How to cut beautifully pineapple. Cutting methods

“Eat pineapples, chew grouse, your last day is coming, bourgeois,” says a famous poem by the great poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. A lot has changed since this was written. Firstly, the word "bourgeois" turned from a curse into an honorary title. Secondly, the "grouse" ceased to be a mythical animal, but became "something like a chicken", although it still did not go to the masses. And thirdly, pineapple is no longer a luxury item, but a means for losing weight, a delicacy and decoration of the festive table of any average family. It is worth learning how to peel this fruit and learn how to cut it beautifully to match the era.

Is it difficult to cut a pineapple at home

In fact, not everyone can clean and cut this exotic so as not to get dirty and exhausted. But there are some general cutting schemes and rules, the observance of which will save you from unnecessary trouble:

Step by step descriptions with photos

We've rounded up some simple yet world-famous pineapple peeling and slicing options. Try to master them, and soon this healthy and tasty fruit will take its rightful place on your table.

How to properly peel a pineapple

In fact, it is quite possible to cope with peeling a pineapple if you follow the generally accepted scheme for this, which must have been proven by the centuries-old experience of various tropical peoples, and not try to twist it in your hands and cut off the tough skin with a potato peeler.


  1. We take a board, a large carving knife (aka "chef") and a small knife, usually used to cut out eyes from potatoes. We put the pineapple on the board and remove the bottom and leaves along with the top cap of the fruit.
  2. We put the fruit on a cut and cut off the hard skin, trying to “hook” as little pulp as possible.

    Cut the skin off the sides of the pineapple

  3. It turned out a yellow "barrel" with dark spots. With a small and sharp knife, we methodically remove these dark seals.

    With a thin knife, carefully cut off the specks, keeping the maximum pulp

  4. We cut the “barrel” lengthwise into four parts, after which we remove the dense and fibrous core.

    Remember to remove the inedible core

  5. We cut the quarters of the fruit into cubes or slices, depending on their further use.

    Sliced ​​pineapple can be added to salads, meat dishes, cold and hot desserts, cakes and pies. When serving it as an independent snack, take care of dessert forks or skewers so that there are no wet cuffs and licked fingers.

    The core can be left along with the tail of the pineapple and used as a stand for fruit canapés

You can also clean beautifully: spiral patterns

  1. The beginning is the same as that of the “keg”: we put it on the board, cut off the bottom and the hat with leaves.

    Cut off the bottom and cap of the pineapple

  2. We put the pineapple on the cut, peel it.

    Peel off tough skin

  3. Put it on its side and cut out the “eyes” diagonally to end up with a solid spiral line.

    Remove the "eyes" with a knife, moving diagonally

  4. We divide the “cup” into four parts.

    Divide the pod into 4 parts

  5. Remove the lighter and harder core.

    Remove the hard core from each quarter

  6. Divide the quarters in half.

    Divide each quarter in half

  7. We cut the resulting blanks at our discretion, for example, into small pieces.

    By the way, such a “barrel” with a spiral pattern can also be cut across, into portioned circles, removing the core, and then putting them back together, decorating this allegedly whole pineapple with its top on top and placing it in the center of the fruit dish.

Video: pineapple cutting master class

Women's way: just cut into rings or circles

An extremely simple method that does not require skill and great strength. It will be especially good when you need to quickly chop pineapple for salad or roast.


Yellow rings of pineapples will be in perfect harmony with red and black berries (currants, cranberries, pomegranate seeds).

Video: pineapple speed cutting experiment

Festive table boats

One thing can be said about this method of peeling and slicing pineapple: "Firstly, it's beautiful ...".

Pineapple “boats” are one of the most beautiful ways to cut and serve

  1. Unpeeled pineapple cut lengthwise into four parts.
  2. We remove the hard core from each part.
  3. We separate the pulp from the skin in one piece, avoiding dark seals.
  4. Cut into slices, 1 cm thick. Slightly shift the pieces in a checkerboard pattern. It turns out elegant boats that will rightfully decorate and refresh the festive table.

Video: cut pineapple in the form of boats

Beautiful box with pieces of fruit

Making such a pineapple box is quite simple, but it looks original and beautiful.

  1. Cut the unpeeled pineapple into two halves. It can be along, it can be across, depending on the size of your fruit.
  2. We cut out the whole pulp from each part with a rectangle, without damaging the bottom. To finally cut off the cube of pulp from the skin, an incision must be made on the outside of the fruit parallel to the surface of the table.
  3. Remove the hard core.
  4. We cut the remaining pulp into cubes and arrange them in slides in “boxes” of hard peel.

    In the same boxes, you can add cubes of watermelon, melon and serve as a dessert at the end of dinner. Don't forget to provide forks, skewers, or toothpicks for added comfort.

The "box" can be used as a form for roast, salad and, of course, as a fruit bowl

Removing the pulp with a special knife

To peel and cut a pineapple really quickly and stay dry and clean at the same time, you can use a special knife, in the English-speaking people called a pineapple slicer. With the help of this miracle of technology, the middle and dark pimples are removed with a slight movement of the hand.

Cleaning and cutting with a special knife will save time and effort

There is, however, bad news: such a knife is rarely found in domestic stores, and its use requires skill acquired at the cost of the death of several fruits. So if you do not eat pineapples every day, think for yourself, decide for yourself whether to have this device in your kitchen or not.

