Viktor Vasnetsov meeting Oleg with a magician. The "grave" of the prophetic Oleg is overgrown with weeds

"Oleg's meeting with the magician"- watercolor by Viktor Vasnetsov. Written in 1899 as part of a series of illustrations for "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg" by A. S. Pushkin.

In the design of the poem, Vasnetsov borrowed motifs from the ancient Russian traditions of book design. In addition to the actual illustrations, Vasnetsov developed initial letters, compositions, screensavers. The cycle "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg" by Vasnetsov had a significant impact on the development of Russian book illustration, in particular on Ivan Bilibin and the artists of the "World of Art" association.

  • 1 Press reports about the alleged recognition of the illustration as extremist
  • 2 notes
  • 3 Literature
  • 4 Links

Press reports about the alleged recognition of the illustration as extremist

According to some Russian media reports in March 2010, the picture was used in the design of the cover of the neo-pagan nationalist Alexei Dobrovolsky's book The Magi. On April 27, 2010, by decision of the Leninsky District Court of the city of Kirov, seven books by Dobrovolsky, including The Magi, were recognized as extremist materials. At the same time, some media indicated that the cover of the book was also recognized as extremist. The text of the examination, allegedly carried out by specialists from Kirov and Vladimir, was cited:

Signs of manipulative psychological influence were found in the brochure "Magi", verbal (verbal, speech) and non-verbal (non-verbal) means were used. Non-verbal manipulative influences include the design of the cover of The Magi, which depicts an old man pointing the direction of action to a detachment of soldiers. The elder is dressed in simple clothes: a long shirt, bast shoes, he just left the forest. the description of the elder reads the image of a pagan. The pointing gesture of the hand of the elder in relation to the soldiers testifies to his command, the possession of a certain power over them. Based on the position that the cover of the book expresses its key idea, we can conclude that the author's desire for command, power over other people, focus on the struggle.

The court verdict contains no information about the recognition of Vasnetsov's painting as extremist material. At the end of April 2011, the Leninsky District Court of Kirov issued denials declaring the painting as extremist and the artist as an extremist. According to various reports, psychologists from the Kirov Institute said that either the image on the cover was not considered extremist, or they did not conduct an examination at the request of the prosecutor's office.


  1. 1 2 Ekaterina Lushnikova. Pagan in the European Court // Radio Liberty, 24.04.2011
  2. Sinelnikov Mikhail. The great Vasnetsov was convicted under the “Russian article”. Posthumously
  3. 1 2 ProGorod. Alexey Noskov. Kirov psychologists were involved in a scandal
  4. 1 2 Leninsky District Court of Kirov. Case No. 1-71/2010 (80119)
  5. 1 2 Sergei Nikolaev. Love for Perun leads to Strasbourg
  6. Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov "condemned" posthumously under Art. 282 UKRF
  7. xtro. "condemned the artist Vasnetsov"
  8. Leninsky District Court of Kirov. Appeals of citizens. Recognition of the artist Vasnetsov as an extremist posthumously
  9. City of Kirov. Alexey Ivakin. Scandal with the picture of Vasnetsov: accusations of extremism turned out to be a forgery


  • Paston E. Viktor Vasnetsov. - M.: White City, 2007.


  • Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. Illustrations for "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg" by A. S. Pushkin
  • Vasnetsov was classified as an extremist
  • Familiarize yourself with the cases: Aphrodite; Tell me, magician; Beer // Echo of Moscow

The author of the "Song of the Prophetic Oleg" Alexander Pushkin first came to Kyiv as a 21-year-old youth. The poet was in disgrace with Emperor Alexander I for seditious verses: "Autocratic villain! I hate you, your throne ..." - and he was secretly in Kyiv, passing into the so-called southern exile. But, as you know, the emperor was quick-witted, and the wayward poet was soon returned to the court. However, the impression left by Kyiv in the soul of the first poet of the Russian Empire turned out to be indelible. And Pushkin again and again comes to the "capital of witches and faith."

On one of these visits, Alexander Sergeevich, having wandered around the slopes of Shchekavitsa to his heart's content in search of the princely grave and pretty much knocking off the socks of his new boots, wrote "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg."

We will also walk through Pushkin's places.

Temple on Khorevice

We start from Mount Khorevitsy. The mountain, named after the brother - the founder of Kyiv Khoriv, ​​is also one of the five Kyiv Bald Mountains, on which, according to legend, witches from Ukraine and Belarus gather for gatherings. There was also the ancient temple of Perun, who was worshiped in pre-Christian Kyiv.

It was here that "... from the dark forest, an inspired magician, an old man obedient to Perun alone, comes towards him ...". And then the sorcerer met the prince with his retinue, who was returning to the prince's castle.

