The son of the heroes of David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson became the intrigue of the new trailer for The X-Files. Gillian Anderson: The chemistry that developed between me and David was impossible to resist

The stars aligned so that Mulder and Scully returned to television, in a series about an alien conspiracy and the inexplicable. Do you think this is a coincidence?

Yes, against all expectations (and even some fears), Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny returned to The X-Files again for six episodes. A small number of episodes convinced Mulder and Scully to sign a contract. "The number of episodes was probably the biggest influence on my final decision," Anderson said of returning to the series.E! News" on the film set in Vancouver, Canada.« to me It was not interesting. What we did for TV back then in the old days was a huge volume... I think the biggest thing we did was 24 episodes, but if we continued like this, I would be in my grave. My brain was engulfed by the thought of how such a thing could exist on television then, and how did I survive? In addition, I worked a lot on television and did not want to start another television project.
Anderson said she strikes a balance between film and theater in her work, in addition to her work on the BBC drama The Fall. But Duchovny also plays a major role. "And David also said, 'But that can be funny!'" (laughs) Getting back into acting takes a little more than signing a contract and wearing a wig. Anderson had to overcome some obstacles to become Special Agent Dana Scully again. “I think that there (stammers) it takes more than I can afford now from what I did then ... I guess I thought it would be easier, but ... suddenly I realized that I successfully pushed this role so far in my head to do something else, that by coming back to her again with that ... whatever it was, it allowed me to become her again.
However, Duchovny said that he "felt no great difficulty". "Maybe a little bit. It turned out to be very familiar when I started working with Gillian and coming to the set. You know, the first couple of days. This guy is extremely talkative, he has a lot of technical vocabulary,” he said. “If you don’t do it calmly, then nothing will work. It only took me a couple of days to get into the rhythm."

Working with Anderson is what Duchovny did almost 23 years ago. The two actors met before the series even started filming. “We met at an audition at a company. It was the first time I met her and we just started reading together… I think there were three or four women in the audition - for some reason we split into pairs and just started reading the text with each other. Like this. Then it was all in Fox's hands, really who to pick," Duchovny said.E! News". Anderson said she remembers exactly the moment they met, even that she disappointed David. “I remember how he was sitting in the corridor, I spoke to him. He was very disappointed. He asked: "Where are you from?" and I said, “From New York,” because I lived there for a year, but he himself is from New York, so he clarified: “Where exactly?”. And I said, “I lived in Greenwich Village or something for about a year, and his disappointment was palpable,” she said with a laugh. Since then, the two have become quite close, despite some disagreements during the time the series was on the air. The chemistry between the two became a defining aspect of The X-Files. A believing Mulder and a skeptical Scully are bound together by their desire to find the truth and their belief in each other. Fox angered fans when it was revealed that Mulder and Scully were no longer a couple. Attention to such aspects does not seem to hurt Duchovny.« it generally not placed at me in head. We just play the roles the best we can. Since I don't write scripts, I'm somehow not interested in this kind of thing. I think the less I interfere with all of this outside of our production process, the better my job will be," he said of the new dynamic between Mulder and Scully.« For me So simply better. I always So did. I didn't become an actor trying to listen to 5 million people." Anderson admitted that she heard grumblings of displeasure that their relationship status had changed. "While I knew they were dedicated and passionate, I'm still shocked by it sometimes," she said of the fans. A new dynamic was almost necessary for the series to continue. "Part of what's exciting about the couple is the fact that they're against each other (laughs), at the same time they're for each other," she said. “It's too homely for the script to have them live in the same house and have them come home after work to the same house after doing The X-Files all day. After all, the dynamics turn out to be more intriguing and interesting if we, perhaps, are in love and there is this spark, this question mark. Perhaps while they parted, but you can not lose hope. "I think at the end, I think at the very end they should definitely be together, but it's a long way," Anderson said.
But is this the end? At the end of the 6-episode season, is it goodbye or goodbye?
"I don't know, I learned not to say goodbye at a moment like this," Duchovny said. Will this be the right ending?« Well, and Yes, and No. Until you die, this will never be a fitting ending. And I don't think I'm dying yet, though we'll see. You can always make changes,” he jokes.
During an interview, Anderson said that she did not read the finale (we were on set for episode five of six), but said, "From what I hear, it's good start(laughs) which I think will end up being a good ending. You know, if interrogative sign such big…»

The X-Files returns with a 6-episode new season that premieres Sunday, January 24 at 10:00 PM, followed by Monday, January 25 at 8:00 PM on Fox. Come back to "E! onlineagain to learn more in The X-Files Return from David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson.