Video: the principles of "pineapple cuisine" from Ilya Lazerson

Pineapple can be served very beautifully and romantically. I do this: with a sharp knife I cut off the tail and base, then put it on its side and carefully cut out the flesh, without touching the walls. That is, you need to drive a sharp knife in a circle parallel to the walls, trying to make them thinner. As a result, you will pull out the “column” of pulp and you will have a whole peel. Then you make round cuts in the peel in a checkerboard pattern - directly in accordance with its structure. Put a warming candle in the center of the dish, a cut peel around it, a tail on top of it, and lay slices on the sides of the dish (“column” of pulp must be cut into slices). That is, a magic lamp is obtained. I don't know if I made it clear :)


oh-oh ... well, they wrote it here)))) Have you been to Thailand? If so, did you really not pay attention to how the locals peel pineapple there? First, cut off the lower part, put it vertically, cut off the skin with a sharp knife, holding it by the crown, but because brown still remains, then cut them out in a spiral like potato eyes. 2-3 pieces at a time. And then in half and at will ... True, Thai pineapples did not even lie next to Moscow rubbish.


In general, pineapple can be peeled or left as Mother Nature created it, chopped or served in large chunks, used as an ingredient or as a meal on its own. The main thing is that it be present in your menu, because this fruit is beautiful, tasty and very healthy.

Pineapple is the best dessert for people who watch their figure, so the presence of this exotic fruit in the New Year's menu is not even discussed. You can make several salads based on it, serve it with meat, or just cut it in a "company" of other useful gifts of nature. Meanwhile, do not forget that everything on the festive table should be impeccable, and exotic fruit, as you know, is difficult to “curb”, especially if you are not used to it. But now it will no longer be a problem for you. So, how to cut a pineapple beautifully and serve it to the table?

How to cut exotic fruits

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The miraculous properties of pineapple

Why this exotic fruit helps to lose weight? What is unusual about it? What can a pineapple do? Firstly, the fruit has a delicious taste and is good both as a separate dish and as part of salads. Secondly, this product is a whole pantry of useful substances, which include:

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What diseases does an exotic fruit treat?

Due to its composition, pineapple can be called a natural general strengthening vitamin complex, but it is also capable of more, for example:

Why do pineapples make you lose weight? It's all about bromelain, which is present in the fruit. It can be called a natural fat burner. Have you noticed pineapple-based capsules that help you lose weight? Of course, the concentration of the substance there is higher than in the fruit itself, but, as they rightly note, a drop wears away a stone, so eat the pulp for your pleasure and lose weight. This is exactly what some stars do, for example, Nikolai Baskov.

It's important to know! Alas, not everyone can consume a miracle fruit. For those who have high acidity, stomach ulcers or other problems with the digestive system, doctors recommend giving preference to other gifts of nature. It's all about the magical power of pineapple juice, which is saturated with natural acids that are beneficial for a healthy person, but dangerous for people with gastrointestinal diseases. You also need to be careful when consuming an exotic fruit for pregnant women, as there is evidence that the product stimulates muscle work, and this is fraught with premature birth.

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Methods for cleaning the fetus

There are several ways to "cut" a pineapple. How to find “your own” from the kaleidoscope of proposed options?

First, consider why you need this product, the way the fetus is cleansed also depends on it. If you plan to make a salad out of a miracle fruit, serve it in rings or cut it into skewers as part of a fruit platter, then the peel is first cut off from the pineapple, moreover, in the way that is convenient for you, because it is important to get intact pulp, and the “fur coat” will go into the trash.

Secondly, just trust your taste, because the process should give you pleasure, right? If, for example, you want to cut the fruit into rings, then you can do this directly with the peel, and then peel each of the rings separately. But let's talk about everything in order.

Worth paying attention! If you eat pineapple often, make sure that the juice does not get on the lips and the skin around them, otherwise irritation may occur.

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Video tutorial from a professional

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How to Peel a Pineapple

The peeling work is preceded by cutting off the top with greens (by the way, do not throw away this part, because it can be planted) and the lower part opposite from the top so that the fruit can be put on a plate or board.

  • Step 1 - cut off the top

Now you have a kind of barrel in the skin. To remove the brown "fur coat" you need a narrow, well-sharpened knife. Remove the peel in thin strips, moving from top to bottom.

  • Step number 2 - we clean off the "prickly skin"

They removed the skin, but the fruit does not seem peeled to you, because it contains many thorns? No problem. Now you will learn how to deal with them. To begin, trace the lines on which the spikes are placed, then begin to cut out the growths in a spiral, making deep cuts on the sides of each of them. Take out such triangles with spikes one at a time, following in a spiral. As a result, you will get a very pretty figure of pulp, reminiscent of the shape of the tip of a honey stick.

  • Step number 3 - remove the "thorns"

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How to cut pineapple for salad

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One of the most common ways of "cutting" pineapple in our country. The reason probably lies in the following: canned fruit in jars is often sold in this "interpretation". That is, we are accustomed to seeing pineapple just like that.

So, how to beautifully cut pineapple into rings? There are two ways to carry out this operation:

  1. Peel the fruit completely and then cut into washers.
  2. Immediately cut the pineapple into rings, which are peeled separately.

You are free to choose any option, meanwhile, consider the following nuances:

If you decide to “cut” the fruit according to option No. 1, then first you need to clean the fruit from the “prickly skin”. You already know how to do this. Further, everything is simple. Lay the fruit on its side on the board and begin to cut the pulp into pucks. Try not to make the plates too thin, otherwise they will break and the pineapple will not serve. Focus on a thickness equal to approximately a finger. Next, cut out the middle from each washer - a fragment of the rod. You have got rings that can be beautifully laid out and served on the New Year's table, both separately and in the form of an "ensemble" with other fruits.

Your choice - cutting uncleaned washers? Wonderful. Take the pineapple by the top, put it across the board, remove the bottom part, and then start cutting the pucks in the same way as in the first case. Then you clean each puck using the technology of cleaning the whole fetus - along the perimeter in small strips. Don't forget to cut out the "eyes" as well, as they don't taste very good.

Worth paying attention! Some people cut out the core, because the puck with a hole looks more aesthetically pleasing and is more convenient to eat. If you also do this, then in no case should you throw away the cut rod, because it is in it that bromelain is located, which helps to lose weight. Make yourself a separate salad with such a “magic waste”, then you will meet 2015 in perfect shape.

