Tibetan singing bowls. Tibetan singing bowls cast, forged, seven metals, temple

singing bowl

Sounds ... Everywhere, at every moment of life, we are surrounded by a huge number of them. A person is almost never in silence. Even if it is quiet around you, you will still hear at least the sound of your breathing.

Sound oscillatory movements have unique properties already proven by science. For example, classical music put to babies to increase their viability. And even the facts have been recorded that in cows, milk yield increases from it, and the beds are eared more cheerfully.

Sound can structure or destroy cells by acting at the molecular level. Interesting experiments were carried out with the influence of different music on water cells. Yes, from hard rock water molecules were destroyed, but from prayers and pleasant calm music they lined up in an ideal structure. Since a person is more than 80% water, these properties of sound can be compared with our body. Therefore, it is extremely important what you listen to and what sounds in your home.

For several millennia, in different religions and teachings of the world, sound has been used for prayers, for meditation, for reading mantras. So, in Christianity, these are bells, the sounds of which are able to harmonize a person and space, setting them in a peaceful mood. In Eastern Buddhism, such an instrument is singing bowls - a unique instrument, the sound of which is considered sacred.

Singing bowls in the past

Anyone who has heard the music of a singing bowl at least once will surely feel its magical effect on themselves. Why does the singing bowl “sing” and how to use it correctly?

Singing bowls cleanse our home

A singing bowl is a rounded metal vessel that serves as a musical instrument. This tool has found wide application in the Asian region, in particular, in Buddhism. Tibetan singing bowls are still used by Buddhist monks in their meditation practices. When singing, mantras and prayers, they hit the walls of the bowl, thereby emphasizing and amplifying the spoken words. The sound of a singing bowl, according to the monks, is able to clear a person's mind, calm his soul and bring him closer to understanding the higher laws of the universe.

The extraction of sounds of a certain frequency occurs with the help of a wooden stack (pestle). The dimensions of the bowl itself in diameter can be different, from 15 cm for modern products to 1.5 m for ancient ones. The bowl itself was originally made, according to some sources, from an alloy of three or five metals, according to others - from seven, while third sources speak of eleven metals. Most likely, all options took place, because the amount of metals in the alloy depended musical properties these amazing bowls. It is noteworthy that not a single written source confirming the use of singing bowls has survived to our time. It remains only to judge their distribution and application by the numerous drawings depicting the bowl in action.

The main metals from which the bowls were made were copper, tin, iron, zinc and nickel, often with additions of gold and silver. The stack with which the singing bowl begins to “sing” is made of hardwood.

Singing bowls are native to Tibet and Nepal. These instruments are no less popular in Korea, China, India and Japan. The oldest singing bowls date back to the 10th century, but many collectors believe that this musical instrument much older. Nowadays, most often you can find Tibetan singing bowls, still produced in the Himalayas.

Singing bowls in the present

Today, singing bowls are becoming popular again. After all, their sounds are a great way to harmonize the space of an apartment. In Feng Shui, whose methods are largely based on working with sound, singing bowls become simply an indispensable tool. Use a singing bowl at home - its unique overtones will save you from negative impact Sha energy. Moreover, these unique sounds will improve the circulation of Qi energy.

It is also believed that this sound can not only attract beneficial energy, but also create it with its sounds. According to Lilian Tu, the author of several books on the teachings of Feng Shui, even just having a singing bowl in your house will have a beneficial effect on the space of the dwelling and on all its inhabitants. The singing bowl will serve to enlighten the mind, set you up for positive thoughts. Therefore, singing bowl sounds are also great for stress relief, deep prayer and meditation.

How the singing bowl works

How to use the singing bowl

The principle of operation of the singing bowl is the friction of the wooden stack on the metal. In this case, a multi-layered sound is obtained, consisting of the main sound and supplemented by numerous overtones according to the wave principle. Each "circle" of such a sound is unique and not similar to the previous one.