A ritual altar was restored at this place, and today the Rodnovers make sacrifices to their ancient pagan gods. True, the nature of the sacrifices has changed, blood is no longer shed, but quite "peaceful" sacrifices are made - bread, milk, grain. And the rest - the nature is just as wild, and the mountain looks very unkempt. The foot of a public worker has never set foot here, and in the thickets of nettles and elderberries you can find anything from kissing couples to ladies' hats, used syringes and bottles of liquor.

In Pushkin and in The Tale of Bygone Years, Prince Oleg asks the sorcerer to tell about the future. The priest's forecast is quite optimistic: the lord will have a long life filled with victories and other worldly joys, and he will not be afraid of anything. Except for one: "... but you will accept death from your horse." Naturally, Oleg sends the horse into exile.

"Farewell, my comrade, my faithful servant, the time has come for us to part," the prince laments and floats the horse to the prince's stables, which were in close proximity - near the palace on Starokievsky Hill.

It is here that the historical center of Kyiv is located - the place where Kiy, the founder of the capital, originally reigned. Now the place where the castle used to be is surrounded by a symbolic fence. Nearby lies a memorial stone with the words of Nestor the Chronicler carved in ancient Slavic script: "From here the Russian land appeared."

Death on Shchekavitsa

During the reign of the prophetic Oleg, the princes used to be at home less often than on military campaigns or hunting. The way of life of the prophetic Oleg did not differ much. On one of his rare returns home, the prince asked how the exiled pet was doing. And he learned that his horse had died, and his remains were turning white in the wind, on the slope of Shchekavitsa.

"... And he listens to the answer: on a steep hill, he has long since rested in a sound sleep," the prince receives an answer. And of course, he decides to go to see the horse, which has already ceased to be dangerous.

"... And they see - on a hill, near the banks of the Dnieper, noble bones lie," - the prince found the remains of a comrade-in-arms on the mountainside. Now the Rodnovers have erected an altar at this place.

According to the legends, and along with the "Tale of Bygone Years" by Nestor the Chronicler, the grave of Prince Oleg should be right there, on Shchekavitsa, but, unfortunately, its location is not known. Someone claims that it is located on the territory of the Castle Cemetery: the whole mountain is dotted with dilapidated graves, and it is not difficult to get lost there.


The circumstances of the death of the prophetic Oleg are contradictory. According to the Kyiv version, reflected in the "Tale of Bygone Years", his grave is located in Kyiv on Mount Schekavitsa. The Novgorod First Chronicle "moves" his grave in Ladoga, but at the same time says that he went "beyond the sea".

Interestingly, the legends are closely intertwined with the Icelandic saga about the Viking Orvar Odd, who was also mortally stung on the grave of his beloved horse, which was predicted to him by a Scandinavian witch. And given the "northern" origin of the Kyiv princes and the remaining family ties, it is likely that the first Kyiv prince became the hero of the Scandinavian epic.

Viktor Vasnetsov Oleg's meeting with the magician. 1899 Paper, watercolor State Literary Museum, Moscow

"Oleg's meeting with the magician"- watercolor by Viktor Vasnetsov. Written in 1899 as part of a series of illustrations for "Songs about the prophetic Oleg" by A.S. Pushkin.

In the design of the poem, Vasnetsov borrowed motifs from the ancient Russian traditions of book design. In addition to the actual illustrations, Vasnetsov developed initial letters, compositions, screensavers. The cycle "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg" by Vasnetsov had a significant impact on the development of Russian book illustration, in particular on Ivan Bilibin and the artists of the "World of Art" association.

Press reports about the alleged recognition of the illustration as extremist

According to some Russian media reports in March 2010, the painting was used in the cover design of the neo-pagan nationalist Alexei Dobrovolsky's book The Magi. On April 27, 2010, by decision of the Leninsky District Court of the city of Kirov, seven books by Dobrovolsky, including The Magi, were recognized as extremist materials. At the same time, some media indicated that the cover of the book was also recognized as extremist. The text of the examination, allegedly carried out by specialists from Kirov and Vladimir, was cited:

Signs of manipulative psychological influence were found in the brochure "Magi", verbal (verbal, speech) and non-verbal (non-verbal) means were used. Non-verbal manipulative influences include the design of the cover of The Magi, which depicts an old man pointing the direction of action to a detachment of soldiers. The elder is dressed in simple clothes: a long shirt, bast shoes, he just left the forest. In the description of the elder, the image of a pagan is read. The pointing gesture of the hand of the elder in relation to the soldiers testifies to his command, the possession of a certain power over them. Based on the position that the cover of the book expresses its key idea, we can conclude that the author's desire for command, power over other people, focus on the fight