Gillian's SUV sped briskly through the Wiltshire valleys towards the village of Little Bedouin. She returned to her Vacation home from Northern Ireland- from the filming of the second season of The Fall, where he plays the biggest role on TV since Agent Scully. And again - a woman detective, you can’t escape fate. Moving to England, the American Gillian could not even think that in the end she would settle next to one of the most mystical places on the ground - Stonehenge. Well, where else could she be taken?

Hair not combed for 4 years

Gillian never had particularly warm feelings for Los Angeles and Hollywood. She started acting career on the theater stage New York, which she liked much more. “But I managed to fall in love with a guy who lived in Los Angeles,” Gillian laughed much later. “I went to visit him and stayed, returned my ticket. That's how I ended up there at the time of the X-Files casting.

She showed up for the show in all black: jeans and a baggy sweater. On the head - what the hell! Long matted hair was dyed with white, red and brown feathers. What else could you expect from a girl living like a punk?! "I haven't combed my hair for four years," Gillian sincerely admitted. Years later, series creator Chris Carter admits that she made a lasting impression, which was exacerbated by her amazing ability to conduct a polite conversation using profanity. Producers who searched home female role beauty, Anderson was wrapped up immediately, because Gillian categorically did not meet the stated requirements. But Chris Carter made an argument that convinced them to take a chance: he simply announced that he would leave the project if the producers refused. And they immediately agreed, on one condition: Gillian must be adjusted to their expectations. About what happened next, the actress still remembers with a shudder. “The first thing they did was cut my hair,” she says. “When I looked at myself in the mirror, I was horrified! Oh my God, I looked like my mother! I knew what to do with the damned straight hair. I could not find a place for myself, I was infuriated that they were too clean and combed, they move with any of my movements! ".

Break off, Duchovny...

Shortly after moving to Vancouver, where the filming of The X-Files began, the actress started stormy romance with decorator Clyde Klotz. The official novel, which both of his defendants preferred to keep secret. Gillian's partner in the series, David Duchovny, at first tried to hit on her, but received an unexpectedly decisive rebuff. David, reputed to be a smasher female hearts, this bummer seriously hooked. As a result, one day Anderson heard Duchovny's phrase, which was not intended for her ears: "Why the hell did they take this unsympathetic and not at all sexy doll, a living mannequin ..." David realized the reason for his failure very soon: more than three months after meeting Gillian and Clyde got married in Hawaii. And, according to Anderson, they conceived a child in the first wedding night. “I worked until the last week of pregnancy and had to return to the site ten days after giving birth,” the actress recalled. “No one expected that I would have to do a caesarean section, recovery after which takes longer. The first series after returning was given without much effort , according to the story, I only needed to lie in bed. And in the second, Mulder and I were already running and jumping, and it was very hard, emotionally and physically. I shed many tears invisible to the world. "

Gillian had to wait a long time before she could become a mother again. During a long romance and a short marriage to documentary filmmaker Julian Ozain, for whom she moved to London, the actress had a child twice. Once there was a miscarriage, in another pregnancy was ectopic, and it had to be terminated. The dream came true only with the appearance in her life of Mark Griffiths, for which the actress, not in a very beautiful way - already being pregnant from her lover - left her second husband.


Caught in Italy with a Russian oligarch

Recently, Gillian unexpectedly found close friend in the person of ... X-Files partner David Duchovny. It's no secret to any of the fans of the series that during the filming process, the two stars, to put it mildly, did not get along and spoiled each other a lot of blood. But seven years after the release of the second feature film based on The X-Files, met like family. Moreover, in the future, a third film has appeared, on the script of which the creator of The X-Files, Chris Carter, is currently working. “In a sense, we are relatives,” says Gillian. “For many years we spent more time with each other than with those we loved. I have never felt such an instinctive understanding and, to be honest, sexual chemistry. with which of the partners. And nothing - not even ourselves - could prevent this."

