy Riot group, three members of which were sent to a penal colony five years ago for performing in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. What are they doing now and how do they look at the past action?

Flogged can not be sent to jail

Contradictions begin at the stage of reading the name of the group. Some say that we are talking about a riot (riot) of pussies (pussy) in the meaning of our cute pets, others - that we are talking about the slang name for the female genital organs. Moreover, the interpreters grapple in all seriousness. And the judge reading the verdict, who, apparently, was a supporter of the second interpretation, periodically blushed, stumbling over the ill-fated name.

The verdict was handed down five years ago, on August 17, 2012. Neither the intercession of the Madonna, nor the petition of Yoko Ono helped - they, like many others, came out in defense of the girls. What were the three “blasphemers” accused of?

They were convicted under the article "Hooliganism" for the fact that on February 21, 2012 they sang the song "Putin's Mother of God" on the pulpit of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. They themselves called the action a punk prayer, which exacerbated the indignation in the Orthodox environment. However, what was called the loud word "performance", in fact, did not exist at all. At that moment, when there were several tourists and church workers in the temple, the three members of the group ran to the central part of the room, uncovered musical instruments, pulled on balaclavas and sang a few phrases. The comrades-in-arms recorded this on video, so that they could later use it in the video, and the guards pushed the girls themselves into the street.

The most, perhaps, disturbing the minds of the sane public detail of the trial was that the decisions of the Laodicean (IV century) and Trullo (VII century) church councils were presented as arguments for the prosecution. However, firstly, this can also be called part of the action, only performed no longer by a punk band, but by a prosecutor, and secondly, believers were the victims, and earlier such issues were resolved within the Church and exclusively at cathedrals. Therefore, there was nothing more for the prosecution to appeal to.

As a result, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina and Ekaterina Samutsevich were sentenced to two years in prison. The first ones left small children at home.

The militant believers believed that the verdict was fair and that children from such mothers should be taken away altogether, others said that the maximum that girls deserve is preventive flogging. Famous missionary, deacon of the Russian Orthodox Church Andrey Kuraev even said that in honor of Maslenitsa they should have been fed pancakes and sent home. But although numerous, but quiet voices were not heard against the background of indignant and offended. Such a harsh reaction to a political action in modern Russia happened for the first time.

However, actionism always exposes social, political and economic problems, exacerbating them through artistic expression. By will or chance, Pussy Riot ended up in the right place and time.

“There was no expectation of going to jail”

Although it sounds absurd for a group of anonymous participants in balaclavas, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova can be called the face of Pussy Riot.

A student of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, originally from Norilsk, she was a member of the group "War", when for an indecent image, "raised" on the Liteiny Bridge ("Member captured by the FSB" - this is the name of the action in printed form), the art group received a state Innovation Award. Tolokonnikova, together with her husband Pyotr Verzilov, took part in the action "Copulate (again, this is a printed version) for the heir of the Bear Cub", which took place in the form of a group sexual intercourse at the Zoological Museum in Moscow. However, then the feelings of zoologists were not hurt, and the actionists remained free. Verzilov, by the way, is called the producer of the group. The reason for this is the hectic activity that he launched while the girls were under investigation.

The term "self-promotion" is very funny and empty - any published word or gesture that appears in space can be called self-promotion, and this is usually said by those who are not very versed in what PR is. It is necessary to consider and evaluate specific gestures and judge a person by them. From the point of view of what I had to do every day, the action led me, first of all, to immerse myself in human rights activities - at first I had to go to prisons and courts for a year and a half and almost completely focus on this agenda, - Petr Verzilov told MK. - At Nadia in October 2013, a real struggle unfolded in Mordovia with the camp authorities and the generals of the Federal Penitentiary Service. After the deputy head of the camp threatened to kill her, and Nadya published a text about the state of affairs in her camp (her letter remains one of the most read texts on the Russian Internet to this day), we set up a real headquarters in the heart of the camp region of Mordovia and for several weeks in a row provided serious pressure on the entire prison system. Such a protracted campaign, which would simultaneously take place directly outside and inside the camp, was not previously known in the rich Russian prison history. The campaign against the Federal Penitentiary Service ended in our victory - serious attention was drawn to the situation of prisoners in the Mordovian camps, and Nadia was transferred to Siberia, to a prison with a much more human regime. In December 2013, Nadya and Masha were released from prison, and we immediately founded the human rights organization "Zone of Law", which has already provided assistance in three and a half years a large number prisoners who are in a difficult situation and defend their rights in the camp. And in September 2014, we founded Mediazona, which has become one of the leading Russian independent media, of which there are now fewer and fewer. Now I am the publisher of "Mediazona", and all the forces are spent on ensuring the life of the publication.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova also answered MK's questions about what she is doing now and how she assesses the events of five years ago:

- Do you think that within the framework of the action in the HHS you entered into a dialogue with the authorities, forcing them to respond?

I believe that the reaction of the state to the action was, to put it mildly, inadequate. Firstly, the elements of the crime of Article 214 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, under which we were convicted, were not even close in our actions. Secondly, imprisoning people for peaceful, non-violent, symbolic protests is a completely unhealthy reaction, which indicates that with our action we touched pain points and started a public discussion that Vladimir Putin and his team did not want to have at all.

- Did the reaction meet your expectations and were there any expectations?

There were no expectations of going to jail, of course. This turned out to be a surprise.

Regarding the dialogue with the authorities: you know, this is not a dialogue when you say a word, and for that one word you are sent to sew police suits for 16 hours a day for two years - in completely slavish conditions. That's what we said in the action: by definition, there will be no dialogue with the authorities as long as the authorities follow the excellent traditions of the KGB and the NKVD and send those who disagree to Solovki.

- Is the action completed or is it a step that needs to be continued?

The steps continue. Work on the creation of a civil society in Russia, if you will. Which could resist the arbitrary antics of power.

After leaving prison, we began working with lawyers and human rights activists Pavel Chikov and Sergey Petryakov to help prisoners, an organization called the Zone of Law. The organization provides support to seriously ill convicts, as well as prisoners who have been beaten and tortured by FSIN officers.

In 2014, with our participation, the independent publication Mediazona was also created - we talk about life in Russia without censorship. About the most important political trials, which often merge with lawsuits, about what happens in prisons and police stations.

Do you realize that, by provoking the authorities, you launched an inadequate response, repressive mechanisms of self-defense? Do you regret what you did?

I don’t really want to live, constantly thinking about whether they will put you in jail or not. Get beaten up or not. Covered in greenery or not. Kill or not. Accordingly, we simply exclude these thoughts, live and act without regard to possible inadequate reactions from the state. We build media, human rights, make political art - in general, we behave like normal healthy citizens. If this causes hysteria in the authorities, so much the worse for the authorities, because they present themselves as inadequate here, and not we. And yes, we do not regret what we have done and are doing.

Today, if it were not for this 5 years ago, would your action in the XXC be relevant in the same format? And in general, how to be an actionist today?

In the same format - of course not. The task of a cultural worker is to feel his time. Every vegetable has its time, they say. 2012 was full of hopes for change, we hoped to see more liberties in politics, culture, education, media. Hence - the form of Pussy Riot, the form of a festive street carnival. The opposite increase in liberties happened: a wave of political arrests, including the “bog case”, the destruction of independent media, an explosive growth in the amount of state propaganda on TV, aggression in foreign policy. And actionists, accordingly, change along with the situation. In 2012–2016 Petya Pavlensky did very precise work. Gloomy, filled with self-aggression, like time itself.

- Don't you think that the authorities are now the main actionist?

I probably would not flirt with this comparison, because, you know, as the philosopher Boris Groys wrote, the reign of Joseph Stalin was also a large-scale project of avant-garde art. I would not like to repeat such projects.

If the president or other officials want to engage in actionism, they can always resign and fulfill themselves through perhaps transgressive gestures. In the meantime, they are servants of the people, hired by us for our money, and it is not interesting for me that they are engaged in their creativity for the taxes we paid. I am interested in the development of the healthcare system, education, the humanization of the prison system, truly independent courts, the elimination of corruption, the protection of women and citizens from domestic violence. I don't see this. Namely, this is what officials are required by law to do, and not dubious political adventures and personal enrichment.

- Does the group still exist? What does she do?

Pussy Riot was created as a political movement, and in this form they continue to exist. We write lyrics, create music, shoot music videos and theatrical productions, as well as publish independent media and help prisoners.

