Fairy tales invented by children about heroes. Russian bogatyrs

In the site section Russian folk epics you can get to know the best examples song epic of the Russian people, such as Russian epics about heroes, historical legends and ballad songs. Unlike folk tales, epics tell about real events, displayed in a colorful literary form. Heroes of epics- this is a kind of personification of the spirit of the people, which does not bow before the terrible enemies who have encroached on their native land.

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In Russian epics with the help poetic form the historical wise thinking and consciousness of the people, heartfelt devotion to the Motherland, unquestioning love for the native land, for work, for close and dear people were reflected. Also, ancient epics depict the denunciation of enemies encroaching on Russia and ruining cities and villages. AT deep sense epics laid the condemnation of the villainy of both enemies and fellow countrymen, who sometimes turned out to be traitors. In the plot of the epic, we can also see the ridicule of human vices and vile deeds.

Russian folk epics - real treasure Russian folklore, which to this day does not lose its relevance.

Russian epics read

(based on Russian epics and legends)


Overtaking the speed of light
Reason rushes through the ages;
In the depths of the poet's soul
A line follows a line.

And lay down on the pages
Shaking off the gray dust,
Miracles and fables
And a mysterious story.

Somehow, arguing with the ocean,
Glorious Russian hero
He scooped up water with a glass;
And the earth was cracked open.

And the other strong man is quiet,
I dozed off at the shore,
Toiling with thirst, waking up,
I drank the sea in three sips.

The third - barely fit
In the middle of high mountains
And the people called it -
Terrible knight Svyatogor.

He wielded a sword and a pike,
He had no equal;
And the country was great
And the Darkness was kept in check.

The Russian spirit reigned everywhere
As it was at first.
No Miracle Yudu
There was no peace here.

What bastards will crawl
Or a bird will fly -
Svyatogor will not give mercy -
Only the bones are cracking.

For many years I went on patrol -
Guarded the mother earth.
Russia lived beyond Svyatogor -
Don't hurt, don't break.

All Raids of Basurmans
Reflected Batyr Mountain.
And in the country of the great khans
They disliked the god Ra.

This god served as protection
Giant of Russia-land.
In a fair and open battle
They couldn't compete with him.

They took by bribery, deceit,
Evil charms, wine;
We went to attacks by ramming,
They burned Russia with fire.

Every mother earth was tortured,
Lots of arrows fired.
Days and years flew by
The formidable knight has grown old.

It became difficult for Svyatogor
Fight in your declining years
Rest with honor at the right time,
And he has no rest:

That Rostov asks for protection
Those are ambassadors from Kyiv.
But the earth no longer wears
And the armor is heavy;

Don't put your foot in the stirrup
Don't get on a horse.
Bogatyr with a prayer to God:
"Would you let me go

Over the seas, over the oceans,
For dense forests
For wide glades -
To blue skies.

In your distant country
The soul was exhausted with longing.”
And, frozen in a high mountain,
The hero found peace.

They say that the power of God
Since then, she has gone into granite;
Good stone at the foot
Keeps the secret carefully.

Many good fellows sweated,
Move the stone of grief
But to master this matter
The rich man was not found.

Who did not approach him
And the navel did not tear -
He did not succumb to anyone -
Century almost stood.

Russia then, changing God,
Waiting for new joys
And the road to the holy mountain
Overgrown with dark forest.

Talismans, amulets
Cross pushed a little,
But fires and raids
The new god has not canceled.

Faith is not strong enough
Trouble followed.
And it happened that from the ashes
Cities rose up again;

The infidels were taken away
Full of Russian girls
And the princes in foreign camps
They went to pay homage.

Only in rich Kyiv,
On the banks of the Dnieper
Pure silver and gold
Redeemed from enemies.

Russia did not know a century of rest,
But didn't give in at all.
Fought over the seas
In a dispute with the khans, she agreed.

For a long time she was annoyed
Nomadic tribes:
And the fields around suffered
And the squads, and the treasury.

And with the sorcerer's curse
In Russia, another evil -
Fire Breathing Serpent
Dark force brought:

The monster has three mouths
Three huge heads.
There was no worse misfortune
According to rumor.

The goblin wanders through the swamps,
The forest is teeming with mermaids -
He casts spells on the strong,
The weak are frightened by rustling.

And near the city of Rostov
Someone met with Yaga.
She says she is alive and well
Only leg problems

Yes, it sways in a mortar,
And the head is spinning
And from old age in a sheepskin coat
The sleeves were worn out.

I myself can not lie,
But there was a rumor among the people
What did she bring to Koshchei
Heavy bag.

A girl was sleeping in that bag -
White-faced and slender;
And Koshcheev's dungeon
Without that, full is full.

Likes different kinds of fun
Semi-dry skeleton;
There is no fierce control
And there is no power on the Serpent:

Not one carried the girl
He is for the blue seas.
Stand up for Russia
Two heroes got up.

Alyosha volunteered first -
The son of a Rostov priest.
For him, any burden
Lighter than a small bug.

Not a single dashing boyar
Will not resist him;
Under the sword of his tugarin
Lost spear and shield.

Since childhood, he has been to a tight bow
Teaching was a father
And, loving to dispel boredom,
He was known as a cheerful young man.

Cherishing a dream in my mind
To marry a princess,
Sworn to Defeat the Serpent
And he went to war.

Equipped with a high saddle
heroic horse,
Himself - under a wide belt
rawhide belt,

On the left, a damask sword hangs,
Behind the shoulders is a tight bow ...
And I would like to back down,
Yes, he became a foot in the stirrup.

In the tower the girl is crying,
Grieving nights by the fire;
The hero gallops through the forest,
Ringing with a copper stirrup.

The forest is getting thicker and darker
And there is no path to be seen.
Where is there to think about the villain -
I wouldn't hurt myself.

Here the horse shoots with its ear,
Maybe he smells where the trouble is?
Knight of tears, gathered his courage,
The horse followed suit.

Night wandered, as if drunk,
Breaking through.
In the morning we went out into the clearing;
In a clearing - a house is not a house -

Crooked hut
No windows, no porch.
An old woman sits at the door
Inconspicuous from the face.

There is a cat, an owl, two geese in the house...
The hero did not cheat,
He says: “Tell me, grandmother, -
How long has the kite flown?

I would like to find a path to him,
We got a little lost
Yes, eat some crumbs
And two sips of water.”

Grandma snorted at first
Getting up, walking back and forth,
Grumbled for order
But in the end, she gave in.

“For kindness to me, wretched one,
I'll help you, honey.
You went the wrong way;
You take a ball.

He is you on the tenth day
Will lead to great sorrow;
There and the Serpent - my sworn enemy -
Hiding their heads in a hole.

But you can hardly
Miracle Yudo to overcome
And, it will happen - you will overcome -
Do not survive yourself.

How will the strength not fight -
Let the dove into the sky -
A friend will rush to the rescue,
Soaring the horse's sides.

But together against the Serpent
You can hardly resist -
The villain has three heads
Know, three and fight.

Alyoshka did not listen,
Even though he wasn't stupid.
Flickered path - path
Following the grandmother's ball.

On the tenth day of the trip
They approached the mountain
Black smoke billows from the entrance
The snake moves in a hole

Skulls around yes bones;
The horse does not stand still.
“Guests are good for breakfast, -
Miracle Yudo says -

Forty days did not eat meat,
Even the belly failed.
And the hedgehog would eat alive
If it wasn't so lucky."

“I would be silent, I’m still alive, -
The hero answered him, -
You, Chuda Yuda,
And there are no teeth.

Like a mole, huddled in a hole -
Come out for a fair fight!”
Shaking a big mountain
A howl sounded from the hole.

A three-headed asp came out -
Behind the back are two wings.
Bogatyr - for an oak bow,
Only the arrow is small -

Do not get her the heart of the Serpent -
Gets stuck in scales.
Protecting yourself from the villain
The knight remembered the spear:

Having dispersed the horse, he will jump,
Aiming at the enemy's head
Yes, the nostril barely tickles.
Didn't lie, you see, Yaga-

And the spear can't reach
And you can't get it with an arrow;
Not for life, but fight to the death,
The Serpent began to overcome.

Won't get up, tired
Heroic hand.
He, as the grandmother punished,
Threw a dove into the sky.

The dove shoots like an arrow
For help in Kyiv-grad,
And Popovich kept cutting himself,
But he himself is no longer happy:

Do not beat him the villain,
Do not have fun with the princess
And why did he go to the Serpent,
For the war-damned?

In Kyiv-city princess
The dove took
Glorious fellow Dobrynya
Soaped the horse's sides,

straight road
Defeated in four days
And rushed to help
Not having driven a horse.

Glory about his victories
In Russia, it has been thundering for a long time;
Ran in, hit right
Put a shield under the fire

Pushed the Serpent to the cave;
Here Alyosha jumped -
Pounced on the villain
Gaining strength from the earth.

That strikes with a sword,
Then he strikes with a spear in a big way;
But the enemy does not ask for mercy,
It also doesn't let go.

Ten days the earth burned
Under the feet of the horses.
Damascus steel rang
And it is not clear who is stronger -

And friends are tired of fighting
And the Serpent lost power.
Decided to talk
Do no harm to each other:

The serpent will fold its wings for a while,
(I promised - for a whole year),
And he won't be disturbed
Neither the squad, nor the people.

Having decided, they grieved,
What a fight in vain.
Having rested, they saddled the horses;
Saying goodbye, they parted ways.

Near the city of Rostov,
Returning from the war
Popadya - the priest's wife -
Invited for pancakes

She brought a cup of kvass
In one and a half large buckets,
For mother earth to wear
And today, like yesterday.

The guests raised the cup,
Catered to everyone
Yes, the horses were saddled again,
Going to Kyiv-grad,

Tell about the contract
A prisoner in the war;
Although the princes lived in a quarrel -
Everyone dreamed of silence.

Prince of Rostov, parting,
Daughter Alyosha promised
And turning to Dobrynya, -
Invited to the engagement.

With that they rode off,
Kicking up dust.
Soon the towers flashed
In a clear blue sky.

Behind the high wall
Between the gardens - a tower,
Bridge high above the water
At the gate - the people of darkness.

Good fellows met
We were escorted to the palace.
Prince, forgetting your sorrows,
Gave them both a ring

Offered intoxicating cups
Under granular caviar
Yes, I gave gifts.
I was at that feast

But nothing stood out
No luck this time
I drank beer, but I didn’t get drunk -
Past the mouth, you see, flowed.