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How to cut pineapple into rings

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A basket with pineapple pieces can be a decoration for any holiday table. True, you have to tinker with its manufacture.

So, wash the pineapple, wipe it and cut it lengthwise - right with the top, which will amazingly decorate the natural "dishes". Now it is necessary to cut the pulp from each half, so much so that it separates in a whole piece. Then cut the pulp into cubes or as you like, and put the pieces into the resulting halves of the fruit. Everything - the basket is ready!

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Southeast cutting option

Such a cut is classic for the countries of the southeast, its second name is melon.

In the fruit, it is necessary to cut off the lower part, then cut the pulp along with the peel across into 4 longitudinal parts, similar to boats. Try to have a fragment of the top present on each of them. Now carefully cut off part of the rod. However, some skilled chefs do not cut it off to the end, but leave it as a kind of clamp for triangles of pulp. If you decide to do the same, then start cutting the rod from the bottom and, not reaching a couple of centimeters to the top, stop, bend the strip, and cut the flesh across into triangles, which then move in opposite directions (as in the photo).

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How to cut a pineapple using the melon method

As you can see, it’s not so difficult to cut a pineapple beautifully, right ?!

Now I will write a step-by-step guide with a photo in which I will tell you how to peel a pineapple without damaging the limbs, how to cut a pineapple into pieces in a jiffy and how to properly cut a pineapple. Although, of course, I’m not sure about the correctness, it’s just that it’s very convenient, fast and beautiful. So let's get started.

How to peel a pineapple or how to cut a pineapple? Step by step guide with photo

That's all! Now you know exactly how to cut a pineapple and how to peel a pineapple! Soon I will share some more useful life hacks! Not to be missed , it's free! In addition, when subscribing, you will receive as a gift a collection of full-fledged recipes from 20 dishes that are prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes! Eat fast and tasty - it's real!

I hope you will try to peel and cut a fresh pineapple very soon! I really look forward to your comments with ratings and I want you to always remember: everyone can cook deliciously, namely, you are more talented than you can imagine! Enjoy your food!

Pineapple is a very useful tropical fruit, which in the countries of the former USSR is most often sold in two forms: whole fresh pineapple and canned in its own juice. Again, canned pineapples come in two varieties: rings and chunks. The former are more expensive, the latter are cheaper, although the percentage of tender, aromatic pulp is higher in the latter version.

Everyone knows the benefits: the substances contained in these wonderful fruits help burn fat, normalize weight and improve metabolic processes in the body. For the preparation of various salads, snacks and desserts, both fresh and canned pineapples are used. If everything is clear with canned food - open a jar, express the juice and cook, then few people know what to do with the whole fruit, how to properly peel a pineapple. Nevertheless, this product is not very familiar to us, and quite expensive.

Choosing a pineapple

And so that cleaning does not turn into torment, and eating into disappointment, it is important to do it right. The first thing to pay attention to, in a store or on the market, is the size and leaves of the fruit: it should not be very small - it is possible, of course, that this fruit of a certain variety does not grow large, but it is also possible that the pineapple was cut earlier than necessary. The outer crust should not be dark spots, choose a fruit that is elastic, but not too hard. Finally, evaluate the leaves. Fresh ripe pineapple leaves are green, thick, not sluggish, they are easily separated from the fruit if pulled.

There are two ways to peel a pineapple. You will need a cutting board, a plate for scraps, a large knife, a medium-sized knife, perhaps a potato peeler with a sharp tip to remove the "eyes", or a small knife, or a thin long one. A pineapple peeler must be sharp and very handy, as the skin of the fruit is tough and rough and can be hurt if the knife slips off.

Peeling a pineapple begins with separating the top with leaves and the bottom. If the bottom can be cut very economically, half a centimeter-centimeter thick, then the upper part is removed along the recess from which the leaves are visible - at least one and a half centimeters.

Consider the first way how to peel a pineapple - the photos show the process. With a long thin sharp knife, draw a spiral line near the row of "eyes". You should not imitate the masters of cutting pineapples and try to make the incision continuous the first time, it is still quite easy to get hurt while peeling the pineapple. Let's step back about 5 millimeters - the width of the second cut is determined by the size of the eyes - and draw the knife again, now at an angle, to remove the strip with the "eyes".

So consistently cuts the entire pineapple, it turns out a beautiful spiral pruning.

The second method explains how to peel a pineapple and retain as much juice and pulp as possible. To do this, you will need a potato peeler or a small knife with a thin tip. We take the fruit in the left hand and carefully remove all the "eyes", as when peeling potatoes.

Consider another option, the option of how to peel a pineapple - the photos also demonstrate the process. In this case, cut off the top and bottom, then cut the fruit into rings, or a quarter into rings, or slices, and then cut off the crust and remove the “eyes”.

The last step is to remove the core. It is hard and tasteless in pineapple, so it is traditionally cut off.

Of course, there are quite a few special tools for peeling pineapples, but it is worth buying such a kitchen appliance only if you peel pineapples at least once a week.

An integral part of the table setting for the holiday is a beautiful serving of fresh fruit. And, of course, many housewives are interested in the issue related to the beautiful and, importantly, the correct cutting of fruit. It is important that they not only look bright and festive on the table, combined with the main dishes and the theme of the evening. It is important to remember that guests will not only want to admire them, but also try them. Therefore, it is necessary to cut fruits so that they are convenient to eat.

In the article we will talk about one of the most popular representatives of the fruit world, who has become a regular at feasts and holidays. It will be about how to cut a pineapple beautifully and serve it to the table.

Overseas guest

We all know that no matter how high-quality a canned fruit is, fresh it is more fragrant, healthier, and more beautiful in appearance. As in Europe, in our country, pineapple most often appears on the festive tables in canned form. The question of how to properly peel and cut a pineapple, in this case, the housewives disappear by itself. But if you have already decided to pamper your guests with something tasty, then in the store you can safely walk past the shelves with preservation and go to those racks where fresh fruits are located.