- You have grown out of the previous format of shares, this will not happen again?

We can’t guess: if we feel that the carnival format is appropriate, we will definitely perform with it.

- How do you feel about the current opposition in Russia, does it even exist? Do you go to rallies?

I see a significant increase in the interest of Russian citizens in politics, indeed many are asking questions about corruption, censorship and inefficiency of government. Alexei Navalny is a significant public politician who successfully answers citizens' questions about theft and lies of power. I support his candidacy for the President of the Russian Federation! I go to rallies.

Your daughter is a child who is being formed in a completely different environment, who knows something that most children in the Russian Federation do not know. What is she? What do you think it will become and will it have like-minded people?

Not only Hera, many children in Russia have access to the Internet, which means that there is an opportunity to find out reliable information about how the government works in their country. This is probably why many schoolchildren came out to the last major rallies. So, I'm sure Gera has like-minded people!

"The Real Pussy Riot"

Ekaterina Samutsevich is one of the most controversial figures in the group. She worked as a programmer and at the same time participated in the actions of the "War", spoke out against Putin and in support of LGBT people. She was convicted along with everyone else, but on October 10 she was released, the real term was replaced by a suspended one. According to the group's lawyer, Violetta Volkova, this was largely due to the group's disengagement. Samutsevich refused her services, while, paradoxically, the arguments for changing the preventive measure were formulated at the stage of Volkova's work.

“The value of Pussy Riot is that we are not a commercial group, on the contrary, we tried to present ourselves as an opposition to the commercial in art, in music and in the world in general,” Samutsevich explained her contradictions with Pyotr Verzilov. - But you are surrounded by people who have a nose for money, like Petya, you don’t let them in, you say stay away from this, this is my project, and then such madness happens, you are put in jail, and you lose control over the situation. And it turns out that, apart from the three of us, no one supported this ideology, that the people who stayed there think differently.”

All this she said after leaving prison, on the set documentary"Term". After that, Samutsevich categorically refuses to communicate with journalists, does not keep in touch with former comrades-in-arms and defenders, changed addresses and phone numbers, and does not appear under her name on social networks.

At some point, there were rumors that Samutsevich was seen either at the cash register in one of the network Moscow coffee houses, or at the counter in one of the St. Petersburg bars.

She herself did not get in touch with MK, but we managed to chat with one of her friends former member"Pussy Riot".

Katya is not a cashier or a bartender, but she really works as a waitress, - said the girl, who asked not to show her name in the media. - She would go to work as a cleaner and a dishwasher, unlike the rest, Katya is not at all selfish and not a snob. Plus, she sometimes moonlights as a programmer. These are periodic earnings, since it is impossible to get a permanent job with her past and a criminal record.

Does she regret participating in this story?

Only that the people who surrounded her behaved in such a way that they were not ready for a real action. Could not pass the copper pipes. But she does not regret her own actions, she did not betray the group in anything, in fact she is the real "Pussy Riot".

Ekaterina Samutsevich nevertheless appeared in the news, in 2016 she filed a petition with the court to cancel the sentence. It was rejected as expected.

Violetta Volkova also hopes that over time, illegal, in her opinion, the sentence will be canceled, but Samutsevich did not turn to her for help.

Volkova says that she studied the case so thoroughly that she remembers by heart entire pages and numbers of protocols, according to her, the maximum punishment for girls is a fine of a thousand rubles.

Do opposites attract?

However, it was not only Samutsevich who surprised everyone, but also later Maria Alyokhina. She formed an unexpected creative, and according to rumors, and not only, tandem with a militant Orthodox activist Dmitry Enteo.

When Maria Alyokhina and other members of the Pussy Riot group were tried for an action in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Orthodox activist Dmitry Enteo strongly advocated punishing the girls.

Now Alyokhina and Enteo spend a lot of time together and have created at least a creative union. So, they recently went to the Department of Justice to have a public Bible reading there. According to them, they did so in order to demonstrate their constitutional right to "read the Holy Scriptures (and any other books) in a public space - without obtaining permission from officials." While reading the Bible, the participants of the action smoked, and then rode in a car and sang the songs of the Tatu group.