Ilya Muromets

Russia is my native land -
Great mother cities:
Can't find the end
And don't count.

Fall in love involuntarily
Standing on a prominent slope:
Here the falcon is apart,
And space for the rider;

There are blue lakes
There are rivers and seas...
Looking around is not enough
Russia, in short.

An outlandish beast breeds
Among the dense thickets,
And the plain is golden
From poured ears;

Game flies into snares and cages,
Rye, wheat - in the bins;
And in the scattered networks
The fish asks for itself.

Russian people, once
In very old years
Live freely and richly
Cities flourished.

Heroic squads
guarded their peace;
At princes' birthdays
The beer frothed like a river.

Everyone there drank - did not get drunk,
Everyone there was cheerful and happy.
Among others stood out
The famous Kyiv city.

The weak were not offended here,
And for good deeds
They called the Prince Sunshine
As the rumor goes about it.

At times, if necessary,
The prince arranged courts;
Lived in harmony with the cities
When there was no enmity.

Sometimes there were fights
And bad steps
And reconciled everyone - Tugars -
Longtime enemies with Russia.

Crows flew from the south;
Cities took damage
And get angry at each other
There was no reason -

They drank the world
Nimble messengers rushed,
And in the fighting squad
The good guys were recruited.

But there were inconsistencies
And hard times
And at the beginning of our fairy tale
There was a war in Russia.

Not calm here, not quiet -
Thunder groans in heaven;
Evil Likho roamed
In the dark Murom forests;

And the tugarin fell,
Feeling weaknesses;
Yes, the robber showed up
At the Kalinov bridge.

All roads are closed
The paths are cut;
Would ask for help
Dare not to go

Whistle-whistling afraid
Yes dashing Tugar arrows.
Who secretly wanted to get through
He barely survived.

Overlaid, intimidated,
Tribute was ordered to be collected;
Pushed, squeezed
Great mother cities.

Glorious songs are not sung,
And the dawn does not please.
Is there not to be found
In Russia, a hero?

Hey, heroes are remote,
Show honor to your guests!
And the gray-haired wise men went
On untrodden paths

On unknown paths
Where did the wind blow.
And go to tired legs
in Karacharovo village.

There - near Murom, near the city,
Where Smorodinka runs,
In a log house of a strong way
Good fellow sits -

Not a walking son of Ivan
Nicknamed Ilya;
He has a wound in his heart
The thought is bitter.

He would be happy to compete -
Punish the evil force
Don't get up, don't get up
And the sword cannot be held.

The road was cut off
At the high porch;
Elders - travelers from the threshold
The young man was asked:

“Will you give us something to drink?
Don't take yourself for work.
Maybe some sin will be forgiven
Or whatever the gods give.”

Ilya answered: “What gods,
I'd be happy to serve
yes my sore feet
They don't want to be friends with me.

And my hands would be a red-hot sword,
But there is not enough strength to lift.
Otherwise, the dog is praised
I wouldn't take my head off."

“Do not grieve, Ilya, about the old,
Don't regret the past.
You with a special decoction
Get up, take the herbs, drink.

This weed from the grave
Can raise the dead.
Has there been an increase in strength?
Sip it again

Drink, Ilya, our water, ”-
Said the gray-haired righteous,
Serving the bowl three times
With miraculous water.

Well done for three steps
Dried everything to the drop,
Grunted (a little quieter than thunder),
It's good that I didn't stun;

Slowly shrugged his shoulders
And pulling the belt
He stood a mountain above the walkers,
Right up to the ceiling.

That happiness came -
Mother's Day with Father;
Even the sun shone
Bright rainbow ring

A fine day played out
Smorodinka has rivers.
And Ilyushenka tried -
Turned out the stumps

He trimmed the bumps and bumps,
He threw off stones, boulders ...
Returning, drank from the barrel,
Not sparing the back;

Bowed to the elders in the belt,
Thanks for the weed.
And the people were amazed
Seeing the hero:

For thirty years he sat in a deck,
And he got up, yes!
Apparently Mother Nature
Peace was commanded.

I took care, you see, up to an hour,
Without wasting strength,
For Russia the great Savior
From unexpected misfortune.

And the hero, gathering his strength,
So as not to think, not to grieve,
From his hateful bench
Eager to serve Kyiv:

“If the sword is now damask
Yes, good horse
And the father on a feat of arms
To guide me.

Great trouble is knocking;
Though I'm not chasing fame -
I would stand if it happens
For offended Russia.

Mother and father, almost without arguing,
We got our son ready to go.
They - from joy to sorrow -
Just reach out your hand

Didn't get to breathe
For my beloved son
How it's time to say goodbye
Happiness has a short life.

The Magi have their own way;
The older one says:
“Here across the river at the threshold
The hill is wonderful.

There is a dungeon under the mountain
There behind the door locked
The heroic horse is languishing.
The door is not so easy to find:

There is no grass,
No notes, no traces;
The door is pressed with a stone,
The stone weighs a hundred pounds.

And under it is a damask sword
Svyatogor himself.
Kohl is ready for a feat of arms -
Move him away;

The horse will serve you well
The sword will save you from the enemy.
You see - a raven is circling in the sky -
It brings bad news."

Ilya hurried on the road;
The first day is coming, the second
In the third - got out to the threshold.
Here is the stone under the mountain.

The knight was not embarrassed in spirit -
Underneath, that was the strength -
The stone, shuddering, rolled away -
Opened the secret door

Steel sparkled in the sun -
It burns in the eyes with rays;
In the depths of the great hall
The brown horse beats with its hoof.

On the wall is a quiver tanned
And a tight oak bow,
Near the helmet is gilded,
Mace for strong hands,

silver mail,
Two hiking boots
Everything is hidden for a friend
Only arrows are for the enemy.

"Well, it's time for you to be free,
To the wide fields
Try a dashing share, ”-
Ilya says to the horse;

Gives him a drink...
And the two of them went
Fight with the enemy
Compete with the Nightingale.

Went through fields and forests,
On roads, without roads;
Eat what's under your feet
They fell asleep right there - as best they could.

Imperceptibly went to the river,
What is called Currant.
Brown twitched in the bridle -
It's unsettling here.

Whether the wind howls in the field,
Whether the wolves converged in a circle:
The horse digs the ground with its hoof,
It doesn’t go, even if it fails -

That trembling wide croup,
timidly backs away,
It will freeze, as if over a ledge,
That will trample out of tune.

“Do not spin, - pitying the horse,
Ilya shouted to Burom, -
Ali, you smelled the Serpent,
Or heard the Nightingale,

Or what kind of wolf pack?
Look how you pricked up your ears;
I thought I wouldn't test
On the path of filthy forces?

What's the fuss about,
Tea we are not small!
And what a bird is making noise
So do not feel sorry for the arrows.

Let's knock out the impostor
Dope from a bird's head.
Do not trample on him - the bastard
Our Murom grass”.

Here the foliage rustled,
The crow screamed
From the oak, evil spirits whistled,
Giving away your lair.

Beast and bird scattered
The pines lean towards the ground
And Ilya stands, fastens,
Miraculously stays in the saddle.

“What kind of army is this -
She trembled with half a whistle, -
Barked, cheeks puffed out,
They are a robber from above, -

You don't have to compete with me
Stupid bastard man."
"It would be nice to boast," -
Ilya answered the cry;

Swung halfway,
Yes, threw a mace
And a strange bird
It immediately flew off into the grass.

Bogatyr around her neck
Yes to the high saddle:
Do not harm him - the villain
Karacharov village,

Do not whistle to him - the enemy
Above Smorodinka - the river.
And descended to Russia from now on,
Though short, but calm.

Mint smelled in the fields -
It's nice to breathe...
Having cut down the adversary,
The hero set off on his way

Bright meetings without avoiding,
Avoiding dark places
Protecting your honor
Glory to the Russian dishes.

Here is hospitable Kyiv,
Well chopped, carved.
Pleased freestyle defender
Straight to the feast honest.

Not containing all the people,
The princely court rejoiced -
In honor of a successful trip,
Glorifying the peace treaty.

Were treated - than rich,
Yes, enough power.
And Ilya - upstairs - to the chambers
I hurried past the shops.

The horse remained at the fence,
Not far from the palace.
Feeling the nearness of the verdict,
Nightingale calmed down in a bag -

Doesn't make noise, doesn't move,
Like a scared chick.
And the wine flows like a river.
And you can't see where the end is.

They spread new dishes,
The speeches are loud;
Gusliars are not yet asked -
The voiced strings are silent.

The boyars boast
Competing among themselves;
At the table in a drunken stupor
Not one battle is scheduled:

Who grappled with Gorynych,
Who wounded the Nightingale,
Who distinguished themselves in the campaign,
Advancing in two spears.

Under the guise, under conversations
Cups need to be poured.
Somewhere quarrels boil up -
Glory is hard to share.

However, glory to Dobrynya,
Like a good word.
The prince and princess do not skimp
For good words;

Raised time after time
Cups full of wine;
And by special decree
They give him back in full.

looked, admired
On the storytellers Ilya,
Called by full name
Hinted at the Nightingale,

What came not to boast
And do not borrow glory,
And I would like, if it happens,
Serve the service of Kyiv.

The stern prince did not believe
In the words of the hero:
They brought a canvas bag,
Removed the cunning loop;

"Well, show me the booty,
Karacharovsky man.
I will not exalt without deeds, -
The prince noticed directly, -

I don’t meet by clothes,
Without realizing, I do not say;
I didn’t lie - I magnify
I will bestow according to merit;

Deceived - you will go to the dungeon,
So as not to lie ahead.
Get the miracle bird
Let the people have fun."

The hero did not hesitate,
Before the prince did not shy away,
And the robber tried -
What is urine whistled.

The guests rushed under the benches,
They fled - who goes where.
If there was no stranglehold -
They would suffer harm.

The hero, having appeased the pichuga,
Spent him with the end
And for military merit
Was bestowed with a ring

Adopted by Kyiv for service,
(It turned out that not in vain);
And forever cemented friendship
Glorious three heroes;

The glory was divided into three,
Defending Russia...
But to a distant outpost
The prince admonished Ilya.

He succeeded by force
And the mind is not so simple.
The rest got the turn -
Guard the Kalinov bridge,

Guard Miracle - Snake
At the snake, at the mountain,
Yes, cut him - the villain,
If it comes out of the hole.

A lot of evil at that time
A sinful affair, divorced -
With witchcraft and slander ...
You know, you know.