I must say that pineapple is just perfect for a festive cut. Not only can it act as an independent dessert, it also perfectly harmonizes with meat dishes. And the non-standard shape of the fruit allows you to fulfill culinary fantasies and gives you a lot of cuts.

How to choose a pineapple

If you want a tropical guest not only to decorate the table, but also to be a delight for the lips of your guests, you should choose the right ripe and juicy pineapple. How to do it:

  • First, let's look at the skin. In a ripe fruit, it will be dark golden. No green veins, "eyes" or "bumps". The fruit must have green skins on top, but if you pull on the leaf, it will easily come off.
  • Secondly, we smell pineapple. A ripe fruit will smell sweet, but unobtrusive. An unripe pineapple will “smell” with something sour, even from a distance.
  • Thirdly, the watermelon selection method works on pineapple. If you knock on the fetus, you can hear a dull sound. This will speak of his ripeness. If the sound, on the contrary, is too bright, sonorous, then you have an overripe or even dried fruit in front of you.

But if in the case of watermelon you can buy an unripe product, letting it ripen already on your balcony, then such a game will not work with pineapple. If the fruit is unripe, then, after lying down, it will not be riper.

Cleaning and cutting pineapple

So, the choice is made, now you can proceed to the cleaning procedure. The most popular pineapple peeling method came to us from Thailand. There, the fruit is peeled like a potato. First, do not forget to cut off the top and bottom of the pineapple so that the edges are perfectly even and smooth.

How to cut a pineapple further, there are many options for beginners - circles, sticks, semicircles, cubes, etc. Small square pieces of pineapple can be strung on a skewer and make a popular canapé fruit snack.

pineapple basket

Now we will tell you how to cut a pineapple beautifully to make an edible fruit basket. In this case, we will not peel the fruit. We cut it into two parts, first, of course, removing the top and bottom of the fruit. From each part of the pineapple, you will need to carefully cut the pulp. It can already be cut arbitrarily, we have already listed the options a little higher. Then we put the chopped pieces back into the pineapple "dishes". In this form, we serve it on the table.

Option "Melon"

To solve the dilemma - how to cut a pineapple on a festive table so that it is convenient for guests to eat - the next option is especially successful. It is called "South-Eastern" or "Melon".

Cut off the bottom of the fruit. Cut the pineapple into four equal parts. It turns out a kind of neat yellow boats. Now you need to cut the pulp in such a way that triangles are obtained. The upper part (also called the middle rod) can be left on the piece as a base that will hold the triangles. You can cut out the middle, but be careful not to damage the shape of the triangles. Pieces then need to be laid evenly or in a checkerboard pattern.

The process takes a little longer than regular slicing, but the result is worth the time spent.

Now you know how to cut a pineapple beautifully so that it is convenient to eat, and not just admire the culinary masterpiece.


And to submit in such a way that it takes little time, but at the same time looks original and unusual? The “Rings” option is the most popular and favorite among culinary specialists.

First, peel the pineapple. The skin is cut off like a potato. Then we put the fruit on its side and cut neat rings. If you have small metal cookie cutters in your kitchen, you can use them. With the help of molds, we squeeze out molds from the pulp of pineapple. It can be flowers, butterflies or stars (for an adult table) or cars, bows, etc. (table setting for children).


As we have already noted, pineapple goes well with many products. This is the perfect option for making canapés:

  • We cut several types of cheeses, Parma ham and pineapple into small cubes. We put on a skewer, alternating cheese and pineapple slices, on top - ham.
  • Pineapple is ideal for making seafood canapés. We put finely chopped pineapple and boiled shrimps in a thin sheet of ham. Roll up and thread onto a skewer. You can garnish with an olive on top.
  • Pineapple cubes and olives - alternate. You can add a small cube of cucumber in the middle.
  • How to cut a pineapple beautifully so that it looks unusual on a skewer in splendid isolation? The option is very simple. Cut the fruit into rings. We cut off a small piece from the ring, put it on a skewer. It turns out a kind of sail. At the bottom, you can put a piece of peach or apple to make a full-fledged boat.

Useful properties of pineapple

According to nutritionists and nutritionists, pineapple is one of those few fruits that should be present not only on the festive table, but also on ordinary days. Pineapple contains numerous useful amino acids, vitamins of groups B, A, K, minerals (zinc, iron, manganese, copper, iodine, potassium, calcium, etc.).

Despite the fact that pineapple stimulates digestion, it is a low-calorie product and is eighty-six percent water. It can be used fearlessly by people who monitor their diet and count calories.

In addition, pineapple juice helps lower blood pressure, prevents the formation of blood clots, and helps in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. And the amazing aroma helps fight stress and improves mood.

Many lovers of juicy fruit deliberately refuse to eat it fresh just because they do not know how to peel a pineapple. In fact, this process will not have to spend a lot of time if everything is organized correctly. There are several approaches to processing a component, each with its own advantages. To get to the juicy pulp, it is not necessary to arm yourself with special tools, a sharp knife is enough. Well, before you start work, you should learn how to choose high-quality fruits.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a pineapple?

Many lovers of a fragrant fruit make the same mistake when buying it - they take the first fruit that comes across, being sure that all pineapples are equally tasty and healthy.
In fact, the selection process should be guided by a number of rules:

  • The peel should be intact, without dents and cracks, with brown spines.
  • At one end of the fruit are leaves. It is better if they are lush, bright green in color, the presence of several already yellowed elements is allowed. You should not buy fruit with cut leaves. Many people think that in this way the sellers are trying to reduce the weight of the fruit, in fact, they are trying to hide the fact that the pineapple is already overripe.

Tip: Do not buy pineapples in large quantities at once. At home, it is impossible for them to provide suitable conditions for long-term storage. Within a day, the initial characteristics of the food product will begin to deteriorate.