Gillian and David began to spend a lot of time together and do things that they never allowed themselves in the process of working on The X-Files. Namely - to be gentle in public. At the meeting of the X-Files fans in San Diego on the occasion of the anniversary of the series, Duchovny did not let go of his partner for a second, pressed him to his chest, kissed her on the cheek or hair. But, as in the case of The X-Files, the question of whether there was something between them or not remained behind the scenes.

Last December, the actress' trip to Florence with businessman Yevgeny Lebedev, the son of a Russian oligarch, generated a lot of headlines. The couple stayed at a posh hotel in the city center and enthusiastically went sightseeing in the warm familiarity of lovers. But the reporters could not find any other traces of the novel. The actress declined to comment. There must be some mystery in a woman, right?


Gillian Lee ANDERSON was born on August 9, 1968 in Chicago (USA). Participated in school theatrical performances, at 22 she moved to New York, where she worked as a waitress. After moving to Los Angeles, she got a role in the TV series Class of 96, after which Chris Carter, who was working on the creation of The X-Files, became interested in her. Most famous movies: "Giant", " The last king Scotland", "Agent Johnny English: Reloaded". Gillian had two husbands -

production designer Clyde Klotz and documentary filmmaker Julian Ozain. In her first marriage, Gillian gave birth to a daughter, Piper Mara, in 1994. Married to civil husband Mark Griffiths gave birth to sons - Oscar (2006) and Felix (2008).

The female lead now lives in England with three children. And the TV-3 channel will show the series that changed her whole life.

Gillian's SUV sped briskly through the Wiltshire valleys towards the village of Little Bedouin. She was returning to her country house from Northern Ireland - from the filming of the second season of The Fall, where she plays the biggest role on TV since Agent Scully. And again - a woman detective, because, apparently, you can’t get away from fate. Moving to England, the American Gillian could not even think that she would eventually settle in the neighborhood of one of the most mystical places on earth - Stonehenge. Well, where else could she be taken?

They are moving!

“I went to London for my then-man,” the actress recalled. - I have a tendency to divide everything into black and white, not allowing the possibility of a compromise. In hindsight, I understand that there was no urgent need to move my whole life to England. As much as I fell in love, that didn't stop me from popping up in L.A. from time to time and reminding people that I haven't disappeared from the face of the earth."

On the other hand, Gillian never had a particularly warm feeling for Los Angeles. She began her acting career in the theater scene in New York, which she liked much more. And in conversations with the same yellow-mouthed actors who went to auditions in their free time from table service, she swore that her foot would not be in the City of Angels. “But I managed to fall in love with the guy who lived there,” Gillian laughed much later. - I went to visit him and stayed, handed over a return ticket. That's how I ended up in Los Angeles at the time of the X-Files casting.

Today she says that she likes to wear Prada suits, to collect modern Art and photographs by Henri Cartier-Bresson. At the casting, she showed up in all black: jeans and a baggy sweater. On the head - what the hell! Long matted hair was dyed with white, red and brown feathers. What else could you expect from a girl living like a punk?! “I haven’t combed my hair for four years,” Gillian sincerely admitted. Years later, series creator Chris Carter admits that she made a lasting impression, which was compounded by her amazing ability to conduct a polite conversation using profanity. The producers, who were looking for a beauty for the main female role, turned Anderson right away, because Gillian categorically did not meet the stated requirements. But Chris Carter made an argument that convinced them to take a chance: he simply announced that he would leave the project if the producers refused. And they immediately agreed, on one condition: Gillian must be adjusted to their expectations. About what happened next, the actress still remembers with a shudder. “The first thing they did was cut my hair,” she says. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I was horrified! Good God, I looked like my mother! It should be noted that I have never done hair and perms, so the hell I did not understand what to do with the damn straight hair. I could not find a place for myself, I was infuriated that they were too clean and combed, they move with any of my movements! And I found some kind of gel, smeared it with hair that had become unusual. Even now it annoys me when I walk down the street, and the wind blows my hair.

Mom's school

Gillian's sons - 7-year-old Oscar and 5-year-old Felix - ran out to meet their mother in the hallway with stomping and screaming. They were followed by 19-year-old daughter Piper, who, along with the nanny, looks after the boys when the actress leaves for the shooting. With the father of the kids, businessman Mark Griffiths, Gillian broke up the year before last after six years of marriage.