There are two options for "playing" on the singing bowl.

The first option: a wooden stack is driven along the inner edge of the bowl, thereby causing multiple vibrations, giving several overtones. It seems that several humming bells sound, merging into a single whole. In this continuous sound of several overtones - the uniqueness of singing bowls as a phenomenon. No instrument in the world sounds like this anymore.

The second option for working with a bowl is according to the bell principle. The stack is struck on the outer edge of the bowl, extracting continuous vibrations.

In both cases, the position of the bowl will be the key to a successful game. It should be fixed on a very small horizontal surface, pillow or fingers. The smaller this surface, the better the singing bowl will sound.

The second necessary skill: the stack along the edges of the bowl must slide without interruption, otherwise the sound will also be intermittent. This is not easy, because when you press the stack, the vibration of the bowl increases, and it can be difficult to keep one rhythm. Also keep in mind that thin-walled bowls are more difficult to play, but the sound will be richer.

Experiment, and you will definitely find your sound, affecting the innermost corners of your soul. The sound you like best and will be the most useful to you.

How to choose the right singing bowl

What does a drinking bowl look like?

The pitch, intensity and frequency of the sound of a singing bowl depends on many factors. For example, how hard the stack is pressed against the sides of the bowl, how fast the stack moves, and even how dense it is can affect the quality of the sound. Important for the sound is also the thickness of the walls of the bowl itself: the thinner they are, the richer the sound will be. Therefore, if you decide to purchase this sacred musical instrument for many nations, consider its choice carefully.

When choosing a singing bowl for your home, keep in mind that a real singing bowl should be made from an alloy of several metals, selected in the right proportion. Otherwise, its sound will not have the required number of overtones, which will negatively affect the sound, make it poor. Unfortunately, you are unlikely to be able to verify the authenticity of the bowl, so try playing on it. Before that, try to hear the sounds of a real singing bowl. So you are unlikely to ever confuse the sound of a real Tibetan and a "fake" product.

Now, of course, the alloy for singing bowls, which are widely available, is not so rich. Only in Nepal or Tibet, you can probably still find the original Tibetan singing bowls. You will also not find the ancient secret of making bowls. If you decide to buy a singing bowl for your home, try to find a hand-forged bowl made from an alloy of at least five metals. After all, each of these metals creates a separate overtone.

The more overtones there are, the richer the singing bowl will sound and the better the effect it will have on you and your home with its magical singing.

Tibetan singing bowls are one of the most mysterious instruments used in sound therapy. Sound occupies a central place in the healing and ritual practices of many ancient cultures. For example, the inhabitants of Africa used a variety of drums, and the Australian aborigines used the oldest didgeridoo made from eucalyptus. And in Asian countries, "singing" bowls and gongs were used.

The history of the use of sounds for healing dates back over five thousand years and comes from the Vedic traditions. It should be noted that in the legacy Western countries there is also a lot of evidence of the healing effect of sounds on the spirit and body.

History of Tibetan singing bowls

Tibetan singing bowls are also called Himalayan bowls, since the Himalayas are considered their homeland. Other bowls fell into the spread of Buddhism. FROM long time ago singing vessels were not only a musical instrument similar to a bell, but also an important object ritual rites. And today, Tibetan bowls are used in Asian countries, not only for sacred, but also for completely ordinary purposes. AT European countries the bowls were imported which in 1959 were forced to flee to the West after Tibet was invaded by China.

Features of Tibetan singing bowls

The Tibetan singing bowl is a round metal vessel with a diameter of five to fifty centimeters. The weight of the bowl can reach several kilograms. There are mechanical and manual vessels. Mechanical bowls, as a rule, are made of bronze in the usual machine way, manual ones are turned and cast by craftsmen. In this case, the alloy must include at least seven different metals: tin, mercury, copper, lead, iron, gold and silver. In some cases, bismuth and zinc are added to it. Such a composition of metals was not chosen by chance. In esotericism, each element is associated with a specific planet and a certain energy center person.