  • A strong smell is not a sign of a ripe and tasty pineapple. This only indicates a violation of the integrity of the peel. Such a fruit may even be rotten inside.
  • There should be no soft spots on the surface of the skin. Their presence indicates the overripeness of the product.

The correct choice of fruits affects not only their taste. Peeling a pineapple that has already reached the desired degree of maturity is much easier than a still green fruit.

Simple and affordable ways to remove the peel

The process of processing pineapple will not cause much trouble if it is properly organized. We only need a hard surface, the fruit itself and a very sharp knife. There are several options for how to peel a pineapple at home.

  • The simplest approach requires the removal of a small part of the peel from the poles of the fruit (about 1 cm). Next, we take a knife with a very thin blade, insert it from the side of any of the poles as close as possible to the peel and begin to move in a circle. As a result, we should get a large piece of pulp, which can only be pushed out of the peel. Now you should cut out the eyes from its surface and you can subject the product to further processing.
  • In the second variant of the approach, we again cut off the peel from the upper and lower parts of the element. We put the resulting barrel on the board and begin to cut the peel from its sides with long and confident movements. We work carefully, as close to the surface as possible in order to save maximum pulp. Now it remains to get rid of the eyes and you can cut the juicy pulp.
  • If you do not need to preserve the integrity of the pineapple rings, you can make it even easier. After removing the upper and lower sections of the skin, the fruit is cut lengthwise into 4 parts. Now we just cut off the peel from each element, remove the eyes. If the pineapple immediately goes into food in its pure form, you can simply cut it into portions without getting rid of the peel.

To get rid of the eyes on the surface of the peeled pineapple, you can use a potato peeler or a knife. Some simply cut a furrow in the surface of the fruit, moving in a spiral, but this approach is not economical.

How can you carefully core and slice a pineapple?

Many people eat pineapples with a dense core, not knowing that this part of the fruit is also considered inedible. If you want to learn how to peel a pineapple according to all the rules, you will also have to master the following skills:

  1. We take a very thin and sharp knife, we introduce it into the pulp, acting on the border between the edible part and the core. We pass in a small circle, cutting out an unnecessary area, after which we simply push it out, and cut the product.
  2. You can cut the pulp into rings and cut out the central part from each element. The approach will take a little longer, but the risk of damaging the edible part is much less.
  3. Some cooks prefer to cut the fruit into two halves and scrape out any excess with a knife or ice cream spoon.
  4. Well, or we cut the product into 4 parts and simply remove the unnecessary with a few movements of the knife.

After carrying out all the above manipulations, it remains only to cut the pineapple. It all depends on individual preferences or requirements of the recipe. Just remember that the thinner the resulting pieces, the less juice they retain.

Lose weight easily (result in 25 days)

Why stubborn dieting DOES NOT BRING visible results, but only leads to frustration and depression, and how to still lose weight in order to:

  • Return the attention of her husband or find a new man.
  • Again feel the envious glances of friends and colleagues.
  • Believe in yourself, feel slim and desirable.
  • Do not be shy to go to the cinema or to a cafe with your friends.
  • Feel free to post photos from vacation or with children on social networks.

Burn fat in targeted areas


Juicy and fragrant pineapple is used in the preparation of salads, meat dishes and served as a dessert. It contains vitamins A, B, C and many useful trace elements. This southern fruit is low in calories and is considered a fat burner in the body, therefore it is used in dietary nutrition.

Ready-made pineapples already cut into pieces are sold in cans. But sometimes it is simply impossible to resist and not buy a spectacular fruit in its entirety. In order not to be tormented by the question of what to do with it now, it is useful to know in advance how to quickly and beautifully serve this exotic fruit.

A sharp knife and a cutting board are enough to peel a pineapple. Although there are special devices for cutting the pulp in one go, which can be bought at the store. But their purchase makes sense only if fresh pineapples appear on your table regularly.

Determining the quality of fruit by appearance

It is important that the bright yellow flesh is not only beautifully cut, but also has a good taste. When choosing a pineapple when buying, you need to pay attention to its appearance and smell.

  • The peel should be dense, elastic, not faded. When pressed with fingers, it does not squeeze.
  • Leaves are green and thick. In a ripe pineapple, the rosette easily scrolls around its axis, and if you pull on the leaves, they are separated without effort.
  • The peel should not be stained, rotten or moldy. If the tuft of leaves has already been cut off by the seller, the pineapple may not have been fresh or stored properly.
  • In a ripe fruit, yellow flesh is visible along the edges of brown scales, its aroma is sharp, bright, typical of pineapple.
  • If the pineapple is large, there is a greater chance that it was already ripe. But there are also small varieties, for example, baby pineapples.

When choosing a pineapple on the market, do not hesitate to examine it properly and touch it with your hands. Rely more on your own feelings than on the assurances of the seller.

Preparation and processing sequence

First you need to wash the pineapple, only after that you can start cleaning. During processing, the pulp must be separated from inedible parts:

  • tops with leaves;
  • scaly skins;
  • hard core.

After cutting the skin, eyes ingrown into the pulp remain. They are removed with a knife or the point of a potato peeler.

The cleaning sequence depends on the form in which it is planned to use pineapple for food.

To serve with rings, you need to carefully remove the middle from the whole fruit and peel it.

For salad or pizza, small pieces are required, so the fruit can be immediately cut lengthwise into quarters. This will make it easier to cut in the middle. There are also decorative ways of serving, when the pineapple turns into a real decoration of the festive table.

Various options for how to peel fruit at home

The correct cleaning method is chosen depending on the culinary goals and one's own skills and abilities.

Many clever pineapple handling techniques are borrowed from southern countries where they grow naturally.

Vertical peeling

In this way, whole rings without a core are obtained. They can be served as a dessert or put on top of the meat and baked with cheese in the oven.