Piper stopped at the door and rolled her eyes expressively, as if to say, "Someone promised not to linger."

It's okay, - hugging the boys, Gillian came up to kiss her daughter. - I want to have guarantees that you will think carefully before having children.

Mom, don't start teaching me life from the door, okay?

Gillian shrugged, as if apologizing for being a little weak. “I have no regrets,” she says. “But if I have to give advice to my daughter, which I do all the time, bringing her to white heat, the main thing is to take everything that is possible from personal freedom before the appearance of a family.”

Now it seems to Gillian more relevant than ever. After graduating, Piper was going to take a free year to think about what she wants to do next. “I approve of her desire to see the world, but I can’t help but think what will happen if she meets someone,” the actress admits. - Suppose this someone will live in another country. And she will decide that her only purpose is to be with him and give birth to his children. Piper is very similar in character to me, poor thing, and that's exactly what I would have done.

Break off, Duchovny!

Shortly after moving to Vancouver, where The X-Files began filming, the actress began a torrid romance with set designer Clyde Klotz. The official novel, which both of his defendants preferred to keep secret. Gillian's partner in the series, David Duchovny, at first tried to hit on her, but received an unexpectedly decisive rebuff. David, reputed to be a female heartbreaker, was seriously hooked by this fiasco. As a result, one day Anderson heard Duchovny’s phrase, which was not intended for her ears: “Why the hell did they take this unsympathetic and not at all sexy doll, a living mannequin ...” David understood the reason for his failure very soon: more than three months after meeting Gillian and Clyde got married in Hawaii. And, according to Anderson, they conceived a child on their wedding night. The producers of the serial, which was gaining momentum, in a rage, first of all threw out Clyde from the project - for the damage done. Anderson had every chance to follow her husband, but Chris Carter intervened again. “It never occurred to me that I would be such a valuable asset that he would do anything to help me,” Gillian admitted. In the end, she was left. “I worked until the last week of pregnancy and had to return to the site ten days after giving birth,” the actress recalled. - Nobody expected that I would have to do a caesarean section, recovery after which takes longer. The first episode after returning was given without much effort, according to the plot, I only needed to lie in bed. And in the second, Mulder and I were already running and jumping, and it was very hard, emotionally and physically. I shed many tears invisible to the world.”

For the next nine years, Gillian combined raising her daughter with 16-hour shooting days. Having got to know her husband better, she quickly parted ways with him, and put off the dream of other children for a distant and uncertain future. “If only I understood how many open roads are actually in front of me, how many opportunities I have,” she says. - Of course, I did not regret for a second that I gave birth. I just wonder what kind of person I would be if I could take full advantage of my youth and freedom. So I encourage Piper to follow her soul instead of just following men. This occupation eats up an indecent amount of time.

Gillian had to wait a long time before she could become a mother again. During a long romance and a short marriage with documentary filmmaker Julian Ozain - the very man for whom she moved to London - the actress was expecting a child twice. Once there was a miscarriage, in another pregnancy was ectopic and had to be terminated. The dream came true only with the appearance in her life of Mark Griffiths, for the sake of which the actress, in a not too beautiful way - already pregnant with Oscar - left her second husband. And this time, Gillian was ready to pay attention to children not on a residual basis, but as much as they needed. “I like to see how their personalities gradually emerge and develop,” she says. - Of course, a parent, especially a lonely one, is often in a state of stress or anger, sometimes I want to strangle my children, but joy compensates for all costs. My younger son in an incomprehensible way, he always feels when I’m not in a good mood, he comes up and says: “I love you, mom”, relieving all tension at once.

And yet she turns

Now that the younger children had grown up, she could afford to shoot more often. Last year, in addition to The Fall, Gillian played supporting roles in the series Hannibal and Crisis. And I was not even very upset when the last one was taken off the air. If the network ordered another season, she would have had to. most time to spend on flights between Belfast , Vancouver and Chicago . "It's like having three lovers in different time zones," Gillian joked.

