How will the dismissed minister of culture of the Rostov region be remembered? Rezvanov Alexander Anatolievich biography.

Alexander Anatolyevich Rezvanov is one of the most effective cultural managers in the Rostov region. What is the secret of his success? Of course, in the ability to solve tasks creatively, getting pleasure from work.

The future Minister of Culture of the Rostov Region was born on September 26, 1964 in the Don capital in a family of employees. His mother, Galina Ivanovna, graduated from the Rostov Theater School (class of the recognized master of theater and cinema Mikhail Ilyich Bushnov) and brought up in her son the qualities necessary for every intelligent person - integrity, truthfulness, a sense of duty, moral responsibility for their actions. Moreover, she instilled these qualities in the child not by the method of edification, which is often seen in our families, but in the course of the game, forming the boy's creative abilities.

Alexander Rezvanov received his secondary education at school No. 60 of the Soviet district of the city of Rostov-on-Don. Even today, a quarter of a century later, he warmly recalls the teaching staff, the first director of the school, Grigory Sergeevich Kolomiytsev, who later became an Honored Teacher of Russia. “The school is very strong,” Alexander Anatolyevich shares his impressions. - It bears the name of the 5th Don Cossack Cavalry Budapest Corps. There is a museum of military glory of the corps, in which I was often a guide ... ".

In 1981, after graduating high school, Alexander got a job at the Yuvenergochermet enterprise as a workshop laboratory assistant, at the same time enrolling in the evening department of the biology and soil faculty of Rostov State University. After the first course, in November 1982, he was drafted into the army. Private Rezvanov served in the North Caucasian Military District. Two years later he returned to his native enterprise, where from 1985 to 1987 he worked as a shop engineer.

In 1987, our hero graduated from the Russian State University, and opened for him new stage life full of creativity. “I was overwhelmed by a wave of Komsomol work,” recalls Alexander Anatolyevich. “First, the bureau of the Leninsky district committee of the Komsomol, then they were taken to the regional committee of the Komsomol as an instructor in the ideological department.” Then he entered the correspondence department of the planning and economic faculty of the Rostov Institute of National Economy (RINH). “There, by the way, my portrait hangs,” Alexander Anatolyevich says not without pride. “It’s nice to know that I once studied at this university.” RINH Alexander Rezvanov graduated in 1993 with honors.

In 1991, the GKChP happened, as a result of which neither the Leninist Komsomol nor Communist Party, nor the whole country called the USSR. It was necessary to survive somehow, and Rezvanov creates a tourist enterprise. “It was interesting,” he admitted. - I traveled a lot, saw the world. Moreover, he always tried to make them exotic countries. After all, I graduated from the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science.

In 1997, Rezvanov was invited to work in the Government of the Rostov Region, where for three years he was Deputy Minister for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism - Head of the Department of Tourism and the Sanatorium and Resort Complex. “Don't think that I'm boasting, but I wrote the first program for the development of tourism in the region,” Alexander Anatolyevich noted. “We implemented this program, created the Rostov regional branch of the Russian Association of Tourist Enterprises.”

In 2000, Alexander Rezvanov was offered the position of chairman of the Youth Policy Committee in the regional government. The experience gained in the Komsomol came in handy. During the eight years that he worked in this area, a lot has been done. Of course, he did not forget about the promotion scientific knowledge. In 2002, Rezvanov defended his Ph.D. thesis and became a candidate of sociological sciences. “And I defended my doctoral dissertation in 2009,” Alexander Anatolyevich noted, “already working as the dean of the faculty.” Innovative business and Management” of the Don State Technical University. According to A. Rezvanov, he resigned from the civil service in order to sit down for a doctoral dissertation. Alexander Anatolyevich defended it at the Southern Federal University, receiving a doctorate in sociological sciences.

In December 2010, Alexander Rezvanov was invited to the Government of the Rostov Region, offering the post of Minister of Culture. But he still remembers his thoughts and memories of his professorship at DSTU. “Here you give away your energy and at the end of the day you feel tired,” he says. - And after talking with students, with youth, fatigue as if removed. You only see that in teaching.”