  • First, the bottom and top of the pineapple are cut off, about 1-2 cm thick. There is little pulp in these parts and it is tough, so you should not feel sorry for it.
  • The fruit can now be stably placed with the cut side on the cutting board.
  • With a sharp knife, cut the peel along the sides of the cylinder in vertical stripes. The thinner the cut layer, the more pulp you will save, but the larger the remaining eyes will be, that is, parts of the skin ingrown into the pulp.
  • To remove the eyes, use the same knife or some special device, for example, a potato peeler.
  • It remains to take out the core. It is cut with a thin knife.

Fast pulp extrusion

The same rings can be obtained more quickly, although this method is not the most economical in terms of waste.

  • The top and bottom are cut off in the same way as in the previous version.
  • A long and thin knife is inserted to full depth into the pulp close to the peel.
  • Pineapple is cut vertically along the outer circle, separating the peel from the pulp.
  • Finally, the remaining eyes and core are removed.

Eastern way

In the East, pineapples are often served as a sweet fruity dessert. This is not surprising, because they fully ripen under the hot southern sun and fall on the table immediately after harvest. A strong beautiful peel serves as a bed for pieces of pulp.

  • Without peeling, the fruit is divided into four longitudinal parts.
  • Cut the core from each quarter.
  • The pulp is cut off from the skin and divided into portioned slices.
  • Pieces are artistically arranged on strips of peel and served together on a large platter.

You can clearly see how to cut the fruit in the video.

Partial cleaning with a knife

If the pineapple is intended not for a large company, but for your own consumption, there is no need to peel it entirely. Without a protective layer of peel, it will quickly lose freshness and begin to deteriorate.

It's easier to cut off several round slices and clean them individually. In the form of rings, you can use them as a treat for yourself or a child. Finely chopped pieces are useful for a small portion of salad.

Untouched pineapple residue should be refrigerated. It keeps quite well and will stay that way for a few days.

Decorative holiday basket

The spectacular appearance of pineapple allows you to use it as a decoration for a festive table.

Like other fruits with dense skin, it can be used to create an original basket, the contents of which will be its own pulp.

  • The pineapple is cut into two halves.
  • The pulp is cut out of each half, leaving enough peel so that the bowl holds its shape.
  • The resulting pulp is cut into cubes and triangles and folded back into the peel basket.

You can complicate the task and cut out the basket with a handle. And fill it with a sweet salad with the addition of various fruits and berries.

Three ways to remove the core

The core of the pineapple is recommended to be removed. It is tough and fibrous and has a bland taste. In extreme cases, you can grind it before use. Depending on the form in which the pineapple will be used further, the core is extracted in different ways.

  • If you need to keep the fruit whole, the middle is cut out using a special device or just a long sharp knife. After removing the skin, a juicy yellow cylinder with a tunnel in the center is obtained, which can be cut into rings. This is a good option for elegant serving on the table.
  • A simpler, albeit time-consuming option is to cut the pineapple into pucks. Then each circle can be individually cleaned and the tasteless center removed from it.
  • If you plan to use finely chopped pineapple, then it is first cut into pieces in the longitudinal direction. It is convenient to cut out a rigid central part from such shares. The remaining pulp can be cut into slices and served in the same way as a melon. Or crumble into a salad, sprinkle on top of pizza, cake, add to ice cream.

Pineapples are available during the winter season and serve as a good source of vitamins during this time.

If you know how to quickly and beautifully peel a pineapple, you won’t have to buy canned food that contains excess sugar and few nutrients. A fresh and fragrant guest from the south, beautifully served on the table, will delight your family and guests.

Almost all novice cooks stumble over the problem how to cut a pineapple properly. Well, that's right, it's not a tomato - once, once and it's ready, they really need it here. In principle, it is not so necessary to know all the ways, every experienced chef has his own favorite, which he uses when the question of how to cut a pineapple again confronts him once again. But in order to choose, you will need to look at several ways and decide which one suits you personally.

How to choose

The days of scarcity are over and I hope forever. Personally, I remember that I tried it only once in my childhood and was amazed by its amazing taste, unlike anything else. Now you can buy pineapple in almost every store, but how to choose it?

by color

Pineapples are sold as a rule of a combined color, the top is green, the bottom is yellow, this is the optimal degree of ripeness of the fruit. We are used to the fact that if any fruit has a green color, then it has not yet ripened. Most often this is the case, but not in relation to. The green color is quite natural for him, but there is also a limitation, if the whole fruit is green, then it really has not yet ripened. Same story with yellow. No need to look for a completely yellow pineapple. As a rule, this is an overripe fruit, this can and should be eaten by picking it from a tree, but it is better to refuse this in a store. Most likely it was overdue during transportation.

By smell

It should be sweet, pleasant, I would even say fresh. It is no coincidence that the most popular air fresheners have the pineapple smell. If only it seemed to you that there was the slightest admixture of a putrid smell, then it is best to refuse this, and if, when choosing from a common pile of fruits in a store, you find another equally suspicious fruit, then refuse to choose at all, go to another store. Most likely, the entire party was stale there, so without any regret we will continue the choice in another place.

To size

The rule of the golden mean applies here. Just at this point, let's forget for a while how to cut a pineapple, as we'll talk about sizes. Very, despite the external attractiveness, most likely it will not be very sweet, but on the contrary, very small will most likely be just sour due to immaturity. Thus, try to choose a pineapple of a regular, standard size, this is exactly what will be the most delicious.

By crust

She is also able to tell us whether it is a quality pineapple or not. In a timely plucked and properly stored fruit, the crust is elastic, but sagging. You will quickly get the feeling skill by sorting through several pieces in a common pile. If the crust is hard and practically does not bend, then this is an unripe fruit. Perhaps it will be more or less tasty, but never sweet. If the peel easily sags, then most likely under it is either overripe pulp, or softened pulp of an incorrectly or too long stored pineapple.