To get the sound, use special sticks or hammers made of wood. The rubbing of a stick against metal generates a singing sound with characteristic deep vibrations. The palette of sounds and vibrations directly depends on the material of the bowl and the way it is made.

Singing bowl treatment

The healing effect of Tibetan singing bowls is achieved through sound massage. The organs of our body have their own and, entering into resonance with the sound of the bowl, begin to vibrate in response. In addition, in some places of the body it is very difficult to carry out a regular massage, and the vibration from the bowl sets the patient on one wave and sneaks into every cell of the human body.

Tibetan singing bowls help relax muscles, help with high blood pressure and headaches. Vibration therapy is an excellent remedy for stress, depression, insomnia, irritability and other unpleasant conditions.

Tibetan singing bowls can be used not only in private massage sessions, but also in group activities sound therapy. In this case, the sound and vibration of the bowls are combined with other archaic instruments to enhance the healing effect: drums, gongs, vargans, bells, and so on.

Who would have thought that a Tibetan bowl could turn out to be not so much a prosaic piece of furniture as a life-giving musical instrument and an attribute of healing? Singing bowls can be tiny or giant, copper or gold. But all types of bowls have one thing in common - they are created by skilled craftsmen in order to caress the human ear and heal the body and soul.

Sing with the Buddha himself

long time ago the singing bowl was considered not only a ritual attribute, but also a musical instrument. A few millennia ago, singing bowls were used in China during laudatory chants to the Buddha - both for meditation, and for reading sutras, and for getting rid of evil spirits. Subsequently, becoming part of Tantric Buddhism, singing bowls began to roam throughout Asia- and soon appeared in Bhutan, in India, in Japan, in Korea ...

Tibetan bowls were brought from the Himalayas to the West only in the 50s. At first it was assumed that they were just ordinary food storage bowls. What was the surprise of the townsfolk when they discovered the inexpressible purity of the sound of the bowls. With the development of the new age movement, the singing bowl has gained new popularity, both among the fans of Tibetan Buddhism and among the musicians of the most different directions— from "ambient" to "art-folk". Among them are David Parsons, Ben Scott, Klaus Wiese.

Scientists claim that long listening to music Tibetan bowls causes altered states of consciousness. Perhaps that is why more and more more people become interested in the singing bowl phenomenon. These include musicians, and esotericists, and healers ...

sound healing

Unlike conventional bells, singing bowls do not hang anywhere.- they are stationary. They don't have a language. The singing bowl game is the leisurely movement of a rosewood or pine pestle around the perimeter of the bowl placed on a soft surface. The walls of the singing bowl hum: and this deep sound is called singing.

How is the medical effect of this action achieved? A singing bowl is placed on a lying person, several slow movements are made with a pestle - and soon a deep vibration penetrates every cell of the body. As a result of resonance, the internal organs are massaged and the blood supply of the whole organism is stimulated.

As a result, concentration of attention improves, stabilizes nervous system, the general tone increases, the general stress decreases. It also relieves headaches and muscle cramps. They say that if you fill a singing bowl with water, then an incredible thing happens: the water subjected to vibrations becomes "alive": it acquires qualities comparable to those of water from a mountain spring. Tibetan bowls are also used for energy "cleansing" of premises: experts say that if "clean" the corners of the room with the sound of the bowl, then the flow of Qi energy is activated in them.

Sounds of eternity

Today, singing bowls are made from an alloy of several noble metals: gold, silver, tin, or… mercury. According to legend, once upon a time, Tibetan monks created the first singing bowl from an alloy of seven metals and meteor shower ore. And a real Tibetan bowl should be forged: their sound is much warmer and richer. Connoisseurs prefer bowls, on which images of deities, a sacred ornament or the mantra "Om mani padme hum" are engraved.