Something swept away with shame
They burned something with a stuffed animal ...
And Ilya stood guard
At the border of Russia-land;

He shot an adversary with an arrow
At the fork of three roads:
See how rich Russia is,
Not one hurried boot.

Often there was no lights out
from uninvited guests.
He prepared the horse for battle,
The sword sharpened sharper:

And his hand is fun,
And the horse is happy to run;
And glory thunders around the world,
And Kyiv-grad rejoices.

Only Kyiv boyars
There is no quiet life;
Hidden evil not in vain -
Don't forget the Nightingale.

Send denunciations, fables
Whisper to the prince in a hop.
And from the Kyiv border
He calls Ilya,

Yes, he orders to put on a deck,
Without saying too many words
And for a year - on bread and water
Plant a rich man.

Ilya sits in a dungeon for a year,
Dragging life-being.
And on the Kyiv border
The crow swirled:

Kalin to the Russian people
Threatened with a sharp saber,
The army is dark to the campaign
Prepared - equipped.

Under the mountain the Serpent woke up -
Breathes heat and fire.
The prince bent under the thought -
Toils at night and during the day:

How to fight off Kalina,
Like a villain to lime -
Whether to bow to the Serpent,
Whether to go to Muromets?

Who to ask for protection
Before whom to humble the forehead?
These Kalin are broken,
These monster burned;

The whole squad fled -
Do not call, do not collect.
Bent over, stagger
Great mother cities.

Trample the Russian land
Horses of Kalina Tsar.
There is only one way for the prince - to the dungeon -
Fall at the feet of the hero.

sent for the keys
quick messenger,
The door to the dungeon was opened -
They released a young man;

Expensive treats
The prince brought on a platter,
And moved, forgiveness
I asked with tears.

The knight reconciled with the prince:
“What is bad to remember?
Sat up, got drunk -
We must fight the Serpent.

You, prince, go to the people -
Do not regret beautiful words
And prepare the horses for the march,
Yes, stronger, dare,

So that the wind does not stagger
And fit under the saddle ... "
At sunrise they said goodbye;
The red sun has risen

The wind dispersed the clouds -
Nice day ahead
As if the night never happened
As if grief is behind.

Only the heart beats the alarm
A mighty chest,
And hurry to help
Good fellow horse.

There is a weakened squad
Getting out of hand:
Serpent - cursed enemy -
Unleashed an evil spirit;

And the earth around is smoking
And the grass burns with fire:
There and many can not get through,
And one will not stand.

Death breathes on the hero
Terrible fiery tongue,
But hurries to the battlefield
Karacharovsky man:

His helmet is gilded
In front of the iron shield,
The sword, tempered in battles,
Shines brighter than gold.

The horse near Muromets frolics -
Heat bursts from the nostrils -
It will take off, and then it will rush
Violent wind soon.

They jumped, they flew
Yes, hit from the shoulder;
And others chimed in
Yes, cut into three swords.

And Dobrynya distinguished himself,
And Alyosha succeeded.
For a long time the Serpent was still smoking
And puffed on stumps.

Having performed the rite on the Serpent,
Glorious three heroes
From the borders they drove into the neck
The army of Kalina-tsar.

Do not trample on the filthy flock
Russian mother earth.
For peace in the native land
How many lay down -

Equestrians will not gallop near,
They will not reach on foot;
Wives, mothers will cry,
Honor will be given to the heroes;

And freedom will be glorified
And peace will come again...
In honor of a successful trip
A feast will be held in the palace,

As if there was no sadness
And there was no misfortune.
Muromets was also married there
With a young girl.

Fairy tales are not written in Russia
No happy ending
And what is a feast without dancing,
No fortified wine!

Everyone there was drinking and having fun,
And brought gifts.
I was there, but I didn’t get drunk,
And his mustache just got wet.

Now there is an information war in the film industry and it depends on this food for the soul what values ​​will be a priority for children and parents, whether we will remember the roots or reset to zero (and free space is never empty). Films about heroes are stories about what our great-grandfathers fought and died for, how our great-grandfathers lived and found a way out of difficult situations.

During Soviet times, our directors shot many wonderful fairy tales based on folk epics and legends. The golden period of films about heroes fell on the 50-80s. Two talented directors began to develop this direction - A. Rowe and A. Ptushko. They were replaced G. Vasiliev and M. Yuzovsky, who continued to shoot fairy tales in the tradition of heroes.

If we compare the number of feature films-fairy tales and cartoons made in the Soviet Union, then their number was approximately equal.

But in modern Russia taken over the past 20 years more than a dozen memorable full-length cartoons about heroes (separate about each hero and together about three heroes, « Prince Vladimir«, « Ivan Tsarevich and grey Wolf and others), and there are only a few films.

Stories about three heroes have already become a brand and continue to be released regularly every year. This year is no exception and will be released in December new story. By the way, people's favorite Igor Rasteryaev dedicated the song to them.

Now is the time to move exclusively to fairy tale films.

In the fall of 2017, two premieres are just looking forward to: "The Legend of Kolovrat" and "The Last Hero":

* Legend of Kolovrat (2017, dir. I. Shurkhovetsky)

The name of Evpatiy Kolovrat has become a legend. He was not afraid to go out alone with a small detachment against the whole army of Batu Khan. The courage with which he fought with the superior forces of the Mongol-Tatars delighted Batu and he uttered the phrase that if there were such warriors in his army, he would never have known defeat.

* The last hero (2017, dir. D.Dyachenko)

How would you feel if you realized that you were in a fairy tale? Probably surprised? The hero of this film came from Moscow to parallel reality- the magical country of Belogorye, in which all the fairy-tale characters known to us settled.

The film was shot at the Disney film studio and turned out to be very spectacular, rich in special effects. This in itself is surprising, because relations between our countries today are more than cool. Apparently, money and a magical plot create the impossible.

The hero will have to fight with real swords and meet the whole fabulous pantheon on his way - from Kashchei with Baba Yaga, to Dash one-eyed with Vodyany.

Another really cool surprise is ready for the release of the film for fans of the genre - a book Natalia Budur “From Lukomorye to Belogorye. Secrets of the Russian fairy tale.

Book by Natalia Budur - From Lukomorye to Belogorye. Secrets of a Russian fairy tale

The book has no analogues on the Russian market and reveals the secret of the heroes of Russian fairy tales, and it can be safely called a pearl for a home collection. The book will become a guide to the fairy-tale realm and a navigator through all the characters that inhabit its expanses. You can take a closer look at the design of the pages of this bright edition on the Labyrinth.

Before naming the main Russian heroic fairy tale films, there is still a small digression, or rather a musical pause. Recently, in Russia, there has been a revival of interest in the origins of ancient Slavic culture among the youth. This is noticeable in popular songs, manner of singing and even dressing. For example, the groups were pleased Otava Yo" and Neuromonk Feofan. What is the last dram worth? trample down" when the legs dance on their own.

Below is the promised selection of the best Russian films about heroes, among which there are only two films made in the 2000s, and the rest were included in the golden fund of Soviet cinema.

And a little explanation of how the list included fairy tales in which there is no epic hero, or rather, there are their followers who took up the sword against old enemies (in the fairy tale “There, on unknown paths"against, released from imprisonment, Kashchei, the schoolboy Mitya spoke). A mandatory attribute of films about heroes is the presence of evil forces, in the person of Kashchei or enemies attacking the Motherland, with whom he has to fight.

But what if the old days are over and the old enemies, hiding for a while or new ones, decide to attack us again? This is precisely what part of the films from this selection is about - about those who replaced the heroes, when evil is again trying to return to the world of people.

TOP 10: Russian fairy tale films about heroes:

1. Real fairy tale (2011, dir. A. Marmontov)

The heroes once defeated evil, but centuries passed and it returned to our world. Old acquaintances - Koschei, Baba Yaga and others like them entered our accelerated life, put on masks and became one of the people. And despite the fact that today any child reads fairy tales and knows where to look for Kashchei's death, this is not enough. If with you trusted friend and you believe in a miracle, then good will win. This film should be given to teenagers who have already broken away from their dreamy childhood and stepped into the adult world.

2. Book of Masters (2009, dir. V.Sokolovsky)

This is perhaps the first attempt to revive a children's fairy tale after the collapse of the USSR. And the first film where Disney film studio helped to stage special effects. If you do not engage in comparison with Hollywood cinema and look through the eyes of a child, then you get a very interesting combination of well-known fairy tale characters and they look modern.

3. One, two, grief, it doesn't matter (1988, dir. M. Yuzovsky)

A modern view of the problems in the Far Far Away kingdom. The king offered money and a daughter to the soldier Ivan as a reward for defeating the dragon, but he refused. So Ivan fell out of favor with the king and was expelled from the court and service. At this time, an overseas king came to woo the royal daughter. But they did not agree and it came to war. And instead of fabulous evil, the king decided to scare the king with a huge Karbaras. However, he, having gone out of control, began to destroy everyone, not dividing into strangers and his own. The soldier Ivan, without offense to the king, came to the rescue and, together with the help of the invention of his friend Danila, managed to defeat the mechanical monster.

4. Vasily Buslaev (1982, dir. G.Vasiliev)

Vasily Buslaev was the son of a nobleman in Veliky Novgorod, but this did not prevent him from being friends with ordinary people. He was endowed with heroic strength and when evil enemy, sparing no one, attacked his homeland, he gathered a squad and gave a worthy rebuff, returning a hero to his homeland.

5. There, on unknown paths(1982, dir. M. Yuzovsky)

The story of an ordinary schoolboy Mitya, who went to give a gift to his grandmother on vacation, but ended up in a magical kingdom. Where he ran into Koshchei, Nightingale and Likh the one-eyed. Resourcefulness, together with magic and the help of Vasilisa the Wise, helped to defeat Kashchei and his assistants. The holidays have been amazing.

6. Finist - a clear falcon(1975, dir. G.Vasiliev)

Finist lived in Russia, he was a plowman, cultivated the land, and when the enemy attacked, he, having the strength of a hero and a good heart, always prevailed and drove out the enemies. The dark forces conceived to exterminate him. By cunning, they lured him to themselves and turned him into a monster, casting a spell. And only a girl who will love him in such a guise can disenchant him.

7. Ruslan and Lyudmila(1972, directed by A. Ptushko)

This film adaptation of Pushkin's poem became the highest grossing in the Soviet Union in history and latest work the master of the film fairy tale Alexander Ptushko. The film, shot 50 years ago, still makes a strong impression on children and adults - the music, scenery, costumes, battle scenes amaze the imagination.