And this aspect is important when choosing. Look closely at the leaves. They should be solid and firm to the touch. The tops themselves as a whole should be quite thick. If it is easy to pull on one of the leaves, then in a sufficiently ripe fruit, it will pull out relatively easily. If he stubbornly clings to his place, then this is most likely an unripe fruit and it is better to leave it to the seller.

By sound

Take a pineapple in one hand and lightly pat its rounded side with the other, just as we pat a watermelon when we check its ripeness. If the sound is deaf, not very loud, then inside you will most likely see a beautiful one, but if the sound is “empty”, then most likely the fruit has already dried up and inside, when cut, you will see a dried, dark, unappetizing pulp.

So, we have chosen a pineapple and happily carry a heavy trophy home. Pineapple is already an excellent ready-made dish in itself, but in addition, it is part of many. How to properly cut a pineapple? How to properly cut a pineapple so that it can be used in various recipes, and just served for dessert to the delight of the household? This is what we'll talk about today. There are several ways to cut a pineapple:

How to cut: method 1

You will need the easiest and fastest option when you plan to simply use pineapple as a refreshing after all heavy meals. To do this, put the fruit tops up on the table, check whether it is stable, so as not to get hurt if the knife slips. Next, simply cut the crust from top to bottom in medium-sized pieces. Try to cut the peel very thinly, so that there are "eyes" like a potato. The fact is that the sweetest and most delicious pulp is located just directly under the peel and it is simply a pity to throw it away.

It is better not to pick out the remaining "eyes" one at a time, it is long and painful. The fact is that, unlike all the "eyes" of a pineapple, they are located on the same line in a spiral and it is much more convenient to cut them off immediately all together, in one cut. Yes, of course, there will be more waste in this way, but you will save both time and your own strength. When the question arises of how to cut a pineapple and remove the "eyes", it is done more masterfully in Thailand.

The Thai way is quite complicated. Its main feature is that the “eyes” are cut out in a rather original way - in a spiral. Thus, two goals are achieved at once: there is little waste, and the appearance is original, eye-catching. The tops are not cut off entirely, but only the leaves are peeled off, leaving a piece of the stem. Thanks to this feature, it is convenient to eat pineapple by holding it by this “tail”.

After all the peels are cut off, cut off all the tops at once and the top, if there is an uncut peel left on it. From the very beginning, I do not recommend cutting off the tops, since it is very convenient to hold the fruit with your hand for it. Now we have only yellow one left in one big piece. On a cutting board, cut it into smaller, more convenient slices and serve along with other fruits for dessert.

By the way, one of the varieties of this method is considered "Filipino". The cook takes in one palm a pineapple with a previously cut off top, and then gently pierces the entire length of the fruit under the crust with a sharp knife, cuts it off in one circular motion. This method requires a certain dexterity and skills, so I do not presume to recommend it, and there will be much more waste.

How to cut: method 2

The next method is also quite simple and unassuming. It works best when only part of a whole pineapple is needed. Then for better preservation of the tropical fruit, it is necessary to leave it unchanged, cutting off as much as needed. Let's get started:

First you need to completely cut off the top along with the tops. It was a revelation for me to find out that it turns out that it can be planted in a flower pot and it takes root well. Of course, it will not work to grow a full-fledged plant in our latitudes, but at the same time, not only fruits are interesting in pineapple. During growth, it exudes, which will undoubtedly refresh the atmosphere in the room. Well, I digress...

After the top, cut the pineapple into rings without peeling it. We'll do it after. We will cut off those very “eyes” that I have already spoken about with a sharp knife. We will also cut the pineapple rings into slices that are more convenient for eating. We put them in a beautiful vase or on a dish and serve them on the table. You need to eat such slices like this: we take a slice by the corner of the core and bite off the delicious pulp, which is located under the peel. Discard the remaining tip. That is, about the same as we ate, remember?

This method is still often used in supermarkets in tropical countries. It is most popular because customers have the opportunity to eat pineapple more carefully, without staining clothes and fingers with pineapple sweet, which is inevitable with other methods, and teeth are not injured, as often happens when biting off large pieces from a whole fruit.

How to cut: method 3

The next way is festive, that is, we get pleasure not only from the great taste, but also from the beautiful appearance of pineapple. Look at this fruit before cutting it, as if it were intended by nature to be beautiful. If everything is done correctly, it will perfectly fit into the festive table setting and your guests will be very pleased.


We do not cut off the top of the pineapple, along with the tops, at all. It is important! Instead, cut the entire pineapple from top to bottom into two even halves. If yours is sharp enough, then everything will turn out fine without much effort. And then in each half we cut out a rectangular piece of pulp with the same knife as shown in the figure. Here is a beautiful basket.

That rectangle of pulp that we just cut out, cut into small cubes, and then place them back into the pineapple peel. You can pour some syrup on top or put a few scoops of ice cream on top. As you can see, it turns out not only tasty, but also beautiful. In this form, we serve to the table.

How to cut: method 4

Also, like the third method, it was invented in hot countries. It will also use the pineapple peel as a "tare" for serving. This time we cut a tropical fruit into four parts from top to bottom with a sharp knife. We get slices that look reminiscent of . By the way, if you come across a large specimen, then you can cut each large slice again lengthwise, that is, eight thinner slices will be obtained in this way.


Now, with the same knife, we first cut off the fibrous and tasteless core, and then cut the pulp of the fruit as close to the peel as possible. Thus, we get an even and beautiful slice of pulp. We cut it into slices about one centimeter thick, and then move each slice in the opposite direction from the previous one, in a checkerboard pattern. In this form, we serve it on the table. It will turn out, original and convenient. This is most likely why this method of slicing is practiced in restaurants.

That's probably all about cutting. I hope you enjoy this article on how to cut a pineapple. I am sure that these four ways will be enough for you to enjoy a wonderful, sunny fruit and please your guests with a beautiful design of a dessert dish. Here are a few more notes related to the topic of this article.