As for the size of the singing bowl, it can vary from 10 centimeters to several meters. However, the traditional size is considered to be 20 centimeters - this kind of bowl is the easiest to play. Each singing bowl has its own individual voice - it is as original as the person in whose hands it is.

It's believed that a person who has heard a Tibetan bowl sing at least once in his life will never go to hell. One way or another, today singing bowls heal both body and soul with their enchanting mysterious sound. As one of the Indian healers said: " Man is made of sounds, and he is sound.".

Singing bowls were discovered by "spiritual tourists" in the southern Himalayas. Round metal bowls of various sizes, some polished, others opaque, gold or sometimes almost black, made amazing singing sounds when they were patted, struck or rubbed. Representatives of Western civilization realized that they had found not only new spiritual paths, but also encountered an unknown “sound phenomenon”.

The birthplace of metal drinking bowls is the countries of Central Asia, namely India, Nepal and Tibet. Despite the fact that their origin and original purpose are still shrouded in a veil of mystery, it is still known that once, a long time ago, these bowls were used in rituals and ceremonies that included working with sound.Singing bowls were first brought to the West from the Himalayas only in the second half of the 20th century, after the Chinese invaded Tibet in the 1950s.

In addition to Tibetan (originally from the Himalayas), there are also Japanese and Thai singing bowls, and each variety has its own special sound, form and function.However, it is the Tibetan bowls that produce the purest sounds and overtones.
The amazing skill of ancient artisans, who many centuries ago were able to create works of art endowed with such extraordinary power and sonority, deserves great respect and careful study.


Bowls differ from each other in external finish, alloy, manufacturing method.

  • Forged products are most valued, as they emit melodic beautiful sounds. Forged bowls outwardly look as if dented, this is because the shape of the bowl is acquired under the blows of a blacksmith. Such bowls are not decorated with drawings or ornaments, and the sounds they make have a beneficial and calming effect on the mind. They fill the house with amazing music.
  • The second place in popularity is occupied by chiseled bowls. They are distinguished by their small size and lightness, which is what makes them sound high. Such a thing will bring peace and tranquility to the house.
  • This is followed by cast singing bowls, which are characterized by bright colors and ornament.

There is a myth that most of the ancient bowls were made from an alloy of seven metals: gold, silver, lead, mercury, copper, tin and iron, corresponding to the seven planets.

  • Gold - Sun
  • Silver - Moon
  • Mercury - Mercury
  • Copper - Venus
  • Iron - Mars
  • Tin - Jupiter
  • Lead - Saturn

Indeed, there are bowls made of seven metals, but the number of metals can be large, for example, nine or ten.It is believed that each metal produces its own special sound, including harmonics, and together these sounds form different harmonics.

There is another myth that claims that the composition of the best singing bowls included not ordinary iron, but meteoric iron. This is true, but there are only a few such bowls.

The proportion of metals in the alloy determines the purity and clarity of the fundamental tone and overtones of the singing bowl, as well as the duration of its sound. A good singing bowl sounds after being hit by a hammer for a very long time, and the sound does not break off suddenly, but gradually fades away. It is worth adding that the key here is also the method of making the bowl, its forging. In order for the bowl to truly sound, it is made on fire in the furnace and on the anvil from sunrise to sunset. First liquid metal poured into a special form of clay, after cooling, the blank of the bowl is again heated red-hot in the oven. Then the work of the blacksmiths begins, which must be very harmonious, like an orchestra, otherwise the bowl will not sing, but buzz or rattle.

The real Tibetan bowl is said to have more silver and pewter, giving it a monotonous anthracite sheen, while Nepalese bowls have the familiar golden sheen. However, differences in the composition of alloys can also be explained by the fact that blacksmiths did not carry these metals with them, but used those available in a particular locality. The inscriptions, drawings and other patterns that sometimes decorate singing bowls are made later by chasing or metal etching.