(1956, dir. A. Ptushko)

In that movie as if the epic heroes of Vasnetsov's paintings come to life - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich. This is truly a heroic trait - not to remember insults when an enemy threatens the homeland. It is hard to believe that a fairy tale, filmed 60 years ago, can today give odds to many films with special effects. The film was restored in the early 2000s, and it sparkled again.

9. Kashchei the Immortal (1944, dir. A. Rowe)

Classics of the highest standard, filmed during the Great Patriotic War, shows the height of the spirit of the Russian people in the struggle for their beloved homeland and loved ones. Epic hero Nikita Kozhemyaka penetrates the lair of Kashchei, who devastated the Russian land and stole his beloved Marya, punishes the villain and frees the bride.

10. Vasilisa the Beautiful(1939, dir. A. Rowe)

Taking big steps back, it spins on the tongue again - the film is almost 70 years old, it is not in color and generally looks outdated. There is one secret hidden in this. Those who immerse themselves in the film will feel the real atmosphere Ancient Russia, fabulous life of epic times and people devoted to their homeland, sincerely loving their loved ones and ready to sacrifice for them. Here is the entrance to a real fairy tale and magic.

P.S. *** Two heroes *** (1989)

I would like to finish the selection of movie fairy tales with an original cartoon. It was filmed in last years the existence of the Soviet Union, so to speak, the old school. An unusual story about a Russian hero and a Kazakh Batyr, where everyone went to save his bride, and in the end ... A lot of good humor and an unusual denouement.

Often students primary school Assign homework "Compose a fairy tale". When they come home, the children try to write about some hero who is trying to help everyone around, but he is prevented by evil forces.

Such fairy tales are called heroic. These are the most popular and beloved Russians folk tales in children and adults.

Children love not only to listen to stories about Russian heroes, but also to compose themselves.

However, one must not forget that fairy tales have a number of characteristics:

  • mostly written in prose, but may be in verse;
  • magical events occur, magical items are used;
  • good conquers evil;
  • the protagonist is a victorious hero who has passed a series of trials, often having a helper friend;
  • has a beginning, main part and ending;
  • reflects the thoughts of the people about the best;
  • used bright artistic techniques: "In a certain kingdom", "In an unusual city", "Once upon a time" and others;
  • has a hidden morality, author's attitude.

Composing a fairy tale together will help the parent convey the idea that he cannot explain with moralizing.

These are the heroic tales that elementary school students got.

Heroic fight with dragons

Once upon a time there were two heroes, Borya and Kolya. They lived in their village, not far from the lake. They lived, did not grieve, with their wives and evil dragons. All dragons had three heads, and the most important had twelve heads. The dragons plundered the village and took everything to their cave. The cave was behind the forest. Borya wanted to join the fight, but Kolya did not agree.

We must first close the cave where the most important dragon lives - said Kolya.

Good! Then let's hit the road! Borya said.

The heroes set out on their journey. They walked through the forest. Huge, evil trolls lived in this forest. One troll jumped out to meet the heroes and blocked their path. Borya took out a sword, Kolya took out a bow and began to fight. Nothing helped. But Kolya again came up with something. He told Bora:

Let me give you a lift and you'll cut off the troll's head.

Let's! Borya answered.

Kolya threw Borya and he cut off the head of the troll. Everything worked out for them and they moved on. As they walked, they suddenly saw a huge canyon. Borya wanted to jump over the canyon. But Kolya said that he could not be jumped over. The length is too big. And Kolya came up with something again. They cut down the tree and threw it across the canyon. On a tree, they crossed the canyon and went to the cave.

Near the cave, they saw a large stone, and thought that this stone would close the cave. Together they moved the stone and closed the cave.

The heroes went home. On the way, they met their friend, a kind dragon. He decided to help or they climbed onto the dragon's neck and flew off together.

In the village, Borya and Kolya fought dragons for several hours, and finally defeated them.

They lived as before. And they lived happily ever after.

Three heroes

In one small village lived three heroes, three brothers. And they had an old sick father. One day, my father became very ill, he called his heroes and said: “I heard that far from our village, through the mountains and fields, there is a holy well, if you drink that water immediately and you will recover.”

And the brothers went on a long journey. But it was not so easy to get this water, because this well was located in the castle of an evil and greedy sorcerer who would not give anything away just like that. The heroes walked for a long time, they met many animals along the way, but no one touched them, because they were all known, they were very kind and good animals. One day they met an old man who was very kind and gave them shelter in his lodge.

He was kind, friendly, the heroes told him where and why they were going. He gave them tea and made their bed. While they were sleeping, the old man sent to the evil sorcerer to tell him about who was coming to him. This old man was a sorcerer's servant.

Waking up in the morning, the heroes found that their horses were gone and the house was empty. Everyone understood the heroes about the deceit of the old man, they were upset, but the father had to be saved. The sorcerer arranged many bad deeds for them: he sent rain, strong wind, snow, frost on them, but the brothers were friendly and united. So they came to the sorcerer's castle. There were many guards around, but the heroes did not give up and called their friend the dragon.

Arriving, the dragon dispersed all the guards. The dragon then bogatyrs enter the sorcerer's castle. But the sorcerer did not give up, because he was very greedy. And he signed a decree if the heroes beat him in chess, then he would give them some water and let them go home, but if they lose, they will remain in this castle forever. Day and night they played, the sorcerer tried to cheat, but the heroes were smart and did not allow themselves to be deceived.

On the third day, the heroes defeated the sorcerer in chess. The sorcerer had no choice but to fulfill his promise. He returned the horses to the heroes, gave a jug of water and they went home. Their father recovered and they lived happily ever after.

How the Serpent Gorynych became kind.

The Serpent Gorynych lived in Russia, was engaged in the usual affairs for Miracle-Yud - he would set fire to the village, then he would trample the wheat in the field, then he would start to scare the children on the river. In a word, everyone was afraid of him, and as soon as they see him in the sky, they fled in all directions. At first, Zmey Gorynych was amused, and then he got bored - everyone ran away from him, there was even no one to talk heart to heart with. He decided to improve, to become kind and went for advice to Baba Yaga. She was just drinking tea with dryers and was in a good mood.

Granny-Yagulechka, - he says, - tell me how to make friends with Russian people. I understand it's my fault. But it’s completely sad for me alone - it’s even more fun to see you old. How can I fix it?

And you help them with something, prove that you know how to be kind, they will reach out to you themselves. That's just Ivanushka came to me for rejuvenating apples for his father. Yes, only mine are over and it's not the season now. But there is one apple tree on a heavenly island behind seven mountains, seven mists and seven rainbows. What fructifies a round goal. But I can't get there - I'm old, but the stupa needs repairs. And you are young and strong, yes wings, you have hoo, talk to Ivanushka, offer to help. Just now he left me saddened along that path - catch up soon.

And the Serpent Gorynych chased after Ivanushka. Barely caught up, can’t catch his breath, bursts with flames. And Ivanushka thought that the Serpent Gorynych wanted to attack him and said:

Again you, Miracle - Yudo Serpent Gorynych scare people through the forest. I’m not afraid of you, but I don’t want to put up with you by force - my business is important, my thought is heavy, fly while they kindly ask!

Do not be angry, Ivan, - says the Serpent Gorynych, - I did not come to fight, but to resolve your heavy thought. Get on me, let's fly for rejuvenating apples for your father to the heavenly island, but hold on tight - we'll fly quickly.

Ivanushka did not expect such a turn, but you never know where help will come from - he jumped onto the back of the Serpent Gorynych and they rushed through seven mountains. Through seven fogs, through seven rainbows to the heavenly island.

They collected rejuvenating apples and returned to the very threshold of Ivanov's house, where his father was waiting for him.

As soon as the people of the Serpent Gorynych over the village saw it, they rushed in all directions, and Ivanushka shouted - do not be afraid, he has now become kind, he wants to help us. People see - Ivanushka on the Serpent Gorynych on horseback - apparently he speaks the truth, with apprehension, but they came closer. Ivanushka took the apples to his father - he immediately recovered, cheered up, stood up on his feet. And Ivan, meanwhile, told all the people how the Serpent Gorynych helped him. Yes, the Serpent Gorynych himself asked the villagers for forgiveness for his dangerous mischief, said that now he decided to become kind, to help people.

People forgave him, he proved it with deeds. Decided to help.

Since then, Zmey Gorynych has become the main assistant in the village - to whom to plow the garden, to whom to bring firewood from the forest, to whom to bring rutabaga to the cellar, and to whom to look after small children. No one was afraid of him now - all people loved and respected him for his work and kindness.

And they all lived happily ever after.

That's the end of the tale, and who listened - well done!

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Bylina. Ilya Muromets

Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber

Early, early, Ilya left Murom, and he wanted to get to the capital city of Kyiv by lunchtime. His frisky horse gallops a little lower than a walking cloud, higher than a standing forest. And quickly, soon the hero drove up to the city of Chernigov. And near Chernigov there is an uncountable enemy force. There is no pedestrian or horseback access. The enemy hordes are approaching the fortress walls, they are thinking of capturing and devastating Chernigov.

Ilya drove up to the myriad rati and began to beat the rapists-invaders, like mowing grass. And with a sword, and a spear, and a heavy club4, and a heroic horse tramples enemies. And soon he nailed, trampled down that great enemy force.

The gates in the fortress wall opened, Chernigov citizens came out, bowed low to the hero and called him governor in Chernigov-grad.

- Thank you for the honor, peasants of Chernigov, but it’s not for me to sit as governor in Chernigov, - answered Ilya Muromets. - I'm in a hurry to the capital Kyiv-grad. Show me the right way!

“You are our redeemer, glorious Russian hero, the straight road to Kyiv-grad has become overgrown, muraved. The detour is now walked on foot and ridden on horseback. Near the Black Dirt, near the Smorodinka River, the Nightingale the Robber, Odikhmantyev's son, settled. The robber sits on twelve oaks. The villain whistles like a nightingale, screams like an animal, and from the whistling of a nightingale and from the cry of an animal, the grass-ant has withered all over, azure flowers crumble, dark forests lean to the ground, and people lie dead! Do not go that way, glorious hero!

Ilya did not listen to the Chernigovites, he went straight on the road. He drives up to the Smorodinka River and to the Black Mud.

The Nightingale the Robber noticed him and began to whistle like a nightingale, shouted like an animal, the villain hissed like a snake. The grass withered, the flowers crumbled, the trees bowed to the ground, the horse under Ilya began to stumble.

The hero got angry, swung a silk whip at the horse.