Facts KM.RU

Viktor Vasnetsov was born in 1848 in the Chuvash village of Lopyal, died in 1926 in Moscow, and was buried at the Vvedensky cemetery. At an early stage, everyday subjects dominated his work: for example, in the paintings From Apartment to Apartment (1876), Military Telegram (1878), Bookshop (1876), Booths in Paris (1877). Later, the epic-historical became the main direction: “The Knight at the Crossroads” (1882), “After the Battle of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians” (1880), “Alyonushka” (1881), “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf” (1889), “Heroes "(1881-1898)," Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible "(1897). In the late 1890s an increasingly prominent place in his work is occupied by a religious theme (works in the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv and in the Church of the Resurrection in St. Petersburg, watercolor drawings and preparatory originals of wall paintings for the Cathedral of St. Vladimir). After 1917, Vasnetsov continued to work on folk fairy tale themes.

Finally, the "long arms" of the law enforcement system reached out to the main one. The decision of the Leninsky District Court of the city of Kirov on the recognition of Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich, Russian, born in 1848, as an extremist artist, came into force. Posthumously. The basis is the conclusions of the examination on his painting "Oleg's Meeting with the Magician", made by a master commissioned by an unidentified person in the city of Moscow in 1899.

In fairness, it should be noted that the most famous illustrator of Russian fairy tales again fell into history by accident, finding himself at the wrong time and in the wrong place. The Wizard was placed on the cover of his brochure The Magi by the writer Alexei Dobrovolsky, aka Dobroslav. The creative union of the writer with the artist (that is, in fact, a gang), it turns out, was engaged in publicly inciting “national, racial or religious hatred”, humiliating “national dignity”, and also propagating “exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of their attitudes towards religion, nationality or race” (Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). There is also evidence of the aforementioned atrocities. After all, not everyone can offend an artist. “Qualified” and “retrained” experts (all of them are employees of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kirov Institute for Advanced Training and RETRAINING of Educational Workers) by their conclusion revealed the criminal intentions of the “defendant” Viktor Vasnetsov.

We read carefully: “Signs of manipulative psychological influence were found in the brochure “Magi”, verbal (verbal, speech) and non-verbal (non-verbal) means were used. Non-verbal manipulative influences include the design of the cover of The Magi, which depicts an old man pointing the direction of action to a detachment of soldiers. The elder is dressed in simple clothes: a long shirt, bast shoes, he just left the forest. In the description of the elder, the image of a pagan is read. The pointing gesture of the hand of the elder in relation to the soldiers testifies to his command, the possession of a certain power over them. Based on the position that the cover of the book expresses its key idea, we can conclude that the author's desire for command, power over other people, focus on the fight ".

The opinion of experts is confirmed by a witness (the status can be re-qualified) Alexander Pushkin. After all, the “old man in the form of a pagan” talked with his prophetic Oleg:

How the prophetic Oleg is now going
Take revenge on the unreasonable Khazars.(according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "humiliation on a national basis")
Their villages and fields for a violent raid
He doomed swords and fires.(Article 353: "Planning, preparing, initiating or waging a war of aggression")

And here is how the elder treats representatives of state power:

Magi are not afraid of mighty lords,
And they do not need a princely gift;
Truthful and free is their prophetic language
And friendly with the will of heaven.

There is clearly a disregard for Prince Oleg here (Article 319: “Insulting a representative of power”), which is aggravated by the prediction: “You will accept death from your horse” (Article 320: “Disclosure of information about security measures applied to an official”) .

The old man really "commanded" - he forced the prince to kill his own horse ("Cruelty to animals", to the heap). Which, however, did not save the “commander-in-chief” from a snake bite (a premeditated assassination attempt?).

So the “Leninsko-Kirovsky” district court was right, having listened to the “expert opinion”. By the way, all materials recognized by Themis as "extremist" are subject to destruction. And the artist Vasnetsov is no exception here - to hell with him!

It is high time to clean Mother Russia from “misanthropic” waste paper with the help of our humane courts. Enough food for the "sacred fire". Here is Dostoevsky, who prophesied as an extremist: “So it will be, if things continue, if the people themselves do not come to their senses; and the intelligentsia will not help him. If he does not come to his senses, then the whole, entirely, in the shortest possible time, will find himself in the hands of all kinds of Jews ... The liquids will drink people's blood and feed on the debauchery and humiliation of the people ... ". And Gogol, with his main instigator of national and religious hatred - Taras Bulba. And how many artists can be summed up under the 282nd article, if you choose the right experts!

Let's finish with the classics - let's get to the contemporaries. Here is Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev in his article “Forward Russia!” wrote about "the age-old corruption that has emaciated Russia from time immemorial." Doesn't this humiliate the national dignity of an entire people, but, citizens are experts?

Mikhail Sinelnikov

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