A good singing bowl certainly has correct form: all its curves are harmonious. When extracting sounds from a singing bowl, the performer usually places it on a cloth mat or holds it in his hand. If the bottom of the bowl is too flat, it will not produce enough resonance on a flat hard surface.

The overtone range of the bowl depends on the wall thickness and, as already mentioned, on the composition of the alloy. The surface of authentic handmade singing bowls is covered with small dents - traces of the master's tool that formed the alloy. These recesses must be in harmony with the shape of the bowl as a whole, otherwise there will be dissonance in the overtones.

The thicker the walls of the bowl, the more clearly the undertones are heard; the thinner the walls and the smaller the bowl, the more audible the overtones. When hit with a hammer, the bowl should not rattle or make any overtones.


Cleansing the energy at home

Singing bowls are considered the most ancient and effective Feng Shui tool. They will help cleanse your home of negative energy.

The rules for using bowls are very simple. For a bowl with a wooden stick, activation is required. To activate, you need to draw along the outer circumference, so that a smooth vibrating sound appears, which is pleasant for perception. The sounding bowl must be taken in left hand and slowly move with her from one room to another in a clockwise direction. While moving, you need to listen to the sounds made by the bowl. In "dead" corners, the bowl produces dull and monotonous sounds; in "live" corners, the sounds are usually clear and sharp.

If you walk around the house for the first time, you need to make the bowl resonate in every corner, this will allow you to balance the energy of the whole house. If, in your opinion, any room is particularly unlucky, in this room you need to put the bowl on the table, put a pillow under it and hit the edge of the bowl with a wooden mallet.

To clear the space, move from one room to another, from one door to another, while moving, try to make the bowl continuously make sounds. By hitting the edge of the bowl three times, you should hear a loud resonating sound. When the sound begins to subside, it is necessary to strike again and so on while moving around the room. You can draw along the edge of the bowl with a hammer in a clockwise direction. With strong pressure on the edge of the bowl, a soft buzzing sound will increase.

If the bowl does not “sing” on the first try, try hitting it, and only then rub it with a hammer, pressing hard on the edge, but evenly.

After you have mastered this art completely, when the bowl begins to make a pleasant sound, you can begin to walk around the room. While moving, stop against the walls, the sound made by the bowl will remove unbalanced energy that can “stick” to the wall. At the windows and doors you need to go through three times.

When cleaning the room, listen to the sounds of the bowl, each time the sounds will be clearer, thanks to the ongoing air purification in your home. As soon as all types of energy are balanced, the bowl will begin to sound melodious. Sharp energy fluctuations will immediately stop, giving way to complete harmony.

Water purification

The vase must be pre-washed. In order to charge water with the vibration of a singing vase, it is necessary to pour it inside to the middle of the edges. In this case, it is best to put the bowl on a stand and start working with it with a wooden stick using the friction method. The water in the bowl should visually vibrate or even dance. Thus, within 2-3 minutes, the water is structured and retains its unusual properties for a while. This water can be used for watering flowers, for plants and animals, as well as for washing.


The singing bowl is a unique tool for meditation, but for the most effective use it must be properly chosen initially. An important criterion is that the bowl must be well balanced and, accordingly, give an even sound of medium or high pitch. It is on this sound that you will concentrate your attention. In meditation, a singing bowl is necessary at the very beginning, for this you need to put it in front of you on a stand and start winding it up, or (it is recommended) to take it in your hands to turn it on to maximum vibration and carefully put it back on the stand holding the bottom. Then you sit in the original position and concentrate your attention on the sound, listen to it, and also breathe correctly.

Balancing the energy of the body

Singing bowls are able to balance our body, nthis should be done with a professional.

Real bowls can be bought at the Lakshmi Gallery

Only forged bowls from Tibet, Nepal and India are sold here, among them there are rare.

We invite you to come, listen to the bowls live and getfree advice on how to use them.

Tibetan singing bowls are a special kind of bells and a musical instrument. The weightless sounds, saturated with harmonic overtones, emitted by Tibetan bowls are filled with powerful energy music for relaxation and establishing contact with space.