- What are you, a wolf's satiety, a bag of grass, began to stumble? Have you not heard, apparently, the whistle of a nightingale, the thorn of a snake, and the cry of an animal?

He himself grabbed a tight, explosive bow and shot at the Nightingale the Robber, wounded the right eye and right hand of the monster, and the villain fell to the ground. The bogatyr fastened the robber to the saddle pommel and drove the Nightingale across the open field past the nightingale's lair. The sons and daughters saw how they were carrying their father, tied to a saddle pommel, grabbed swords and horns, ran to rescue the Nightingale the Robber. And Ilya scattered them, scattered them and, without delay, began to continue his path.

Ilya came to the capital city of Kyiv, to the wide court of the prince. And the glorious Prince Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko with the princes of his knees, with honorable boyars and mighty heroes, just sat down at the dinner table.

Ilya put his horse in the middle of the yard, he himself entered the dining room. He laid the cross in a written way, bowed on four sides in a learned way, and to the Great Prince himself in person.

Prince Vladimir began to ask:

- Where are you from, good fellow What is your name, called by your patronymic?

- I am from the city of Murom, from the suburban village of Karacharova, Ilya Muromets.

- How long ago, good fellow, did you leave Murom?

“I left Murom early in the morning,” answered Ilya, “I wanted to be in time for mass in Kyiv-grad, but I hesitated on the way, along the way. And I was driving along a straight road past the city of Chernigov, past the Smorodinka River and Black Mud.

The prince frowned, frowned, looked unkindly:

Popliteal - subordinate, subordinate.

- You, peasant peasant, are mocking us in the face! An enemy army is standing near Chernigov - an innumerable force, and there is neither a foot nor a horse there, nor a passage. And from Chernigov to Kyiv, the straight road has long been overgrown, covered with murals. Near the river Smorodinka and Black Mud, the robber Nightingale, the son of Odikhmant, sits on twelve oaks, and does not let foot or horse through. Even a falcon can't fly there!

Ilya Muromets answers those words:

- Near Chernigov, the enemy army is all beaten and fought, and the Nightingale the Robber is wounded in your yard, strapped to the saddle.

Prince Vladimir jumped out from behind the table, threw a marten fur coat over one shoulder, a sable hat over one ear, and ran out onto the red porch.

I saw the Nightingale the Robber, strapped to the saddle pommel:

- Whistle, Nightingale, like a nightingale, scream, dog, like an animal, hiss, robber, like a snake!

“It’s not you, prince, who captured me, defeated me. I won, Ilya Muromets captivated me. And I will not listen to anyone but him.

“Order, Ilya Muromets,” says Prince Vladimir, “to whistle, shout, hiss at the Nightingale!”

Ilya Muromets ordered:

- Whistle, Nightingale, half a nightingale's whistle, cry half a beast's cry, hiss a snake's half-thorn!

“From a bloody wound,” the Nightingale says, “my mouth is dry. You ordered me to pour a cup of green wine for me, not a small cup - one and a half buckets, and then I will amuse Prince Vladimir.

They brought the nightingale the robber a glass of green wine. The villain took the chara with one hand, drank the chara for a single spirit.

After that he whistled in a full whistle like a nightingale, shouted in a full cry like an animal, hissed in a full spike like a snake.

Here the domes on the towers grimaced, and the knees in the towers crumbled, all the people who were in the yard lay dead. Vladimir, Prince of Stolno-Kyiv, hides himself with a marten coat and crawls around.

Ilya Muromets got angry. He mounted a good horse, took the Nightingale the Robber into the open field:

- It's enough for you, villain, to destroy people! - And cut off the Nightingale's wild head.

So much the Nightingale the Robber lived in the world. That was the end of the story about him.

Ilya Muromets and Poor Idolishche

Once Ilya Muromets left far from Kyiv in an open field, in a wide expanse. I shot geese, swans and gray ducks there. On the way he met the elder Ivanishche - a cross-country Kalika. Ilya asks:

— How long have you been from Kyiv?

- Recently I was in Kyiv. There, Prince Vladimir and Apraksia are in trouble. There were no heroes in the city, and the filthy Idolishche arrived. As tall as a haystack, eyes like bowls, a slanting sazhen in the shoulders. He sits in the prince's chambers, treats himself, shouts at the prince and princess: “Give it and bring it!” And there is no one to defend them.

“Oh, old Ivanishche,” says Ilya Muromets, “you are more stout and stronger than me, but you don’t have the courage and grip!” You take off your calico dress, we will change clothes for a while.

Ilya dressed up in a caliche dress, came to Kyiv to the princely court and cried out in a loud voice:

- Give, prince, a almsman to a passer-by!

"What are you yelling at, you bastard?! Enter the dining room. I want to chat with you! shouted the filthy Idolishche out the window.

In the shoulders oblique sazhen - broad shoulders.

Nishchekhlibina is a contemptuous appeal to a beggar.

The hero entered the room, stood at the lintel. The prince and princess did not recognize him.

And Idolishche, lounging, sits at the table, grinning:

- Have you seen, Kalika, the hero Ilyushka of Muromets? What is his height, stature? Do you eat and drink a lot?

- Ilya Muromets is just like me in height and stature. He eats a loaf of bread a day. Green wine, standing beer drinks a cup a day, and that's what happens.

- What kind of hero is he? Idolishche laughed, grinned. - Here I am a hero - at a time I eat a fried three-year-old bull, I drink a barrel of green wine. When I meet Ileyka, the Russian hero, I will put him in the palm of my hand, slap the other, and there will be dirt and water left from him!

To that boast, the cross-eyed Kalika answers:

- Our priest also had a gluttonous pig. She ate and drank a lot until she vomited.

Those speeches did not fall in love with Idolisch. He threw a yard-long * damask knife, and Ilya Muromets was evasive, evaded the knife.

The knife stuck into the doorway, the doorway flew out with a crash in the canopy. Here Ilya Muromets, in lapotochki and in a calico dress, grabbed the filthy Idolish, raised him above his head and threw the braggart-rapist on the brick floor.

So much Idolishche has been alive. And the glory of the mighty Russian hero is sung century after century.

Ilya Muromets and Kalin Tsar

Prince Vladimir started a feast of honors and did not call Ilya of Muromets. The hero took offense at the prince; he went out into the street, pulled on his tight bow, began to shoot at the church's silver domes, at the gilded crosses, and shouted to the peasants of Kyiv:

- Collect gilded and silver church domes, bring them to the circle - to the drinking house. Let's start our own feast-dining for all the peasants of Kyiv!

Prince Vladimir of Stolno-Kyiv was angry, ordered to put Ilya Muromets in a deep cellar for three years.

And Vladimir's daughter ordered to make the keys to the cellar and, secretly from the prince, ordered to feed and water the glorious hero, sent him soft feather beds, downy pillows.

How much, how little time has passed, a messenger rode to Kyiv from Tsar Kalin.

He waved the doors wide open, without asking he ran into the prince's tower, threw a messenger letter to Vladimir. And in the letter it is written: “I order you, Prince Vladimir, to quickly and quickly clear the streets of the Streltsy and the large courtyards of the princes and instruct all the streets and lanes of foamy beer, standing mead and green wine, so that my army would have something to treat themselves to in Kyiv. If you don't follow orders, blame yourself. I will shake Russia with fire, I will destroy Kyiv-city and put you and the princess to death. I give you three days."

Prince Vladimir read the letter, grieved, saddened.

He walks around the upper room, sheds burning tears, wipes himself with a silk handkerchief:

- Oh, why did I put Ilya Muromets in a deep cellar and ordered that cellar to be covered with yellow sand! Go, is our defender not alive now? And there are no other heroes in Kyiv now. And there is no one to stand up for the faith, for the Russian land, no one to stand up for the capital city, to defend me with the princess and my daughter!

“Father-prince of Stolno-Kyiv, they didn’t order me to be executed, let me say a word,” Vladimir’s daughter said. - Our Ilya Muromets is alive and well. I secretly gave water to you, fed him, cared for him. Forgive me, self-willed daughter!

“You are clever, you are intelligent,” Prince Vladimir praised his daughter.

He grabbed the key to the cellar and ran after Ilya Muromets himself. He brought him to the white-stone chambers, hugged, kissed the hero, treated him with sugar dishes, gave him sweet overseas wines, spoke these words:

- Don't be angry, Ilya Muromets! Let what was between us, bylyom grow. We've been hit by misfortune. The dog Kalin-Tsar approached the capital city of Kyiv, led countless hordes. It threatens to ruin Russia, to roll with fire, to ruin Kiev-city, to captivate all the people of Kiev, and now there are no heroes. Everyone is standing at the outposts and has gone on patrols. I have all my hope for you alone, glorious hero Ilya Muromets!

Once Ilya Muromets cool off, treat himself at the princely table. He quickly went to his yard. First of all, he visited his prophetic horse. The horse, well-fed, smooth, well-groomed, neighed happily when he saw the owner.

Ilya Muromets said to his parobka:

- Thank you for grooming the horse, taking care of it!

And he began to saddle the horse. First imposed

a sweatshirt, and on the sweatshirt he put felt, on the felt a Cherkassy unsupported saddle. He tightened twelve silk girths with damask studs, with red gold buckles, not for beauty, for pleasing, for the sake of a heroic fortress: silk girths stretch, do not tear, damask steel bends, does not break, and red gold buckles do not rust. Ilya himself was equipped with heroic battle armor. He had a damask mace with him, a long spear, girded a battle sword, grabbed a road shalyga and drove out into an open field. He sees that the Basurman forces near Kyiv are many. From the cry of a man and from the neighing of a horse, the human heart desponds. Wherever you look, nowhere can you see the end-edge of the force-hordes of the enemy.

Ilya Muromets drove off, climbed a high hill, he looked towards the east and saw, far, far away in an open field, white-linen tents. He directed there, urged the horse, saying: “It is clear that our Russian heroes are standing there, they do not know about misfortune, trouble.”

And soon he drove up to the white-linen tents, went into the tent of the greatest hero Samson Samoylovich, his godfather. And the heroes at that time dined.

Ilya Muromets spoke:

“Bread and salt, Holy Russian heroes!”

Samson Samoylovich answered:

- And come on, perhaps, our glorious hero Ilya Muromets! Sit down with us to dine, taste the bread and salt!

Here the heroes got up on frisky legs, greeted Ilya Muromets, hugged him, kissed him three times, invited him to the table.