Her frequent visits to America gave her pleasure: “I noticed that in Los Angeles, where the sun is constantly shining, I smile all the time. In England, I am much stricter and grumpier. In addition, on the other side of the ocean, she unexpectedly found a close friend in the person of ... X-Files partner David Duchovny. It's no secret to any of the fans of the series that during the filming process, the two stars, to put it mildly, did not get along and spoiled each other a lot of blood. But seven years after the release of the second feature film based on The X-Files, they met like relatives. Moreover, in the future, a third film has appeared, on the script of which the creator of The X-Files, Chris Carter, is currently working. “In a way, we are kindred,” Gillian says. - For many years we spent more time with each other than with those we loved. I have never felt such instinctive understanding and, to be honest, sexual chemistry with any of the partners. And nothing - not even ourselves - could prevent this.

Gillian and David began to spend a lot of time together and do things that they never allowed themselves in the process of working on The X-Files. Namely - to be gentle in public. At the meeting of the X-Files fans in San Diego on the occasion of the anniversary of the series, Duchovny did not let go of his partner for a second, pressed him to his chest, kissed her on the cheek or hair. "Did it really happen?" fans wondered. Journalists were quick to write that secret romance The relationship between the two single stars has been going on for quite some time and David even sells an apartment in New York to move in with his beloved.

But, as in the case of The X-Files, the question of whether there was something between them or not remained behind the scenes. David didn't mind, but she didn't lack admirers either.

Last December, the actress's trip to Florence with businessman Yevgeny Lebedev, the son of Russian oligarch Alexander Lebedev, generated a lot of headlines. The couple stayed at a posh hotel in the city center and enthusiastically went sightseeing in the warm familiarity of lovers. But the reporters could not find any other traces of the novel. The actress declined to comment. There must be some mystery in a woman, right? 


Gillian Lee ANDERSON was born on August 9, 1968 in Chicago (USA). As a child, she lived in Puerto Rico, and then in England. At school, she planned to devote herself to the study of biology, but got carried away acting. Participated in theater productions in Chicago, at 22 she moved to New York, where she worked as a waitress. After moving to Los Angeles, she got a role in the TV series Class of 96, after which Chris Carter, who was working on the creation of The X-Files, became interested in her. The most famous films: "The Giant", "The Last King and documentary filmmaker Julian Ozain. In her first marriage, Gillian gave birth to a daughter, Piper Mara, in 1994. Married to Mark Griffiths, two sons were born - Oscar (2006) and Felix (2008). Gillian is credited with romances with actors Rodney Rowland and Adrian Griffiths (she met each of them on the set of The X-Files), as well as with actress Jodie Foster.

Quickly and, as they say, without noise and dust, they filmed six episodes of the new X-Files. In January 2015, it became known about the plans of the American channel FOX to revive the cult series of the 90s. And here is the premiere. Where did the shooting take place, why did Gillian Anderson have to wear a wig, who will appear as guest stars and others interesting details work on the new "X-Files" - in our review.

The last official joint appearance of Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny in the status of leading actors in The X-Files took place in 2008. The actors came to the premiere of the feature film "X-Files: I Want to Believe" in London. Gillian Anderson was then 39 and expecting her third child. David Duchovny was 48 and still sported the odd haircut.

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson at the premiere of The X-Files: I Want to Believe in London in 2008

Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge. David Duchovny turned into Hank Moody in Californication and became an idol for a new generation. Last year, he appeared on the screens in a new series - Aquarius. With a full meter after The X-Files, the actor did not work out very well, although he tried himself in it: The Jones Family, in which he played with Demi Moore; " goats”, where he appeared with a wildly long beard and hair; " Phantom" about the Soviet submarine and the tragic drama " Louder than words".

Gillian Anderson has become for many the feminist Stella Gibson from The Fall. In addition, the actress got the role of Anna Pavlovna Sherer in the BBC mini-series - a new adaptation of Tolstoy's War and Peace. With a full meter, Anderson also didn’t really have a good time: in her filmography, the “Boogie Woogie”, “ secret player», « last love Mr Morgan», « I will hunt you down», « iron skirmish” and other unremarkable film works.

In 2013, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson reappeared as co-stars in The X-Files at San Diego Comic-Con, where there was a special section dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the series. The actors answered questions from fans. Then Gillian Anderson was 44 years old, David Duchovny - 52.