Alexander Rezvanov is a universal specialist in social sphere. After all, he knew almost all the components social life region: physical culture and tourism, education and culture. Moreover, I knew professional level. What are the most important directions he has identified for himself? The main thing is to increase the salaries of workers in the cultural sector of the Don. According to the May 2012 decrees of Russian President V.V. Putin, the salaries of state employees (doctors, teachers, cultural workers) should be higher than the average for the region, and in some categories even double them. “In 2010, when I entered this field, average salary our cultural workers was 7 thousand rubles, - says Alexander Rezvanov. - Now, in mid-July 2017, it is already about 17 thousand 600 rubles. By the end of the year, we plan to bring it up to 20 thousand, and in 2018 it should be equal to the average salary in the economy in the region.”

As you can see, there is progress on this issue. What does Minister Rezvanov consider his personal achievement? “When I came to the ministry, our budget was 1 billion 200 million rubles. Today the budget of the ministry is 2 billion 353 million rubles. That is, in seven years a little more than a billion have been added. I hope we will not roll back, because President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Governor Vasily Yuryevich Golubev set the vector for the development of culture.”

Of course, Minister Rezvanov also has other achievements in the field of culture of the Rostov region. For example, the ministry has acquired car clubs, bibliobuses and other vehicles. So, for the Song and Dance Ensemble Don Cossacks comfortable MAN buses and trucks were purchased. “Today, the average salary in the ensemble is 38 thousand rubles,” Alexander Anatolyevich noted. - And in 2010 it was only 16-17 thousand. There is a difference?".

In every possible way supports the Minister of Culture of the region and the Rostov State Musical Theatre. According to Rezvanov, the creative team annually receives more than 100 million rubles from the federal budget for salary increases. “Therefore, the theater can invite talented foreign artists,” says Alexander Anatolyevich. - Now, for example, a prima ballerina from Japan, many artists from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities work in the theater troupe. At the same time, the training of their own creative personnel is also being improved. Thus, the College of Culture and the College of Arts train ballet dancers, musicians, and actors. art school named after Grekov actively trains artists and designers. The annual release of these educational institutions is over four hundred people.

Helps Minister Rezvanov and the creative team of the Rostov Theater named after M. Gorky. This year, according to Alexander Anatolyevich, 25 million rubles are added from the federal budget for repairs, for example, high reliefs by Sergei Korolkov, decorating the theater. Over the past three years, more than 200 million rubles have been allocated from the federal and regional budgets for the restoration of the Gorky Theater building. And this work continues.

And Alexander Rezvanov can record one more achievement in his asset - the repair of rural Houses of Culture. "Because it social well-being, the quality of life of people in the countryside, - he shares his thoughts. “After all, every third inhabitant of the region lives in the countryside.” A few years ago, Governor Vasily Golubev had a conversation about the fact that the repair of rural clubs is a vital necessity. And Vasily Yuryevich allocated the necessary funds for these purposes. This year the project of the party " United Russia” under the name “Country Club”, within which cash for the repair of rural houses of culture. For example, in 2017, 150 million rubles were allocated for these purposes from the federal budget, and the same amount from the regional budget. 300 million rubles! According to Alexander Rezvanov, the region has never received such money for the repair of rural clubs. These funds, according to Alexander Anatolyevich, will be enough to repair more than 30 rural clubs this year.

"The region is rich talented people- says Minister Rezvanov. - And, it has always been. Let us recall the names of the most talented actress Faina Ranevskaya, the founder of Russian cinema Alexander Khanzhonkov, the ballerina Olga Spesivtseva, the artist Martiros Saryan, the master of battle painting Mitrofan Grekov - these are all our countrymen. Even today we admire our countrymen: Yuri Bashmet, Leonid Klinichev, professor of the Rostov Conservatory, artist Oleg Mayboroda. This list is very large. I am happy to work with industry leaders such as Honored Art Worker Russian Federation Vyacheslav Kushchev, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Alexander Larionov, with Evgenia Kolesnikova, Galina Kulikova, Elizaveta Lipovenko. This is the golden fund of Don culture.”

Minister Alexander Rezvanov has a wonderful family: his wife Svetlana, with whom he has been married for more than 30 years, a daughter and a son, and Alexander Anatolyevich is madly in love with his granddaughter Alice, who this year went to first grade. And Rezvanov is also proud of his grandfather Ivan Alekseevich Ignatiev, who defended Brest fortress and then went to Berlin.

Among workers in the field of culture - artists, sculptors, architects, and other representatives of the arts - our hero enjoys well-deserved respect. And he achieved authority with his creative work, which brings joy to him and his wards.

Nikolai Astashkin

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