Thank you, brothers of the cross. I didn’t come to dine, but I brought joyless, sad news, ”Ilya Muromets said. - There is an uncountable army near Kyiv. The dog Kalin-Tsar is threatening to take our capital city and burn it down, cut down all the Kyiv peasants, steal their wives and daughters in full, ruin the churches, bring Prince Vladimir and Princess Apraksia to an evil death. And I came to call you to fight with the enemies!

The heroes answered those speeches:

- We will not, Ilya Muromets, saddle horses, we will not go to fight, fight for Prince Vladimir and Princess Apraksia. They have many close princes and boyars. The Grand Prince of Stolno-Kyiv gives them water and feeds them and favors them, but we have nothing from Vladimir and Apraksia the Queen. Do not persuade us, Ilya Muromets!

Ilya Muromets did not like those speeches. He mounted his good horse and rode up to the hordes of the enemy. He began to trample the strength of the enemies with a horse, stab with a spear, chop with a sword and beat with a roadside shalyga. Beats, strikes tirelessly. And the heroic horse under him spoke in human language:

- Do not beat you, Ilya Muromets, enemy forces. Tsar Kalina has mighty heroes and clearings are remote, and deep digs are dug in the open field. As soon as we sit down in the digs, I will jump out of the first dig and I will jump out of the other dig and I will carry you out, Ilya, and I will even jump out of the third dig, but I won’t be able to carry you out.

Ilya did not like those speeches. He raised a silk whip, began to beat the horse on steep hips, saying:

- Oh, you treacherous dog, wolf meat, grass bag! I feed, sing you, take care of you, and you want to destroy me!

And then the horse with Ilya sank into the first dig. From there, the faithful horse jumped out, carried the hero on himself. And again the hero began to beat the enemy force, like mowing grass. And another time the horse with Ilya sank into a deep dig. And from this tunnel a frisky horse carried the hero.

Beats Ilya Muromets basurman, sentences:

- Do not go yourself and order your children-grandchildren to go to fight in Great Russia forever and ever.

At that time, they sank with the horse into the third deep dig. His faithful horse jumped out of the tunnel, but Ilya Muromets could not bear it. Enemies ran to catch the horse, but the faithful horse did not give up, he galloped far into the open field. Then dozens of heroes, hundreds of warriors attacked Ilya Muromets in a dig, tied him up, handcuffed him, and brought him to the tent to Tsar Kalin. Kalin-Tsar met him kindly and friendly, ordered to untie-unchain the hero:

- Sit down, Ilya Muromets, with me, Tsar Kalin, at a single table, eat whatever your heart desires, drink my honey drinks. I will give you precious clothes, I will give you, as needed, a golden treasury. Do not serve Prince Vladimir, but serve me, Tsar Kalin, and you will be my neighbor boyar prince!

Ilya Muromets looked at Tsar Kalin, grinned unkindly and said:

“I won’t sit at the same table with you, I won’t eat your dishes, I won’t drink your honey drinks, I don’t need precious clothes, I don’t need countless golden treasuries. I will not serve you - the dog Tsar Kalin! And henceforth I will faithfully defend, defend Great Russia, stand for the capital city of Kyiv, for my people and for Prince Vladimir. And I’ll tell you more: you’re stupid, the dog Kalin-tsar, if you think in Russia to find traitors-defectors!

He swung open the carpet-curtain door and jumped out of the tent. And there the guards, the royal guards, fell on Ilya Muromets in a cloud: some with fetters, some with ropes, they get along to tie the unarmed.

Yes, it was not there! The mighty hero tensed up, tensed up: he scattered, scattered the infidels and slipped through the enemy force-army into an open field, into a wide expanse.

He whistled with a heroic whistle, and, out of nowhere, his faithful horse came running with armor and equipment.

Ilya Muromets rode out to a high hill, pulled on a tight bow and sent a red-hot arrow, saying himself: “You fly, red-hot arrow, into the white tent, fall, arrow, on the white chest of my godfather, slip and make a small scratch. He will understand: it can be bad for me alone in battle. An arrow hit Samson's tent. Samson the hero woke up, jumped up on frisky legs and shouted in a loud voice:

“Get up, mighty Russian heroes!” A red-hot arrow flew from the godson - bad news: he needed help in the battle with the Saracens. In vain, he would not have sent an arrow. You saddle, without delay, good horses, and we will go to fight not for the sake of Prince Vladimir, but for the sake of the Russian people, to the rescue of the glorious Ilya Muromets!

Soon twelve heroes jumped to the rescue, and Ilya Muromets with them in the thirteenth. They pounced on the hordes of the enemy, nailed down, trampled down with horses all my innumerable strength, they took Tsar Kalin in full, brought him to the chambers of Prince Vladimir. And Kalin the king spoke:

- Do not execute me, Prince Vladimir of Stolno-Kyiv, I will pay tribute to you and order my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to never go to Russia with a sword, but to live in peace with you. In that we will sign the letter.

Here the old epic ended.


Dobrynya and the Serpent

Dobrynya grew up to full age. Heroic grips awakened in him. Dobrynya Nikitich began to ride on a good horse in an open field and trample kites with a frisky horse.

His dear mother, the honest widow Afimya Alexandrovna, said to him:

“My child, Dobrynushka, you don’t need to swim in the Pochai River. Pochai is an angry river, it is angry, ferocious. The first jet in the river cuts like fire, sparks fall from the other jet, and smoke pours from the third jet. And you don’t need to go to the distant mountain Sorochinskaya and go there to snake holes-caves.

Young Dobrynya Nikitich did not listen to his mother. He went out of the white-stone chambers into a wide, spacious courtyard, went into a standing stable, led out the heroic horse and began to saddle: first he put on a sweatshirt, and on the sweatshirt he put felt, and on the felt a Cherkasy saddle, decorated with silks, gold, tightened twelve silk girths. The buckles at the girths are pure gold, and the pegs at the buckles are damask, not for the sake of beauty, but for the sake of strength: after all, silk does not tear, damask steel does not bend, red gold does not rust, the hero sits on a horse, does not age.

Then he attached a quiver with arrows to the saddle, took a tight heroic bow, took a heavy club and a long spear. The young man called in a loud voice, ordered him to be escorted.

It was visible how he mounted a horse, but not how he rode away from the yard, only a dusty smoke curled like a pillar behind the hero.

Dobrynya traveled with a steamer across an open field. They did not meet any geese, or swans, or gray ducks.

Then the hero drove up to the Pochai River. The horse near Dobrynya was exhausted, and he himself became wise under the baking sun. I wanted a good fellow to swim. He dismounted from his horse, took off his travel clothes, ordered the horse to be dragged and fed with silk grass-ant, and he swam away from the shore in one thin linen shirt.

He swims and completely forgot that his mother was punishing ... And at that time, just from the eastern side, a dashing misfortune rolled up: the Serpent-Mountainous Mountain with three heads, twelve trunks flew in, eclipsed the sun with filthy wings. He saw an unarmed man in the river, rushed down, grinned:

- You are now, Dobrynya, in my hands. If I want, I’ll burn you with fire, if I want, I’ll take you full of life, I’ll take you to the Sorochinsky mountains, into deep holes into snakes!

It throws sparks, scorches with fire, catches the good fellow with its trunks.

And Dobrynya is agile, evasive, dodged the snake's trunks and dived deep into the depths, and emerged right at the very shore. He jumped onto the yellow sand, and the Serpent flies behind him. The good fellow is looking for heroic armor, than he should fight with the Serpent-monster, and did not find either a couple, or a horse, or military equipment. The couple of the Serpent-Gorynishcha was frightened, he ran away and drove away the horse with armor.

Dobrynya sees: things are not right, and he has no time to think and guess ... He noticed on the sand a hat-cap of Greek soil, and quickly filled his hat with yellow sand and threw that three-pound cap at the opponent. The Serpent fell on the damp ground. The hero jumped up to the Serpent on his white chest, he wants to kill him. Then the filthy monster pleaded:

- Young Dobrynushka Nikitich! Don't beat me, don't execute me, let me go alive, unharmed. We will write notes between ourselves with you: do not fight forever, do not fight. I will not fly to Russia, ruin villages with villages, I will not take people full. And you, my elder brother, do not go to the Sorochinsky mountains, do not trample the little serpents with a frisky horse.

Young Dobrynya, he is gullible: he listened to flattering speeches, let the Serpent go free, on all four sides, he quickly found a couple with his horse, with equipment. After that he returned home and bowed low to his mother:

- Empress mother! Bless me for the heroic military service.

Mother blessed him, and Dobrynya went to the capital city of Kyiv. He arrived at the prince's court, tied his horse to a chiseled pillar, whether to that gilded ring, he himself entered the white-stone chambers, laid the cross in the written way, and bowed in the learned way: he bowed low on all four sides, and to the prince and princess in person . Kindly Prince Vladimir met the guest and asked:

“You are a burly, burly good fellow, whose clans, from what cities?” And how to call you by name, call you by your native land?

- I am from the glorious city of Ryazan, the son of Nikita Romanovich and Afimya Alexandrovna - Dobrynya, the son of Nikitich. I came to you, prince, to the military service.

And at that time, Prince Vladimir's tables were pulled apart, the princes, boyars and mighty Russian heroes were feasting. Prince Vladimir Dobrynya Nikitich sat at the table in a place of honor between Ilya Muromets and Danube Ivanovich, brought him a glass of green wine, not a small glass - one and a half buckets. Dobrynya took chara with one hand, drank chara for a single spirit.

And Prince Vladimir, meanwhile, walked around the dining room, proverbially the sovereign pronounces:

- Oh, you goy, mighty Russian heroes, I do not live in joy today, in sorrow. Lost my beloved niece, young Zabava Putyatichna. She walked with her mothers, with the nannies in the green garden, and at that time the Zmeinishche-Gorynishche flew over Kyiv, he grabbed Zabava Putyatichna, soared above the standing forest and carried it to the Sorochinsky mountains, into deep snake caves. Would there be one of you, children: you, the princes of your knees, you, the boyars of your neighbor, and you, the mighty Russian heroes, who would go to the Sorochinsky mountains, rescued from the full of snakes, rescued the beautiful Zabavushka Putyatichna and thus consoled me and Princess Apraksia? !

All the princes and boyars are silent in silence.

The larger one is buried for the middle one, the middle one for the smaller one, and there is no answer from the smaller one.