It is difficult to imagine a stranger union. “She herself has a lot to learn in terms of Christianity,” Enteo assures commentators on his Facebook who ask what he is doing next to Alyokhina and whether he is trying to convert the girl to faith.

“I was fine until you appeared, I preached in Vladikavkaz, I was calm, quiet life”, - Enteo laments in between reading the Bible. He just held the first notable action after the punk prayer.

“5 years have passed, and you didn’t understand anything,” Alyokhina scolds him.

In fact, the generated "Pussy" Enteo remained faithful to the group to this day. True, rather, only one of its participants - Alyokhina.

“Read the lives of the saints at your leisure,” Enteo stands up for Alyokhina in front of the wrath of the world of commentators on social networks. - Sinners become righteous. Seeing how some Orthodox zealots choke in hatred, slander and malice, on the one hand, and how people who are very far from the Church show solidarity and mercy, you begin to rethink a lot.”

It seems that Enteo is really disposed towards Alekhina, however, there is a suspicion that Alekhina herself perceives him more as an art object against which she conducts her new actions.

She did not answer the question about this "MK".

And the religious background that Enteo sees in this story is ambiguous.

“Was I in the church after the punk prayer? Since then, I have gone to the XXC once, ”she said. - It's a strange story. In 2015, by accident. I flew in from New York, realized that I had no keys, nowhere to go, and from the airport I went to Kropotkinskaya. I do not know why. Very early in the morning. Then I heard a ringing and decided to go to the HHS. Then the movie started. Firstly, there were Chinese everywhere, a lot, a phenomenal number of Chinese. Secondly, monitors. Before there were no monitors. Thirdly, the patriarch. Oddly enough, he was in the temple. It turned out that there was a holiday, a service, something related to Cyril and Methodius, everyone was talking about the Russian language, I got the feeling that our culture was being buried. At the same time, there were guys in suits everywhere - special services. I got inside, by the way, I was not searched again, not a damn thing. I, too, do not learn anything at all. If I hadn't heard the bell, I wouldn't have gone."

Positioning themselves as artists, to varying degrees, talented actionists balance on the verge of law and morality. In many cases, the reaction is even more tightening of the screws - the actionists themselves are persecuted, and the legal system includes mechanisms of self-defense, trying to protect itself from such provocations, but thereby only opening up new topics and opportunities for the actionists. Society becomes auditorium watching the dangerous game of actionists and authorities. When Pyotr Verzilov asked actionist classic Yoko Ono to respond to the arrest of Pussy Riot members, she worried that her support would hurt them, that they would be tortured in prison. By letting the irritated beast out of the cage, the actionist takes responsibility for the consequences of his actions - before society and before specific people. But not always ready to bear this responsibility. Alyokhina managed to melt Enteo's heart, but crowds of his associates still roam the exhibitions and theater halls in search of "blasphemy", and the State Duma continues to print laws in their defense.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova has spent three weeks in the Mordovian colony No. 14. During this time, the convicted member of the punk band Pussy Riot managed to visit civil husband Pyotr Verzilov and lawyer Mark Feigin.
Let's see how a girl lives in captivity.

She has been working in production for a week now, sewing buttons to her uniform, - the lawyer told Izvestia. - There are 50 people in her detachment, all live together in a large two-story white brick barrack.

According to the defender, Tolokonnikova successfully joined prison life.

She has no complaints about either the management or the cellmates, the lawyer said. - No one touches her, because in the colony no one cares about ideological disputes.

The only difficulties that the punk activist has are related to the delivery of books and correspondence.

There are few readers in the colony, so the library is scarce, Nadia needs new books, Feigin explained. - As for letters, due to censorship they are transmitted slowly, if not at all. We will discuss all these issues with the head of the colony. So far, he has not been able to catch him at work, since he is on vacation.
As can be seen from the photographs that the Izvestia correspondents managed to take, Tolokonnikova does not experience visible discomfort from being in the colony.
In addition, she is full of hope for a speedy release. As Mark Feigin clarified, according to Art. 213, part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, under parole, an activist can be released after serving only half the term. It will just be March, Feigin explained. In addition, Tolokonnikova has a chance to be released through a deferment, according to Art. 398 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation (“Delayed execution of the sentence”).
Alekhine will not be silent here either

Things are more complicated with Maria Alyokhina. The process of transferring a girl from a Moscow pre-trial detention center to a colony, where she will serve her sentence, dragged on for several weeks. SIZO No. 5 in Perm and SIZO No. 2 in Solikamsk acted as a transit point. On this occasion, Alyokhina even wrote a complaint to the Perm human rights activist Sergei Isaev, asking him to meet and help. However, shortly after that, the prisoner was nevertheless taken to colony No. 28 in the city of Berezniki.