  • The core of the pineapple is fibrous, bitter and not everyone likes it. However, if it is finely grated separately from the main fruit, then it will make an excellent seasoning for meat dishes.
  • Pineapple is a wonderful and very tasty delicacy, but not only. This fruit does not contain any cholesterol or fat, and the fructose contained in it does not in any way contribute to weight gain. All this suggests that pineapple can be allowed in almost any reasonable amount, and you yourself should not be afraid of either fullness or disorders of the digestive tract.
  • Pineapple juice is very tasty and healthy, but it is best to use natural fruit slices. The fact is that it contains a lot of plant fibers that are very useful for our body, while they are not in the juice.

  • And here is the simplest answer to the question of how to cut a pineapple. You can eat it without using a knife at all and simply biting off a piece from a whole fruit, however, it must be fully ripe, even a little overripe, otherwise you risk either burning your lips or damaging your teeth.

Exotics are in fashion: unusual things, products rarely found on store shelves. What is the interest? People are in search of new sensations, unknown tastes in food and other personal discoveries.

Many housewives want to surprise their loved ones with an unusual recipe. In search of non-standard solutions, they search through many books and pages in the browser. Once found, they spend a lot of time looking for ingredients for non-standard dishes in grocery stores. It is a difficult task and, unfortunately, few people cope with it.

If only there was such a person who at the right time would suggest that dishes with the most ordinary ingredients can be tasty and beautiful. You can make an original dish, even if it is an ordinary cut on the table. Take, for example, pineapple. Once upon a time, the fruit, indeed, was a rarity and that very exotic. Only real "bourgeois" could get access to it. What now? In any fruit department we can find this charming fruit.

Beautifully sliced ​​pineapple can be a great decoration for a festive table. But there is one catch: how to cut a pineapple beautifully? In fact, there is nothing easier! Below we will present you with several ways to cut a pineapple in an original way on a festive table and thereby surprise your guests.

Ways to cut a pineapple

There are a huge number of variations on the theme "how to beautifully cut a pineapple on a festive table." We have selected a few of them for you. Which cutting style is best is up to you!

However, before we move on to the methods, I would like to leave a few tips that will help you do everything right:

  • Do not cut the fruit the day before the planned event. It is best if you leave the pineapple before the guests arrive. Take 15-20 minutes to prepare it. So the pineapple will be the most juicy and sweet.
  • If you have ever tried to peel or cut a pineapple, then you know that it is not so easy. The peel of the fruit is quite rough and tough. To cope with the pineapple with a bang, you need to sharpen the knife very carefully.
  • After cutting off the skin of the fruit, you will be able to see brown "eyes" on the pulp, similar to blotches on a potato. They will need to be cut. First, they spoil the appearance of the pineapple. Secondly, they can affect the very refined taste of the fruit.
  • You probably paid attention to the hard core of pineapple. It is not suitable for consumption, so it is also better to cut it with a knife.
  • Finally, I would like to give advice not so much on cooking as on eating pineapple. Do not eat too much fruit pulp. Unpleasant tingling remains in the mouth, which will not be so easy to get rid of.

Now it's time to move on to cutting methods.

1 way

First of all, it should be said that we will need for work: a couple of knives (one large and sharp for cleaning, the other smaller, for cutting “eyes” from the pineapple pulp), a cutting board and a beautiful dish for decoration.

1 step: First you need to cut off the top. Cut off the pineapple cap with green leaves with a sharp knife.

2 step: Now you need to peel the pineapple. We recommend cutting along, not across. Cut the horny part of the pineapple from top to bottom. Throw away the peel.

3 step: As mentioned above, it is necessary to remove the "eyes" that can affect the taste and appearance of the product. The work should be done with a small knife. And there is a small snag here. It is necessary to remove the "eyes" differently than we used to do it with potatoes. You need to clean diagonally, cutting them sideways. It turns out a kind of spiral.

4 step: Divide the fruit peeled from all excess in half.

5 step: The hard center must be removed. Carefully cut it with a knife, without touching the flesh.

6 step: Now divide the pineapple halves into 2 more parts in the same way. It turns out already quite an interesting drawing, however, the idea is different.

7 step: Of course, you can leave the quarters in such layers or cut them across in such a way that a nice pattern remains. We suggest cutting the spiral into small cubes. Pieces of pineapple can be used as one of the ingredients for canapes. It will turn out very tasty if you combine pineapple with other fruits or berries.

2 way

The second way is even simpler than the first. The technology is about the same. The difference is that in this method, the pineapple pieces will be larger.

On a note! If you find it difficult to handle the pineapple (hold it while peeling), you can try cutting off the top cap at the very end of peeling. In this case, you will be able to more comfortably hold the fruit by its leaves.

2 step: Finally, peel the base using the same method (from top to bottom). Try to cut as little pulp as possible. Get rid of unwanted "eyes". Carefully cut them out with a small knife.

3 step: We divide the pineapple into 4 parts. Cut off the hard center of the fruit. Further work is only your imagination. You can simply cut the pineapple into quarters of a circle, but it is best to experiment with the hostess herself. It makes a nice cut. We are sure that you will find interesting cutting and design ideas that you can easily implement!

3 way

Set aside one part of the fruit (the one with greens). With the other part, we work in the same way as described in the previous method. Cut the peeled half into cubes. From the whole half we cut the pulp and also cut into cubes. It turns out such a beauty - a pineapple basket!

On a note! Diced pineapple can be used for salad or canapes. A basket of half a pineapple will look very original in the form of a dish for other fruits or, for example, a salad.

It all depends on the imagination of the hostess. The design options for sliced ​​pineapple are endless. The main thing is that cooking is fun. Inspiration to you and delicious dishes!

Video: how beautifully cut a pineapple on a festive table

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