It was here that Dobrynya Nikitich came to mind: “But the Serpent violated the commandment: do not fly to Russia, do not take people in full - if he took it away, captivated Zabava Putyatichna.” He left the table, bowed to Prince Vladimir and said these words:

- Sunny Vladimir, Prince of Stolno-Kyiv, you throw this service on me. After all, the Serpent Gorynych recognized me as a brother and swore not to fly to the Russian land for a century and not to take it in full, but he violated that oath-commandment. I have to go to the Sorochinsky mountains, to rescue Zabava Putyatichna.

The prince brightened his face and said:

- You consoled us, good fellow!

And Dobrynya bowed low on all four sides, and to the prince and princess in person, then he went out into the wide courtyard, mounted his horse and rode to Ryazan-city.

There, he asked his mother for blessings to go to the Sorochinsky mountains, to rescue Russian captives from the full of snakes.

Mother Afimya Alexandrovna said:

- Go, dear child, and my blessing will be with you!

Then she gave a whip of seven silks, gave an embroidered white-linen shawl and spoke to her son these words:

- When you will fight with the Serpent, your right hand he will get tired, he will grow mad, the white light will be lost in his eyes, you wipe yourself with a handkerchief and wipe the horse, it will remove all fatigue as if by hand, and the strength of you and the horse will triple, and wave a seven-silk whip over the Serpent - he will bow to the damp earth. Here you tear-cut all the snake's trunks - all the snake's strength will be depleted.

Dobrynya bowed low to his mother, the honest widow Afimya Alexandrovna, then mounted a good horse and rode to the Sorochinsky mountains.

And the filthy Serpent-Gorynishche smelled Dobrynya for half a field, swooped in, began to shoot with fire and fight, fight. They fight for an hour or so. The greyhound horse was exhausted, began to stumble, and Dobrynya's right hand waved, the light faded in his eyes. Here the hero remembered his mother's order. He wiped himself with an embroidered white-linen handkerchief and wiped his horse. His faithful horse began to jump three times faster than before. And Dobrynya lost all his fatigue, his strength tripled. He seized the time, waved a seven-silk whip over the Serpent, and the Serpent's strength was exhausted: he crouched down to the damp earth.

Dobrynya tore-chopped the snake trunks, and in the end he cut off all three heads of the filthy monster, chopped them with a sword, trampled all the snakes with his horse and went into the deep holes of the snake, cut and broke strong constipation, let out a lot of people from the crowd, let everyone go free .

He brought Zabava Putyatichna into the world, put him on a horse and brought him to the capital city of Kyiv.

He brought him to the princely chambers, there he bowed in a written way: on all four sides, and to the prince and princess in person, he started a speech in a learned way:

- By your command, prince, I went to the Sorochinskiye mountains, ruined and fought the snake's lair. He killed the Snake-Gorynishch himself and all the little serpents, released the darkness-darkness to the will of the people, and rescued your beloved niece, the young Zabava Putyatichna.

Prince Vladimir was glad, happy, he hugged Dobrynya Nikitich tightly, kissed him on the lips of sugar, put him in a place of honor.

To celebrate, the prince of honors started a feast-table for all the boyar princes, for all the mighty glorified heroes.

And everyone at that feast got drunk, ate, glorified the heroism and prowess of the hero Dobrynya Nikitich.

Dobrynya, Ambassador of Prince Vladimir

The prince's table-feasting goes on half-feast, the guests sit half-drunk. One Prince Vladimir of Stolno-Kyiv is sad, unhappy. He walks around the dining room, the sovereign pronounces verbatim: “I have lost the care-sadness of my beloved niece Zabava Putyatichna and now another misfortune-adversity has happened: Khan Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich demands a great tribute for twelve years, in which deeds-records were written between us. The khan threatens to go to war, if I don’t give tribute. So it is necessary to send ambassadors to Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich, to take tribute-outputs: twelve swans, twelve gyrfalcons and a letter of guilt, but a tribute in itself. So I’m thinking, whom should I send as ambassadors?

Here all the guests at the tables fell silent. The big one is buried for the middle one, the middle one is buried for the smaller one, and there is no answer from the smaller one. Then the nearest boyar rose:

- You let me, prince, say a word.

“Speak, boyar, we will listen,” Prince Vladimir answered him.

And the boyar began to say:

“To go to the Khan’s land is no small service, and it’s better to send someone like Dobrynya Nikitich and Vasily Kazimirovich, and send Ivan Dubrovich as assistants. They know how to walk in ambassadors, and they know how to conduct a conversation with the khan.

And then Vladimir, Prince of Stolno-Kyiv, poured three charms of green wine, not small charms - into one and a half buckets, diluted the wine with standing honey.

He offered the first enchantment to Dobrynya Nikitich, the second charade to Vasily Kazimirovich, and the third charade to Ivan Dubrovich.

All three heroes got up on frisky feet, took the spell with one hand, drank for a single spirit, bowed low to the prince, and all three said:

- We will celebrate your service, prince, we will go to the land of the Khan, we will give your letter of guilt, twelve swans as a gift, twelve gyrfalcons and tributes for twelve years to Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich.

Prince Vladimir gave the ambassadors a letter of guilt and ordered Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich to give twelve swans, twelve gyrfalcons as a gift, and then poured a box of pure silver, another box of red gold, and a third box of pitched pearls: tribute to the khan for twelve years.

With that, the ambassadors mounted good horses and rode to the Khan's land. During the day they ride on the red sun, at night they ride on the bright moon. Day after day, like rain, week after week, like a river runs, and good fellows move forward.

And so they arrived in the Khan's land, in a wide courtyard to Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich.

Dismounted from good horses. Young Dobrynya Nikitich waved at the heel of the door, and they entered the white stone chambers of the khan. There, the cross was laid in the written way, and bows were made in a learned way, they bowed low on all four sides, especially to the khan himself.

Khan began to ask the good fellows:

“Where are you from, burly good fellows?” What cities are you from, what kind of family are you and what is your name?

The good fellows kept the answer:

- We came from the city from Kyiv, from the glorious from the prince from Vladimir. They brought you tributes for twelve years.

Here they gave the khan a confession letter, gave twelve swans as a gift, twelve gyrfalcons. Then they brought a box of pure silver, another box of red gold, and a third box of pearls. After that, Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich sat the ambassadors at an oak table, fed, regaled, watered and began to ask:

On the heel - wide open, wide, in full swing.

— Do you have in Holy Russia glorious PRINCE Who plays chess at Vladimir's, with expensive gilded tavlei? Does anyone play checkers and chess?

Dobrynya Nikitich spoke in response:

- I can play chess with you, khan, in expensive gilded tavlei.

They brought chessboards, and Dobrynya and the Khan began to step over from cell to cell. Dobrynya once stepped and another stepped, and on the third khan and closed the passage.

Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich says:

- Oh, you are much better, good fellow, to play checkers-tavlei. Before you, with whom I played, I beat everyone. Under another game, I put a pledge: two boxes of pure silver, two boxes of red gold, and two boxes of slatted pearls.

Dobrynya Nikitich answered him:

“My business is traveling, there is no countless gold treasury with me, there is neither pure silver nor red gold, there is no scat pearl. Unless I bet my wild head.

Here the khan stepped once - he didn’t step, another time he stepped - he stepped over, and the third time Dobrynya closed the move for him, he won Bakhtiyarov’s pledge: two boxes of pure silver, two boxes of red gold and two boxes of pitched pearls.

The Khan got excited, got excited, he set a great pledge: to pay tribute-outputs to Prince Vladimir for twelve years and a half. And for the third time, Dobrynya won the bail. The loss is great, the khan lost and was offended. He says these words:

- Glorious heroes, ambassadors of Vladimir! How many of you are willing to shoot from a bow in order to pass a red-hot arrow along the point along a knife edge, so that the arrow splits in half and the arrow hits the silver ring and both halves of the arrow were equal in weight.

And twelve hefty heroes brought the best khan's bow.

Young Dobrynya Nikitich takes that tight, torn bow, began to put on a red-hot arrow, Dobrynya began to pull the bowstring, the bowstring broke like a rotten thread, and the bow broke and crumbled. Young Dobrynushka spoke:

- Oh, you, Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich, that lousy ray, worthless!

And he said to Ivan Dubrovich:

- You go, my cross brother, to the wide courtyard, bring my travel bow, which is attached to the right stirrup.

Ivan Dubrovich unfastened the bow from the right one from the stirrup and carried that bow into the white-stone chamber. And voiced hussels were attached to the bow - not for beauty, but for the sake of valiant fun. And now Ivanushka is carrying a bow, playing on the guselts. All the infidels listened, they didn’t have such a diva for centuries ...

Dobrynya takes his tight bow, stands opposite the silver ring, and three times he shot at the edge of the knife, doubled the arrow of the kalyon in two and hit the silver ring three times.

Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich started shooting here. The first time he fired - he didn't shoot, the second time he shot - he shot and the third time he shot, but he didn't hit the ring.

This Khan did not come to love, did not like it. And he conceived something bad: to lime, to solve the ambassadors of Kyiv, all three heroes. And he spoke softly:

- Won't any of you, glorious heroes, ambassadors of Vladimirov, wish to fight and have fun with our fighters, to taste their strength?

Before Vasily Kazimirovich and Ivan Dubrovich had time to utter a word, like a young Dobrynushka epancha; took off, straightened his mighty shoulders and went out into the wide courtyard. There he was met by a hero-fighter. The growth of the hero is terrible, in the shoulders a slanting fathom, the head is like a beer cauldron, and behind that hero there are many fighters. They began to walk around the yard, they began to push the young Dobrynushka. And Dobrynya pushed them away, kicked them and threw them away from him. Then the terrible hero grabbed Dobrynya by the white hands, but they fought for a short time, measured their strength - Dobrynya was strong, grasping ... He threw and threw the hero on the damp ground, only the rumble went, the earth trembled. At first the fighters were horrified, they hurried, and then all in a crowd they attacked Dobrynya, and the fight-fun here was replaced by a fight-fight. With a cry and with weapons, they fell on Dobrynya.

And Dobrynya was unarmed, scattered the first hundred, crucified, and behind those a whole thousand.

He snatched out the cart axle and began to regale his enemies with that axle. Ivan Dubrovich jumped out of the chambers to help him, and the two of them began to beat and beat the enemies together. Where the heroes pass, there is a street, and if they turn to the side, there is an alley.

Enemies lie lying down, they don't yell.

The Khan's arms and legs shook as he saw this massacre. Somehow he crawled out, went out into the wide courtyard and begged, began to beg:

- Glorious Russian heroes! You leave my fighters, do not destroy them! And I will give Prince Vladimir a letter of guilt, I will order my grandchildren and great-grandchildren not to fight with the Russians, not to fight, and I will pay tribute-outputs forever and ever!