Alyokhina arrived at the colony on the evening of November 9th. Despite the fact that the prisoner was transported not on a special flight, like Tolokonnikova, but with a general stage, she was provided with exceptional benefits. For example, during a temporary stay in Perm, a girl was placed in the best cell designed for pregnant prisoners. Together with Alyokhina, there were only three people in it, despite the fact that the cell is designed for 12.

In Berezniki, Alyokhina was expected not by a common hut, but by a quarantine block. It has a TV and a shower. The only inconvenience, according to Alyokhina, is an open toilet in which the prisoner cannot retire and relieves herself in front of everyone.

On Wednesday, November 14, when Alyokhina was visited by human rights activists, she told them that the living conditions in Berezniki suited her perfectly. However, being a vegetarian, the girl experiences nutritional difficulties: fruits and vegetables are scarce in the colony, and it is problematic to get them in the store. The program of the Izvestia correspondent consisted only of a meager set of products that can be purchased in a small rural store.

According to Izvestia, the prison authorities look favorably on Alyokhina. So far, she has not had a single penalty, although earlier in the pre-trial detention center the girl was fined for watching TV until late.

The activist has already been offered to take a three-month seamstress course after quarantine: in Berezniki, as our correspondent found out, everyone works, it is impossible to avoid the so-called occupational therapy. About 80% of all prisoners are employed in tailoring uniforms for the police and the military, but some manage to get a job as a cook, food peddler, librarian or milkmaid.

Alyokhina was not enthusiastic about the prospect of working as a seamstress, but she was forced to agree.

Your active life position Alyokhina kept in captivity. She is already trying to draw the attention of the administration to the problems of inmates who do not have enough money for insulated capes and have to freeze in the cold wind in FSIN scarves. The authorities of the colony still treat Alyokhina's appeals complacently.

In general, according to Izvestia, Alyokhina is in a good mood, and she looks even better than during the trial. This was also noted by the head of the Perm regional human rights center, Sergei Isaev, who on Wednesday, November 14, inspected the colony and stated that he was satisfied with what he saw. However, as human rights activists note, the zone in Berezniki is quite tough: some prisoners do not get out of the ShIZO for the slightest offense - a button comes off or their hair is washed on the wrong day.
Tolokonnikova's daily routine
The Mordovian zone met Nadezhda Tolokonnikova with demonstrative exercises. While the activist was in quarantine, officers of the Federal Penitentiary Service with dogs ran outside the window and drove armored personnel carriers, demonstrating to the prisoners that it was impossible to escape from here.

During the distribution, Tolokonnikova did not get into the so-called press squad, consisting of the most inveterate criminals and lawless people. On her birthday on November 7, the girl went to work for the first time. So far, she has only a modest status as a seamstress apprentice, drawing patterns with a bar of soap. If he makes progress in a new profession, he will soon be behind the machine.

The authorities of the colony, feeling increased attention from the press, tried to block access to the curious as much as possible. In recent days, when lawyers and human rights activists came to Tolokonnikova, released prisoners were released at 6 in the morning so that they would not run into those who wanted to extort details from the zone, and they were severely punished in the end not to answer questions.
However, the Izvestia correspondent managed to talk to several prisoners, who said that strict orders reign in the Mordovian zone.
So, the prisoner's day starts at 6 am. Charging begins at 6.05. If up to this point the prisoner has not had time to make the bed and put himself in order, a report is drawn up against him. The next time the prisoner is automatically sent to the ShIZO. He may end up there for other minor offenses - for example, if a prisoner lights a cigarette outside school hours or in a non-special place.
Women who face especially serious problems (for example, if they are beaten by their cellmates) “come out under the flag” that flies on the parade ground of the zone. According to tradition, prisoners stand there until the leadership of the colony pays attention to them. Regardless of the reason, after the conversation, the prisoner is sent to the same ShIZO.

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