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny at San Diego Comic-Con 2013

In January 2015, that is, exactly a year ago, it became known that the FOX channel would restart The X-Files, and David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson would return to the images of agents Mulder and Scully. At that time, the actors were 54 years old and 46 years old, respectively. In May, during David Duchovny's concert in support of his new album Hell or Highwater, one could appreciate the extent of the warmth of feelings between Mulder and Scully for each other.

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny kiss on stage at The Cutting Room in New York in May 2015

On June 9, 2015, it happened: filming of the 10th season of The X-Files started in Vancouver. Gillian Anderson posted on her microblog a photo of two personalized chairs, signed with the words "So we begin ...":

Look at Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny in the photo from the set - with such joyful faces they returned to the images of Scully and Mulder that made them famous. The first season has six episodes. Will there be a second - that's the question. Will the new X-Files cause righteous anger among fans of the old ones? Judging by the placid faces of Gillian and David, they either do not think about it, or are sure that they will not disappoint.

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny on the set of the new X-Files in Vancouver

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson happy to meet each other on the set of the new "X-Files"

Journalists found out that 46-year-old Gillian Anderson is wearing a wig on the set of the new X-Files. In an interview with the publication Entertainment Weekly the actress told why. “My hair started to fall out last year,” said Gillian Anderson, whose hair went through many color and hair changes for her role on The Fall. “Filming was in full swing when the stylists had to stop using hot tongs because my hair was literally in their hands.”

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny on the cover of the July issue of Entertainment Weekly

“So yes, unfortunately, I am wearing a wig during the filming of the new X-Files. Oh God, it's like wearing a vise on your head!" - the actress added in an interview.

new X-Files in Vancouver in June 2015

Guest stars in the new X-Files will be 27-year-old Robbie Amell and 37-year-old Lauren Ambrose. They will play Agents Miller and Einstein in one of the episodes.

David Duchovny on set

Gillian Anderson on set new X-Files in Vancouver in September 2015

Already in October 2015, the premiere of the first episode of the new X-Files took place at the Comic-Con festival in New York. David Duchovny came to introduce him with co-stars Mitch Pileggi, who plays Walter Skinner, and Kumail Nanjiani, who played the role of Pasha.

David Duchovny and Mitch Pileggi at New York Comic-Con in October 2015

David Duchovny and Kumail Nanjiani at New York Comic-Con in October 2015

Finally, on January 12, the premiere of the new X-Files took place in Los Angeles. 47-year-old Gillian Anderson and 55-year-old David Duchovny appeared on the red carpet in all their glory. The company of the leading actors was made up of guest stars of the project Robbie Amell and Lauren Ambrose and the creators of the series.

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny

Robbie Amell with fiancee at the premiere of the new "X-Files" in Los Angeles

Chris Carter, Lauren Ambrose, Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny at the premiere of the new "X-Files" in Los Angeles

“We're back to make really fresh and original stuff, not just to get attention. We wanted to prove that the series still has potential,” commented the author of the idea and script, director and producer of the series Chris Carter.

On Sunday, January 24 at 22:00, the premiere of the new X-Files will take place on the American FOX channel, and a couple of days later - on Tuesday, January 26, at 20:20 - on the Russian TV-3 channel.

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson in Pasadena during a promotional tour in support of the release of new "X-Files"

October 13, 2017

The trailer for the 11th season of the cult series has appeared online. The center of the story will be William - the child of agents Mulder and Scully. It's hard to understand the plot from the video, but the tension and suspense that brought the franchise popularity are present.

Gillian Anderson / instagram photo

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson continue to star, with Chris Carter returning to executive produce. Despite the fact that the previous season was received rather coolly by the audience, the new adventures of FBI agents remain one of the most anticipated premieres on television.

The new season of the series will air in January 2018. According to FOX, changes have been made to the writing team for the eleventh season. The trailer shows bright action and reveals the details of the plot. Mulder and Scully will be looking for their son, which will obviously be the main plot twist.

Secret materials

Apparently, season 11 can complete all the lines of "Materials" and become the finale of a long-term confrontation between special agents and the government. Perhaps FOX will expand the franchise and shoot a spin-off, according to

David Duchovny

Recall: the main series of The X-Files were released in 1993-2002. The main characters - FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully were investigating supernatural events. In 1998 and 2008, two full-length films appeared on the screens. In 2016, FOX decided to relaunch the series with the original cast. characteristic feature series is common story line linking all episodes.

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