He called the ambassadors-bogatyrs to the white-stone chambers, treated them with sugar dishes and honey honey. After that, Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich wrote a confession letter to Prince Vladimir: for all eternity, do not go to war in Russia, do not fight with the Russians, do not fight and pay tribute-exits forever and ever. Then he poured a cartload of pure silver, another cartloader poured red gold, and a third cartloader poured pearls and sent twelve swans, twelve gyrfalcons as a gift to Vladimir and accompanied the ambassadors with great honor. He himself went out into the wide courtyard and bowed low after the heroes.

And the mighty Russian heroes - Dobrynya Nikitich, Vasily Kazimirovich and Ivan Dubrovich mounted good horses and drove off from the court of Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich, and after them they drove three wagons with countless treasury and with gifts to Prince Vladimir. Day after day, like rain, week after week, like a river runs, and the heroes-ambassadors move forward. They ride from morning until evening, red sun until sunset. When the frisky horses grow emaciated and the good fellows themselves grow tired, get tired, put up white-linen tents, feed the horses, rest themselves, eat and drink, and again while away the road. They travel through wide fields, cross fast rivers - and now they have arrived in the capital city of Kyiv.

They drove into the prince’s spacious courtyard and dismounted here from good horses, then Dobrynya Nikitich, Vasily Kazimirovich and Ivanushka Dubrovich entered the prince’s chambers, they laid the cross in a scholarly manner, they bowed in a written manner: they bowed low on all four sides, and to Prince Vladimir from the princess in person, and they said these words:

- Oh, you are a goy, Prince Vladimir of Stolno-Kyiv! We visited the Khan's Horde, your service was celebrated there. Khan Bakhtiyar ordered you to bow. - And then they gave the Khan's letter of guilt to Prince Vladimir.

Prince Vladimir sat down on an oak bench and read that letter. Then he jumped up on frisky legs, began to pace around the ward, began stroking his fair-haired curls, began waving his right hand and exclaimed brightly joyfully:

- Oh, glorious Russian heroes! After all, in the letter of the Khan, Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich asks for peace for all eternity, and it is also written there: will he pay tribute-exits to us century after century. That's how glorious you celebrated my embassy there!

Here Dobrynya Nikitich, Vasily Kazimirovich, and Ivan Dubrovich gave Prince Bakhtiyarov a gift: twelve swans, twelve gyrfalcons, and a great tribute—a load of pure silver, a load of red gold, and a load of pearls.

And Prince Vladimir, in the joy of honors, started a feast in honor of Dobrynya Nikitich, Vasily Kazimirovich and Ivan Dubrovich.

And on that Dobrynya Nikitich they sing glory.

Alyosha Popovich


In the glorious city of Rostov, near the cathedral priest, Fr. Levonty, a single child, beloved son Alyoshenka, grew up to comfort and delight his parents.

The guy grew up, matured not by the day, but by the hour, as if the dough on the dough was rising, poured with strength-fortress.

He began to run outside, play games with the guys. In all childish fun-pranks, he was the ringleader-ataman: brave, cheerful, desperate - a violent, daring little head!

Sometimes the neighbors complained: “I won’t keep you in pranks, I don’t know! Take it easy, take care of your son!”

And the parents doted on their son’s soul and in response they said: “You can’t do anything with daring-strictness, but he will grow up, he will mature, and all pranks and pranks will be removed like a hand!”

This is how Alyosha Popovich Jr. grew up. And he got older. He rode a fast horse, and learned to wield a sword. And then he came to the parent, bowed at the feet of his father and began to ask for forgiveness-blessing:

- Bless me, parent-father, to go to the capital city of Kyiv, to serve Prince Vladimir, to stand at the heroic outposts, to defend our land from enemies.

“Mother and I did not expect that you would leave us, that there would be no one to rest our old age, but it is apparently written in the family: you work in military affairs. That is a good deed, but for good deeds accept our parental blessing, for bad deeds we do not bless you!

Then Alyosha went to the wide yard, went into the standing stable, led out the heroic horse and began to saddle the horse. First he put on sweatshirts, put felts on the sweatshirts, and a Cherkassy saddle on the felts, tightly tightened the silk girths, fastened the gold buckles, and the buckles had damask studs. Everything is not for the sake of beauty-bass, but for the sake of the heroic fortress: after all, silk does not tear, damask steel does not bend, red gold does not rust, the hero sits on a horse, does not age.

He put on chainmail armor, fastened pearl buttons. In addition, he put on a damask breastplate on himself, took all the armor of the heroic. In the cuff, a tight bow, torn, and twelve red-hot arrows, he took both a heroic club and a long-sized spear, girded himself with a sword-treasury, did not forget to take a sharp dagger-zhalishche. Yevdokimushka, a young man, shouted in a loud voice:

"Don't fall behind, follow me!" And they only saw the daring of the good fellow, how he sat on a horse, but did not see how he rolled away from the yard. Only a dusty smoke rose.

How long, how short, the journey continued, how much, how little time the road lasted, and Alyosha Popovich arrived with his steamer Yevdokimushka in the capital city of Kyiv. They stopped by not by the road, not by the gates, but galloped through the city walls, past the coal tower to the wide princely courtyard. Here Alyosha jumped off the horse’s goods, he entered the prince’s chambers, laid the cross in the written way, and bowed in the learned way: he bowed low to all four sides, and to Prince Vladimir and Princess Apraksin in person.

At that time, Prince Vladimir had a feast in honor, and he ordered his youths, faithful servants, to seat Alyosha at the stove post.

Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin

The glorious Russian heroes at that time in Kyiv were not like the rays of an elk. The princes and the boyars have come to the feast, and everyone is sitting gloomy, unhappy, their wild heads hung, their eyes sunk into the oak floor...

At that time, at that time, with a noise-rumble of the door on the heel, Tugarin the dog was swinging and entered the dining room. The growth of Tugarin is terrible, his head is like a beer cauldron, his eyes are like bowls, in his shoulders there is an oblique fathom. Tugarin did not pray to images, he did not greet princes, boyars. And Prince Vladimir and Apraksia bowed low to him, took him by the arms, put him at the table in a large corner on an oak bench, gilded, covered with an expensive fluffy carpet. Russell - Tugarin fell apart in a place of honor, sits, grins with his whole wide mouth, mocks at the princes, boyars, scoffs at Prince Vladimir. Endovami drinks green wine, washed down with standing mead.

They brought swan geese and gray ducks baked, boiled, fried to the tables. Tugarin laid a loaf of bread on his cheek, swallowed a white swan at once ...

Alyosha looked from behind the baking post at Tugarin the impudent man and said:

- My parent, a Rostov priest, had a gluttonous cow: he drank swill from a whole tub until the gluttonous cow was torn to pieces!

Those speeches did not come to Tugarin in love, they seemed offensive. He threw a sharp knife-dagger at Alyosha. But Alyosha - he was evasive - on the fly grabbed a sharp knife-dagger with his hand, and he himself sits unharmed. And he spoke these words:

- We will go, Tugarin, with you in the open field and try the strength of the heroic.

And so they sat on good horses and rode into an open field, into a wide expanse. They fought there, fought until the evening, the sun was red until sunset, no one was hurt. Tugarin had a horse on wings of fire. Soared, Tugarin rose on a winged horse under the shells and is getting on with the time to seize the time to hit and fall with a gyrfalcon from above. Alyosha began to ask, to say:

- Rise, roll, dark cloud! You spill, cloud, with frequent rain, flood, extinguish Tugarin's horse's wings of fire!

And out of nowhere, a dark cloud came. A cloud poured with frequent rain, flooded and extinguished the fiery wings, and Tugarin descended on a horse from the skies to the damp earth.

Here Alyoshenka Popovich, Jr., shouted in a loud voice, as if he played a trumpet:

“Look back, bastard!” After all, Russian mighty heroes are standing there. They came to help me!

Tugarin looked around, and at that time, at that time, Alyoshenka jumped up to him - he was quick-witted and dexterous - waved his heroic sword and cut off Tugarin's violent head. On that duel with Tugarin ended.

Fight with the Basurman army near Kyiv

Alyosha turned the prophetic horse and went to Kyiv-grad. He overtakes, he catches up with a small squad - Russian tops.

Friends ask:

“Where are you heading, burly good fellow, and what is your name, called by your fatherland?”

The hero answers the combatants:

— I am Alyosha Popovich. He fought and fought in an open field with the puffed-up Tugarin, cut off his wild head, and that's the food to the capital city of Kyiv.

Alyosha rides with combatants, and they see: near the city of Kyiv, the Basurman army stands.

Surrounded, overlaid with city walls on all four sides. And so much power of that unfaithful one has been caught up that from the cry of the infidel, from the neighing of the horse and from the creak from the cart, the noise stands, as if thunder rumbles, and the human heart desponds. Near the army, a Basurman rider-hero rides around the open field, yells in a loud voice, boasts:

- We will wipe Kyiv-city from the face of the earth, all the houses, yes god's churches We will burn with fire, we will roll the brand, we will cut down all the townspeople, we will take the boyars and Prince Vladimir to the full and force us to walk in the Horde in shepherds, milk the mares!

When they saw the innumerable power of the Basurmans, and heard the boastful speeches of the praising rider Alyosha, fellow vigilantes held back their zealous horses, frowned, hesitated.

And Alyosha Popovich was hot-assertive. Where it is impossible to take by force, he swooped down there. He shouted in a loud voice:

- You are a goy, good squad! Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided. It’s better for us to lay down our heads in battle than for the glorious city of Kyiv to experience shame! We will attack an uncountable army, we will free the great Kyiv city from misfortune, and our merit will not be forgotten, it will pass, a loud glory will sweep about us: the old Cossack Ilya Muromets, son of Ivanovich, will hear about us. For our courage, he will bow to us - either not honor, not glory!

Alyosha Popovich, Jr., with his brave retinue, attacked the enemy hordes. They beat the infidels like they mow grass: sometimes with a sword, sometimes with a spear, sometimes with a heavy battle club. Alyosha Popovich took out the most important hero-praiser with a sharp sword and cut and broke him in two. Then horror-fear attacked the enemies. The opponents could not resist, fled wherever their eyes looked. And the road to the capital city of Kyiv was cleared.

Prince Vladimir found out about the victory and, with joy, started a feast, but did not invite Alyosha Popovich to the feast. Alyosha was offended by Prince Vladimir, turned his faithful horse and went to Rostov-gorod, to his parent - the cathedral priest of Rostov Levontiy.

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