This instrument differs from the traditional bell not only in that it does not need to be hung and fixed. A singing bell makes a different sound, producing a different effect on the human body and the space around it.

How to get the sound of a Tibetan bowl?

As a result of leisurely driving with a special wooden stick (stick) along the edge of the product, its walls begin to vibrate, giving rise to a long, multi-layered “singing” sound. By pressing on the edges of the tool with different strength or using different sticks, you can get different tones of sound. The propagation of sound occurs in two spirals: the first one unwinds inside the bowl, and the second goes from it into space.

There is another way to get magic singing bowl - you need to hit the stick on its outer wall. Such a blow gives rise to a warm sound, reminiscent of the sound of a bell.

About the healing effect of Tibetan bowls

As already noted, the bowl creates two sound spirals: in the first case, the sound is increasingly in wide circles diverges from the bowl, in the second case the sound spirals into the bowl. Together with the sound directed outward, stagnant negative energy leaves. Sound directed inward creates positive chi energy, which is essential for physical and mental health and prosperity.

Singing Tibetan bowls has a positive effect on the body and consciousness of a person, on his energy. Their sound is capable of:

  • replenish the strength of the immune system and raise vitality;
  • relieve stress and relieve insomnia;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • harmonize the respiratory process (when harmonizing the breathing process, many health problems go away);
  • improve the quality of hearing;
  • improve the skeletal system of the body;
  • harmonize the work of the hemispheres of the brain, which leads to improved attention and increased creativity.

Singing bowls can "charge" water with life-giving energy. The water that fills the bowl acquires qualities similar to those of a pure mountain spring. Such water acts on the human body, cleansing it and giving it strength and health, especially if it is consumed regularly.

Apply these unique instruments and to rid the premises of bad energy.

The history of the appearance of Tibetan singing bowls

There is no written evidence of how the singing bowls of Tibet came about and how they were used in antiquity, but there are many sculptures and images with this unique item. Several interesting legends are associated with the origin of the bowls.

One legend claims that the fifth Dalai Lama made the throne in his palace at Drepung in the shape of this instrument. Many Tibetans consider the bowls to be sacred, linking the history of their origin with this palace, and on July 15 they go to worship them at the Drepung Monastery. It is believed that a person who heard how the Tibetan bowl sings will definitely go to heaven.
Another story tells of traveling Buddhist monks carrying just such begging gear. The monks learned with a sense of gratitude to receive anything, even a very poor offering. This helped them to come to enlightenment, to feel unity with the entire Universe and to know the joy of Divine love.

As stated in the most old legend, shamanism arose in Tibet before all religions, and then the lamas received Knowledge directly from the Higher Spirits. Once the lamas found out that our planet requires special devices Forces capable of helping people to establish a connection with the cosmos. After a long time spent in prayer, the lamas managed to understand that these objects must be in the form of a bowl and be made from an alloy of eight ingredients - gold, silver, iron, copper, lead, tin and another unknown component. The High Lamas asked the Higher Spirits to indicate what this element was. In response, a rain of meteorites was sent, the ore of which turned out to be this mysterious element. The created bowls sounded unusually strong, clearing the space and shaping open channels through which the blessed energy passed.

modern singing bowls

Now Tibetan bowls are purchased as souvenirs, so the singing bowl shop offers customers a large selection of these products. Modern bowls are usually made of copper or bronze, without adding precious and rare metals to the alloy, and are decorated with all sorts of Buddhist religious symbols or designs. The shape and size of products can vary greatly.

The online store of Tibetan bowls can offer its customers cast bowls made on a machine tool and forged bowls made by hand. In terms of their sound, handmade instruments are significantly superior to cast bowls, the sound of which is limited to only two overtones. The number of overtones affects the depth and richness of the sound, respectively, and the degree of influence on the body and space. That is why it is better to buy forged bowls made by hand.

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